An individual approach to each client is, perhaps, the basis of our work. In the process of architectural and construction design, we help you choose a style that will fully comply with your ideas about beauty. We take into account all the wishes, habits and characteristics of the client's character. As a result, you get a truly unique and inimitable home.

However, following your dream and our own fantasy, we never break away from reality. Our employees take into account the peculiarities of the site, take into account all phases of the life of the future building and make sure that all solutions carry not only high aesthetics, but also show an example of safety, reliability and comfort.

Stages of architectural design

is a complex and laborious process. However, in order for you to understand what work we have to do, it is worth identifying the following main stages:

1. Analysis of the object. All the information necessary for further design is collected - information about the site and the wishes of the client.

2. Concept development. Based on the received data, we develop and agree with you the general idea of ​​the design project, which gives an idea of ​​the style of the building, its compositional solution, and functional zoning.

3. Creation draft design. It reflects floor plans, facade schemes, vertical sections of buildings. Based on its results, final changes are made and a final decision is made. Therefore, for greater clarity, we recommend doing 3D visualization.

The cost of the draft design is from 150 rubles/sq.m. The cost of visualization is from 75 rubles/sq.m.

4. Creation of a working draft. This is the final stage, according to the results of which you receive a set of documentation necessary to start construction. The working architectural design of the project includes:

  • Architectural section(AR). It contains an explanatory note, floor plans, facades, sections, a roof plan, a list of window and door blocks.
The cost of the AR is from 350 rubles/sq.m.
  • Design section (CD). It contains the layout of the foundation and its sections, the layout of the floor elements, information about building units, a list and drawings of lintels.
The cost of the Kyrgyz Republic is from 250 rubles / sq.m.

Advantages of individual architectural and construction design

A high-quality integrated design project is the key to the successful construction and operation of a building. Turning to the company "Empire Style", you get:

  • competent architectural design, carried out in accordance with applicable standards, taking into account the specific features of the site;
  • exclusive design - the external and internal appearance of the building is formed according to your wishes and style preferences;
  • timely assistance and detailed advice on all emerging issues.

Contact us! We look forward to new exciting challenges in the field architectural design.

Architectural design is one of the first steps towards the construction of any object. Modern development of building architecture includes a set of measures, each of which is aimed at creating an architectural object that fully meets the aesthetic and functional requirements of the customer. In order to build a house that meets the norms of SNiP, in the required time frame, architectural planning is carried out. The services of our studio consist of unique author's solutions of varying complexity of execution. Our architects are equally good at handling any building design challenge.

We carry out architectural design and visualization of cottages, country houses and other objects, master plans and landscape.

Our architectural bureau helps clients make the right choice architectural style, taking into account the individual preferences of each customer who contacted us. Look at the works from the portfolio of our studio, where the completed architectural projects of our specialists are presented. The vast experience of work will allow our architects and designers to find out, formulate and take into account all your wishes, including those that you may not even know about yet.

Stages of development of an architectural project in a bureau


Determining the wishes, taste preferences and expectations of the customer. Formulation of functional requirements, tasks, stylistic features of an architectural object. Fixing information in the design specification.


Performing computer measurements at the facility, visual inspection and survey of the territory by a studio specialist.


Development of presentation materials that will effectively present the future architectural object.


Analysis and selection of materials, textures and other building elements. Approval of the space-planning solution. 3D rendering of realistic exterior images.


Development of documentation intended for implementation construction works created on the basis of an approved architectural design. Drawing up estimates. Creation of all necessary plans and drawings for the project, preparation of specifications for finishing finishing materials, filling door and window openings.


During construction work, a designer-architect visits the site to consult and monitor the implementation of the project. If necessary, adjustments that have arisen during construction are made to the working drawings. The stage continues until the complete completion of construction work and the subsequent handover of the architectural object to the customer.

architectural concept

The concept includes:

  • preparation of a functional zoning scheme,
  • proposal for space planning building solution,
  • creation of a situational plan taking into account the actual urban environment,
  • development of collages to determine the style of the building.
The stage continues until the customer is completely satisfied with the result.

Architectural project

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Situational plan.
  3. General plan (1:200).
  4. Planning sketches of floor plans (1:100, 200).
  5. Schemes of characteristic sections indicating the main heights (1:100, 200).
  6. Schemes of facades indicating the main heights (1:100, 200).
  7. Perspective images (3D).

