Various horror stories are told about serving in the army, but how much truth is there in these stories? Should young guys be afraid of this period? The main fears revolve around rumors that bromine is being given to the army. Why do they do this? According to rumors, to eliminate the risk of violence in the ranks of the armed forces. But this is medicinal product. Does taking it have consequences? Will it affect your health? Will the soldier then be able to become a father and a full-fledged husband?

What it is?

From a chemical point of view, bromine is a toxic element with a liquid consistency and an unpleasant odor. It was discovered by two chemists - Karl Loewich and Antoine Balard. In medicine, the substance is used as sedative. There is an urban legend according to which bromine is used in the army to reduce For the same purposes it is used in prisons and psychiatric hospitals. Is it so? It is necessary to assure fearful soldiers that bromine preparations have a special salty taste, so dissolving them in drinks is, to put it mildly, problematic. The element does not affect attraction and potency in any way, but has a hypnotic and calming effect. It is necessary to distinguish between pharmaceutical bromine and its chemical analogue, which, unlike the first, is a highly toxic concentrated substance, poisonous to humans.

In the words of doctors

Why does the army need bromine? This is an element with which a huge number of all kinds of guesses, myths and legends are associated. It is even easier for soldiers to believe that their absence in the first months of service is due to the use of a special drug. In fact, at the beginning of the service, a natural male erection may be absent, as the young man experiences new sensations, physically overexerts himself, loses weight due to intense training, and experiences mental stress due to separation from family and friends. What kind of excitement can we talk about in such conditions?! Words alone are, of course, not enough for everyone, but bromine can be classified as a group of conditionally essential substances necessary for the normal functioning of a healthy human body. It has been proven that a solution of this element with sodium activates the production of pepsin and some pancreatic enzymes. Bromine is completely eliminated from the body during urination and sweating.

Bromine and potency

Why do they add bromine to the army? Is it safe to drink tea and fruit drinks there? Is it possible to sense the presence of a foreign element in a drink? Bromine earned its dubious fame due to its participation in the production of various enzymes. The popularity of the substance began to intensify when legends appeared about its negative effect on male potency. But there is no factual information about the dangers of the element, and there is no scientific confirmation either. As a result, the legend has no real background, so it is more of a fiction than a confirmed fact.

Previously, doctors themselves spread the rumor that bromine was given to the army to prevent soldiers from excessive sexual activity. In some units, they may have done just that, but with slightly different goals. And sexual desire is perfectly reduced by excess physical activity. If a soldier notices that white powder is being added to food or drink, then you can relax - this is ordinary ascorbic acid.

Bromine in hospitals and more

It is better to forget that bromine is added to the army. This is still a dubious fact. But bromine-based compounds are widely used in medicine. However, for purely reassuring purposes. The substance has the same effect on both men and women. Mostly drugs with this base are used to treat and prevent problems with the nervous system. There are also contraindications: bromine and its compounds should not be taken by people whose professional activity requires increased attention. For the normal functioning of human organs and systems, bromine content is necessary. In a healthy body it is approximately 260 mg, and daily requirement varies from 2 to 8 mg. As a trace element, bromine acts on thyroid gland and on nervous system. In this regard, it is a direct competitor of iodine, as it helps prevent endemic goiter. What is the secret of bromine? It has a cumulative effect in brain cells.

So is it needed?

Bromine in the army is not a panacea or a way out of a critical situation. In the end, there are a lot of factors that contribute to a drop in libido. Bromine is only the material embodiment of the prohibition and this substance has nothing to do with it, so young people do not have to fear for their future sex life. It also does not affect sexual desire. And all the stories are a real myth, the veracity of which can never be proven to anyone. Bromine in the army can be recommended by doctors and nurses, but openly, since it good remedy to stabilize the nervous state. In addition, bromine can be recommended for prevention.

