Experts say that modern comfortable house doesn't have to be big. In fact, 28 m is enough for a person to live a normal life. 2 . It turns out that a family of four will feel comfortable in a house with an area of ​​​​slightly less than 120 m 2 . And such a house can rightfully be called small.

Typically, projects small houses- one-story. But at the request of the customer, you can complete the full-fledged second floor or attic.

In order to accommodate everything in a relatively small area living rooms and ensure comfortable living for the family, the size of technical and utility rooms is reduced. Although the space is organized according to the same principles as in any other project. But there are features that are due to the need to strictly save usable space.

Small house project: fight for every square meter

  1. When designing small ones, architects minimize the use of internal partitions. Thus, the premises, different in their functionality, are combined into a single space. For example, the living room, dining room, kitchen are grouped into a daily area and separated purely visually - with the help of design techniques. Project small house allows rational use of every square meter of usable area. At the same time, additional rooms remain isolated.
  2. The bedrooms of family members, bathrooms, dressing rooms form a night zone and are located in such a way as to protect the personal space of the residents of the house from outsiders as much as possible. If the house is two-story, then the night zone is taken out there.
  3. The utility area, consisting of bathrooms, a boiler room and other utility rooms, is being tried to be designed to a minimum size.
  4. In order to productively use non-residential space, they seek to limit the number of corridors and passages.
  5. If the house is two-story, there should be two bathrooms. In order to reduce costs during the installation of engineering networks, they are placed one above the other. In a one-story house, the bathroom is placed so that it has a common riser with the kitchen.

Pros of small house projects

  • building small house does not depend on the configuration and size of the land.
  • The construction of such a house, and also cost much less.
  • Short terms of design and construction.
  • The relatively low cost of public utilities And easy care behind the house.

Small house projects: results

A carefully thought-out project of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable area. Thanks to this, the customer receives modern comfortable housing for relatively little money. Therefore, we recommend choosing professional small house projects from Dom4m.

If you have decided on individual construction, first analyze the various projects one-story houses and cottages offered on the websites of professional designers. It is the design of a brick house that will be the first step towards realizing a dream.

Professional architects who constantly create beautiful one-story houses brick, warn about how complex and painstaking the procedure for creating a quality residential building is.

Attention! In the absence of skills, you should not take on independent design one-story brick house entrust this process to professional architects.

Distinctive features of beautiful one-story houses

It is quite possible to supplement such structures with a high-quality basement, a residential attic, an original terrace, as well as a functional garage.

Why do many buyers try to choose exactly beautiful one-story brick houses, photos of which can be found on websites architectural bureaus and design websites? First of all, they are attracted by the reasonable cost of such housing, their comfort, and minimal costs for subsequent maintenance.

Advice! If desired, such a building can be erected even on a small part of the land.

Since a residential attic, a terrace, as well as a garage can be attached to the main building of a private one-story house, the usable area increases significantly, which makes it possible to expand your space.

Beautiful one-story houses, projects, photos, as well as helpful tips architects by design and construction stages are presented in the video

If desired, you can order individual project beautiful one-story brick house.

Attention! The cost of such a project will be significantly higher than the cost of "run-in" standard options.

Among the distinctive characteristics of one-story houses, one can mention the possibility of a clear layout of free space.

Such buildings also have their own individual characteristics, for example, a clear preliminary planning of the living space is assumed. It is necessary to carry out all activities related to the placement of premises and rooms at the stage of project development. The reason for this "paper construction" is the difficulty of adjusting the building after it is completed. construction works.

In order to make some minor adjustments to the erected one-story house, you will have to work hard so as not to spoil the operational and visual characteristics of the building.

Among those factors that directly affect the choice of the number of floors in a residential building under construction, the area of ​​the land plot is of particular importance.

The architects consider the construction of a beautiful one-story house on a plot of land with average parameters to be the best option.

Advice! On a spacious area it is better to build high-rise building, little house it just "gets lost".

Advantages of one-story construction

Among the advantages of one-story houses, the projects of which can be selected from the developer, we note their aesthetics. At present, such original projects one-story buildings, that their attractive appearance will impress even the owners of multi-storey "castles".

In the case when a high-quality architect is involved in the development of the plan, reliable Decoration Materials, the wishes of even the most fastidious customer will be realized in life. Professionals pay special attention not only to the interior, but also to the exterior decoration of the house, facade, terrace, so that the finished building does not look separate. architectural form, but harmoniously fit into the general landscape design household plot.

Due to the fact that during one-story construction there will be less load from the walls and roof on the foundation, significant savings can be made at this stage of construction.

Advice! The resulting savings can be used to purchase high-quality finishing materials.

