Summer is the time for vacations and country holiday. And who among us would not like to spend a weekend, a summer vacation or the whole summer in the fresh air at our own dacha with barbecue. For those who want to get their own summer house, but have not yet decided on an option, country house projects can serve as a hint. After reading and viewing photos and videos of this material, you will definitely be able to choose for yourself country house IR your dreams or get tips for creating your own home project. And then you can order or make it yourself as a project big house, and a small country house.

To date projects country houses- This is one of the most popular areas of design and engineering. For many, country houses have long ceased to be an attribute of luxury or an ordinary whim, but instead have become a necessity. After all, it is there, at your own dacha, that you can truly take a break from city pollution and the eternal bustle, enjoy nature, breathe fresh air and gain strength for the entire next working week. And for those who just can’t get enough of a weekend spent at the dacha, moving out of town is an excellent solution.

But in order to feel truly comfortable, safe and calm in your country house, you need to properly organize the space outside and inside it. It is very important, in addition to where exactly the building will be located, what it will be like. Experts have established that a house must correspond to the lifestyle of its owner. So think about it: what do you want from your dacha? What kind of mood should she convey, what can she talk about?

There are many other options. For example, country houses made of foam blocks are quite popular, reinforced concrete slabs and even .

Project country house from foam blocks

Features of building a country house from foam blocks

Foam block is a relatively young, but at the same time quite promising material for construction. Houses built from such material are durable and comfortable, they are economical, and also energy-saving. In addition to the features already listed, they have a lower load on the foundation (by about 25-30%), they have high fire resistance and excellent sound insulation (60 dB). In addition, the foam block has a surface that is ideal for any type of decor and finishing. All these properties of this material not only significantly shorten the time allotted for the construction of houses, but also reduce its cost, which makes them more attractive from the point of view of consumers.

A house built from foam blocks, in comparison with a house made of bricks under other equal conditions, retains heat 5 times better in winter and coolness in summer.

  • comfortable indoor microclimate regardless of the time of year;
  • low price;
  • durability;
  • tolerance to various weather conditions.

A house made of foam blocks is most suitable for permanent residence in the country without installing many additional engineering systems and communications

The downside is that you need a reliable foundation (there is no way to save money).

Perhaps this material is one of the best when building a country house for permanent residence. After finishing with decorative panels, houses made of foam blocks look very rich, while the price for such material remains very reasonable.

What you should know about brick houses

Some people are most attracted to brick country houses. Requiring virtually no maintenance, a brick dacha can serve its owners for many decades. High humidity, strong winds, low and heat- all this cannot worsen the qualities that the brick has. These are truly reliable houses that are suitable for people who are guided by the motto: “My home is my fortress.” Alas, brick houses have a number of disadvantages.

To begin with, brick is the most expensive of building materials. Brick houses take longer to build than any other, which probably won’t appeal to potential owners.

The high density of the material affects its weight, which is why the only suitable foundation for it is a monolithic one (aka slab foundation). Filling it is impossible without the use of heavy equipment - manually digging and removing tens of cubic meters of soil from the site is not an easy task. The cost of the foundation is quite high, and after digging a pit and pouring it (which in itself takes several days), you have to wait up to 1 month until the concrete gains sufficient strength so that construction can begin.

Heat brick house relatively easy - thick walls have a fairly high heat capacity, which allows you to burn a small amount of gas or diesel fuel (if you have an autonomous heating system), maintaining a comfortable temperature in the living quarters. But this applies only to cases if you are going to live in the country permanently.

If you plan to visit it several times a month, going out on weekends, you may encounter a problem. Even if you burn a huge amount of wood and coal or run a gas heating boiler at maximum power, you will need to spend a whole day to get the rooms warm enough. Therefore, brick houses are completely unsuitable for temporary residence in the cold season.

Pros and cons of wooden houses

Wooden country houses have completely different features. Their cost is significantly lower than the cost of brick ones.

Firstly, this is due to the relative cheapness of the material.

