Each of us at least once in our lives is faced with the need to obtain a certificate from the United state register property rights.

Some people need this document to damage the veracity of their words regarding the property being sold, others need to prove to the authorities that they do not own anything, and others are involved in litigation.

And the question immediately arises, where can I get such paper? If there is any need to present a certificate from the register of rights, you must contact the authority that registered the occurrence of this very right.

What it is?

Video: how to find out the owner of an apartment - extract from the Unified State Register online

A prerequisite for obtaining a certificate from the Unified State Register is the existence of an objective purpose for obtaining such a document and the cadastral number of the property of interest.

What data does it contain?

A certificate from the Unified State Register of Property Rights contains a number of data.

The completeness of this information depends on the type of certificate and the purpose for obtaining it.

The main points of such a certificate are:

Grounds for acquiring ownership of real estate This paragraph indicates the name and number of the document on the basis of which the object was entered into the register (, etc.)
Subject and object of property rights all personal data of the copyright holder are listed (last name, first name, patronymic, full data, address of registration and permanent place of residence, date)
Property purpose, address, area, number of floors, main specifications etc.
Type of registered right property or other real right
Cadastral number the statement must indicate the current cadastral number object assigned to it by BTI or cadastral chamber
Limitations of rights if any exist, this will be reflected in the certificates from the Unified State Register (by force of law, rental of real estate, arrest, easement, transfer to, etc.)
Data about in the Unified State Register date and individual registration number, also the registration number in Rosreestr

At the request of the applicant, a certificate from the state register of rights can be issued on paper or electronically.

The first option is more in demand, since all organizations that require the presentation of an extract from the Unified State Register want to see a paper version with all the signatures and seals.

The electronic version of the certificate is suitable for personal review and obtaining information about the property, so to speak, “for yourself.”

How to order

If somewhere on the sidelines of government power you hear the phrase “bring a certificate from the Unified State Register” addressed to you, then at first it is not difficult to even lose orientation in space.

Few ordinary Russian citizens have encountered the need to obtain a Unified State Register certificate and know where to get it.

If such a need arises, it is usually:

So, if you really need a certificate, you can get it in one of the following ways:

Contacting the Rosreestr office in every city there is and successfully operates an official representative office of the Registration Chamber. If you need a certificate from the Unified State Register, you must come there and write according to the standard template. Next you will need to pay. Currently, payment terminals are installed in all branches of Rosreestr, where you can make payments. Next, you need to submit an application, a paid receipt and the necessary package of documents to a Rosreestr employee. In 1-5 days you can come and pick up your certificate from the register of rights
Visit to the local MFC the creation of such centers has greatly simplified the lives of ordinary citizens. In one place you can get and apply for and resolve issues related to and much more. You can also fill out an application for an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights from MFC employees. You will have to provide a paid receipt of the state duty and the necessary documents. An MFC employee will accept all the papers from you, issue a receipt and set a date for receiving the necessary certificate.
Alternative option There are cases when a certificate is needed only for individual review, and not for presentation to authorized government bodies. If you just need to get information about a property, you can order such a certificate on the Internet on specialized websites. To receive it, you will also need to pay the government fee, after which you will receive it at your address. Email link that you can click to open the necessary certificate in electronic form (PDF format)
Specialized companies There is another option for obtaining a certificate from the Unified State Register. It is more expensive, but less time consuming. You can order a certificate from the register of rights from a specialized company that has entered into an agreement with Rosreestr. For a fee (depending on the internal policy of the company from 500 to 2500 rubles) by prior agreement, they will provide you with the necessary certificate. Such companies even provide the right to choose to receive. You can personally pick up your documents or use the services of a courier delivery service

Certificate from the Unified State Register

Depending on the needs of the applicant and the place of provision, a certificate from the state register of rights can be:

Before going to the Rosreestr office or other organizations involved in issuing such certificates, decide on the choice of the necessary document.

