Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today, from this article, you will learn what memes are, how they are made, and you will be able to learn how to create your own memes using an online meme generator and a special program that you can download completely free of charge.

Well, let's find out about all this right now!

First, let's understand the concept - what are memes and what are they for?

Memes what are they?

Memes are pictures, as you already understood, but not simply, but pictures that carry certain information about the current life situation in a specific period. As a rule, these images are memes, transmitted in a comical or sarcastic manner, which has gained them universal popularity and memes are spreading on the Internet at cosmic speed.

Memes, like a magnet, attract the attention of users of social networks and various Internet resources where they are distributed, which in turn attracts new traffic to sites and pages on social networks. This is an undeniable fact!

Now you can draw your own conclusion from this! Should you use memes on your website or blog? I think the conclusion is obvious!

Now let's move on to the most interesting and important...

How to create memes online? Program for creating memes!

But first, to create good memes, you need to follow information on the Internet and various types of news. This needs to be done in order to keep abreast of all the news events happening in the world. And from this you can draw your own conclusion about what the public will be interested in learning, and what more people are interested in at the moment. Why is this, you ask? It's simple...

After all, before creating memes, you need to know the topic on which you will create your memes. And the more people are interested in the topic on which your meme will be, the more users will look at it and become interested in them. Accordingly, the more likes, clicks and reposts you will receive!

Thus, you always need to analyze the news situation that is happening in the world around you!

When you have already figured out what topic you will create your meme on, then the only thing left to do is create it! This is where a special one comes to our aid - iMeme .

Have you downloaded the iMeme meme maker? No? Well, the link is above, you just missed it!

Working in this program is very simple. After installing the program for creating memes on your computer, you just need to select a picture from the list provided and write your text to it. If the picture does not suit you, then upload your own and do the same with your picture. Then save the resulting meme to your computer and use it for its intended purpose. All!

There is another simple way to get memes - this is meme generator online ...

Making memes online - Meme Generator!

Yes, there is a special meme generator that will provide you with a simple creating memes online. And not just one, but a whole bunch of these meme generators online. I will now give you a few links to the best ones:

  • The first meme generator online: 1001 MeM
  • Second online meme generator: - Jokes for 300

This online meme generator does not contain a logo, which may be useful for you. Take advantage, creating memes online in this service is practically no different from the first one.

  • Third online meme generator: - MeMok

In this online meme generator you can create a meme not only from the pictures offered by the service, but also from your own.

That's all for today!

Thank you for your attention! Good luck and prosperity to everyone!

Special meme pictures are extremely popular on social networks. A meme consists of a background image with some interesting plot or manifestation of emotion, as well as small text on top of the background, there are many variations. Anyone can easily create their own picture, and the online meme generator will help with this. Let's take a look at several similar services that you can use for free.

Memes are created on a wide variety of topics. This could be some kind of comics that use “faces” (this was the beginning), demos, ads, etc. All of them are united by one property: some kind of ironic signature located on top of the image. As soon as generators became available, many users began to create their own interesting versions of such “pranks”.

First, let's talk about the site Risovac, characterized by the ease of creating interesting photo jokes. It's easy to work with. You look for the desired picture (a huge database of backgrounds is offered) and fill out the text fields.

The result of your work can be downloaded to a PC in JPEG format or immediately published on the resource. Risovac is a convenient express service, because advice is created quickly and registration is not required to work. But the site is quite stereotyped. If you don’t want to be limited and can generate creative options yourself, then you should check out the following site.

Online meme generator – 1001mem

Here you can also create ads, all kinds of photo jokes with text, etc., although the catalog of templates is small. On website It’s ideal to create comics, thanks to the powerful generator editor, easily customize the grid of the comic itself and add different characters.

Among the disadvantages, it is necessary to note the mandatory registration if you want to save the created file. But here you can use a trick and use specialized software to create screenshots.

Convenient and simple generator memes online, allowing you to make any cool image. You just need to choose a template. If you haven’t found something worthwhile, you can create advertisements with your own background. An option to create collages is available. There are such templates:

  • 1 picture
  • 2 images, horizontal or vertical;
  • with 3;
  • with 4 images.


