Everyone has their own idea of ​​heaven on earth. And the owners land plots there is a chance to bring it to life. And the size of the land does not matter - you can equip a piece of paradise on a small piece of land in the most unpredictable places.

The classic garden of a summer resident is a well-planned planting of fruit trees.

Rational, useful, to some extent beautiful, but not listed as a garden of dreams. But spontaneously grown green spaces, among which decorative elements flicker, even in a neglected state, can have their own charm and attractiveness.

slight carelessness of the garden landscape

, "permeated" with grass, an abandoned backyard gate, braided with ivy, and a dilapidated cobblestone fence can become links between the wild riot of nature and a modern house that organically blends into the landscape.

neat garden forms

relief formation

How to equip your site, where to place a green oasis for relaxation (in front of the house or in the backyard), each owner decides for himself, based on his ideas about paradise. Even in the nook between concrete walls, in the gap under the stairs, creative-minded people manage to equip themselves with "botanical" gardens, where you can comfortably read a book or have a cup of tea with a friend.

area with elevation change

The unevenness of the surface of the site outside the city and the presence of a difference in the level of heights allow you to create a natural original landscape. Multi-tiered flower beds will become a real highlight.

Sometimes, to level the area, the owners resort to the services of special equipment, but, most often, taking advantage of the features of the relief, they organize unique compositions with the help of garden stairs.

original decorating techniques

Selection of flowers in the landscape design of the garden

The choice of garden plants is most often influenced by the degree and nature of illumination. suburban area. Depending on the abundance of natural light, you can select color crops, the brightest representatives of which will delight with a variety of shades.

bright flower beds in the countryside

The most popular vegetation in garden landscaping are perennial flowers and small shrubs. Due to their resistance to winter cold and unpretentiousness, they become a wonderful decoration of a suburban area, without requiring annual planting in the ground and over time growing and taking on bizarre shapes.

harmonious color combinations

Of the sun-loving perennials, experienced gardeners prefer asters, adonis, bluish carnation, heliopsis, delphinium, knifofia, garden bell, coreopsis, catnip, daylily, lilies, lupins, daffodils, nivyanik, peonies, meadow lumbago, rudbeckia, stenaktis, yarrow, tulips, chrysanthemums, phlox, meadow sage and many others.

extraordinary tricks landscape design garden

The presence of shade in certain parts of the garden is not an obstacle to decorating them with decorative perennials, because in this case you can use such representatives as aronnik, astrantia, bergenia, valerian, hydrangea, short-leaved, lily of the valley, forest poppy, cuff, swimsuit, blueberry, rhododendron, lungwort , synakalia, fuchsia.

A variety of color cultures and features of decorative leaf representatives of the flora allow you to create fantastic compositions that transform the site and are an integral part of the landscape design of the garden.

room for fantasy

Spectacular fence: shrubs and vines

Charming flower beds, original rockeries and a fluffy lawn can be called the real pride of the suburban area. All this splendor is crowned by a high-quality and beautiful fence.

The most natural in the landscape design of the garden looks like a fence formed with the help of green spaces. Light liana-like plants, such as moonseed, ivy, tripterygium, wood pliers, can quickly fill the space of the fence, easily hiding the garden from prying eyes. The disadvantage of such a green fence is seasonality.

creepers that create shade

Designed for a long period, form from shrubs capable of forming dense green foliage. It can be boxwood or coniferous thickets, allowing you to create real works of art with the help of garden shears.

chic natural fence of shrubs

Fruit trees and shrubs

Landscaping of the garden is not a limitation for planting a number of fruit and berry plantations. Only when choosing an assortment should not be limited solely to their fruitful qualities.

Certain types of fruit bushes and trees look great in the spring. For example, dogwood, irga, Japanese quince are distinguished not only by amazingly tasty fruits, but also by abundant flowering.

fruit trees

Supplement and enrich the slender rows of fruit trees with a special low-light resistant, which can be organized with grasses such as bent grass, ryegrass or bluegrass.

arrangement garden plot

Ponds and fountains

The presence of a water source in the garden perfectly complements the compositional harmony. These can be natural ponds or artificial decorative ponds, or miniature streams. They are traditionally formed near the house or in a cozy recreation area.

When creating a reservoir, special attention should be paid to the improvement of the territory on the border of water and land. Tiles, smooth pebbles, and wooden flooring can come in handy here.

Landscaping combines initially creation and nature, which allows you to go beyond aesthetics. If the surrounding area of ​​your home needs improvement and modernization, then this article will be useful to you. We have collected Top 30 landscape designs of country houses.

