The peoples of Asia Minor have long been famous for the diversity of their cuisine. One of the most striking dishes is dolma, which in classical technology is grape leaves stuffed with rice and minced meat.

In our understanding, these are cabbage rolls, in which grape leaves are used instead of cabbage. The dish is extremely tasty and, rest assured, is worth the effort spent on preparing it.

History of the dish

Dolma is extremely common in the cuisines of the peoples of Transcaucasia, Central and Western Asia, the Balkan Peninsula and even North Africa. All national cuisines have their own special technology for preparing dishes and each of them is special in its own way.

The dish belongs to Armenian cuisine, which has long been famous for its best recipes.

The Armenian people claim that they were the discoverers of dolma, and only later, the dish became popular in other national cuisines.

According to the Armenians, this food was extremely common in the court cuisine of the Ottoman Empire; this is not strange, because the recipe is distinguished by its taste and originality.

The benefits and harms of dolma

Grape leaves are widely used in medicine; they are rich in a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, and nutrients, so their benefits are undeniable. At regular use dishes based on grape leaves, you can get rid of many ailments, such as migraines, varicose veins.

They are also useful for diseases gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Grape leaves strengthen the immune system and are a natural elixir of youth.

However, people suffering from excess weight Those with ulcers or diabetics are not recommended to eat dishes made from grape leaves. Because, in this case, dolma will harm the body. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

Difficulty and cooking time

Dolma is a rather complex dish, because it involves 4 stages of preparation: preparing the leaves, preparing the filling, wrapping the filling in leaves and directly stewing.

Taking this into account, we can say that it takes at least two hours to prepare dolma. But the housewife can be sure that the time and labor spent is worth it. The taste of the dish is spicy and refined at the same time.

Food preparation

The most important step in preparing food is finding the right grape leaves. It is best to buy them salted, but since the leaves are folded, the housewife cannot be sure of their integrity. Before use, such envelopes need to be doused with boiling water to soften the leaves a little.

If fresh leaves are purchased, they must be soaked in salt water for at least 20 minutes and be sure to cut the cuttings from each leaf so that they curl more easily.

How to cook dolma

A classic and simple recipe for cabbage rolls in grape leaves.


  • grape leaves - approximately 100 pcs;
  • pork – 1 kg;
  • optional bones for broth;
  • round rice - ½ cup;
  • onion – 4 heads;
  • Sunflower oil – 50 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ground black pepper – 1 tsp;
  • coriander – ½ teaspoon;
  • cilantro - a bunch;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • tarragon - smaller than a bunch.

This quantity of products is designed for approximately 20 servings.


The bones need to be fried until an appetizing golden brown crust appears. Fill with water and cook the aromatic broth for about 1 hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling. In classical technology, pork should be minced. Cut two onions into large cubes and fry on sunflower oil. Mix with meat, add rice, chopped herbs, seasonings and mix thoroughly.

The most aesthetically important part of preparing a dish is wrapping the envelopes. The filling should be applied to the dull part of the grape leaves. Then, we fold the leaves on the sides and roll them into a tube.

Now you need to fold the dolma into the pan with the seams down. Pour broth around the edge of the pan and simmer for about an hour.

Approximately, one serving of dolma – 150 grams, contains 60 kcal, which is calculated as 55% fat, 30% protein and 15% carbohydrates. However, the dish is healthy and incredibly tasty.

Cooking options

Since several nations are fighting for the right to be called the discoverers of this dish, there are also several options for preparing the dish: Armenian, Azerbaijani and Moldavian technology.

Dolma can also be prepared from pickled grape leaves in a slow cooker. Each of the recipes is unique and has its own unique taste.

Dolma in pickled grape leaves


  • 50 pickled grape leaves;
  • 5 kg minced lamb;
  • 5 liters of meat broth;
  • 6 tablespoons of coarse grain rice;
  • 5 onions;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • aromatic herbs: dill, parsley, cumin;
  • spices: salt, ground pepper.


If the meat is on the bones, then you need to separate the pulp from the bones, cook the broth on them, and grind the meat using a meat grinder or blender. IN otherwise, you can use any meat broth.