Deficiency and excess

It must be said that bromine deficiency in the body can be eliminated through nutrition. Larger amounts of this element are found in plant foods. These are nuts, grains and, of course, fish. In addition, you can replenish your bromine reserves with sea water and swimming in salt lakes. By the way, men living in coastal areas have no more or less problems with men’s health than other residents of the country. An overdose of bromine manifests itself through a cough, runny nose, memory problems and general malaise, which is expressed by general lethargy and sluggishness of reaction. A rash may appear and sleep quality may deteriorate.

In the modern army, food has been transferred to an outsourcing system, that is, food is prepared by third-party organizations with which the Ministry of Defense has entered into an agreement. At first it was "Slavyanka", now it seems to be "Mercury". These organizations are engaged not only in cooking; first of all, they are responsible for the food supply of the army - that is, purchases from food manufacturers, in accordance with the nutritional requirements of the Ministry of Defense, delivery of these products to warehouses, storage, issuance, and formation of food orders. And only then cooking. As such, there are no more conscripts standing behind the stove. Moreover, there are not even outfits for the Cheka (peeling potatoes), for washing dishes and for general workers in the galley. All these functions are performed by civilians who receive money for it. There are remnants of the type of canteen duty officer, whose duties are greatly curtailed and are reduced to either quality control of cooking (take a sample and report to the boss), or stand at the entrance during meals in order to curb the flow of military personnel pouring into the galley. By the way, a fingerprint control system is now being actively introduced everywhere, which monitors that someone who is not on allowance does not sneak into a meal, and, in turn, if someone who is on allowance misses their lunch, then for this he may face trial and subsequent punishment, because his portion of food was put in a common pot, but he did not come and eat - now this is called overuse of food.

In addition to conscripts (if there are any in the unit), any military man, from an ordinary contract soldier to a unit commander, can get food at the unit’s canteen. The menu is common for everyone, so it would be stupid to feed/drink officers and contract soldiers with bromine when their wives are waiting for them at home in the evening, wouldn’t it?

On Navy ships the situation is even more pleasant. The crew receives all their food from the same warehouse as the canteen. The menu is developed by the crew commission, which includes the commander, his assistant, the head of the supply service, and the doctor. The assortment of products received, the number of daily meals, the calorie content of each serving of food, and the variety of dishes are taken into account. Of course, the commander’s eating habits leave their mark on the final menu :) Naturally, there is no outsourcing on ships and submarines. The food is prepared in accordance with a menu developed uniformly for the entire crew, the cooks peel the potatoes, wash the dishes, set the tables, and people from among the crew assigned to this outfit act as waiters (called “messengers”). Everyone eats and drinks - the officers in the wardroom, the midshipmen/petty officers/sailors in the dining room, and the cooks themselves in the galley - from one pot. Bromine has no place here either.

Bromine in the army is intended to protect soldiers from craving for achievements and for women. Changing a man's physiology is not so easy. Of course, new arrivals are taught to restrain their desires, think about their homeland, and carry out their combat mission. But this takes a lot of time.

Purposes of using a sedative

Bromine is necessary in the army, even purely theoretically. After all, thinking about physical intimacy distracts soldiers from their assigned tasks. According to statistics, it is the activity of hormones that causes endless problems in parts.

In general, bromine in the army has a positive effect on the situation. Military personnel do not experience inconvenience during a sudden awakening in the early morning. After all, it is at this moment that you may have seductive dreams, and it will not be easy to pull up your trousers within a few seconds.

Bromine in the military can be added to food, drinks and other products. The management is silent about this for well-known reasons. But in Lately this procedure has ceased to be relevant. Military personnel often eat in private canteens, excluding the possibility of consuming bromine.


The army does not always give bromine. It can be used during mass actions: military field exercises, during preparation and during a march, when performing real combat missions. In the ordinary part, this substance is of no use. But during unrest, this may be relevant.

If you ask any officer whether bromine is added to the army, he will answer unequivocally - no. The mere addition of any medical substance to a subordinate's food is illegal. Each person’s body reacts to it differently and can even cause disability.

Myths about adding bromine to food are not unfounded. This has been the practice in the past. But now everything has become known side effects substances, and it is not used. Perhaps it has been replaced by more gentle methods of expelling unnecessary thoughts from soldiers.