There is nothing more beautiful than the idea of ​​landscape design brought to life in your small garden or country house. There are no limits for creativity. A good idea landscape design can do a lot more than you might think at first. Choosing an idea and making a plan is quite problematic. If you visit any of the agencies on the market, you will be overwhelmed with so many designs. In addition, each work in the country can make it not only delightful and aesthetic, but also the most practical.

Choosing the idea of ​​landscape design, of course, it is worth paying more attention to the garden. This is the easiest in terms of cost and physical effort. Make a plan for your garden - vegetable garden, try to distribute all the elements in a more harmonious arrangement. Of course, we will not dig up the trees, but in some places you can level the ground, make the beds not classically straight, but winding or at an angle.

In the garden, the components of the landscape should be the most interconnected. The natural components include climate and land. Liveable - water, vegetation and animal world.

The climate must be taken into account, harmoniously creating the plant world. You need to keep this in mind when planning planting plants and flowers. In order not to be upset, find out in advance what grows best in your lane.

The garden can become the center of your dacha. It will be a pleasure to spend time here on long summer evenings. Therefore, the garden simply needs to be given attention in the first place. Nothing difficult to create the best design No. Even if instead of a garden you have an empty place.

The earth is considered as the most important component of the landscape, since it is because of it that the physical component will be designed. A conclusion is needed about its suitability, the composition of the soil, landforms and its specific possibilities of using it to form landscapes.

The purchased components include water, vegetation and wildlife. Of course, this may already be on your site, and it is very important not to destroy, but to ennoble. Your main blow will be in this direction. The land and climate are difficult to change, but for example, plants and trees can be transplanted and new ones planted. Water is the center of your garden universe. Water will always be needed, and do not forget about its forms. This is a well, made in the old fashioned way or in wood. Of course, the best type of water presence on the site is an artificial pond.

Clear goal definition:
1. Clearly formulate the main idea of ​​the project and stick to it in the process of work.

Many (yes, we all sin with this) start and plan a design without a specific idea. We complete the future project standard set: trees, bushes, flowers, arbors, etc. Actually, more is not required of us, and is not required. That is life.
But, before creating some corner of nature, determine:

Special purpose, purpose;
- the meaning of a separate subject within the whole project;
- ratio effect/costs/opportunities.

Without a specific idea-goal, the whole project will look like a set of blocks, even if they are of high quality, but scattered as a whole. This brings us to the second important principle:

2. If in doubt, don't do it.
It makes no sense to start something that you yourself do not understand. It is better to use the accumulated, time-tested ideas.

3. The image of emotionality, through a combination of colors.
It is no secret that each color, as well as a combination of objects, evoke certain emotions. When planning a site, it is necessary to clearly and clearly position the color "mood" of the landscape.

4. Unity.
If you study good project garden, it will be obvious that the elements are chosen and support the main idea of ​​the designer. Some abstract thought/idea can serve as such an idea. A composition is said to have unity when all its elements complement the main visual statement.

5. Addition of the center.
There are various small elements that are required to complement the main ones. Ask yourself which main element in the composition conveys the main idea. The purpose of the secondary elements is to support the main idea, but in no case should they distract attention from it.

The statement should be based on the main idea and discard everything superfluous, that which does not support, explain or supplement this idea. In fact, the composition can be cluttered with unnecessary objects. But all objects should be in their places and not overshadow the center of interest.

6. Focus.
When you create a composition, you need to clearly focus on the main element. This can be highlighting, highlighting, group selection - when a certain group of objects that clearly points to the main object. This level of planning requires extra practice and experience.

7. Light.
Have you ever thought that the use of light in landscape design allows you to extend the "life" of the garden at night, as well as in winter period when 70% of the time is dark. This can be the illumination of separate trees, bushes, flowers, buildings. The judicious use of lighting can serve as a compositional tool, in this case to emphasize important elements.

8. Offset of the center of interest.
Movement can be used to shift alternate attention from one object to another. This technique has been adopted in large garden parks and reserves. You walk along the path, walking and looking at the compositions. When a person moves in a certain direction, a free space is necessarily provided for him to which he can move.

By and large, there are two requirements for the design of your site - functionality and beauty. In their combination lies all the skill.

If you decide to work on the landscape of your suburban area, first get acquainted with how specialists deal with this.