Pour boiling water over the rice and cover with a lid to steam a little. After 10-15 minutes, strain and add to the meat.

Peel the onion, wash it to remove any remaining dirt and cut it into cubes. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and fry the onion in a mixture of oils until golden brown. Add to the filling.

Fresh greens must be washed under running water and finely chopped. Pour into the filling along with the spices and mix thoroughly.

Place grape leaves on work surface so that the smooth side is down. Place the filling in the center of the sheet and wrap it in an envelope.

Place the dolma in a thick-bottomed pan, seam side down, add broth, cover with a lid and simmer for about an hour. Then the filling will be tender, and the taste of the dish will amaze your guests.

Delicious Armenian dolma with beef


  • 1 kg beef;
  • ½ cup rice;
  • tomato;
  • bell pepper;
  • 50 grape leaves;
  • 2 onions;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • spices: basil, ground pepper, paprika, salt.


Scald the grape leaves with boiling water, wash them, and cut off the veins. Wash the rice thoroughly too.

We wash the vegetables and parsley, remove the skin from the tomato. We chop the parsley, and pass all the vegetables, rice and meat through a meat grinder, add spices and mix.

Place the filling on the leaves, wrap the envelopes and simmer over low heat for at least 50 minutes.

Dolma with vegetables and seasonings will surprise you with its taste.

Azerbaijani dolma with lamb


  • lamb – 0.5 kg;
  • grape leaves – 20-30 pcs;
  • round rice – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • onion – 2 pcs;
  • greens: cilantro, mint;
  • spices: salt, ground pepper.


We clean the meat from the veins and grind it. Chop the greens and onions, add to the meat, beat the eggs, add pre-washed rice and spices, mix.

We wrap the filling in leaves, forming envelopes, put the dolma in a pan and simmer for at least an hour.

This technology for preparing dolma is that the filling using an egg is more tender and does not crumble. The dish will certainly surprise the hostess's family.

Moldavian dolma


  • 30 grape leaves;
  • ½ kg of meat (lamb, pork, beef);
  • 3 onions;
  • 50 ml sunflower oil;
  • 1/3 cup rice;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 1 carrot root;
  • salt and pepper to taste


Grind the meat, cut the onions and carrots into cubes and simmer it all in sunflower oil until golden brown.

Wash the rice, add it to the meat and simmer for another 10 minutes in tomato paste. When the filling has cooled, add chopped herbs, spices and mix.

Place the leaves with their smooth surface down, add the aromatic filling, wrap them in envelopes and simmer for about 40 minutes. Incredible Moldavian dolma will surprise you with its spicy taste.

Recipe in a slow cooker


  • 5 kg minced meat;
  • 20 grape leaves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of rice;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 grams of sunflower oil;
  • 1 bunch of greens;
  • salt and spices to taste.


We wash the rice. Turn on the multicooker, pour in vegetable oil and, using the “frying” mode, fry the chopped onion until golden brown.

In a small bowl, mix minced meat, fried onions, rice, spices, chopped herbs and butter.

Place the filling on pre-prepared leaves, form envelopes and carefully place them in the slow cooker, seam side down. Fill with hot water to cover the envelopes and turn on the “quenching” mode for 1 hour.

Cooking dolma in a slow cooker is easy and simple, and most importantly, delicious.

Video recipe

There are several main secrets:

  1. To prevent the dish from burning, place grape leaves on the bottom of the pan or multicooker.
  2. We fold the envelopes with the seams down so that they do not unfold during the stewing process.
  3. When all the envelopes are placed in the pan, it is best to secure them by pressing them with a plate. In this case, during the boiling process the filling will not come out of the envelopes.

Dolma is considered one of the simplest and delicious recipes In the world, only young leaves are good for cooking. Then the dolma turns out tender and melts in your mouth. This dish is suitable for every day and for the holiday table.

Dolma is delicious dish, common in the countries of Transcaucasia and the Middle East. It is prepared by mixing rice, pieces of meat or minced meat, and then wrapping them in fresh grape leaves. The analogue of dolma among the Russian people is cabbage rolls - the only difference is that cabbage is used during preparation. If you want to add oriental flavor, then canned grape leaves will come in handy.

