There are two icons with this name. One was revealed on Mount Athos. This is the most famous image of the Mother of God, which is revered not only in Orthodoxy, but also in Catholicism. The Goalkeeper icon is also located in one of the Russian monasteries, but it has a different composition and its own history.

History of the icon

The blessed island keeps many legends. According to one of them, the Mother of God had to leave Jerusalem when Christians began to be persecuted there. On the way to Cyprus, the Blessed Virgin stopped at Athos, which she called one of her destinies. There are several of them:

  • Georgia (Iveria);
  • Mount Athos;
  • Russia (Kievan Rus);
  • Diveevo (monastery founded by St. Seraphim of Sarov).

Our Lady has a special relationship with each of these places. For example, many miraculous icons were revealed on Mount Athos. One of them is the “Goalkeeper” icon. She came to the brothers of the Iversky Monastery straight from the depths of the sea in a pillar of fire. For a long time no one could get hold of the miraculous image until they called a Georgian monk - now known as Gabriel the Svyatogorets. He lived in seclusion, ate only herbs, washing them down with water. But one day the Most Pure One herself ordered him to return to the monastery to accept her image.

The monk did just that. After the prayer service, all the brethren went down to the shore, and Gabriel walked straight on the water, and the image moved towards him. The monks solemnly brought the shrine to the altar, but in the morning it ended up at the gate. Thus, the Mother of God showed her desire to protect the monastery and its inhabitants. Since then, the Iveron Icon has been called “Portaitissa,” that is, “Goalkeeper.”

Since that time, the image has been on Mount Athos, but there are also many miraculous copies of it. One of them is in Iveria itself (Georgia). Since the Mother of God was very sad that in one of her destinies people still had not accepted Christ, she decided to send the Apostle Andrew there. As a blessing, she gave him her image - she washed her face, put her face to the board, and miraculously an imprint remained on it.

Where else are miraculous icons kept?

The icon of the Mother of God “Goalkeeper” is also well known in the Diveyevo monastery. A healing spring has been flowing here for many decades. It is located near the chapel in the name of the Iveron Icon. Elder Alexandra dug a spring with her own hands so that the workers who built the Kazan Church for the monastery could drink water.

Here the local population prayed during dry periods and brought babies to bathe them in healing water. Already in our time, a pond was equipped so that you could plunge completely. Water helps against various diseases, as well as those who are possessed by evil spirits.

Meaning and interpretation of the icon

Each image of the Mother of God carries a common meaning - she embodies the unity of the Lord with his children, who are all Christians, regardless of gender, age, or nationality. But there are special blessings specifically for Russia: for example, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Goalkeeper” (“Unquenchable Candle”). It is strikingly different from the usual iconography of the Virgin Mary.

  • The Queen of Heaven stands in monastic robes.
  • In her left hand she holds a rosary (an attribute of any monk), as well as a staff. This is a symbol of power and patronage, which can only be worn by bishops (higher clergy).
  • In her right hand, the Mother of God holds a candle - a symbol of unceasing prayer.

The icon was discovered at the end of the 19th century. in the city of Uglich. A man came to the monastery there because the Queen of Heaven came to him in a dream. On her orders, he came from St. Petersburg to find an amazing image that was discovered in the closet. The visitor became completely healthy after the prayer service. In memory of this, he ordered an expensive frame for the icon, which is still in the monastery, lavishing healings.

How does the Goalkeeper icon help?

For Orthodox Christians, the Mother of God is like their own mother. They share with her any sorrows and sorrows. When a child is sick, it is necessary to find a new place of work, someone has been unfairly offended, a husband suffers from drunkenness - the “Goalkeeper” icon will help in each of these troubles. It can protect a home from enemies - it is not for nothing that the Mother of God returned her image to the monastery gates several times.

To this day, there is a wonderful icon lamp in front of the Athos icon: before tragic events, it begins to sway. This also happened during enemy attacks on the monastery, but not once did the Mother of God allow enemies into her monastery. Every believer has the right to count on such protection if he regularly prays and attends church.