Secondly, if the construction is carried out by experienced specialists, then it is possible to build a house from timber in just a few days, which means that a much smaller amount will be required to pay for the services of professionals.

Thirdly, light weight wooden structure allows the use of a pile-screw foundation on most soils.

Its installation takes no more than 3-4 days, and there is no need to carry out complex, time-consuming and requiring the use of special equipment excavation. This allows you to reduce financial costs and meet much shorter deadlines. Low cost and short construction time attract a huge number of people who decide to acquire their own dacha.

For these reasons the popularity frame houses in Russia is quite low.

  • cheap material,
  • speed of construction,
  • attractive appearance.


  • you need to do good and high-quality insulation of the house;
  • In summer it can be very hot inside.

The fact is that most of the insulation materials that are used in the construction of frame houses are very popular with all kinds of rodents. In addition, over time, the insulation deteriorates, and it becomes too cold in frame houses.

Another significant disadvantage of frame houses is that they do not “breathe”. A couple of layers of film under the insulation interfere. This means that additional ventilation is necessary for comfortable living in such a house. Thus we see that frame houses good only for seasonal residence.

Wooden frame country house for summer living

Handmade log houses

Plus - the log undergoes minimal processing.

The downside is the production time. The waiting time can be up to several weeks.

Log houses self made are made from the most selected calibrated wood. The shape of such a log house is as close as possible to the ideal form, which is extremely rare in nature. The log must be sorted, after which it undergoes thorough preparation. All this helps to ensure a clear geometry of the log house. This guarantees effective thermal insulation.

The fact that the log undergoes minimal processing (no more than 3-5% of the original thickness of the log is removed) allows the upper layers of wood to be preserved - and this is the most valuable. This is precisely what distinguishes a calibrated handmade log house from a rounded log house.

A handmade dry log house allows you to immediately begin building a turnkey house, since most of the problems associated with drying, such as wood tension, deformation, shrinkage, etc., are eliminated.

Unusual cottage from hand-cut logs

In this video you are examples of typical economy class country houses

Projects of country houses with an attic

Projects of country houses with an attic imply that the first floor of such a house is designed in such a way that year-round living in it becomes possible. That is, this floor is made on the basis of a log house. The second, attic floor is not suitable for winter living, since frame-panel technology is used in its construction. But many may still ask the question: “Is it possible to adapt the attic floor of a country house for permanent residence?”

Typical construction of a wooden country house with an attic

This can be done using additional different materials for insulation. But the costs of such work can be compared with the costs that will go into construction wooden house, completely made on the basis of a log house.

An example of the layout of a 5 by 4 country house with an attic

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber

A house made of laminated timber, as a rule, is manufactured in a factory and delivered to the site in the form of a ready-made construction kit. This is explained simply. Glued laminated timber is a dry material from which houses can be built immediately turnkey, without having to wait 6-9 months for it to dry out - shrinkage and all that.

The erection and construction of a cottage made of timber occurs very quickly

A house made of laminated veneer lumber practically does not need additional finishing, due to the fact that during the production process the beams are trimmed on all four sides. After such treatment, it is enough to just sand the walls of the house a little and then apply a protective layer on them with a tint that is more suitable to your taste.

Like any other material, laminated veneer lumber It may also have its own shortcomings that were introduced during production due to violation of manufacturing technologies.

In order to determine how much good quality has the material, you need to ask the following questions, the answers to which will help determine this quality:

  1. How well was the board dried to make the timber?
  2. What components were used for impregnation and subsequent gluing?
  3. What was used as a “filler” - internal lamellas for the production of timber?

All of these factors have an important impact on the quality of the product, its durability and cost.

Projects of frame country houses

Projects of frame country houses have a number of advantages: durability - a house built according to such a project will last 80 years; In addition, such houses are warm and solid, even despite the fact that the thickness of their walls is small. Particularly attractive in frame house projects is the short construction time - from several weeks to 3 months.