Ingredients for the dish

List of required products:

grape leaves (their number depends on the number of guests or family members. Grape leaves are quite small in size, so 40-50 pieces is not that much. The smaller the leaf, the tastier);

500 g minced lamb;

2 onions and greens;

salt, pepper to taste;

spices (mint, thyme);

olive oil.

Sequence of preparation of dolma

And now - the algorithm for preparing dolma:

  • We take the pickled leaves out of the jar, separate them and straighten them. Then we place it in a vessel with warm water for 15 minutes to remove excess acid (of course, it is better to use fresh leaves, but they are not always available, so we will use what we have).
  • Finely chop the greens and onions, then fry.
  • Wash the rice, boil it a little (but not until completely cooked). Mix meat, herbs and rice in one container, adding salt, pepper and spices. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Pour a little oil into a frying pan or mold and place the largest grape leaves on the surface.

When “sculpting” dolma, creative accuracy is required

We begin to “sculpt”. We put the filling in the center of a small sheet and wrap it: first from the bottom, then from the side and, finally, “seal” the envelope from the top.
Place the dolma and fill it with hot water or beef broth so that the top row is completely immersed in liquid. The water can be additionally salted.
Place the container on the stove or in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. When the water boils, you need to press the dolma with a plate on top so that it does not boil over. Close the lid and leave for 45-60 minutes.
The finished dolma can be served with any sauce: adjika or sour cream mixed with pieces of garlic.

Dolma is a dish reminiscent of cabbage rolls and consists of a rice and meat filling wrapped in leaves (usually grape leaves are used). In addition to Transcaucasia, the dish is common in many regions of Central Asia and the Balkan Peninsula.

The calorie content of the dish is 180-200 kcal per 100 g of finished product. Let's look at several recipes on how to prepare dolma step by step with photos.

Recipe for making dolma from fresh grape leaves

Dolma from fresh grape leaves can be prepared all year round. Any meat is suitable for eating: lamb, pork and even chicken. It is advisable to use leaves from white grape varieties. It is better to take oriental spices, then the dish will turn out tender and will have a traditional taste.

List of components:

  • Rice – 100 g;
  • Water – 200 ml;
  • Minced beef – 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Grape leaves and salt - to taste;
  • Onions – 2-3 heads;
  • Cilantro, dill, basil - 10 g each;
  • Green onions - a small bunch.

Homemade dolma recipe:

  1. Wash the rice well and cook it until half cooked, add a little water. About 15 minutes is enough for the rice grains to reach the desired thickness;
  2. Wash the young grape leaves and put them in boiling water for one or two minutes: this will make it more convenient to wrap our oriental delicacy. If the petals darken (turn brown), this is not a problem - they are suitable for future cooking;
  3. Peel the onion and cut it very finely with a knife;
  4. Rinse all the greens, dry them and finely chop them;
  5. Cut the green onion feathers into small rings;
  6. Grind the washed meat and mix it in a large container with semi-cooked rice, chopped herbs and onions, add a variety of Oriental spices to taste and add salt. As a result, the filling should be like a homogeneous dense minced meat;
  7. Place the prepared minced meat in the center of the prepared grape leaf - one small spoon;
  8. First, wrap the side parts of the sheet. Let's finish the “envelope”: the upper part is wrapped towards the center of the dish;
  9. Let's choose a convenient pan for cooking and cover its bottom with the remaining grape leaves, then lay out the dolma in a thick layer, seam side down. You will get a container with tightly packed “envelopes” with filling;
  10. Fill the dish with water, put peeled garlic cloves on top;
  11. Cover the top with a flat plate and cook the food for 30-40 minutes over medium heat. Remove the saucepan from the stove and remove the plate. Cover with a lid and leave for about ten minutes. Thus, dolma from grape leaves will be steamed in own juice and it will become even tastier.

Place the finished delicacy on a plate and serve.

