World in crisis
The politicians have firmly wiped their noses.
It’s like a genie has come out of a vessel,
He turned his attention to the present.

We are afraid to see reality
And we all live for one day only.
But in business, it’s just a simple formality
Let's just not go that far

We always rely on luck,
To the countless depths of the earth.
We fly in the clouds to chase our dreams,
Somewhere far away from reality.

But where does luck come from?
After all, the village itself will not resurrect.
All Central Black Earth Region
It is overgrown with forests again, just like in the old days.

There is no simple field base,
The network of collective farms has been destroyed.
Only tired phrases hover
What is “progress” and “global scope”.

It's like we're five years ahead of schedule
Sometimes they performed it at three years old,
They rushed to Communism ahead of schedule,
But the “system” failed here too.

We are barbarically cutting down the forest
Selling abroad for next to nothing,
And back, like a product, we buy
Here is the first breach out of many.

We are like children, naive, careless
We have oil and gas at our fingertips,
But nature's reserves do not last forever
And they need a replacement now.

The state must be united

Economics as the essence of life is a fatal disease, because its unlimited growth does not suit a limited world.
Ernst F. Schumacher

From "Peter's Quote" (1977)

Economics (...) is not just the science of using limited resources, but the science of rational use limited resources.
Herbert Simon, American economist

Economic man deals with the “real world” in all its complexity.
Herbert Simon

I have always maintained that the laws of economics are the laws of life.
Philip Wicksteed (1844–1927),
British economist

An economic game is a game whose rules change significantly about once every ten years, which evokes not very pleasant associations with the queen's game of croquet, known to us from Alice in Wonderland.
Norbert Wiener (1894–1964),
American scientist, founder of cybernetics

All economics is the science of how people make decisions.
James Dusenberry (b.1918),
American economist

Economics is a science that considers all phenomena from the point of view of price.
Herbert Joseph Davenport (1861–1931),
American economist

Here is my favorite postulate: “Every short statement about economic issues- either a misleading fragment, or a sophism, or a truism.” This postulate seems to me to be an exception to general rule, but I am not so bold as to say this with complete certainty.
Alfred Marshall (1842–1924),
English economist

Bernard Baruch (1870–1965),
American politician and businessman

Barton Crane, American economist
(and many others after him)

If ignorance paid dividends, most Americans would make a fortune from what they don't know about economics.
Luther Hodges (1898–1974)
US Secretary of Commerce

Economic research consistently shows that best year for the purchase of anything was the previous year.
Marty Allen (b.1922), American comedian

In the 21st century, the growth sector in developed countries will not be “business”, i.e. not organized economic activity, but (...) the non-profit public sector. This is where management is most in demand.
Peter Drucker (b.1909),
American management specialist

Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources.
Lawrence Peter

In economic matters, the majority is always wrong.
John Kenneth Galbraith

Ignorance of economic laws does not excuse one from responsibility.
Savely Tsypin

Economists were once asked: “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?” And now we can ask: “It turns out that you are not that smart. Why are you so rich?
Edgar Fiedler

Predicting economic averages is like telling a non-swimmer that he can wade a river because its average depth is no more than four feet.
Milton Friedman

The pursuit of profit is the only way in which people can satisfy the needs of those whom they do not know at all.
Friedrich Hayek

Markets, like parachutes, only work if they are open.
Helmut Schmidt

The private sector is the part of the economy controlled by the government, while the public sector is the part of the economy not controlled by anyone.
James Goldsmith

The strong are dealt with by the weak, the smart are dealt with by the strong, and the government is dealt with by everyone.
"Law of the jungle"

A state-owned economy is one in which everyone wants to eat, but no one wants to wash the dishes.
Werner Fink

An elephant is a government-ordered mouse.
Robert Heinlein

A planned economy is an extremely disciplined wastefulness.

A planned economy takes into account everything in its plans except the economy.
Carey McWilliams

We have created such a strong economic foundation from which it is not easy to move the economy.
S. Indoor

We give priority to that help that entails other help, more powerful and lasting.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

There are no free breakfasts.
Paul Mallon in 1942
(and many others after him)

Those who rely only on the care of the state, let them think about the fate of the American Indians.
Unknown American

We must win the war against poverty, even if it leads us to bankruptcy.
Unknown American

Most quick way to win the war against poverty - to stop pretending that we are rich.
Unknown American

To ensure that crime never pays off, it would have to be nationalized and ruined.
Norman Colley

No matter how much you steal from the state, you still won’t get yours back.
Anatoly Ras

Political economy: two words that must be separated due to complete incompatibility.