What are the dangers of using the substance?

From a medical point of view, it is difficult to imagine that bromine is added to food in the army. In canteens it is impossible to correctly calculate a certain dose based on a soldier’s weight. The portions of food taken are the same and distributed chaotically. And if the dosage of the substance is exceeded, it can turn into real poison.

Bromine reduces the reaction for a long time. Therefore, it is not recommended for drivers and other professionals with a high concentration of attention. Likewise, soldiers cannot take this substance. After all, they must always be ready.

If everyone in the army takes bromine, then it will not be a service, but a sleeping kingdom. There is no point in giving the substance to soldiers exhausted from military training. After the end of a hard day, their only thoughts are about how to get to bed and fall asleep.

Is there any benefit from a sedative?

Why is bromine in the army if its ineffectiveness in calming the potency of soldiers has been experimentally proven more than once? But this substance treats many ailments. Oddly enough, but with its lack, a person constantly wants to sleep.

Bromine is present in the body in some amount, and reducing its content is not recommended. Therefore, minor consumption of the substance will not affect human health. But its significant decrease will cause an exacerbation of many chronic diseases.

Bromine in moderation does not cause harm. And it does not reduce a man’s potency. Its indirect effect is possible. People with normal levels of the substance in the body have strong nerves. For soldiers, this is almost the main quality - to respond adequately to stressful situations.

Effect on the human body

Currently, the effect of bromine on every internal organ has been thoroughly studied. It became known that due to it the pancreas functions correctly. The necessary digestive elements are more actively produced. Thanks to them, lipids and carbohydrates are broken down faster.

Bromine blocks processes that can cause goiter. Thanks to periodic intake, the central nervous system is in balance. After a single use of the substance, a sedative effect immediately appears.

Bromine can be used as a sleeping pill. But doctors recommend not doing this, but using safer analogues. Indeed, as a result of its action, brain activity decreases, and the adrenal glands begin to work more actively.

Alternative Methods

Many doctors do not understand why the army gives bromine if there are other safer methods of dealing with uncontrollable emotions. The first way is to not let the soldier get bored. He must constantly be busy with drill training, sweeping the parade ground, working in the kitchen, and doing physical exercises.

The thoughts of the military personnel will not be about bodily pleasures, but about the fact that they want to eat or sleep. Nervous tension will be completely absent, sleep will be peaceful. Bromine obviously cannot have such an effect. To be both useful and safe for the male body.

Allowing a soldier to get plenty of rest is tantamount to letting him relax and think about more pleasant hobbies. In a sense, the orders of commanders, strange at first glance, are a measure to prevent the moral decay of personnel. For relaxation, a person can be given motherwort or valerian.

Previously, people who were restless were often given purgen. However, in the army it is difficult to sneak these drugs into food. For obvious reasons, no one will do this. Bromine is present in every second sedative drug. Therefore, it is not recommended to take such medications for a long time to avoid its accumulation in the body.

In food

Humans consume bromine daily in small quantities through food. IN healthy body 260 g of substance is present. This indicator is optimal. Internal organs constantly process it. Up to 8 g should be supplied with food to maintain the balance of microelements.

By saturating your diet with plant foods, you can restore the lack of bromine in the body. Some products contain a lot of it. These include fish of all varieties and nuts.

Bromine is present in sea water and penetrates through the pores of the skin during bathing. This partly explains the beneficial effects of holidays on the seaside. In its pure form, you can dramatically oversaturate the body with this element, which will entail the opposite effect.

An overdose results in headache or dizziness, body weakness, and difficulty in thinking. Sleep is disturbed, which causes nervous tension.

The immune system also suffers. Some people develop a non-stop runny nose and cough. Bromine in the army can be a means of preventing many diseases for some, but for others it will turn into a nightmare, sluggish reactions, and confusion.

