When we decide to buy an apartment, house, garage or any other piece of real estate, the most important point that needs to be checked is the legality of all documents of the property of interest. The purchased property must belong to the seller legally and is not under arrest or pledge. All this information can be obtained by ordering an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate. This article contains all the information you need on how to obtain this important document.

In accordance with the law Russian Federation, absolutely any citizen who has the required list of papers can receive an extract from the Unified State Register.

This certificate will be very useful to a person who decides to purchase a property. In the event that a potential seller conceals any information about real estate, a certificate from the Unified State Register will help to find out the true history of the property of interest.

Also information from Unified Register may be useful in case judicial trial related to property issues.

Such paper is often necessary to obtain a large loan. After all, by submitting a certificate to the bank, you legally confirm your rights to own this or that property.

There are cases when one of the parties to a transaction decides to terminate it. However, this requires all legal grounds. An extract from the Unified State Register will help prove that the agreement was drawn up with a person who does not have the right to the real estate objects that were designated in the agreement.

To obtain this paper, the applicant must contact the Rosreestr authorities.

Types of extracts from the Unified State Register

  • A general statement characterizing real estate owned by a specific person
  • An extract confirming the transfer of the right of use to real estate
  • Paper containing the characteristics of title documents
  • Certificate confirming limited legal capacity or incapacity of the copyright holder

What information is contained

This certificate usually contains the following information:

  • Cadastral number;
  • Information about the owner of the object;
  • Type of property right;
  • Possible restrictions on ownership.

The cadastral number for real estate is as important as a passport for a person. After all, this paper contains all the most important and accurate information that concerns the object and can be useful when carrying out various operations with it. It should be noted that in the entire cadastral database you will not find two premises with an identical number. It remains attached to the property even after it is demolished.

Thanks to cadastral numbering, the applicant can find out which representative office Registration authorities recorded the necessary data about the object. Another one vital information, which contains cadastral passport– this is data about the land plot on which the property is built.

The situation when, in the case of shared ownership of an apartment, its parts are registered as two different objects deserves a separate description. Then each of the parts has its own individual number.

Obtaining data about the owner of real estate is possible in all cases, with the exception of the situation when the object of interest is municipal property.

Ownership refers to the number of property owners and how much they own the property.

The Unified State Register extract records information regarding any restrictions imposed on real estate. This could be a lien, a bank lien, or a mortgage lien. In this case, in this document the applicant will be able to read the details of the bank to which the property was transferred and the repayment terms of loan obligations.

However, the expanded data is contained not in the regular, but in the extended extract of the Unified State Register. Not everyone can receive such a document. Only the official owner of the property or his legal representative who has the necessary permits has the right to familiarize himself with the extended extract.

Extended extract from the Unified State Register

The main difference of this certificate is that it fully contains data that can only be viewed by the legal owners of the property. This information includes:

  • All data contained in title documents
  • Information about the rights of certain persons to this property
  • All information about the change of copyright holders. If there was one.
  • Information about the possible incapacity of the property owner

Documents to be received

In accordance with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, it is possible to obtain the necessary extract from the Unified State Register only after submitting a number of documents. This:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • A corresponding application with a request to issue a document;
  • Certificate of payment for services provided. Organizations pay 300 rubles, individuals 100 rubles.

For individuals

If, when requesting an extract from the Unified State Register, you were refused, you must understand that first of all it must be legally justified. In accordance with the law, you can appeal it in court. However, the applicant will be able to go to court only if the reason for the refusal was the absence of the section you are interested in in the Unified State Register of Rights. If you receive a refusal to your request, be sure to check this paper for the date and serial number.

For legal entities

When a request for an extract is submitted by a legal entity, the following documents are required to obtain the required paper:

  • Passport or other document proving the identity of the applicant;
  • Persons representing the interests of the applicant must provide a power of attorney executed in the presence of a notary;
  • Completed special application form - questionnaire. Representatives of the Unified State Register service will provide you with the completed form;
  • An application requesting the issuance of the required document. This paper must contain the applicant’s personal data, exact name, actual address, and contact numbers of the organization;
  • A receipt confirming payment of the required tax. You can also provide a certified copy of it;
  • A certificate containing information about state registration of this legal entity.
  • Papers that confirm the status of the head of the organization
  • Constituent papers. It is very important that these certificates contain all additions and amendments that have been made to them since their creation

Rosreestr authorities have 5 working days to process your application. At the end of this time, the applicant must be given the ordered extract or a legally justified refusal.