According to pious tradition, Orthodox Christians purchase several icons for their home. Among the images, the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is obligatory; “Goalkeeper” is a good choice. You can especially ask for protection for your home in your prayers, because there we keep all our property, for which we have worked for many years. Of course, the main concern of a Christian should be the achievement of the Kingdom of Heaven, but the Lord does not forbid having things and being a careful owner. The main thing is not to become attached to earthly values, not to make objects of worship out of them.

Where is the best place to hang the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (“Goalkeeper”)?

Based on the name, it is quite possible to place it above the doorway. This is usually done from inside the apartment to avoid theft or even worse - desecration of the shrine. You can glue a cross to the outside of the door itself.

A good place is a shelf in the hallway, right opposite the entrance. When leaving, you can pray in front of the icon, ask for good luck in your business, and sign the cross over your family and home. After returning, you must also cross yourself and thank the Lord for what you have preserved during the day.

There is no particular need to place icons near children's beds - the Lord protects them anyway. But this is not prohibited. The main thing is that the place is appropriate - either a separate shelf or a wall, free from decorations and worldly images. It will be good if a child is taught to pray before going to bed from an early age - an icon will be very useful for this. The main thing is for family members to understand that the power of God comes through prayers, and not through boards.

Prayer to the Goalkeeper icon

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of heaven and earth! Listen to the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image. Behold, we are immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother of all who mourn and are burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death and at the Last Judgment of Your Son appear to us, merciful Intercessor, yes We always sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen.

What you need to know about the Goalkeeper icon

Icon of the Mother of God Goalkeeper - meaning, what it helps with was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

On October 26, the Orthodox Church celebrates a holiday in honor of the transfer of the miraculous image to Moscow - an exact copy of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was delivered from Athos in 1648.

According to legend, one of the most revered images of the Mother of God was created by the Holy Apostle Luke - the evangelist painted the icon during the days of the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos and with Her blessing.

History of the icon

This icon of the Mother of God was first mentioned in the 9th century - during that period, Holy images were desecrated and destroyed both in churches and in homes.

During the brutal struggle against the Christian religion, the ancient icon of the Mother of God was kept by a pious widow who lived near the city of Nicaea (the territory of modern Turkey) with her son.

According to legend, soldiers who were searching for and destroying icons on the orders of the Greek Emperor Theophilus burst into the widow’s house one night. Seeing the icon, one of them hit the face of the Mother of God with a spear. The blow hit the right cheek of the Mother of God, and blood flowed from the wound.

The woman, not losing hope of saving the shrine, begged the soldiers to leave the icon of the Mother of God until the morning, promising them a reward for this. The selfish iconoclasts agreed, confused by the blood appearing on the icon.

The woman took the icon to the sea and lowered the image into the water to save it from destruction. In front of the astonished widow and her son, the icon, standing upright, facing the shore, set off on a journey across the sea.

What happened to the widow in the future is unknown. As for her son, he became a monk of the Iveron Monastery on Holy Mount Athos. It was he who told the monks the story of the ancient icon, which became the sacred tradition of the monastery.

The bleeding wound remained on the face of the Mother of God, which is why the Iveron Mother of God is always depicted with a small wound on her face.

Why was it called Iverskaya?

The Icon of the Mother of God was named Iverskaya in honor of the monastery of the same name on Mount Athos, where the Holy Image has resided since the beginning of the 11th century.

According to legend, the monks of the Georgian Iveron Monastery saw an icon supported by a pillar of fire in the sea and, after a prayer service for the granting of the shrine that had appeared, they placed the image in the temple.

However, the next morning the icon was found above the gates of the temple, and not in the monastery. This miracle was repeated several times until the Mother of God revealed Her will to Saint Gabriel the Georgian in a dream, according to which She wants to be the guardian of the monks, and not to be guarded by them.

