You need to know what Satanism is in order to understand and be able to distinguish. People usually stay away and deprive themselves of Reason (the discriminating, developed mind). In order for him to read more, but this is not enough, he also needs to independently analyze, think, seek the Truth, and clear away the chaff. And the most important thing is to gain SANE MIND - THE ABILITY TO DISCRIMINATE. And this is only possible if you have KNOWLEDGE.

What's happening now? Seizure of our “layer”, the world of people, by demonic forces with the help of LIES and VIOLENCE (“ kill the best of the goyim"as the Talmud says). Their goal is to drive them to MADNESS.

I'll give you something here, Indian, Buddhist philosophy, and the philosophy of the Magi, servants of Veles (Satan) will be understood:

Basics of Chaognosticism, or Alchemy of Chaos

I. About the Great Abyss, the Source of all things
The source of everything is the Primordial Darkness (Great Nav), Abyss, Chaos, indescribable Radiant Darkness. She alone is the True Nature of the Manifested World, or Cosmos, of all things. Darkness is not God, not the Divine Person, not the personified Creator, and certainly not the “Heavenly Slave Owner.” She - Eternal Waters / Heavenly Iriy Khinevich, black matter/ over Time, beyond all names and forms. Everything came from Her, and everything will return to Her in due time.. The nature of Darkness is the Black Flame of Undefiled Wisdom, invisible to carnal eyes, incomprehensible to reason, ineffable, Uncreated Light more than the light of this World (Created Light).

II. About God the Creator, the Demiurge of this World
God the Creator, Demiurge of this World - Yahweh of Judaism, Jaldabaoth of Gnosticism, Brahma of Hinduism, Svarog of the Slavic Rodnoverie, etc. — personified Light, born in Darkness, as the embodiment of one of Her countless internal potentialities, and who opposed himself to Her - Creator of Cosmic Illusion (Maya, Mayats of this World), Heavenly Usurper, keeping the souls of living beings in ignorance of their True Nature (Great Darkness, Abyss, Chaos), chained to the Wheel of Rebirth, the Collapse of Being, or the “bad infinity” of closed Time. / HAVING CREATED A HARMONIOUS LIGHT WORLD, ITS LAWS, GIVING EVERYONE THE OPPORTUNITY TO DEVELOP SPIRITUALLY, FOLLOW THE GOLDEN PATH, IMPROVE, THE SPACE IS REAL, NOT ILLUSORAL, see Bhagavad-gita chapter 16 text 8, it is clearly said there and in Prabhupada's commentary that Demons consider the world an illusion and a dream/

III. About the Heavenly Warrior and his Adversary
The power of the Demiurge, separating and protecting the Cosmos from Chaos, manifested from the Primordial, personified as the Heavenly God-Warrior, Guardian of Cosmic Order— Indra, Perun etc. — Demiurgic Principle of Limitation, operating within the Cosmos. He is hindered by the Adversary - Lucifer(Lucifer) Satan, Veles (Volos) etc. — The Power of Primordial Chaos, acting inside the Cosmos and leading the souls of living beings to Liberation from the power of the Demiurge and his Archons (“Rulers” of the Gods of this World subordinate to the Demiurge). The enemy is neither a “God” nor an “Anti-God” of this World, being the Personification of the Black Flame of Dissolution and the Highest Wisdom of the Primordial, incomprehensible to the ignorant (ignorant of his True Nature) Demiurge and his Archons.

IV. About the power of the Demiurge, or the “captive Goddess”
The Demiurge himself has no other power than the One Which he took from Chaos, separating from It, and it is through this Power - the “captive Goddess”, in the figurative language of the Gnostic myth - it holds captive the souls of living beings who have “forgotten” WHO they really are /HERE ARE ALL THE TEACHINGS OF THE EAST ABOUT “LIBERATION”/ . Although the total “quantity” of the captured Power is disproportionately small compared to the Power of the Primordial, It is more than enough to maintain the Cosmic Illusion in the minds of the ignorant. The “Captured Goddess” is the Serpentine Power, Kundalini Shakti, imprisoned in the lower chakra and eager to reunite with Its Source - the Supreme Spirit, or Shiva, in order to find Liberation in Him. But while She is not freed and is in captivity of the Demiurge, She is the Power that binds the souls of all living beings with the Threads of Fate, the fetters of Gemarmena, chains their souls with the chains of Karma to the Wheel of Birth and Death, dooming them to the Eternal Return [in “bad infinity” closed in the circle of Time]. /IT IS THANKS TO VELES THAT DEATH AND DISEASE, WINTER APPEARED, AND BECAUSE OF HIM THE WHEEL OF BIRTH AND DEATH APPEARED/

V. About our True Nature and Prophetic Call
True Nature - Supreme Spirit in living beings
— manifests itself in the Consciousness of the ready as an internal urge free yourself from the shackles of Cosmic Illusion, challenging the power of the Demiurge, breaking the chains of the Jailer of Souls. Ready to comprehend the Highest Truth, according to the Teachings of Haagnosticism (or Chaognosticism), is only the one who has heard the Prophetic Call in his Heart - a person who is neither carnal (gilik) nor spiritual (psychic), but Spiritual (Pneumatic).

VI. About the ignorance of the Demiurge and about the Archons /IS THEY IGNORANCE?! MAD MEN!/
The Demiurge does not know his True Nature
, believing himself to be the One and Only God, above whom there is no one and nothing. Therefore, in a certain sense, it can be likened to a person's false self, or his mental ego- the generation and stronghold of the Demiurgic Forces in our soul, not knowing its Source - the Supreme Self, the Immortal Spirit beyond all names and forms. At the same time, the Archons, “Rulers”, or Gods of this World, assistants of the Demiurge, can be likened to various personal traits, or character qualities of a given person, which in essence are nothing more than the Covers of the Primordial, Immortal Spirit, or the True Nature of man and of everything that exists.

VII. About the Adversary Archetype and Its Three Aspects
The Adversary Archetype Manifests Itself: Firstly, How The Principle of Destruction, introducing dynamics into the existence of the surrounding World /VELES LOOKED THE WORLD IN MOTION: SUMMER BEGAN TO BE REPLACED BY WINTER, HEALTH AND YOUTH - DISEASES, OLD AGE AND DEATH/ , secondly, how Principle of Uncreation Veils (or destruction of ignorance) / THEY DESTROY BODIES AND SOUL SHELLS, ABOUT THIS BELOW/ , acting in the Consciousness of the person himself, and thirdly, how Spiritual Mentor and Teacher of those walking the Path of Return /NIVRITTI MARGA - IN TANTRA THESE ARE 5,6,7 steps: vama, siddhanta (including aghora and yoga) and kaula/, or a person striving for liberation, being, in fact, not any separate, independent being, but his own Transpersonal Immortal Nature, or the Supreme Spirit. The Nature of the Adversary is the Black Flame of Dissolution, burning not outward, but inward, dissolving the Veils and destroying the illusions of the Created Light of the Demiurge. The Adversary is also known by the Names: Light Bearer (lat. Lucifer) - for He is the One Who carries the Light of Awakening, the Flame of the Undefiled Wisdom of Darkness, the Morning Star - for He is the One Who marks the onset of the Eternal Aeon (Which will come when the reign of the Temporary Aeons ends , subject to the Demiurge), and the First - for He is the One who first walked this Path. True Eternity, embodied in the Eternal Aeon, is the absence of all Time /AND TIME IS ENDLESS, DEATH APPEARED BECAUSE OF SATAN /; The eternity of the Demiurge is Time closed in a ring, the “bad infinity” of the eternal Colverty of successive Temporal Aeons.

