The editors of "MP" received a letter from Valentina Yuryevna, who lives in house 71, building 1 on Keramichesky Proezd. Our reader asks: “Can I plant tree seedlings under my windows on the first floor? ornamental shrub and flowers? I heard that the “Million Trees” campaign is taking place in Moscow, and it seems that Muscovites themselves can now plant various green spaces. I have a question: what landscaping work can I do on my own? And can our government help me?"

Is it possible that we are dangerous? Invasive species must meet two basic criteria - they are geographically unproductive on the given land, and they displace native species with which they compete. Invasive species have become a major problem in many areas of the world. He only remembers Queens, Australia.

Even in the Czech Republic we have many invasive species. Among the plants, the worst "veterinarians" are the magnificent grandfather, Japanese leaf and Sachalinsk or non-woven nut. Their main "danger" is that they are often large single-lever stands in which other plants cannot be trapped and which reduces the diversity of ecosystems. For humans, it is inevitably dangerous for them, but it is a substance that contains rustling ingredients that cause unpleasant problems.

And here is a message from Natalya Borisovna from Bolshaya Akademicheskaya: “I wanted to plant a rowan sapling under my window, but my neighbor said: “It’s impossible. Everything needs to be coordinated with the council." And she shakes out the rug from the balcony without any approval..."

“A lot of dirt accumulates under the window during the winter. Cigarette butts, beer cans, plastic bottles, paper, used condoms. Janitors only clean from the side of the street facade, and they don’t give a damn about the fact that there is dirt in the courtyard near the houses. They don’t care about planting bushes.” , writes Maria Yakovlevna from General Rychagova Street.

Of species, the most influential species in the Americas hunted by species of original animals, including protected ones, are influenced by species. It is also known that American crayfish, which is known to be a plague, is a very dangerous disease for many types of crayfish. If anything, this may cause allergic reactions for some people. The statement about invasive species mentioned in this answer is of course not complete. It is very important to emphasize that all biological invasions do not pose the same danger.

Such replicas can be multiplied for a very long time. Their essence is the same. Tired of living in the dirt. Especially for residents of the first floors.

Oh, how I understand our readers! I live on the first floor of a Khrushchev building. Every spring I take bags of garbage from under my window to the trash. And all because there are now many newcomers and temporary people living in our houses. They will live a little and move out. They live by the principle: since I cry, I get what I want.

Their course is individual, as well as the risks for the tissue. And not all mowed or planted species need to become invasive. From the point of view of the precautionary principle, he does not pay for his testing. How does a hawk destroy spruce trees? The butterfly hawk, the proper name for the spruce lizard, attacks weakened or desecrated spruce trees. Insects appear at the end of April or in May. Wedding Comedy Samidicums, which attract women using chemical pheasants called pheromones. After the woman's confinement, the ladies bury themselves in the so-called "matein corridor" and, on the sides, place eggs in the holes of crushed eggs.

In general, I don’t know about you, but I decided to put an end to this.

A month before

First, as usual, I began to clean up the trash.

Uh-uh, Andrey! Why are you sweeping! Give it to me! - our janitor Shafran almost snatches the broom from my hands and begins to furiously fulfill his professional duty.

So you don’t clean under the windows. Look, there’s so much dirt,” I object, trying to defend the tool. But Saffron is adamant.

One guy takes a few teaspoons of eggs, from which the maggots spill. They produce perpendicular to the mantle of their own corridor, at the end of which they curl. The development of the liqueur takes the egg from the adult within about ten weeks.

In natural ecosystems, lice play a key role as they attack old and diseased spruce trees and ensure the eradication of forests. The problem arose when man sent spruce monocultures to places where spruce did not grow. Such forests are likely to cause disasters, including lice interference.

Andrey, wherever you tell me, I’ll clean it up there. Now everything will be clean and clean!

The janitor is slowly sweeping, humming something under his breath, the MP correspondent is digging beds for flowers.

Now we will plant flowers.

ABOUT! This is very rude. It will be beautiful!

