The twentieth lunar day is a special time in the lunar cycle. The day will be favorable and calm. All worries, anxieties and dangers are a thing of the past. Today you can prepare to receive good news, as well as pleasant surprises.

On this day, a person can choose a different path in life and understand what his real purpose in life is. This is the best time to improve your destiny or adjust it.

Guardian angel of the 20th lunar day - Lamas with heavenly-toned eyes. This is the most independent angel of his brothers in the lunar legion. He patronizes all people who are looking for answers to their questions, thinking about the meaning of life and striving to acquire new knowledge. Today he will help them with everything. He will give them answers to sacred questions and help them understand the meaning of their stay on Earth.

General characteristics of 20 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: passive.
  • Symbol of the day: soaring eagle, muse.
  • Element of the day: earth.
  • Stone of the day: rock crystal, red jasper.
  • Color of the day: blue and its tones.

Description of the 20th lunar day - a mystical and interesting day. Today you can make a discovery and not only a scientific one. You can discover something new for yourself.

On these days you can analyze your life. We must try to establish a connection between the events of the past and the present. Accidents are excluded and everything that happens to a person now is the consequences of the past. If you manage to find out the reason for your failures this day, then you can change your destiny.

The day will be unfavorable if you get angry and allow yourself to become arrogant when communicating with other people.

Today this will end with the fact that a person may lose something very important to himself, for example, his position, having gone down several steps on the career ladder.

You can use this day to realize your long-standing, seemingly unrealizable dream. If you gain a little courage today, you can achieve heights that previously seemed unattainable.

There are no more suitable days for meditation than the 21st lunar day. Today is a favorable time for spiritual growth, awareness of existence and your meaning in this life.

Esotericists pay special attention to these days. The Universe today sends them various signs that can reveal sacred secrets.

If fatigue occurs during these days, you can relieve it in nature. Relaxing near a body of water will be beneficial.


The 20th lunar day is suitable for dates with your loved one. The most suitable topics for meetings will be the relationships of the partners, but not clarifying them, but discussing their advantages. There is no need to talk about work and financial problems on a date. On these days you can better understand each other and learn something new about your partner.

The 20th lunar day is suitable for marriage for those couples who have tested their relationship for a long time and do not doubt their feelings. They will live in happiness and nothing can destroy their family.

The union will also be strong for a couple striving for spiritual development, but if the marriage is of convenience, then the calculation will be incorrect, and the relationship will fall apart.

It is not necessary to get married on this day. You can only think about the upcoming important event. Today you can understand whether this step will really be the right one or whether you should change your mind.


The twentieth lunar day does not need to be devoted to household chores. If you have any tasks, you can do them, but it’s better not to specifically plan anything for this day in advance.


On the 21st lunar day you can work in the garden or vegetable garden, but only with the upper part of the plant. The roots can be damaged today, so loosening or replanting is not necessary. You can only collect root vegetables if they are ripe.

The day is suitable for trimming mustaches and feeding plants. It is not recommended to water today, but if the plants need it, then watering should not be abundant.


On the twentieth lunar day, you need to keep your emotions under control. Stress or aggression can trigger the onset of the disease. A lot of time and effort will be spent on treating it, so today you need to try to avoid diseases.

Today is an unfavorable time for visiting psychics for the purpose of healing. The procedures will go wrong and will do more harm than good. It is best to go to the sauna or Russian bath.

Today, vulnerable organs are the abdomen, lower back, stomach, shoulder blades and eyes. At risk is nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Fractures occur more often on these days than on others.

Today is the right time to have a fasting day.

Work, money, business

On the twentieth lunar day, you need to realistically assess your capabilities and not turn your nose up. If you overestimate your self-esteem, you can return to your previous point of departure and be left with nothing.

Today you can start a business of any complexity, deal with financial issues and solve old problems. The day is suitable for establishing business contacts and gaining the necessary connections.

On these days you can work with colleagues or partners. This will help you better understand the situation and pay attention to what was previously unnoticed.

Everything that is started today will be successful if there is confidence in oneself and in what a person is doing. On this day you can move to a new place of work or change your position and even profession. When the choice is made, you need to take action. This is not a time for doubt and indecision.

A haircut

Cutting hair on the 20th lunar day is not just manipulation of strands, but a kind of ritual that increases a person’s self-esteem. A new hairstyle will add confidence.

The downside is that the haircut occurs during the waning moon. This means that the hairstyle done today will cause slower hair growth.

On this day, only cut your hair, and do not dye it. Coloring can spoil your mood and scare away good luck.

Fortune telling

Fortune telling is allowed on these days. You can tell fortunes about relationships in the workforce, but the forecast will be valid during the day. Longer term fortune telling will be inaccurate.

Characteristics of people born on the 20th lunar day

People born on the 20th lunar day have different characters. Some of them are strong-willed and purposeful, who can become real heroes.

Other people whose birthday falls on the 20th lunar day only think that they can do something, but in fact they do absolutely nothing. Life passes them by, and they keep postponing all their endeavors until tomorrow.

All people born on this day are honest and fair. They do not deviate from their principles, no matter what happens.


Dreams on the 20th lunar day usually show a connection between times - past, present and future. Even a dream book does not always help to correctly interpret this dream. It gives only a superficial idea of ​​the meaning of dreams.

When interpreting them, you need to focus more on intuition. Astrologers advise thinking about which episode in a person’s life was sent down from above, and connecting it with the present and future.

On this lunar day, dreams can demonstrate the negative sides of a person’s character. If you had a nightmare, it means that something needs to be changed in your character. There is no reason not to believe dreams. If in a dream a person did something bad, then there is something that needs urgent correction. Perhaps it's time to give up bad addictions.

Use the 20th lunar day to get to know yourself and the world around you. Then you may understand the meaning of your existence.

Symbols of the day: eagle, eagle with a crocodile tail (combination of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Scorpio).