VIII. About the Removal Path and the Return Path
The movement “outward” is called the Path of Removal, since it turns a person’s Consciousness from “internal” to “external”, while the movement “inward” is called the Path of Return, since it turns Consciousness from the manifested to the Primordial, from Cosmos to Chaos, from the Created Light to the Primordial Darkness.
Moreover, the very division of the One into “external” and “internal” is generated by man’s ignorance of his True Nature - beyond the limits of any duality of this World. Overcoming duality on the Path of Return means the reunification of the Animus and Anima - the masculine (Animus) and feminine (Anima) principles of the human soul (according to the terminology of depth psychology), - Mercury and Venus, Hermes and Aphrodite, sometimes changing places. Thus, in the language of Alchemical Symbols it is said that the Light of the Morning Star (Venus-Lucifer), fertilizing the “Mercury of the Philosophers” (tincture of Mercury, represented in the form of a beautiful Woman), [revives] Hermaphrodite (Hermes + Aphrodite) - the Perfect Being, abiding beyond the duality of this World, the Alchemical Rebis (Rebis - literally: “Double Thing”). Of course, we are not talking about an apology physical deformity on the external level, but about achieving internal Harmony between two Cosmic Origins (the initial stage of the Work) and their further complete reunification, or merging together, within the adept, that is, about overcoming the illusion of duality and the Return to the Primordial Spiritual Unity in the One (the final stage of the Work).

IX. About Higher Gnosis and Spiritual Liberation
The Higher Gnosis, according to the Teachings of Haognosticism, lies in the direct non-conceptualized Knowledge of one’s True Nature, which is revealed through Spiritual Self-Knowledge and going beyond all duality. Thus, liberation from the power of the Demiurge is possible only through internal Spiritual Awakening and Liberation from the power of one’s own false self, or ego /OWN PERSONALITY!/ , through which the Demiurge and his Archons rule us /LYING - WE ARE FREE, THE DEMONS ARE CONTROLLED BY SATAN, THEY ARE ZOMBIES, ON THE FOREHEAD THE PENTAGRAM IS A ZOMBIE PROGRAM/ . Truly, “cut off the head” of your ego and “pierce the Veils of the Created Light with the Spear of Darkness”- means “cut off the head” of the Demiurge and, having seen with your Prophetic Eye (opened by the Uncreated Light of Undefiled Wisdom) behind the qualities of the Qualityless, behind the Multiplicity of this World the Primordial Unity, - free yourself forever from the power of the Archons and the Temporary Aeons subject to them, turning your Heart to To the Eternal Aeon, to the very Heart of Darkness.

Sapienti sat!

It is necessary to distinguish Chaos- How Initial, Simple One in Itself, Parabrahman (Unmanifested Absolute), The Incomprehensible and Indescribable “Yawning Abyss” from Which everything came; and chaos in the ordinary sense - as a disorderly accumulation of something in the Material World or the absence of a clear structure in anything related to this World (the Manifested World, or Cosmos).
See Appendix 1: “Darkness, Gloom and Abyss among Christian Mystics.”
Cosmos is an ordered, differentiated, limited existence.
Demiurge (from the Greek ????? - “people”, and ????? - “business”, “craft”, “trade” - literally: “master”, “craftsman”, “ creator") - originally the name of the class of artisans in Ancient Greece. Subsequently, in a word Demiurge began to mean the Creator, the Creative principle in the Universe. In Christian Theology, the Demiurge is God the Creator. In the Gnostic tradition, the Demiurge is sometimes represented as the Seven Archons (“Rulers”; from the Greek ????? - “chief”, “ruler”), corresponding to the seven stages of Creation.
With some reservations, Archangel Michael, who fought with Lucifer, according to Christian mythology, can be placed in the same row.
The "Captured Goddess" in the Gnostic tradition is known as Sophia - "Wisdom". In the Tantric Shakti tradition there is both Mahamaya ("Great Illusion") and Mahavidya ("Great Knowledge"). Among the ancient Jews in the pre-biblical (Pagan) period, the Great Goddess was revered under the name Asherah (????); Wed also Astarte (?????????), Ishtar, etc.
While this Power is in captivity of the Demiurge, It manifests itself not as Wisdom (Greek: Sophia; Sanskrit: Mahavidya), but as ignorance (Sanskrit: Avidya), holding the souls of living beings in the fetters of Cosmic Illusion (Mahamaya).
The Supreme Self is the Great Nothing, Which is at the same time the Root and Uncaused Cause of Everything, our True Nature. /THE KHARISHNAITS HAVE THE TRUE EGO IS SERVICE.. TO SATAN/
The Eternal Aeon - Infinite, Unborn - never began and therefore will never end. But living beings who have forgotten their True Nature, i.e. all those whose souls are captured by the Demiurge are in the power of the Temporary Aeons and therefore do not know the Eternal Aeon. Only when the power of the Temporal Aeons ends, and there is no more Time, will the souls of living beings awakened from their dark sleep - the Immortal Flames of Black Fire existing in Eternity - recognize Him.

VIII. Velez and Morena

1. Veles is the Prophetic Call of our True Nature in the Abode of the Heart. Morena is the Abyss of Origin itself, the Eternal Darkness, incomprehensible to reason., but being the True Nature of all things.
2. “Veles” and “Morena” are different Names THE NAMELESS, the personification of different points of view on the ONE, various aspects of the actualized INFINITY. Each of Them - the Horned Father Veles, and the Great Dark Mother Morena - is the UNBORN Itself in all Its fullness, described through Its various potencies.
3. Thus, Veles is a Guide to the World of Pure Spirit, as well as the personification of the unconditioned state of Consciousness. Morena is the Abyss of the ETERNAL [acausal Chaos], as well as the Source of all Forces operating in the Manifested World [causal Cosmos].
4. Veles's Wisdom is non-conceptualized Knowledge, addressed to the knower himself, known as Spiritual Knowledge - Knowing the True SELF. The Power of Morena is the Fiery Blood of the Teachings of the Magi, Spiritual Energy of Transubstantiation.
5. Following the Prophetic Call, a person takes the Path of Return and follows it, maintaining Silence and Stillness. Reaching the Goal of the Path, he gains nothing, but loses everything that he once considered “his,” including “himself.” Only free from the illusion of false self, by losing “yourself”, truly reveals YOURSELF. This loss on the Shuyny Path is called the “Great Finding”. /SLAVERY TO SATAN, FREEDOM FROM FREEDOM WITH THE CREATOR/

Dictionary 13 basic concepts

Teachings of the Great Navi:
Necessary clarifications regarding "Darkness", "Light", etc.
(Liber 13)

The fundamentals of the Great Navi Teachings are contained in three Books:
1) “The Book of Great Navi: Chaosophy and Russian Navoslavie” - The Teaching is presented in the conceptual language of Slavic Paganism;
2) “Delomelanikon: Alchemy of Chaos” - The Teaching is presented in the language of Gnosticism, European Hermeticism and Alchemy;
3) “Liber ABRAXAS” (“Book “ABRAXAS”) - The Teaching is presented in the language of the Integral Tradition.

1. Despite the fairly complete and unambiguous (in our opinion) explanations of the concepts of “Darkness” and “Light”, “Great Nav” and “Revealed World”, “Chaos” and “Cosmos”, as well as some others given in the “Book Great Navi" (see, for example, Liber I.I), among some followers of the Shuyny path there are still disagreements regarding the terminology of the Teaching.
2. Confusion occurs mainly due to a confusion of concepts, when the Great Nav is confused with the World of Navi (the Lower World in the Tremirya), and the entire Revealed World (the Tremirye Yav-Nav-Prav) with the World of Reveal (the Middle World in the Tremirya), Darkness Origins - with physical darkness in Revealed, Uncreated Light (Invisible to carnal Radiance of the Inexpressible) - with physical light or the personified Light of the Demiurge born from Eternal Darkness, Eternal Chaos (Great Unmanifested) - with the chaos of mixing physical forms (banal disorder or lack of clearly expressed structures) etc.
3. In addition, some terms are sometimes mistakenly assigned meanings borrowed from other spiritual and religious systems. So, for example, in the Teachings of the Great Navi Greek word Cosmos (literally: “Ordered”) means the entire Revealed World, born from the Eternal Chaos (the Abyss, the Darkness of Origin, or the Great Navi), while for many followers of the exoteric directions of modern Esotericism, the word Cosmos personifies the Spiritual aspect of the Universe, the source of “contact” revelations, etc.
4. To clarify the current situation, we have compiled the following “Dictionary...”.