If you decide to purchase an apartment, garage, cottage or other piece of real estate, first of all you need to make sure that the one who sells it to you is its rightful owner, and the property itself is not pledged to the bank and is not arrested, so that later There were no additional problems with the purchase.

You can always get answers to these important questions from the right sources; to do this, you need to take an extract about the object you are interested in in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate. It contains a unified database in which there is a record of all real estate objects with addresses, area and purpose of the premises that are being sold, as well as title documents confirming ownership, and a book of documents is kept.

Who can receive an extract from the Unified State Register?

An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate can be provided to any citizen upon presentation of a passport and after paying the state fee.

What data appears in the Unified State Register extract?

The Unified State Register extract on the right to real estate contains the following information:

    Cadastral number of the property

    Copyright holder (owner of the object)

    Type of law

    Restrictions and encumbrances of law

A cadastral or identification number is assigned to each individual property; it contains all the necessary information that may be requested for this property. The number is not removed from the database even if the house is demolished, and if a new building is built in its place, it will already have its own cadastral number. Two objects with the same number cannot be in the database.

By the cadastral number, you can determine which department of the Registration Chamber carried out the registration of a particular property; its number is contained in the number of the property itself. For example, No. 79-56-05/2013-175, number 05 indicates that the registration was carried out by the Southern Administrative District of the Moscow City Registration Department, and 2013 is the year of registration. Also, the cadastral number of the building contains cadastral number land plot , on which it is built.

The cadastral number of the land plot is entered its coordinate, which is determined by the satellite GPS system when carrying out geodetic land surveying work, as well as the code settlement Russia, in which the site is located geographically.

When dividing property, different parts of the apartment can be registered as independent objects, and then each is assigned its own number in the database, although the address and area may be the same.

Information about the copyright holder are always indicated in the extract from the Unified State Register about the object, unless it is municipal property.

Type of law depends on how many owners the property has. This can be either full ownership, when there is only one owner, shared ownership, indicating the shares of all owners, or equal ownership.

Real estate may have encumbrances in cases where the property is held by a bank under a mortgage, and restrictions are imposed if a lease is registered or a seizure is imposed. The extracts indicate document numbers ( mortgage agreement, lease agreements, act of seizure of property etc.), the date of their registration, the validity period; in the case of a lease, the tenant is indicated; for a mortgage, the name of the bank, the start date and the repayment period are indicated.

Sequence of purchasing an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights

The Unified State Register for real estate was organized in 1998 and is a large resource with the necessary information, which collects all existing information about real estate citizens. The creation of such a database is not accidental. With the help of the Unified State Register, the state or anyone can check the legality of certain real estate transactions. This register indicates which transactions can be carried out with property, which cannot, who is the owner and who is not, whether there is a lien on the property, etc.

How to get an extract from the Unified State Register

Anyone can take an extract from this register, be it an individual or a legal entity. There are several ways to do this, but in each of them you need to write a special application and pay a state fee. Such a certificate will only contain general information. Only the owners of the property for which the request is made can receive a full statement, which contains all the details about the properties.

The first way is through the MFC or the Registration Chamber

This method can be considered proven, traditional and the safest.

The advantages of this method include:

  • receiving an extract from a real chamber employee with his real signature;
  • receipt of the statement takes place in real time, and it will be handed over to you personally.
  1. Come to the MFC or the population registration chamber and fill out a special application.

You must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you if you are a private person. If you are a legal entity, then in addition to your passport, you must have with you a confirmation of the state registration of an enterprise or company, an agreement on establishment and a charter. In cases where the owner does not have the opportunity to receive this extract physical ability, you can send a trusted person to the ward. But to do this, you first need to obtain a power of attorney to transfer part of the rights to your authorized person, which will be certified at a notary’s office.

  1. After the application has been written, you need to pay a special state fee. It can vary from 200 rubles for individuals and from 600 rubles for legal representatives. As a rule, on the territory of the MFC or Companies House There are terminals or cash desks that accept these payments.
  2. After the state fee has been paid and you have been given a receipt for payment, you need to approach a chamber employee with it. He takes the receipt from you and Required documents(which were listed above) and instead issues a receipt confirming the acceptance of these documents and the processing of personal data. The receipt will indicate the deadline for receiving the extract. It can range from one to three days.