Military service has long become an everyday concept, a test that every healthy and capable young man must go through. However, army life, like a sponge, absorbs many rumors that worry conscripts and their loved ones. And these are not only Spartan living conditions, rude attitude and other “charms”. We want to talk about whether it is a myth or truth that many people believe that in the army they add bromine to soldiers’ tea or food in order to prevent them from thinking about sexual pleasures.

For many decades, boys have been taught from childhood that the army is a school of life, the most The best way learn to be a real man, overcome any difficulties with ease, etc. However, not everyone is looking forward to the moment of conscription with joyful impatience, realizing that for at least a year, which they will spend in military service, they will have to completely change their usual way of life and deny themselves many things. Not least on the list of forbidden joys are close relationships with ladies. And this, as you understand, is very important for any normal young man, and it’s not easy for him to forget about sex for such a long time.

Also in Soviet times There was a rumor that the army used bromine to reduce potency in men. The powder of this microelement is supposedly added to tea, and by drinking it, the unsuspecting soldier stops thinking about everything related to sex. And if a person is not distracted by such “nonsense”, he clearly focuses on his military duties.

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If treatment is ignored, many patients experience problems such as impotence, high blood pressure and strong changes in their psycho-emotional state.

How to be treated if there is deception everywhere? Journalist Sheinin conducted his investigation. IN this article he discovered a drug that gave significant results in the treatment of prostatitis and restoration of erectile dysfunction - this Urotrin.

Years have passed, a lot has changed, but the theory of bromine is still alive and is a subject of undisguised concern. After all, it’s no secret that this substance can cause irreparable harm to health, and some conscripts are not even sure that after such a test of strength they will be capable of procreation. In a word, there is something to think about... Let's figure out whether bromine is added to food in the army, and how it can affect a man's body.

Since the Soviet era and until now, many are convinced that bromine is added to soldiers’ food in the army to reduce potency and sexual desire. In fact, once you understand the effect of this microelement on the human body, the unfoundedness of these rumors becomes clear.

What is bromine and how does it affect the body?

Bromine is one of the halogens and is a strong oxidizing agent. IN environment It can be found almost everywhere, but salts of this element are especially abundant in sea water, as well as in certain rocks and plants. In the human body, bromine is present in the blood, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, bones and muscles. His vital role in the normal functioning of the nervous system was noted by I.P. Pavlov, arguing that without this microelement it is impossible to be a normal, balanced person. Since then, many studies have been carried out on the effect of bromine on the functioning of various internal organs and systems, and it has been proven that the element:

  • Participates in the activation of digestive enzymes synthesized in the pancreas, without which the breakdown of carbohydrates and lipids is impossible.
  • Prevents increased activity of the thyroid gland, leading to the development of goiter.
  • Promotes a normal correlation between the processes of excitation and inhibition occurring in the central nervous system - its anticonvulsant, sedative and hypnotic effects are based on this property of the element.
  • Reduces brain activity, allowing for normal sleep and rest.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • Increases sperm activity.

If there is insufficient intake of bromine in the body, a person may suffer from:

  • Excessive irritability.
  • Insomnia.
  • Decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  • Reducing the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Erectile dysfunction.

If men were given bromine in their food in the army, the effects on their health would be as follows:

  • Digestive disorders.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Redness and watery eyes.
  • Cough and difficulty breathing.
  • Memory problems.
  • Deterioration of reaction to external stimuli.
  • Skin rashes.

Does bromine affect potency?

What is the effect of bromine on the male body, and is there any basis in the views on its potency-lowering properties? After all, it is believed that this powder is given to soldiers precisely in order to temporarily turn them, in essence, into asexual creatures.

Conducted research has shown that claims that bromine weakens sexual desire and potency are completely unfounded and untrue. While its ability to diffuse attention and dull reactions is beyond doubt. And if bromine preparations are not recommended for use by people whose work requires maximum concentration and concentration, then how, in this case, can it be given to conscripts?

Can a person, after taking a sedative or sleeping pill, engage in drill training, overcome an obstacle course, or simply stand at a post? There is only one answer: no, it cannot. In addition, it is unlikely that the army command will be delighted with the need to treat soldiers suffering from the effects of excessive bromine intake.

