After all the documents for the property are ready and a building permit is obtained, the most important point in construction – planning country house. Of course, first of all, the owners of the new land plot you will need to look through a lot finished projects and choose one that will fully satisfy all their needs.

Before you begin planning, you will need to carefully consider the main details of the future house. Keep in mind that this requires not only a lot of free time, but also finances.

So, the plan of a country house should reflect the design of the house as accurately as possible, and also contain the necessary information about the building materials used. IN Lately gained enormous popularity laminated veneer lumber. The main advantages of this material are environmental safety and first-class insulating characteristics.

Country house plan 6x6 made of timber

Selection of the layout of a country house

The modern layout of a country house consists of several tasks:

  • choice of number of storeys of the house;
  • selection building material;
  • and stairs;
  • roof design.

They are extremely popular. The classic layout of a country house involves the location of a terrace, kitchen, living room, dining room and bathroom on the ground floor.

Plan of a 2-storey country house 6x9 with a veranda

At this stage, it is quite difficult to decide on the combination and adjoining of different rooms. Many experienced architects recommend considering the option of connecting the kitchen to the dining room or living room.

An important role is given to the stage. This room must have good system air ventilation and be protected by a tight door that will prevent odors from spreading throughout the house.

The layout of a country house with several floors requires special attention from experienced architects. It is important to remember that work of this complexity should only be performed by professional construction companies which have highly qualified and experienced personnel.

The layout of a country house with a stove and other decorative elements of the Russian style is one of the most complex projects that requires a professional approach.

Plan of a country house with a stove

It is important to remember that the layout of a 6x8 country house is particularly complex. Houses of this class have . To do this, first of all, it is necessary to calculate the necessary free space, which will be located under the lifting structure. In the future, this plot can be privatized and used as a storage room. The top floor is ideal for sleeping quarters.

Country house plan 6x8

The layout of a 6x9 country house quite often includes a small balcony and large windows. The room under the roof (attic) most often functions as an ordinary attic, a small gym or billiard room. The final stage of planning is the selection of the most suitable porch design.

An example of the layout of a country house 6x9

Layout of a country house: choice of building materials

The standard design of a country house and larger-scale projects involves the use of classic building materials:

  • concrete,
  • bricks,
  • wood.

The best option is . Of course, houses of this type have a decent cost, but they provide an ideal level of comfort: thermal and sound insulation, ideal air circulation, environmental friendliness, fire safety.

An example of the layout of a 6x6 country house from wooden beam

Thus, this class is not only the most popular option, but also the most optimal for any corner of our country.

When building a house on a summer cottage, it is important to carefully prepare for it. At the same time, a thoughtful layout of a country house is of great importance. In it, based on the quantitative composition of the family and the preferences of its members, the dimensions, number of floors, usable area, number and purpose of premises are specified. The seasonality of residence, the organization of heating are taken into account, and options for furniture and equipment placement are considered. Each family solves these issues individually, but adhering to certain practice-tested rules. Typically, the layout is carried out with the division of rooms according to their purpose in accordance with the given type of house.

Features of the layout of a one-story house

On a fairly spacious summer cottage plot it would be more profitable to build cottage. Its construction will cost less, and living in it is much more convenient, especially if the family consists of older people. You won't need to climb the stairs several times a day. In addition, such a house is much easier to heat.

The traditional layout of a one-level country house involves the arrangement of a kitchen, a small living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms. The construction of a terrace or veranda is also practiced. A very practical option is to combine the living room with the kitchen. You can install a beautiful fireplace and combine both rooms with a single interior style.

It is recommended to position the kitchen so that it is like a vestibule in front of the entrance to the house. This will prevent cold air from entering the premises in winter. During cooking, on the contrary, warm air will maintain heating. If desired, you can build a canopy; they are usually made from profiles and double-glazed windows.

When using the dacha all year round, it is necessary to provide additional heating. To do this, they build a stove in the kitchen, the back wall of which is connected to the next room, heating two rooms at the same time. The bedrooms are heated with electric heaters. The house will heat up faster if you install high-quality double-glazed windows on the windows.

If the house has only one room and a kitchen, the living room is separated by a partition. A bed is installed behind her. You can select it by following this link. This layout is suitable for minimal family- two people. If there is a small niche, it can be equipped as a children's corner.
Example video good planning country house 6x6:

Layout of a two-story house

Such houses are popular, especially among large families. Home planning tips recommend using the ground floor to house the dining room with living room, bathroom and kitchen. It is common to have a kitchen adjacent to the living room or dining room. It should be equipped with a good ventilation system and close tightly so as not to spread kitchen odors throughout all rooms.

