Even those who have never drunk absinthe have heard of it. The fame of the hallucinogen followed the alcoholic drink, and the hype around this high-grade alcohol at different points in time grew more than around wine and champagne. Let's figure out what it is - absinthe, what are the harms and benefits of the drink, how many degrees are in absinthe, etc.

History of wormwood vodka Absent

The history of this wormwood drink began at the end of the 18th century, when two Swiss healers produced it on their own moonshine still. The doctor Ordiner took up the distribution of an unusual substance, with whom the fame of the composition as a medicine is connected: he promoted the alcoholic drink absinthe as a means of treating almost all existing diseases.

Thanks to the doctor, green alcohol absinthe under the sign of medicine became so popular in the high society of Europe and among the common people that it was “treated” by it, rightly or wrongly, both old and young.

It was given to the troops for the prevention of whooping cough, dysentery and malaria, they disinfected their water, and young French women drank it undiluted: so they continued to fit into their corsets (and earned themselves cirrhosis of the liver, which then became popular).

In which countries is absinthe banned now? None, but its distribution and production are closely monitored. It is not forbidden to drink it.

The real drink absinthe really had medicinal properties. But with what have we come to today? Let's look at what absinthe is in the modern world.

What is absinthe made of and how

Despite the fact that the recipe of two hundred years ago was quite accurate, now there is no single composition of this drink. Only two components remain unchanged in absinthe:

  • the substance thujone, which distinguishes absinthe from other types of alcohol and gives it a hallucinogenic effect. It was for him that the drink was nicknamed the "green fairy";
  • collections of various herbs.

Types of absinthe are more different in composition than similar in it:

  • absinthe strength in degrees varies from 54 to 86;
  • the color depends on the herbs that make up the drink and can be green, yellow, blue, black, red, brown, etc.;
  • the composition of absinthe herbs differs from manufacturer to manufacturer and may include anise, calamus, fennel, mint; licorice, lemon balm, angelica, white ash, coriander, chamomile, veronica, parsley and other plants;
  • the content of thujone can be high, low and without it at all (thujone is found in bitter wormwood). The method of preparing thujone is also different: in different varieties of absinthe, leaves, stem, seeds, and roots of wormwood are used.

Absinthe production

Now bitter absinthe is produced in different countries. Manufacturers include Xenta, Jacques Senaux, Teichenne, King of Spirits, Red Absinth.

The recipe for the tincture of the aforementioned Ordiner is considered a classic. A composition of a dozen herbs is soaked in alcohol for several weeks, after which the alcohol is filtered and distilled. This recipe calls for fresh herbs with essential oils.

In modern recipes of large manufacturers, dry herbs are most often used, and in home-made herbs, they are crushed and infused separately.

Variants are different in quality, aroma, color, delicacy of taste and health hazards.

Types of absinthe

The main classification of absinthe is as follows:

  • green, which is why he is called the "Green Fairy". The color varies from rich emerald green to light green. The dye here is natural - it is chlorophyll contained in the leaves of almost all plants. Because of this, the color of this absinthe can change over time to yellow in the most natural way. Because of this, manufacturers can tint the drink with artificial green dye. This, by the way, also applies to all other types of this alcohol: the artificial coloring of absinthe in different colors is a widespread method;
  • black or brownish. The natural color of the drink is given by the black acacia Katechu, which adds berry notes and sweetness to the taste. Also, wormwood root is added to the composition of black absinthe, and not just inflorescences and leaves. Usually the black variety is the strongest;
  • yellow absinthe is made yellow with the help of food coloring or by natural aging of chlorophyll in it. An example of the latter is the Czech "King of Spirits", produced according to old recipe manually. This species has high and low thujone variants;
  • red absinthe has an original aftertaste, which is achieved with pomegranate extract. The strength of this drink is about 70 degrees;
  • Blue absinthe is no different in composition from green, it is simply tinted. Used to make cocktails;
  • transparent. In this embodiment, all suspensions and leaves are removed from absinthe.

There is another classification of absinthe: it is divided into strong (55-65 degrees) and extremely strong (70-85 degrees) types. The former contain little or no thujone, the latter are original drinks from old recipes and consist of purely natural ingredients.

Useful properties of the drink

Despite the fact that the drink was advertised as a medicine, its effectiveness is unstable and doubtful. It has long been used for disease prevention and disinfection, but now such use has been discontinued. This, perhaps, is all that can be said about the benefits of absinthe.