The state fee for obtaining a certificate from the Unified State Register, although not very high, is still not very pleasant to throw money away and waste your time.

About the availability of property

Help from Unified register rights, confirming the existence of property, is necessary to confirm ownership of a particular property.

It should reflect the following data:

Before carrying out a purchase and sale transaction, you must ensure that you receive not only a certificate from the Unified State Register.

The absence of certain documents when concluding a contract can play a tragic role.

For example, if you are selling property that was purchased legally, you must obtain a notarized certificate from your spouse.

If there is no such document, then the purchase and sale agreement can be challenged within 3 years after registration of the transaction, that is, your transaction will be officially considered invalid.

You wouldn’t wish it on your enemy to find out three years later that you have to return the money you received when selling an apartment or house!

Before buying a home, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive check of the legal “purity” of the property, including:

  1. Inquiries to the management company.
  2. City Housing Policy Department, etc.

About the absence of encumbrances

When buying or selling any real estate, the buyer must make sure that the property he is interested in is not under any encumbrance.

There are often situations when, several years after the conclusion of a purchase and sale transaction, the owners of your apartment are announced who were not indicated in the contract, or heirs appear about whom nothing was known.

And the unhappy new residents have to cancel the deal and try to somehow move on - without money and without property.

And all this could have been avoided by simply ordering a certificate from the Unified State Register at Rosreestr.

The following encumbrance options are possible:

  • the property is pledged to a bank or other financial and credit organization;
  • seizure of property due to legal proceedings;
  • trust management;
  • rent;
  • arising under a contract or by force of law;
  • rent;
  • easement.

When completing a purchase and sale transaction, you should order a certificate from the register of rights, in which a separate paragraph will indicate the presence or absence of an encumbrance on the property.

About the lack of real estate

A certificate from the state register of rights about the absence of real estate ownership is primarily necessary for those who want to improve their living conditions.

In order to obtain status in changing living conditions, it is necessary to prove that:

Also, a certificate from the Unified Register of Property Rights opens up a picture of the citizen’s passage.

That is, the extract will reflect whether the applicant participated in privatization in the period from 1998 to the present.


A sample certificate from the Unified State Register is fixed at the legislative level.

The main points of the extract from the register of rights are:

In order to find out what the certificate looks like, you should familiarize yourself with the data at the information stand - in the Rosreestr office or on the department’s website.


IN Russian Federation Obtaining a certificate from the register of rights is free of charge. That is, free. You really have to pay state fee.

It differs depending on the category to which the applicant belongs:

Services provided by companies on a paid basis will cost you at least 500 rubles. Also, you will still have to pay the state fee.

A receipt confirming payment of the state fee must be attached to the package of documents submitted along with the application for a certificate from the Unified State Register.

How can I get

If you have an urgent need to obtain a certificate from the register of rights, you can do this yourself, without resorting to the help of third parties and without using the services of specialized organizations.

The easiest way to obtain a certificate is to visit the Rosreestr office.

There you will need to go through the electronic queue to the freed employee and describe to him the essence of your question.

If you have the entire list with you necessary documents, you can pay the state fee in the department building through a payment terminal and immediately apply for the necessary certificate.

Waiting for a finished document from the register of rights takes on average 1-5 working days.

Algorithm of actions

Obtaining a certificate involves performing certain actions enshrined in law:

Writing an application for the provision of certain data on paper or electronically Wherever you receive a certificate from the Unified State Register (Rosreestr, MFC, State Services website, specialized companies, etc.), a mandatory condition is to personally fill out the standard application form
Payment of state duty fulfillment of this condition is mandatory, since before making Money and providing a paid receipt, the state “flywheel” will not budge
Provision of documents none of the above organizations will give you information about the property and owners unless you present the necessary documents and also explain the purpose of obtaining this certificate


If there is a need to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights, you must contact the Rosreestr authorities.

In this case, you must have with you:

If the applicant cannot provide any documents from this list, a Rosreestr employee may refuse to provide an extract from the Unified State Register.