Construction of a frame house

Frame houses are built using insulation materials, most of which are very popular with rodents (mice and rats). Such an inexpensive material as mineral wool easily shrinks under its own weight. Experience shows that after using this material, most frame houses lose their ability to retain heat. During the process of destruction and shrinkage of the insulation, the walls begin to let in cold by 5-15%.

A similar thing happens with polystyrene foam, but the only difference is that it does not shrink under its own weight. But at the same time, thanks to rodents, it begins to collapse, then spilling out into all the cracks. Besides all of the above, it's cheap frame house almost doesn't breathe. The reason for this is the film laid in two layers under the insulation, or the same foam placed on the foam.

From the above it follows that in order to live in such a house, it is necessary to install additional ventilation. And accordingly, a house built using frame technology for year-round residence not suitable. It can be a good solution for seasonal or temporary residence.

Interior Design

When building a country house, you must ensure that the selected design firm controls the entire process of implementing the project. And this is very difficult, since during the construction of a house the work of architects and builders of various directions, interior designers, as well as landscape designers.

Features of the layout of a summer house

The layout of the summer house must be chosen based on financial capabilities and requirements for seasonal housing. The size of the building is determined depending on how many people will live in the country house. It is advisable that each family member have their own sleeping place. Think about where you can accommodate guests. If the house is very small - 3x3 or 4x4 in size, then it’s difficult to come up with anything other than one common room.

4x4 country house plan

Typically, country house projects include the following premises:

  • kitchen;
  • common room;
  • bedrooms;
  • economic niches.

It is more expedient if the kitchen is located in close proximity to the front door, because in this room the fruits are prepared, dried and preserved. Accordingly, the closer the exit to the site, the more convenient it is. In the common room, which occupies most of the area of ​​the house, or is installed. It is recommended to choose a project with closed bedrooms.

Standard layout of a 6 by 6 country house

When choosing, do not forget about the presence of utility rooms or storage rooms where you can store food, dishes, clothes and other things necessary at the dacha. Also an integral part of any country house is a veranda, which can serve as a dining room or front room. We hope our recommendations will help you and you will make the right choice.

This selection of beautiful country houses was made by me in one of the mountain resorts of Thailand, in the province of Phetchabun, during one of my trips around the country. Of course, these are not houses for summer residents, but simply bungalows located in resorts where you can stay and relax.

Mountain resorts in Thailand often remind me of our tourist centers, only perhaps a little more comfortable - usually these are several houses located in a green area, plus a reception house. Often on the territory of the resort there is also a small cafe-restaurant with traditional Thai cuisine.

Mountain resorts are usually located in places where there are no foreign tourists, and, therefore, the atmosphere there is very calm and conducive to contemplating nature and peaceful relaxation. Such resorts, as a rule, are built in some beautiful natural places - near mountain rivers, lakes, or simply in places with beautiful views of the mountains.

These houses often evoked a feeling of tenderness in me, some of them are so lovingly decorated. Around them there is usually a landscaped area with flower beds, decorative ponds, fountains, small figures on the lawns, etc., so I wanted to photograph them and share this beauty with readers.

Today I want to show you a large photo selection beautiful houses. If you are thinking about what kind of country house to build, then this can serve as an impetus for you to realize your fantasy or simply as an idea for country houses.

Wood is often used for construction in Thailand. This is perhaps the most popular material in national construction. It immediately struck me that many houses are located on stilts instead of a foundation, and are quite high above the ground (probably due to the possibility of flooding, which is not uncommon in Thailand)

Houses, as a rule, have a roof with a high ridge; the roof slope is located at a rather steep angle. As an architect, I wondered what caused such a steep roof slope in traditional construction, and decided that this was so that during the rainy season moisture would drain from it as quickly as possible. After all, in Thailand it rains every day for almost six months - a huge amount of precipitation falls in 5-6 months.

If you want to use these photographs as ideas for building your own country house, then make allowances for the climate in your region.

In areas where there is a high wind load, it is certainly not worth making such a high roof. However, where there is a lot of precipitation in the form of snow, a steep roof slope angle will be a good help - less snow will have to be cleared from the roof in winter, and the snow load on the roof structure will be less, since the snow will not linger on it.