The monks, following the will of the Mother of God, built a gate church, in which the miraculous image of the Mother of God remains to this day. Hence the other name of the icon - “Portaitissa”, that is, “Goalkeeper”.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

According to legend, the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, which inseparably resides in Iveron, will leave Athos shortly before the Second Coming.

How did Iverskaya appear in Rus'?

The news of the miraculous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God spread in Rus' in the 17th century - Archimandrite Nikon of the Novospassky Monastery, the future Patriarch, asked the Archimandrite of the Iveron Athos Monastery, Pachomius, to send a list of the miraculous image to Moscow.

The blessing to paint the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos for Russia was received by the priest Iamblichus Romanov. Before the start, the brethren of the Iversky Monastery - all 365 monks - held a great prayer service from evening until dawn and blessed the water with holy relics.

Holy water was poured over the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, and then a new board made of cypress wood, prepared for painting the icon, was poured over.

After the Divine Liturgy, the icon painter was given Holy water and particles of Holy relics - having mixed them with paints, he began to paint the icon of the Mother of God.

The Mother of God herself helped deliver an exact copy of her image to Russia. Tradition tells that the Athonite monks who were carrying the icon of the Mother of God to Moscow could not cross the Danube due to lack of money, and the Mother of God appeared to the wealthy Greek Manuil Konstantiev, ordering him to pay the Muslim carriers for the monks.

The image of the Mother of God was greeted by a solemn procession led by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Patriarch Joseph at the Resurrection Gate of Kitay-Gorod - this happened on October 26, according to the new style, 1648. On this day, an annual celebration was established in honor of the bringing of the Iveron Icon to Moscow.

Subsequently, the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was owned by Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna and her daughter Princess Sofya Alekseevna, who became a monk at the Novodevichy Convent in Smolensk.

An exact copy of the Iveron Icon has been in the Novodevichy Convent since 1654 for three and a half centuries. After the monastery was closed, the Holy Image was kept in the funds of the State Historical Museum.

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was returned to the Novodevichy Convent on May 6, 2012. Then the shrine was transferred to the Assumption Cathedral of the monastery, where the icon remains to this day.

The icon quickly spread throughout Rus' - in 1656, a second copy of the miraculous image was delivered from Athos to the Valdai Iversky Monastery.

The third copy of the icon of the Mother of God was placed in the Iverskaya Chapel, which was built at the Resurrection Gate of Kitay-Gorod in Moscow in 1669. This list was made in Moscow from the Athos image from the Novodevichy Convent, but in a larger size.

© photo: Sputnik / M. Yurchenko

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God left Moscow only once - it was taken to Vladimir along with the Vladimir Icon in September 1812, saving it from the French.

The chapel was destroyed in 1929, and two years later the Resurrection Gate was demolished. The icon was transported to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki, where it remains to this day.

The foundation stone at the former site of the Iverskaya Chapel and the Resurrection Gate was consecrated by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II in 1994 - they were restored less than a year later.

A new copy of the Iveron Icon was delivered from Athos to Moscow in October 1995 - so the “Goalkeeper” returned to the main gate of her city.

© photo: Sputnik / Stolyarov

There are many known cases of the miraculous help of the Most Holy Theotokos to people who pray with faith before Her Holy Icon.

Miracles of Iverskaya

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God became famous for many miracles - through prayers before Her Holy Image, many received healing and consolation.

Prayers are offered before the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on a variety of occasions - for the healing of physical and mental ailments, from fire, for increasing the fertility of the earth, as well as under various difficult circumstances.

Having miraculously appeared on Athos, the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God became a shield for all who constantly pray on the Holy Mountain for the entire human race.

Many manuscripts are kept in the Iveron Monastery about the miracles and gracious help of the Mother of God. The Mother of God miraculously protected the monastery from enemy invasions, saved fires, filled vessels, multiplied oil and vegetables.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

Through miracles, the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God not only helped the monks, but also admonished them. Evidence of this is the story of a poor man who was denied an overnight stay at the monastery due to lack of money.