The standard period for providing a certificate to the applicant (individual or legal entity) is 1-5 working days.

If the property for which a request is made to Rosreestr is “unfavorable” (there is no cadastral number, a large number of encumbrances, etc.), then the process of providing a certificate from the Unified State Register can be extended with mandatory notification of this to the applicant-recipient of the extract.

Registration via the Internet (online)

The most advanced citizens of the Russian Federation can obtain the necessary certificate from the state register of property rights using the Internet.

The most popular resources providing such a service are:

  • public services.

Both online resources require mandatory registration and creation of a personal account.

After completing these procedures, you must fill out the application form, pay the state fee and attach the necessary documents electronically.

At the request of the applicant, the extract can be received from the Rosreestr office on paper or in PDF format via email.

Possible reasons for refusal

When submitting an application to Rosreestr for the issuance of a certificate from the Unified State Register, be prepared for the fact that you may be denied this service.

The main reasons for refusal are:

Lack of information about real estate in Rosreestr a situation where the object you are interested in does not appear in the registration chamber database is possible if real estate registered before 1998
Visual fixes in documents if the documents attached to the application show traces of “erasures”, erasures, etc., a Rosreestr employee will refuse to accept such an application
No payment if you have not paid the state fee, it is pointless to count on receiving a certificate from the Unified State Register
Statement from an inappropriate person If a citizen or organization that does not have a legal basis for this wishes to obtain information about a property, obtaining a certificate will be impossible
Lack of documents when writing an application, you must provide the Rosreestr employee with a certain list of documents; if any of them are missing, there will be an immediate refusal to provide data from the register of property rights

The need to obtain a certificate from the Unified State Register may arise at any stage of life for each of us.

The main thing is to have the necessary documents at hand and know where to go.

First of all, to save your own money, contact the local Rosreestr office in your city.

Competent employees of this government organization will answer all your questions and tell you what form of certificate from the Unified State Register you need to order.

In connection with the entry into force on January 1, 2017 of Federal Law No. 218 “On State Registration of Real Estate”, which provides for the creation of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), the EGRN will include the information contained in state cadastre real estate (GKN) and the unified state register of rights (USRP). In this regard, the forms of providing information about the property are changing. Instead of an extract from the Unified State Register, cadastral extract And cadastral passport all information about real estate objects is provided in the form of an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Inquiries about cadastral value property are issued in the usual format.

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register is the easiest way to avoid problems in real estate transactions!

When planning to purchase or rent real estate, you probably do not want to lose your money and get into as many problems as possible. The only way to accurately determine the owner of the residential or residential property you are interested in is non-residential premises– order an extract from the Unified State Register. Most possible troubles in real estate transactions can be avoided if you arrange to receive an extract from the Unified State Register before making a final decision.

Sometimes unpleasant surprises await us where we did not expect them - an extract from the Unified State Register shows that the property is under arrest or is in collateral. Of course, receiving an extract from the Unified State Register with such information will be a signal to you - you cannot make decisions on purchasing or even renting this premises!

Form for ordering an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate

* Type of statement
--- On the day of application - 5,000 rubles. 1 day - 3,000 rub. 3 days - 2,500 rub. 5 days - 1,500 rub. Online, (ready from 15 minutes) - 500 rub.

* Exact address of the object:

cadastral / conditional number:

Delivery+ 300 rub.

Delivery address:

* Telephone:


* Payment method:
--- online courier

I agree to the processing of my personal data Terms of use

Cost of extract from the Unified State Register

  • readiness: on the day of treatment
  • price:5000 rub.
  • readiness: 1 day
  • price:2500 rub.
  • readiness: 3 days
  • price:2000 rub.
  • readiness: 5 days
  • price: 1500 rub.


  • readiness: from 15 minutes.
  • price:500 rub.

Attention! Extracts from the registry, which are offered by third-party organizations with reduced terms of receipt, requiring passport data, are usually obtained illegally and may contain unreliable information.