Stones of the day: red jasper, rock crystal

Description of the day

The twentieth lunar day is a time of spiritual transformation. This is a day of insights, revelations and discoveries. Today we get the opportunity to see the world in a new light, look at our lives from a different perspective, and internally change for the better. But for this to happen, you will have to give up vanity and arrogance. All you need is a willingness to accept these discoveries and insights.

The twentieth lunar day is perfect for collective work and joint resolution of issues. In communicating with like-minded people and comrades, you can unexpectedly learn and understand something new, notice what previously remained behind the scenes.

This day is considered one of the most successful in the month for starting any business.

Only envy and ill will can harm you today. Otherwise, this is the time when you can look at what you have already done. And since one of the symbols of the day is the eagle, you are able to look at the past from above. Who knows, maybe you will see the future? Moreover, this is quite probable. After all, if you can rethink what happened to you in the current lunar month, understand the causes and consequences of everything that happens, then you will find in yourself the ability to discover future events.

Haircut on this day

A haircut today is very favorable - it will lift your spirits and attract positive energy. It is not recommended to do coloring today - as it may negatively affect your emotional background. It is recommended to comb your hair today in the direction of the cardinal points - this will attract energy.

Gardening on this day

Today the stage of “rest” of plants begins, as their growth slows down and the root system is saturated with vital juices and nutrients. Therefore, on this day it is recommended to give preference to working with the above-ground parts of plants without touching their roots.

On this day, be active, do not follow the lead, do not give in to the mercy of circumstances. If the situation requires action, then act, and do not wait for everything to work itself out. Especially today, when the symbol of the day reminds us that there are no insurmountable barriers. Even if the obstacle is high, you can fly over it. All you have to do is overcome fear and spread your wings.

You need to understand what the connection is between your problem and the world around you. The twentieth lunar day will certainly give you such information. If you accept it, you will gain a lot of useful things. Moreover, both in material terms and in the realm of spirit.

On the 20th lunar day, a person is given a huge amount of energy, which he must direct primarily to transforming his personality.

Features of the day

In addition to vanity and envy, today we need to avoid selfishness and overestimation of capabilities, overestimation of one’s own importance. IN otherwise you risk losing everything you managed to gain over the previous lunar days. Don't quarrel with friends and loved ones. One quarrel will lead to many long disputes and grievances.

Astrologers and experts on lunar influences recommend starting construction on this day, taking on responsible positions, and making important decisions. Today people are sociable and open; this can be used to make new acquaintances, strengthen old connections, and establish friendly contacts.

The main symbol of the 20th lunar day– Eagle, additional – Ophiuchus and Muse.

Stones of the 20th lunar day- rock crystal and red jasper.

Colors of the 20th lunar day– blue and cornflower blue, sapphire and ultramarine, indigo.

Organ– the back of the back - from the shoulders to the shoulder blades and the shoulder blades themselves, the peritoneum.

Since the Eagle, with its greatness, strives for height, airiness, and spirituality, it will guide you in spiritual search and growth. This 20-lunar day of the month allows you to direct internal energy towards the creation of all the energy of the human body. Self-knowledge and self-improvement through spiritual practices will be effective under the influence of the symbol of the day.

Main characteristics of the 20th lunar day

The best way to spend the 20-moon day is through active actions. Direct your energy in the direction where the most effort is required. And at the same time, it is possible to complete all the work in one breath, because everything contributes to the soaring of the spirit. When such a state is reached when the spirit can be at the highest point of its knowledge, that is, it soars, then any work is done easily and quickly.

Do not forget that your energy component and capabilities must be used purposefully and correctly. You need to find time for rest, because after long periods of work, a certain fatigue sets in, which can prevent you from achieving the best results. Therefore, you should not forget about rest. Both work and rest will be carried out with inspiration, contemplation, courage, and the ability to overcome any difficulties. Your entire body will be endowed with emotional strength, which will allow you to acquire spiritual strength.

On this day it is important to work on yourself, on your spiritual qualities. Do not allow anyone to behave selfishly and arrogantly. Try to tame your pride, even if you managed to achieve what you wanted. If another day it's hard to get rid of bad habits, then on this lunar day victory will be on your side in overcoming these rather serious difficulties. The energy of the day will help you with this, which will be in the right interaction with your energy balance. It’s a good day to analyze your past behavior and your mistakes and come to conclusions that will lead you to a state of inner purity and self-confidence.

Health and the 20th lunar day

Healthy people on this day will be those people who do not overeat. To please the Moon, you need to eat something light and low-fat today. After sunset, you can eat an apple, beets, carrots, that is, vegetables and fruits.

On the 20th lunar day, lovers of smoking will look at their activities with a cigarette with a different look and will want to quit smoking, which the Moon will contribute to. Heavy smokers will finally see the number one enemy in the cigarette and will, under the strict guidance of the Moon, fight this disease.

Pay attention to your back today, you may feel some pain in this part of the body. It’s a good day to use the services of a massage therapist who, with professional massaging movements, will give your back, and your whole body, the necessary and beneficial relaxation.

Also, on the 20th lunar day, many people will need the help of a dentist. But you should not be afraid of dentists on this day, the Moon will be your protector and healer if something goes wrong. Feel free to sit down in the dentist’s chair; your teeth also need to be prevented and taken care of so that your smile is snow-white and irresistible, like the Moon itself.

Help your body be healthy. On the 20th lunar day you can pass full examination body. In the future, your body will thank you for your good attitude towards it. Do not forget that a person who treats himself and his body with loving care receives everything with interest and achieves high results in any field of activity. In addition, the Moon will be on your side.

On the 20th lunar day, you need to pay attention to your mood, which can change. To prevent your mood from falling, you can make tea from rose hips, linden or bird cherry. Very healthy tea drinks, but you shouldn’t abuse them. But strong mood swings will not be felt; the Moon has already taken care of bringing funny and cheerful notes into your life. On this day you can meet a person smiling at his own thoughts or for no reason, this is a good sign for both you and him, because the Moon tries to give any person memorable moments of these 20 lunar days.