Harm of absinthe

This description will be more extensive:

  • absinthe is alcohol, and strong. Therefore, we can safely include in the description of the harm from absinthe all the harm of drinking alcohol: cirrhosis of the liver, suppression of immunity, chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, family breakdown, decreased intelligence and activity, as well as all the other hundreds side effects alcoholism;
  • under the influence of absinthe, a person's propensity to commit crimes increases sharply. In countries where it was allowed, mortality increased sharply. France can serve as an example. Therefore, in Europe it was banned several times, after which it was revived elsewhere in a new form;
  • absinthe is a drug disguised as alcohol. Thujone gives it a hallucinogenic effect. Like any drug, absinthe is addictive and destroys the central nervous system. The effect of thujone on the body is unpredictable.

None healing power, real or invented, will not outweigh the harm that this drink can bring to the human body and psyche.

How to get rid of cravings for absinthe

Narcological clinics offer getting rid of addiction to any alcohol, including absinthe. Treatment is reduced to the introduction into the body of depressants that turn off a person, and drugs that bring the body out of post-binge drinking and relieve stress. The condition is also that the person has already left the binge.

The body is really cleansed of absinthe, but a person does not lose his tendency to binge drinking even in the case of filing. In addition, trying to remove the toxic substances of absinthe by administering no less toxic depressants does nothing to cleanse the body of the poison.

However, there is a way out. At our Narconon Standard Rehab Center, only non-drug treatments and treatments are used to help a person completely get rid of absinthe cravings and predispositions to binge drinking. The phone number of the center is at the top of the page.

This program holds the world record for the complete eradication of alcoholism and drug addiction: it has a rate of 87% of people who completely quit alcohol and returned to a normal life (without any reservations such as the need for further medication, visits to psychologists, taking alcohol substitutes, etc. .).

Contact us - we will be happy to answer all your hows and whys, as well as accept a rehabilitation program.


We will help motivate a person so that he has a desire to get rid of addiction.
We will give advice on how to communicate with drug addicts.

Absinthe is considered the strongest alcoholic drink (excluding pure alcohol), how many degrees it contains depends on the type. As a rule, the figure varies from 55º to 86º. Many myths, amazing stories are associated with this drink. It can be said that absinthe has a rich past. And it all started in antiquity.


The Egyptians considered absinthe an excellent medicine, the Greeks treated them with rheumatism, jaundice and anemia. But the Swiss doctor Pierre Ordiner decided to really study the effect of the drink on the body in the 18th century.

Absinthe with a piece of sugar

By that time, absinthe could be purchased in pharmacies as a cure for spasms and viral diseases. The doctor tried to create a panacea based on it, and as a result invented a recipe for an alcoholic drink that later became very popular.

Many famous personalities of the end of the 19th century - artists, poets, musicians - were admirers of absinthe. It was called the drink of Bohemia. Most likely, such popularity is explained by the special sensations after its use. After all, absinthe is the same tincture of wormwood and other herbs in alcohol. It is wormwood that contains in its composition a special substance thujone - the most dangerous poison and hallucinogen. Under his influence, creative people painted pictures, created talented works. But there is a version that it was after a glass of absinthe that Vincent van Gogh cut off his ear.

Perhaps this is a common legend, but the "green witch" (one of the many names for absinthe) is by no means harmless. In a number of countries, this drink is prohibited for consumption without additional purification.

It is important to know!

The easiest way with a 100% guarantee of results to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections and doctors. Find out how our reader, Tatyana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge...


The traditional color of absinthe is green. But there is also red, yellow, black, brown, white. Aged absinthe is yellow. Adding color can also "age" the drink. The red hue is achieved by adding the same dye or pomegranate extract. Black and brown absinthe is infused with roots, not wormwood leaves. There is another option - an infusion of acacia is added to the drink. White absinthe is diluted with water and mixed with sugar.

Green absinthe in a glass

  • high strength (from 70 to 85º);
  • low strength (from 55 to 65º).

The first is traditionally produced in Switzerland, the second is typical for France, it contains practically no thujone or it is contained in small doses.


To fully enjoy this drink, it is not enough to pour it into a glass and just drink it. It is possible, of course, and so, but for true connoisseurs, the use of absinthe is a special ritual. Do you want to join? Then, first, get a special vessel and a spoon (Fig. 1). A glass with a wide neck, tapering downwards, and a special bottom, a bit reminiscent of an onion. Its capacity is 30 ml. The spoon is wide and flat, often with intricately carved holes. You will also need clean water and refined sugar.