Working documentation for the building

Includes the following drawings:

  1. AR (Architectural solutions).
  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Situational plan.
  3. Axes breakdown plan (1:200).
  4. General plan (1:200).
  5. Floor plans with furniture arrangement (1:50, 1:100).
  6. Masonry floor plans (1:50, 1:100).
  7. Sections and sections (1:50, 1:100).
  8. Facades (1:50, 1:100).
  9. Schemes for filling window openings.
  10. Plans and specifications of openings, niches and shtrabs. Plans and sections of external and internal stairs, porches and terraces (1:50, 100)
  11. Architectural details and knots (1:10, 25).
  1. KR (Constructive solutions).
  1. Measurement drawing (based on sketches or as-built drawings provided by the Contractor and the Customer).
  2. Explanatory note.
  3. Excavation plan (1:50).
  4. Foundation slabs: formwork and reinforcement (1:50).
  5. Construction of waterproofing of concreting joints in foundation slabs (1:50).
  6. Foundation wall plans (1:50).
  7. Floor slabs (1:50).
  8. Columns, rondbeams, knots and sections (1:10, 1:25).
  9. Roof structures with section plans and nodes (1:10, 1:25, 1:50).
  10. Structures of external and internal stairs, porches and terraces.
  11. Lightning protection.
  1. Solutions for engineering equipment and systems.
  1. VK (Water supply and sewerage).
  2. HV (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning).
  3. EM (Power electrical equipment).
  4. EO (Electric lighting).
  5. EN (Outdoor electric lighting).
  6. TM (Thermomechanical solutions of the boiler room).
  7. EVK (External on-site water supply and sewerage networks).

Prices for architectural design

Choose the most suitable option for you

Concept project

from 400 rubles/m2

  • Meeting with an architect-designer
  • measurements
  • architectural concept
  • working documentation by building
  • Author's supervision

Architectural project

from 1500 rub./m 2

  • Meeting with an architect-designer
  • measurements
  • architectural concept
  • Architectural project (3D visualization)
  • Working documentation for the building
  • Author's supervision

We managed to assemble a team of like-minded people, consisting of highly qualified architects, designers and engineers. Studio employees embody the ideas of customers, working with style, architectural planning with 3D visualization, engineering modeling of objects. Our studio will accurately bring your ideas to life thanks to the correspondence of the project to sketches, drawings and strict implementation of the technical task.

We are engaged in the development of architectural and construction projects of any complexity, scale and style. Our specialists are involved in all stages of work: from the preparation of technical specifications to architectural supervision of the construction of the facility at all stages. Changes and adjustments are possible during the process.

A democratic pricing policy, a flexible and transparent scheme for the formation of the cost of our services allows our customers to significantly save on construction. Trust the professionals, and your dreams of building an original and comfortable country house, office, hotel or even residential complex turn into reality.

Architectural Engineering

Definition of architecture and architectural design

Architecture is both the science and the art of designing and constructing a spatial environment for a person. In many ways, thanks to her, the activities of society acquire an organized character. Each architectural structure is created in accordance with the needs of people. On the other hand, architecture carries an aesthetic beginning and can be considered as an art form. Technical indicators of structures also play an important role. Therefore, even in antiquity, the Roman architect Vitruvius said that "architecture is strength, utility and beauty."

Features of architectural design

The creation of any structure and building is inextricably linked with such a stage of work as design. Collection of information and formation of the concept, development of sketches, project documentation, - all this includes .

The architectural project contains the solutions necessary for the development of construction documentation. They take into account both the wishes of the customer and the conditions of construction. The architect is faced with the task of creating a stylistically attractive building that will be functional and technologically advanced, and its construction will be economically feasible. In addition, it must harmoniously interact with the already existing environment and take into account the cultural context of the city, so as not to violate the integrity of urban planning.

The architect is also responsible for developing solutions for the comfort and safety of human life. This includes functional distribution of natural light, fire safety system, layout of premises that will ensure easy human movement and hygiene standards. The design of engineering systems for enterprises and buildings is also the responsibility of architectural and design organizations.

Stages of architectural design

Architectural design includes several stages of work that allow you to translate the idea into reality.

1. Pre-project study.

This design stage is necessary when it comes to structures that are complex in terms of design and technology, with special requirements for architectural expressiveness and stylistic originality. As a rule, such objects are of high importance in terms of urban planning. The pre-project proposal is also used for the reconstruction of architectural monuments and socially significant objects.

At this stage, one or more ideas of the style of the building, the technologies and materials used for construction are formed, which are drawn up in a demonstration album and negotiated with the customer. Measurements of the building area are carried out, the layout and functional affiliation of the structure, the investment attractiveness of the object are determined.

