Two-storey cottage- this is a great place where you can relax and put your thoughts in order after a working week, especially if a person has one outside the city. Such houses are now more relevant than ever, because the modern rhythm of life squeezes all the juice out of city dwellers, and you have to look for a way to relieve stress and relax. The best option there will be a vacation at your own dacha.

Finished project two-story house for giving

If land plot not very big, but the family is huge, and it doesn’t hurt to invite friends on vacation, you need to build a cottage on 2 floors. Nowadays, they are very popular, which look good, are relatively inexpensive, and keep warm perfectly, which allows you to use the cottage even in winter time without spending too much on heating.

Experts say that now the most popular option for country cottage is a bar. This material is warm and comfortable. Wooden materials are absolutely environmentally friendly, and for many this is one of the most important criteria when choosing a building material. Timber constructions make it easy to realize any ideas, including building a light and comfortable house that will serve as a summer cottage.

A variant of the project of a small house with an attic for a summer residence

A two-story cottage is convenient, beautiful and profitable, since 1 m² will cost much less than with. This is even confirmed by the fact that twice as much usable area can be built on 1 m² of land.

A small country cottage made of timber with an attic

Construction two-story building much cheaper than building.

The indisputable advantage that timber building projects have is the ease of working with this material.

Sometimes even minimal skills in construction are enough to do it yourself. Self-taught masters most often choose objects from a bar, as they are distinguished by the simplest installation. Well, one more indisputable plus of country houses from wooden beam is that they look very attractive and natural. Such a building will certainly fit into the overall natural landscape and even complement it. natural wood does not require additional external finishing, painting.

A variant of the project of a two-story cottage from a bar

It already looks great and pleases the eyes of the owners of the house and passers-by. However, these options also have some disadvantages. This should include the high humidity of the building material when using a flat wooden beam. This leads to the fact that the house will need to stand for about a year. Only after that it will be possible to interior decoration building. For many, this option may not be acceptable, so it would be better to choose glued laminated timber, which is already completely ready for use.

Natural wood looks great, but it is quite demanding to care for. It needs to be processed periodically. special formulations against rotting, you will have to close the cracks in the walls that form during shrinkage.

It is important to pay attention not only to the moisture resistance of wood, but also to its resistance to ultraviolet rays. In the sun natural wood may darken, and the house will become unattractive. Correcting this shortcoming will be very difficult. Despite all the shortcomings of wooden two-storey houses, this option is considered the most popular when it comes to giving. It is in such a house that you can perfectly relax with your family on the weekend from the bustle of the city and prepare for the next busy working week.

The construction of a house in the country, like any construction, requires a competent organization of the process. Despite, as a rule, a small area of ​​​​a country house, the project is a necessary part of construction, which will optimize construction costs and avoid "pitfalls" in the form of missed deadlines, cost overruns building materials, and other surprises.

Features and composition of the project of a house for a summer residence

The main feature of a small country house is seasonal operation. At the same time, this time is often 5-6 months, so the desire of the building owner to spend them with comfort and convenience is natural. As a rule, the cottage plan includes the following premises:

  • kitchen;
  • hall (or living room);
  • bedroom (one, less often - two);
  • bathroom.

Often finished projects country houses contain additional premises and structures intended for relaxation - a bath or sauna, a swimming pool, a fireplace. At the same time, as a rule, project documentation does not provide for centralized heating, which is ineffective when the building is used seasonally. Much more often, heating is used using a fireplace or using popular and convenient electric convectors equipped with automatic sensors and overheating protection.

Examples of country house projects

A large amount of information will help a potential buyer choose and buy a suitable option:

  • photo of buildings;
  • cottage plans;
  • detailed description of operational parameters;
  • list of applied design solutions and building materials.

Even more simplifies the choice of a module that allows you to look at the selected houses in 3D format.

Usage modern technologies and materials allows you to achieve an original and attractive appearance of the building at a relatively low cost. Moreover, with financial constraints, you can buy a project of a small country house economy class, the construction of which will cost a reasonable price.

If none of the ready-made options satisfies the requests, experienced employees of the architectural and design bureau "Project House" will prepare on the basis of the terms of reference individual project corresponding to the tastes and desires of the buyer. The creation of a sketch and its coordination with the customer is carried out within 3-10 days, the development of a complete package of documents takes 15 working days.

Own country house ik- the dream of the inhabitants of the metropolis, tired of the dust, gas pollution and bustle of the big city. It is needed for storing garden tools, relaxing on the weekends or living during the summer holidays. The company "Domamo" offers to profitably buy projects of country houses with a choice of photos, detailed descriptions and images of layouts for suburban construction of St. Petersburg, Moscow and regions of Russia.

Features of country houses

houses on summer cottages usually built for seasonal housing. Their main difference from the construction with year-round living- lack of heating systems, which significantly reduces their cost. However, if necessary, winter outdoor recreation, even they may provide full or fireplace heating.

Modern dachas are not only small houses, to which we are accustomed in Soviet time, but also comfortable country cottages with many options for construction. The cottage project may contain:

1. Application various materials basics:

  • wood - log or beam,
  • bricks or blocks
  • frame technologies, etc.
2. different number of storeys, including with the expansion of space due to the basement and attic,
3. Variability of the layout and additional structures (the presence of a garage, terraces, balconies, etc.).

Prices finished projects country houses are much lower than all-season cottages, and they can be built in a shorter period of time.

Selection of projects

For the construction of a cottage, you can choose small house or the whole estate, style and planning solutions depending on the characteristics of the site and plans for accommodation. Our catalog contains selections standard projects country houses, which can be supplemented by your order:

  • Minor changes in plan and finishes,
  • Completely custom design
  • Turnkey construction contract.