Now decide how you will drink: in French, in Czech or in Russian. Did you choose the first option? By the way, it is considered traditional. Then pour the absinthe into a glass, put a spoon on it, a piece of sugar on the spoon. Now slowly pour cold water over it until the refined sugar melts and the syrup flows down. The drink will become cloudy white with a slight greenish tint. You can drink!

Absinthe with sugar

The Czech way is more difficult. It involves the use of open fire. On an empty glass you need to put a special spoon with a piece of sugar. Then slowly pour the absinthe through the refined sugar. And then you need to set fire to the sugar and wait for the caramel to drain into the vessel. Add water to the resulting mixture.

Those who are afraid of open fire can do it easier. Put the refined sugar on a heated spoon and slowly pour the absinthe through the sugar. You can not add water, you get a very peculiar spicy taste.

The most, perhaps, unusual way is absinthe in Russian. You will need 2 glasses. In the first pour a drink and set it on fire. Let it burn a little, then cover it with another glass. It is necessary to pour the drink into it when the fire goes out, and cover the empty vessel with a napkin and put it upside down on the table. Now take a sip from the first glass and then inhale through the cocktail straw from the second. It turns out a sort of absinthe with steam. But keep in mind that for such an extreme method you need good health.

There is another Russian way, less extreme. Just mix sugar syrup with absinthe or add orange or pineapple juice to the drink.

All these recipes are only for a pure high-grade drink. They are needed to lower the concentration of alcohol, so absinthe is diluted with water. The 55-degree liquid can be drunk by pouring directly from the bottle. Absinthe is always drunk slowly, in small sips.


As an experiment, you can try to make absinthe at home. Of course, it will be different from what you buy in stores. But you will be sure of the quality.

Let's start with simple recipe. Its base is ordinary vodka. For cooking we need:

  • 1 bottle of vodka;
  • 2 dec. l. wormwood;
  • 2 dec. l. angelica root;
  • 2 dec. l. anise seeds;
  • 1 dec. l. marjoram;
  • 0.5 dec. l. fennel seeds;
  • 0.5 dec. l. ground coriander;
  • 4 pods of cardamom;
  • 2/3 cup (200 g) sugar syrup

Take a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter, pour wormwood into it and fill everything with vodka. Leave the tincture at room temperature for 2 days. Then filter it.

Absinthe made at home

Put the remaining ingredients in a bowl, grind and add to the semi-finished product. We leave for a week. After the specified period, filter the mixture, dilute with sugar syrup.

Another recipe with vodka. This absinthe is more aromatic. Would need:

  • 1 glass (200 g) vodka;
  • 1 dec. l. wormwood;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mint (leaves);
  • 0.5 cup (200 g) sugar syrup;
  • lemon peel.

Pour the crushed wormwood into a container and pour vodka. Keep a well-closed jar for 2 days.

Filter the tincture, then add mint and lemon zest to it. Keep for another 8 days, filter again. Add sugar syrup.

Another way involves distillation. But it is this kind of absinthe that will be closest to the present. Take:

  • 1 liter of pure alcohol;
  • 100 g of wormwood;
  • 50 g of anise and fennel;
  • 10 angelica and cumin;
  • 15 g of a mixture of "Provencal herbs" and lemon balm;
  • 3 g chamomile;
  • 5 g hyssop (optional)

Mix the herbs and pour them with alcohol. Place the container in a dark place and incubate for 1-2 weeks at room temperature.

Then dilute the resulting mixture to 55º and, together with the grass, pour into the distillation apparatus. Discard the first 50 ml of the resulting liquid. When about 5% of the tincture remains to overtake, stop the process.

The next step is coloring. In order for absinthe to acquire an emerald color, you will need a mixture of herbs:

  • 15 g "Provencal herbs";
  • 10 g of licorice;
  • 8 g of lemon balm;
  • 2 g of angelica and chamomile.

Pour the mixture with a small amount of distilled drink (the dosage of herbs is calculated for 1 liter of liquid), insist in a dark place for several days, strain and add to the main part. The resulting absinthe is left in a dark place to mature for 2 weeks.

5 Everything should be in moderation

Pure absinthe is a rather bitter drink, so it is rarely consumed in this form. And if you really have to, then it should be well chilled and a single dose - 30 ml (the capacity of a classic absinthe glass). No more than 3 such glasses are recommended per evening.

A relatively high strength of absinthe plus special properties is a reason not to use it often enough.

This mysterious drink requires a careful attitude to itself, so that pleasure does not turn into harm.

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Absinthe is obtained by distillation of herbal tincture. Its strength can reach up to 85 degrees. It is strongly not recommended for beginners to use it undiluted and in large portions. Therefore, deciding to try the drink at home, drink very carefully, following the rules of the instructions.