Free website, where you can create online graphic jokes using your own template or one of those presented in the library. Just go to the resource, and if you want to make a meme from your file, then click on the “Select your picture” button or take ready-made samples.

Next, click “Add text” and enter the desired phrase. To change the position of the inscription, you should move the cursor over the border line and send the block to the appropriate location. In addition, you can change the font size, choose a color scheme (there are two to choose from). The number of text blocks is unlimited, so you can add as many as you need. There is a small drawback of this online program - the presence of a small line with the resource address in the lower corner on the left side. Although the problem can be easily solved - cut it off in any editor. At the final stage, you save the “fruits” of your labors to your computer: wait a few seconds and click “Save”.

Great free web product, in which you can work with a built-in assortment of templates, or you can take your own picture. It's easy to work with:

  • go to the website;
  • if you take your picture, click “Upload your picture”;
  • you can use the existing template library;
  • choose a sample, add the desired inscription;
  • click “Create meme”;
  • save the result on your PC or publish it on your VK wall.

You can use any online generator of interesting memes. If you have any questions, ask in the comments, and to stay up to date with the latest news, subscribe to blog updates.

A meme is a tool of communication between everyone connected to the Internet. It is a voice message that is superimposed on a picture in order to convey some information to Internet users. And the question often arises about how to create memes so that they not only attract the right number of people, but also look at the highest level.

Functions of memes

The main purpose of a meme is to convey an information message to an indefinite number of people. It can be in the form of a ready-made image, on which text and visual effects are superimposed. In general, creating a meme with your own picture is quite simple. To do this, just find a suitable image and use a graphic editor to apply the appropriate text.

Memes can be used to shape a point of view. For example, a healthy lifestyle is actively promoted on social networks. For this purpose, images are added to the corresponding groups that ridicule those who are accustomed to revelry and excess. The fashion for this form of communication came from Western Internet resources. In the United States, memes have been used for a long time. In Russia, this is an innovation that is developing at a rapid pace.

The main area of ​​use of memes

Memes are most represented on social networks, on youth and gaming forums. With their help, users of the World Wide Web can influence a particular person, causing negative or positive emotions. In addition, such images act as a source of news: any information leaked onto the Internet immediately becomes public through the creation of another meme.

In principle, how to create memes and distribute them is a personal matter for the user. However, this form of communication on the Internet has gained wide popularity due to the fact that such images are easily reproduced and most accurately reveal the entire essence of the transmitted message (which takes up several sentences in the news feed).

What does it take to create a meme?

To become the author of a unique and unique image, it is enough to have 3 things: the Internet, a personal computer, a graphics editor. Standard Power Point is suitable as software. First you need to find a suitable image. It is important to remember that the basis for a meme can be not only a picture, but also a video file, clip or music. In each thing you need to look for its own “grain”. If one person is hooked, there is a high probability that there will be other fans.

For example, you can create a meme without registration on most foreign sites (lurkmore.to). This is where users post their images, which subsequently appear on social networks and news/gaming forums. The selected image is edited: color is added, shape, texture and appearance are changed. If you want it to be as original as possible, it is best to draw it by hand. Various online services can help: Photoshop or video converters.

How to popularize your meme?

After which reflects a topical issue or some interesting idea, it needs to be seen by a large number of people. If you have your own blog or diary, it is advisable to place the meme on the main page or select it as an avatar (main photo). In personal messages and disputes among Internet users, it is best to post it as often as possible. This will increase its awareness, and some people will copy it and share it with you.

It is also worth noting that before creating memes, it is important to choose a memorable nickname. This way, Internet users will find your image among similar ones. If the theme of the picture, message, video file or music is liked by other people, the meme will quickly gain popularity. And this will become your personal “trick” in the world of global communication.

So distributing them on the Internet is a very interesting thing. This method of transmitting information is considered the most productive. If you have acquaintances or friends who support your endeavor, you can turn to them for help. With joint efforts, the meme will gain great popularity in a fairly short time.

Making your own meme is quite easy. Now we’ll take a closer look at how to make a meme from a photo using improvised means, without going online. Memes are essentially photos with text superimposed on them. To make memes we use the two most common editors. This is Photoshop - an advanced and powerful photo editor that requires the ability to use this program. And the second one is simpler, built into Windows - Paint. And so let's go make memes.