Love and the 20th lunar day

If you forget about pride, arrogance, and selfishness when communicating with your other half, then your contact with your loved one will take on a new romantic format.

Feelings and love can flare up with renewed vigor, which will please both parties.
The 20-moon day is a great time to organize dates. They will be much more fruitful and successful if an appropriate environment is found, preferably in the calm comfort of home. We need to pay special attention to the most intimate things, to what we were previously afraid to say to each other. If you are attentive to each other today, in the future your relationship will only become warmer and stronger.

Today we must remember that the human soul is more valuable than other material things. You shouldn’t go into details today about where to get the money, what happened at work today, etc. You need to appreciate moments of calm, as well as the environment that creates such a peaceful state.

If you are in harmony with your inner world today, then perhaps you can calmly and firmly pacify all negative qualities, which will only raise you in the eyes of your other half.

The day is good for making new acquaintances that can lead you to a good relationship. But today it is better to refuse to enter into marriage and sort things out in a tense tone. In general, today is a day of calm and relaxation. Today it is better to show your passion for your loved one without intensity; it is better to bestow your other half with gentle, calm caress.

It is better to postpone conceiving a child until another day; if you still decide to take this step, then there is no need to deceive each other today, this will have a bad effect on the child in the future. The stars strongly advise you to delay conception, because the child will try to achieve the impossible. On the one hand, this is not bad, but there is nothing good for such purposes.

Work and creativity on the 20th lunar day

The 20-moon day will bring many professions solutions to their tasks, which will later change your life. On this day you can change your destiny. If a decision is difficult to make, put it aside for a while and approach it with a new approach and thoughts, you will be successful.

To make your day more productive and make an important decision worthwhile, you just need to focus on this problem. Do not forget that the 20-lunar day is ruled by the symbol of the Eagle, which with its greatness denies fussiness and haste.

Any business will be accompanied by successful promotion and growth. If difficulties arise, you need to take a break and get down to business with renewed vigor. Work today will bring many productive moments, which will make it easy and quick to find relaxation after work and a feeling of satisfaction.

Today is a great day to get creative with work issues. Inspiration will give a new impetus to a problematic area of ​​the workflow.

For those born on the 20th lunar day

On this day, people are born who care about everything, they are ready to get to the bottom of every smallest detail, and out of inquisitive interest, both in themselves and in everything that surrounds them. They can be inquisitive to the highest point of curiosity. There may be difficulties along their path and, if they cannot overcome them, such natures will be subject to despondency, which can lead to despair. Thus, such individuals withdraw into themselves and drive themselves into a state of devastation.

People born on this day can easily understand the meaning of life and the meaning of existence. They are able to sensitively and deeply comprehend the understanding of changes in themselves and others. Since they try to delve deeply and in detail into any issue, this feature helps them to endure some misunderstandings from the outside world less painfully. Such people always strive for spiritual growth.

The 20-lunar day is the day when people who are leaders by nature are born. They are ideological, sociable, and other people follow them. Moreover, from childhood they have leadership qualities, and as they grow older they gain experience in this. Their leadership abilities are developed due to their innate intelligence, curiosity and determination.

To avoid failures, falls and disappointments, such individuals should pacify pride and arrogance. They can destroy themselves.
Those born on a 20-lunar day can be psychics and magicians, clairvoyants and healers.

Signs of the 20th lunar day

The signs of this day bear the imprint of unimportance; they are not worth your attention. As for the monetary sphere, you should repay all your debts, because the opportunity has arisen to realize this. What you dream about these days, there is a tendency that dreams come true.

Magic rituals of the 20th lunar day

On this day you need to imagine yourself as an Eagle and look at yourself and your life from a bird's eye view. Since the Eagle is a majestic bird, under this review it is necessary to draw conclusions about yourself, your failures, downfalls, but also about your achievements and successes.

Particular caution on the 20th lunar day

On the 20-moon day, avoid being grumpy and arrogant. You shouldn’t look at everything through the prism of pride. These qualities in yourself today need to be reduced to a minimum, or even better, completely eradicated.

Dreams and dreams on the 20th lunar day

Dreams on a 20-lunar day are prophetic, but they need to be right angle interpret visions. There may be dreams where the past, future and present are intertwined, and time periods are reunited. Such dreams indicate to a person that he must take a fresh look at his life, applying all the experience of past difficulties, so as not to make the same mistakes in the future.

Mantra of the 20th lunar day

I don't need to fight for changes to happen in my life.

I focus on thoughts that make me feel good and

I am changing and growing. I like myself. I am attractive (attractive).

I know that my mind creates all the events in my life.

I rely on my own strength.

I walk through life and support myself with love.

Everything good happens on its own as soon as I wish it.

My love is shown in the choice I made to be happy.

The 20th day of the lunar month is a time of dramatic life changes. In this case, you don’t really have to do anything. On the contrary, it is recommended to perform only familiar actions, abandoning everything extraordinary and new. However, be careful and don’t miss a chance that could affect your entire life. later life.

      • Energy of the day: passive day.
      • Lucky number: 2.
      • Element of the day: Earth.
      • Lucky colors: blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphire.
      • Stones: red jasper, rock crystal.
      • Part of the body: shoulder blades, shoulders, peritoneum.
      • Lucky day: Saturday.
      • Lucky direction: South-West.
      • Predominant shape: square, horizontally elongated rectangle.
      • Symbol of the 20th lunar day: Soaring Eagle; Muse.
      • Key words: awareness of your goal, a bird's eye view of your life, adjustment, understanding that everything is not accidental, active life position, overcoming doubts.