The main component is wormwood - the source of a sharp taste. It is because of him that many begin to appreciate the drink immediately. He is especially popular among people of art. No wonder it is called bohemian. Among the people, he has other names - a witch, wormwood vodka. Absinthe received the name "Green Fairy" because of the mystical effects attributed to it, and not just because of the color.

Rules of use

When drinking absinthe, the goal is to reduce the effect of high strength and bitterness. There are special accessories for wormwood drink - a strainer spoon and specific containers:

  • Undiluted absinthe is drunk from narrow glasses or piles.
  • Diluted - from glasses or special glasses for this alcoholic drink.
  • Alcohol is set on fire in pre-chilled cone-shaped containers.

Real connoisseurs know how to distinguish real from fake absinthe, they collect recipes for cocktails with his participation. Such people call themselves absinthe. They, of course, are familiar with all the ways of drinking alcohol.

sugar method

The use of absinthe with sugar in different countries has its own characteristics. Sweeten the drink to reduce its bitterness. So, according to the Russian recipe, sugar is dissolved in water (1: 2 proportions) and alcohol is poured into the syrup.

It is widely believed that sweetness enhances the effects of thujone, a plant hallucinogen. There is no scientific confirmation for this.

Czech recipe

Take wormwood vodka and chilled water (1:3). A perforated spoon is placed on a glass of thick glass. A cube of refined sugar is placed on it and a drink is poured on it, and then set on fire. When all the melted sugar flows down, add water to the dishes.

Absinthe is poured over sugar slowly. The art of drinking expensive drinks is alien to sudden movements, fuss. The point is to enjoy the process. Interestingly, the hero of Johnny Depp in the movie "From Hell" drank a strong drink in this way.

Variation of this recipe:

  • Fill the glass 1/4 full with absinthe.
  • Put the refined sugar soaked in alcohol on a strainer spoon.
  • Set fire to sugar should burn for a minute.
  • When the fire goes out, lower the spoon into the liquid and stir.
  • Add chilled water to taste.

Absinthe is a flammable liquid. "Playing with fire" at home is dangerous, so precautions must be taken.

In French

Here the procedure is somewhat different. First, absinthe is poured into a glass, and ice water is poured through refined sugar on a spoon. At the same time, the drink becomes cloudy, since the essential oils included in its composition precipitate. The proportions of sweet water and alcohol should be 5:1.

Interesting! An absinthe fountain was invented - a transparent vessel with taps.


Undiluted wormwood vodka is cooled to zero temperature, poured into narrow glasses and drunk to improve appetite. A serving does not exceed 30 g and is drunk in one gulp. In its pure form, it is recommended to drink only high-quality alcohol.

With added water

Water is the most common ingredient in absinthe drinks. The strength of alcohol decreases, and the taste does not change.

"Two glasses"

A shot with absinthe is placed inside a wide glass. Chilled water is poured slowly into the stack. It is mixed with an alcoholic drink and poured into a large container. When there is no absinthe left in the shot, the drink is ready to drink. For convenience, it is better to pour it into a new glass or glass so that the stack does not interfere.



An open letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after we got married. First, a little bit, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back every day very drunk, rude, drinking away his salary. It really got scary the first time I pushed. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings, apologies. Whatever we tried, we even coded. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding, I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself on his eyebrows in the evening. I still remember my tears that night. I realized that there is no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcotoxin on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely given up, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not particularly hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later he came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, he began to look more decent, his health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping the drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, I drank a course of alkotoxins, and for six months now I didn’t have to drink alcohol, I was promoted at work, my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I found out about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.
  • ice water - 1/3;
  • absinthe - 2/3.

Pour the alcoholic drink in a slow stream into a glass of water. Layers should not be mixed. The highlight of the recipe is a sharp change in taste.

Happy Milkman

All ingredients (absinthe, milk and whiskey) are taken in equal proportions and mixed. They don’t drink the drink right away - they savor it in small sips.

Peculiarity! Thujone in large quantities can cause convulsive seizures. But in absinthe this substance is too small for such an effect.

Green fairy with bubbles

This cocktail is very beautiful and popular. To prepare the "Green Fairy" at home you will need:

  • absinthe - 45 g;
  • grenadine - 5 g;
  • champagne - 300 g;
  • tube for a cocktail;
  • lighter.

Pour the first 2 ingredients into a pile, set fire to it. Place the container in a champagne glass. As soon as the cocktail acquires an eggplant shade, you can begin to slowly sip the drink through a straw.


