
There is a mucous membrane in the vagina that secretes a viscous secretion, which in itself is the cleansing agent that removes dead cells out. Discharge is a harmless and natural phenomenon; it can appear due to hormonal changes in the body during the cycle (for example, during ovulation). That is why, if everything is fine with you and you do not suffer from any infectious diseases, it means that your body can cope with cleansing itself and there is no need to douche. It is quite enough to simply take a shower every day with intimate cleansers.

Many female representatives douche in order to cleanse the genitals of secretions. You must remember that you cannot douche every day, this procedure washes out your natural lubrication, and as a result you will change the acidity and disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina, and this will lead to irritation and dryness. Will decrease protective functions In addition, pathogenic microorganisms can multiply, which will lead to inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Women who are over 45, especially during menopause, generally need to forget about what kind of procedure this is. During this period, there is already a problem of vaginal dryness.


When the discharge is unhealthy and is a consequence of a disease, smells unpleasant, has an unusual consistency and color, causes irritation, burning and itching, then it’s time to contact a gynecologist, who will help you determine the diagnosis and tell you how and what to treat.

In such cases, they douche with medications that fight the disease and help ease and remove discomfort.

For example, diseases that are caused sexually are treated with antiseptic solutions. But they are used only for emergency prevention (for example, if you had unprotected sexual intercourse with a man you don’t know well), but it is impossible to get rid of the symptoms with these drugs alone.

If you suffer from inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, then decoctions will help you medicinal fees- calendula, sage and chamomile, as well as various antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. They will relieve inflammation and accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane.

For young girls and young women, the doctor may prescribe such a procedure (for example, for vulvovaginitis), but for this you need to use soft, thin rubber tubes. And douching is carried out only by a specialist who will do it with special care and caution.


Many women douche to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. However, it is worth remembering that this method is not reliable, because pregnancy occurs in 80% of cases. This is due to the fact that sperm move very quickly to the cervix - in some cases they only need 1.5 minutes. And you yourself know that in such a short period of time you will not be able to douche. In addition, sometimes sperm can be found in mucous secretions where the syringe stream is not sufficient. Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurs on a favorable day, it means that you will still get pregnant.

What solutions can be used?

If you want to douche for hygiene purposes, then use chamomile. Pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about twenty minutes. You can try a 2-3% solution boric acid, baking soda or furatsilin solution. One tablet of furatsilin should be dissolved in a glass of warm water, and a spoonful of soda should be dissolved in a glass of water. That's it, the infusion for douching is ready. Such decoctions and solutions do not cause any harm, so you can douche with them. However, you should not use soap and potassium permanganate - they will dry out the mucous membrane.

A gynecologist can tell you about medications, because it all depends on what disease or problem you have. If you suffer from thrush, then you can douche with tea tree oil or elderberry infusion. Take 30 g of the collection per half liter of water. The same solution is useful for colpitis and endocervicitis - this is inflammation of the cervix and vagina. Recently, pharmacies began supplying a drug called Hyposol. It contains methyluracil and sea buckthorn oil, therefore it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for many diseases - erosion, colpitis, endocervicitis, nonspecific vaginitis. In addition, douching with this drug helps heal post-surgical treatment of erosion. For a better effect, douche with chamomile decoction an hour before the sgiposol procedure.

If you suffer from inflammation, then chlorophyllipt will help you. It contains chlorophylls from eucalyptus leaves, which is why it has such an anti-inflammatory effect. One spoon of this solution should be diluted per liter of warm water.

Vagotil is a drug that is used very widely. It has a bactericidal effect, is able to heal damaged mucous membranes, and is also used in the treatment of trichomoniasis in combination with other drugs. It perfectly stops bleeding and relieves itching after removal of polyps and biopsy. 1-3 teaspoons should be diluted in 1 liter of warm water. These procedures can be done 2-3 times a day.

Is it possible to do douching on your own?

In any case, you first need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist, and he will tell you what to do in your case. If you do douche yourself, then be sure to read the instructions for the prepared solutions. If you are preparing herbal decoctions or other solutions, then make sure that they are not hot, only warm.