One-story private construction can rightfully be considered budgetary not only in terms of the material resources invested in it, but also in terms of time costs. The advantage of this choice is the fact that during the subsequent operation of such a structure it will also be possible to save significantly.

The costs of lighting, heat, gas will certainly be significantly lower than in the case of operation of multi-storey residential buildings.

Versatility can also be identified as a positive characteristic of a one-story building. You can start construction work on any type of soil, after completing the work associated with the construction of the foundation. The constructed one-story structure can be used not only for a residential building, but also as additional premises.

In favor of the choice for the construction of a one-story house is also evidenced by the fact that it will be much safer for children and the elderly to move around such a building.

Location of all residential and technical premises at the same level significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Savings in single-story construction can also be found in the simplicity of arranging engineering networks, supplying communications, and a simplified construction scheme.

Psychologists are convinced that for a comfortable stay of seven, each of its members must have their own individual (personal) space.

But at the same time, inside the house it is important to allocate such a room in which all family members can gather. In a one-story house, it is much more convenient to organize a living room; you can take it out in the form of a closed or open terrace outside the house itself.


Among the main disadvantages that can be noted in low-rise residential buildings, we will name the limited size. For those owners summer cottages, whose plans include the construction of spacious rooms for big family, such projects will not work.

Also, among the shortcomings of one-story residential buildings, professionals note the proximity of residential premises to the ground.

If you build a new residential building on a pile version of the foundation, you can increase its bearing capacity.

Requirements for a one-story building

The photo shows a variant of a beautiful one-story house outside and inside. In order to decide on the project of a future private house, you need to take care of its main components in advance.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, which must be indicated in the project, includes the number of utility rooms, rooms, as well as the number square meters land, which the owner is ready to "donate" for construction.

If the construction will be carried out on a terrain that has an uneven terrain, you will have to take into account the additional costs of high-quality waterproofing. This is especially true with a high location of groundwater aquifers.

For those owners of plots who cannot independently decide on the choice of a house project, professional designers offer the development of an individual version of a one-story house.

Advice! If the site has a rather modest size, in this case, you can consider the option of placing an underground garage and storage facilities.


Currently, there are many developer companies on the construction market that offer high-quality and original projects of one-story houses at quite reasonable prices. Having thought over exactly what objects you need on a residential plot in addition to the main house, you can offer your ideas to the designer, start implementing the plans.

The debate about which houses are better - one-story or two-story, it seems, will never subside. They alternately give way to each other in the struggle for popularity, since each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Two-story houses and cottages allow the most reasonable use of the area of ​​the site, which is especially important in cases where there is a shortage of free territory. The presence of the second floor allows you to distinguish functional areas- for example, bedrooms can be located on the second floor, and common rooms and a kitchen will be located on the first floor. And, of course, two-storey houses usually have a more luxurious and status look.

The issue of savings during the construction process is also important, but if two-story houses allow you to save on materials for the roof, then one-story houses are cheaper in many respects, from the cost of project development to the cost of laying internal communications.

In general, the construction of a one-story cottage requires less funds, but in addition to this, other positive aspects should be noted. Firstly, cottage will be erected much faster, due to the fact that the construction technology is simpler. Secondly, as a result, such a house will be easier and cheaper to maintain. Thirdly, it creates certain inconveniences for the elderly and is a potential source of danger for both the elderly and young children. And finally, in one-story houses, the effect of a single space is created, which has a beneficial effect on the psychological climate of the family.

If you are interested in the construction of one-story housing, then we suggest you look at the latest photos one-storey cottages and houses, the most relevant at the moment.

Brick one-story houses

Brick one-story houses are always at the top of the list of the most popular private housing options. This is due to the unique qualities of the material: brick buildings are beautiful, durable, fire resistant, retain heat well, have good soundproofing properties and breathability. In addition, brick is an environmentally friendly material, which is especially appreciated in the modern world.

A brick house does not require frequent cosmetic repairs of the facade, and if such a need arises, then most often you can get by with spot repairs.

There are many various kinds bricks, differing both in physical properties and appearance. Traditional red brick, white silicate, pressed, characterized by a wide color palette and similar in properties to natural stone, as well as clinker, characterized by high decorative properties - such a variety allows you to build houses and cottages of any shape and in any stylistic direction.

Clinker brick has more than a hundred shades, so it is especially in demand in cases where there is a desire to experiment with the appearance of the building.

Among the latest solutions applicable to single-story brick houses, it is worth noting comfortable and elegant houses with terraces. They create a feeling of lightness, provide you with a comfortable and cozy place to relax.

When designing a house with a terrace, please note that it should be on the sunny side and be protected from the wind.

