All business owners who are legal entities, as well as their employees (enterprise managers, economists, financiers and accountants) periodically face the need to apply for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. What is this document? Where and how soon can I get it?

Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are official documents certifying the existence of an organization, as well as its rights to carry out certain activities.

This extract contains detailed information about the legal entity.

The Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service) of the Russian Federation is authorized to maintain the register and provide extracts from it. This document may be needed when making any legal or financial transactions:

  1. To officially confirm the actual existence of an enterprise.
  2. When opening or closing a current bank account.
  3. In the process of notarization and litigation.
  4. When concluding transactions regarding the purchase, sale, lease of company property (including real estate).
  5. To obtain a loan and attract investors.
  6. To participate in tenders, auctions and trades.
  7. When expanding the scope of activity, liquidation, reorganization of an enterprise and filing bankruptcy proceedings.

You can request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities not only for your own enterprise, but also for any other. In business important role plays a reliable partnership, and folk wisdom says: “Trust, but verify!”

Depending on the medium, extracts from the register are divided into two main types:

An official extract from the state register may contain:

  1. Regular, i.e. not containing confidential and commercial information (passport data of the founders of the company, existing bank accounts, etc.) In most cases, such a document is requested by third parties wishing to make inquiries about the company.
  2. Expanded. Such statements are provided only to taxpayers themselves, their authorized representatives, law enforcement, judicial and other government agencies. They contain comprehensive information about the enterprise and its founders.

The extract may also be paid or free, urgent or non-urgent. As usual, an extract from the state register is issued on the fifth working day after the official request. In urgent cases, it can be received within a day or even a few hours.

Services for providing information

The procedure for providing data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 5n dated January 15, 2015. Today there is several possibilities for obtaining an extract from the state register:

  1. By contacting the tax office.
  2. With the help of third party authorized organizations.
  3. Via the Internet.

The website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation has convenient and useful electronic services that allow you to obtain the necessary information in the shortest possible time, including:

Every year, paper media are increasingly losing their relevance. From January 1, 2017, registration certificates will not be issued to new firms and companies; they will be replaced by extracts (record sheets) from the state register. The new form of these documents was approved by Order of the Tax Service No. ММВ 7-14/481 dated September 12, 2016; it does not have fields for affixing stamps.

Find out how to obtain extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities through the Federal Tax Service website in this video.

Step-by-step instructions in 2017

When choosing one of the options for receiving an extract, you should decide for what purposes is it needed and how urgently?. Each of possible ways has certain advantages and disadvantages, so it is worth considering them in more detail.

Through the office of the Federal Tax Service

Despite the fact that affixing a stamp on this document will lose its relevance in 2017, many officials, due to their conservatism, will demand official document on paper. Its receipt consists of several stages:

  1. Drawing up and submitting an application for the provision of information. It can be drawn up in any form or according to one of the samples: for yourself or another legal entity.
  2. Payment of state duty. For providing a non-urgent extract - 200 rubles, urgent - 400 rubles.
  3. Show up on the appointed day to receive the completed document.

In the event that, in addition to the extract, a copy of any document about the company is required, the request should be sent to tax authority at the place of its actual location. If you only need an extract, you can contact any nearest tax office, or also submit your request via Multifunctional Center(MFC) or send by mail.

Through commercial organizations

If you need to obtain information about several companies or temporary access to the register, you should seek help authorized organizations.

Their services will cost a little more, but will eliminate the need to stand in queues and travel somewhere.

Here it is very important to find a prompt and reliable organization to which you can send a request in any convenient way: deliver a paper application in person, through a courier or by mail, or submit an electronic application online. After which all that remains is to pay for the services of the “intermediary” and get the result, again in the most comfortable way in this case.

Through the official website of the Federal Tax Service - online statement

For this procedure, you will need an (electronic/digital signature) of the applicant, which allows you to certify any documents. The whole process consists of several simple steps:

  1. Go to the Federal Tax Service portal, select the desired region and the “Legal Entities” subsection.
  2. On the desired service, fill in all the requested data.
  3. Read and agree to all terms and conditions.

The response can be delivered in any way convenient for the applicant. A document received electronically will be certified by the digital signature of the tax inspectorate and will have legal force equal to its paper counterpart.


So, the procedure for purchasing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is quite simple and varied, you can always choose best option of all possible.