Mix absinthe and lime juice (1:1). Wait half a minute and drink.


Cocktail Ingredients:

  • tangerine (orange);
  • a glass of absinthe;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • granulated sugar.

Peel the mandarin slices from the film and sprinkle with the cinnamon-sugar mixture. Pour absinthe into a container and set it on fire. Use tongs to hold the fruit pulp over the flame. Juice will drip into the stack. Put out the fire. Slowly drink the slightly cooled drink. There are lovers of drinking a cocktail with burnt sugar crystals.

Bartending option

This method is called youth, bartending, parachute. It is popular in nightclubs.


  1. Pour a glass of absinthe into a glass and set it on fire.
  2. Wait a bit and cover the container with a teapot lid to extinguish the flame.
  3. Immediately pour the liquid from one container into another.
  4. Cover the empty glass with a paper napkin and turn it over, so that you can then inhale alcohol vapors with the help of a straw.
  5. You can drink heated absinthe both before and after the "inhalation".

What to eat

Suitable food complements the taste of an alcoholic drink. Here's what to eat right:

  • citrus or other fruits (you can sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar);
  • green olives;
  • marinated mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • chocolate;
  • sugar (refined, cinnamon, burnt, soaked in lemon or lime juice).

It is customary to eat absinthe with the taste of lemon balm with slices of apples and pears, grapes. With anise flavor - dark chocolate varieties, sun-dried tomatoes, herbs. Sweet food neutralizes thujone and the bitterness of the drink.

Interesting! Absinthe has a complicated history. In France, it was banned for a century: it was believed that the drink drives people crazy.

Interesting video: burning drink

The video demonstrates how you can beautifully set fire to a drink at home before drinking. Sugar burns with a blue flame. It is truly a mesmerizing sight.

What is diluted with

In order not to feel the bitterness of absinthe so strongly, it is best to dilute it with the following drinks:

  • Pepsi;
  • Coca Cola;
  • Sprite;
  • tonic;
  • lemonade;
  • citrus juices, pineapple.

There are many recipes for wormwood cocktails. They are usually not eaten.


Although the gallicinogenic effect of absinthe has not been proven, it does slightly affect the perception of reality. And it also leads to a state of excitement, causes visions in some people. But if you know the measure, then alcohol does not harm health, but brings pleasure.

Absinthe - a drink made from wormwood, has become widespread and popular in different countries. To prepare it, many herbs are used, some of which are medicinal. This emerald liquid is famous for its rich history and many mysterious myths.

Much is known about its healing effects. But, of course, do not forget that this drink is a strong liquor. Exceeding its dose is fraught with many sad consequences. And how many degrees in absinthe and how best to use it to get benefits? Let's talk.

Absinthe is considered the strongest alcoholic drink.

According to historians, wormwood tinctures were considered the most valuable medicine even 2-3,000 years before the birth of Christ. But the ancient drink differed markedly in its composition from modern absinthe. In those distant times, when Verlaine and Picasso were fond of this alcohol, wormwood was simply soaked for a long time in pure alcohol or wine.

The word "absinthe" French descent, however, some linguists attribute it to the Greek apsinthion, which means "unfit to drink."

Absinthe modern

Making a drink with an amazing green color is not an easy task. Modern connoisseurs believe that the absinthe, which we used to occasionally drink, was born at the end of the 18th century (1792) through the efforts of the French healer Ordiner Pierrot. In the Time of Troubles of the Great French Revolution, the doctor had to flee to Switzerland.

On the journey, the physician drew attention to the bitter wormwood, which grew in abundance on the surrounding hills. Ordiner (like most pharmacists of that time) was engaged in the manufacture of his own medicines. Using the formula of ancient alcohol, the Frenchman began to experiment with it, having obtained the very famous drink as a result.

Wormwood has been known for its healing powers since ancient times.

The popularity of absinthe in those days was truly massive. It was actively used by French soldiers during the African war. Green alcohol served as a reliable protection against numerous intestinal infections, abundantly common in the hot continent.

Returning home, the French brought with them their favorite tradition of drinking absinthe. In the 19th century, it was considered normal to regularly consume alcohol of this unusual color. In terms of its popularity, this alcohol beat even fine wines. Incidentally, this type of intoxicant was considered purely feminine.

Emerald alcohol gained popularity among French ladies due to its very high degree. The strength of absinthe varies between 55-85⁰. Due to the fact that the ladies wore corsets, they could not drink a lot of wine, but absinthe was enough just a little bit to feel the charm of intoxication.