Concrete floors should not be used to build the second floor. It is better to make them from wood, then the house will be warmer. At this level there are game room for children and small bedrooms. They are easier to integrate into . If possible, it would be nice to provide for the installation of a balcony.

The stairs must be led out of the kitchen, which is located directly behind the entrance. In this case, heat will not move from the living room to the upper floor. The space under the stairs is convenient to use for storage. It is better to select a suitable staircase design in advance, before installing the second floor, rather than adapting it later.

Significant advantages are provided by the layout of a country house with an equipped attic. Its construction provides significant savings, since there is no need to use brick or other wall material. The need for exterior finishing is also eliminated. There is an opportunity to implement creative design ideas. The layout is completed with selection, the design of which largely determines appearance Houses.

Efficient use of space

A country house should provide not only convenience and comfortable living conditions, but also rational use space in it. This is what house planning tips are aimed at:

  • Open spaces. This could be a terrace or a glassed-in veranda. They are built into the house or attached to it. To separate them from the external environment, glass and stained glass are used. The trellises also look elegant, serving as a support for climbing ornamental plants.
  • Kitchen. To provide greater convenience, it is placed closer to the entrance, especially in the absence of water supply and sewerage. It is advisable to have a window in this room for better illumination and viewing of the site. IN big houses sometimes they provide an additional exit from the kitchen to the terrace.
  • Pantry and wardrobe. This is one room located near the kitchen. Work clothes are stored in it, as well as valuable tools and equipment, so as not to leave them in the shed.
  • Common room. It could be a living room or a dining room. This is the most spacious and bright room. They are oriented towards the most beautiful part of the site - a flower bed, a garden. From this room there is access to a terrace or veranda. A fireplace can be installed here.
  • Bedrooms and utility rooms. If a bedroom is planned on the ground floor, it should be located in the least noisy and darkened part of the house. In the attic, sleeping places are placed against the longitudinal walls. Between the wall and the roof, using partitions, a storage room or cabinets for clothes and bed linen are erected.
  • Bathroom. It is provided in the house, mainly, provided that sewerage and water supply are connected to the site. It is not recommended to install a large bathtub; it will take up too much space. It's better to get by with a regular shower. An indoor toilet is equipped with an autonomous sewage system.
  • Hallway. There is a place in it where you can remove outerwear and shoes. Glass blocks are great for decorating a hallway.

The choice of building material, which is also provided for when planning a country house, is practically unlimited. Modern construction technology is popular frame houses, as well as chopped and from wooden beams. Traditional stone and brick are used, as well as a relatively new material - foam block. It differs from other materials in durability, fire resistance, ability to retain heat and low cost.

When building a house on a summer cottage, everyone wants to build one that will be comfortable to live in. But coziness and comfort depend on internal layout Houses. First of all.

And the layout itself depends on the size of the building, the number of people in the family, and the presence of small children. It also depends on whether you plan to live in the country only in the summer, or whether you want to come here all year round. There are some things you should definitely consider when deciding how to layout your home.

Layout of a one-story country house

Even in small house There must be at least three rooms:

  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Living room

The kitchen can be positioned so that the entrance to the house is through it. In this case, the kitchen room will also serve as a vestibule, which traps cold air if you come to the dacha in winter.

During cooking, the air in the kitchen heats up noticeably, which is also good for heating the house. This option is much better than building a cramped vestibule.

If you want to make a canopy, you can make it out of glass. Using profiles, double glazed windows and glass doors.

If you use your dacha all year round, you need to provide additional heating. For example, you can plan a country house with a stove in the kitchen, the back wall of which opens into the next room. This stove will heat two rooms at once. Well, you can install an electric heater in the bedroom. There are many economical modern models.

It is necessary to take into account that the house heats up much faster if double-glazed windows are installed. good quality. It should be noted that the warmth in the house does not depend on the size of the windows, but on how well they are glazed. Best option, these are high-quality plastic windows with several panes.

Construction of a terrace

Since people spend almost all their time outside in the summer, a covered terrace needs to be added to the house. It can be located on the entrance side, then the terrace will also play the role of a porch. It must be provided good roof, which will protect from bad weather and hot sun. It is also necessary to provide for the fastening of mosquito nets.

Some tips were given on how to do country house more comfortable. If a person plans to build a dacha from scratch, then he can plan it the way his heart desires. But not everything is as simple as it might seem. Below are the most common mistakes that people make when thinking about what kind of house to build on their summer cottage.

Of course, everyone’s tastes differ, but still, we will talk about those things that help reduce construction costs and increase comfort.

Mistakes when planning a country house

The house is too big
There is no need to build a house too big. After all, its maintenance requires certain costs. Make your home the way it is needed at the moment.