In any case, self-medication is very risky. You can spread the infection, which will make it more difficult to treat, so if you notice problems with yourself, go to the doctor.

Remember that before visiting the gynecologist, do not douche. You obviously will not become an example of a disease that the doctor has not yet dealt with. But the procedures can cause harm because the doctor makes an incorrect diagnosis and, even worse, prescribes the wrong treatment.

Douching rules

  1. It is best to douche in the bathroom. Lie on your back and put your legs up against the wall.
  2. First of all, relax, otherwise, due to tense muscles, the solution will not penetrate well into the vagina.
  3. For this procedure you need to use special irrigation syringes; they have a special tip, so they are very convenient. If you don’t have one, then you can use an Esmarch mug or a regular rubber syringe. The decoction or solution must be poured into the douche and carefully insert the tip into the vagina so as not to damage anything inside. To perform the procedure you will need 200–300 ml of decoction or solution.
  4. Make sure that the solution is poured in little by little so that there is no strong pressure. IN otherwise, fluid may enter the uterus and inflammatory processes will begin to develop. The solution should wash the vagina, after which it is poured out.
  5. For treatment, douching should be done in the morning and evening, and when the condition improves, once a day or even every other day. One course of treatment is about 10 days. The procedure should last 15 minutes.

You can't douche

Thrush is caused by the colonization of the vaginal microflora by fungi of the genus Candida, which are normally also present there, but in smaller quantity. Their increase occurs under the influence of various factors: decreased immunity, intestinal dysbiosis, stress, hormonal imbalances.

Perhaps every woman in the post-Soviet space knows what douching is. But not everyone knows how to properly douche for thrush at home, and in an effort to achieve good goals, not cause additional harm to their body.

Treating thrush with douching: to do or not?

What it is? At its core, douching for thrush in women is a therapeutic procedure that involves treating the vaginal mucosa with one or another medicinal solution. Properly performed douching is a convenient and safe method of treatment, which has virtually no restrictions and does not affect internal organs and systems.

Nevertheless, douching is strictly not recommended:

  • during pregnancy (this disrupts the natural microflora of the vagina and can cause increased dysbiosis or excessive dryness, which negatively affects the mother and baby);
  • before visiting a gynecologist (washing out the microflora threatens you with incorrect test results);
  • during menstruation (this poses a threat of infection of the uterus and promotes the spread of pathogenic microorganisms);
  • for acute inflammation, after abortion and childbirth.

This treatment also has a significant drawback - douching for thrush, chosen as an independent treatment at home, will not lead to a complete recovery. In addition, most gynecologists around the world, based on many clinical studies, claim that self-medication by douching is a very risky activity:

  1. Douching promotes the spread of infection and the development of inflammation of the uterine appendages, endometritis.
  2. When douching the natural composition of the normal vaginal microflora is disrupted, which provokes thrush itself.

Remember that for the treatment of thrush there are special effective medications in the form of suppositories or tablets, such as Livarol, Clotrimazole, Terzhinan and others. These are more reasonable, desirable treatment options than dubious douching with chamomile or soda.

How to do douching at home?

First of all, it is advisable to start the procedure twice a day - after sleep in the morning and in the evening, before bed. Then you can gradually move on to one time. The usual number of procedures is generally 8-10 times per course.

  1. Before douching, be sure to wash your genitals.
  2. You will need a regular syringe, or better yet an Esmarch mug, which is a container with a hose and two tips: vaginal and rectal. Boil the tip, rinse the rubber container well, pour it with hot water, and rinse it with boiled water.
  3. The prepared solution should be at body temperature, approximately 37 degrees.
  4. You can carry out irrigation for thrush right in the bathroom. Place Esmarch's mug on a wall or door, at a height of about 75 cm from your lower back, taking into account that you are lying in the bathtub. Lie on your back, make yourself comfortable. Bend your knees and spread them slightly to the sides. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline to avoid microtrauma to the mucous membrane. Insert it into the vagina to a depth of 5–7 cm, gradually open the clamp. The stream of solution should be weak and not cause discomfort. The healing solution will flow in and out of the vagina on its own, washing its walls.
  5. For the effectiveness of treatment, after washing the vagina, it is recommended to lie down for 15-20 minutes.
  6. For one douching, take 200 - 300 ml, a glass of medicinal solution or herbal infusion.