A traditional Thai house is usually decorated with wood carvings. This could be: porch fencing, terraces, openwork border along the pediment.

Very often, non-rounded logs are used as supports, pillars and fences. Moreover, the more crooked and irregular, the more natural the shape of the log, the more beautiful it looks in general in the design of the facade of the house.

Sometimes in resorts some designers try to imitate European trends, then these houses can have decorative half-timbered timber, etc. Occasionally there are houses in modern style made of glass and concrete, but this is rather an exception. Most often, these are variations on the theme of a traditional Thai wooden house.

Well, for a “snack” - here’s a masterpiece from an unknown architect! This house really struck me with its unusual appearance - it was designed as if it were an old tree trunk!


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You must have certain knowledge. This is usually an impossible task for many summer residents. Drawing up a project for country houses requires not only knowledge of the basics of drawing, but also certain specific skills.

Project and drawing of a country house with an attic

In principle, country houses have a simple design and it would seem very simple to create a drawing of such a structure. But this is not entirely true. Creating such a project is considered a professional task that requires complete project documentation.

Today it is very easy to download such drawings on the World Wide Web. Moreover, for each summer resident a large selection of different house designs, materials, and appropriate appearance.

Project of a country house with an attic and a balcony

For country houses you need to choose the right one. It is made inclined or flat.
When rafter system houses have a sloping roof, the rafters are attached to two load-bearing walls. For greater reliability, the rafter beams are reinforced with additional columns, and sometimes a middle partition is installed.

The drawings of country houses also include a showing of the sheathing for attaching the roof. It can have several types:

  • solid;
  • intermediate.

When calculating the sheathing, it is necessary to take into account:

  • Roof slope;
  • Material;
  • Fasteners;
  • Auxiliary stops.

Taking into account all the listed features, it will be possible to create a project for a future country house and complete it.

Planning the first floor

For example, an attic may look like a small room. It can easily be turned into a dressing room or a bedroom.

Project and layout of the attic and first floor of a 7x7 country house

If on attic floor If you plan to install a fireplace, it is necessary to provide for the exit of the fireplace pipe in advance. For an aesthetic appearance, you can make a small open balcony on the attic floor. After the drawing of the other floors and the attic is ready, a roof design is made based on all the features of the attic.

The completed drawing indicates the wiring of all utilities, and the location of electrical outlets must be noted.

The façade of the country house is drawn completely separately and the appearance of the building is shown. Based on this drawing, the angle of inclination of the roof is selected and the required number of windows is calculated. At the last stage, the material is selected and its required quantity is calculated.

Finished projects

If you use already made country house projects, which are very easy to download on the Internet, you can significantly reduce the cost of building a country house.

Option for the design and layout of a house for a summer residence measuring 4.2x6.6

When choosing finished project first you need to determine what it should look like and how many rooms it will have. The appropriate layout, dimensions and number of floors will depend on this.

Of course, to start building your country house, you need to have a good idea of ​​what it should look like. For this you need a visualization of the house. This is the only way to explain to builders what is required of them.

There are many different ones for such a display. Using such specialized programs, you do not need to seek the help of an architect or designer. The planning program will easily calculate everything you need and make a detailed design of a country house. The most popular programs of this type are listed below.


This program is able to create an accurate project and decide on the design of the room. She will assist in the design of:

  • bathroom;
  • living room;
  • bedrooms;
  • kitchens;
  • office.

To operate, the program uses special libraries containing real-life shapes and dimensions of the room. Based on this data, it will be possible to see. This program can be used by people without special training.

FloorPlan 3D

A very convenient program in which you can:

  • Make a redevelopment;
  • Room design;
  • Conduct reconstruction of existing premises.

The program includes professional applications. Without any design experience, anyone working in this program can very quickly design a model of a country house.

An example of a country house project developed in FloorPlan 3D

One of the advantages of such a program is the ability to obtain an accurate 3D model of any room.