It wouldn't be nice! Wild lilies are very beautiful - yellow, red, white, blue. They like to grow near water, but they also take root well in ordinary soil, without requiring special watering.

According to the rules governing National parks, they are prohibited from interfering with the lieutenant's work. These parts of national parks must be left behind by innate development, which is why they are so-called "non-exclusive". This does not bother him only thieves. Dryland trees are an integral part of mountain forests. If you look at them more closely, they grow behind them. If the attacked trees were removed and carted away, regeneration of a new forest would be more difficult because young trees often took advantage of the flowering of the tribes.

At the end of last year, two old linden trees and one elm fell in my front garden from a strong wind, and I cut down a dry apple tree, which my wife’s grandfather had planted in the early 1960s. Soon the trunks of the linden and elm trees were sawed by workers, but before they took away the wood waste, he managed to build a beautiful decorative bench. Usually these were made from dead wood at planned sites for tourist kayakers along the banks of popular rivers.

There is a dugout on the banks of the Vltava River in the nesting areas of the refrigerator. It's best that you return to the Security Inspectorate environment Jesse, Regional Inspectorate Jesi Buđovice. Call one of the Buddhist Inspection Institute, which is owned by the Department of Conservation.

Describe the exact location in the phone where the characters should be, and how exactly the location for the recorder's sleeping areas is. What is the natural renewal of these disturbed areas? This is the rehabilitation of a number of disturbed areas that make use of natural processes to the greatest extent possible. Sometimes they are mostly shy, sometimes they are good for small adjustments. The process that occurs naturally in natural renewal is called professional spontaneous succession.

In place of the one that was cut down, I planted four willow seedlings. Planting willow is very simple. You cut a branch from a living tree and stick it into the ground. One hundred percent guarantee that it will take root and take root. In five years you won’t recognize your twig, which has turned into an adult tree. It’s nice to relax under the willow tree in the heat. On hot days root system wood works like a pump, sucking moisture from the ground or river. Therefore, even on the hottest day, it is always fresh and cool in the shade of a willow or willow tree.

It is actually a type of species of organisms that gradually colonizes an area. Why is artificial regeneration greater than technical reclamation of disturbed areas? Natural restoration has two main benefits. First of all, with its help there are naturally valuable ecosystems, in which there are also protected and endangered species of organisms. The second important advantage is financial savings. While the technical reclamation of the boards amounts to about 1 hectare in the amount of 1.5-2 million CZK, nature works for free.

But when I planted willow seedlings last fall, I didn’t even know that this needed to be coordinated with our government, so that later I wouldn’t have to cut down mature trees, the root system of which could damage all kinds of communications under the house.

In general, after a few months, I finally decided to call our Koptevo administration to find out whether to dig up the seedlings or not.

Not that a natural upgrade of these two would be completely free of money, but the savings in it would be significant. Are there any issues that you need to be careful about when you use natural regeneration with these disturbed areas?

In IS hotspots, the problem may be caused primarily by invasive plant species. If this tree is found in a nearby surrounding area, it will most likely be hers and can then create uniform crops with the appearance of a poor understory. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor its occurrence or take measures against its inscriptions. Other invasive species are often infected by built-up construction or municipal waste.

A statement is enough

At the council, Nadezhda Efimushkina, a specialist in landscaping and landscaping, confirmed that neither trees nor shrubs can be planted without permission - for an already known reason. Only buttercup flowers. The exception is if you plant directly in the place where a tree recently grew, but for some reason died. But the council still promised to send a specialist to look at where I planted the willow seedlings.

What is the potential for a range of causes of conservation disruption? Classrooms often contain so many of the world's most important, endangered, and protected species. These include, in particular, types of herbs, dry pepper and soap. There are, of course, a number of wild species that can be used for storing, hiding or foraging for food.