There are several options for douching at home, and each woman must decide for herself which one to choose. Whichever is convenient for you. If you do not dare to carry out the procedure at home yourself, then it will be done by a gynecologist in a hospital setting.

How to do douching for thrush?

To prepare any medicinal solution, you must use only boiled water at room temperature. The course of treatment ranges from several days to 1 week, until all symptoms of the disease completely disappear. The frequency of application is 1-2 times a day.

In addition to chamomile and soda, the following solutions can be used to treat thrush by douching:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Add a tablespoon of peroxide to a 0.5 liter jar of water and stir well.
  2. St. John's wort and onion. Add two tablespoons of St. John's wort to a liter of boiled water, leave for two hours and filter. The juice of half an onion is added to the resulting broth.
  3. Tea tree . Tea tree oil (1 tsp) and medical alcohol are mixed and five drops of the mixture are added to a glass of boiled water.
  4. Lemon. The juice from half a lemon is dissolved in a liter of water.
  5. Potassium permanganate. Several crystals are diluted in a glass of water; the solution should have a pale pink color.

Douching with soda is one of the more common methods home treatment thrush. A solution of soda makes the acidic environment of the vagina, which Candida fungi love, alkaline. During the procedure, the development and destruction of pathogenic microorganisms is stopped. Baking soda also helps get rid of unpleasant discharge and itching.

However, if you use soda solutions excessively, you can get the exact opposite effect. The vaginal mucosa becomes dry and an inflammatory-allergic reaction occurs. Douching with sodium bicarbonate is contraindicated during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth, especially in the presence of severe inflammation of the genital organs or erosions.

To prepare a solution for douching against thrush, mix 1 tsp in 500 ml of boiled water. soda The manipulation should be carried out in the morning and evening. Douching with a soda solution is performed in the absence of an allergy to alkalis. In addition, it is desirable that the woman does not take contraceptives.

Traditional medicine also suggests douching with chamomile infusion.

To prepare the decoction, take 2 tablespoons of dried flowers per 1 liter. boiling water. Pour boiling water over the flowers, put on the fire and bring to a boil. After the infusion has cooled to 37-38 degrees, it can be used for douching.

Such a wonderful natural antiseptic as chamomile can be combined with oak bark, taken in equal proportions, to enhance the effect. Douching with chamomile can be alternated with soda treatment.

It's not as common, but no less effective method. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antioxidant that destroys almost all known types of pathogenic bacteria, including viral and fungal infections. This solution inhibits the viability of anaerobic microorganisms living inside the vagina, which greatly facilitates general state in case of illness.

In order to prepare the liquid for the procedure, mix a tablespoon of peroxide and 0.5 liters of water (warm and boiled) and douche. If a fungal infection was present copious discharge, the procedure helps almost immediately. However, if you are not sure of the cause of the discharge, you should not use the method without first consulting a gynecologist.


Using furatsilin solution as a douching composition will relieve the unpleasant manifestations of thrush - itching, burning, irritation, swelling and inflammation.

To prepare the solution, five furatsilin tablets are diluted in 500 ml of boiling water or hot water (dissolves better).

Malavit is a popular herbal remedy. It can be bought at a pharmacy. The drug relieves swelling, destroys aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms.

The douching solution is prepared as follows: dilute 15 ml of solution in 300 ml of boiled water. The course of treatment is 5 days or more at the discretion of the attending physician.

The ready-made solution can be found in any pharmacy for quite affordable price. Initially, this drug comes in a convenient package that does not require the use of a syringe - the bottle is equipped with its own spout for convenient administration of the solution.

You should take a horizontal position and insert the spout of the bottle into the vagina. After squeezing out a little chlorhexidine, you need to lie down for a few minutes. Constant douching with this medicine is not recommended. Otherwise, bacterial vaginosis may occur.

Also, very often, douching with this substance provokes allergic reactions.