If you intend to sell real estate, you should also order an extract from the Unified State Register, since clients will need to verify the legal “purity” of your property. When your client has your current extract from the Unified State Register (Moscow), it will be easier for him to make a purchase decision, because he will no longer have doubts about the readiness of the property for sale and the absence of significant encumbrances on it.

If you are an intermediary in any real estate transactions, you may need an extract from the Unified State Register urgently, especially if we are talking about profitable offers, decisions on which need to be made immediately. In these and other cases, we recommend ordering an extract from the Unified State Register via the Internet in order to receive an answer as soon as possible and in electronic form.

If you do not have enough time or do not know what documents are needed in order to order an extract from the Unified State Register, we recommend that you contact the VIP Extract company for help. Experienced specialists will help you obtain the required document as quickly as possible. The client only needs to provide the necessary information about the object he is interested in and specify the desired deadlines for completion.

There may be cases when it is simply impossible to obtain an extract for the premises. The main reason for this is the lack of information about the property in the Unified State Register (this is possible if transactions with the premises were carried out before 1998).

Extract from the Unified State Register. (sample document sheet 1)

Sample document: Extract from the Unified State Register.

Extract from the Unified State Register. (sample document sheet 2)

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It

From July 15, 2016, an extract from the state register of rights to real estate and transactions with it (USRP) will replace the Certificate of State Registration of Property Rights, which. Now, many people have a reasonable question about how to protect themselves when concluding a real estate transaction, how to check the legal capacity of the seller and how to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate)

In what cases is an extract from the Unified State Register required?

An extract from the Unified State Register confirms ownership of real estate, and the provision of this document is required in the following situations:

- when making transactions for the acquisition, lease, inheritance of property, to verify who is the owner of real estate;

- when going to court with statement of claim to confirm the ownership of the plaintiff or defendant to the disputed property or for the court to make a decision on interim measures;

- when privatizing an apartment to confirm that the right to privatization has not been used previously and the apartment is municipal;

- when placed on a waiting list as those in need of improved housing conditions, to confirm the absence of rights to real estate.

Who can receive an extract from the Unified State Register

The information contained in the Unified State Register is publicly available and can be obtained by any person. Information from the Unified State Register is provided by the body implementing state registration rights - Rosreestrom upon request.

For persons who are not the owners of the property in respect of which information is requested, access to information will be partially limited. For example, a non-owner of the property will not be able to obtain the following information:

— information about rights individual on existing or available to him real estate objects,

— information about the recognition of the copyright holder as incompetent or partially capable.

In what form is information from the Unified State Register provided?

How to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register (instructions)

  1. To receive an extract from the Unified State Register, you need to submit a request.

This can be done in three ways:

1). In person (or through a representative acting by proxy) through the MFC or a branch of Rosreestr.

When applying in person, the applicant must submit an identification document, and the applicant's representative must submit a notarized power of attorney.

2). By mail (Russian Post).

3). Electronically by filling out a request form through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions) or the Rosreestr website.

  1. To obtain an extract from the Unified State Register, you must pay a state fee.

A fee is charged for providing information contained in the Unified State Register. The amount of the state fee depends on the type of information requested, the form in which the response is provided, the status of the requester and whether the request is submitted at the location of the property or extraterritorially. For example, if an individual applies to receive an extract from the Unified State Register in the form of a paper document at the location of the object, you will have to pay 200 rubles. To receive the same statement in the form of an electronic document, you pay 150 rubles.

  1. Receiving an extract from the Unified State Register.

An extract from the Unified State Register is provided within five working days from the date Rosreestr receives the request.

Depending on which method of obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register was chosen when submitting the request, information is provided in one of the following ways:

— an extract from the Unified State Register in the form of a paper document, which is issued upon personal application;

— an extract from the Unified State Register in the form of a paper document sent by mail;

— an extract from the Unified State Register in the form of an electronic document posted on the official website, a link to which is sent by email to the address specified in the request;

— an extract from the Unified State Register in the form of a paper document drawn up by the MFC.