The unfortunate man, deprived of a piece of bread and a place to sleep, continued on his way, but on the way he met a woman who gave him a gold coin. Rejoicing, the poor man returned to the monastery and gave the coin to the gatekeeper.

Wondering how such an ancient coin got to the wanderer, the monks, after questioning the poor man, realized that on the way he met the Mother of God herself. After this incident, all the food in the monastery spoiled - the monks repented of their deeds and since then have been welcoming all pilgrims free of charge.

The icon of the Iveron Mother of God or the “Goalkeeper” should be kept in your home near the entrance and thereby receive protection from various troubles.


First prayer

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image. Behold, we are immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother, of all those who mourn and are burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death, and at the Last Judgment of Your Son, the merciful Intercessor will appear to us, and always We sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen.

Second prayer

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos, accept our unworthy prayer, and save us from the slander of evil people and from vain death, and grant us repentance before the end, have mercy on our prayer, and grant us a place of joy in sorrow. And deliver us, Lady, from all misfortune and adversity, sorrow and sorrow and from all evil. And make us, Thy sinful servants, worthy to be at the right hand at the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and to be our heirs, to be made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life, with all the saints throughout the endless ages of ages. Amen.

The material was prepared based on open sources

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God helps all repentant sinners find the strength to repent. For such repentants, the icon shows the path to repentance. Before this Face, the relatives and friends of a sinner, a person who has deviated from the divine path, have offered prayers more than once.

Before this Divine Face they pray for healing from mental illnesses, and also ask for deliverance from bodily illnesses.

First of all, the miraculous Mother of God, having revealed her Iveron image to all humanity, is through it the Intercessor, the Guardian of earthly inheritances. She reliably protects the house where She is revered and where they offer their sincere prayers to Her.

It is not for nothing that another name for this image becomes “Portaitissa - Goalkeeper”. She miraculously warned the monks of Athos, as well as the whole world, all living things about threatening events. If you have this image in your house, then you can pray in front of it for the preservation of your home from disasters. The Mother of God will protect him from fires, floods, attacks by thieves and robbers.

The Holy Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most ancient and most revered icons of the Mother of God today. This shrine is famous for its unique history. Church traditions indicate that it is one of those Faces that was written by the Apostle Luke. The icon-painting works of this apostle, which captured the appearance of the Most Pure One, according to various sources, number from three to up to seventy icons. All divine Faces were written with Her blessing. They are the most realistic, since they were written during the earthly life of the Lady.

According to church tradition, there are several Ecumenical Lots on earth - the inheritances of the Mother of God. All of them are, by Her grace, under special care. And the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is in this case the crown: it combines four such Lots at once. This is Iversky, as well as Athos, Kievan Rus and, finally, Diveyevo. The extraordinary story in a nutshell looks like this.

Guardian of Iberia

Versions of the origin of the list of the Iveron icon and its meaning.

The Mother of God received her first inheritance on the day of Pentecost. Then the apostles received their appointment by lot. This lot determined which country they should go to for the purpose of preaching the Lord’s faith. Then the Most Pure One said: She wishes to take part in this. She then asked that She have a country according to the will of the Lord. They cast lots along with all the apostles. The Mother of God received Iveria (now Georgia is called this way). With joy, the Mother of God prepared to go there. At that time an angel brought the gospel to Her. This gospel contained a request to remain for the Mother of God in Jerusalem until the Christian faith came to the then pagan Iberia.

The Intercessor of God sent the Apostle Andrew the First-Called to the Iberian land.