On day 20, the Moon wanes, which explains why everything around us seems to slow down. This also applies to the world around you, and even to your body. That’s why you need to spend the day passively. The energy that the Universe will give you today should not be wasted. Do something familiar and ordinary, put off all bold experiments for another day.

With each waning particle, the Moon gives up its strength, but it needs to be directed not at something global, but at small tasks and goals.

Since the symbol of the 20th lunar day is the Eagle flying high in the sky, you should associate yourself with this bird today. Realize that with the right wingspan, anything is possible: you can fly over all obstacles and obstacles, you just need to put in a little more effort.

Separately, it is worth noting that today’s day can radically change your life. Fate will give you an opportunity and if you don’t miss it, success will be guaranteed. However, if you are one of those who are afraid to make any decisions and take extra steps towards your goal, then do not expect to be able to achieve anything. Most likely, today you, as usual, will remain marking time.

Business and work

Regarding work, in order to achieve significant progress and visible results, it is recommended to work in a team. Involve colleagues to complete a project. This way, you will significantly improve your relationship with them, and maybe even meet someone new. But single actions can bring serious problems - ranging from lack of vitality to complete real harm for Your health.

On the 20th day of the lunar month, try to find the “golden mean” - you cannot be completely passive, since today is perfect for active activity, but it is worth remembering that your energy supply is limited, and therefore excessive zeal will also not be beneficial.

Today, all your endeavors are simply doomed to success. You will have excellent relationships with business partners, all financial transactions will go well, your business will expand, and you will also find many new and promising employees who will bring creative and interesting ideas to your work.

If your work is related to creativity, then an unprecedented surge of inspiration and energy awaits you. So don’t waste your time: create.

Marriage and Marriage

Today's lunar month is a great time to get married. And if you and your partner managed to test your feelings with time or distance, because then your family life will be especially happy and harmonious.

If you and your significant other are engaged in any spiritual practices, then you can count on the exceptional favor of the Universe - your marriage will be long and happy.

However, if you are an atheist, then the best solution will choose some other day that is more suitable for you, because your energy in this case will contradict the energy of the lunar day, and an imbalance in this can lead to quarrels and conflicts in family life.

Health and Wellness

Today can significantly affect your health and external beauty. Moreover, the changes will only be in a positive direction. Each of your actions aimed at these two areas will bring undoubted benefits and will affect your well-being in the best possible way. For example, if there are no contraindications, you can spend a fasting day (for example, eat only vegetables and fruits for this day, or at least give up heavy foods, like meat products) or go to the pool or gym.

However, for sports fans, it is worth noting that on the 20th day of the lunar month, the shoulder blades, shoulders and upper spine are considered especially vulnerable places, and therefore it is not recommended to overload the back. Loads today should be moderate.

Intimate relationships

As for sexual relations, on the 20th lunar day it is better to know when to stop. Of course, you don’t need to give up sex completely on this day, but the best solution would be to give preference to gentle and sensual lovemaking. Put off bold experiments, animal passion and rudeness towards your partner (even if he likes it) for another day. Today sex should be as traditional and calm as possible.

However, this does not mean that sex today will be boring and insipid. It’s just that the emphasis should be on emotions and mutual pleasure.

Conceiving a child

Today is hardly suitable for conception. The thing is that children conceived on the 20th lunar day have a rather difficult fate, full of difficulties and obstacles. Due to the fact that expectations do not coincide with reality, a child may grow up to be an unsociable, withdrawn and gloomy person.


If you are a gardening enthusiast, today it is recommended to work exclusively with the top part of the plant. For example, a day is suitable for fertilizing or harvesting, but it is better to postpone replanting or loosening until another day. This is due to the fact that today there is a high risk of damaging the roots and thus killing the plant. Also, do not water. However, if your plantings require it, then just try not to overdo it, otherwise you may drown what you planted.

Hair cutting and coloring

The 20th day of the lunar month is not the most favorable or successful time for a new haircut. Not only is the result unlikely to please you, but your emotional state may also worsen and sudden mood swings may begin. It is also worth rescheduling or abandoning coloring, because such a seemingly harmless procedure can seriously harm your business, in which you have invested a lot of time and effort.

When it comes to hairstyles, there is no need to try something new, since the Universe today is especially sensitive to any changes.

Dreams and dreams

Dreams that occur on the 20th lunar day should not be taken seriously. They don't tend to come true. Rather, they can be compared simply with a beautiful fairy tale, picture, story. Sometimes they can show a weak connection between your past and future, but it is so insignificant and weak that it is very difficult to trace, catch and understand. Don't waste your energy on this.

If you've been wanting to practice lucid dreaming, today is a great time to do it. Moreover, even if you have never heard anything about this technique before, you can get some pretty interesting results. Just try scrolling through the pictures that you would like to see that night before going to bed. The most important task will be not to forget your sleep in the morning.


On day 20, the Moon is most favorable to those people who are on the road, and therefore you can go on a trip: short-term, one-day or long-distance, it doesn’t matter. You can be sure that your trip will go smoothly, without health risks and minor troubles. All the people you meet along the way will be friendly and positive, and

If possible, they will help you without any problems. However, it is recommended not to make strict plans and routines because unexpected situations will change your plans and you need to be prepared for this. Moreover, small changes will be more pleasant than unsuccessful.

Don't resist what's happening. Just go with the flow, and then fate will give you many interesting opportunities and joys.

If you don’t have any travel planned, then why not go somewhere spontaneously? Even a day trip to a neighboring town is suitable.

Recreation and entertainment

Today, the best rest will be a change of activity. It is not recommended to spend the whole day mindlessly lying in front of the TV. It is recommended to spend time actively: do sports or something that is not typical for you. For example, go to the country, plant flowers, go to a museum, theater or exhibition. If your main job involves hard physical labor, then the best solution would be to direct your energy today to mental activity.