Choosing a landscape design style for a summer cottage

Landscape design of a summer cottage

Some landscape ideas it is impossible to implement in your climate, or it is too expensive, or it will turn out beautifully, but there will not be enough strength to take care of such a landscape. If your area is often dry, you should be guided by some ideas, if the climate is humid - by others. If you like to mess around with vegetables and flowers, you can give them more attention, and if you have small children, it might be worth leaving more space for a lawn with a swing for them to play on. If you rarely visit the site, you can simply take the necessary furniture out of the house, but if you spend a lot of time there, you need to provide gazebos, benches, swings, and perhaps an outdoor fireplace. In addition, the size of your summer cottage is important here. If space permits, the garden can be decorated not only with trees and flowers, but also dig a pond, lay beautiful paths and make comfortable and beautiful lighting.

The English style in the landscape of a suburban area is characterized by the use of brick and natural stone, thatched roofs, the use of natural hills, ponds, bridges, grottoes that look like real caves, sculptures, smooth lines, no straight paths, no symmetry, maximum naturalness. The reservoir in the English garden is most often man-made, and its uneven banks are lined with trees. The lawn is an indispensable element of the English garden. If space permits, there are many trees in the garden, but if there is not enough space, small groups of trees are still planted. The English garden looks natural, everything here is conducive to rest and relaxation.

The Japanese style is suitable for people who are calm and reasonable, philosophizing, who love to observe nature. The Japanese garden relies on natural elements and their imitation, therefore geometric lines and artificial stones are alien to it. The basis of the design is stones, a pond, which is often decorated with a decorative bridge and lamps, plants and purely decorative elements. Here, as in the English style, asymmetry and curved lines are preferred. Japanese-style landscaping is characterized by evergreens, dwarf trees, moss, a bridge, and stones around a pond, which itself may be clad in stone. Interesting stone lanterns, gazebos and potted plants.

Another common style in the landscape is Mediterranean. This is a very elegant landscape. There is more space here than in a Japanese courtyard, and more openness than in an English one. Indispensable attributes are cypresses and lavender, decorative fragrant herbs, also used in cooking and as medicinal, many bright flowers, multi-level fountains, sculptures, columns, stone-paved paths, yard furniture with forged and wicker elements, a hammock. By choosing the right plants and other design elements, you can bring the beauty of the Mediterranean to your site.

Rich in a combination of natural elements and strict rules, Chinese-style landscape design. There must certainly be mounds and water, but all design elements are concentrated around the center and obey the rules of Feng Shui philosophy. The centerpiece is often a gazebo or pagoda, a bridge or a brightly colored staircase.

Landscaping on 6 acres

It is difficult to turn around here, so many complex ideas will have to be discarded, but once you decide on the necessary and give up the excess, you can turn your site into a unique one. Simplicity does not mean primitiveness, do not forget about it.

If the site is uneven, use it wisely to your advantage by creating several terraces.

The fence is an interesting design element. However, if the area is small, a solid fence will make it appear visually even smaller. Think maybe a mesh fence will be enough? If you have chosen a Japanese design, bamboo fencing is fine.

Fences play a big role in the design of the site, but internal fences, like walls in an apartment, can divide the site into zones. They can increase safety, for example, near a body of water, or create a quieter area for older people. But all fences must be consistent with the general style of the landscape of the site.

About lawns

You're not going to turn the whole area into a vegetable garden, are you? Lawns are simply necessary in the garden. They can be planned near the house or further away, in a place where the view is especially beautiful.

Non-standard beds

If you grow vegetables or useful herbs, beds do not have to be located in one place and have a traditional shape. They can also be an interesting element of site design. You can intersperse plantings of vegetables, onions, tomatoes or legumes with annuals and perennials for the garden, not hiding the beds, but turning them into a decorative element.

Landscape detail planning

When you have decided on the style, got acquainted with the fences different style, decided that you want to place, in principle, on the site, the time is right for more detailed planning. Here are a few important elements, which should be planned immediately, and not leave their fate for later.


Tracks, like any design element, must be aesthetic, comfortable and durable. You drive along one path, walk along the second, and get to the garden on the third - the paths are diverse. They can be reinforced with stone, covered with concrete or tiles, sprinkled with gravel.

Pond - an element of the landscape in different styles

A pond is always beautiful, even if it's just a barrel buried in the ground. And if you dug up a real lake - there is coolness for people, and the opportunity to grow water-loving plants, and variety for design (bridges, stones). True, an artificial reservoir needs to be looked after so that the water in it is clean. Stones also need to be cleaned regularly.