The tradition of the Church says: The Mother of God then ordered that such a board be brought to her, where icons were painted at that time. Then, having washed herself, she placed her luminous face on this board. And when she took it away, the image of Her with the Infant Christ was imprinted on the board. In the icon, the Iveron face was incredibly stern, almost stern. The Mother of God then told the holy Apostle Andrew that in a similar way She sends Herself to all of us in such an image. And in this form she will be the Guardian of Iveria, as well as all those who inhabit this country. She promised to pray for her Son for all of them. In Iberia by that time, a holy apostle named Simon the Canaanite was already preaching the holy faith of Christ.
Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

When difficult situations arise in life, every person hopes for help from Heaven. More often, people turn to the Queen of Heaven - the great Patroness of all humanity before the Almighty. Her image in every Orthodox church is located to the left of the Royal Doors.

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God occupies a special place among the Mother of God icons. It is one of the most revered and famous shrines of Orthodoxy.

History of the Holy Face

During the 1st Ecumenical Council, adherents of the Aryan heresy were given strict support. Since then, peace and tranquility have come to the Orthodox Christian world. But at the beginning of the 9th century, fierce fighters against Orthodox images appeared, destroying holy images.

Just at that time, a pious believing widow with her teenage son lived on the territory of Nicaea (now Turkey). The woman had a fortune inherited from her late husband. With this money, the widow built a church, within the walls of which the icon of the Mother of God rested. The iconoclasts, having visited the temple, decided to take away her fortune from the woman, demanding a large sum of money. Hearing the refusal, one of the attackers angrily plunged his sword into the Face of the Virgin Mary.

And then a stream of real human blood flowed over the icon. The bandits were very frightened and ran out of the church, warning the widow that the next day they would return again to collect the debt.

When it got dark, mother and son took the icon of the Mother of God and went to the sea. Having placed the Face on the water, they beheld a miracle: the icon itself rose to a vertical position and floated in this state along the waves directly into the open sea. Amazed by what they saw, they returned home, but fearing the possible re-arrival of robbers, they could not stay within their native walls.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Appearance on Athos

The son went to Athos and accepted monasticism at the Iveron monastery. The newly minted monk told the story of how the icon itself stood up on the waves and floated out to sea. But soon the elders, who were at the monastery gates, noticed a bright and huge pillar of fire rising above the surface of the sea. The sight was wonderful and scary at the same time.

Mother protects the home, patronizes all Orthodox Christian women and intercedes for their needs before Her Son.

The original of the Holy Face of the Mother of God is kept on Mount Athos in the Orthodox male monastery of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God.

Celebrations in honor of the Iveron Icon take place several times a year: February 25, May 6, October 26, and also on Tuesday of Easter week.

Watch a video about the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

How to recognize Our Lady of Iveron? How can she provide support, and where can you find an icon with her?

In moments of despair, we always turn to the highest powers for help. A very strong helper in human problems and adversity is the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. They turn to her with the most serious problems. In this article we will tell you what the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God looks like, where the original is located, and also describe some other facts about this shrine.

Iveron Icon photo

The Mother of God of Iveron is usually depicted on icons in a red robe, with a baby, Jesus Christ, sitting on her left hand. The right hand of the Virgin Mary is raised and seems to point to the baby. Jesus’ right hand shows a sign, his thumb touches his ring finger, and his index and middle fingers are raised up.

On the shoulders of the Mother of God depicted in this icon, beautiful stars can be seen. There is also a star on the forehead of the Mother of God. On the head of the Mother of the Lord there is a crown covered with stones. The look of the Mother of God is sad and deep, the gaze of the baby on most icons is directed at the Mother of God.

In the original, the Mother of God is depicted with a bloody wound on her face. This is also a distinctive feature of this shrine. It makes it easy to recognize this icon. Below we will provide photographs of the icon of Our Lady of Iveron to make it easier for you to understand what it is.

History of the Iveron Icon

The original icon itself, which is kept in the monastery on Mount Athos, was painted during the life of the Mother of God. It was written in the first century by the Apostle Luke. This icon was previously kept by a noble lady. One day, robbers burst into her house and spoke out against the Lord and all kinds of holy people. One of them pierced the icon of the Iveron Mother of God with a sword, and real scarlet blood flowed from it. Then this man fell to his knees and began to tearfully pray for forgiveness, and later he became a monk of the Athos Monastery.