Thick walls in the house
Walls that are too thick require a more powerful foundation, and therefore extra costs. Modern technologies allow you to build lightweight houses, for example, frame houses, or from timber. Good insulation solves all heating difficulties, and the choice quality material and qualified builders makes the house very durable.

Construction of a basement or ground floor
There is no need to make a large basement or ground floor. These premises require high-quality waterproofing, insulation, ventilation and heating. For all this you need to hire specialists. Additional costs for building materials are required. Very significant. Also, do not build a base that is too high. This also increases costs.

If you plan to build a fireplace in the house, then you need to build it in the middle so that the heat from it spreads to adjacent rooms. A fireplace built against an outer wall is completely irrational.

It seems that all things are very simple. But if you avoid these mistakes when planning your house, you can significantly save on building materials and construction time.

Main feature summer cottage is a small area, which is why, in order to save available space, they build small houses. There is an opinion that small-sized housing is not able to provide a sufficient level of comfort, but this is not entirely true - with a competent approach to planning, it can be made cozy.

In most cases, country house designs are standard. This is due, first of all, to the difficulties that arise in the process of zoning space and designing the interior.

Features of the layout of country housing

When planning a country house you must:

– determine the number of storeys of the building;

– choose from a variety standard projects the one that will best meet your requirements;

– select building materials;

– decide on the design of the stairs and porch;

– choose a roof design.

Today the most popular are two-story houses, in which a bathroom, living room, terrace, kitchen and dining room are harmoniously located on the ground floor, and on the second there are several bedrooms with a spacious hall.

One of important stages layout of a 6x6 country house with a stove, How on photo, is kitchen design. To prevent the spread of kitchen “aromas” throughout the house, the room should be fenced with a thick door and equipped with a high-quality ventilation system. The layout of a multi-storey country house requires the utmost attention of designers and architects. Only professionals should design housing.

Why do you need a stove in your house?

A stove is not just a spectacular, but also a functional addition to the interior of a country house, so special attention must also be paid to the design of this element. First of all, you should determine the functionality of the oven. It should be noted that a conventional stove can be used not only as a heating device, but also as a place for cooking.

For the construction of the structure, red hardened brick is mainly used. The oven is laid out in old Russian or modern style, the choice of which is determined by the characteristics of the home’s interior. Recently, the popularity of metal (forged) stoves has been growing, the installation of which gives the interior a special charm.

Where to install a stove in a small country house?

According to experts, the most advantageous and the best option is a country house in which a special stove with a fireplace is located in the center of the room. This positioning of the heating device allows not only to fully provide heat to the entire house, but also to correctly zone the room. Electronic versions of such designs can be found on the Internet. After studying the existing proposals, you can choose the layout option you like or harmoniously combine several of them into one that will best meet your requirements.

Projects that involve installing a stove near the far wall of the room cannot be ignored, since this option is considered a classic one. It guarantees proper distribution of thermal energy throughout the room, but provides heat to only one room. If the stove in a country house plays the role of a decorative element and other devices are responsible for heating, then it can be installed anywhere, the main thing is that it fits harmoniously into the overall style.

Layout of a 6x6 country house and choice of building materials

Most typical country housing projects involve arranging a corridor and 2-3 small rooms(the number of premises is limited by the area of ​​the building), the location of which depends on the preferences of future residents. It should be noted that if there is a well water supply or gas communication systems in the house, it is necessary to organize separate room(technical room) for their maintenance. Windows are an important element of any home. IN country houses They try to make window openings small to avoid significant heat loss during the cold season.

Housing planning is an individual process that is aimed at maximizing the comfort of future residents, therefore, when choosing a country house project, it is important to take into account their needs. During the design process, it is necessary to remember the characteristics of the building material from which the house will be built in the future. This will significantly facilitate further installation of the structure and reduce its time.

Most typical projects involve the use of classic materials: brick, wood and concrete. One of the most modern and optimal options is laminated veneer lumber. The cost of such housing is somewhat overestimated, but it is this type of house that provides the maximum level of comfort, allows for ideal aeration and sound insulation. In addition, timber is a natural and environmentally friendly material.

Arrangement of the roof of the house

In the process of designing a roof, it is necessary to take into account not only the specific wishes of future residents, but also their financial situation. Cost is the main factor that determines the type of roof structure. However, in the process of choosing a specific roof, it is important to remember that it can be both convenient and practical. In the modern construction market, the most common option is mansard roof, which allows you to create additional space. Attic floor can be used as a living room, thereby expanding the usable area of ​​small-sized housing.

It should be noted that for country houses Experts do not recommend equipping 6x6 pitched roofs. The best option would be a roof with high fronts, which determine the volume attic space. To save money, experts recommend installing small country houses on screw piles. This option will reduce the cost of arranging the roof, since its design should be as lightweight as possible, but at the same time reliable.