Douching is a common procedure for the treatment of gynecological diseases. This procedure can be carried out at home if it is assumed that properly prepared medicinal products are used and the optimal dosage of the components used is observed. Only if you know how to do douching at home can you count on a beneficial effect.

Many women are interested in why douching. In fact, many factors indicate a high level of effectiveness of the procedure.

  1. Antimicrobial irrigations can be performed before gynecological operations. Also, after surgery, douching can speed up recovery, but the procedure can only be performed after prior consultation with a doctor.
  2. Possibility assumed effective treatment vaginal infections, since it is supposed to eliminate microbes, bacteria that lead to inflammation. If you know how often to carry out the procedure and during what period it is recommended, you can count on improving the vaginal microflora.
  3. It is believed that baking soda can be used to conceive. This recommendation deserves attention if you need to normalize the microflora. In this case, douching is carried out in the middle menstrual cycle after consultation with an experienced doctor. In any other situations, douching does not in any way affect the chances of pregnancy, and therefore cannot be performed by those women who dream of their baby.
  4. Douching is often used in gynecology. This procedure can be carried out for thrush and many other female diseases, but it is advisable to use folk remedies only as a supplement.

Thus, home douching of the uterus can be effective, but it is advisable to first consult a doctor and consult regarding the chosen method of treatment.

Douching as a preventative measure

Douching can be done to prevent the risk of developing inflammatory processes. If necessary, the procedure is carried out within an hour after an important event, since in this case the effectiveness will be maximum.

You also need to know what douching can be used for preventive purposes. Two common drugs are usually used:

  1. Douching can be done miramistin, which is sold ready for use. The drug successfully treats thrush. It is supposed to eliminate unwanted symptoms and bacteria.
  2. Douching can also be done. In this case, it is possible to contribute to the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and colpitis.

Both drugs are sold in special 100-ml bottles, which are equipped with pipettes. Both medications are ready for douching.

You need to understand that the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases still cannot be 100% effective, so it is advisable to consult a doctor.

What solutions can you prepare yourself?

In many situations, it is important to know how to make a douching solution. Folk remedies can be effective if the procedure is carried out correctly.

  1. Soda solution. This solution helps reduce itching and eliminates local pathogenic bacteria. To prepare the solution, use 500 milliliters of boiled, settled water with the addition of soda (usually a teaspoon is enough, since the product should not be concentrated). It is very important to thoroughly dissolve the soda, after which the solution must be diluted with a glass of ordinary boiled water.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide solution. The procedure is considered beneficial. In this case, you can improve the vaginal microflora. So, the solution is prepared as follows: hydrogen peroxide is dissolved in 0.5 liters. In the future, the concentrated solution is regularly used for the procedure, as it can show a high level of effectiveness.
  3. Chamomile decoction. The procedure can also be carried out, because it is recognized as an effective and safe medicinal plant. Use a tablespoon of chamomile flowers for 2 glasses of water. It is advisable to use a warm solution for douching, which will first be filtered.

Folk remedies need to be prepared only in the correct dosage. In addition, you need to know how many days to do the procedure to achieve the desired results. Usually the recommended course duration is from 5 to 7 days.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

Douching must be carried out in the correct way, since not only the result of the treatment, but also the woman’s safety depends on it. The ideal option is to see a doctor for the procedure, but in reality the event can be carried out independently at home.

It is very important to properly prepare the medicinal solution, using all components in optimal quantities. In the future, you need to make sure that the medicinal solution is at the optimal temperature using a special thermometer.

Do not use too cold or hot water, as it will negatively affect women's health. Moreover, you need to use only settled or bottled boiled water, since unboiled plain water contains too many potentially dangerous substances. It is important to note that mineral water for the procedure can only be used as specifically prescribed by a gynecologist.

At home, you can use a syringe or a special syringe. However, for many women, Esmarch's mug will be comfortable. If the device was previously used for enemas, it is no longer suitable for douching.

It is important to remember: the tip of the device must be perfectly clean, so disinfection is carried out using boiling water for several minutes.

If special syringes without a needle are used, they should be discarded immediately after the procedure. Such syringes are disposable, so their reuse is highly undesirable.