To complete any real estate transaction, the owner and potential buyer collect a certain package of documents. For the owner, one of the required documents is an extract from the property. You need to get it in order to confirm the ownership rights of the owner who is going to sell the apartment, rent it out, exchange it or make another transaction.

The above document is a certificate containing information from the state registry database. This means that it will contain not only information about the owner, but also a description of the property and the fact of the existence of an encumbrance, if any. Such information is especially important for the second party to the transaction, since this significantly reduces the likelihood of fraud.

Not only the owner for his own needs, but also any interested citizen who submits a corresponding request and pays the state fee can obtain an extract from the Unified State Register independently.

Order extract from the Unified State Register online and receive it in 10 minutes:

Types of statements

Before going to the apartment, a private house or a plot of land, you should figure out what types of them exist. There are four main types that differ from each other in purpose:

  • Information about the owner’s rights to the property;
  • Information about the transfer of ownership rights;
  • Data containing the contents of title documents;
  • A document stating that the owner was declared incompetent.

Such extracts can be ordered if it is necessary to resolve inheritance disputes, to resolve conflicts in judicial procedure, bankruptcy of legal entities and in other individual situations. According to Russian legislation, in order to receive such a certificate, you must belong to one of the following categories of citizens:

  • Property owners;
  • Representatives of owners under a notarized power of attorney;
  • Heirs of the owner;
  • A legal entity whose living space is pledged;
  • Judicial representatives;
  • Tax authorities;
  • Local governments and government agencies;
  • Other responsible organizations.

Documents and methods of obtaining

An extract from the Unified State Register is received after submitting the appropriate request and the documents attached to it:

Many individuals and legal entities prefer to take an extract from the Unified State Register, regardless of the documents provided to them by the owner selling or renting the apartment. This is due to the fact that such a certificate contains reliable information that cannot be falsified. You can obtain this information yourself and at any time, without obtaining permission or additional costs.

Speaking about ways to obtain the above document, it all depends on the wishes of the interested party and the purpose of the extract. You can appear in person at the responsible organization, submit a request, receive it within the prescribed period, and appear on the appointed day to receive the finished result. You can also apply for an extract from the Unified State Register on the official website without leaving your home.

Personal request

If receiving an extract is necessary for employees government agencies or to submit them, the applicant will need a document drawn up in person, with signatures and a seal. You can order it by submitting a request to the local office of Rosreestr. It will be reviewed within five working days, after which you can pick up the completed certificate.

You can also contact your local tax office by submitting a written request to them. For individuals, when information is needed for oneself, and not for submission to higher authorities, the request form is arbitrary. When applying officially, you must adhere to certain conditions and requirements for filing an application. The purpose of obtaining information may not be specified, but payment of the state fee is mandatory for everyone. An exception is a legal entity that owns a property, if the certificate is not needed urgently.

Email request

The simplest and in a fast way obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register online is considered to be the service ktotam.pro. Around the clock, in just 10 minutes, you will receive complete information about the property according to official data from Rosreestr.

Also, in the last few years, you can order an extract from the Unified State Register on the Rosreestr website. Having submitted a request from home, you can receive it by mail or by going to the institution at your place of residence. But this will require an electronic digital signature.

The request form will be provided electronically, where you need to fill out the specified fields, such as: apartment location address, cadastral number and passport details of the applicant. The feedback address, email and phone number are also indicated. After sending the application, you will receive a payment code for payment, as well as the necessary details.

It is not necessary to receive an extract by mail. You can only specify an email address and the completed certificate will arrive in electronic form. Such a document is more suitable for personal purposes, without further submission to any institutions.

The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only.
We recommend that you contact our lawyer.

If you have any real estate, sooner or later in your life a situation may arise when it will be vital for you to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register.

This could be selling your apartment, getting a large loan secured by existing real estate, or, God forbid, legal proceedings. There are a million variations. The main thing is one thing.