A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a crisis is when you lose your job.
Harry Truman

A recession is when you have to tighten your belt. A crisis is when there are no longer any pants.
American saying

Fat cows are followed by skinny ones, and skinny ones are followed by complete absence beef.
Heinrich Heine

Prosperity is when most people earn more money than they earn and spend more than they earn.

Here, in our earthly life, production reigns.
Elias Canetti

The more products, the more consumers need.
Elias Canetti

Political problems are insoluble, and economic problems are incomprehensible.
Alec Douglas-Home

The economy is breathing through holes in taxation.
Barry Bracewell-Milne

Increasing wealth is not the same as decreasing poverty.
Joan Robinson

An underdeveloped country is poor because it has no industry: and it has no industry because it is poor.
Hans Wolfgang Singer

The motives for economic behavior are essentially determined by the psychology of the crowd.
Bernard Baruch

The “normal state of the economy” exists only in economics textbooks.
Joan Robinson

Ethics is not listed among the branches of the economy.
Erakhmil Kugel

The more government there is in an economy, the less savings in government.
"14, LLC Quips & Quotes"

Economic governments are extremely simple: “Tax everything that moves. If it continues to move after that, regulate it, and if it no longer moves, subsidize it.”
Ronald Reagan

Anything the private sector can do, government can do worse.
Dixie Ray

Economic prosperity cannot be achieved by raiding the state treasury.
Herbert Hoover

If the law of supply and demand is responsible for current prices, legislators must abolish it.

Deflation is when the prices of all goods decrease, except for those that you have long wanted to buy.

Two by two is four. This is if in real money. According to barter - three. According to mutual offsets - eight.
Folk economic wisdom

It is characteristic of planning that it creates a situation in which we are forced to reach agreement on a much larger number of issues than we are accustomed to.
Friedrich August von Hayek

Successful planning requires a single, common system of values ​​for everyone - this is why restrictions in the material sphere are so directly related to the loss of spiritual freedom.
Friedrich August von Hayek

Both competition and planning lose their power if they are used in a reduced form.
Friedrich August von Hayek

Competition cannot in any way be combined with planning without weakening it as a factor in organizing production.
Friedrich August von Hayek

Many separate plans do not form a large whole; Planners themselves should admit that this is even worse than no plan at all.
Friedrich August von Hayek

Economic freedom is the freedom of any activity, including the right to choose and the associated risk and responsibility.
Friedrich August von Hayek

Economic control is inseparable from control over the entire life of people, because by controlling the means, one cannot help but control the ends.
Friedrich August von Hayek

If we plan too much, that is, we give too much power to the state, then freedom will be lost, and this will put an end to planning itself.
Karl Raymund Popper

If we talk about economics, totalitarian regimes in their countries resemble the notorious locusts.
Hannah Arendt

The market economy is a wonderful thing, but it takes a lot of police to make it work.
N. Askerson

A balanced economy: one half works, the other half goes on strike.
author unknown

The private sector is the part of the economy controlled by the government, while the public sector is the part of the economy not controlled by anyone.
O. Goldsmith

An economist is a person who knows how to make money and earns it, but not for himself, but for others.
V. Zubkov

An economist is a specialist who finds out tomorrow why what he predicted yesterday did not happen.
E. Wilson

An economist is a person who talks about things he doesn’t understand in such a way that you feel ignorant.
G. Procnow

An economist is a person who knows more about money than people who have money.
F. Losch

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The surest way to double your money is to fold it in half and stick it in your wallet.
Frank Hubbard.

Competition is centralized planning carried out by many independent individuals.
Friedrich Hayek.

Saving: the ability to live immediately after payday with the same money as before payday.
Arkansas resident.

We have created such a strong economic foundation from which it is not easy to move the economy.
S. Indoor.

Capitalism is what people do if left alone.
Kenneth Migout.

The private sector is the part of the economy controlled by the government, while the public sector is the part of the economy not controlled by anyone.
James Goldsmith.

Competition is the life of trade and the death of traders.
Elbert Hubbard.

Fraud: a good deal running into a bad law.
Alfred Capus.

A planned economy takes into account everything in its plans except the economy.
Carey McWilliams.