That same night, when robbers attacked, a wealthy woman and her son went to the sea and floated the icon across the waves to save it from dispossession. The icon stood vertically in an unusual way and floated towards Mount Athos. Only many years later it was discovered by the monks living on Mount Athos.

The monks and monks, the servants of the monastery on Mount Athos, saw a luminous pillar rising straight from the depths of the sea to the very sky. Some kind of image could be seen near him. They didn’t immediately understand what it was, but then they saw the icon of the Mother of God, the monks wanted to swim to the icon and take it to the monastery, but it only moved away from them, sailing back.

The monks tearfully prayed to the Lord to bring the icon closer and give it to the monastery. Monks and monks spent more than one day in prayer. Then one of them, it was a monk of the Iveron Monastery - Saint Gabriel the Gruzin, had a dream with the Mother of God herself. In a dream, she told him not to be afraid of anything, but to go towards her straight along the sea waves.

The next day, Gabriel gathered all the monks, and they all went to the sea together. There Gabriel stood on the waves and walked towards the icon. Surprisingly, he stood firmly on the waves, as if he were on dry land. Gabriel brought the icon to the Iveron Monastery and left it there.

The next morning the icon moved in an amazing way from the monastery itself above the gates of the monastery. This happened several times. Then the Mother of God again appeared in a dream to Gabriel the Georgian and said that she did not want to be guarded by the monks, but she herself wanted to protect them from all kinds of evil, which is why she moved over the gates. Then the monks did not resist and left the icon with the image of the Mother of God above the gate. Since then, she has also been called the Goalkeeper.

Prayer to the Iveron Icon

You can pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Iveron in your own words, or you can look into the prayer book and find a prayer there. Your own prayer can be like this: “Oh, Mother of God, our mother, merciful intercessor, do not leave me alone with trouble. Help me overcome all difficulties and take the path of correction. Fate led me down the wrong path, and I’m not living my life the way I should. I am also dissatisfied with my life, and my relatives do not see anything good in my life. Help me, my dear, to find meaning and become better than I am now. Take away from my house, and from me, all temptations and enticements. Let no bad person harm me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! In the name of all Saints! Amen!"

The prayer can be read as you leave the house, heading to work or somewhere else on business. You can read it in the morning, immediately after waking up. This will be a very good setup for the coming day. It won't hurt to read it before bed. You can also turn to this prayer in those cases when you feel that you are turning away from the true path and you cannot find the strength on your own to cope with the temptation to succumb to some sin.

You can read the prayer that we have provided for your attention or come up with your own, which will describe exactly your problem and ask for help to solve it. You can also turn to Orthodox prayer. We provided its text in the form of a picture.

How does the Iveron Icon help?

People turn to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God with a variety of problems. Both the person who needs help and his relatives can turn to her in prayer. Very often Mothers of Iveron pray to Our Lady whose children have not taken the path they should have followed.

Anyone who has sincerely repented of their sins and now wants to receive forgiveness from the Lord also turns to this icon for help.

The Iveron Icon is often asked to cure mere mortals from drunkenness, drug addiction and other addictions. It strengthens willpower and helps cope with the craving for sinful deeds.

Men who cheated on their wives and now really regret it and want to atone for their sin also turn to her. This icon helps the male representatives more.

The Iveron Mother of God icon can become an excellent protector of your home. She is able to drive away all enemies and dubious personalities from your family. Not a single enemy will dare to harm the house if there is an icon of the Iveron Mother of God in it.

You can turn to her so that the Mother of God will help heal both your mental and physical wounds. With any illness, you can send prayers in front of this icon and the Mother of God of Iveron will certainly help you recover.

