Two-roomed flat vest - how to remodel?" data-essbishovercontainer="">

In new houses, the problem of redevelopment does not become a catastrophic phenomenon, because modern architects try to include this possibility even during construction. But the two-room apartment is a vest, its remodeling causes difficulties.

If we are talking about one-room apartments, then another important task arises - how to make the rooms feel like two separate and independent rooms. Another important question is whether it is possible to turn a two-room apartment into a three-room apartment or add free space? Can. There are several ways to redevelop such a room.

From a large room we make two small ones. On the one hand, everything is very easy - just install a partition. On the other hand, you need to take into account that a partition can be installed if the room has at least one window.

Are there even two? Great. Install a brick or plasterboard partition and get two new spaces. You can divide the rooms with wide sliding doors - this option will be convenient if you often have guests or you regularly hold family celebrations at home.

All you have to do is open the doors and the room will become large again. For those who do not want to radically divide a large room, you can install an arch. It will serve as a “border”, and it will be easier for you to functionally use the room. For example, in one you can make an office or workshop, and use the second part as a hall or living room.

No. 2 redevelopment method is the most difficult

Move the kitchen to another room. It's difficult, but it's possible. In a two-room apartment you can always find unused space. For example, in the corridor or hall. The main thing to remember is that the stove should be located five meters from the riser.

And, of course, for such redevelopment you will need to obtain permits. You can also connect the kitchen with the living space - this option is suitable for those who want to have a spacious dining room where they can receive guests.

No. 3 - the most practical redevelopment option

Use the space of a balcony or loggia. Such a room can become a continuation of the room or a functional addition. You can make an office in place of the balcony - put a comfortable chair and a table with a computer, a dressing room - install shelves or a mobile hanger, game room– just put a warm carpet and get rid of sharp corners.

Of course, you will get another adjoining room, but you will be able to add practicality to your apartment and get another personal space.

Redevelopment without drastic changes

You can create an attractive and practical design for a two-room apartment without plasterboard walls or “moving” the room. To make your apartment as comfortable as possible, here are some practical design solutions:

  • Connect the bathroom with the bathroom - you will get additional space where you can become comfortable washing machine and shelves for small bath accessories. To save space, you can install a shower cabin instead of a bathtub.
  • Connect the kitchen with the corridor - for this you do not need to change the location of the stove and obtain permission, but the area will increase slightly
  • Place a wardrobe in your bedroom where you can store seasonal clothes (it will be especially useful if your kitchen is combined with a hallway, because you will have nowhere to store things)
  • Sliding doors, which should be installed instead of regular ones, will help save space. However, this option has a small disadvantage - poor sound insulation

This simple rearrangement will allow you to slightly expand the space. And the option of connecting the kitchen and another room will allow you to install a folding sofa, which will be useful for guests or relatives.

Stylish design of a two-room apartment

A two-room apartment, like all small rooms, needs visual magnification space and correct placement of accents. If you want to combine the kitchen with the hallway or move it to an adjacent room, it is best to create a high-tech or modern design in the new room.

This design will appeal to all lovers of technology and a modern approach to renovation. But the most important thing is not even this, but the fact that this style requires minimal furniture and decorative trim. This is what will allow you to free up space and make your apartment stylish and as comfortable as possible. The principle of the high-tech style is functionality and rationality, but here are a few of its features:

Design of a two-room apartment with a vest

  • Use straight lines and geometric figures
  • Choose practical furniture from artificial materials - plastic, glass, metal
  • Cabinets can be used with open sections
  • It is best to use ceiling light with cool lighting
  • For walls, use regular paint in a cool shade.
  • The main color scheme in furniture and decoration is light and light. Classic beige, light yellow, pale blue, cream shades are suitable
  • One or two interior details, for example, a vase, can become a bright inclusion of blue color or pillows in cherry or scarlet shade

This style is suitable for a “vest” and due to the fact that it does not tolerate clutter and a huge number of small details - everything should be simple, practical, comfortable and functional. Here you can use modern technology as decorations - TV, laptop and other examples of “latest technologies”.

Second room , can be done in a similar design, for example, in the “minimalism” style, which will fit perfectly in the bedroom. The main task here is to use as much light as possible and avoid cluttering accessories and other details.

The main decoration of the bedroom should be the walls, floor and ceiling. Their color scheme can be varied - for example, the walls can be painted a light cream color, the floor can have a deep brown tint, and the ceiling can be made in dazzling white. The combination of a light ceiling and walls will visually enlarge the space and add “air” to the room.