Grape leaves for winter for dolma

Now we will tell you and share a few tips on how to prepare grape leaves for a dish, which can be stored for many months.


  1. To freeze leaves, first cut off their tails;
  2. Next, rinse and dry, form into piles of 8-10 pieces and roll into rolls;
  3. Place the rolls in a bag and place in the freezer;
  4. Before preparing the food, the leaves are defrosted. To do this, first put them in cold water and wait until they thaw a little, then put them in hot water.

Please note: it is better not to defrost workpieces in a microwave oven. When frozen they are very fragile and can fall apart.

You can keep the leaves fresh. To do this, wash them and roll them into rolls, which we fold into glassware, cover with iron lids and put in the oven to sterilize for half an hour. After this, we roll up the jars and store them in a dark place.


  • Cooking time: 50 minutes;
  • Number of servings: components are taken per 1.5 liter jar;
  • You will need: a glass jar, a plastic or rubber lid, a container for the marinade.

Grocery list:

  • Salt – 1.5 large spoons;
  • Grape leaves - 50 pieces;
  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Allspice – 6 peas.

How to choose ingredients:

  • Grape leaves for dolma should be no larger than your palm;
  • It is better to use finely granulated salt, because it contains virtually no debris;
  • Use purified or filtered water for brine.

Cooking plan:

  1. Cut off the tails of the leaves, wash them, put them in a saucepan and fill with water. Let's boil;
  2. When they have cooled, arrange them in piles of ten and roll them into small rolls;
  3. Place the dolma blanks tightly in a jar;
  4. We prepare the marinade ourselves. Boil water and add pepper and salt. Mix well until the salt is completely dissolved;
  5. Pour the marinade into the jar so that all the voids are filled and let it steep for 12 hours;
  6. Next, close the jar with a plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator for storage. Pickled leaves are also stored in a cool, preferably dark place, for example, in a cellar.


  • Active cooking time: 50 minutes;
  • Number of servings: All products are taken per 0.5 liter jar;
  • You will need: Brine container, lid, threads, jar, slotted spoon, can seamer.

Required ingredients:

  • Vinegar 9% - small spoon;
  • Water – 500 ml;
  • Salt – 20 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut off the stems of the grape leaves and rinse with running water;
  2. Let's put twenty pieces in a pile and roll them into rolls, each of which we wrap with thread;
  3. Bring the water to a boil. Place a bowl of cold water at the stove;
  4. Place one piece at a time on a slotted spoon, lower it into boiling water for 3 seconds, then immediately into cold water. We do this with all preparations;
  5. Our rolls are ready. Now let's put them tightly in the jar;
  6. To prepare the brine, dissolve 20 g of salt in cold water, then pour it into a jar;
  7. Let's leave it to infuse for three days;
  8. After this time, add vinegar to the jar, add brine as necessary;
  9. Sterilize for 20 minutes and roll up.


  1. Cut off the tails of the leaves washed in cold water;
  2. Let's prepare a 10% saline solution - mix 3.5 large tablespoons of salt in a liter of water;
  3. Place the leaves in 0.5 liter jars, fill them with saline solution, which should be cold, and cover with lids;
  4. Salted leaves for dolma are stored in a cool room for the winter. Before preparing the food, the leaves are soaked in cold water for two hours.

Helpful Tips:

  • You can add dry mustard to the marinade or brine - two small spoons. This will make the leaves have a sharp taste;
  • Leaves for dolma should be collected in the spring, while they are young.

Vegetarian dolma

List of products:

  • Kefir – 100 g;
  • 4 onions;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • Fresh spinach or sorrel – 180 g;
  • Round rice – 150 g;
  • Young fresh grape leaves;
  • Dill and green onions - a bunch each;
  • Vegetable broth or water - a glass;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Mint and cilantro - a sprig;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Ground pepper;
  • Salt.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Wash the grape leaves thoroughly and clean any rough areas. Soak cilantro, dill, mint, sorrel, green onion in a bowl with cool water, then rinse and dry slightly with a paper towel. Then grind it into a paste in a blender;
  2. Wash the rice and boil it a little;
  3. Finely chop the onion;
  4. Boil the eggs, peel and finely chop;
  5. Mix the prepared products. Add a little oil, pepper and salt;
  6. Stuff the leaves with this egg-vegetable mixture and roll them into small envelopes. If you come across hard leaves, first scald them with boiling water and cool slightly;
  7. Place the dish in a large container or saucepan, add water or broth and simmer over low heat until tender;
  8. To prepare a delicious sauce, peel and chop the garlic into a paste, mix it with kefir and season with salt;

When serving, pour kefir sauce over the dish.