Where to hang the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Since the original icon of the Iveron Mother of God itself did not want to be located inside the monastery and moved to the gate, then the icon should not be placed in the house far from the entrance. Hang the list of the Iveron Mother of God icon right above the front door. This is best done not from the outside, but from the inside. In this arrangement, it will more effectively drive away all evil spirits and evil people from you.

In addition, every time you leave the house, you will be able to pray to your great intercessor by looking at her image. After returning home, you can also read prayers to Our Lady of Iveron and thank you for a successful day.

When leaving the house, you can say, for example, the following words: “Help me, Mother of God of Iveron, live this day without tragedies and shocks. Save my life and health, and also protect my loved ones from harm on this day. Amen!"

When you return home after a successful day, you should say these words in front of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God: “Thank you, Mother Iverskaya, for your help in all matters. Thank you for the support you give me every day. Give me the strength to continue to live correctly, according to the Lord’s commandments, and not to do harm to anyone. Amen!"

Akathist to the Iveron Icon

The Akathist to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is read for a very long time, unlike a prayer. It must be pronounced, delving into the deep meaning. We offer you to listen to and watch a video clip in which this akathist will be presented.

Montreal Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

There is also the Montreal Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. Joseph Muñoz Cortes brought her to Montreal. He himself is a Spaniard by origin, who converted to Christianity at a young age. And this icon was painted from the original, that is, from the Iveron Mother of God Goalkeeper, by a Greek monk. This happened not so distantly, 1981.

Muñoz became the so-called custodian of this icon. One day a miracle happened. As Muñoz said, on November 24, 1982, in the middle of the night, right while he was sleeping, the Spaniard felt an indescribably blissful smell. It turned out that it was the icon of the Iveron Mother of God that was streaming myrrh.

Myrrh flowed straight from the hands of the Mother of the Lord, as well as from the little hands of Jesus. It was noticed that healing liquid is released even from the star, which is depicted on the right shoulder of the Mother of God.

People came from all cities, even from other countries, to look at the myrrh-streaming icon. It was later called the Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Iveron Mother of God. The liquid flowing from the face of the Mother of God had healing powers. The icon always exuded myrrh, with the exception of Holy Weeks.

The ministers of the church, together with Joseph Muñoz Cortes, traveled to many countries with this shrine. Many people were healed from all kinds of diseases with the help of this icon. She also had a conciliatory power. With the help of this shrine, couples who were on the verge of separation and painful divorce were able to come to a compromise.

Until the death of Joseph Muñoz, the icon streamed myrrh. This went on for 15 years. After Joseph was brutally killed, which happened on the night of October 30-31, 1997, the icon disappeared. Where she is currently is unknown.

Day of the Iveron Icon of God

They remember Our Lady of Iveron three times a year. Memorable days are: April 17, October 26 and February 25. In April, on the 17th, the day of remembrance of the icon is celebrated, since the original icon was painted on this day by a Greek monk.

In October, the day of the Iveron Mother of God icon is celebrated, because it was on this day that the icon was found by the Iveron Monastery on Mount Athos. In February, the 25th, the copy of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was transferred to Russia.

Where is the Iveron Icon located?

The original Iveron Icon of the Mother of God can be found on Mount Athos, in the monastery of the same name. It has been stored there for many years. Lists of the icon have spread throughout all countries and are stored in many Temples and churches. The original itself is quite large. Its size is 137 by 87 cm.

Schedule of services in the Church of the Iveron Icon

There are several Iveron temples across Russia. For example, there is such a temple in Izhevsk, in Moscow and in other cities. The schedule of services can be found on the websites of these churches. This is very convenient, because you don’t have to go anywhere. If you want to find out more accurate information, you can go to the temple itself and ask local ministers about everything in detail.

The miraculous Iveron Icon, miracles associated with the Iveron Icon

There are many legends about the icon of the Iveron Mother of God. She performed so many miracles and brought so much good to people that she can rightfully be called miraculous.