What are the possibilities for coexistence between the team and the bourgeoisie? The pavilions became Lately, more than just protected by nests of protected branches in which nesting berries are stuck in their kiosks. If these birds are not present in the recording room, the repository part of course needs to abort the task. Of course, there are several ways to ensure that most of the opportunity is spent rather than destroyed. This is, for example, about a party, a pile of snow in a pile on a pile, working in another part of the pavilion, or creating a reservoir nest with a pile of heaped material.

By the way, today in any government you can get seedlings of various tree species, such as maple or linden, as well as ornamental shrubs for free. The fact is that last fall, the “Million Trees” campaign was launched in the capital, during which all interested Muscovites who decided to improve their yard or street can plant trees or shrubs. To do this, you need to write an application indicating which plants you want to plant and where.

They moved to a small warehouse near the village for the summer. This year the shadow of the pavilion slid down and the bush moved away. Is there anything we can do to get back to us? The condition of the bedding is really high enough for the perpendicular border in which he robs his bows. In any case, it will probably stop to remove the jagged pores and the perimeter will be restored. There are also bad guys who grow into haystacks. From time to time it also pays off part of the haystack, which reduces the parasitism of parasites from the old cloud.

If the location is suitable, you will receive free planting material. Moreover, specialists will bring you seedlings of trees and shrubs, and they will help you plant it all correctly.

True, this spring I did not have time to take part in the action - the application for planting material had to be made last fall. So I’ll wait until the fall, maybe then we’ll plant something. Fortunately, I managed to submit an application (for autumn plantings they are accepted until May 10, but the administration said that perhaps the deadline will be extended until the beginning of summer).

Any attacks cannot be carried out without permission. First of all, there is a need for the owner of the land on which your recording room lies. It is still necessary to contact the personnel of the responsible General Staff who are responsible for environmental protection and find out what legal exceptions are necessary for training in the arsenal. Advise and help you, as well as some of the public associations involved in the region, and nature protection.

When is the best time to provide a rich workshop to allow students to demonstrate the process of ecological succession? How do we know stallions if we don't know when it ended? Ecological continuity can be introduced into workshops at almost any rotation period. The most suitable for us is the summer holiday season, which would not be an appropriate term for a field trip. On the other hand, from the point of view of the observer's habitat, the best spring term is based in particular on a foreign or alien country.

How many green spaces have already been planted under the promotion since last fall? - I ask a question to Anna Khitrova, an employee of the Department of Natural Resources.

It turns out, not so much - only 8 thousand trees and 15 thousand shrubs. So the cherished million is still very far away. But the main thing is that Muscovites are increasingly involved in the program for landscaping their yards and streets. After all, Moscow has always been considered one of the greenest cities in the world.

The appropriate compromise in terms of zero excursions seems to be the months of May and June. In order to be able to go through continuity in a student studio, of course, it is important to know the age of the station, that is, the time since the end of work. Unless we can find out the local population or the company directly, the rest is not determined by the replanting of pine trees. These needle-like trees grow in almost all types of artifacts and grow almost immediately after the work is completed.

We will find most of the pine trees in the warehouse and we will be shuffled. We will get the result within two years when the young bumblebee is not here. There are more stars in the old pines, where we have supporters, and we must associate places with traces of victories in the tributaries of the tribe. Of course, this is a rough estimate of the cost of the station and will be sufficient for many of the things mentioned above.

The example is contagious

And then I caught myself thinking: the more I improve the area near my windows, the more all sorts of thoughts related to landscape design appear. I planted wild alpine onions near the old birch tree. It blooms with blue and white spherical flowers. And it can also be eaten. It’s possible, but it’s not necessary - and the ecology is not the same, and we plant not to later collect traditional fruits, but to protect our apartments from noise, dust and dirt.

Why do you keep a pigeon in Tshbey every year for crap? It always slides down and creates a natural shape rather than a perpendicular wall. The bourgeois moon is found only in perpendicular quarters, most often porous. At this time, most of the colonies are right in the stands. To protect this species in the wild, it is necessary to keep such stones in good condition. This can be done either as part of parking lot maintenance or as part of proper space management.