Alpine slide is not a heap of stones, it is a well-thought-out composition. Perennial plants are planted on them, which serve as the basis, and then annual plants are planted during the year.

More about fences, lights and purely decorative elements

Above, examples of fencing from different materials and even plants, and it was said about the fences external and internal, dividing the site into zones. The lighting of the site should also be varied, taking into account evening comfort, romance, highlighting beautiful decorative design elements with light. Lamps can be suspended, wall-mounted, in the form of separate columns and placed at different heights.

You got acquainted with the tips for the design of the garden plot. This is a very interesting activity that can bring your family together and bring brilliant results.

Aug 04/15

5 non-standard ideas in landscape design

The implementation of the ideas of landscape design made it possible to unrecognizably transform many previously unremarkable areas. Along with the generally accepted and already familiar techniques, innovations are especially appreciated, which are the “highlight” of the garden and the pride of the owners.

For its readers, Dream House has prepared only five ideas for the design of the site, but which can completely transform the landscape.

artificial swamp

Many site owners underestimate the gift presented to them in the form of low-lying places in the garden, where water constantly accumulates. As soon as they do not try to get rid of it: they import tons of soil, lay complex drainage systems, build up the depression with utility blocks and sheds. What for? After all, at this place, with little effort, you can build a piece of the natural ecosystem - a real mini-bog with its inherent set of wonderful moisture-loving plants, beautifully blooming and pleasing to the eye. In addition, on your own swamp you can grow the most useful cranberry, which is considered an exotic plant in our gardens!

The process of creating such a corner of nature is simple: lining the bottom with a perforated black film and adding slightly acidic soil on top, which is very much to the liking of many representatives of the marsh flora.

Interesting landscape ideas for giving - a swamp

Rockery with artificial boulders

Sometimes you really want, having seen enough of neighbor's masterpieces or pictures in a magazine, to amaze everyone and create your own rockery. However, the question arises: how to do this if it is not possible for some reason to purchase natural stone?

There is a simple solution: handmade boulders. Intrigued? This does not require hundreds of millions of years required by mother nature, but only cement, sand, burlap and mesh-framework are used.

A solution is prepared from sand, cement and water, in which the burlap is soaked, spreading it on a metal mesh rolled up in the shape of a boulder. An additional volume is applied over the burlap from the solution, giving the “stone” the necessary shape and color (using special dyes). After hardening in front of you is a boulder, from a distance almost indistinguishable from natural. From a set of such "pebbles" of various sizes, you can build wonderful compositions and even.

Artificial boulders - landscape ideas

Interesting ideas garden landscape design

Own railway

Now in the west, the idea of ​​​​arranging a miniature railway in the garden is becoming widespread. The process of arranging this miracle is so exciting that it is perhaps the most interesting moment in the event. Isn't it interesting to see the world in miniature and embody it on your site? The train with trailers will cross mini-rivers with waterfalls and cascades on real mini-bridges, climb hills, bypassing gorges and passes, cross forests of mini-trees and stopovers with hand-made houses.

Such a road and the process of its creation, as experience shows, brings parents and children closer, forcing them to closely communicate in the manufacture of models and objects of the "railway".

Landscaping Ideas - Railway in the garden

Ideas for landscape design of a summer cottage - photo of the railway

Railroad in landscape design - an original idea

Making a summer cottage with your own hands landscape ideas

mobile fence

Sometimes it is appropriate to arrange a protective screen on the site, which allows you to hide from an indiscreet look from a neighboring window or gusts of wind. To be able to use the shelter at different ends of the garden, it is not necessary to build several screens. The solution is very simple - a mobile screen, made up of an elongated container on wheels with a trellis firmly fixed to it. Unpretentious perennials or annuals are planted in the container, such as hops, honeysuckle honeysuckle, morning glory, kobeya, echinocystis (mad cucumber), which will quickly create a spectacular and dense "curtain". If desired, moving the container around the site, it is easy to get a secluded corner.

In addition to this option, you can also use portable fences or screens. For example, it is good to create a nook in the garden using wattle.

Do-it-yourself landscape design ideas for a summer cottage photo

Hills in the garden

When building a house, an eternal problem arises: what to do with the soil raised from the pit? Nearly everyone hires a car and hauls the surplus land off the property, incurring additional costs and depriving themselves of the opportunity to have some pretty picturesque hills in the garden. True, such a "highlight" in landscape design is available only to owners of very large areas, on which the elevations look very harmonious, enlivening the even dull