And yet, questions on this topic often arise, because... The current legislation is periodically subject to some changes and amendments. Let's look at the most relevant and common ones.

  • What should I do if I don’t know my OGRN/OGRNIP? You can receive an electronic statement in the form of a printout on the Federal Tax Service website for both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Moreover, for free, in a matter of minutes, using the TIN or the exact name of the organization. In the extract received, these data will be indicated, as well as on the certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service.
  • What information can be found using an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities? All public information: whether the company ceased to exist, when it was founded and what changes it underwent, whether the information about its founders, location and types of activities, information about the company’s branches, its shareholders, creditors and investors, the percentage of shares of the authorized capital is reliable.
  • Is an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities legally significant? Only if it is certified with digital signature. An extract received as a link and printed will not have legal force and be an official document.
  • Is it possible to get an extract for free? For free provision official extract can count government bodies authorities and extra-budgetary funds, courts, law enforcement agencies, etc. You can receive an electronic statement for free, but in order for it to have legal force, you need an electronic signature. It is possible to receive an electronic information statement in the form of a printout. To do this, you should submit a request on the Federal Tax Service website and receive an answer by email in the form of a link that will be available within five days. However, it should be borne in mind that such an option will not be an official document.

Receipt time and validity period

According to the regulations, you can normally receive an official document within five working days. In urgent cases - within 24 hours. The validity period of the extract is established at the legislative level for three specific cases:

  1. Participation in government auctions – up to 6 months.
  2. Alienation of a capital share – from ten to thirty days.
  3. Trials - within a month.

In other situations, the validity period of the document is determined by the authority that issued it and depends on the intended use.

What information does the statement contain?

The usual version contains only publicly available information, no passport data, bank accounts, etc. The extended entry sheet from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities includes more information:

  1. Complete.
  2. Form of organization (OJSC, CJSC, LLC).
  3. Information about the size of the authorized capital and all founders of the organization.
  4. Addresses of the institution: actual and legal.
  5. Information about all the changes that the enterprise has undergone throughout its existence.
  6. Information on the presence of branches and licenses for activities carried out.
  8. Date of establishment of the organization and tax registration.

Can I order it for delivery to the office?

Definitely yes. For many business people, saving personal time is a top priority. In this case it is possible two options:

  1. You can use the services of a commercial organization and courier service, but you will have to pay significantly more.
  2. When submitting a request on the Federal Tax Service website, indicate that the document is required on paper. The statement will be delivered by mail, but, unfortunately, not as soon as in the first case.

Another important point: bodies providing municipal and state services interact with the Federal Tax Service within the framework of a unified interdepartmental system and do not have the right to demand an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the applicant who applied to them (Federal Law No. 102 of April 20, 2015).

In the context of the financial crisis, Russian businessmen demonstrate amazing abilities and solve the most difficult problems in the shortest possible time. complex tasks. Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will now definitely not be difficult for them.

How to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in electronic form? Find out in this video.

The extract can be issued to any legal entity operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.

An electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains the same information as the official one certified by the tax office. The only difference is that the electronic Unified State Register of Legal Entities will not be flashed by the Federal Tax Service and will not have the blue tax stamp. Recently there has been an opportunity order a Unified State Register of Legal Entities with digital signature(Electronic digital signature).

The main advantages of an electronic statement of a legal entity are low cost and fast issuance of the document by e-mail. As a rule, the period for receiving a statement after payment ranges from 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Ready in 15 minutes

Sent by email

All around Russia

[ Find out the cost ] 150 rubles


Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with digital signature

Ready in 15 minutes

Sent by email

Contains detailed information about the legal entity

All around Russia

Electronic digital signature (EDS)

[ Find out the cost ] 300 rubles


Electronic statement is quick way obtain information about any legal entities registered in Russia.

Extract of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an electronic digital signature (EDS)

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an electronic signature is a type of extract that contains data on a legal entity operating in Russia. This type of statement is issued electronically and certified with an electronic signature.

After confirmation of payment, the document arrives by e-mail in *.PDF format and can be viewed by Acrobat Reader or similar.

As a rule, extracts with digital signature are provided at the request of banks, committees, etc. and are official documents of the Federal Tax Service. The extract can be submitted on any electronic medium or sent by e-mail.

How to receive an electronic statement

Ordering an electronic statement of a legal entity is a way to quickly obtain all the information about a counterparty company necessary for work, with virtually no costs or bureaucratic problems. This extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is not an official document and has no legal force, therefore it cannot be used to make transactions.