It is true that we are talking about artificial arrests. On the other hand, a person is simply correcting mistakes he has made in the past and which prepared the blues in the main original nest. All this existed in mournful accidents and was naturally renewed every year for the spring floods. Today's streams are confined, often concreted over or buried underground, so they do not find suitable conditions for deep-sea cloud nests.

In addition to seedlings of willow, daylily, and alpine onions, I also planted lilies of the valley and snowdrops, which I brought from the forest. These are all perennial plants that reproduce quite quickly. As experience shows, they feel good even on personal plots. And in the forest in the very north of the Moscow region I discovered saxifrage, which, it seems, does not need soil cover at all, since it grows well on stones in the Arctic, and even in the Arctic. I used a knife to cut off part of the plant, which looked more like a green dense mat from a large boulder, put it in a bag, and brought it. Now it reminds me of my travels in the North and the Arctic.

Therefore, certain human restrictions are necessary to preserve this kind in the natural world. Of course, the ideal state will occur when it comes to agreement with construction company support bourgeois looms in active masonry areas. In the case of large colonies, such as the three-tier one, their fall would be a big code for the entire South Bohemian population. That's why we decided to make a big difference here.

Where to buy cannabis seeds? Is it possible to obtain confirmation of origin and species? A certificate of origin is available for subscribing to the postal package. Where do you get basic information about planting cannabis? For detailed agricultural information, it is recommended to read the publication “Konop, Scythia for Agriculture and industry."

I have great hopes for this plant: that over time it will drive out all the weeds from the site that constantly have to be mowed down, and I will have a soft evergreen carpet under my window.

One day in the morning I heard that my cat Nelson (he has the habits of a watchdog) was sitting on the window vent and swearing at someone. At first I thought I saw a neighbor’s cat or dog. But it was not an animal, but a woman from a neighboring house who was digging up my lilies of the valley and snowdrops with a child’s metal shovel. Apparently, she wanted to plant it in her “garden” under the windows. Having dug up several plants and put them in a small bucket, looking around furtively, she went to her entrance.

I didn’t shame her, much less take her flowers. Let him plant it under his windows, don’t mind. The main thing is that it lands. She did not dig them up with evil intentions. I am sure that, in addition to good soil, fertilizer and watering, plants also need to be loved, touched more often and even talked to. The plant understands (I don’t know how) human speech and responds with brighter flowering and a larger harvest.

I was convinced of this while traveling around China. If a Chinese living in a city has even a tiny piece of free land, all kinds of bushes and flowers will certainly be planted there, a small pond will be dug and lined with stones, and some fish will definitely be swimming in it or frogs will be croaking. When a Chinese person comes to such a garden, he always greets each plant and looks to see if it is sick. Is it any wonder that in such gardens everything blooms and smells fragrant? By the way, one Chinese guy taught me an interesting gardening technique. If a plant is “lazy”, not producing a harvest for several years in a row, it can be scared. Come up with an ax and say: if you don’t produce fruit this year, that’s it, in the fall I’ll cut it down and plant a new tree. I later tried this technique at my dacha. The effect was amazing. Well, probably everyone knows that each tree has its own energy and can transmit it to a person. So plant trees, shrubs and flowers. Make both your life and the life of Moscow brighter and more joyful.

Are there any regulations that tall trees need to be removed? On what basis were the living poplars cut down in our yard?

