Photos of small houses. beautiful designs and projects.

Little house

A small and cozy own house - what could be better. A house outside the city or within its boundaries gives an unforgettable feeling of unity with nature and oneself. Small house easy to use, which is why it is so preferred for construction. A house with an area of ​​​​no more than 100 square meters can be considered small. For comparison, this is five rooms. standard size and an open hallway. Usually, small houses built on a small area of ​​​​one floor, to save space on the site.

Before you start building a house, you need to make its project. Usually projects are done in two versions. So, small house projectsin the drawing are necessary for foremen and engineers. It is in the drawing that the main calculations are reflected. A project of another kind is voluminous. Suchsmall house projectsRather, they are needed by the owner for greater clarity.

When you come to the designers, while still only interested in building country house small area, you will be askedWhat plan and type of house do you want. Help answering this question will help youphoto of small housesthat are already ready. As a rule, such photos are offered by the company itself. These can be projects that have already been repeatedly implemented by the developers of this company, which means thateverything will be debugged to automatism and you will be able to tell the deadline for the completion of the building to the nearest day. Alternatively, you can choosephoto of small housesand come with them to the developer. However, be prepared for the fact that the developer may not agree to build a house of one type or another. A lot depends not only on professionalism, but also on materials, features of the building area, as well as the amount that you are willing to invest in construction.Therefore, it is better to opt for those models of houses that the company offers. If you want to stand out, then a designer will help you. Even the most typical house in terms of design can be favorably distinguished with the help of unusual finishes. Therefore, for you, an important indicator will be not so much the form as the content, i.e. direct build quality.

To date, there is a huge array of projects of houses. Building opportunities are expandingnew materials and technologies are being implemented that improve and speed up the building process. And this means that your family will very quickly find a reliable and comfortable, own home.

The construction of small houses is gaining momentum around the world and, sometimes, it is simply amazing how much it resonates with those standards that are tacitly accepted in a comfort-oriented society. These people managed to see only the main thing in housing - fewer needs, less space, more functionality. As a result, they receive houses that are unique in their financial and resource value. Let's look at the best of them that we liked.

Dave Hirley shares his impressions:

“For a long time I was out of my element. I graduated from a small liberal arts college, got an office job, and hated every minute of it. In 2007, after a trip to the Appalachian mountains, my life changed dramatically. It was a test of my strength and I was lucky that it happened at 27 and not at 67. My time in the woods gave me a vision of the benefits of simplicity. In this forest, I promised myself that I would not spend my whole life in a job that does not bring me pleasure.

new generation

Pod-shaped house at 21 square meter includes a sleeping loft, rainwater harvesting system, and off-grid 300-watt solar electric power system. Nicknamed OTIS (Optimal Travel Independent Space) is a self-contained mobile home that is made from recycled materials.

Small houses are different forms, sizes and budgets. While some can be built for as little as a few thousand dollars, others tend to spend more on luxury items that still fit into the tiny house genre. Of course, this depends on the definition of what it means to live compactly.

Two freelancers Chris - a photographer and Melissa - a 3d animator and designer, created this beautiful and practical camper not only for living and working, but also as a demonstration of their professional skills in design, construction, 3D modeling, photography and, last but not least, , in the possibility of generating income from small houses.

“We designed and built the house from plans I made in 3D. I'm a 3D artist so this was a great way to visually inspect the house before it was built."

This small mobile home is 42 sq.m. designed by a designer who has always dreamed of living in his own home. He found a way to build his house for $35,000.
"It reflects my philosophy of simplicity, sustainability and living within our means"

Joseph Tyar
“I don't feel like I missed anything. Yes, I gave up many material things, books, clothes and other unnecessary things. But I have found freedom. Real freedom. Freedom of movement that allows me to live near the beach, in beautiful wooded areas, or even in the city. Freedom from taxes, electricity, cable companies and corporations."

on wheels " Less at home! More Life!

Alex writes:
Life is like this small space makes me live simpler, more organized and more efficient. Lack of rooms where things accumulate and hide from the world, I am forced to spend more time outdoors, in nature and interact with my community.

Peter Mason began his architect by cleaning the site and sorting materials. Construction began in the spring of 2011. Peter worked mostly weekends, twice a month for 2 years and completed the lodge in 2013.

In a house of 45 sq.m. has everything you need: wood stove, small kitchen, bathroom, as well as a living room and a bedroom, a large bedroom and a smaller room for children.
The successful design is due to the efficient overlapping of spaces, as well as the proper use of lighting, thanks to the large front windows that give a panoramic view of the mountains.