If you need an extract bound and certified with the tax stamp

more details

Get tax statement from the register from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will allow you to get acquainted with information about the company that is currently present in the IFTS database. Our service offers to receive an extract online for free on absolutely legal grounds in accordance with 129-FZ.

After registration, information does not immediately enter the Unified State Register of Legal Entities; sometimes this takes several days, or even weeks. In this regard, you should not expect that after receiving registration documents you will immediately see changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

We offer electronic statement contains information that is not personal data and is considered publicly available. Therefore, to obtain an extract about any legal entity, it is enough to know its OGRN or TIN.

Documents are requested directly from the Federal Tax Service website and therefore there is no need to worry about the relevance of the information. You can save the information on your computer in PDF format.

With our service you can:

  1. Get simple statement from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online (this service remains completely free).
  2. Apply for extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with a qualified electronic digital signature(EDS) of the Federal Tax Service (the provision of this service is paid - 200 rubles).

You may need a document with an electronic signature to provide it to notaries or when submitting applications for participation in auctions on electronic trading platforms (sometimes the rules for conducting electronic trading require submitting an extract in the form of an electronic rather than a scanned document). You may also be asked for an extract with a digital signature by government agencies or contracting parties.

Upon registration extracts with digital signature It should be taken into account that such a document provides for the possibility of using it only in electronic format (it can be transmitted using flash cards or by e-mail). When printed on paper, an electronic digital signature is considered invalid, so if you need to obtain information about an organization on paper, you should order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the standard way.


To confirm the authenticity of the digital signature, it is necessary to install a special software, otherwise, when checking the signature, a message indicating its invalidity will appear.

In the event that the party accepting the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with digital signature does not have special programs installed, the acceptance of such a document may be refused. This is not considered an error or violation, so you should clarify in advance the possibility of sending an extract with a digital signature

Every legal entity will sooner or later need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Significantly simplifies the procedure for ordering a document online. How to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities via the Internet?

Information from Unified register legal entities are in demand for various operations.

Knowing how to use the services on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, you can easily and quickly obtain the desired data. How can I order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online?

Basic Aspects

What is such a concept as the Unified State Register of Legal Entities? This is the One State Register Legal entities.

The main purpose of the register is to systematize information about all legal entities operating in the Russian Federation.

At the stage of registering a new legal entity information about it is immediately entered into the general register. In case of any changes in activities, adjustments are made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Thus, you can always check whether the entity is registered as a legal entity and how legal its activities are.

Until recently, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities were provided only on paper. It was necessary to contact the Federal Tax Service in person and submit.

It was possible to receive the finished document only after a few days. Now it has become much easier to obtain such an extract.

Using a special service on the Federal Tax Service website, you can purchase the necessary data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities within a few minutes.

The service allows any interested party to obtain information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about a specific legal entity.

If necessary, you can obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an electronic signature. Such a document has the same legal force as a paper version certified by a seal.

What it is

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an official document issued by the Federal Tax Service.

There are several types of statements:

  • electronic, or informational;
  • official;
  • extended;
  • ordinary.

Anyone with Internet access can receive a regular electronic statement. The document is provided as an electronic link.

The statement can be downloaded and printed. But it will not be possible to use such an extract as a legal document, since it is not certified by the signature of the Federal Tax Service. The advantage is the speed and ease of receipt.

Official and extended statements can only be obtained by the entrepreneur himself, state and extra-budgetary, judicial and law enforcement agencies.

In this case, the document is issued on paper with stamps, signatures and a unique registration number.

To receive an extended extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the application must contain the following data:

  • applicant's passport details;
  • name of the inspection where the request is submitted;
  • Taxpayer INN;
  • OGRN of the company about which information is required.

An extended type statement contains all the information about the legal entity and the sources of its income. A regular extract is available to any citizen.

Such a document does not contain personal information of the entrepreneur. Only general information and the nature of the activity are indicated. Initially, the electronic statement was purely informational.

But after it became possible to certify a document with an electronic signature, a lot has changed. Now a legal entity can order an official and extended statement online.

The extract downloaded from the link received in response to the request is legal document. The role of the official seal belongs to the EDS, electronic digital signature.

Why do you need an extract?