The procedure is best carried out in the bathroom. In this case, the woman should lie on her back, bending her legs apart at the knees. The solution is administered very slowly. Any sudden movements are considered potentially dangerous. After the procedure, you need to relax and lower your legs. In order to remedy If it works, it is recommended to lie down for several minutes or up to half an hour.

Proper execution procedure is very important, as it determines effectiveness and safety.

When is it not advisable to douche?

It is important to understand that douching leads to the leaching of natural lubrication, as a result of which the vaginal tissue may be dry, and there is also a risk of acidity disturbance and the subsequent development of organ irritation. In addition, a long course leads to disruption of the protection of the mucous membranes.

It is for this reason that women are interested in whether it is possible to do douching during pregnancy and menstruation, because the procedure affects the microflora to one degree or another.

First of all, women after 45 years of age should refuse the procedure due to serious hormonal changes.

It is advisable to refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • menstruation;
  • absence of any preventive or therapeutic indications;
  • a planned visit to the doctor when you need to know the exact picture of the disease;
  • in the first month after labor or abortion;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute inflammation.

During pregnancy, douching is undesirable for the following reasons:

  • influencing the uterus;
  • components of the injected solution can negatively affect the fetus;
  • there is a risk of a negative impact on the development of the fetus, which is protected from external factors;
  • there is a risk of the onset and development of female diseases;
  • Premature birth may occur.

Douching with drugs or folk remedies can be carried out only according to indications and taking into account certain recommendations. Only if you know how to do douching at home can you count on favorable results and improved women's health.


Self-cleaning of the vagina

It is known that the mucous membrane of a woman’s vagina itself secretes a special viscous secretion. It is a natural cleanser that helps remove various dead cells. This discharge is harmless and natural. They appear due to hormonal cyclic changes (during ovulation, for example). Therefore, if a woman’s body is healthy and there are no infectious diseases, then there is no need for douching. Basic daily hygiene using intimate detergents is sufficient.

Very often, ladies also douche to cleanse the mucous membrane of the genital organs from secretions. Doctors are categorically against this. After all, such daily douching can wash away natural lubrication. This, in turn, can cause irritation and dry tissue, leading to changes in the acidity of the vaginal microflora. As a result, the protective functions of the vaginal mucosa are reduced. This is fraught with the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, various inflammatory diseases may begin.

Who shouldn't douche?

First of all, it is worth noting that douching is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. This can increase the risk of air passing through the cervix and even cause premature labor. There is also a risk of transmission of infection from mother to fetus.

The douching procedure should not be carried out during menstruation, in the first weeks after an abortion or childbirth, when inflammatory diseases(metroendometritis, adnexitis, parametritis).

When is douching useful?

Most often, douching is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. For this, infusions of medicinal plants are used - sage, chamomile, calendula, as well as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. This procedure relieves inflammation and promotes healing of the mucous membrane. However, the douching procedure can be carried out only after consultation with a specialist.

Douching and protection

Some ladies practice douching to protect against pregnancy. But doctors warn: this method of contraception is not reliable. Thus, conception after douching can occur in almost 80% of cases. The thing is that sperm move to the cervix very quickly (two minutes is enough).

Douching is a procedure for irrigating the internal genital tract. special solution for the purpose of treating or preventing female diseases. In what cases is it necessary to douche and how to do it correctly?

Most women spend it at home. However, not everyone knows about the rules and contraindications when performing the procedure. Violation of the dosage of the solution or incorrect use of the syringe may result in unpleasant consequences in the form of the development of inflammatory processes and disturbances of the vaginal microflora.

In gynecology

For vaginal douching in a medical facility, an Esmarch mug is used. The procedure is performed on a gynecological chair. Esmarch's mug is filled with a specially prepared solution medicine and is suspended in a vertical position at a height of approximately 10 centimeters above the level of the chair. Before douching, the patient’s external genitalia are treated with a solution of furatsilin or distilled water. Then the tip of the mug is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5-7 centimeters and the solution is released inside with a small pressure.

At home

Douching is performed using a regular syringe or a rubber bulb. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure while lying in the bathtub with your knees bent and relaxed.