Family and friends

The 20th lunar day can significantly bring you closer to your partner and improve your relationship. Assign romantic date, go somewhere together or spend a cozy evening at home in the company of your favorite movie and delicious tea. Today, discussing your relationship will be of great benefit. However, it is very important not to try to blame your soulmate for anything, not to attack, not to make trouble, but, on the contrary, to discuss the pros and cons of your union. Try to avoid work and financial issues. These topics are unlikely to put you in a positive mood. Better learn something new about each other. Surprisingly, such a topic can be found even among those couples who have been married for many long years.


For such a good cause as donating to those in need, almost any day is equally suitable.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

From time immemorial, the 20th day of the lunar month has been considered the time of rebirth. Mystical schools, as a rule, pay special attention to collective practices. It is group classes that can bring maximum benefit today. As a rule, they included meditation techniques, chanting mantras and reciting prayers.

Magic rituals

The 20th day of the lunar month is active and full of positive energy, and therefore today it is recommended to carry out rituals aimed at marriage. One option: you need to purchase one new pillowcase. However, you need to pay for the purchase with one paper bill. Don’t keep the change for yourself, but give it to the first old lady you meet.

In the evening, wrap your pillow in this pillowcase. As you fall asleep, try to imagine your betrothed in the smallest detail. Once the image is complete, invite it into your life. If the request is heard, you will immediately understand this when you see a sign in a dream.


Perhaps on other days you should believe some signs, but on the 20th day you don’t need to do this. Just ignore it.

Dangers of lunar days

Today you can achieve a lot, because all the things you start on the 20th lunar day will be successful and fateful, influencing your entire future life. However, the main danger is the feelings you may experience. Joy, happiness and self-confidence are good. However, try to refrain from arrogance, pride and unhealthy selfishness, because if you just become arrogant for a moment, you will fly down as quickly as you rose up. And the higher you were, the more painful it is to fall.


  1. I don't need to fight for changes to happen in my life.
  2. I focus on thoughts that make me feel good and confident.
  3. I am changing and growing. I like myself. I am attractive (attractive).
  4. I know that my mind creates all the events in my life.
  5. I rely on my own strength.
  6. I walk through life and support myself with love.
  7. Everything good happens on its own as soon as I wish it.
  8. My love is shown in the choice I made to be happy.
  1. The main rule of the 20 days of the lunar month is to look for the “golden mean” in everything. There is no need to rush from one extreme to another, as you will only harm yourself. Don't waste your day, but don't overwork yourself either.
  2. Separately, it is worth noting that any load on the back should be minimized, because the shoulders and upper spine are especially vulnerable today, which means that any careless movement can lead to injury, the consequences of which you will have to deal with for a long period of time.
  3. Try to control your emotions in conversations with your friends, family and especially your significant other and look for the positive in your relationships. Do not blame your partner, otherwise you risk a long quarrel. Also, do not discuss your work or any financial problems with your loved ones today, this will not bring you closer.
  4. Focus on group activities. And this applies to all areas of life. For example, if you decide to play sports, give preference to group training. If you want to work, do it with your colleagues. This way you will not only meet new people, but also improve your relationships with old acquaintances.
  5. Experiments are always fun and interesting, but on the 20th lunar day it is better to cancel them and postpone them to a more favorable time. Moreover, we are talking not only about all kinds of sexual practices, but also about changing the image.
  6. Today, fate can make some adjustments, there is no need to resist it. If you are flexible, don’t try to adjust external events to fit your plan, but learn to go with the flow, then the day will be more than successful for you.
  7. Be careful. Today, on the 22nd lunar day, fate will give you the chance that you have always dreamed of. It is very important that you are able to react in time and catch this opportunity by the tail. If you succeed, then soon you will not recognize your life: it will become much better, more interesting and more enjoyable. If you don't succeed, don't be upset. Everything will remain the same as it is now.

Characteristics of people born on the 20th lunar day

On the 20th day of the lunar month, as a rule, curious people are born who are interested in everything down to the smallest details.

They are usually sociable and have leadership qualities since childhood, which is why those around them are happy to follow them. However, all this often gives rise to pride, arrogance and unhealthy selfishness. And these qualities can destroy the person himself and become the cause of all the failures and disappointments in life. Therefore, in order to avoid falls, it is necessary to be softer towards the world and subordinates.

Another type of people born on the 20th lunar day are those who talk a lot but do nothing. In the end, everything remains in place, despite many loud words. In their justification, we can say that they sacredly believe in every word they say, in their strengths and intentions, but they never take any action. Perhaps it’s a matter of laziness, or maybe it’s just a simple reluctance. One way or another, life passes them by, and they, even noticing this, continue to put everything off until tomorrow, which never comes.

To summarize, it is recommended to suppress selfishness and arrogance, follow only the usual paved path and be flexible and ready for what fate brings to you today. Listen to these tips, and your day will not only be successful and easy, but it may also bring you new opportunities. Your job is to grab onto them.


This day means the combination of the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius (the sign of Sagittarius is the presence of the energy of Jupiter). The eagle is a symbol of religious feat; on many coats of arms it is a symbol of statehood. This is a noble sign, personifying the spiritual principle in a person, his transformation, ascension, inspiration, contemplation, courage, ability to overcome difficulties, strength. And the sign of Sagittarius, with which the twentieth lunar day is associated, means transformation of consciousness, natural intuition, connects together the life of the Spirit, soul and body.

On this day the process of transformation takes place. A person can acquire clairvoyance and know cosmic law. This is a very difficult day. If a person has not worked with previous lunar days, then it is better not to touch the 20th lunar day. You can just take care of household chores and family.

There is an opinion that for beginnings this is one of better days. It is good to start any business and enterprise, because everything undertaken will be successful and bring good luck.