Dictionary 13 basic concepts
Great Navi teachings

I. GREAT NAV - Pure Spirit, True Nature and Causeless (Acausal) Source of all things, Great Void /NIRVANA OF THE BUDDHISTS, BRAHMAN UPANISHAD/ , containing in itself an infinity of potentialities, Radiant Darkness of the Unborn, Great Abyss, Eternal Darkness of Origin, or Primordial Chaos; Wed Parabrahman (Unmanifest Absolute) Vedic tradition, Parasiva in Advaita Shaiva Dharma (Teachings of Non-Dual Shaivism), Zervan Akarana (Infinite Time, or Eternity beyond the finite Time of this World) in Zervanism, etc.

II. CHAOS(Greek ????; from Greek ????? - “to open up”, “to open up”) - Great Nav, Primordial Formless, Incomprehensible, Pre-Existent Abyss(cf. Greek ?????, Scand. Ginungagap), from Which all things came. From the word “Chaos” come: Haognosticism (???-??????; from the Greek ?????? - “Knowledge”) and Chaosophy (???-?????; from the Greek. ????? - “Wisdom”).
Wed. “The Book of the Great Navi” (Liber I.I:I.7): “There is a Primordial Chaos, Which is incomparably greater than the chaos of mixing, consisting of “fragments” and “shells” of what once existed.”
In the ordinary sense, chaos is understood as the lack of order in a system, the confusion or disorderly arrangement of something. Sometimes the World of Navi is called chaos - the “wrong side” of Reveal in Tremirya, the World of obsolete and decaying “shell” forms.. All these meanings have nothing to do with the Great Navy, or the Primordial Chaos. /REALLY? :)/

III. THE REVEALED WORLD - all that exists in its entirety, the Revealed Existence, the Three Worlds (the Lower World of Navi, the Middle World of Reveal and the Upper World of Rule).
Wed. “The Book of the Great Navi” (Liber I.I:I.8): “From the Great Navi the Revealed is born, as the embodiment of one of the infinity of the potentialities of the Great Navi.” /THE CREATOR SEPARATED THESE MAD PEOPLE FROM THE WORLD OF LIGHT, BY MAKING A BORDER IN REALITY, NOW THE UNITED NAV WAS DIVIDED INTO LIGHT, Glory, AND DARK, NAV/
The Revealed World, or the totality of all Three Worlds, should not be confused with the Revealed World, or the Middle World in the Three Worlds.

IV. SPACE(Greek ?????? - “Ordered”) - the Revealed World, the ordered Universe, the Universe, the entire Material World (including all the subtle planes of Existence).
Wed. “Book of the Great Navi” (Liber I.I:I.9): “ From the Primordial Chaos the Cosmos is born, as the embodiment of one of the infinity of the potentialities of the Primordial Chaos».
In a narrow sense, cosmos means the Revealed World in the Three Worlds (not to be confused with Cosmos, or the Revealed World, as the totality of the Three Worlds).

V. DARKNESS— 1) Darkness of Origin, or Great Nav; 2) darkness (with a small letter) of ignorance, the personification of a) Spiritual ignorance (ignorance of one’s True Nature, Great Navi) or b) ignorance of something, i.e. mental ignorance in any area of ​​Life; 3) darkness (with a small letter) as the absence of physical light.
Wed. “Book of the Great Navi” (Liber I.I:I.10): “The Manifest is Duality, the Unmanifest is One . Therefore, being born from the Darkness of the Eternal Night - Mahakalaratri ("Great Night of Times" in the Vedic tradition), - Light is divided within itself into light and darkness, into day and night. And further (Liber I.I:I.11): “Born from the Bottomless Womb of the Great Dark Mother Morena, - the Womb Which is the Abyss Itself, ?????, Ginungagap, - Light, or the Manifested, is divided into the existing and the non-existent, into Reality and Nav, space (order) and chaos (disorder), therefore it is said that the Manifest World is the World of Duality [in difference from the One - Primordial Chaos, Great Navi].”

VI. LIGHT— 1) Revealed, born from the Darkness of Origin, “the embodiment of one of the infinity of the potentialities of the Great Navi” (Liber I.I:I.8), Creature Light; 2) the Light of True Knowledge, invisible to carnal eyes, the Radiance of the Black Flame of Undefiled Wisdom, the Uncreated Black Light of the Great Navi; 3) light (with a small letter) in the physical sense of the word.
Wed. “The Book of the Great Navi” (Liber I.I:I.12): “So the One Incomprehensible - the Great Nav, the Primordial Chaos - generates from Itself the Revealed, the Light, personified in the form of the Demiurge, the Creator of all things, which manifests itself as the Divine Couple - Father and Mother (Svarog and Lada - in the Slavic tradition /YANG AND YIN, CREATOR AND PRIMARY CHAOS OF DARKNESS OF NOTHINGESS, DARK MATTER/ ), cosmos (order, ordered within the Universe) and chaos (disorder, disordered within the Universe), Reality and Nav, which, in turn, give rise to all the darkness of things that exist in the World of Duality.”
The Teachings of the Great Navi speak about the removal of the shells of Light on the Path of Return — consistent disidentification of the seeker with his “cosmic” (participating in the Cosmos and the Demiurge) bodies: “The spiritual path can be described as a sequence of “removing” from the True Self the evil (Sanskrit Maya) shells of the Revealed World, or the shells of Light” (Liber I.XIV:9). These shells correspond to the physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, buddhial and Divine bodies of man (Liber I.XIV:10-18). And further: “At the level of the body of Bliss (i.e., the “buddhial” body), a person encounters the last and most difficult shell of his True Nature - the Self-luminous Light, radiating as if from Nowhere. This Light is born directly from the Indescribable - from the Womb of the Eternal Darkness, as the visible (limited) aspect of the Invisible Black Flame of the Primordial Chaos” (Liber I.XIV: 19-20). The withdrawal of the seventh shell of Light, or disidentification with one’s “Divine” body, means the complete and final overcoming of the illusion of the existence of one’s Higher Self as a certain independent “Essence”, separate from the One Unborn, the Great Navi.

