A micro-house can be very useful when developing a site in an eco-park, so that the construction of the main House does not have to be forced too much.

Imagine Daewoo Matiz next to a dump truck - in exactly the same proportion this house looks against the background of neighboring two- and three-story cottages.

With its modest size (4 by 4 meters), the building is a full-fledged housing for three people: there is a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, a pantry and a small balcony.

You can live even in winter, and the construction costs should pay off in a year. Onliner.by tells about an amazing micro-house in the suburbs of the capital, where the family of Minsk residents moved during the construction of the main cottage.

Having acquired a plot and started building a cottage, I quickly realized that I was doing something wrong. Then we lived in a rented apartment in Sukharevo and gave $ 350 a month plus paid a “communal apartment”.

From home to site 40 kilometers. This is time and money. Gasoline cost up to $150 a month. I thought: why all these expenses, if we already have our own land?

Why not build a compact house, which can later become a guest house, move there and thereby save up to $500 every month?

And, living on the site, you can slowly finish building the cottage of your dreams, - Victor Oskirko tells the background of the appearance of his micro-house.

After a thorough study of the topic on the Internet, a project by a German architect was found and taken as a basis, who proposed a variant of a micro-house for one student to live. In the original, the German house has dimensions of 3 by 3 meters, while Victor has 4 by 4 and a different layout. Having expanded the area, he adapted the house for the life of three people. total area nominally is 16 square meters, but due to the high ceiling (3.8 meters) it was possible to organize four full-fledged levels. Above the living room there is a bedroom, and under the kitchen there is a pantry. So there really is enough space.

The house was built according to the traditional frame technology on a columnar foundation. In the walls - 200 millimeters of mineral wool, in the floor - 300, in the roof - 450. There are windproof and vapor barrier films.

Outside, the frame is sheathed with a facade board, inside - with OSB sheets and laminate. On the roof - a durable waterproofing membrane "Alkorplan". Despite the external "squareness" of the building, the roof has a slight slope and is equipped with a gutter system.

The thickness of the insulation allows you to live in the building all year round. The room is heated only by air conditioning. Due to its small area, the house does not need additional sources of heating, Victor assures. Recent severe frosts have passed without a trace. In the event of an emergency power outage, there is a gas cylinder and a heater.

You don't need a lot of energy to heat 16 square meters, Viktor argues. The air conditioner has not been turned off since autumn and is usually set to 20-22 degrees.

It works even when no one is at home, so the room does not cool down, there is no need to warm it up after returning from work. With regard to electricity charges, figures for country house funny.

In January they paid 38 rubles, for the last six months - 104 rubles. Of the electrical appliances, we also have a refrigerator, an induction hob, a boiler, a kettle, an extractor hood and a computer. Energy saving light bulbs. In fact, electricity is the whole "communal". We do not pay anything for water, we have our own sewage system, self-made.

Our first impression is that the inside of the house seems much more spacious than the outside. It's all about zoning space in height. The dwelling is divided into four main parts located at different levels.

From the threshold we find ourselves in the hallway (of course, it is difficult to call this place a hallway in the usual sense, since its area is approximately equal to the area of ​​​​the foot mat). On the right is a wardrobe for outerwear, on the left is a toilet combined with a shower.

A step down from the hallway is the living room, two steps up are the kitchen.

Under the kitchen floor there is a deep niche about a meter high, which serves as a pantry. There are mounted boiler and compact washing machine, things needed in the household are stored.

Stairs from the kitchen lead to the upper level, where under the ceiling there is a full double bed measuring 1.4 by 2 meters. It's kind of like an office.

The platform on the ceiling of the bathroom serves working surface- sitting on the bed, you can work at the computer, hanging or tucking your legs.

The toilet is combined with a shower. The water escapes through a drain in the floor.

Paying tribute to the originality of ideas, we do not cease to doubt. Are three of us comfortable here? Yes, even with a dog.

None of us suffers from claustrophobia, Victor smiles. - Yes, it’s not so close with us, if you figure it out. In the evening, the light from the living room almost does not penetrate to the upper level: someone can work, and someone can relax.

Fresh air is supplied by two ventilation ducts: in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If you need to thoroughly ventilate, it is enough to open the door for only half a minute ... Optimally, such a house would be suitable for one person or married couple. It's harder with a child.