Dolma with fish

You will need:

  • Rice – 30 g;
  • Bulb;
  • Fish fillet – 300 g;
  • Grape leaves, salted or fresh;
  • Tomato paste - large spoon;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Water – 200 g;
  • Lemon juice – 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Ground white pepper;
  • Salt.

Preparation of dolma:

  1. Cut off the twig and dense veins from the leaves, and soak the salted ones in water;
  2. Chop the fillet into small slices using a knife or grind with a meat grinder;
  3. Peel and finely chop the onion, saute it in vegetable oil;
  4. Wash and boil the rice until half cooked;
  5. Mix onion, chopped fish fillet and rice. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice;
  6. Place the minced meat on the leaves and twist them. The blanks should look like.

Place the fish dolma in a saucepan and fill it with a mixture of tomato paste and water. Simmer for 35-45 minutes over moderate flame.

Video: Recipe for Turkish dolma from grape leaves

Dolma is cabbage rolls, but not with cabbage, but with grape leaves. The filling, as in cabbage rolls, is rice and chopped meat, and different. But dolma can also be vegetarian.

Tasty and aromatic dolma is traditionally prepared in Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. However, cabbage rolls made from young grape leaves have become popular in the cuisine of other nations. Recently, a Norwegian friend of mine taught my Moscow Armenian friend how to cook “real dolma” :) “I’ll show you the recipe for dolma as it is,” a real Scandinavian guest shared his secrets.

Cabbage rolls in grape leaves are much more tender than their counterparts in cabbage leaves. They have a pleasant sourness and amazing aroma. Believe me, if you haven’t tried it yet: the tenderness and aroma of dolma do not become overcooked! As for cooking, turning “dolmushki” is a pleasant and exciting thing.


  • minced meat (pork + beef) – 350-400g
  • rice - 60-80g
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil – 50-70 ml
  • butter – 30-40g
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • black pepper, salt
  • balsamic vinegar - less than 1 teaspoon
  • cumin (ground)
  • dill and parsley - medium bunch
  • dry herbs (cilantro, mint, basil)
  • grape leaves – 40-55 pcs.
  • cauldron or stewpan for 2-2.5 l


Large photos Small photos

    Leaves for dolma. Only fresh grape leaves (small and young) are suitable for dolma. They are very tender and fragrant.

    Select leaves for dolma in advance, excluding all coarse and large leaves (especially older ones). Rinse thoroughly under running water. Then dip into boiling water for a few seconds (5-10), remove to a colander, let drain and cool.

    You can also use canned leaves for dolma. They are very easy to prepare. Rinse young, not very large and hard grape leaves with cold water. Then, in batches of 5-10 pieces, dip into boiling water for 5-10 seconds. Let cool slightly and, stacking them in stacks of 5-10 pieces, roll into rolls. Place the resulting blanks (rolls) in a sterile jar (preferably 700-800g). This volume is enough for one-time preparation of dolma for a family. Separately, prepare hot brine at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 600 ml of water. Pour hot brine over the grape leaves and cover with a lid. Before using, it is advisable to soak the canned leaves in cold water for 5-10 minutes.

    Filling for dolma

    Peel the onion, rinse and cut into cubes. Melt butter in a frying pan. Add vegetable oil and chopped onion. Bring it to transparency.

    The authentic recipe for dolma does not include such an ingredient as carrots, and You can skip this step. But this is a matter of taste. If you use carrots, peel and rinse them. Grate on a coarse grater and combine with the lowered onion. Cook until soft, about 3-5 minutes.