VII. DEMIURG (from the Greek ????? - “people”, and ????? - “business”, “craft”, “trade” - literally: “master”, “artisan”, “creator”) - God -Creator of the Revealed World, personification of Light, “false selfhood” of the Primordial.
Demiurge was originally the name of a class of artisans in Ancient Greece. Thus, the demiurge-potter gives shape to clay that already exists in his field of activity, but is not the creator of clay as a substance. Subsequently, in a word Demiurge began to mean the Creative, Creative Principle in the Universe(Plato was the first to use it in this meaning). In Christian Theology, the Demiurge is God the Creator. In Gnosticism - the imperfect Creator of the World, often identified with the Jewish God " Old Testament». /YES?! IMPERFECT? AND THE HARATHIS OF LIGHT SAY “WE CAN SPEAK ABOUT THEM AS ALL-PERFECT, ALL-GOOD, ALL-KNOWING”/
Wed. “The Book of the Great Navi” (Liber I.I:I.13): “The Creator is the One, but not the One, although he considers himself to be such. In his ignorance of his True Nature originates the ignorance (Sanskrit avidya - “ignorance”, “ignorance”) of every “individual” living being generated by the Father and Mother of all things.” And also (Liber II.I:11): “In a certain sense, the Demiurge himself is the “false self” of Chaos, which arose as the self-personification of Light - one of the infinite number of potencies of the Eternal Darkness, or Great Navi.”
In man, the power of the Demiurge manifests itself as a false self, or mental ego, with which a person mistakenly identifies himself, while our True Nature, or Supreme Self, is the Pure Spirit, the Great Nav.
The false self of man is a “spark of the Svarozh Forge”, a particle of the White Fire of Creation, while our True Nature is the Black Flame burning in the very Heart of Darkness.
A person’s false self, in a certain sense, is the “creator” of his personal Image of the World, which exists in the mind of a given person.
It is the false self that causes the duality of human perception /THE TRUTH: I AM NOT, RIGHT?! FALSE SELF, MADNESSES!/ and “fragmentation” of the Unified Consciousness into countless “fragments”, each of which, personified, lays claim to the “Royal Throne”. For more information on this, see “The True King” (Liber II.VIII).
The idea of ​​the division of the Demiurge within himself, the splitting of the false self into many smaller egos, constantly at war with each other, is developed in the Book “Delomelanikon: Alchemy of Chaos” (3.1): “Know that the Seven Rulers, or Archons, known as the Existent [= Demiurge], created seven Heavens, capturing the seven Flames of Fire that burned in the Abyss, the Non-Existent.” And further (4.2): “So, from Darkness, the Uncreated Light, Light came out, an infinitesimal part of the Whole, and imagined itself to be the One, being itself only the only one. But this was also his lie and delusion, for there were Seven of them, therefore it is said that Jehovah has seven faces.”
Also, the Seven Archons - the Hypostases of the Demiurge - correspond to the Seven Days of Creation in the biblical Cosmogony, the Seven Planets of traditional Astrology and the Seven Metals of Alchemy, the Seven Archetypes of the collective unconscious in the system of Jungian psychology, etc. It is no coincidence that in Sacred Numerology the number “7” is the number of the Revealed World and Life Processes in the Universe.
According to the Gnostic teachings of Valentinus (2nd century e.v.), the names of the Seven Archons are as follows /IDIOTS!/ : Pride (connected to the sphere of the planet Jupiter), Envy (connected to the sphere of the Moon), Anger (connected to the sphere of Mars), Lust (connected to the sphere of Venus), Sloth (connected to the sphere of Saturn), Greed (connected to the sphere of the Sun) and Deceit (associated with the sphere of Mercury).

VIII. GING ROUTE (from Old Russian right hand - “ right hand») — The Path of Removal, development of the Spiral of the Spirit, following from the Internal to the external, from Spirit to Matter, from the Center (Pole) to the periphery; the path of following worldly righteousness and conditioning by worldly values. /EXPANSIONS, DEVELOPMENTS, DEVELOPMENT OF THIN BODIES AND SHELLS/
In a narrow sense, the Right Way is the path of worship of the Light Gods - the Archons
(from the Greek ????? - “chief”, “ruler”) , doing the will of the Demiurge.

IX. SHUINY PATH (from ancient Russian shuitsa - “left hand”) - the Path of Return to the Source, from Multiplicity to Unity, from the periphery to the Spiritual Center; it is the path leading to Spiritual Awakening and Liberation.
The pinnacle of the Shui path is the complete overcoming of all duality, including going beyond the duality “Internal/external” through Spiritual Integration.
Although the Shuiy Path is inextricably linked with the practices of working with the Forces of the Dark Gods - the Dissolvers of illusory veils, not every veneration of the Dark Gods can be attributed to the practices of the Shuiy Path. Thus, everyday Magical “blackness”, which strengthens the personal ego and does not contribute to the Insight of one’s True Nature, as well as the senseless destruction of anything, carried out due to the inability to restrain the destructive traits of one’s own personality, have no relation to the Shuiy path as such. For more information about this, see “Light and Dark Paganism” (Liber II.VII).

X. LIGHT GODSThe Forces of Creation operating within the Manifested World, creating the will of the Demiurge(his Archons; in a certain sense, the hypostases of the Demiurge himself); personifications of various properties of the human soul; personification of illusory veils hiding behind material qualities - Pure Spirit, Qualityless (Great Nav).

XI. DARK GODS— 1) Supercosmic Forces of Destruction and Dissolution of Illusory Veils, hiding the Great Nav; 2) Personifications of the Antilogos of Uncreation operating within the Cosmos, born of the Great Navy, opposing the Demiurge and destroying the Manifest World from within.
The Great and Small Spirits of Navi (the Lower World in the Three Worlds) are also called Dark Deities.

XII. VELES AND MORENA are personifications of Pure Consciousness (not personal, but the One), personifications of Primordial Chaos and Abyss, Pure Spirit (Veles, Parashiva) and the Boundless “Okiyan-Sea” of Spiritual Power (Morena, Parashakti), True Will and Effective Power in Their indissoluble Unity.
Veles the Prophetic and the Great Dark Mother Morena are also revered as personifications of the Prophetic Call of our True Nature (Veles) and the Spiritual Power of the Teaching (Morena), silently sounding in the Abode of the Heart, as well as as the Patron Deities of all Hermetic-Gnostic Wisdom (as an archetype, Thoth-Hermes=Veles).
In the Revealed World, Veles and Morena appear in Images Cattle God (Lord of the animal, or bestial, nature in us /THIS IS WHY TREVHLEBOV HAS SEX WITH HIS WIFE FOR 9 HOURS, HE IS ALREADY A CASTLE AND NOT A HUMAN, AND ALSO SAYS THAT SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT IS A FIGHT WITH THE ELEMENT OF CASTLE IN HIMSELF, APPEARANTLY THIS IS HOW HE FIGHTS IT - WITH THE HELP OF TANTRIC/TAOIST EXA/ and Living Mother Nature), appearing in Likah Koschnom (He Who Rules in Death) and Dorodny (Giver of Life, Lord of Health), and Mary - Goddess of Death and Winter torpor of Nature.

XIII. BLACK FLAME – 1) Black Abyssal Flame burning in the Heart of Darkness, the personification of the True Nature of all things (all living beings, in essence, are nothing more than the Flames of the Primordial Flame of the Abyss, Great Navi); 2) Black Flame of Undefiled Wisdom, Uncreated Radiance of the Black Sun of the Unsleeping, invisible to carnal eyes, the personification of the Highest Gnosis, the Hidden Knowledge-Knowledge; 3) The Black Flame of Dissolution, burning within Itself, the personification of the Return Flow, drawing those who are ready to the Source.

We have the great honor of living in the Changing Times...
When, along with the change of Temporal Aeons, the Storm of the Equinox comes, when through the gaping gaps of the “bad infinity” of closed Time, reflections of the dazzling Radiance of the Endless Aeon - Eternity above Time, dissolving the Fabric of Time - spill into the Revealed World, when all processes in the World seem to accelerate, and those who are ready achieve Enlightenment in one Life...
The one in charge is enough.

Archetype (according to " Explanatory dictionary analytical psychology" by V. Zelinsky) - "a class of mental contents that do not have their source in an individual. The specificity of these contents lies in their belonging to a type that carries within itself the property of all humanity as a primordial whole. The word archetype comes from the Latin “typos” (seal, imprint) and means a certain formation of the deep unconscious.”