But everyone understands that this is a temporary option for us. Let's build a big house - we'll move there. There's not much left to do.

Tatyana and her son Zakhar live in a micro-house three or four days a week. The rest of the days they go to their parents' house in one of the district centers where Tatyana has a job.

Of course, to me, who grew up in big house, is unusual here. But we do not sit all day in captivity. We go to visit, we take the child to Minsk to skate, - says Tatyana. But in the summer it's different here. We spend warm evenings on the terrace, where we have dinner. Near the lake, the place is very picturesque.

The family hopes to move into their new spacious home in the fall. Victor shows us sketches of the interior on the TV screen, enthusiastically talks about how he studied modern architecture, was interested in how the Swedes, Japanese, Germans live. In his project, he combined several original ideas.

The house promises to be interesting: with large floor-to-ceiling windows. The son will have two rooms: a bedroom and a playroom. It will be possible to go from one to another along a stretched trampoline net.

Our conversation lasts half an hour. We note: despite minus 8 outside the window, the room is warm, but not stuffy. And what will happen in plus 35 in the summer?

The layer of mineral wool in the ceiling is decent - the sun does not bake through the roof. This is a proven fact, we have been living here since the end of May, - Victor assures. But the windows pass heat well - then air conditioning or through ventilation saves.

It was possible to install windows with sun-protection film to prevent heating, but this is an additional cost. I tried to make the project at home as cheap as possible, some things had to be abandoned.

His brother, a professional builder, helped build the house, which allowed him to save a lot on work and materials.

The frame was made from the remains of wood for the main house. Wardrobe, bed, shelves and doors - all handmade. The windows were generally cheap: they bought double-glazed windows, and made wooden frames themselves.

Laminate found in confiscated at a price 70% cheaper than in the store. The party was small, no one took it, but it was just right for me. I ordered building materials on the Internet: I compared prices and found cheaper. In the markets, oddly enough, everything turned out to be much more expensive. They didn’t buy a kitchen, they brought ours from a rented apartment.

In total, the house cost the equivalent of $4,600. This is together with a refrigerator, air conditioning, a sofa and other furniture.

For an apartment, let me remind you, we gave $ 350 per month plus a "communal apartment". In a year, I think, the costs will be completely recouped, - our interlocutor calculates the benefits. - Living in Minsk, we would give this money to strangers, but we have some kind of house.

After the construction of our cottage is completed, the micro-house can become a large office or a place for guests. Or maybe eventually we want to sell it. The house can be transported anywhere, you just need to coordinate the support of the traffic police.

The experience of building a micro-house gave Viktor and his brother an idea: why not put the matter on stream?

I think micro-houses are a great option for summer cottages or as temporary housing for the construction period. big house. When you live on a construction site, you are in control. And at any moment you can get involved in the work, - says Victor. I remember that when I lived in a rented apartment in Sukharevo, I was often drawn to a construction site. But as soon as you think that you need to go, waste time on the road, the labor impulse disappears somewhere. And what is it like to return from the construction site dirty and sweaty to the city? When you have a house - take a shower, drink coffee on the terrace and relax for your pleasure. Well, you need to look at the money. Which is better: paying rent to someone else's uncle or investing in your own home?

Left one comment out of many:

Well done people. Minimum effort, maximum result. But housing is temporary for them, and you can endure it. The photojournalist pretty much embellished with special tricks - in fact, it is stupidly crowded there. However, the house meets the requirements of economy and reasonableness. It is such a house for permanent housing, of course, that is of little use - a temporary hut is a temporary hut. However, the idea itself is just a bomb. The applied solutions are very advanced, and it will be a pity if the undertaking disappears.

As a makeshift - just class. But in permanent housing, all these solutions not only can, but should be used. Using such technologies, it is possible to build permanent housing. Taking as a base, for example, a square structure not 4x4, but 8x8, 9x9 meters. For example, an old log house plus a plot of 1-2 acres. With such solutions, wisely, it is possible to make quite comfortable multi-level housing out of a simple hut for small family. Which will be better than Khrushchev. Only due to their thoughtfulness.

So there is a lot to learn from these people. How to arrange housing for yourself not with megawatts, meters and tons of kerosene, but with INTELLIGENCE and modern technologies.