People you never see kill in war and rob on the stock exchange.
Alfred Capus.

The strong are dealt with by the weak, the smart are dealt with by the strong, and the government is dealt with by everyone.
Law of the jungle.

Saving is for the poor; There is a tax exemption for the rich.
Christian Bovey.

Shareholders are stupid and arrogant people. Stupid - because he buys shares, arrogant - because he still wants to receive dividends.
Karl Furstenberg, financier.

A state-run economy is one in which everyone wants to eat, but no one wants to wash the dishes.
Werner Fink.

A planned economy is an extremely disciplined wastefulness.

Broker: A person who moves your money from stock to stock until it's gone.
Woody Allen.

Who knows, doesn't say; whoever speaks does not know.
"Stock Broker Rule"

An elephant is a government-ordered mouse.
Robert Heinlein.

The fastest way to win the war against poverty is to stop pretending we're rich.
Unknown American.

Don't say: we started from scratch; everything can end at zero.
Tadeusz Gitzger.

Save water - dilute it!

Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell.
Frank Borman.

Economists were once asked: “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?” And now we can ask: “It turns out that you are not that smart. Why are you so rich?
Edgar Fiedler.

A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a crisis is when you lose your job.
Harry Truman.

Fat cows are followed by skinny ones, and skinny ones are followed by a complete absence of beef.
Heinrich Heine.

The first rule of business is do unto others as they would like to do unto you.
Charles Dickens.

Political economy: two words that must be separated due to complete incompatibility.

Cautious Businessman: A man who takes money from the stock market and goes to Las Vegas with it.
Robert Orben.

Business is the art of extracting money from someone else's pocket without resorting to violence.
Max Amsterdam.

Capitalism exists thanks to women. If wives didn't spend more than their husbands earned, everything would collapse.

The pursuit of profit is the only way in which people can satisfy the needs of those whom they do not know at all.
Friedrich Hayek.

Prosperity is when most people earn more money than they earn and spend more than they earn.

Which is better, “artificial prosperity” or natural poverty?
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Saving is a way to spend money without any pleasure.
Arman Salakru.

Trade has never ruined a single nation.
Benjamin Franklin.

Business is often something like killing your beloved children so that your other children can succeed.
John Harvey-Jones.

There are no free breakfasts.
Paul Mallon in 1942.

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of goods; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal distribution of misery.
Winston Churchill.

Capital is the part of wealth that we sacrifice to increase our wealth.
Alfred Marshall.

In economic matters, the majority is always wrong.
John Kenneth Galbraith.

In business, no chance is lost: if you ruin it, your competitor will find it.

Money cannot buy one thing - poverty. Here you need to turn to the help of the stock exchange.
Robert Orben.

Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man, and communism is the opposite.

It's easiest to save when you're broke.

Forecasting economic averages is like telling a non-swimmer that he can wade a river because its average depth is no more than four feet.
Milton Friedman.

Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources.
Lawrence Peter.

We must win the war against poverty, even if it leads us to bankruptcy.
Unknown American.

October is one of the most dangerous months of the year for trading on the stock exchange. The remaining dangerous months are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.
Mark Twain.

No matter how much you steal from the state, you still won’t get yours back.
Anatoly Ras.

Economy does not consist in saving, but in selection.
Edmund Burke.

Competition ensures best quality products and develops the worst qualities of people.
David Sarnoff.

Business is a combination of war and sport.
Andre Maurois.

Ignorance of economic laws does not excuse one from responsibility.
Savely Tsypin.

Let us admit our lack of culture and go to school for capitalism.
Peter Struve in 1894.

Birthmarks of capitalism... Where are you, my dears.
Tamara Kleiman.

Where there is no competition, you sleep better, but live worse.

Those who rely only on the care of the state, let them think about the fate of the American Indians.
Unknown American.

Markets, like parachutes, only work if they are open.
Helmut Schmidt.

If you save a little every month, then after a year you will be surprised how little you have accumulated.
Ernest Haskins.

A stock speculator is a person who studies the future and acts before it comes.
Bernard Baruch.

Commerce? It's very simple. It's other people's money.
Alexander Dumas son.

We give priority to that help that entails other help, more powerful and lasting.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

A recession is when you have to tighten your belt. A crisis is when there are no longer any pants.
Boris Pankin.