Another interesting option is their yellow brick house. Such a house will be very presentable, will allow it to look original and not beaten. Yellow brick will look good in combination with brown or traditional red brick, providing room for design ideas.

Modern one-story houses made of glass and concrete

Those who, when choosing a house design, prefer manufacturability, will certainly choose the concrete and glass option for themselves. Glass and concrete can be combined with metal structures or raw wood. These materials are the best suited for the high-tech style, the popularity of which is steadily growing.

Concrete is no less durable than brick, and sometimes even surpasses it, while its price is much lower.

For concrete structures characterized by laconic geometric shapes, sometimes unusual shape(trapezoids, rhombuses), smooth facades devoid of decorations, a flat roof and large panoramic windows.

The roof in such houses often performs additional functions: solar panels can be placed on it, or there may be a recreation area.

But the most main feature modern one-story houses made of glass and concrete is that they are literally crammed with achievements modern science and techniques designed to make our life warmer, lighter, more comfortable and easier, without harming environment and without spending extra money. Inside the concrete cottage, you will surely find autonomous heating, a smart home system, climate control, innovative Appliances and other innovations.

Hi-tech, however, is not the only solution for concrete, you can be creative and embody any stylistic concepts from this material.

Siding and decorative plaster for a cottage

In many cases, the owners have a desire for additional finishing of the facade or the whole house. It can be dictated by both purely aesthetic considerations and the need for additional thermal insulation. Such a finish can be a natural stone, facing bricks, wall panels and other materials, but siding is also the most in demand today.

Plaster helps not only to insulate, but also to ennoble the building, as well as to mask some defects in the walls, to make them smoother. A large selection of existing plaster options allows you to create interesting textured surfaces that are highly decorative.

The plaster can be originally colored, but there are options designed to be stained in any color of your choice.

The disadvantages of plastering include only the need for additional surface preparation and time-consuming work.

The choice of housing is a complex issue, which everyone must decide on their own, based on their tastes, needs and financial capabilities. But, if we talk about the construction of suburban real estate, then projects of modern one-story economy class houses are now in high demand.

One-story houses are convenient and comfortable, since all rooms are located on the same level, and there are no stairs. Their disadvantage is a large building area, such houses require large areas land plots than double deckers.

Projects of both compact and large one-story houses are popular. It could be small house, or a country house-villa, in terms of the number of square meters is not inferior to two- and three-story mansions. Best projects inexpensive houses in one floor you will find in the catalog of our website.

Features of one-story cottages

The relevance and demand for plans for one-story houses is explained simply - such housing is comfortable in all respects, and you can save:

  • on building materials;
  • on the time allotted for construction.
  • At the same time, thanks to the original design solutions modern houses in one floor look presentable, luxurious and atypical, not reminiscent of the squat standard buildings of the last century.
  • Designing a cottage on one floor provides for:
  • living room and dining room, often combined with a kitchen;
  • two or three bedrooms;
  • bathrooms and additional utility rooms.

Turnkey options are available with a garage, porch, porch, storage room, second bathroom or more bedrooms. You can buy a one-story house project or order it individually. And, most importantly, if you ever decide to increase the area - make an add-on and an extension will be possible in the future.

Alfaplan offers

We offer for viewing an extensive catalog of projects of one-story houses of various sizes and layouts. Our competent employees will promptly carry out the necessary design work, taking into account all your wishes, if you are not satisfied with ready-made and standard projects one-story houses.

A well-known proverb says: well designed is half built. And indeed it is. We are not directly involved in construction, but we are well aware of all the subtleties of this process. That is why our projects of 1-storey houses are reliable, practical and aesthetic at the same time. Using them, you will not encounter unpleasant surprises during the construction and operation process.

No matter how spacious the apartment is, no matter in what area of ​​the city it is located, each of us dreams of our own country house, where one could escape from the hustle and bustle of the modern metropolis, enjoy the pleasant freshness and coolness, and finally, the purity of the air.

If you have had the opportunity to relax with your friends and relatives in the house, you must have fully felt the spaciousness and seriously thought about building your own home. Of course, this is a rather long-term project that requires the investment of a huge amount of funds. That is why, if you are seriously thinking about construction, you need to start with the project. A qualified specialist, based on your wishes and possibilities, will prepare an individual project, which will form the basis of construction.

One-story houses

IN Lately not multi-storey cottages, but one-story buildings are very popular. When it comes to the number of storeys of the future house, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the functionality of the building and the number of people who will live in it. The cost-effectiveness of the construction and the area of ​​​​the land also cannot be ignored. Certainly on large area a one-story house will look luxurious, it will be possible to accommodate all family members, but even on small area land, it can look decent, the main thing is to choose the right project.