It can be unequivocally stated that rumors that bromine is regularly added to conscripts' drinks and food is a myth that has no basis. In fact, the element does not suppress sexual desire and potency, but only has a sedative effect, distracts attention and impairs memory.

Debunking the myth

So, let's finally decide on the answers to the questions: is bromine given in the army, why is it done and what can it lead to?

As we said above, adding bromine to soldiers is not only pointless, but also fraught with very unpleasant health consequences. Often, conscripts themselves explain the weakening of libido and potency precisely by the fact that bromine is added to their food. But, if you think about it, everything is completely natural: in the army, especially during the first months, a young man’s usual way of life and daily routine change sharply; physical exercise, fatigue accumulates.

It is clear that in order to be able to get out of bed the next day and perform the duties assigned to him, a soldier must sleep at night, and not indulge in lovemaking, even in the imagination. After all, the body, exhausted during the day, needs rest, not sex, so spontaneous erections are observed much less frequently than before the call.

In addition, the composition of army food is carefully controlled, and if any foreign compounds are found to be contaminated, the supplier’s license may simply be taken away.

Stories from our readers

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The army does not involve many women. Therefore, it is often in the army that the question of reducing male sexual activity and potency arises. For this purpose, drugs containing bromine can be used in the army for men.

Effect on the human body

Bromine is a very toxic substance, and therefore no one adds it directly to food. This is a poison that can kill you. All drugs containing this substance contain only its compounds, which are safer for use. Therefore, stories about the use of pure substances in the army are a myth and nothing more.

If we turn to food products containing bromine, then a large number of Bromine can be found in nuts, as well as peas, wheat, and pasta.

Typically, specialists prescribe such drugs to patients with increased irritability, as well as insomnia and poor growth in children. Such medications help with low hemoglobin in the blood. If this microelement is not enough in the diet of a pregnant woman, then there is a risk of miscarriage. In any case, such a drug should be prescribed strictly by a doctor and taken under his supervision, especially if there are contraindications.

Effect on male potency

An excess of bromine in the body can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the heart.

How bromine affects potency is of interest to many. As for male potency, scientists have confirmed that it does not have a direct effect.

That is regular use Bromine to reduce potency will not make a man powerless in an intimate sense. But those inhibitory properties that affect the nervous system also indirectly affect the decrease in potency in men.

For those places, in particular the army, where you need to cool down the masculine fervor a little, it is best to use drugs with bromine, since they are safer than hormonal ones. The substance gently reduces the production of excess testosterone, not at once, but during a course of treatment. In addition, it relieves depression and has a mild sedative effect. Very often, preparations with microelements are used not only in the army, but also to reduce the sexual activity of adolescents, so as not to affect hormonal levels.

Basic drugs

There are several well-known drugs that are used in the army for men to reduce potency. Such tablets can be found in pharmacies and taken at Everyday life to reduce a man's temperament. But it is better to consult your doctor first.

  1. Adonis bromine. Contains potassium bromide and adonis extract. It has a fairly pronounced sedative effect. It is recommended to take one tablet three times a day.
  2. Androcur. It also contains a trace element and some other components that affect potency. TO side effects refers to increased body weight.

Such medications should be prescribed only after consultation with a doctor who can choose the optimal dosage. If you do not monitor the dosage, you can provoke excessive accumulation of the substance in the body.

Signs of overdose include:

  1. Inhibited state.
  2. Cough.
  3. Problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Insomnia.
  5. Bronchitis.
  6. Skin reactions in the form of a rash.

In any case, you need to take drugs to reduce potency for as long as your doctor says, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the body. The effect of bromine on the body always depends on the dose. It can be both an excellent sedative and a powerful poison.


If a man who is on duty has problems with sexual activity and frequent erections, then he may have to take drugs to reduce potency. However, many people pay attention to medications containing bromine. They do not directly lead to impotence, but due to their calming effect, they can reduce potency for a while.