For work, the program was provided with special libraries. As a result, it will help:

  • Arrange furniture in the room;
  • Select the desired texture;
  • Select household electrical equipment;
  • Choose plumbing;
  • Install lighting.

The program will tell you which ceilings best suit the room. In addition, FloorPlan is able to develop the design of the surrounding area. It will take into account the terrain and show where to place:

  • fence;
  • paths;
  • flower beds.

Of course, not all such programs are shown in the article. However, using the above programs will help you complete the design work faster.

Dacha plots made in our time are not just intended for maintaining a vegetable garden and growing useful crops. Many people come to their dacha to relax, have a pleasant and useful time with family or friends, be in the fresh air and go to the bathhouse. This is why country houses must be comfortable and well designed. After all, you don’t want to have a shed on the property for storing accessories or a simple temporary shed. It is important to know in advance the basic requirements for a country house and implement it according to plan.

In this article we will look at projects of country houses for 6 acres or more. They will help you figure out the design for yourself.

Basic requirements for a country house

If earlier you could be content with an ordinary building, where you could spend the night after working in the garden, then these days the requirements for country houses have changed. Some buildings are no different from a private house: there are all communications, a bathroom, a shower, a kitchen, a TV, and electrical appliances. The yard is also smartly designed: gazebos, a swimming pool, playgrounds. There are plenty of options. You need to understand what requirements your building will meet. After all, everything requires investment.

What are these requirements?

  1. The size of the dacha should be such that inside it is possible to equip a kitchen, a relaxation room and an open terrace or veranda. Some people make a country house 6x6 m. This is quite enough. Even for a 6-acre garden, such a structure will not interfere, and you will get a full-fledged home.
  2. It is important that the dacha has electricity. There is no way without him.
  3. It would be a good idea to ensure that guests or you can stay in it all year round. Heating can be either wood or electric.
  4. Since a dacha plot may not always be large, the house should not occupy the entire area. To save space, you can make a 6x4 m country house with an attic. This is an additional room that does not affect the width of the building.

What is a country house project

We have all heard the word project many times. But what does it mean? If we talk about country houses, then for them a project is a set of documents containing the necessary information for construction. What does this include:

  • construction drawings;
  • plans;
  • scheme;
  • recommendations;
  • a set of materials and tools;
  • specification;
  • approximate cost.

In general, three sections of the project can be noted: engineering, architectural and structural. The engineering section contains wiring diagrams for heating, sewerage, ventilation, wiring, water supply, etc. The structural section is responsible for the placement of rooms and layout, and the architectural section is about the general concept of the building.

Country house building projects

Many owners prefer to make their dacha with their own hands. And everything you need - a project, a building plan, drawings and photos - can be found on the World Wide Web. I would like to note that for those who are not able to carry out a large building there are good budget projects. Here are the three groups:

Cheap country houses

Dacha houses from the first group cannot be called capital buildings. The project, plan and sketch can be done independently, without the help of specialists. Such buildings do not require a serious foundation, and they themselves are made of wooden boards or plywood. Oddly enough, if you use beautiful Decoration Materials and perform the assembly with high quality, then their appearance will not be bad at all. Below you can see such a country house in the photo.

And the main thing is that the construction does not require a lot of money.

Medium cottages

The most popular are houses from the second group, as they are closest to comfortable conditions. It has all the amenities you need to live all year round. Such houses are suitable for 6 acres of territory, as they are easy to place there. Inside, you can build a kitchen-dining room, a shower cabin and a bathroom.

Most often, the structure is capital, with a solid foundation, thermal insulation and amenities. If you build for a plot of six acres small house, then you can place a small pond, recreation area or gazebo on the territory.

Large summer houses

If you have a large family and your budget allows you to build a massive two-story structure with everything you need, then this is an excellent option for you. This house can accommodate many guests. You can make an attic room or add a second floor. As for the layout, it is logical to make a lounge and a kitchen on the ground floor. And in the attic or second floor place comfortable and cozy bedrooms. To make the house ideal in general, a large terrace or veranda does not fit.