Emerald Alcohol Recipe

Wormwood is the main component of a strong intoxicant with a mystically green color. In addition, plants in the manufacture of absinthe can use a number of other medicinal herbs:

  • calamus;
  • mint;
  • anise;
  • angelica;
  • chamomile;
  • licorice;
  • lemon balm;
  • veronica;
  • fennel;
  • parsley;
  • coriander;
  • white ash.

But the main component for which this green alcoholic drink of 70 degrees is famous is thujone. Thujone (or monoterpine) is a colorless substance with a slight mint flavor. It has a neurotoxic effect and contributes to the appearance of hallucinations in people.

Types of drink

Experts divide absinthe into categories according to the concentration of a hallucinogenic substance in it. According to the level of thujone content, this type of alcohol is divided into the following types:

  1. High content. Mnonterpine in this type of drink contains 25-100 mg / l. representatives of this type of alcohol are Swiss LaBleue (Switzerland), Logan 100 and King of-Spirits (Czech Republic).
  2. Low content with the presence of thujone 1.5-10 mg/l. These types of alcohol include the vast majority of European-made drinks.
  3. There are absinthes, where thujone is not contained at all. These are Absente (France) and Logan Fils (Switzerland).

Absinthe does not always have the usual emerald hue. There are also ruby, black and golden drinks. But the color of this alcoholic drink does not affect its strength in any way..

Absinthe is classified by color, strength and thujone content.

Green alcohol is considered the strongest of the kind of alcoholic beverages. He needs a strength of degrees to keep various essential oils in the composition. If the strength of the drink is below 55 ⁰, this alcohol has no right to be called absinthe.

Absinthe: how many degrees of alcohol does it contain

On average, the strength of this drink is about 70⁰. This alcohol is the leader among alcohol-containing products in terms of degrees. On sale you can find absinthe with a lower level of strength (about 55⁰) and more saturated ("alcohol"). Their strength varies between 80-85⁰.

Apart from colors and the content of monoterpine, this alcohol is also classified according to the level of its strength:

  1. Small degree. These include most French-made products and some Czech and Spanish liquor. The strength of such absinthe is 55-65⁰.
  2. High level (alcohol absinthe). Basically, these drinks are produced in Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and Spain. Their strength varies between 70-85⁰.

Emerald spirits are most valued among people who want to get drunk as soon as possible. But do not forget that you should not get involved in exotic alcohol. Absinthe, consumed in large quantities, can play a very unpleasant joke on the human body. And an excess of thujone provokes severe poisoning.

What does the love of absinthe lead to

It has long been known that this emerald spirit has a hallucinogenic effect. Its narcotic properties are similar in their manifestation to the use of marijuana. In connection with these effects, absinthe has already been banned in a number of countries.

American authorities require producers of absinthe to completely purify it from thujone. AT otherwise such a drink is prohibited for sale in America.

Alcohol containing thujone can be bought there only at points of sale related to Duty Free. These stores are not covered by US law. This drink has become so popular for a reason. He became famous for his powerful effect.

Thujone is the active ingredient in absinthe.

Unfortunately, we are not talking about positive aspects. If you compare the usual intoxication and euphoria after absinthe, you can find a significant difference. Intoxicated after a green intoxicating experience the following sensations:

  • vision becomes more blurred;
  • begins to perceive colors differently;
  • a person feels a surge of vivacity and energy;
  • small objects merge, and large ones become blurry;
  • in some cases, aggression towards others may occur.

One of the most striking effects after drinking absinthe is the lack of perception of pain. Behavioral reactions of the individual also fall under the influence. Some people do strange and stupid things that they can't explain later. The state of intoxication from such alcohol is individual and for each person it manifests itself in different ways.

Classification of absinthe by thujone content

Even alcohol addiction, when it comes to absinthe, doctors call it differently. Addiction and dependence on this emerald alcohol is called "absenteeism syndrome". This condition is characterized by:

  • nausea;
  • persistent insomnia;
  • chills and hot flashes;
  • violations of coordination;
  • depressive manifestations;
  • epileptic-like seizures.

But it is impossible to unequivocally state that these symptoms are caused by addiction to absinthe. Such symptoms are generally similar to those experienced by a person suffering from ordinary alcohol dependence.

The benefits of emerald alcohol

Also, do not forget about the true purpose of absinthe - its healing qualities. After all, this is what it was originally created for. Modern absinthe has not lost its healing abilities, however, in order to benefit from the use of this alcohol, one should know the strictest measure and literacy of its use.