This is a day of liberation from any burden, overcoming doubts, knowledge of cosmic law, and spiritual growth. Day of freedom from any debts or serious conditions. It is easy, having cast aside all doubts, to finally make an important decision and commit an important act - and thus rise to a higher level in development. Don't hesitate, take the barrier! The best day for fasting and spiritual insight. It’s better to be at home, take care of household chores, family, and traditions. You can study sacred texts. Dangers of the twentieth day: pride, arrogance, grumpiness.

Day of obtaining spiritual knowledge. We must refrain from treatment. A good day for summoning spirits. You can also continue to work with malefism.

On this day we can make amazing discoveries. See the world in a new light. Completely transform yourself internally. Let's just be open to what comes today. It’s very good today to be in the company of like-minded people. It is their opinion that will help us open our eyes to many things.

On this day it is easy to cast aside all doubts, make an important decision, take a decisive action and, thus, rise to a higher level of development. Pride, arrogance, grumpiness, and dictatorship must be overcome.

A very serious and interesting day: a time of spiritual transformation and insight, overcoming doubts, ascension, knowledge of cosmic law.

The best day for fasting. It is forbidden to eat meat and strain your eyesight; it is better to be at home, do household chores, family, and traditions. You should not treat extrasensory sensory: it is easy to become exhausted and give away too much energy.

If you change your place of work or move to a new position on the 20th lunar day, this is a good sign. On this day you can reincarnate or change - dye your hair, get a new hairstyle, change your last name or take a new name.

Do not lie or be mean to each other if you decide to conceive on this day.

On this day, any spiritual practices aimed at self-knowledge will be effective. Even if you are not a practitioner, it will be very useful to reflect on your life, the actions you take, what you are striving for and what you have already been able to achieve.

Along with what has already been said, the sign of the Eagle also symbolizes pride, power, and supremacy. And this means that on the twentieth lunar day, an important aspect in working on yourself will be pacifying your own importance, eradicating such qualities as selfishness, pride and arrogance. It is recommended to avoid overestimating your strengths and capabilities. If you cannot control the manifestation of this, you risk losing more than you gain. In addition, the energy of the day is good for getting rid of bad habits, and if you have such a goal, today you will not encounter difficulties along the way.

To sum it up, let's say that the twentieth lunar day will bring you a lot of amazing things, it will help you look at the world in a new way, analyze and understand your past mistakes, looking at them from the outside, and draw the right conclusions for future decisions. It will give you the opportunity to feel inner purity, self-confidence and strength, as well as an understanding of how the gift received can be preserved and used in the future.

There is an opinion that the energy of the 20th and 21st lunar days are fused together.

On the twentieth lunar day, the process of internal transformation begins, and on the 21st it reaches its peak. We receive the energy of a great movement - we become active, active and unusually brave. These are the only days in the lunar month when it is very easy for us to decide on something that we were previously afraid of. This is a time of records and exploits. Everything undertaken will be a success! However, there is an important condition here: do not admire yourself too much, today you cannot get angry, show pride, arrogance and contempt - this slows down the transformation.

All energy connections are suitable for this two days. The energy and information received over the past two-thirds of the lunar month have been absorbed and can bear fruit.

HEALTH AND TREATMENT: An illness that begins on this day can drag on for a very long time. Problematic illnesses are rare, but on this day it happens a large number of injuries It is forbidden to strain your eyes. You should not treat extrasensory - you can easily become exhausted and give up a lot of energy.

The day is favorable for air baths and moderate physical activity. It's a good idea to cleanse the blood. Avoid placing excessive stress on the liver.

In general, this day is characterized by stability and generally good health. This lunar day is characterized by excessive energy consumption, so even if you feel that you are ready to move mountains, there is no need to rush to extremes. On this day it is common to overestimate your strength. It is better to remember this and not to overload the body, adhering to moderation in your actions.

On this lunar day, cleansing procedures will also be useful and effective. Visits to the bathhouse and massage sessions will also have a positive effect. Aromatherapy will have a good effect, along with massage. Moderate amounts will benefit physical exercise, especially if they are part of spiritual practices.

The shoulder blades, upper back (where the eagle has its wings), and also the peritoneum are vulnerable. There is also a danger to the spine.

In medical terms, this day is associated with such organs of the human body as the shoulder blades, upper back, and peritoneum. Don't strain your eyes. An illness that begins on this day can last a long time.

Health reserves are reduced. The most sensitive areas are the spine, upper back, peritoneum, and shoulder blades. Long-term treatment can be started, but the course should not be interrupted. Don't strain your eyes.
A haircut at this time changes your attitude towards life for the worse. Even a convinced optimist will begin to perceive everything negatively, to the point of developing an aversion to life in general and the environment in particular.


It is better not to start any business if you do not master the energies of the day, otherwise the business you have started may get out of control. There is no need to start something when you are not confident in your abilities; it can turn into something completely different.

Prayers are effective on this day, but you cannot engage in energy healing. When treating even close people on the 20th lunar day, you will become completely exhausted, and then you will feel lethargy and apathy.

A good day to communicate with the brownie (he should be treated to wine and sweets).

The twentieth lunar day is favorable for carrying out rituals to call spirits in order to receive prophecies from them.

It is good to make long-term spells for illnesses that go into the chronic phase. Treatment of hernias, styes, skin diseases, cancer, cataracts, cataracts, as well as making pentacles against them. Working with stones: jet, carnelian, fluorite, charoite, chrysoprase, amber with the obligatory performance of ritual magic to activate the mental field of the stone.

Those who diligently followed the recommendations of all previous days will quite possibly receive the result of their actions today - provided, of course, if they show activity and determination. If your financial affairs are still in the same state, this is not a reason for grief. The lack of results simply means that your money dream has not yet been sufficiently saturated with energy. It all depends on your personal energy - the stronger it is, and the stronger your desire to live in abundance, the sooner your plan will come true. Unfortunately, I am not able to help you want money more, but I will tell you how to strengthen your personal energy, and therefore the degree of your influence on the world around you. This is what I recommend today to do for those who want not just to “extort” certain amounts of money from the Universe from time to time, but intend to turn from a slave of fate into its master (and I think this is what everyone who reads these lines wants).