You should refrain from speculating on the stock exchange in two cases: if you do not have funds, and if you do have them.
Mark Twain.

Never smile at reporters. Once your company suffers a loss, you will see your smile on the financial stripe.
Alan Sugar.

It is very difficult to save money if your neighbor lives beyond his means.

Happiness is when your shares double in price in a year.
Ira Koblef.

There is nothing more beneficial to the people than free trade, and nothing more unpopular.
Thomas Macaulay.

Accurate quotes can contain the entire meaning of a big thought in one sentence. They inspire, motivate and teach us, depositing themselves in the subconscious and guiding us through life.

A selection of brilliant quotes about money, which we are preparing for you in two parts, contains invaluable knowledge from the best businessmen, philosophers and outstanding personalities from Ancient world to the present day.

The best quotes about money of all time

Too many people spend their hard-earned money on things they don't need to impress people they don't like.
Will Rogers

A wise man keeps money in his head, but not in his heart.
Jonathan Swift

Wealth does not bring great fortune, but modest needs.

Sometimes money costs us too much.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our every day is a bank account, and the money in it is our time. There are no rich or poor here, everyone has 24 hours.
Christopher Rice

How you face defeat determines your success.
David Feherty

Moderation is already wealth.

Excuses make a person poor.

The best investment is in knowledge.

I'll tell you how to get rich on Wall Street: Be careful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are cautious.

An annual income of 20 pounds with expenses of 19 pounds 96 pence is happiness. An annual income of 20 pounds with an expense of 20 pounds 6 pence is poverty.
Charles Dickens

Most people miss their opportunities. Because she is sometimes dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas Edison

We are truly drawn to do what is destined for us. And when we start doing this, money is immediately found, the right doors open, we feel useful, and work seems like a game.
Julia Cameron

I never try to make money on the exchange itself. I buy stocks with the expectation that they might close the market the next day and then not reopen for the next ten years.
Warren Buffett

Money will not buy happiness for those who do not know what they want. Money will not show the goal to those who choose their path with their eyes closed. Money cannot buy intelligence for a fool, honor for a scoundrel, respect for a ignoramus. If you try to use money to surround yourself with those who are taller and smarter than you in order to gain prestige, you will end up falling prey to those below you.
Ayn Rand

Money has never made a person happier, and never will. The more a person has, the more he wants. But instead of filling the vacuum, he creates it for himself.
Benjamin Franklin

Many people don't think about money until they run out. Others behave the same way with time.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Education will help you survive. Self-education will lead you to success.
Jim Rohn

Money is just a means. They will lead you to any goal, but will not replace you at the helm.
Ayn Rand

Wealth is not an accumulation of material values. This is the ability to spend less than you earn, the ability to save and invest. You won't get rich until you learn this.
Dave Ramsey

Poor is not the one who has little, but the one who never has enough.

The employer does not pay the salary - he only manages the money. The client pays the salary.
Henry Ford

He who loses money loses a lot; he who loses a friend loses much more; he who loses faith loses everything.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Happiness is not about having money; it lies in the joy of work and accomplishment.
Franklin Roosevelt

Empty pockets will never stop us from becoming who we want to be. Only empty heads and empty hearts can prevent this.
Norman Peale

It's good to have money and to have things that money can buy. But at the same time, it’s also good to check yourself from time to time and make sure that you haven’t lost those things that money can’t buy.
George Horace Lorimer

Don't make money your goal. You can only achieve success in what you love. Go for the things you love in this life, and do them so well that those around you cannot take their eyes off you.
Maya Angelou

Buy when everyone else is selling and hold until someone wants to buy it. This is not just a slogan. This is the essence of successful investing.
J. Paul Getty

If money is your hope for independence, you will never become independent. The only real guarantee that a person can receive in this world is the stock of his knowledge, experience and capabilities.
Henry Ford

Even if all economists were tied together, they would still never come to an agreement.
Bernard Shaw

How many millionaires do you know who built their fortune on interest from a deposit? That's what I'm talking about.
Robert G. Allen

I got rich the old-fashioned way: I was nice to a rich relative right before he died.
Malcolm Forbes

Innovation distinguishes the leader from the follower.
Steve Jobs

The real measure of your wealth is what you would be worth if you lost all your money.
Unknown author (Anonymous)

Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
Phineas Taylor Barnum

Learn to save while you earn some money. You can do this when you start earning more.
Jack Benny

Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.
Henry David Thoreau

An investor should always act as an investor and not as a speculator.
Benjamin Graham

I strongly believe in luck. And I noticed that the more I work, the more she smiles at me.

