dwg files master plan commands AutoCAD pltools sheet table layers remove proxy classic view

List of main sets of working drawings
List of drawings of the main set
List of referenced and attached documents
Technical and economic indicators
Explication of residential and public buildings and structures
List of buildings and structures
List of driveways, platforms and sidewalks
List of landscaping elements
Statement of volumes of earth masses
Table to the statement of volumes of earthen masses (fill-cut)
Statement of small architectural forms and portable products
Table symbols to the master plan of engineering networks

PLTOOLS is an AutoCAD addon for working with lines and polylines. It can convert an ordinary line into a polyline, combine individual lines into one polyline. Flip polylines relative to start and end, and much more. Highly useful thing, recommend. Many thanks to the developer, Vladimir Azarko (VVA).

GeomProps is an AutoCAD addon for working with hatches and polylines. Adds the "Geometric properties" line to the "Properties" menu, where you will find such parameters as "Area", "Length" and " total area" for hatches and polylines. This is especially true when the hatch area is not shown, this addon will definitely show it. A very useful thing, I recommend it. Many thanks to the developer. Link to the page of the developer Alexander Rivilis

ExplodeProxy is an AutoCAD addon for optimizing a file with proxy objects. It will help you if there are objects in the file that you cannot delete with the "Del" key or cannot explode the selected object.

Installing manually from the archive:
With the _APPLOAD command, we call the program download window
Breaks all proxy objects in general, no matter where they are.
Removes all proxy objects and proxy primitives. It is convenient to execute it after EXPLODEALLPROXY - then it will remove all proxy objects from the drawing and will not keep them in memory.
REMOVEEXTENTS command - Removes everything outside the user-specified range.

Express Tools menu for AutoCAD.

Installing manually from the archive:
1. Copy the folder Express to a folder support here C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2014\Support\
2. We register the path to the folder Express in a team _options bookmark Files->Support File Access Path click add and add the path like this C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2014\Support\Express. Ok, let's go out the window.
3. Using _appload load from folder Express file acettest.fas
4. We type the command in the command line EXPRESSTOOLS

Another installation method, the most faithful. Go to uninstall programs through the control panel. In the list of programs, find your AutoCAD, click uninstall / change. In the window, select add a component, check the box next to Express Tools. Continue installation. When you start AutoCAD, you will already have Express Tools installed.

In versions 2013 and 2014, I installed Express Tools manually, but the option I needed - combining single-line text into multi-line text - did not work. As a result, I installed AutoCAD 2015 and at the beginning of the installation I immediately selected the Express Tools component. And it works the way I want.

Classic view of AutoCAD and Civil

In versions 2015 and up to 2018, the classic style of organizing the AutoCAD menu was removed from the Workspace and they handed us a forcibly expanded menu style that I don’t like. To get back to myself Classic style With the menu bars, do the following:
1. On the command line, type _CUI
2. In the window that opens, right-click on the phrase "Workspaces", and then "New Workspace" and name it as we like.
3. Right-click on the newly created style and select "Workspace adaptation" and check the boxes next to the "Panels" and "Menu" items, if you have additional menus installed, then go to the "Partial adaptation files" line and also check the boxes next to the addons you need.
4. Go to the "Workspace Options" where you choose which workspace to put and in the window that opens, check the box next to "Automatically save changes".
5. Next, we set our new style, remove the panels we don't need, remove the _RIBBONCLOSE ribbon and turn on the MENUBAR menu bar.
6. We say WOW, we smile and we feel that we have done something good and, in addition, deceived Autodesk. We are great.

Summary table for the master plan of residential and public buildings

With the development of modern Internet technologies and communications, our company successfully performs design work of any complexity in almost any region of the Russian Federation. In this section you can see our finished projects:

Fire safety systems projects

Automatic fire alarm and warning and evacuation management system based on the equipment of the NVP "Bolid" with the transmission of notifications to the monitoring station via a radio channel in the administrative building. A set of working drawings, instrument configurations, specifications.

The project developed modern system automatic voice notification of people about the occurrence of a fire and evacuation routes. SOUE is connected to the broadcasting distribution network, which allows it to be used to broadcast individual messages, announcements, and music. The system is built on network equipment with automatic line integrity control.

Within the framework of this project, a water-filled water fire extinguishing sprinkler system was designed using water mist (finely sprayed water) using sprinklers with a controlled start-up "Aqua-gefest".