  1. As always, the administration decided for us. We said one thing, but we do something else. But I think that trees should be planted further away from the house.
  2. Tall poplars disrupt lighting in nearby houses. . In the summer, fluff, which is a fire hazard, is shed from accidentally thrown cigarette butts and matches. Leave the cut tree up to 3-5m high.
  3. Trees have the right to be cut down if any of the following conditions are met:
    1. If permission has been received from the Office for the Protection of Ecology and Green Spaces
    2. If there is a protocol of the general meeting of citizens living in the house, on whose local area these trees grow with the signature of at least 50% of the votes from the total living area of ​​the house (usually 30-40% of apartments).
    3. If trees grow less than 3 meters from the foundation of the house.
    4. If these were “dusting” poplars and not pyramidal ones, then, as a rule, Ecology gives the go-ahead for their cutting down, since these trees pose a threat to human health.
    5. Well, if, as you say, the trees are more than 20 years old, then they probably had dry emergency branches that posed a risk of falling, so again they have the right to cut them down.
  4. I think that it should be cut this way, because especially in the summer, anyone is allergic to poplar fluff.
  5. Contact the leaders of all parties before it is too late. EDROS, PUTIN, MEDVEDEV
  6. The trees appeared to be interfering with the power lines. In fact, it was possible to cut down half of each tree, rather than sawing at the roots.
  7. The issue of cutting down trees is usually decided collectively! Everything was agreed upon legally.
  8. Yes, unfortunately, they have such a completely legal opportunity to cut down trees, but only if they can cause harm to something or someone. In your case, the trees caught the wires and in a strong wind the branches could break the electrical wires and then these wires could kill someone
  9. You know, we also saw.
    The whole yard is naked.
    But, on the other hand, there was a storm in the summer and a lot of huge poplars fell, and one fell on the parking lot, right on the cars.

    He is cutting up the housing and communal services so that there is less hassle with them.
    Again, thanks to whom?
    Thanks EdRu.
    And for housing and communal services and for others haha.

  10. but how well someone’s fireplaces will warm up...
  11. administration decision
  12. There stood a maple tree in a green shawl,
    And his brother was standing there.
    But they were cut down, they say they were in the way
    They stretch to wires...
  13. Yes. Sorry for the trees. In Kopeisk, a lot of old poplars were cut down. They planted new trees and spruces. Here's the story.
  14. It must be removed if the poplar is 50 years old. it doesn’t matter whether it’s a lot or a little, the same old rotten tree fell right on passers-by, it’s impossible to get rid of aphids from May to August, and poplar fluff all over the city, both in the apartment and in the house, people with allergies complain about their fluff. You can plant something new, for example Berza
  15. We must protect the forest for people's health!
  16. Trees are cut down for several reasons. Some of them are Proposed development of the territory, Sanitary culling, Violation sanitary standards for lighting in nearby houses (apartments), Replacement with other plantings, Release of power lines, telephone, radio, etc., ..and.. . In fast-growing trees, such as poplar, the age of the tree is independent of its condition. All tree cuttings are carried out by a special department of municipal services or green farms. (where they are called) . Cut down trees, regardless of the reason, must be replaced with new plantings.
  17. Dry trees must be cut down! Or they, being tall, interfere with the lighting of the windows multi-storey buildings, to do this it is enough to shorten the trunks by half. The roots of old trees spoil the asphalt surface. These trees need to be replaced with young plantings. Streets and avenues should be decorated with beautiful slender trees. And if crooked trees, leaning closer to the ground, spoil the face of the city (village), they need to be replaced with straight seedlings. Everything should be based on standards. There is nothing criminal in this matter. It’s another matter if the felling is carried out with malicious intent, which is not obvious.
  18. Cutting down trees causes irreversible harm to the environment, especially in the city, since they absorb carbon dioxide and purify the air and refresh it, and can you imagine what will happen if all the trees and poplars and poplars disappear in the city, so there will be nothing to breathe from car exhaust? ! So, cutting down trees does not decorate the city, but on the contrary, it spoils the appearance of the area and slums and makes it unsuitable for living, so SAVE THE FOREST!! !

    And on what basis do I cut down trees? It’s investors who, for the sake of money for development, are ready to ruin everything they have for the sake of their money papers and whims and these stupid structures for pumping money from the population and they don’t care at all about the future and the health of the environment...

  19. had
  20. And I’ve been trying to remove the poplar for 7 years now because poplar fluff is a big stress for me (polyvalent allergy), which is located opposite my house, on the territory of GORGAZ and they can’t cut it down (private property) and even the Mayor of the city is not a decree for Gorgaz...