Either you will control your money, or the lack of it will control you.
Dave Ramsey

Investing should be like watching paint dry or grass grow. And if you want speakers, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.
Paul Samuelson

Every time you borrow, you steal a piece of your own future.
Nathan W. Morris

Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.
Zig Ziglar

Never spend money before you earn it.
Thomas Jefferson

The stock market is full of people who know price but have no idea about value.
Phillip Fisher

Wealth belongs not to the one who owns it, but to the one who knows how to enjoy it.
Benjamin Franklin

If you don't value your time, others won't either. Stop wasting your time and abilities. Start appreciating them and charging money for them.
Kim Garst

What matters is not how much money you make, but how much money you have left over, how it works for you, and how many generations you can provide with it.
Robert Kiyosaki

I didn't fail. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work.
Thomas A. Edison

Economics is the horse, politics is the cart. They must take their proper place - economics must come before politics, and not vice versa Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum

Economics is only a condition and a means of human life, but not its goal, not the highest value and not the determining reason. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev

If your wife starts talking about saving, it means your shares have started to fall. Honore de Balzac

The trouble is not that economists cannot predict, but that politicians demand too optimistic forecasts. Rudolph Penner

In a market economy, every thing has a price, but nothing has a value. Jacques-Yves Cousteau

I consider natural exchange a brilliant economic system... Anna Gavalda. Just together

Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources. Lawrence Peter

Three things make a nation great and prosperous: fertile soil, active industry, and ease of movement of people and goods. Francis Bacon

The economy must be economical. Leonid Brezhnev

The ideas of economists are much more important than is commonly thought. In reality, they are the only ones who rule the world. John Maynard Keynes

I would tell any high school student, “Take an economics class.” No matter what you plan to do in life, whether it's art or something else, don't neglect the lessons of economics. You can say, “I'm not going to be a commercial person,” but if you're doing something to make money, then you're doing business anyway. You can sell hamburgers at McDonald's, but you are doing the same business. Axl Rose Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources. Lawrence Peter In economic matters, the majority is always wrong. John Kenneth Galbraith Ignorance of economic laws is no excuse. Savely Tsypin Once upon a time, economists were asked: “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?” And now we can ask: “It turns out that you are not that smart. Why are you so rich? Edgar Fiedler Forecasting economic averages is like telling a non-swimmer that he can wade a river because its average depth is no more than four feet. Milton Friedman The pursuit of profit is the only way people can satisfy the needs of those they don't know. Friedrich Hayek Markets, like parachutes, only work if they are open. Helmut Schmidt The private sector is the part of the economy controlled by the government, and the public sector is the part of the economy not controlled by anyone. James Goldsmith The strong are dealt with by the weak, the smart are dealt with by the strong, and the government deals with everyone. “Law of the Jungle” A state economy is one in which everyone wants to eat, but no one wants to wash the dishes. Werner Fink The Elephant is a government-ordered mouse. Robert Heinlein A planned economy is an extremely disciplined wastefulness. A planned economy takes into account everything in its plans except the economy. Carey McWilliams We've created such a strong economic foundation that it's not easy to move the economy off of it. S. Krytyy We give priority to that help that entails other help, more powerful and lasting. Mikhail Zhvanetsky There are no free breakfasts. Barton Crane (and many others after him) Those who rely only on the care of the state, let them think about the fate of the American Indians. Unknown American We must win the war against poverty, even if it leads us to bankruptcy. Unknown American The fastest way to win the war against poverty is to stop pretending we're rich. Unknown American To ensure that crime never pays off, it would have to be nationalized and ruined. Norman Colley No matter how much you steal from the state, you still won’t get yours back. Anatoly Ras Political economy: two words that must be separated due to complete incompatibility. the author of the aphorism (quote) is unknown A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a crisis is when you lose your job. Harry Truman A recession is when you have to tighten your belt. A crisis is when there are no longer any pants. Boris Pankin Fat cows are followed by skinny ones, and skinny ones are followed by a complete absence of beef. Heinrich Heine Prosperity is when most people earn more money than they earn and spend more than they earn. the author of the aphorism (quote) is unknown Which is better, “artificial prosperity” or natural poverty? Stanislav Jerzy Lec