In this project, an APS is presented with a single centralized console that unites all the administrative and production buildings of the enterprise. Implemented the ability to control and manage the GSM channel.

In this project, an automatic powder fire extinguishing system was implemented in the server room and an automatic fire alarm for the administrative buildings of the organization, combined into a single control panel and fire warning. The project was developed based on the equipment of the Bolid company and taking into account the high degree of interference due to the proximity of electrical substations.

The present project made an automatic fire alarm system in a two-story building. The project provides for the construction of a substation based on the equipment of the NPF "Bolid" of the address type, using the control module of the ISB "Orion".

The project of an automatic fire alarm system for an administrative building was developed on the basis of the Signal-20M device. Smoke and heat detectors are provided as means of detection. In accordance with the requirements, the project provides for a warning and evacuation system in case of a type 2 fire.

The project provides for the implementation of a deluge fire extinguishing system controlled by an optical type flame sensor. Including the installation of equipment for input nodes - deluge valves with piping and shut-off valves for rooms, as well as an incentive system for SOUE.

In this project, a fire alarm system for gas stations was implemented on the basis of the Granit-4 type fire and security control device. The project takes into account all the specifics of the object, taking into account the personal requirements of the client and the latest safety standards of the Russian Federation.

Projects of video surveillance systems

The protected object is a 2-storey brick building. CB is built on the basis of equipment and software of "Intellect Light", one of the Russian leaders in the market of security video surveillance systems, ITV company.

SCS and LAN projects

The SCS project was developed on the basis of NETGEAR equipment. There are about 20 Wi-Fi access points in the building, which allow the guests of the rehabilitation complex to have constant access to high speed internet at any point in the assignment.

This project contains solutions for the creation of a local area network (LAN) in the administrative building of a manufacturing enterprise, hereinafter referred to as the Object. The LAN is implemented on the basis of reliable cable network technologies and network equipment, which makes it possible to ensure 100% system operability for a long period of time, regardless of its traffic load. The cable system meets the principles of modularity and expandability, and these principles are extended to all its elements (sockets, cables, patch panels, optical lines).

In this project, a telephone system and a local computer network were implemented in an administrative building. Installation of information and telephone sockets is provided in all offices. On the ground floor of the building, in the server room, there is a digital mini-ATS.

The project presents a solution for the creation of a cable system (SCS). This project provides connection and simultaneous operation of the local computer and telephone network, and also provides the ability to flexibly change the configuration of the cable network.

Projects of access control and management systems.

The completed project of the access control and management system provides automatic generation of timesheets and limited access to separate rooms. The project developed ACS for implementation on the territory of the tank farm in accordance with the long-term target program "Comprehensive measures for the prevention of terrorism and other manifestations of extremism in the Tula region for 2013-2016".

Projects of power supply systems

In this project, working and emergency lighting, socket networks for connecting household appliances, air conditioners, lightning protection and potential equalization of the administrative building. The building belongs to category III in terms of lightning protection and must be protected from direct lightning strikes and high potential drift through ground (overground) metal communications.

The power supply project for the three-story administrative and amenity building provides for equipping IEK and DKS with equipment. The project includes the design of socket networks, working and emergency lighting, as well as lightning protection systems, the main and additional potential equalization system, the connection of individual air conditioning systems is provided.

The project was designed to provide power supply to the hotel building from two separate feeders. The project provides for automatic switching to the priority feeder in case of a voltage drop or a complete power outage.

AutoCAD is a CAD system developed by Autodesk. The first version of AutoCAD was released in 1982. Now AutoCAD is probably the most popular system in the world for the development of design documentation (mainly drawings, of course) in construction, mechanical engineering and other industries. The dwg and dxf AutoCAD file formats are the de facto standard in the CAD world and are used to transfer information between different CAD systems. Initially, AutoCAD operated on such elementary objects as segments, arcs, circles, etc. In principle, using only these tools, you can create almost any drawing. A lot has changed since 82, and now AutoCAD supports 3D modeling bodies and surfaces, and since 2010 - 2D parametrization, as well as a large number of other functions. However, the lack of parameterization in 3D does not allow competing with such CAD systems as, for example, Solidworks, although AutoCAD does not need this, since this niche is occupied by Autodesk Inventor. Based on AutoCAD, many specialized applications for various industries. In general, there is an opinion that AutoCAD has gained such popularity in the world because of its flexibility and extensibility, since it can always be adapted to certain specific needs of an industry or even an enterprise. On our site you can of course download drawings in autocad which we have in the majority.