For example, there is a known case when several beggar wanderers came to a monastery on Mount Athos. They asked local monks for an overnight stay, but they were negative and did not let the poor fellows in without paying for the overnight stay. Then they went home, and by chance they met a rich woman, she gave them a gold coin. The wanderers went to the monks again, but this time they were refused. The next morning the monks discovered that all their food was spoiled. From that time on, they did not take money for overnight stays for travelers.

Another equally interesting fact is known. Near the original icon there is an unquenchable lamp. It tends to sway from side to side before approaching disaster. When the icon feels a strong shock, it sways so that the wax splashes around. By the way, before the strong earthquake in Armenia and the American attack on Iraq, the lamp also swayed.

Another very interesting story with a good ending happened in one of the churches where the copy of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was kept. A woman who recently lost her son accidentally came into this temple. She was already completely disillusioned with this world and wanted to commit suicide. She was already hatching a plan for her premature death. As soon as the woman looked at the icon, her face immediately changed and she changed her mind about taking her own life. The woman began to pray earnestly with tears in her eyes and ask for forgiveness for her sinful thoughts.

Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon

The myrrh-streaming icon of Our Lady of Iveron, as we have already said, was brought to Montreal by the Spaniard Joseph Muñoz Cortes. It did not start streaming myrrh immediately, but only a year after it was written. This icon is also called the Montreal icon. Joseph was considered the chosen man, chosen by the Mother of God herself.

The Spaniard, who converted to Christianity in his youth, kept this image all his life. All this time the icon exuded healing liquid. When Joseph was brutally murdered in Athens, which happened in 1997, the icon disappeared without a trace. They still can't find her anywhere.

Iveron icon on Mount Athos

The original Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is kept on Mount Athos. He is also called Goalkeeper. The name is due to the fact that the Mother of God herself wanted her image to be not inside the monastery, but outside it - above the gate at the entrance to this holy place.

To this day, the icon is kept in the Iveron Monastery, which is located on Mount Athos. It is quite large and there is a lamp next to it that never goes out. A distinctive feature of this icon is the bleeding wound on the face of the Mother of God.

Icon of the Mother of God Iverskaya Goalkeeper

We have already spoken about the icon called the Goalkeeper a little higher. Its name is due to the fact that the icon is located above the gates of the monastery on Mount Athos. Lists of the Goalkeeper can be found in many Russian churches. It is good to hang this icon at the entrance to your house so that evil people do not dare to cause anything terrible to your family.

Troparion to the Iveron Icon of God

We will provide the Troparion, which is read before the icon of the Iveron Mother of God, in the form of a video clip. You can read it in your own words. For example, it might look like this: “The Most Holy Mother of God, called Iverskaya. I place my hopes in you and ask you to deliver me from both physical torment and spiritual torment. Settle harmony in my soul and give peace to my body. The illnesses have tormented me, but they do not allow me to live a happy life. I have to rely only on you in such an evil hour. In the name of all Saints, Amen!”

Where is the Iveron Icon in Moscow

A list of the icon of the Iveron Mother of God in Moscow can be seen in the chapel at the Resurrection Gate. Since the 17th century, this place has been highly revered, and believers often come here for help from the Iveron Mother of God Goalkeeper.

It is most powerful in getting rid of all sorts of bad habits that are harmful to health. For example, it can save a person from drunkenness, drug addiction and smoking. Mothers often turn to her to rid their children of the above addictions.

Icon of the Iveron Mother of God with beads, photo

The Iveron Mother of God icon can be found embroidered with beads on the Internet. This icon can be considered healing and miraculous only if it was consecrated in the church.

The situation is also the same with other icons, which are made in the form of embroidery, painted independently on canvas or carved from wood with your own hands. All of them must first be consecrated in the church, and then hung at home to read prayers before them.

Now you know what the icon of the Iveron Mother of God looks like, what power it has, and what miraculous stories are associated with it.