Douching is performed in the following sequence:

  • Pour the solution at room temperature into the syringe. For one session you will need about 200-250 milliliters of liquid.
  • Take a comfortable position. It is best for a woman to lie down in the bathtub and put her feet on its sides. If this is not possible, then you can douche while standing over the toilet or in a basin, but then you need to bend your legs a little and lean forward.
  • Carefully insert the tip of the douche into the vagina to a depth of 5 centimeters. The resulting microtraumas to the mucosa can provoke the development of a bacterial infection, which will further aggravate the course of the disease.

  • Slowly introduce the solution inside, then contract the vaginal muscles for a few seconds and then relax. By pressing the syringe, you should control the pressure of the stream; it should not be powerful and sharp. Otherwise, the fluid will enter the uterus and provoke the development of an inflammatory process.

It is important to disinfect the syringe after douching. To do this, you can rinse the inside with a solution of potassium permanganate and wipe the outside with alcohol. It is prohibited to use the same tip for douching and enemas.

Why do

The procedure is prescribed to women with the following diseases:

  • Thrush.
  • Inflammation of the cervix (various etiologies).
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Deviation from the norm of the vaginal microflora.
  • Colpitis.
  • Chronic cystitis.
  • Endometritis.

For girls, douching is mainly prescribed to treat vulvovaginitis, using plastic or soft rubber tubes. The procedure is performed very carefully only by a paramedic or doctor.

Some women use douching as protection against unwanted pregnancy. However, this is an erroneous opinion and such a procedure is ineffective, even if the girl performs it immediately after intercourse. Vaginal douching is also ineffective for protecting against sexually transmitted infections.

Douching is also used by many women as a routine hygiene procedure. However, it is extremely undesirable to interfere with the natural, normal microflora of the vagina unless absolutely necessary. In the absence of illnesses, a daily shower is enough to maintain hygiene.

What can you do

For douching at home, infusions from medicinal herbs(chamomile, oak bark, celandine, calendula, wormwood, sage, St. John's wort, yarrow, thyme, nettle, burdock root, string, hogweed), as well as solutions of soda or salt. The choice depends on the purpose of the procedure. For example, douching with chamomile is performed in the treatment of thrush and erosion, and calendula is prescribed to women for colpitis and various inflammations of the vagina.

Soda solution is very popular among women as a means to treat thrush and eliminate its symptoms. The product is also used to increase the likelihood of conception in conditions of increased acidity in the genital tract. Soda neutralizes excess acidity in the vagina, facilitating freer penetration of seminal fluid into the uterine cavity.

To neutralize fungal microorganisms and restore the natural environment of the vagina, solutions prepared on the basis of fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. You will need 1 teaspoon of the product and 250 milliliters of warm water. For mild symptoms of candidiasis, 2-3 douches per day are sufficient.

Tea tree oil is also used for douching; it has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. To carry out the procedure, you must first prepare a solution: mix the oil with medical alcohol (1:1 ratio), and then add a few drops of this mixture to a glass of water. Douche for 7 days no more than once a day.

Among the pharmaceutical preparations for douching in gynecology are:

  • Furacilin.
  • Chlorhexidine.
  • Miramistin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Boric acid.
  • Chlorophyllipt.
  • Vagotil.
  • Dekasan.
  • Vagil powder.
  • Romazulan.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Citeal.
  • Rotokan.
  • Tantum rose.
  • Malavit.

Thanks to antiseptic, antibacterial, antimycotic and other beneficial properties, pharmaceutical preparations destroy pathogenic bacteria, including fungal and viral infections. The drugs inhibit the viability of anaerobic microorganisms located inside the vagina, which alleviates the general condition of the disease. However, douching with medicinal solutions can only help in the initial stages of the disease and as an adjuvant to the main treatment; for chronic or advanced processes they are ineffective.

During menstruation

Douching should not be done during menstruation, as there is a risk of infections entering the cervix.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, procedures not agreed upon with the attending physician are not permitted, especially during early stages. Any wrong move can cause a miscarriage or jeopardize the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

You should also not do douching after an abortion and in the first 1-1.5 months after childbirth. During this period, the process of restoring the mother’s body and healing of possible tears and sutures is still underway.