Secret of success

The secret of the popularity of one-story houses is extremely simple and understandable. First of all, they are more economical in construction, and it is much more profitable to maintain them. You will significantly save on the foundation, there is no need to strengthen the walls of the building in order to withstand the weight of the upper floors. Yes, and the installation of all communications of a one-story house is much simpler and more affordable, respectively, it will take a minimum of your time. A one-story house is a godsend for large and friendly families with small children and elderly parents, because it does not have stairs that increase the risk of injury. We would like to bring to your attention best projects one-story houses, ideal for living. You just have to choose the best option from them.

Classic project

A classic is something that will never go out of fashion, it is timeless. If you can’t decide on a style, you want something extremely simple, but at the same time functional and outwardly aesthetic, pay attention to the best projects of one-story houses and cottages made in the traditional style. classical style .

So, for a family of three, a house of 60-70 m 2 is quite enough with a spacious living room designed for the leisure of all family members and receiving guests, two bedrooms and a small pantry that can be used as a dressing room. In this project, comfort and economy came to the fore.

So, the best projects of one-story houses, which are increasingly chosen by modern customers, are those that combine the living room with the kitchen. Currently, this is a real trend in construction and interior design. The highlight of such a project is an open terrace: its presence is mandatory if we are talking about a country building. IN warm weather you can bring a table, chairs to the veranda and use it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We offer a house made of natural wood. the best option than a solid timber, you simply cannot find it: you will fill the house with a pleasant woody aroma, it will be as pleasant and comfortable as possible to stay in it all year round. The tree provides a pleasant microclimate in the room, which saves on heating. If you want to bring a modern touch to a typical classic project, pay attention to the panoramic glazing: it can be used to go out onto the veranda. And in the cold season, you can admire nature through the panoramic windows.

Iris project

The best projects that attract the attention of modern residents are most often represented by spacious houses with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 160 m 2 . In order to save on building materials, for such a large-scale project, we suggest using glued laminated timber: it looks no less impressive, while being somewhat cheaper than a solid log.

If you value external aesthetics and spaciousness, this is an ideal option. Three large spacious bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen combined with a living room, an entrance hall - typical layout. The main thing that has been preserved in this project is the isolation of each room. The central place is occupied by a huge entrance hall leading to the living room and dining area. If you are interested in projects of one-story houses with a good layout, this is a great option.

Fairytale house

If you are limited in funds, and the area of ​​​​your site does not allow you to build something large-scale, the best project of a one-story house in your case will be represented by the so-called fairy-tale house. What associations do you have when you mention this name? Something small, but very cozy and comfortable. Most often, this is a house with an area of ​​​​110-120 m 2, represented by three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a spacious dining room..

The best projects of a one-story house in this category attract with a clear division into day and night zones. The entrance group smoothly flows into the kitchen-living room: it is here that the leisure of all family members and the reception of guests take place. The night zone is represented by three bedrooms, separated by a small corridor.

Such a house has a clear shape, most often square, and for its construction, aerated concrete blocks can be used, which, due to their porous structure, perfectly retain heat.

House with front garage

For a large family with a car, one-story houses with a garage are ideal. The best projects most often involve a spacious garage for at least two cars. This is the largest building among all, covering an area of ​​​​more than 200 m 2. The garage is part of the house, located under the same roof with it, complemented by many utility rooms where you can store tools, car wheels and many other things that can be useful on the farm..

Internal layout - at the discretion of the customer. The best projects of one-story houses with a garage are most often represented by classic options, where the space is clearly zoned: garage, day and night zones. Depending on the area of ​​​​living space, it is possible to distinguish a guest area, a dining room and rooms for active games children. In order to save on electricity, you can provide a living room natural light through panoramic windows. Separating the night zone with a small corridor or plasterboard wall will allow each family member to ensure a comfortable sleep.

futuristic project

The best projects of one-story houses are represented by many options. Most often, customers pay attention to buildings made of natural wood, mainly in the classical style. But for clients with non-standard thinking, who prefer everything unusual, we have prepared a futuristic project.

Appearance is the highlight of the project. The more details you use, the better. Bright extraordinary finishes, panoramic windows, spectacular lighting - that is what is present in the project. Modern architects offer many options, but they are united not only by the spectacular finish, but also by the presence of several non-standard entrances. Do you want to surprise your guests? Be sure to place the main entrance behind the house, and in front, place the entrance to the bedroom and a luxurious stationary pool, which is accessed by a panoramic glass door from the living room.


The best projects of one-story houses from qualified specialists are a real opportunity to save money on the development of an individual author's project. You simply choose the project that best suits your wishes and taste requirements, and also fits into your budget. The best one-story houses: projects, photos - what we tried to present as part of our material. We sincerely hope that you will find something special for yourself.