Sometimes it happens that some people feel locked into the frame of their own body, which is someone else's. This is exactly how Boris Kruglov, and now a girl named April (April), felt. The Ukrainian singer, who participated in the “Star Factory,” decided to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Now, according to the artist, she is happy.

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Life of Boris April before surgery

Real name young man- Boris Maksimovich Kruglov. He was born and spent his childhood and teenage years in the urban village of Chernomorsk in Ukraine. In addition to regular school, he also graduated from vocal school. Musical abilities were obvious even in childhood.

In 2012, the young man graduated from the Kiev National University of Culture with a degree in translator, although he initially enrolled as a show business manager. His parents were very happy about this. My father worked at a shipyard. To this day, his family, which consists of his parents and older brother and sister, lives in Chernomorskoye.

The country learned about Boris when he performed at Star Factory 2. He became a finalist thanks to audience voting. His voice immediately fell in love with his listeners. And his bright and shocking appearance and charisma could not leave anyone indifferent. Before this, the guy took part in many castings and competitions.

How Boris April changed

Boris always behaved sincerely, youthfully, spontaneously and a little rebelliously. His appearance and behavior caused many mixed reactions. They often laughed at him and even mocked him. Some didn't take him seriously. But even then Boris declared that he did not want to behave and be a “man.” Sometimes I tried to go out in more feminine outfits.

Feminine traits and habits were visible in the appearance and behavior of the young man. He often painted his nails, let his hair grow long, and even wore light makeup. His behavior has always been quite strange for a guy.

Boris April after his first plastic surgery

According to the results of the competition, he was called the most shocking and unusual “manufacturer” and artist. After the end of the show, he took part in concerts, starred in videos and even received the prestigious Crystal Microphone award. Alla Pugacheva appreciated his abilities.

In 2010, Boris disappeared without a trace, no one knew where he was. A couple of weeks later he was discovered in Yalta and sent to a Kyiv clinic. The guy was found in severe physical and mental exhaustion. He needed emergency medical attention. Doctors diagnosed anorexia nervosa. Apparently, the guy couldn’t live like this anymore. He didn't feel like himself in the body, it was alien.

Recovery from anorexia Boris April

As Boris described his feelings, he grew up with the feeling that everything around him was wrong and wrong. As a child, he wanted to wear dresses and play with dolls, but he could not explain it. Now he understood what was going on, and everything fell into place.

Gender change and the appearance of a new person

At the end of 2014, Boris April announced himself as a transsexual. He moved to the USA, to Los Angeles, where he had sex reassignment surgery. Now the singer has female breasts and other signs of a woman.

Boris April published his photos in his new body. Now he has become a full-fledged girl. According to the singer, the operation was a serious and responsible step. She did this, realizing all the risks and consequences. Boris April compares this to rebirth. Now she's happy. The singer's name is Anya April. He no longer reacts to Boris.

Everyone has a different attitude towards Alvarez, who is usually called Living Ken, while Rodriguez is not at all worried about the opinions of others. His enormous changes in appearance before and after operations became a trump card and an opportunity to express himself to the whole world.

  • Many are sure that Oksana Fedorova’s plastic surgery is a step that ruined the girl’s appearance. The before and after results were disappointing, especially the unsuccessful plastic surgery (or makeup?) in 2017. Oksana Fedorova’s mother also left not far away.
  • Boris April is a Ukrainian singer and songwriter. Possessor of a vocal range of 4 octaves. Participant in Ukrainian television projects “Star Factory 2” and “Factory. Super final." In December 2017, he shocked the public by appearing at the casting of “The Voice” in a new image. The guy changed his gender, now he is a transgender girl Zianja.

    Childhood and youth

    Boris April was born on December 12, 1990. Real name: Boris Maksimovich Kruglov. Born in Crimea, in the village of Chernomorskoye, in an average Ukrainian family: father - Maxim Valerievich, mother - Elena Evgenievna and older brother and sister - Georgy and Anna.

    Since childhood, Boris showed an interest in music; in the 5th grade, his parents sent the boy to a vocal school. But they did not consider this hobby as a profession for life. They saw their son as a lawyer, economist, environmentalist, but not a singer. But Boris himself was sure that fame and success on the musical Olympus awaited him.

    After graduating from school, the guy assured his parents that he was leaving for Simferopol to enter the Taurida University to become an economist. He didn't want to upset them. But in fact, the guy went to Kyiv and submitted documents to the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts for the vocal department. He failed to enroll in this specialization the first time, but he entered the “show business management” department.