Make a meme in Paint

In order to create a meme from a photo, you just need to upload the prepared photo into the paint editor. This editor in Windows can be found in the main menu, then all programs are standard - paint. As shown in the screenshot

Uploading a photo for a meme

The blank for the meme can be cropped, the image dimensions can be changed, that is, it can be adjusted to the desired format. Then go to the text tool by clicking on the letter “A” in the toolbar, as shown in the picture.

Preparation for a future meme

Now let's proceed directly to creating the meme itself. That is, we apply text to the prepared memo photo. In the program, go to the text tool and select the font color, size, then use the mouse to select an arbitrary area in the photo and enter the invented text. Then we save the result.

The finished result of the work

That's it, the MEM is ready. For those who don't understand, watch the video below.

How to make a meme from a photo in Photoshop CS6

In order to create a cool meme, you can use Photoshop. This program requires certain knowledge and skills to work with it. If you do not have this software installed, you need to install it. This is perhaps the most powerful photo editor that allows you to make a really cool meme. This is achieved by editing the meme template, that is, the prepared photograph.

You can blur a meme photo and apply various filters. It is also possible to simply draw something on a blank sheet of paper. For example, something like this:

The most popular meme I always laugh

And most importantly, this program has the ability to edit the inserted text in every possible way. It can be rotated and placed vertically, there is a large library of fonts and a lot of editing options. But for the full breadth of possibilities for making memes, you must know how to use this program. Although the principle is simple, almost the same as in paint.

Launch the program, click open in the file menu and select a template for the meme, see screenshot.

Processing an image in Photoshop
Finished product in Photoshop

Save the changes and that's it! Meme is ready!

Attention MEM! You should know it!

A meme is an emotion conveyed through media files. It will not be possible to make it to order, much less under pressure. This is the same as writing a new joke that will be retold and retold. It’s the same with a meme, its task is to convey emotions and mood, and at the same time the necessary information, possibly hidden advertising of a product or service. In any case, making a cool meme from scratch that will become popular online is very difficult. Therefore, it is better to take already promoted and recognizable images and make your own inscriptions for them, this way you can easily make good memes.

There are many online services on the Internet that provide popular pictures for preparing memes. For example, a photo of Agutin with different inscriptions spread across the network.

Meme with Agutin

Making this or a similar meme is quite simple in principle. You need to pause the recording at the right moment and press PrtSc on the keyboard (take a screenshot), then open the paint editor and press Ctrl + V and save the meme template. This could be the facial expression of your favorite movie character, a still from a cartoon, etc.

Find out how to make memes right now with the online meme generator - a game for creative pranksters with a great desire to joke. You can create a meme right now with your picture and the best troll faces! Add words to the bubble and go conquer the Internet!

The new game about the trollface “Meme Generator” will appeal to all fans of comics featuring Trololo meme faces. This is a mini creator with the necessary images and the ability to insert text into the selected word cloud.

The online meme generator will help you create a unique meme with your picture simply, quickly and for free! There is no need to think about how to draw a meme in Photoshop or look for ready-made templates on the Internet. The trollface base is fully equipped and ready for battle! Start playing now and learn: how to make a meme comic based on a photo or picture from your computer. Don't worry about data safety - everything happens only in the browser window! You can download the finished meme and send it to friends or post it on your social network page.

How to create your own meme

The playing field is designed for a classic four-panel strip - a comic strip of 4 frames arranged horizontally. This is very convenient: it is easy to convey the meaning of the displayed situation if you upload your picture on the left, and a trollface meme with a caption on the right.

The main thing in the meme game is to come up with a suitable topic. For example, you can illustrate the contradiction in the spirit of “expectation - reality”. The most common way: we upload a picture of a joyful event on the left, and on the right we place a trollface from the generator to express the essence, appeal or emotion accompanying the image. The following frames repeat this order, but with opposite emotions.

Internet memes, like funny videos, are always in demand and popular. They “go viral” across the World Wide Web at the speed of light and lift your spirits with a well-placed joke. Delight your friends with a joke and come back to the game to create new memes!