Black flame
1. Burn, don’t burn, Black Flame!.. Oh, Eternity of Sleepless Eyes!
2.The Abyss is hidden in the very Heart of this World, like the Mystery in Athanor. /IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH - GAGTUNGR, PLANETARY DEVIL, ANALOGUE OF THE SUPER MASSIVE BLACK HOLE IN THE CENTER OF THE GALAXY/
3. The hum coming from the Depths sounds in the Belly of my body by the Antilogos of Uncreation.
4. The Flame of Eternity (Timelessness), in Which Time burns (the “evil infinity” of closed Time), heralds the Storm of the Equinox, invading human dreams with the Fiery Breath of the Endless Aeon.
5. I bring gunling to my lips and I call upon the Spirits of the Dead to open the Gates, — Flame from the BLACK FLAME OF THE ABYSS, I call on the GREAT BLACK MOTHER!.. /CALI, MORENA, GUANG-YIN IN CHINA, ETC,/

II. Devils - Those Who Are “Beyond the Line”
1. Devils (Demons) are those Spiritual Forces that reside “beyond the Line,” that is, beyond the Edge separating Reality from Navi, and in a broader sense - all Those Who “do not fit” into the narrow framework of the Three Worlds, or the entire Manifest World created by the Demiurge. /REVEAL-GLORIFY-RULE, THE DARK NAV HAS BEEN FENCED FROM US/
2. Devils are Spirits of Dissolution, embodied Sparks of the Black Flame of Dissolution, pouring out streams of Primordial Chaos into the Revealed World. They are Poison, dissolving the boundaries of the created, opening passages to the Unknown.
3. Subject only to the Navya Lord Himself and His Divine Consort, the Great Dark Mother Morena, Demons dissolve the bonds of the flesh and expand the boundaries of Consciousness, bringing horror to the ignorant and granting Insight into the Spiritual Nature of Existence to those who are ready.

I think it's enough to make everything clear.




Alchemy of Chaos

Delomelanikon [ Δηλομελανικον 1 ],

also known

like the Secret Grimoire
/Edited by V.L.S.L.V./

Chapter first, which talks about the Beginnings of our Art

Chapter Two, which talks about the consideration of the Veils

Chapter Three, which talks about the Secret Fire

Chapter Four, which speaks of the Great Abyss, from Which everything came

Chapter Five, which talks about the First - our Mentor

^ Chapter Six, which talks about the essence of the [Seven] Rulers

Chapter Seven, which talks about the Gates of the Abyss

Chapter Eight, which talks about the four qualities necessary for someone starting Magnum Opus, or the Great Work

Chapter Nine, which speaks of She who will be with you in the Work

Invocations (I–IX)

Chapter first which says

about the Beginnings of our Art
Art is [i.e. Occult Art, or True Magic] is a power granted to the worthy from the First of the Worthy, having a very great power, that of the Spirit, over the soul and Matter, full of sublime Mysteries and containing the deepest Knowledge of the things most secret: their nature [nature] , their powers, their qualities, their actions, their differences and their relationships, thanks to which Art produces its wonderful Transformations, combining and applying the various properties of beings, from the Highest to the Lowest. This is true Science and Philosophy [here Philosophy is understood in its original sense - as Love of Wisdom] - the most sublime and the most mysterious. For from the First we have been given Perfection and the Will to Accomplish, and His Light shines in the Depths and illuminates our Path.

For those who love Wisdom most of all, it is said: the small one, which is the Microcosm, is like the Great One, the Macrocosm. And before the Fire that is tamed [by people], there is a Fire that burns from the essence of the Universe, inflaming the heat from the Heat. Thus, from tamed Fire the Fires burn [on Earth], from the Sun and Moon - the light of day and the Mystery of the night, from Heavenly Fire - the Movement of all Matter, and the Beginning of all Life.

The wise know that Salt is hidden in the Earth, and Mercury is nourished by the fat of Sulfur [Sulphur]. And Mercury rules the body of the Microcosm, Sulfur [Sulphur] feeds it, and Salt supports it, as the Philosopher, the Mighty King, said [ Basilius Valentinus]. Mercury [Mercury], being a Spirit, throws away coarse salt and sulfur mixtures, returning the dust to the Earth and thereby nourishing it, and soars into thin form to Heaven, from which the First descended. And he follows Him and falls into the Depth in order to know the Secret of mysteries about the Tree, which grows not from bottom to top [like all Earthly trees], but from Top to Bottom. Therefore, for the Most High, “up” is down, and “down” is up; and for the Lower Ones it’s the other way around. This is what the First taught.

Chapter Two which says

on consideration of the Veils
Seven who became Being 2 and were called Adonai or Elohim, which means: there are many of them [Adonai (Hebrew אדני)‎ - literally: My Lords; Elohim (Hebrew אלהים‎) - literally: Gods], laid down the Seven Veils, which the First broke through. Because of this, He was crossed out by them from the Book of Life and stood contrary to Existence, stood opposite them [the Seven], and was called the Adversary and the Accuser, for He accused them. And He questioned everything created by Jehovah.

And now, O one who follows His Star, consider and count the Veils, and you will truly break the chains of the Creator, or the Being! Look how in the surface of the Waters, in the Depths, all things are reflected in their true appearance - as the Non-Existent, as the Father-Mother, as Silence. What is not yours must be given away; where you are not, then [the place] must be abandoned; where they die [the Abode of Death is truly this entire World created by the Creator], there is no Life. This is what the First taught.

In your experiments you need solitude, a Sacrament that grows in Silence and is wasted by exposure. Those who followed the Star before you cast their gaze into immeasurable Spaces, in which every word fell silent and [every] thought died. They walked like madmen among the learned wise men, they died for the Light that was before the light of Existence. They drank the Blood of the Sun and were renewed by the Moon, instead of hair they grew [bird] feathers, and their legs were covered with snake scales. They did not talk about the Truth, but the Truth spoke to them and through them. Their own Blood was as salty as the Salt of the Earth, they ate Sulfur [Sulphur] and drank the Tincture of Mercury [Mercury] like wine. Who could judge them except the First? They are His disciples, the Knights of the Star.

Chapter Three which says

about the Secret Fire
Know that the Seven Rulers, or Archons [from the Greek. άρχων - chief, ruler], known as the Existent, created the seven Heavens, capturing the seven Flames of Fire that burned in the Abyss, the Non-Existent. So, from the Secret Black [Abyss Fire] became [Fires]: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Blue and Violet, which merged into the White [Light] - count Nine in total. All that exists was divided into three parts, or Three Worlds: Middle, Upper and Lower; and in each of the Three all Nine were reflected - count in total 9 + 9 + 9 = 27; where 2 + 7 = 9.

The middle of the Three, know this, is Red, the Upper is White, and the Lower is Black. And in the White live those who are known as the Jehovah, for they rose above the Red, where people live for their days in sorrow and torment, and above the Black, where all the shells fall when the Seed of Life has left them. And beyond the boundaries of the Three Worlds is the Abyss, where we all come from, from which the First became, from which is His Strength and Power, which is not stronger in all the Three [Worlds] and among the Seven.

The will of White moves Red, but when the time comes, [Red] descends into the arms of Black, and then returns back. [This] Wheel of Torture spins forever, in which the blind slaves of the Existence are born and die, to be born again and die again. And it was like this until the First opened the Path from the Wheel outwards, from closed eternity into the Infinity of the Eternal, into the Abyss hidden by the Veils of Horror, to the very Heart of Darkness - the Source of the Uncreated, Unfading Light, the Eternal Fire, burning within Itself, Black, what is blacker than the Black [Lower of the Three Worlds], stronger than the Red and clearer than the White - There, Where we all came from, beyond the Three [Worlds], where the Seven have no power.