    He had to immediately start working part-time, he grabbed any job: he distributed leaflets, was a model, played music in nightclubs. In conversations with his parents, he continued to support the “legend” about Simferopol. Only after three weeks in Kyiv did he admit that he had entered KNUKiI, and his parents accepted his choice.

    True, after Boris was accepted into the show “Star Factory 2”, there was sorely not enough time for university, and as a result the guy was expelled. Later he was reinstated as a translator.


    In 2008, Boris learned that a casting was taking place in Kyiv for the Star Factory 2 project. He decided to try his hand. He approached this event thoroughly. The guy dyed his hair White color, put on his sweater backwards, took the stage name “Boris April” and made a huge impression on the jury.

    The organizers even had to break the rules in order to take the outrageous guy into the show, because at that time Boris was only 17 years old, and the project had an age limit. The producer of “Star Factory” was, and it was she who launched Boris’s career. At that time, there were no projects such as “X-Factor” and “Voice of the Country” in Ukraine, so the casting was extremely numerous and complex.

    Boris often clashed with other members of the Factory; they were irritated by his unusual appearance and manners. But the young man himself had been accustomed to misunderstandings since his school days, so he did not pay attention to them and moved forward towards his goal. During the project, he was lucky enough to sing with Ruslana, the Morandi group, etc. As a result, he took third place.

    After the project, he went on tour with other members of the Factory. The young and mysterious artist is invited to TV shows and interviewed by various publications. In 2009, Boris was recognized as the most outrageous artist in Ukraine. The same year he received the Crystal Microphone in the Mystery of the Year category.

    Boris April also showed himself as a talented composer. He wrote the song “I am Healed,” which entered Natalia Mogilevskaya’s repertoire. Later he made a video for this song for the singer.

    The girl deleted all her old accounts in in social networks. But after “The Voice” aired, I decided to start "Instagram". There are not many photos on the page yet, but through this network she has already begun to communicate with viewers. By the way, here she also responded to the remark, which is a member of the jury in the “Voice of Ukraine”.

    Boris April in the show "The Voice"

    After Zianja admitted her “male” past, Tina commented on it as follows:

    “This kind of fast food is yours, Potap.”

    Of course, attacks began against her, some accused the singer of arrogance. Tina decided to personally clarify her words: in show business there is such a concept as “fast food,” that is, something that brings ratings and is sold instantly. And Potap has experience in running similar projects. Zianja said she was no stranger to intolerance and discrimination. And she is not going to prove to anyone the correctness of her choice.


    • 2008 – single “Star Warrior”
    • 2008 – single “Space, welcome!”
    • 2009 – single “I need your love so much”
    • 2010 – “Incognito”
    • 2010 – single “We are White”
    • 2011 – single “P.S. Love you"
    • 2012 – single “Electricity”

    Photo: instagram

    On January 28, the eighth season of the vocal show “Voice of the Country” started. At the first stage of "blind auditions" transgender girl Zianja took part , once known as Boris April.

    After the participant chose Potap as a coach, Tina Karol made an ambiguous comment about him. “This kind of fast food is yours,” said the artist.

    A lot of criticism rained down on Zianji from longtime fans. Netizens reacted differently to Boris in his new image. Some expressed their respect and support to the artist (or rather, the artist), while others brought down a barrage of negative comments on the star.

    How did the once successful singer Boris come to the decision to turn into the beautiful Zianja?

    Boris April: the beginning

    Singer and songwriter, participant in the Ukrainian television projects “Star Factory 2” and “Factory. Superfinal” Boris April (real name Boris Maksimovich Kruglov) was born in Crimea, in the city of Chernomorsk. Father, Maxim Valerievich, was a shipbuilder. Boris discovered his musical abilities as a child. When he was in the 5th grade, his parents decided to enroll the boy in a vocal school. However, their son's passion for music was not approved. But Boris knew that he would certainly be a star.

    In order not to quarrel with his parents and not to upset them, the young man packed his things and quietly set off to conquer Kyiv. Boris entered the Kiev National University of Culture. Parents, having learned about this, were delighted. Since then, they have stopped opposing their son’s choice.


    The Ukrainian "Star Factory 2", produced by Natalya Mogilevskaya, marked the beginning of Boris's career. Thanks to his extraordinary and mysterious image, internal and external charisma, and beautiful vocals, television viewers fell in love with the young artist and gave him their votes.

    As part of the project, Boris was lucky enough to sing on the same stage with Valeria, Evgenia Vlasova, and Ruslana. And the support of Natalia Mogilevskaya, who believed in the artist, inspired the young contestant even more.