Note! All this is important to reflect in the design of such a dacha. On paper you need to depict the placement of rooms and the layout of the site.

Materials for a country house

The most common and inexpensive material for building a summer house is wood. This is an environmentally friendly material that has good thermal properties. Over the entire period of using raw materials, people have become convinced of its quality. Some old wooden buildings, 100 years or more old, have survived to this day. If you love nature, then this is the material for you.

Note! Sandwich panels are often used to build a country house.

Lightweight concrete blocks for country houses are also considered no less popular. Their price is low and specifications simply excellent. It’s convenient and quick to work with them, because unlike bricks, they are larger in size. Structures made from foam blocks have a neat geometric shape. If you insulate the building well, you will not freeze in winter.

Well, let's not forget about the good old brick. The construction of the house is strong, reliable and durable. And the material itself has good heat conservation properties. The country house will be warm in winter and cool in summer. You will need to spend a little money on the material and do the laying, but the result is worth it.

To make a choice building material for a country house, it is important to compare the pros and cons. In addition, if you want to save as much money as possible, consider the cost of raw materials in your region. Personal preferences, delivery conditions and plan requirements are also important. After all, for the massive two-story house It is unwise to use wood.


Have you already decided which country house project to implement? Weigh all the pros and cons, and then start doing the work.

Have you always dreamed of having your own cozy home on summer cottage, but for some reason they couldn’t bring their plans to life? A step towards making your dream of country housing come true can be the construction of a summer house, which is ideal for seasonal living.

First of all, you need to purchase and. Its size and location can be any, the most important thing when choosing is your wishes and means. In most cases, people purchase plots that have already been cultivated, but for those who want to develop it from scratch, the option of virgin soil is perfect.

Location of the country house

If the site is located in middle lane Russia, it is recommended to build housing in its northern or northwestern part. Thanks to this it will be ensured maximum protection from the cold wind and good lighting. In this case, a blank wall, which has a steeper roof slope, should face west or northwest.

Option for location of a summer house on the site

The porch and windows should ideally be directed east or southeast, that is, towards the main part garden plot. If you place them on the side of the roadway, then dust will become a permanent guest in your home.

House layout

Many summer house designs are distinguished by their simple layout and lower construction costs, as they include heating and heat retention options in winter period time is not in the first place, unlike private residential buildings for permanent residence.

If you are planning to arrange a place to relax, then the house must have appropriate premises - a room, a veranda and small kitchen. For those who like to prepare food for the winter, a spacious attic and basement will be simply irreplaceable. In addition, it is worth considering having a storage room for storing various garden equipment and tools.

Simple layout of a summer house with a veranda (2) and an attic (4)

When drawing up the layout of a future house, it is necessary to take into account the number of people who will live in it. It is also recommended to link the project to the site according to all its components, including relief, area and wind rose. And, of course, remember about communications - energy supply and water sources.

What is better to build from?

The next stage is the construction of the house structure itself. In most cases, during construction they use. Wood is used as the main material for building walls. Traditional Russian technology involves the use log house– logs laid horizontally and connected at the corners by notches.

Summer country house made of logs

It should be taken into account that the logs should extend beyond the corner by approximately 25-40 cm, due to which the structure becomes reliably protected from bad weather. Cobblestone walls, unlike log beams, require less labor and less material used, but require higher quality insulation. If the correct construction technology is followed, it can last more than a hundred years.

More economical frame walls will allow you to get a structure that will be the most accessible and optimal. The simplest solution is a small prefabricated summer house, which is built from separate wooden and metal structures.

Where to start drafting a project

In order to get a strong and beautiful summer house on your garden plot, you don’t have to pay a lot of money. You can build it on your own if you carefully study some and the process of compiling them in advance.

Construction of a simple summer house

  1. Consider the maximum number of people who will live in the summer house, as well as their requirements for living conditions.
  2. Remember that the features of the house design directly depend on the topography and location of your garden plot, the direction of the winds, and the location of the house itself.
  3. Think about whether it will be convenient and necessary to connect certain communications to the house: sewerage, water, electricity.
  4. Choose the interior style of your future building. If you want to make some pieces of furniture yourself, then you should acquire the appropriate tools in advance.
  5. Determine the functional purpose of the building. A summer recreation room can easily do without a cellar and a kitchen, and a house for storing equipment and crops should include utility rooms and a storage room.