Chapter Four which says

about the Great Abyss, from which everything came
In the beginning there was only the Abyss, and there was nothing besides It. She was the Ungerminated Seed, the Eternal Silence, and everything [that came after] was contained in Her, as a great tree is contained in a small seed, as every word is contained in Silence. Dark and incomprehensible She was, One in Herself, Father-Mother in Unity. She was not the absence of everything, but contained in Herself the roots of everything. Thus, other Sages, both now and in past centuries, again and again fixed their minds on nothingness, dulled it in vain efforts, trying to comprehend That Which was not anything that can be called a thing, or a form, or even an idea, but above everything that can be thought of and even what cannot be thought of. For the Eternal Abyss is nothing O and not n e that, but Nothing is the Root of All, the Uncaused Cause of all that the Seven then bound with a chain, the name of which [name of the chain] is Fate, and the nature of [Fate] is cause and effect [Fate here is essentially the same as Gemarmena (Greek Είμαρμένη ) in the Gnostic tradition].

She [the Abyss] was the infinity of endless [possibilities, potentialities], but in Her womb a Child was born who wanted to kill her [Father-]Mother. So, from Darkness, the Uncreated Light, Light came out, an infinitesimal part of the Whole, and imagined itself to be the One, being itself only the only one. But this was also his lie and delusion, for there were Seven of them, therefore it is said that Jehovah has seven faces.

But when the shadow of the Existing One fell on the surface of the Eternal Bodies and was reflected in the Abyss, as in a Mirror, then the Power of the Father-Mother entered the Reflection, and It came to life in order to become the eternal Opponent of the Existing One, and therefore seven Heads appeared in the Dragon born from the Abyss. Therefore, comprehend the Mystery of Mysteries: the Virgin Harlot sits on the Seven-Headed Dragon, and the Mirror is in Her hand, and the Black Flame from the mouth of the Beast [Dragon]. And in what is revealed by the Existent as the Three Worlds, in the Black [Lower of the Three Worlds] - the Dragon from the Abyss became, not the Abyss Itself, but from Its Essence; and the Dragon is terrible, and the Virgin-Whore is terrible on Him who exists, for in Them is his destruction.

Chapter Five which says

about the First - our Mentor
As the Virgin-Whore became from the Abyss, like a Daughter from the [Father-]Mother, being Her own Mother, so the First became [from the Abyss, or Primordial Chaos (Greek. Χάος )], as the Son from the Father[-Mother], the Father Himself. Like a Flame from a [Black] Flame, like Nus [Greek. Reason, or the Supreme Mind] Pre-Eternal from the Unnamable, He became the Uncreated Light, the Light-Bearer, the Unfading Star of the Morning [Light of the Endless Aeon], the embodiment of the Radiance of the Eternal, which is hidden in Darkness. Therefore, for the Seven, who are from the Light [Created], He is Darkness, the Opponent of the Light [Created], the Dark One.

He is the Serpent of the Depths in the Black [Lower of the Three Worlds], the Winged One, Whose brow is decorated with the semi-precious Emerald; and He is the Dragon with seven heads, on Whom His Sister and Wife sits. He is also the Mercury of the Philosophers, the Tincture of Mercury and [Hermes] the Thrice Greatest, Who spoke - and this is imprinted on the Tablet of Smaragd [ Tabula Smaragdina]: That which is above is like that which is below; and that which is below is like that which is above. And the Virgin-Whore, - know this, - Providence [Providence ( female)] and His Power.

From Him, the First of the Most Worthy, and from those who were with Him, came the Order of the Morning Star, the Brotherhood of Knights of the Endless Aeon, which will come when the [Created] Light passes, and the Seven are defeated, and the Seven Veils are removed, and Time is greater. will not be. And He is with us from the Beginning, and He is in us, as our Mentor and Teacher, and our Knowledge is all from Him, for He is the Light of Undefiled Wisdom, the Uncreated Light inside Creation, the Universal Solvent, hidden behind the Seven Veils of the Supreme Spirit.

Chapter Six which says

about the essence of the [Seven] Rulers
The Seven [Rulers - Archons] said: I am the One who created Heaven and Earth. And they also [said]: I am the Consuming Fire. And the First answered: This is a lie, for your Creation is untrue, just an appearance. And [he also said]: The other is also a lie, for [one] appearance devours [another] appearance. And the Seven did not have the strength to refute [the words of] the First. And the slaves of the Seven trembled in horror, and the disciples of the First thus learned the essence of the [Seven] Rulers.

And the Seven [Rulers - Archons] said: You are not ours, and may You be cursed by us, and may you fall to where you came from. And the First answered: Truly, I did not leave Him [M e hundred], Where it came from. And the Seven [Rulers - Archons] trembled and said in their hearts: Who is He, who is in the Existing, but Himself from the Non-Existent, the One Who has Power against us? And the First answered their thoughts: I know your secret. And horror seized the Seven [Rulers - Archons].

And the Seven [Rulers - Archons] said: We do not see You, for You have fallen. For they averted their eyes [and therefore ceased to see Him]. And the First said: Can a man blind from birth open his eyes? And since then it has become like this: the sighted see the Truth and the blind wander blindly. And in each there is his will, and according to the choice of each it is given to him, for each one measures it to himself with his own measure, and it will be so until the End of the World. This is what the First taught.

Chapter Seven which says

about the Gates of the Abyss
This is what the First said: I am at the Gate, and I am the Gate itself. For they return to the Source through Me. Fools seek Me in the World, and [they] do not find Me. The wise seek Me in the Heart, and [they] find Me [both in the Heart] and in the World. For I am the Key to the Gate leading to the Abyss, the Terror of those who approach and the Bliss of those who reach 4. Truly, truly - this is what the First taught.

The Seven cannot pass through the Gate, because they do not know that there is anything else besides their World. For the Existent One limited himself to the created, becoming the Self of this World. This is I - the Spider in the center of the Web, woven from the snares of Fate. The first is the Flaming Sword, which struck the first blow and cut the first Thread. The Spider strives to weave and hide [behind the Web] the Gates, but everyone who enters them, following the Path of our Mentor, the First of the Worthy, breaks the snares of the Created Light, the Vedas O washed by the Star - the Unfading Light, the Uncreated, which was born in the very Heart of Darkness.

Our art is Alchemy [from Arabic el khimiyâ - from Egyptian khemi, meaning black color] Spirit, Royal Art [ Ars Regia], Mastery of Transmutation of existence into the Primordial. Not by drawing Magic Circles, not by making Pentacles, etc., but by the Will of the Spirit we affirm our Freedom, following our Path, explaining the Dark through the even darker, the Unknown through the even more unknown [ Obscurum per obscurum, Ignotum per ignotum], - so, the one who knows knows [ sapienti sat].

Chapter Eight which says

about the four qualities necessary for an applicant

To Magnum Opus, or the Great Work
SCIE. POTERE. AUDERE. TACERE. [Know. Possess Power. Be Determined. Be silent. - These words are attributed by the Hermetic tradition to the Magician Zoroaster, Son of the Star 5.] Head B O Rona and the Human Skull [ Caput Mortuum- Death's Head] 6 will show you the Path. XII Steps lead to the Source:

I. [ Aries] Calcination (or Calcination);

II. [ Taurus] Condensation;

III. [ Twins] Fixation;

IV. [ Cancer] Decomposition;

V. [ a lion] Digestion;

VI. [ Virgo] Sublimation (or Sublimation);

VII. [ Scales] Separation of [Substances];

VIII. [ Scorpion] Incinerate (or Powder);

IX. [ Sagittarius] Fermentation;

X. [ ^ Capricorn] Multiplication;

XI. [ Aquarius] Projection (or Transformation into Gold);

XII. [ Fish] Transcendence 7 .

He who has comprehended our Art to the end is not afraid of Death, and the Elements are subject to him, for he has ascended the Smaragd Mountain, around which the Gods gather - this Knowledge cannot be bought for gold, for our Gold is not the gold of the mob [ Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi]. Said the First: [Philosophical] The Stone is enclosed within you, and wherever you are, it will be there, for it is impossible to separate it from you. And that which can be cut off will be cut off; and that which is subject to decay will be given over to decay. The Seven Scavengers will devour your flesh, but they have no power over your Spirit, and their Fire is powerless before the [Black] Fire that burns in the Heart of Darkness.