If you have property (house, apartment, garage, land) you will have to obtain an extract.

In this article, we will look at the available options for obtaining information from the Unified State Register, compare where it is faster, where it is cheaper, and also find out what documents will be needed to accept the application the first time.

Place of appeal?

In the Russian Federation, several state-owned enterprises have the authority to issue publicly available information from the Unified Register of Property Rights:

Registration Chamber the first option that comes to the mind of an ordinary citizen who needs to obtain a certificate. Where, there they give out information about them. It's right. There are Rosreestr offices in almost all cities of regional and district significance. If you want to get what you need, just come to the office of a government agency. There on the information board there is detailed instructions upon receipt of the extract. If you have all the necessary documents available, you can immediately write, pay and submit the package of documents to a Rosreestr employee
Multifunctional centers V Lately These organizations have firmly taken their place in the hierarchical ladder of government institutions. An increasing number of citizens prefer to solve pressing problems and issues with the help of friendly MFC employees. If you need to get it when you come to the multifunctional center, tell the administrator about it. He will give you an electronic queue coupon and refer you to the right specialist.
  • presentation of documents - when you come to an MFC employee who specializes in issuing extracts from the Unified State Register, you will immediately be given the required list of papers; if you have everything with you, proceed to filling out the request;
  • writing an application - recently it has been practiced to fill out a standard request form by the MFC employee himself on the basis of documents presented by the citizen; the applicant is only required to check the correctness of the entered data and sign the application;
  • payment of state duty - you can make a contribution to the country's budget at the payment terminal, which is installed in MFC branches;
  • receiving a receipt - this is how an employee takes some documents from you for subsequent presentation to the Rosreestr office, you are given a document that lists what was seized and in what quantities, and also indicates the date of your visit to the MFC to receive a completed extract
Internet resources Without visiting government agencies, you can order an extract to be sent to your home or to the nearest Rosreestr office using the World Wide Web online. Created for these purposes official portals State Services and Rosreestr. There are also commercial projects that provide information from the Unified State Register for a fee in the shortest possible time

To obtain an extract for real estate, you must fill out an application form, pay the state and cost of the service (if you use the services of commercial Internet sites), and provide the necessary documents.

Thanks to a variety of receiving opportunities, it is available to all categories of citizens living in both big cities, and on the periphery.

List of documents

No matter what organization you go to that issues extracts from the register of rights, no matter where you receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights, you will in any case have to take a certain package of documents with you.

They are necessary in order, firstly, to confirm your identity and the legitimacy of your claims, and, secondly, to provide general information about the property you are interested in.

The most necessary documents are:

  • the applicant;
  • real estate object;
  • paid receipt of state duty.

In some cases, the applicant may also be required to provide other documents:

The list of documents is small and usually every homeowner has them, so a visit to Rosreestr, MFC or another organization issuing extracts ends positively.

Necessary information

If a citizen who is not the owner of this property wants to receive information from the register of property rights about a specific property, he will have to provide some information.

In order to legally obtain publicly available data from the Unified State Register, you need to know:

Often citizens do not have a document that indicates the identification number of the building. Don't be upset.

Any title documents for real estate must include the cadastral number of the property.

Legal acts

Regulates all activities of Rosreestr and, accordingly, the Unified Register of Property Rights.

Video: Unified State Register extract online quickly and without queues

The main postulate of this legal act is that information stored in a state repository must be accessible and public.

That is, everyone has the opportunity to order an extract for free and use it to obtain the necessary information about the property they are interested in.

However, not all information available to the Unified State Register can be provided upon request.

Some data is available only upon receipt of a special key and access (information about owners, etc.), and some information is generally a state secret and is subject to dissemination.

According to Law No. 122, those wishing to obtain certain information on specific real estate objects must write an application to Rosreestr, pay a state fee and present the necessary documents to management employees.

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register

The process of obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register is clear and accessible to everyone.