Absinthe has such useful qualities as disinfectant, anticonvulsant and antispasmodic. This drink:

  • improves appetite;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • stops inflammatory processes.

Moderate use of the tincture will help protect the body from the invasion of viral infectious diseases, raise the tone and stabilize the pressure. In order not to harm your health, experts advise drinking absinthe in tiny portions (25-30 ml each) and no more than three shots per day.

You should also know that the lower the strength of absinthe, the more various chemical dyes are present in its composition.

If you want to taste real absinthe, use the strong form of this drink, but with an average content of thujone or without it at all. And remember that emerald spirits do not forgive irresponsible behavior, so be especially careful with this spirit.

“Whisky and beer are for fools and cattle. Absinthe - for creators and poets. The emerald mixture has a magical power that can destroy or renew the past, undo or predict the future” - well said.

Who are you, Green Fairy?

Absinthe is perhaps the most talked about drink in the world. All sorts of myths and legends go around this type of alcohol, its history is full of interesting facts, and the impact on humans is a matter of controversy.

How to deal with this unusual drink and what should you know about its proper use?

How many degrees are in absinthe?

Absinthe is an emerald-colored drink, the strength of which can vary from 55 to 85 degrees. By the way, if you drink it correctly, then directly during the use of degrees it is noticeably less - they burn out. But more on that later.

The composition of absinthe

Contrary to popular belief, absinthe is not just a tincture of wormwood, it also includes fennel, anise, lemon balm, chamomile and some other herbs, as well as thujone, which can cause various kinds of hallucinations. In addition, high-quality ethyl alcohol is used in the manufacture of the drink. Interestingly, if water is added to absinthe, it will turn white, since herbal extracts in this case precipitate.

History of absinthe

According to one version, the word "absinthe" comes from the French name for wormwood. However, there is another opinion, according to which the drink owes its name to Greek word"apsinthion", which translates as "undrinkable", due to its specific bitter taste.

This drink has been known since ancient egypt. Approximately 3.5 thousand years ago, it was used as medicinal product against many diseases. Later, absinthe began to be used by the ancient Greeks, who treated them with anemia and rheumatism. Modern history drink is associated with the name of the Swiss doctor Pierre Ordiner, who at the end of the 18th century first wrote down his recipe.

Absinthe was supposed to be a miracle cure for all diseases.

Already in 1797, the production of this alcohol was launched, which was called the "Green Fairy". It is interesting that at that time absinthe was mixed with wine and was practically not used as an independent drink.

It is worth noting that the drink gained the greatest popularity in the second half of the 19th century in France. It became an integral part of Parisian life - a drink that was considered a very effective cure for many ailments, was consumed everywhere, both by men and women.

The effect of absinthe - the effect of the drink

The reason for such a great popularity of this drink is called special sensations, different from alcohol intoxication. First of all, this is due to the presence in its composition of a substance called "thujone" (in large quantities it is the strongest poison and hallucinogen). Feelings after drinking absinthe for each person are very individual.

Someone will feel a slight relaxation, someone will experience uncontrollable cheerfulness, euphoria. Some people have unreasonable laughter that cannot be stopped by any means. This drink is able to push people to commit rash acts that will leave vivid memories in their memory.

Based on this, you need to consume absinthe in small quantities and strictly following the ritual of its preparation. You need to be especially careful if you have to drink absinthe for the first time. Get ready for the most unexpected effects.

Absinthe and art

Absinthe, at the height of its popularity in France, was the favorite drink of both the intelligentsia and the poor. At that time, all artists were looking for their inspiration in him. And as you can see, they successfully found it. Celebrities such as Vincent Van Gogh, Oscar Wilde, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Rimbaud, Edgar Degas, Charles Baudelaire, and many others loved to use it.

More than one picture has been written on the topic of drinking this drink. As a rule, they depicted the negative effects of absinthe on humans. This was expressed in the images of drunkards with an absent look and an almost indifferent expression on their faces. Distorted images of bottles and glasses of absinthe were also depicted. Thanks to such an involuntary advertising campaign, this drink began to be called the "drink of creative people", and some - the "third eye of the poet." Absinthe has also been repeatedly mentioned in literature, cinema, and, of course, in music. In Paris, even the play "Absinthe" by Charles Foley was staged.

Under the intoxicating influence of this alcoholic drink, many artists, musicians and poets wrote their works, both of past years and some representatives of the current generation.

How to drink absinthe correctly?