2. Draft design.

The preliminary design is aimed at creating a master plan, floor and roof planning, development of facades, architectural sections, as well as the content of the project. At this stage, a three-dimensional computer rendering from four angles is provided. Thus, functional, constructive and artistic solutions created object with local reference.

3. Working draft.

The main stage of architectural design, which is developed in accordance with government regulations, rules and standards. Based on it, a building permit is obtained. The sections of the project are given in a concise form, but the information displayed in them is sufficient to determine the volume of construction work and the required equipment, the cost of building materials, the features of the construction technology and the estimated cost of the facility. The submitted plans and sections should reflect general data: axes and main dimensions of the premises, openings, stairs and elevators, sanitary and hygienic appliances, utilities, ventilation, air conditioning systems at the enterprise or in a public building.

Author's supervision, as a design stage, is aimed at complying with all architectural, construction, technological solutions at the construction stage, to achieve full compliance with the project documentation, as there are cases when the contractor deviates from the project. To do this, visits are made to the site of the facility under construction, where disputed points are discussed and the details of the project are explained to the builders.

The cost of an architectural project

The presented stages of architectural design are the optimal scheme for putting the structure into operation in accordance with the architect's intent and customer requirements. The cost of an architectural project can be calculated independently in the form below.

1 Draft project (from 20 000 rub.)sq.m.150
2 Architectural project (AR) (from 30 000 rub.)sq.m.250
3 Constructive project (CD) (from 40 000 rub.)sq.m.350
4 Architectural and construction project (AS) (from 70,000 rubles)sq.m.500

Dreaming of designing and building a house? Do you want your home to be special, bright, spacious? To admire the beauty and style on long years? At the same time, it was practical, convenient and comfortable?
Then entrust the design of the house to LEO Company! We will create the home you dreamed of!

In projects, we perfectly combine technology and construction standards with beauty and functionality. Our company has an ISO certificate (ISO9001:2008) and a SRO certificate (No. P-175-7702785602-01), which is a guarantee of the reference quality of your future home.

Our architects and designers will offer you a quality project, regardless of the level of the budget. ! We guarantee that the house project will exceed all your expectations!

When ordering from us, you get the best deals, 100% quality and accuracy of the project, uniqueness architectural solutions.

individual and detailed architectural project

Our main differences:

  • quality does not depend on the level of your budget;
  • quality control at each stage by the chief architect of the project;
  • ISO9001:2008 certification and SRO certificate (No. П-175-7702785602-01);
  • execution exactly on time;
  • 100% guarantee for the correctness of design solutions;
  • architectural originality.

House image

Based on your wishes, taking into account the peculiarities of the landscape, the size of the plot, our best architects will create a unique house project for you. They will embody an individual and unique visual image in a stylish exterior.

Planning decision

The planning decision is developed on the basis of the exterior of the house, taking into account the lifestyle of each family member, their habits and interests. It is at this stage of the work that such important points, as the arrangement of furniture, the ergonomics of the space of the house, the distribution of certain zones. The planning solution reflects the convenience of using all the content inside the future home.

Working drawings

Experienced architects and engineers develop drawings for the layout, facade of the building, with integrated design of water supply and sanitation networks, electrical networks. Everything is developed in accordance with the norms of SNIPs and GOSTs, which is confirmed by the SRO certificate (No. P-175-7702785602-01).

Structural section

Selection of the most optimal load-bearing structures And building materials based on your preferences or budget. Structural calculation ensures the durability and reliability of the future building. We guarantee the quality of construction of your home.

Let us create a unique architectural project for you!

Just fill in all the fields of the form now, and our managers will call you back at a convenient time for you. The telephone consultation is free of charge and does not obligate you to anything further:

Request a specialist

* - fields are required

Building design

Architectural building design- this is the initial stage of construction work, which includes the creation of an architectural image of the object and the development of project documentation.

Architectural and construction design of buildings is based on a thorough study of the features of the project, a detailed study of each element of the structure.

The main rule of architectural design of premises is the application modern technologies to ensure functionality, aesthetics and organicity.

Approval of the concept, creation of a design project, design of engineering networks, setting deadlines for work, calculation building structures, budgeting - this is architectural design. The construction and safety of structures directly depend on the quality of the preparation of documentation, therefore, strict requirements are imposed on it.

Architectural and construction design of objects, regardless of the stage of work, is carried out taking into account the wishes of the customer. The company always meets the needs of customers, and the architectural design of interiors fully meets the terms of reference, SNiP and GOST.