In the management of Rosreestr or the MFC, you can see elderly people independently engaged in obtaining the necessary information about real estate from the state register of rights.

The younger and more “advanced” generation of Russians prefers to quickly order certificates and statements online via the Internet and receive documents by email.

Both of them must implement a simple algorithm of actions:

Writing a statement Whatever organization you contact, filling out the request form is the most important condition for receiving an extract. If you are present in person, employees of government organizations will help you or even make a request for you. When writing electronic request or sending an application by Russian Post, you must make every effort and attention to fill it out correctly and not make a mistake
Presentation of documents If you really decide to get an extract from the Unified State Register, you need to bring some documents with you to Rosreestr or MFC. When submitting an application online, you will need the same documents in scanned form.
Payment of state duty price for obtaining information from the Unified State Register. Currently, citizens have a choice in making payments. You can use payment terminals located in all government agencies; you can pay the fee using a bank card or electronic money

It is important to remember that the time it takes for the statement to be ready practically does not differ depending on the place where it is received.

For an apartment

If you are likely to acquire ownership of an apartment, take care to check its legal “purity”.

Often, scammers try to sell housing that no longer belongs to them.

However, the provision of title documents can mislead anyone.

Therefore, receiving a certificate from the Unified State Register, which provides the latest and most accurate data from the Registration Chamber, is a kind of “amulet” against swindlers and “unscrupulous” people.

To obtain an extract for an apartment, you need to know its address or cadastral number.

With this information, Rosreestr employees will be able to provide all available information on the property located in an apartment building.

For a plot of land

When preparing an extract from the Unified State Register for a land plot, all you need is information about its identification marker - the number in the Cadastral Chamber.

This situation arises because individual land plots simply do not have an address or are located in such a place that it is simply impossible to link the land plot of interest to other elements of the street or highway in the search.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to obtain information about things of interest plot of land both in the usual form on paper with all the seals and signatures of the registrar, and in electronic form.

It is important to remember that the electronic extract of the Unified State Register loses its legal force, if printed on paper.

Before writing an application, check with the organization requesting information about the property in what form is required or an extract from the register of rights.


Unfortunately for those who applied too late to the Rosreestr authorities to obtain an extract, such documents are not urgently prepared.

There are legal deadlines during which Rosreestr employees prepare information and provide it to applicants in paper or electronic format.

You can receive information from the Unified State Register in 1-5 days if you order it from one of the Rosreestr departments.

Receipt in multifunctional center provision of public services (MFC) will extend the document production period by 1-2 days.

This is due to the fact that, having collected a certain number of applications for extracts from the Unified State Register, MFC employees take them to the same Rosreestr. Delivery there and back takes an extra few days.

If you ordered a statement using Russian Post, no one will be able to tell you the actual delivery time the required document to your home.

A registered letter may get lost in the warehouses of post offices or be incorrectly registered.

Therefore, if you need an extract urgently, try to find an opportunity to get it in another way.

Options for request

Russians who wish to receive an extract from the register of property rights have the opportunity to choose the order of writing an application and obtaining the necessary document.

If the question suddenly arises of where to get an extract, there are several answer options:

Rosreestr Office There are representative offices of this organization in almost all cities of the Russian Federation. Owners and anyone else can get what they need by simply coming to the office of a government agency. If you have the necessary documents, you can immediately write an application, pay the state fee and submit the case to a Rosreestr employee
MFC If you need to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register, the process for obtaining it will look like this:
  1. Presentation of documents.
  2. Writing an application according to a standard template.
  3. Payment of state duty.
  4. Receiving a receipt and determining the date of issue of documents
Internet resources You can order an extract without visiting government agencies. For these purposes, official portals of State Services, Rosreestr, as well as specialized sites have been created that provide information from the Unified State Register on a paid basis in the shortest possible time. The Internet user will need to fill out an application form, pay the state fee and the cost of the service (if you use the services of commercial Internet sites), provide the necessary documents
Russian Post If you do not have the opportunity to personally come to the office of Rosreestr or the MFC, you can send an application to them to receive an extract by registered mail. This method is the longest in terms of time, since it is necessary to take into account the delivery time of first your application to Rosreestr, and then their response to the applicant’s postal address. If there is an error in your application or the state fee receipt is filled out incorrectly, the process of obtaining an extract may take indefinitely

Through the Internet

For those who cannot imagine their life without the Internet, we can recommend obtaining the necessary official documents there.