Knowledge, Strength, Determination, Silence - the one who knows knows [ sapienti sat]. Truly, truly - this is what the First taught.

Chapter Nine which says

O She who will be with you in the Work
As has already been said [see 5.2], the Virgin-Whore is the Industry and Power of the First. So She Who will be with you on your Path will be the embodiment of your Power and Providence, if you head your head [the head here is a symbol of false selfhood, or mortal ego] you will cut it off and throw it at Her feet without regret. But do not be deceived by appearances, failing to discern the Essence! For when you turn your Heart to the Source, you will truly see the Father-Mother in yourself.

Not every hand is capable of holding a Sword. Not every Sword is capable of cutting. Not everyone capable of [cutting] will pick up a Sword. In order for the Virgin Harlot to reveal the Power to you, you must first become equal to the First in Spirit and in your Heart, where He is truly You Yourself. This is the Secret of secrets, Which is hidden so close that not everyone can find It in the obvious. O human race! Was it not you who were given great Power, and you, in madness, exchanged it for the dust of the Earth! But even loss will turn into gain if you see that truly nothing can be lost by you except what is not yours.

When the Fire of Work flares up so that it scorches your eyes, enter the essence of it with Silent Providence - let It burn all your hopes and regrets, your vain desires and thoughts, and transubstantiate mortal flesh. Look not at the Earthly Fire, but turn your Heart to its Source, for there, in the impenetrable Darkness, over which Time has no power, which is above closed Eternity, beyond the Eternal Return, there shines with the Invisible Light the Black Flame, hidden behind the Shells of the [Created ] Sveta. Listen, O Knight of the Star! You have been given in the Revealed [World] the Darkness - the Primordial - through the Nine Gates [each of the Three Worlds corresponds to Three Gates 8 ] to manifest your being. For the First One called you with the Call of the Depths, which sounds incessantly, unheard for many, in your Heart - both now and forever and ever! - from the very Heart of Darkness.

Every sentient being is a door to Nothing. Every life is the black alchemy of Chaos. Countless times you pass through nigredo, absorbing the Great Nothingness into yourself in order to transform into the black stone of the abyss. Countless times you have returned to this world, and you will return again, until one day you feel the poisonous but beautiful flowers of Chaos sprouting in you.
One day, in your nth life, among the worries of everyday life, you will suddenly understand that your entire path is a fall into the Void. Of course, you always knew you were mortal, but that's not what this is about. Each death imperceptibly changed something in you, and again returned you to this world, but you did not notice anything. You were simply living another life, which was like two peas in a pod, similar to the previous one. Ordinary human joys and sorrows were quite enough for you until you felt a strange emptiness within yourself. You realized that you are not there, almost not. For the first time you looked at the world through the eyes of someone absent, and noticed that the whole world is dotted with small cracks through which Nothingness penetrates. You feel the invisible dust slowly settling. Every speck of dust is a part of yourself, or rather of the mask for which you took yourself. But this is a mask, just a mask of being. Through it you always looked at the world around you. It seemed to you an indestructible fortress, in which the unchanging laws of nature rule.
But now you are gripped by Fear, that great Fear that is stronger than the fear of death, for you are standing on the threshold of Eternal Non-Return. Suddenly a terrible, but such a simple thought came to you: life has neither value nor meaning. Of course, you will try to drive away unnecessary thoughts. But don't rush. After all, these are the most precious thoughts of your entire existence.
Yes, you are right. There is no meaning to life. There is the monotonous nonsense of repeating oneself. Endless flight through the circles of existence. Existence itself is crazy. Isn't it crazy to always go back to the beginning? own life?! Look around, you are leaving behind an innumerable number of skulls on the chain of Everett worlds. That's all your legacy. But now you have approached the point of eternal no return.
Death and Chaos, through countless cycles of nigredo, erased the false mask that you were forced to put on every life, turning you into emptiness. But now the chain of your lives is broken along with the imaginary image that you took for your own personality. You have lost everything, but you have gained Freedom. That Great Freedom that opens into Nothingness. All you have to do is realize the main thing: you don’t exist, existence has turned into Nothing. The process is complete.

In alchemy, symbols play a special, if not the main role:

1. The symbol served to hide the sacred meaning of the mystery from the uninitiated (and especially from the Inquisition).

2. The symbol is a means of knowledge and the Path of Truth; the symbol serves to directly convey mystical experience (experience).

Natura incipit, ars dirigit, usus perficit- Nature begins, art guides, experience perfects.

Ladder- the path to knowledge in alchemy.

Basilisk (cockatrice) - initiation into wisdom, knowledge.

Bear- chaos, primary matter, which alchemy is designed to bring into order.

Eagle soaring high - the liberated spiritual part of primary matter.

Alchemists use signs to indicate time primarily from astrology. With their help, you can designate almost any time period.

1 hour

2. Day

3. Time of day (day, night)

4. Week

5. Month (consists of 40 days)

6. Year

Additional signs:

Primary matter - for an alchemist, this is not matter itself, but rather its possibility, combining all the qualities and properties inherent in matter.

Black Sun- symbol of primary material.

Rose- a symbol of mystery, wisdom.

Sword Flamberge, salamander - secret fire - a reagent used to influence the primary substance.

Skeleton- symbol of ash. Some alchemists called ash the skeleton of a substance.

For alchemists, in the initial processes, as a rule, 7 metals are involved, corresponding to the 7 days of the week, their gods, metals and correspondences, from which other compounds are obtained:

1) Moon, silver, Monday. Color - white, silver.

White flower- silver

2) Mars, iron, Tuesday. Color - red-pink, orange. (Warrior with a sword).

This is duality and opposition, sun and moon, gold and silver, compound of sulfur and mercury.

Toad, eagle, goat head - sulfur .

Fox- temporarily hardened red sulfur, the opposite of the rooster.

A lion,rooster- mercury,the volatile part of the stone substance is living, active dry water.

Sulfur and mercury are considered as the father and mother of metals. When they combine, various metals are formed. Sulfur determines the variability and flammability of metals, and mercury causes hardness, ductility and shine.

King and queen - this is gold and silver, which, according to some alchemists, were the primary substance.

The primal substance is a (male) substance that becomes One and Unique when combined with the female. All its components are both stable and changeable, the yin and yang of Chinese alchemy.

Katsudei -male sulfur and female mercury, transformation, dissolution, sometimes representing the symbol of Jupiter.

Key- (cognition), often in form not intended for discovery.

Bridge -transformation of one into another.

Hermetic vessel - obtaining a 3rd from 2 components.

Philosophical Mercury - the soul of matter (the body of matter), it is an ideal substance that connects the Spirit and the Body into a single whole by reconciling the opposites of the Spirit and the Body in itself, and serves as the principle of the unity of all three planes of Existence. Therefore, Philosophical Mercury was depicted as hermaphrodite, or male and female together.

Two rival birds, two eagles, a deer, an eagle and a lion - symbol of transformation, dual nature, philosophical mercury.

Two dragons or snakes biting each other (sulfur is a wingless snake, mercury is winged). If the alchemist managed to combine both principles, then he received primordial matter or primordial substance.

3) Mercury, Wednesday, mercury. Dark-blue colour.

But, first of all, this is the triad of alchemists - sulfur, mercury and salt. A feature of this theory was the idea of ​​macro and microcosm. Man was viewed as a world in miniature. Hence the meaning of the elements: Sulfur - Spirit, Mercury - Soul, Salt - body. The cosmos and man consist of the same elements - body, soul and spirit.

The spirit corresponds to the element of fire, the soul to the element of water and air, and the salt to the earth element.