I think that it makes sense to build a Microdom immediately after buying a plot, but I would not install an air conditioner in the Microdom, considering it a twice harmful unit - it is better to equip the Microdom with a solar collector, oil radiators and other electric and gas heaters.

But small house from an American professional:

The creator of this house, American architect Chris Heininge, did not expect that his compact house design would become so popular and he would be inundated with a huge number of orders. The idea of ​​such a house was born to him after he returned home from Asia. He lived in Japan, India and China for about 20 years. The skill of the inhabitants of these countries to plan the interior space is simply amazing, they manage to place everything you need for a comfortable life on a few square meters.

And on his return, Chris built his first compact house 6 meters long and 3 wide and placed everything necessary for life inside. Let's take a look inside. From the outside, this house looks more like a gazebo.

Only 9 photos.

But going inside we find ourselves in a bright living room with a large sofa.

Storage boxes and a fireplace are hidden in the stairs to the upper tier.

Kitchen with household appliances, dining table and TV.

The kitchen space is 100% used and equipped with lots of cabinets and shelves.

On the second floor there is a spacious bed with bedside tables.

There is a washbasin next to the kitchen.

A bathroom with a toilet and a mini-bath is opposite.

Chris now makes these custom homes for $60,000. They are assembled and transported to the installation site in an almost finished form.

Perhaps the price will not seem to you as small as the house itself, but you must admit, it is so masterfully thought out interior layout causes admiration.

Perhaps in Russia as summer house this design may work, but the previous design is the height of genius compared to this one.

I invite everyone to speak in

Our MINI or home for permanent residence

Hello, my name is Sergey, in the world, under this nickname, many here know me on Forumhouse.
In general, everything is simple to the point of banality, we want to build a house, but using our official position and strange reasoning, we want to build a pretty budget house ik, making it comfortable, beautiful and cozy.
In our country, of course, it is not accepted that a budget house be beautiful and comfortable, and even with good interiors, but my wife and I are generally strange people, so we will not adhere to established canons and still put our ideas into practice. So for the faint of heart Old Believers and people with a standard building orientation, it’s better not to look at this disgrace.
Otherwise, everything will be pretty banal, with the exception of a bunch of nuances and our tricks.
And we also like to make everything beautiful, we have such a manic inclination, so we developed our own logo for our house, well, the profession obliges.

So! How did we get to this, you ask? Yes, everything is simple, for a start, of course, we made a project, it was really a brain drain, we sinful deed they thought that now it’s a blunder and everything is ready, the house is small, but no, everything turned out to be not so simple, with big houses everything is much simpler, but here you had to cram everything in by a centimeter, and it should also be convenient. In general, a couple of months of nightmares and daytime experiences, and now I have a coveted layout born in agony, but I was proud of myself, my wife and the whole world in general, I wanted to run and poke passers-by with my nose in order to appreciate this hard labor, I stopped only the wife, intimidating people in white coats. And I really fear them, these people do not understand us, creative individuals.

Why a house? Let me remind you that my wife and I are architects, and to shove our carcass, grown up in the field of righteous efforts, into 30 square meters. m. one-room apartment like I didn't want to at all.
In general, they made a layout and took up the appearance, everything was simple here, many years of experience in tuning such cubes and rectangles affected, the result was "Our MINI" and we like it! Nothing special, but we love it! And for the price, such a finish is very, very budget-friendly.

UShP (insulated Swedish plate)
In principle, we also calculated other types of foundations, but for small houses the difference in price is so insignificant that the choice fell on this type of foundation, especially since we have been using it in other projects for several years and we know all its pros and cons. I will make a calculation on prices later, when we come close to laying the foundation.
The usual Finnish frame, nothing extraordinary, at first they really offered us SIPs, but they were refused because of their harmfulness and in general I don’t really trust them, although the prices were very pleasant, I almost fell for it. On the walls 200 mm of insulation, 150 mm. basic and 50 mm. cross.
Ordinary rafter board 200X50 mm., with cross-insulation, a total of 250 mm. insulation. The layout of our house is very simple, there is a central wall on which 3 pillars rest and a ridge beam is already supported on them, as a result, everything is very simple and reliable.
Exterior finish
For us, this is a very standard and budget option, so we went along the knurled and proven path and sheathed the house with imitation timber, the rest of the elements are also made of wood and scraps, of which there are quite a lot at the construction site.