    Rinse the rice thoroughly and boil in salted water for 3-5 minutes. Place in a sieve and rinse with cold water.

    In a bowl, combine rice and sautéed vegetables.

    Season with salt and pepper to your taste.

    Traditional dolma must contain minced lamb, sometimes with the addition of beef. However, minced pork and beef, which is more familiar to us, will not spoil its taste either. Add the prepared minced meat to the rice mixture.

    Add cumin and dry herbs, pour in vinegar. Chop the washed dill and parsley and also combine with the rest of the ingredients. Mix the dolma filling thoroughly.

    Preparing dolma rolls. Place the grape leaf back side up. Place some filling at the base.

    Cover the filling with the overhanging edges of the grape leaf.

    Fold the sides to the center.

    Roll the dolma into a tight roll. Do the same with the rest of the leaves.

    Placing dolma in a container and cooking. Place the pieces in a cauldron or saucepan (lightly grease them with olive oil) in dense rows. Having filled one row, you can lay out one or two more layers. Cover the last layer of dolma with grape leaves without filling (if there are enough leaves).

    Add another 2-3 tbsp to the container. l. olive oil and cover the food with a plate turned upside down along the diameter of the saucepan, creating a kind of press. This is done so that the dolma rolls do not open during cooking.

    Now fill the dolma with water or broth, vegetable or meat, so that the dolma is covered by 1-2 cm. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook dolma (covered) until cooked, about 50-60 minutes. During cooking, add more water if necessary.

    After this, carefully, so as not to burn yourself, remove the plate and tilt the saucepan on its side. Very carefully scoop out some of the aromatic juice from the pan - you will need it to prepare the sauce.

Serve with sour cream, yogurt or hot sauce. One of the most delicious sauces is given below. Dolma is served with it in Greece.

Egg-lemon sauce and dolma cream


  • 5 lemons
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 ½ tablespoons cornstarch (for cream)
  • ½ teaspoon salt (for cream)
  • a little less than half a teaspoon of pepper (for cream)

How to cook:

  1. In a large bowl, beat the egg whites into a thick meringue. Continuing to beat, add the yolks lemon juice and juice from the pan. Your egg-lemon sauce is ready.
  2. If you are not going to prepare the cream, then pour the prepared sauce into the dolma in the pan and carefully tilt the pan in different directions by the handles so that the sauce spreads better over the food.
  3. If you want to make cream, do the following: Place cornstarch in a small saucepan and dissolve it in 200 g of water. Then add ½ teaspoon of salt and a little less pepper to the starch.
  4. Heat the dissolved starch over medium heat.
  5. As soon as the starch liquid is warm, add the previously prepared egg sauce to it. Continuously stir vigorously for 2-3 minutes until you have a cream. (Be aware that the mixture may curdle very quickly).
  6. Pour the prepared cream over the dolma and tilt the pan again in different directions so that the cream is distributed evenly.

Dolma is very common in southern countries. There are many recipes for its preparation. It is made with various fillings, but the shell is always made of grape leaves. Particularly tasty dolma is obtained from young fresh grape leaves, but this is not always possible, so more often grape leaves for dolma are prepared in canned form. IN Lately often dry grape leaves are placed in sterile glass jars and immediately covered with tin lids; dolma from such leaves is more tender than those preserved in saline solution. I used dry grape leaves.


To prepare dalma from grape leaves you will need:

meat (beef, lamb) - 500 g;

onion - 1 pc.;

rice - 100 g;

grape leaves - 50 pcs.;

cilantro or parsley - a bunch;

salt, pepper - to taste.

For seasoning:

matsoni (sour cream) - 200 g;

garlic - 3 cloves;

salt - to taste;

greens - optional.

* If you use grape leaves preserved in saline solution, then before use you must pour boiling water over them, drain them after 5 minutes and rinse with cold water. Grape leaves prepared in this way are ready for further use for dolma.

Cooking steps

The most delicious dolma from grape leaves, prepared according to this recipe, is best served hot along with matsoni seasoning with garlic, adding cilantro.

Bon appetit!