Among apartment owners there are many who live in two-room vest, which is not so practical. Modern technologies, which are used by repair and design specialists, allow you not only to get rid of clutter, but also to get another, additional room as a result of redevelopment. Experienced professionals will do everything possible not only to visually expand the space, but, as you can see in the photo, to visually increase the height of the ceilings.

There are many ways to redevelop a two-room apartment into a three-room apartment, we will talk in detail about each of them.

In a large room with windows, install a plasterboard or brick partition. Some owners limit themselves to an arch. But this method can only be used if there are two windows in the wall. Current regulations prohibit the complete absence of daylight in a residential area. In addition, the area of ​​each room must be at least 9 m². You can also divide space using sliding spaces - you only need a few simple movements to turn two small rooms into one spacious space. This is very convenient during family celebrations.

Second way

Move the kitchen to another room. This option for arranging a vest apartment, although less popular, is no less effective. The problems are that for correct implementation repairs will need to adhere to a number of standards.

Two-room apartments almost always have unused space where you can organize a kitchen. The new space is a great opportunity to turn your two-room apartment into a three-room one.

However, you should remember that you can only move the kitchen to places strictly designated for this purpose. First of all, we are talking about corridors and halls. But if your apartment is located in a new building, then it is quite possible that waterproofing is poured throughout the entire room, which means that you can realize almost any of your design fantasies.

There are even buildings in which the kitchen and bathroom areas were not designated by the builder. Do not forget that the tiles cannot be placed further than five meters from the riser. But in the photo you can see what the apartments look like with the redevelopment that was carried out according to such a project.

You can resort to combining a kitchen with a living space only if you have an electric stove installed in your home.

If you decide that you want to make similar changes to your two-room apartment, you will need to contact the relevant authorities to obtain permits. The package of documents that you will need to submit must include a detailed plan for the upcoming work.

Third way

To get a three-room apartment, you can use the additional area of ​​the balcony or loggia. On the one hand, you will receive a room that will become a logical continuation of the main room, and on the other, its logical functional addition.

In addition to a study or dressing room, you can arrange a relaxation area or a children's room here. The only inconvenience is that you will end up with adjacent rooms.

Fourth method

This project is suitable for many families. For example, it is recommended for use by those who have two or more children. It is also very convenient in cases where there is a desire to create a kitchen in the apartment that will be combined with a dining room. It’s good if most of your walls are not load-bearing. It is then much easier to change the shape and size of the premises; it is very convenient if you set out to transform a two-room apartment into a three-room apartment.

Don't forget what's important

As the photos demonstrate, redevelopment projects can be very different - with adjacent children's rooms or with a separate entrance for each child. Remember that each room must have access to a window. But for a work office, which does not belong to the type of residential premises, daylight will not need. However, in this case, you will need to install several light sources in the room. It is recommended that some of them be located at different levels of the suspended ceiling.

Getting ideas

Before drawing up a project, you can study photos of similar repairs. Your task is to create not just a cozy three-room apartment, but housing where each room will be functional and practical. When all the details have been clarified, it’s time to move on to creating a detailed redevelopment project, and, of course, coordinate all the details with local authorities. So that there are no comments on the project. And you didn’t have to endlessly redo it; it’s best to contact a construction company with experienced designers.

In contact with

Many people are interested in how to properly develop design of a two-room apartment. This should not be surprising; most families live in apartments of this type and have no intention of leaving anywhere.

As practice shows, in two rooms there can be room even for three people. Therefore, it makes no sense for such families to exchange such premises, for example, for a new studio. And people often don’t have enough money to buy a two-room apartment in a new house.

What exactly the design of the apartment will be is decided depending on how many people live in it. Typically, single people and young couples set up a bedroom in one room and a living room in the other. But when there is a family with children, difficulties arise. After all, one room needs to be given to children, and in the second, parents have to organize two zones at once: a bedroom and a living room. Therefore, radical redevelopment of the vest is becoming more and more popular. However, before carrying it out, it is necessary to determine all the pros and cons of the available area. Then it will become clear what needs to be changed.

The vests are characterized by an unusual layout, which is why they got their name. Rooms, like shirt sleeves, have no common walls, but are located one after another. Usually they are separated by a corridor or kitchen. But sometimes one room is a walk-through room.