Often we are faced with the problem of the inability to implement ideas and plans due to small space apartments. Micro-houses are becoming more and more popular in the world - small residential buildings, which, despite the mini-size, contain everything you need.

Today we will introduce you to 20 micro-houses from all over the world. Read and get inspired!

Cottage with a total area of ​​14 sq. m is located in Lauttasaari, Finland. It is an opportunity for its residents to enjoy nature without leaving the bustling city.

This tiny house was built just 2 kilometers from the main residence of the owner's family, which consists of 4 people. The cottage has everything you need: a place to sleep and rest, to cook, to store things.

Often mini-houses are built on sites with existing housing. This graceful village house was built in the backyard among the garden. Beautiful place! Here you can spend time with friends or be alone.

Ufogel, Austria has unusual shape. A person who is there can enjoy a beautiful view from a wide window at any time of the day.

House with a total area of ​​72 sq. m fully adapted to permanent residence. One of the options perfect layout for a small space.

The designer visually expanded the interior space, accurately placed accents in the house with the help of wide windows, white color, wooden floors and panels, as well as steel trim elements.

Don't know how to take everything you need with you on vacation? Take home with you! In a mobile home like Vina's, there is not only cozy bedroom, bathroom and kitchen, but even a work area.

Surely you have already heard about how talented people create amazing things from garbage. These houses, costing around $200, are being built by architect Derek Diedricksen, using mostly waste pallets.

Innermost House is a house in Northern California with a total area of ​​12 square meters. m. This is a tiny house on the outside and surprisingly spacious inside, containing everything you need: a kitchen, an office, a bathroom and bedrooms.

The next option is not as small as those proposed earlier, but still much smaller in size than those that we are used to seeing. The total area of ​​the house Melissa, Snohomish, WA is 17 square meters. m. 2 owners and 2 cats permanently live here, and the house contains everything they need.

Situated on a sandy beach off the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zeeland, the small home has oversized glass doors and a sliding wooden structure, if necessary, turning the house into a small fortress.

Separate room with bunk bed dinner Zone and the kitchen - that's what is inside the house.

This option is for those who want to relax in nature like in a hotel, only without noisy neighbors. Minimalist style holiday home with windows at different angles for constant access to natural light.

Mighty micro house is another example of a mobile home with a cozy interior. Inside there is a kitchen, dining room, sleeping area and a place to relax. Great option for travelers.

A wooden mini-house with a size of 10 sq.m was created specifically for students. It has a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. You can admire it at the Virserum Art Museum in Sweden.

In order to build such a house with an area of ​​​​26 square meters. m in the Finnish forest, you do not even need to obtain a building permit and draw up documents. This tiny house has two floors, a living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, as well as an open veranda.

This mobile vacation home holds everything you need, so you now need to take much less with you on vacation. Wall-sized glass sliding doors allow residents and guests to admire the natural surroundings.

Tiny tack - a house measuring 13 square meters. m, a universal living space for its owners, built almost independently by one of them. The wooden camper accommodates a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and attic, and 11 windows provide constant daylight during the whole day.

Forest Japanese house of 20 sq. m, made in oriental style, allows its guests to relax and meditate. A large number of author's interior items and design elements were used in the design.

Leaf house is the second building of its kind. Located in Yukon, Canada. The total area of ​​the house is about 21.5 sq. m. Inside there is a fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, dining and sleeping areas.

Mini mod - a house with an area of ​​27 sq. m, designed in a modern, sophisticated style. Inside is very light and spacious. Glass walls allow you to enjoy a beautiful view, and the best part is that first you choose a place to relax, and then this house is brought there and installed.

This eco-friendly micro-house is located in France and is built using the so-called recyclable materials - wood and hay. The atmosphere is cozy, the interior is typical, modern.

This tiny Duck Chalet was built in four months, although the design took almost a year and a half. The starting point of the construction was the most common trailer. Furniture and interior items are made to order.

Inspiring, but at the same time practical and accessible ideas will help you create a cozy atmosphere even in the smallest space.