There is nothing superfluous here. The frame itself is made from plywood found in a nearby junkyard, slightly decorated with stone mosaics, and placed on a platform from a truck. According to the creators themselves, they assembled this house in just 2 weeks, although the preparation itself took much longer.

This eco-house, 6.5 sq. meter has skids, and you can move it from place to place. It is made of pine and the whole interior creates a simple cozy rustic atmosphere.

Relax in the silence of a pine forest, go boating, fishing, what more can you want in the stuffy city bustle. Near the house there is everything you need, an outdoor shower, a hot wood-fired bath, an outbuilding, a dock and wooden sheds.

More in the section

IN modern construction the layout of a small two-story house. It is these buildings that will help create the most optimal zoning of the entire area: utility rooms, a kitchen and a dining room will be located below. Upstairs, space will be reserved exclusively for private apartments, such as bedrooms or children's rooms intended for family members.

Often, projects of such houses are considered as to live in it only in the warm season.

The first floor will be up to 50 sq. m. Just before the entrance there is a small porch, then the entrance to the vestibule (2.8 sq. m.). Almost every well-built house has this small room in the form of a vestibule. It is necessary so that the heat from the house does not go outside. This buffer can also be used for household purposes, for example, you can place a small shoe rack there, or even small closet for outerwear. Lighting in the vestibule can be used to a minimum, a small light bulb is enough.

Further, the door leads to the entrance hall, the area of ​​​​which is 4.8 square meters. m. Since ancient times, this place has been the very first room, which determines the style that reigns throughout the house. For this reason, the layout of this place should be given its attention.

The plan provides that the hallway in this house will be equipped with unusual lighting, which will attract the attention of everyone. The lighting is installed along the perimeter of the ceiling, and the color of the lighting can be chosen independently. At night, you can not turn it off, but simply dim the light. Thus, if the family has small children, they will not be scared at night. Particular attention should be paid to the entrance opening in.

The size of this room is 10.1 sq. m., such a space will be quite enough for the location of two zones. The one in which food is cooked will be closer to the exit, the other eating area will be closer to the window. The window will be located on the front side of the building, which faces northwest.

It is necessary to take care of a good ventilation system. Few pay special attention to this, however, in some situations, good ventilation is simply necessary. There are two windows in this space, that is, one in each zone. The windows will be of a standard size so that during the daytime you do not have to resort to artificial lighting. Such a scheme can be used for each room.

Combining interiors: "for" or "against"

Divided only by a small partition, on the ground floor there is another room - a living room. Its size is 18.5 square meters. m., but you can increase or decrease it depending on where the partition will be located. There is no door between the kitchen and the living room, this is due to the new direction in design and interior. Such a move becomes very fashionable, moreover, quite unusual. Many advantages will become available when combining the kitchen with the living room.

  1. Combining the interior will be a real gift for every young mother. Indeed, it is very convenient to cook and at the same time monitor the baby. Moreover, the space allocated for this will be large, so the child will be able to be in a safe area.
  2. At any feast, you will no longer feel dropped out of the conversation. Everyone will be able to participate in the process of cooking and table setting, without even interrupting the conversation. You no longer have to run around with plates and dishes, as each guest will be able to take care of himself on his own.
  3. Significant savings on technology. You can first remember the TV, purchase a separate unit in the living room, then you won’t need to go to the kitchen. You can watch good film while cleaning or cooking.
  4. The lighting will also change for the better. If before the merger, each room had a window, a maximum of two, now there will be at least three of them. Now you will have one bright and large space at your disposal.

) The disadvantages include the following things.

  1. The main disadvantage is the smell of food, which in any case will be felt. Of course, the smell of coffee is one thing, but stewed cabbage does not attract everyone with its aroma.
  2. Cleaning will take longer. This will not negatively affect the house in any way, but your personal time will be lost.

Space layout

Using a simple . There is a shared bathroom (4.6 sq.m.). There are also 2 bedrooms, the first has an area of ​​13.4 square meters. m. and the second, respectively, 13.2 square meters. m. In addition, there is also a small and cozy hall with an area of ​​4.9 square meters. m. One of the rooms has a balcony (1.3 sq. m.).

Drawing up a plan for a small two-story house will not take you much time, however, this task must be approached with care. Everything is already carefully planned, it is only necessary to fulfill this idea in full. As a result, you will get a beautiful cottage with unusual lighting and an original layout.