    According to the results of the audience vote, Boris became the third finalist. Already having the title of “The Most Outrageous Artist of Ukraine 2009,” Boris April was awarded the All-Ukrainian “Crystal Microphone” award. His work was highly appreciated by the Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva.

    Participation in “Star Factory. Superfinal” did not bring him the expected results. The artist dropped out of the project and experienced it quite painfully, which seriously undermined his health. After the end of the project, the singer performed concerts on a new all-Ukrainian tour. This strengthened the artist’s strength and helped him recover. So Boris continued his musical activity until at some point he “disappeared from the radar.”

    Anya April

    As it became known later, Boris changed his gender.

    "My name is April. I've had this name for several years now and I really like it. Boris is a good name, but I haven't felt the name for a long time and therefore don't respond to it anymore. I try to remain private when it comes to my personal life I can only say that now I have a boyfriend and I feel good with him."- Anya said in 2014, which shocked many fans.

    “All my adult life I felt as if my world was turned upside down, as if I was in a trap from which there was no way out. As a child I could not define this, but even then I felt like a girl, I wanted to wear dresses, have long hair, do what all normal girls do. I grew up with the feeling that everything was wrong, that everything should be different."- April shared.

    Now April has decided to conquer the Ukrainian “Voice of the Country” in the image of the shocking Zianja. We will find out later whether she will be able to achieve what she wants. In the meantime, we can only wish good luck to this brave performer.

    Boris's career began with Star Factory - 2, where, although he did not become... Read all

    Boris April was born on December 12, 1990. Boris’s hometown is the small urban-type village of Chernomorskoye, which is located on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Boris studied at the Kiev National University of Culture and Art, majoring in show business management, and also worked as a model for some time.
    Boris's career began with Star Factory - 2, where, although he did not become a winner, but, according to most, he was one of the brightest participants. Boris has produced such musical works as “Your Love”, “Space Reception” and some others.
    Boris was the most prominent participant in the Star Factory - 2, which took place on the territory of Ukraine. With the help of audience voting, as well as thanks to his atypical image, bright suits and wonderful voice, Boris became a finalist in Star Factory - 2.
    Boris's family hardly differs from the average Ukrainian family. Father, mother, Boris, as well as his older brother and sister. Everyone lives in Boris’s native Chernomorsk.

    Ukrainian performer, songwriter, androgynous boy Boris April was able to attract the attention of viewers from his very first appearance in public. The shocking manner with which the young man presented himself on the TV project “Star Factory 2” and after it ensured him great popularity. In 2014, Boris decided to have sex reassignment surgery, which caused a strong reaction from his fans and the media. Today he performs under the pseudonym April and continues to find himself in a creative niche.

    Biography of Boris April

    The artist's real name is Boris Maksimovich Kruglov. Born in Crimea on December 12, 1990. Since childhood, he showed great interest in music and art. His parents did not like his hobby; they were sure that their son would become a lawyer or economist. Despite this, the young man was sent to a vocal school. Music seemed to them a temporary passion.

    The guy followed his dream. Secretly from his parents, he entered the Kiev National University of Culture. Mother and father had to give up, allowing him to choose his own path. After studying for some time to become a show business manager, Boris transferred to the translator department.

    During his studies, the young man tried all possible castings, trying to prove himself. It is not surprising that such persistence paid off. In 2007, fate brought Boris together with Star Factory 2. It was this television project that laid the foundation creative career guy.

    The public fell in love with singer Boris April quite quickly. Then there were presentations, beauty contests, and work with famous music video directors. He began to be invited to high-rated TV shows. Boris's original compositions have entered the repertoire of famous Ukrainian stars.

    In 2013, Boris went to China. Then he conducted several photo shoots in Los Angeles and returned to Kyiv in 2014.

    Compared to other performers, Boris stands out due to his frequent changes of image. In “Star Factory 2” he was a blond boy who looked more like a girl. Then there was a sharp change in image - the guy cut his hair and dyed his hair black. He created all his images himself.

    In 2014, the singer suddenly announced that he had become April's girlfriend. This information caused a huge resonance and received many conflicting responses. April herself explained this by saying that she always felt like she was in someone else’s body, and after changing her sex she felt peace of mind and peace.

    Transgender revolution

    Transgender revolution

    Transgender revolution

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    Personal life of Boris April

    April prefers not to talk about her personal life. For a long time, the guy claimed that he had not yet found his soulmate. The media tried to connect him with model Evgenia Diordiychuk. However, information about their relationship was never confirmed. In 2014, in one of his interviews, Boris said that he had a young man. It is with him that the singer feels like himself.