A small house without a kitchen measuring 4x4 m

Types of summer houses

Garden summer houses differ not only in general characteristics(type of material used in construction, size, type of external decoration), but also individual characteristics (doors, windows, structure of the house itself).

Small summer house project

Prefabricated summer houses

Any summer resident will undoubtedly be delighted with reliable and complete housing, which, if necessary, can be easily disassembled, transported and quickly installed in a new location. This opportunity is provided by mobile modular structures.

Prefabricated houses are designed for family holidays, have a functional layout and large area, can be one or two storey. Such structures require the presence of a kitchen, rest room, bathroom, technical room. The houses are equipped with everything necessary: ​​heating, ventilation, electricity and air conditioning systems. While creating internal layout Elements such as a shower cabin, countertop, sink, water heater, suspended ceilings, etc. are not ignored.

Modular prefabricated two-story house

Here's a team cozy house you can do it very quickly and inexpensively at your summer cottage

Stationary small summer houses

Stationary houses have a longer service life and an increased level of comfort. Wooden country houses are undoubtedly more reliable and comfortable housing for people. In addition, these structures are erected very quickly, since they are assembled from almost ready-made parts.

A summer country house made of wood is a fairly economical type of housing that does not require the construction of a complex foundation. No special finishing work is required here, since the material and, consequently, the structure made from it will be very beautiful and attractive.

Small summer wooden house

Summer house with terrace and porch

If you need a summer house intended mainly for sleeping two married couples, you can use the option in which the building has two rooms, each of which has its own entrance. The first room can be accessed through a small covered terrace, which is located on the side of the facade, and the other through the rear porch, which is also located under a common roof.

You can easily use such a house for your own needs, and not just for receiving guests (for example, in this case it will be very convenient to arrange a workshop and a summer dining room). When erecting the walls of this structure, it is recommended to use thin timber, and to cover the roof - soft bitumen tiles.

An example of the layout of a small 2-room summer house with a terrace

Project of a house with a summer veranda

When building a summer house with a veranda, you first need to think about the most optimal location for this part of the housing. In most cases, verandas are located along the facade of the building, due to which Entrance door the house is inside. The width and length of the structure are selected individually, but the most common are 3-6 m by 2.5 m. The veranda is supported by foundation pillars located under corner posts frame. It is necessary to dig trenches under the posts into which a concrete foundation is laid.

Summer house with a beautiful veranda

After completing the construction of the veranda structure, it is time to begin finishing its appearance. Projects of houses with a summer veranda require your own, individual design, which will become the highlight of the entire home. Basically, when decorating a room, various plants and flowers are used, for example, vines or in pots.

Project of a house with a summer kitchen

Even with the most simple version accompanied by certain monetary costs for construction. Besides this, it takes a lot free space, which can cause significant inconvenience when it comes to small areas. In this case, universal ones will be a real salvation. kitchen areas, which, if necessary, can be easily converted from a summer option to a winter one. You can achieve the desired result if you equip the kitchen on the ground floor of the building and fence it off with a sliding wall.

This type of room is simple kitchen, which is combined with the outside space of the house (this will require the installation of ceiling-high glass doors). Due to hermetic sliding door systems, the interior space of the home can be easily and simply protected from the effects of rain, wind and other bad weather conditions.

Project of a garden house with a terrace

As a rule, garden houses with a terrace represent almost full-fledged housing on summer time of the year. Their designs include everything necessary premises except the kitchen. From the covered terrace there is an entrance to the hallway, from where you can enter the living room and then the bedroom. The living room can also be used as a dining room.

Layout of a garden house with a terrace

During construction, one of the rooms can be equipped with a bathroom, which will make the house even more comfortable and functional.