Pride, arrogance, grumpiness, and the desire for excessive dominance are common, caused by the fact that in terms of spiritual return there is an opportunity to give everything, and if there is no pre-established potential, one can easily overspend oneself.

Day of “karmic retribution”. Privacy is desirable, since being in a team is fraught with conflict situations. A lie for this day is tantamount to suicide.

The Anahata chakra, shoulder blades, upper back, and peritoneum are associated with this day. If a person lives incorrectly, then a sign of this may be numbness in the neck and withers of the ridge. This is a very important day, it is not for nothing that it is called the circle of life. Almost all energy connections fit here.

Improper use of these energies can lead to loss of consciousness and increased blood pressure. There may be numbness in the hands and pain in the shoulder blades. An unpleasant sensation may arise: as if someone is sitting on you or as if you are carrying a stone on your back.

Exercises of the Day:

Wizard game

Playing a wizard is a training that develops the will, the ability to concentrate, intuition, the ability to see cause-and-effect relationships between events and predict the results of one’s actions, understand and specify one’s desires. It takes up the whole day, and at the same time it will not take up a minute of your time, since it is performed without interruption from your usual activities. Treat it like a game. The essence of the training is to spend the day constantly observing yourself and the world around you, without evaluating or analyzing anything and perceiving all your actions as magical. This training quickly brings into play hidden strengths and capabilities, even if it is conducted once a month. In addition, it helps to get rid of anxiety, fussiness, and nervousness, and “seriously and for a long time.”

Waking up in the morning, still lying in bed, imagine yourself as an omnipotent wizard. Start the day with the feeling that absolutely everything is within your control. Go about your normal activities and observe all your actions as carefully as possible, paying attention to every little detail. Think of them as magical, no matter if you are standing in the shower, brushing your teeth, talking on the phone, or drinking tea. Before you start any business, mentally tell yourself: “I want it this way!” This is my will!” And after pronouncing this formula, be sure to carry out your plans. This approach will teach you that your will always makes changes in the world around you.

Any event that happens to you today should be perceived as a certain sign that carries certain information. It doesn’t matter what the event is - a doorbell ringing, a broken cup, a dog barking on the street or a child crying behind the wall. But under no circumstances try to interpret these signs during the training, do not look for a secret meaning in them! Your task is only to record them. When you notice something new, hold your attention on this object or phenomenon and tell yourself: “This is a sign for me!” But don’t get stuck for too long, otherwise your training will go down the drain. Saw, recorded, switched attention - this should be the sequence of your actions. That's all, actually.

In the evening, before going to bed, sit quietly and inhale and exhale deeply 78 times with your stomach, protruding it as you inhale and retracting it as you exhale. Each subsequent breath should be a little deeper than the previous one. After taking your last breath, clench your fists, hold your breath for as long as possible, and close your eyes. Then open your eyes, exhale sharply, stand up and forcefully unclench your fists, opening your palms parallel to the floor. The training is completed.

Perhaps this training will seem frivolous and pointless to you; you will think that it’s somehow inappropriate for you, an adult, to play all day long, imagining yourself as a wizard. This is a first impression, and a wrong one at that. This “frivolous” training gives very serious results, you will feel it after just a few uses.

Pentagram Ritual

The second training, for which it is advisable to find time during these two days, develops the skills necessary to manage events, as well as for survival and a prosperous existence in this world. It introduces us to that cherished state - let's call it the state of a magician - in which we are able to really influence the world around us. From time to time, this condition spontaneously arises in every person. Sometimes we are surprised to notice that absolutely everything we do works out, things go like clockwork, there is a feeling of some kind of internal composure, integrity, and meaningfulness of all actions. At such moments, we, without knowing it, are precisely in the state of a magician. The difficulty lies in inducing this state at will - at the right time and in the right place.

The state of a magician can be represented in the form of a five-pointed star, or pentagram. Remember Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man”: the top of the star is the head, the side rays are the arms, the lower rays are the legs. The top of the star symbolizes our inner self. The remaining four points represent the four elements - Water, Fire, Air and Earth. Speech in this case goes not about real natural elements, but about internal ones: Air manifests itself in the form of intellect, Water - in the form of intuition, Fire - in the form of emotions, and Earth - in the form of will. The state of a magician arises when our Self dominates all internal elements, and they are in harmony with each other.

If a star tilts or turns over, our inner self is at the mercy of one or more elements, and we are unable to influence events. When Air predominates, a person is cut off from reality and “has his head in the clouds,” that is, he is completely immersed in his thoughts, ideas, daydreaming. If Water predominates, intuition is replaced by fantasies and fears, which usually results in nervous breakdown. If Fire predominates, a person blindly obeys his desires, emotional impulses, and passions. Sooner or later, this leads to the fact that he begins to commit acts that are dangerous to himself and others. If the Earth predominates, a person withdraws into his inner world and tries with all his might to keep himself in this state. The proposed training restores the balance of the star and, therefore, makes it possible to enter the state of a magician. It is carried out like this.

Take a star pose: feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, arms raised up and to the sides, gaze directed forward. This pose is traditionally used to address To the Higher Powers. Try to blink as little as possible. Your position in space depends on the time of day when you conduct the training:

From 5 to 11 a.m., face east,

From 11 to 18 o'clock - to the south,

From 18:00 to 23:00 – to the west,

From 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. – north.
The approximate duration of the training is about 15 minutes.

1. Take three deep breaths in and out. Try to feel your entire body, hold this feeling for 1-2 minutes.

2. Turn your attention to the point between the eyebrows and imagine that your inner Self is concentrated there. Imagine and feel how the “I” point is filled with energy, strength and warms up. The point may experience pulsation, warmth, heaviness, and a slight burning sensation. If you don’t have any sensations, it’s okay; you don’t need to specifically cause them. The main thing is to concentrate on the “I” point.