There are three most popular options for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register online:

Rosreestr website you make a virtual visit to Companies House. Just like in real life, you need to fill out a standard request form, pay the state fee and provide personal information about yourself and the property you are interested in. You have the opportunity to choose where to receive the statement - in the Rosreestr office or to an email address in PDF format
Public services portal a very useful service, since once you register on it (for example, to receive an extract from the Unified State Register), you will be able to actively use other features of this portal in the future. The procedure for obtaining an extract is practically no different from obtaining this document on the Rosreestr website. The main difference is mandatory registration with the provision of personal information (passport details, etc.)
Commercial sites Some resources provide users with paid services for obtaining extracts from the Unified State Register. It is important to remember that you will also have to pay a state fee. In addition, the speed of providing information from the register of rights practically does not increase. Same standard terms from 1 to 5 business days

It is important to remember that many institutions and government departments (courts of various jurisdictions, notaries, banking organizations) do not accept statements issued in electronic form for consideration.

At the MFC

Multifunctional centers, which act as intermediaries between government departments and the population, have earned the respect and trust of many citizens in the short time of their existence.

If you need to get an extract from the Unified State Register and there is a functioning MFC in your city, feel free to contact them for a solution to your problem.

The process of obtaining an extract from the MFC will look like this:

Receiving an extract from the MFC slightly increases the time it takes to receive this document, but saves the applicant’s nerves and time.

Public services portal

The Public Services portal is a multifunctional, useful service.

With its help, you can make an appointment with a specialist doctor without leaving your home, find out tax debt and pay for it, as well as order an extract from the Unified State Register.

The main requirement of the site is mandatory registration with the provision of personal information (passport data, TIN, SNILS, etc.).

After that, you select “Rosreestr” in the public services menu, even fill out the application form, pay the fee and after 1-5 days you receive the document you need.

On the Rosreestr website

There is no need to go through the registration procedure on the Rosreestr website.

Anyone who has filled out a standard application for an extract and paid the state fee has the opportunity to obtain the necessary information from the register of property rights.

After some time, the applicant will be contacted by phone or notified by email.

In case of refusal, it is issued official document, where the reasons will be indicated.

If necessary, the decision of Rosreestr can be appealed in court.

Document differences

At the legislative level, 11 forms for providing extracts from the Unified State Register have been approved.

At the stage of completing the request, the applicant selects the form of the document that he needs to receive.

For example, only information about the property or about the transfer of ownership.

In addition to the form, the statement can be simple or extended. This must also be indicated when writing an application to the Rosreestr authorities.

For legal entities

Representatives of organizations and companies ( legal entities) when receiving an extract from the Unified State Register, you will have to go through the same procedure as ordinary citizens.

However, there are several significant differences:

For individuals

Ordinary Russians in most cases receive extracts from the Unified State Register at the direction of certain specialists government agencies(judges, lawyers, notaries, realtors, etc.).

All options for obtaining information from the register of property rights are available to individuals:

  • in the management of Rosreestr;
  • in multifunctional centers;
  • online on the Internet on the official websites of Rosreestr and State Services or commercial resources;
  • using Russian Post.

An important condition for receiving an extract is the legal substantiation of your claims.

That is, if out of curiosity you want to know what your neighbor or work colleague owns, you will be denied such information.

If after reading this article you still have questions about what an extract from the Unified State Register is and where to get it, the best option You can complete your knowledge by visiting the MFC or the Rosreestr office on your own.

Employees of these organizations will advise you in detail on the necessary documents and the extract form that you need.