It is important to note several facts. First of all, the relevance of the information received. It will be one hundred percent correct only at the time of receipt of the extract. As you know, transactions of sale, purchase or donation of real estate can be carried out within one day. Therefore, the very next day after the extract was issued, the information in the register may change. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure for requesting an extract from the Register yourself and not trust a third party to obtain it. In addition, special attention should be paid to the beginning of the functioning of the State Register. It was formed and began operating on January 31, 1998. After this, all real estate objects were entered into this register. Until this period, information about real estate may be contained in the BTI. It is from the BTI that you can order an extract about the property you are interested in, if it is “younger” than January 31, 1998. If you request such real estate from the Unified State Register, you will certainly receive a refusal.

The second way is via the Internet

You can also place an order for an extract from the Register via the Internet. To do this, you need to visit the official website www.rosreestr.ru

Sequence of receiving an extract:

  1. Follow the official link to the official website state register https://rosreestr.ru/wps/portal/cc_egrp_form_new.
  2. After the transition, you must fill in the specified fields.
  • Type of extract – An extract of registered powers for real estate that has public access.
  • Indicate all the necessary information about the property that is required on the form.
  • Check the box next to the convenient way to receive an extract. This may be an electronic version of the statement, which will be sent to you by email to the specified email address. You can mark the paper version of the statement, which will come to you by mail, and which you can pick up at the territorial department of the Russian Post.
  • After this, you can safely click on the “Applicant Information” button.
  1. You will be redirected to the next page, on which you need to indicate your personal data, namely your full name and passport data. Don’t forget to check the box that you agree to access and processing of your data in the Unified State Register office. After that, click on the button about the attached documents.
  2. On the page you are directed to, you can add the necessary documents to process your request. This could be a digital photograph or a scan of a power of attorney, or if you are a legal entity, then those documents that were listed at the beginning of the article. If you do not need to upload any additional documents, then click on the data verification button.
  3. A window will open containing the information you filled out a few minutes ago. It is strongly recommended to check them to avoid various errors or typos. If everything was filled out correctly and without errors, then click the button to send the request.
  4. After this, your request will be sent to the official website of the registry. He will have a personal number that must be filled out or recorded so as not to forget or lose.
  5. Next to the address you specified e-mail a letter will arrive. The letter will contain a special code according to which the state fee must be paid.
  6. On the page that opens if you follow this link https://rosreestr.ru/wps/portal/cc_check_request_status, there will be a line in which you need to enter the request number received in step 6. Enter it and click on the check button.
  7. A link with the name of the payment code will be displayed below. In this window you need to enter the code that was received in the email from point 7. Next, you need to click on the button to proceed to paying the state fee.
  8. In the page that opens, you will be offered various ways payment. You can choose any one that is most convenient for you. Amount of state duty for individuals is 200 rubles, for legal entities you need to pay 600 rubles.
  9. As soon as payment has been made, within ten days (and no more) you should receive an extract from the register. Receipt will take place in the manner that was specified earlier when filling out the request.

The third way is to use the services of special companies

Nowadays in the service market you can find a category of companies that, based on online applications from their clients, are ready to provide them with any certificates, extracts and documents. The services of such companies are valued at a decent amount, but all you need to do is fill out one application and nothing more! As soon as your extract from the registry is ready, the courier will deliver it directly to your home. Finding such companies will not be difficult. To do this, enter a request to order an extract from the Unified State Register online in any search engine. Will be available a large number of similar companies. After reading information and reviews about them, you can make an accurate and correct choice.

This extract contains information about any property. It will indicate the whole history of who, when and how much used this object, how many times the tenants changed and whether this object was pledged or seized.

Please ensure that this statement contains:

  • correct and complete address of the property;
  • conditional or cadastral code of the property;
  • purpose and name;
  • true area;
  • part of any copyright holder, as well as the full names of all owners. If there is only one owner, then all parts of the property belong to him.
  • presence or absence of a share participation agreement;
  • the presence of various obstacles or burdens. If there are any, then the extracts indicate for what period they were determined and in whose favor they should be resolved;
  • data on legal claims to real estate.