3. When you feel that your concentration is successful, move your attention to your right hand and focus on your “airy” qualities. Think about the limitless possibilities of your intellect: how great its power is, how powerful your memory is, imagine that your mind is capable of solving problems of unimaginable complexity. Remember this feeling of the extraordinary power of the intellect. Some sensations may also arise in the right hand - warmth, tingling, burning. If there are no such sensations, there is no need to try to specifically evoke them. As soon as you feel that your right hand is “filled” with the power of the mind, move your attention to your right foot and begin to reflect on your “water” qualities - intuition, the ability to foresight. If it seems to you that these qualities are weakly expressed in you, think that potentially you still possess them, and sooner or later they will definitely manifest themselves. Remember your state at the moment, pay attention to your sensations, accentuate and strengthen them in your right foot.

4. Shift your attention to your left foot and concentrate in the same way on your qualities, only on the “earthly” ones - will, patience, determination. When you fully feel that you have them, fix this state, accentuate it in your left foot and move to your left palm.

5. In the left palm we “accumulate” the qualities of Fire - desire, passion and an endless variety of emotions - love, compassion, joy, anger, envy, resentment, etc. Feel how desires and emotions fill you, remember your state, fix it in the left palm.

6. Now we take a deep breath, and as we exhale we move our attention to the “I” point from which we began the training, that is, we close the pentagram. Now, from the height of your Self, remember the sensations that you had at the four points on which you concentrated. But think of them as something that is on the sidelines, without favoring any of them. All your internal elements are balanced and subordinated to your Self - this is the state of a magician. If you feel that there is no balance, that there is some kind of imbalance - one of the elements “outweighs”, repeat the training again: right hand - right leg - left leg - left hand, but do not analyze anything and under no circumstances scold yourself if something doesn't work out. It didn’t work out now, it will work out next time!

7. And finally, the final action is to make our pose truly a star pose: remaining in the same position, again shift your attention to your left foot. Mentally draw a line from it to the “I” point, from the “I” point lower the line to the right foot, from it draw a diagonal to the left palm, from it to right palm and from there lower down to your left foot. The lines you draw form a pentagram. Visualize each of them as clearly as possible, in bright blue or light blue.

8. This concludes the training. Take a deep breath and clench your palms into fists, and unclench them as you exhale. Training can be conducted at any time when the need arises. Perform it at least once a month, on the 20th or 21st lunar day.

Having completed these two trainings, you have laid a few more bricks in the foundation on which your well-being will rest. Take a good look at him, he already looks quite impressive. But don't stop, the work is not over yet. Tomorrow a new day awaits you, which means new opportunities, new achievements.

Sky, nature, animals.

Beginnings- you shouldn’t start something when you’re not confident in your abilities, it can turn into something completely different.

About those who were born on the twentieth lunar day.

People born on the 20th lunar day are also different. If a person is aware of his life, then he is able to become an ascetic, sacrifice everything for the sake of the cause he serves. He lives in anticipation of exploits, like the people of the 14th lunar day, he lives in anticipation of his time. They are capable of cognizing cosmic law and, feeling this potential, they spend their entire lives preparing for something great.

Those born on this day live in constant anticipation of a flight and are very prone to astral travel. The best people 20th day - ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the cause. In the worst case scenario, they tend to rise above others in a negative sense - they become false teachers, dictators. Fate may reward a child born on this day with an angry, quarrelsome, unyielding character, which parents will have to fight from the cradle.

If a person does not develop spiritually, then, due to the confidence that he knows everything, he can carry a false idea, blindly believing in it and deifying himself, that is, become a false teacher.

Those born on this day are often creative people. They tend to tower over those around them, in both good and bad ways. Basic characteristic feature Those born on the twentieth lunar day is their desire to understand both the outside world and themselves. On this path they will expect not only ups, but also downs. And it is possible that their whole life may pass in this search, but in the end they will never achieve understanding. And in this case, despair is the main enemy of such people, leading to devastation and isolation.

People on the twentieth lunar day are characterized by a deeper understanding than others. But whether it will be developed and used depends on the desires of such people. They are able to understand the meaning of life. Important Feature What they possess is the ability to accept the changes that occur in themselves and in the environment. This trait helps to experience personal transformation less painfully. Those born on this lunar day are prone to spiritual development, along the path of which they achieve high results.

On the twentieth day of the lunar month, ideological, gifted, creative personalities capable of convincing and leading people. These are natural leaders. From childhood, they tend to act as instigators and gather other children around them. They are smart, inquisitive, and purposeful. It is advisable for such children to show the world from different sides from an early age, without hiding unpleasant things. Truthfulness plays a role in life important role. It is good for them to develop their thinking and not be afraid to show individuality. It’s good if they can develop their own view of the world.

Like the sign of the day - Eagle, those born on the twentieth day of the lunar month have extraordinary strong-willed qualities and a strong spiritual origin. Able to set beyond goals and achieve them. Ready for self-sacrifice on the path to realizing their idea. But they need to work on themselves, eradicating pride and arrogance. Otherwise, there is a risk of overestimating your strengths and capabilities. In this case, many disappointments and defeats await them in life.

It is believed that those born on the twentieth lunar day can become magicians, psychics, healers, and clairvoyants.

DREAMS will generally be valid. On these lunar days, you can “order” a dream at will and in this case you will receive a clear and detailed answer that will most likely come true. For example, go in a dream to where you want to go. You can try to dream about someone - on this day there is a chance to enter someone else's dream. It is possible to solve problems through sleep, access to the subtle world.

However, if you do not do anything specifically for this, then most likely your dreams will be vague and will not come true.

Stones- red jasper, rock crystal, jespidig.