"LEO Company" provides a full range of construction works, including architectural design. Moscow and the Moscow region are the main clients who entrusted LEO Company with the development and implementation of project ideas. The portfolio presented on the site is proof of the professionalism of the company's employees.

The architectural design of the company is a combination of high technologies and building codes with creative methods of work and individual approach to each client.

Integrated design

Integrated design of houses involves the simultaneous creation of several sections of the project for repair and construction work. A systematic approach ensures the consistency of engineering and architectural solutions, the timely implementation of project development.

The complex design includes only those works that need to be carried out. If redevelopment is required, it is enough to create a project with a planning solution, a scheme for installing new partitions and transferring sanitary equipment. The integrated design of a country house consists of both an architectural and planning section and a project for the placement of engineering structures.

Integrated design documentation contains detailed information about construction work - the approved concept and style direction, environmental indicators, building features, design solution, layouts of lighting fixtures, etc.

Integrated design is a well-coordinated work of architects, planners and designers aimed at achieving a high-quality result.

Individual design

Individual design of houses is the creation of projects suitable for the characteristics of the site and the wishes of the customer. Designing individual residential buildings allows you to get a unique, inimitable solution.

Having chosen an individual architectural design for himself, the customer takes a step towards meeting the original and ergonomic housing. As part of the individual design of cottages, the following stages can be distinguished:

  • draft design: the image of the building, style direction is formed, functional zones are distributed;
  • master plan: the design of cottages individually should be carried out taking into account the position of the house on the site, the placement of rooms on the cardinal points, etc .;
  • visualization: the customer is provided with realistic 3D models that reproduce not only the interior design, but also allow you to see the details of the design, construction of individual houses;
  • working draft: the main sections are drawn up (architectural, constructive, plan of engineering networks and electrical appliances, explanatory note), time and financial costs are determined.

Thanks to the design of the house individually, the style, cost and technical features of the building correspond to the wishes of the customer.

Cottage design

You can’t build a house without a project, so designing country cottages- an integral stage of construction work. It determines the order in which actions are to be performed, and the final result is planned.

Architectural design of cottages is carried out after geodetic and geological research of the site, topographic survey. Topographic maps and plans are necessary to obtain a permit for the construction of a building, the laying of communication networks, the design of cottages itself. Moscow has a heterogeneous, complex relief, so topographic survey plays an important role in the development of the project.

The design of elite cottages cannot be imagined without preliminary developments. The drawings give a complete picture of appearance at home, his planning decision and style direction.

After the customer approves the work plans, the architectural design of the cottages is carried out in accordance with the main sections. The architectural project includes 3D visualization, plans, facades and sections of the house, specification of door and window openings, list of objects.

The structural section consists of calculations of building elements, selection of sections and design of nodes. Calculations of engineering channels, water supply, heating, electricity and sewage systems are also included in the design of cottages.

In the suburbs, suburban construction is especially relevant - every second resident of the capital wants to get out of the stuffy and noisy city. In order for the house to please not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical one, it is necessary to trust its creation to leading specialists. Only then will it be possible to fully enjoy clean air and a calm atmosphere.

Turnkey house design

Turnkey house design has its own distinctive features. Construction according to the developed project is carried out from the site inspection stage to the moment the room is filled with decorative elements. The design and construction of turnkey houses allows you to enter the house immediately after completion of work, without worrying about repair and finishing work and buying interior details.

The advantage of designing a turnkey country house is saving the customer's time - the work is carried out by a well-coordinated team of architects, builders and designers. There is no need to worry about ordering equipment, delivering materials, selecting construction teams - this is already included in the design of houses. Moscow has many professional construction organizations, but doing all the work by one company simplifies and speeds up the process.

Architectural design of houses and their construction is divided into 5 stages:

  • geological conditions of the site. The most important part of the architectural design of country houses;
  • drawing up project documentation, obtaining approvals and permits for the construction of a building;
  • work on building a house;
  • development of interior design concept, creation of sketches, collages, 3D models. When designing luxury houses, special attention is paid to draft work - the owner of the house must see that his housing is not only aesthetic and attractive, but also reflects prestige and high status;
  • delivery of the object on a turnkey basis.

Among the large selection of studios whose field of activity is the design and construction of houses, Moscow offers companies that have earned the trust of people. One of these is LEO Company. Work experience allowed to establish good business relations with suppliers of building materials and equipment.

Affordable cost, serious approach, meeting deadlines - character traits companies. Employees of the LEO Company are hard at work designing a house, which can be ordered directly on the organization's website. Trusting professionals, the customer receives a turnkey house that reflects his desires and dreams.