To get the maximum pleasure from the taste of the drink and feel the effect of its effects, you need to drink absinthe correctly and extremely carefully. First of all, this type of alcohol should be taken in diluted form, while the classic ratio of water to drink is three to one. There are several ways to use the "Green Fairy", in addition, it is important to use the right utensils for this.

Proper cutlery - glass and spoon for absinthe

Preparation of absinthe for consumption is a kind of ritual, for which you need to purchase a special glass and spoon.

Of course, you can use an ordinary faceted glass, but still this drink requires a more respectful attitude. It is worth noting that often the right dishes are sold complete with alcohol, otherwise it should be purchased separately. An absinthe glass has a narrow neck widening upwards, a very peculiar round bottom resembling an onion in shape, and it is designed for about 30 milliliters of the drink, which is considered its classic dose.

An important part of the culture of absinthe consumption, which is often called madness in a glass, is a special spoon. It should be perforated and flat to fit snugly on the glass.

In fact, real absinthe spoons are sometimes a work of art with elegant lines and beautifully perforated edges. Such a correct cutlery is an integral part of almost all known ways of drinking absinthe.

Methods of drinking absinthe

  • To drink a portion of the "Green Fairy" in French, it is necessary to fill a glass with a drink and put a special spoon with a hole on top, on which a piece of sugar is placed. Now you need to pour sugar with cold water exactly until the contents of the glass become cloudy.
  • Czech variant drinking absinthe involves the use of fire. About a third of a portion of "Madness in a Glass" is poured into a glass, after which sugar is wetted in a drink, put on a spoon, set on fire and blazes for about a minute. After that, the sugar residues are mixed with the contents of the glass, in which, in addition, you can add a little cold water. At the same time, during the preparation process, it is necessary to ensure that the drink does not catch fire and does not become too hot.
  • Method of drinking absinthe in Russian has its own characteristics: first, a syrup is prepared from sugar and water, which is already mixed with the drink itself in a glass. Sometimes, in order to remove the bitterness of the "Green Fairy" and lower its degree, the emerald liquid is simply diluted with orange or pineapple juice, and the ratio is determined solely by individual taste preferences.

However, whatever method you choose, it is always correct to drink absinthe slowly and only in small sips.

Absinthe Cocktails

Sometimes absinthe is used to make unusual cocktails. So, it is part of a drink called "Concussion", in which, in addition to "madness in a glass", gin, rum, lemon juice, ground cinnamon and coca-cola. Another popular Good Bye Johnny mixes absinthe, brandy, egg white and cumin.

Making absinthe at home

Some believe that it is quite possible to prepare absinthe at home on your own, because all its ingredients are sold in any pharmacy.

However, there is one significant problem: this will require special equipment. Therefore, it is best to purchase absinthe in the appropriate stores. It is worth noting that at the moment the drink is legally produced only in Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain and the Czech Republic.

Czech absinthe

In the Czech Republic, absinthe is available on almost every corner, with the highest quality drink being sold under the brands Absinth St. Antoine, La Grenouille, L'Ancienne, Oliva Absinthe. They are of high quality and produced by the only correct distillation method. In fact, in the Czech Republic, ordinary herbal tinctures or liqueurs can be sold under the guise of absinthe, which have nothing to do with the classic Green Fairy, so it’s better to opt for trusted brands.

If your trip to the Czech Republic is coming to an end, and you have already completed and packed your bags, but you still found a worthy gift for your friend, feel free to buy him the “Green Fairy” in duty free - you will definitely appreciate it. And if suddenly he is an athlete, then Becherovka Lemond - you will not lose. This healing drink from Karlovy Vary is always the way -.

Where to drink absinthe in Prague?

It is worth noting that Prague is full of special establishments called Absentaria, where you can experience the effect of drinking the drink. These places, as a rule, have a very original design: green light prevails here, and paintings of famous absinthe connoisseurs, such as Chagall or Van Gogh, hang on the walls. "Absentaria" can be called truly cult institutions, they are visited by big number tourists from all over the world.

Video about preparing, serving and drinking absinthe

Traditional selection of videos at the end of the article. As they say, for those who have read it.

  • Feather - for connoisseurs of beauty and those who love the anecdote "Drip a glass."
  • The second is how young people prepare absinthe correctly. From the video you will learn that it must be set on fire, and then extinguished with dried fish.
  • The third is about how Russians are eating absinthe in a Prague bar to the live freaky blues.

Let's watch:

Absinthe is a unique, mythical drink that should be used with extreme caution. Its constituent thujone is a poisonous substance, in addition, absinthe is very strong. That is why you should not turn the intake of this drink into a regularly repeated procedure.