The most important advantage apartment layouts we can assume that the windows face opposite sides Houses. Thanks to this, there are few dark corners in the rooms. This arrangement allows you to simultaneously have a shady and sunny side. This creates a comfortable temperature in the house even in summer.

One of the downsides is drafts. But they are felt only if the windows are installed incorrectly, or the balcony is not insulated enough.

Since the apartment has two living rooms plus a corridor, a kitchen and a toilet with a bathroom, then there are several redevelopment options. Moreover, the walls are not always demolished; sometimes additional partitions are installed:
If a family with a child lives in the room, and the owners do not want to combine a bedroom and a living room, then the large room is divided into two small ones. For this purpose, an additional partition is installed. In the resulting rooms, a living room and a nursery are set up. But it is better to establish an additional limitation of space when the room has two windows. If it turns out that there will be no window in the nursery or living room, then it is better not to build a wall of brick or plasterboard, but simply install sliding doors. You can also separate the children's area from the living room with an arch or shelving.

If the kitchen seems too small, it can be combined with the living room. This is done by families who love to receive guests. In this case, the demolished wall frees up space for a dining table or an additional seating area.

If a person lives alone, you can combine the kitchen with the hallway and living room. Walls remain only in the bathroom, toilet and bedroom.

If the house has a large balcony or loggia, they can also be combined with one of the rooms. There you can get a few more meters and install a closet to store all your things, set up an office, or a corner for sports. In case of such redevelopment, the balcony must be insulated. Heated floors can also be installed in this area.

If there is enough space in the corridor, then you can “expand” the space of the bathroom or kitchen. You can also replace doorways with arches, or remove doors and install frames. This will give the apartment a feeling of spaciousness. This option is suitable if only one person lives in the apartment.

Before carrying out redevelopment, the owner will have to obtain permission for this and contact specialists who will tell you which walls can be demolished and which cannot.

When the owners decide whether redevelopment will be carried out or not, they can proceed to development interior design of a two-room apartment.
It’s better to print out several copies of the home plan and distribute it to each family member so that everyone can draw what they want to see in the end. This will make it easier to decide how to decorate all the areas in the room.

As you can see from the photos posted on the Internet, the design of a two-room apartment is created according to the same principles. Experts often combine different textures and textures. In this way, they create the effect of expanding the space, because old houses do not have such large areas.

Mirror panels, stained glass and glass are often used in interior doors. Also, a feeling of spaciousness is created through the use of arches and sliding partitions. Designers also like to use podiums and niches in the walls.

During development design of a two-room apartment It’s worth considering what the lighting in the rooms will be like. It is light that allows you to create comfort in a room.

Design an interior for studio apartment easier than for a house with two rooms. If in the first case the entire room, including the bathroom and toilet, can be decorated in the same style, then in a two-room apartment there are a lot of options.

Where living areas are separated by a corridor, designers recommend using two different styles, but one color scheme. The brightest room in this case may be the kitchen.

If the apartment has a walk-through room, then it is better to use one style, but a different color scheme. For example, the living room can be decorated in bright colors, and the bedroom in calm colors.
If redevelopment has been carried out and only the bedroom is separated, then you can absolutely use different styles, which do not overlap with each other.
The interior of the “studio” included in the apartment can be modern and provocative, and the bedroom in this case should be decorated “at home”, in the most soothing colors, so that you can relax at night.

Not everyone decides to make a global restructuring of their undershirt. Some people don’t have enough money for this, others don’t have time to go to different authorities and collect the necessary papers. In this case, when developing the design, you will have to immediately determine what functions the rooms will perform.
For example, in big room the owners can not only receive guests, but also work, so it will have to be divided into two zones. Often the living room is a dining room, and sometimes, if children live in the second room, it is also a bedroom.

But no matter how many zones there are, they can be easily demarcated without erecting partitions.

Here are some ways:

Separate dining area from the recreation area you can use flooring. Where the dining table is, you can put tiles, and in the second zone - laminate or carpet. You can also make different floor levels or place the table on a small podium.

You can separate the work area using a low ceiling, which will differ in color from the main one. In this case, it is better to choose a coating with a glossy effect.

You can also divide the space using light. In the work or dining area it should be bright, and in the relaxation area it should be warm and intimate.

You can separate zones with a sofa, chest of drawers, bar counter or other furniture. Depending on the chosen interior style, you can delimit the space using large vases, potted plants or small screens.

Design of a two-room apartment with a vest should be developed taking into account the basic rule of designing small spaces: as much as possible less furniture and as many light colors as possible.