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may be needed in a wide variety of circumstances, for example:

  • to confirm the existence of a legal entity;
  • in case of litigation;
  • for a banking institution;
  • when participating in tenders or auctions;
  • to check the counterparty;
  • in progress or ;
  • for certain types of activities;
  • when notarizing documents related to the activities of the enterprise.

These cases are most common reasons need for discharge. In private, the document may be required in other circumstances.

The legislative framework

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities was established in 2002. From this moment on, the entire registration system for legal entities in the Russian Federation has changed dramatically.

On July 1, 2002, the Federal Law “On state registration legal entities".

This legal act regulates legal relations arising in the process of registration and subsequent activities of legal entities, as well as the procedure for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The procedure for state registration of legal entities and entering information about them into the Unified Register is carried out in accordance with.

The procedure for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the deadlines are established in accordance with the “Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the provision of information contained therein.”

These Rules have been ratified.

The service, which allows you to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in electronic format, was developed in accordance with Federal Law No. 129 ().

Using the service allows you to obtain the necessary information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about a specific legal entity for free. The official electronic statement is provided in PDF format and contains an enhanced qualified electronic signature, which is visualized when the document is printed.

It is called “On the introduction into commercial operation of software that implements the provision of information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form of an electronic or paper extract based on a request received electronically about a legal entity.”

There are currently three options for receiving an electronic statement:

  • through the tax service service, without registration;
  • through the taxpayer’s personal account;
  • when accessing the State Services portal.

In all cases, a CEP (qualified electronic signature) is required to receive an official statement. individual, which represents a legal entity without either a legal entity’s EPC.

Regular information statements without an electronic signature do not require the applicant to have a personal electronic signature.

But in this case it will only be provided general information, without indicating the personal data of the legal entity. It is best to order an extract on the official website of the tax service.

Instructions for obtaining the document look like this:

Go on the website
In the “Search Criteria” window that appears You need to choose the most appropriate search option - by organization name or by TIN/OGRN
Information about the individual entrepreneur It’s more convenient to search by TIN or OGRN
It is not necessary to fill out all the available fields. Just select a search criterion and then enter the code from the picture
After the TIN/OGRN is entered, a picture with the code will appear The code must be entered into the required box to confirm that the applicant is a person and not a robot trying to hack the system
After the code has been entered You need to click the “Search” button
searching results Displayed as a small table
The column “Name of legal entity” contains an extract You can download it to your computer and then print it out.

If the search did not produce results, the code from the image may have been entered incorrectly or the information may have been entered incorrectly. You need to double-check the accuracy of the information provided and try again.

The need for a document arises

Why might it be necessary to provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in electronic form? First of all, as proof of one’s own conscientiousness and integrity.

It is very convenient to send an electronic document during electronic business correspondence.

In addition, you can use an official electronic extract in almost all cases where data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is required:

  • for notarial transactions;
  • in the process of registration of real estate transactions;
  • when preparing various permits;
  • for participation in tenders, auctions, competitions.

The need for an extract also arises when it is necessary to check the reliability of a counterparty. In this case, there is no need to receive a statement with an enhanced electronic signature.

An information document is sufficient to obtain basic information about a potential partner.

Required data

To obtain an extract from the Unified Register, an application must be submitted. When applying online, the application is replaced by a special form in which the necessary data is entered.

To receive a regular statement you need to indicate:

  • full name of the organization;
  • exact legal address.

When receiving an official statement, you additionally need to provide your own data.

Unlike receiving a paper statement, you do not need to indicate the “urgency” or the required number of copies.

In any case, the electronic document will be provided promptly, after about fifteen minutes. You can download the document using the link you receive an unlimited number of times within a few days.

How is it with an enhanced electronic signature?

An electronic statement has legal force only if it has a qualified enhanced electronic signature of the Federal Tax Service.

This signature completely replaces the stamp of the tax service. That is, a document with an electronic signature is equivalent to a paper version with a seal.

A regular electronic statement is for informational purposes only. It is not certified by a signature.

To receive an extract with an enhanced electronic signature you must:

  • register on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • go to your personal account;
  • go to the desired section;
  • enter the OGRN of the legal entity;
  • After a few minutes, download the finished document.

It should be noted that the password to your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website will need to be obtained directly from the tax office.

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online is not as difficult as it might seem. Any person even slightly familiar with computer technologies, can do it yourself.

At the same time, there is no need for a long wait to receive a paper extract from tax authority. You can receive an electronic statement literally a few minutes after submitting your request.