How to make a summer house with your own hands

First of all, you should prepare the materials necessary to build a house in a timely manner. The materials must be completely ready so that in the future it will be enough to fasten them together without wasting time on unnecessary actions. If you carry out all the work alone, then remember that the weight of each part must be such that you can lift it. Thanks to all these points, you can significantly save the time allotted for building a house.

Considering that such houses are usually intended for summer living, simple and inexpensive materials can be used in their construction (but they must be of high quality). For example, the most popular materials for such work are considered to be timber or a shield, which even those people who have never worked before can handle self-construction any buildings.

In addition, you can use plywood, the thickness of which is at least 10 mm, timber with a section of 50 x 50 mm and mineral wool as insulation.

When making a foundation for a house structure, concrete and brick are quite suitable. If you decide to use a brick, then you should purchase a solid, red one, from which the pillars will be laid out. Logs and rafters are constructed from boards (edged or unedged) with a cross-section of 100x50 mm, which are fastened together using plates and corners. When using an unedged board, remember that it will have to be additionally covered with a layer of plywood on top.

When arranging the foundation, you can also use chipboard sheets, but they will need to be carefully treated with drying oil, otherwise they will soon will rot and become unusable.

Scheme correct installation concrete foundation for home

Very often, the construction of summer houses involves the construction of a concrete foundation, which will require the preliminary construction of a frame. To do this, you will need to dig a hole about 70 cm deep and make a sand and gravel cushion about 20 cm high in it. During the hardening process, the cement should be periodically watered, due to which it will acquire the required strength and will not crack.

In addition, a mandatory element of a reliable foundation is a timber frame (150x150 mm), on which a board frame is subsequently laid. A 10-centimeter layer of mineral wool is placed in the inner part of the frame, after which the resulting structure is sewn up with two layers of plywood (to fasten the plywood sheets to each other, you can use PVA glue).

Frame for pouring a concrete foundation

Arrangement of switchboards garden houses requires the preliminary production of shields for the walls, which ideally should be double. To achieve the desired result, a beam with a section of 50x50 is nailed along each edge, after which, for greater reliability, an additional beam is passed between the two-layer plywood sheets in the middle of the shield. The inside of the shield is filled with insulation, which makes it possible to obtain a structure somewhat similar to sandwich panels. For even greater strength, it is recommended to fasten the timber with corners.

In addition, when subsequently fastening the panels with nails (during the construction of walls), it is advisable to use connecting plates. Location of door and window openings should also be provided for in advance in order to avoid all sorts of alterations that will take up extra time and money.

Wall panels made of timber must be prepared in advance, so that their installation and alignment will not be accompanied by unnecessary difficulties. At the final stage, after assembling the structure from the panels, the wind slats should be sheathed, followed by the installation of doors and windows. In order for the structure of the house to last longer, all timber used must be treated with special protective compounds that protect against the effects of insects and fire.

Then the walls should be lathed and sheathed, after which you can start preparing the lags. Their installation under the ceiling is done in exactly the same way as when treating the floor. In this case, on each side of the board, the boards should be extended by 20 cm in length, which will make the roof wider (its edges will hang over the walls). For the manufacture of rafters, a ridge board with a cross section of 50 x 150 mm is ideal; in addition, you will need attic beams cross section 25 x 100 mm.

To ensure greater roof strength, the installation of jibs will be required. The rafters are nailed to the frame using screw nails 10 cm long, using corners. Then the rafters are covered with plywood, a continuous layer, and its thickness should be at least 10 mm. Next, roofing material or roofing tiles are laid on the plywood and secured with roofing nails. Most the best option It will be tiles, since they are not susceptible to moisture and wind, and are also very convenient and easy to install.

When starting your own construction of summer houses, remember this correct location relative to neighboring buildings, which will avoid excessive shading of your own and neighboring areas.

Prices for ready-made summer houses

Perhaps you don't want to waste time and effort on self-construction your house for a summer holiday, so we want to please you that the prices and costs of summer houses will be affordable for everyone. Prices for finished structures start at 55,000 rubles.