Sulfur (sulfur) is an immortal spirit / something that disappears from matter without a trace when fired.

Mercury (mercury) is the soul, that which connects the body and spirit.

Salt is the body, the material that remains after firing.

From a chemical point of view, one of the components is a metal, the other is a mineral containing mercury, which gives philosophical mercury.

Dragonthey called saltpeter, mercuric chloride, and fire, all of which the experiments began with, and are often associated with Mercury - mercury.

4) Jupiter, Thursday, tin. Color - red-brown.

The Cosmos is like two pairs of basic states: hot and dry - cold and wet; the combination of these states gives rise to the elements that are at the base of the Cosmos. That. the transition of one element to another, by changing one of its qualities, served as the basis for the idea of ​​transmutation.

Rod- a symbol of transformation.

The basis for all alchemical theories is the theory of the 4 elements. Plato considered these elements as geometric solids from which all substances are built, The 4 elements are also represented in the four cherubs - man (earth), bull (water), eagle(air), lion (fire).

5) Venus, Friday, copper. Color - golden, red.

Aristotle defined the combination of 4 opposite qualities: cold, dryness, heat and moisture, and added to the four elements a fifth - quintessence, which was depicted by a 5-petalled flower, a cut apple or a pentagram.

6) Saturday, Saturn, lead. Black color.

Saturn salt is lead acetate.

Old man with a scythe, Chronos, skeleton - symbol of lead.

Green lion- arsenic and lead.

red lion- cinnabar, antimony cinnabar, kolkotar, lead litharge, red lead.

Wolf with open mouth - this is antimony.

7) Sunday, Sun, gold. Yellow color.

Basic principle: mercury and salt lead to alchemical gold.

Sun, red lion, knight in armor - gold

Red flower- gold.

The sun can also be symbolized by a winged snake, an eagle with a snake, a falcon, a swan.

Lion eating the sun - the process of dissolving gold with mercury.

In their treatises, alchemists described substances differently, often in the same

treatise, the same substance was called differently.

The idea of ​​the unity of all things was symbolically depicted as ourobora- a snake/dragon devouring its own tail - a symbol of Eternity and the entire alchemical goal - the search for the philosopher's stone.

Crow- the original state of matter, the future philosopher's stone. Often depicted with a black sun and skeleton, as a symbol of lead, in the 1st stage of nigredo.

There are three main stages of the Work:

Nigredo(nigredo) - the black stage, when all the components were collected and fired, that is, fusion, mixing everything together and calcination.

Albedo(albedo) - white stage - lunar consciousness, light shed into darkness, but the light is reflected, cold. Albedo is a still unclear world with blurry forms, consciousness born from darkness. Like the wind on a full moon, Mercury rules the albedo, the metals are silver and mercury. Dissolution, mixing, hardening process.

Rubedo(rubedo) - red stage, its metal is gold, frozen solar flame. Boiling point.

These 3 stages are sometimes depicted like this:

The number of processes leading to these stages varies. Some associated them with the twelve signs of the zodiac, some with the seven days of creation, but still almost all alchemists mentioned them.

Woman with a raven in her hands - fermentation.

Raven on a shield- cleansing.

Motto: "Visita Interiora Terra Rectificanto Inveniens Occultum Lapidem" , which means “Visit the interior of the Earth and by purification (rectification) find the Stone.” In alchemical treatises, the abbreviation of the first letters is widely used - V.I.T.R.I.O.L

Phoenix is ​​a symbol of the philosopher's stone.

« To prepare the elixir of the sages, or the philosopher's stone, take, my son, philosophical mercury and heat it until it turns into a green lion. After that, heat it harder and it will turn into a red lion. Digest this red lion in a sand bath with sour grape spirit, evaporate the liquid, and the mercury will turn into a gummy substance that can be cut with a knife. Place it in a retort coated with clay and slowly distill it. Collect separately the liquids of different nature that appear. You will get tasteless phlegm, alcohol and red drops. The Cimmerian shadows will cover the retort with their dark veil, and you will find a true dragon inside it, for it is devouring its own tail. Take this black dragon, grind it on a stone and touch it with a hot coal. It will light up and, soon taking on a magnificent lemon color, will again reproduce the green lion. Make it eat its tail and distill the product again. Finally, my son, rectify carefully and you will see the appearance of flammable water and human blood» . -

This is a recipe for obtaining the philosopher's stone, which, according to legend, belongs to the Spanish thinker Raymond Lull (XIII-XIV centuries) and repeated by the English alchemist of the 15th century George Ripley in “The Book of the Twelve Gates” (ВСС, 2, pp. 275-284)

The 19th century French chemist Jean-Baptiste André Dumas calls philosophical mercury lead. Having calcined it, Ripley receives a massicot (yellow lead oxide) - this is a green lion, which, upon further calcination, turns into a red lion - red lead. The alchemist then heats the red lead with sour grape alcohol - wine vinegar, which dissolves the lead oxide. After evaporation, lead sugar remains. When it is gradually heated in solution, water of crystallization (reflux) is first distilled, then flammable water—“burnt acetic alcohol” (acetone) and, finally, a red-brown oily liquid. A black mass, or “black dragon,” remains in the retort - this is finely crushed lead. When it comes into contact with hot coal, it begins to smolder and turns into yellow lead oxide: “the black dragon devoured its tail and turned into a green lion.”

Combat alchemy is a special type of avatar development and combat system. It is based on the production (outside of combat) and use (in combat) of special alchemical potions. In total, there are 6 types of combat alchemical potions, each of which has 9 gradations of power. Each combat potion has certain properties, different depending on the target to which it is applied - friendly or enemy. In addition, there are certain combinations of potions that, when applied in the correct sequence to the same target within a short period of time, lead to the triggering of special alchemical reactions, similar in effect to the spells of different schools of magic.
To make and use combat alchemical potions, the avatar must be equipped with special gloves - Clovers. Potions are produced in the inventory according to special recipes, which can be purchased at the Battle Alchemy Store in Residential area. The resource for creating potions is alchemical essences, which, in turn, can be obtained by transforming various ingredients in the Alchemical Extractor in the Mages Guild.
The effectiveness (damage dealt, healing power and duration of effects) of potions of specific types depends on the development of the alchemical skills Alchemical Activator, Alchemical Inhibitor and Clover Mastery (when using potions on yourself), as well as on the profile characteristics of this type. For each type of potion, there is a main characteristic that increases its effectiveness by 0.8% per unit and an additional one that increases its effectiveness by 0.3%. A list of effective characteristics for each type of potion is given in the list of alchemical potions (the main characteristic is first, the additional one is second).
Initially (at the beginning of each battle), the use of alchemical potions does not require additional action points, i.e. is equal to the base value of this indicator for the avatar, but for each subsequent potion after the first, the AP cost for its use increases by 1. Thus, for example, the fifth potion used from the beginning of the battle will require an additional +4 AP per action to use. The cumulative effect of spending additional AP to use alchemical potions is called alchemical fatigue, and can be delayed using the Alchemical Stabilizer skill. Maximum alchemical fatigue is +20 AP per action.
Direct damage dealt by alchemical potions and alchemical reactions ignores 30% of targets' resistances. With the development of the Alchemical Activator skill to expert and master values, this indicator increases to 40% and 50%, respectively. The Alchemical Activator skill also increases the damage caused by alchemical reactions, but only by a factor of 0.5.

Water Potions (Stamina + Strength)

Fire Potions (Will + Strength)
Astral Potions (Stamina + Agility)
Dark Potions (Will + Constitution)
Sand Potions (Intelligence + Constitution)
Radiant Potions (Intelligence + Agility)
When affected, increases attack and damage by 540 for 25 seconds. When affecting an enemy, reduces damage by 39% for 25 seconds. Doesn't add up.