The bathroom has high humidity and is subject to frequent temperature changes. The floor in the bathroom should be waterproof, safety, high quality and aesthetically beautiful. A practical finish option will give the room an attractive appearance and ensure the stability and durability of the coating.

Bathroom floor finishing

Materials for lining the bathroom must comply with the conditions of a wet room. The floor in the bathroom deserves special attention, when deciding how to cover it, it is important to choose a non-slip, moisture-resistant and easy-to-clean option. Additionally, the material should be combined with the color finish of the room, fit into the style of the interior. The building materials market offers a large selection of modern products that differ in installation method, practicality and aesthetic beauty.

Bulk floor in the bathroom

For fashion design lovers modern materials for decorating a bathroom. The bulk 3D floor in the bathroom is created on the basis of a polymer mass. It is a transparent material, under which you can lay photo wallpapers, decorative designs, give the composition a three-dimensional effect. The coating is seamless, non-slip, moisture resistant and durable.

In the bathroom allows you to implement any design solutions. The room is decorated with diving dolphins, swimming turtles, you can create a pebble beach under your feet, an ocean floor with corals and bright fish, a sea coast with shells and waves. The blue floor in the bathroom with thematic drawings is especially suitable for this design. The coating is rich, looks realistic and fantastically beautiful.

Floor tiles in the bathroom

Tile is the leader in finishing wet rooms. The tiled floor in the bathroom is not afraid of water, resistant to mechanical stress. For the safety of movement, it is better to choose tiles with a rough surface. There is a wide choice of tile patterns. The most harmonious interior is obtained from the tiles of one collection. It contains dark and light shades, borders, decors and matching flooring.

Popular are marble, wood, mosaic tile models. The shape of the material is square, rectangular, figured, geometric ornaments are laid out from tiles of different sizes, patterned inclusions are made. Pebble or stone tile looks interesting, it creates a feeling of being on the beach and has a massage effect on the feet. From it it is appropriate to lay out some fragment in the room.

Vinyl bathroom floor

Moisture resistant material helps to create a unique interior. Vinyl flooring in the bathroom is not slippery, which is important for wet conditions. It is made from several layers of polyvinyl chloride, does not absorb water and retains heat well. Vinyl tiles are available in square or rectangular shape, using different dimensions of the material, you can make an imitation of a border indoors. The material can copy metal, different breeds wood, leather, stone, marble chips, ceramics, fabrics, pebbles or grass. The surface is better to choose a matte, corrugated.

Cork floor in the bathroom

There are materials that give the coating extra warmth and softness. Modern views floors in the bathroom are endowed with new qualities and properties. Cork is a material made from tree bark, which has undergone a special treatment, varnish is applied to the top of the coating. This is the warmest finish. The material is completely natural and environmentally friendly, creates a pleasant warm atmosphere in the bathroom. Due to the wide variety color solutions and the shape of the drawing he gives wide opportunities in interior design.

Wooden floor in the bathroom

Bathroom flooring must be waterproof. Modern technologies allow you to lay natural boards on the floor in the bathroom. They are warmer than synthetic material, have an attractive texture. Parquet allows you to create beautiful ornaments and patterns indoors due to the use of different options for laying dice and wood species.

For wet rooms, it is recommended to use massive boards made of moisture-resistant rocks. Teak is a durable but expensive material, oak, larch, ash have the necessary moisture resistance and can be used for a bathroom. They must be covered with several layers of ship varnish, impregnation. With quality processing, wood will last a very long time.

PVC bathroom floor

Polyvinyl chloride coating has become widespread due to its affordable price and practicality. PVC bathroom floor tiles are divided into rectangular or square shape. It is not afraid of moisture, prevents the appearance of fungus, is resistant to mechanical damage, multi-layered ensures the duration of its operation.

Tiles have a huge range - any color schemes, textures, drawings, shapes, planks, can imitate parquet or marble. It is laid out randomly, in a checkerboard pattern, in rhombuses, different colors are used and original figures are created on the plane. Excellent elasticity allows you to veneer with this material any curved sections.

Glass on the bathroom floor

To create a memorable interior, you can choose a fashionable solution. Glass is a great chance to realize any design fantasies. It has many layers, is fired and glued together with polymer resin, so it is not inferior in strength even to concrete. The design of the floors in the bathroom using glass is striking in its diversity. For its design, additional decor is used.

In the bathroom, it can occupy the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room or part of it. With the help of such material, niches, paths are laid out, in addition they are decorated with lighting. Real masterpieces are created in glass blocks. Floral arrangements, souvenir stones, a dry aquarium, photo printing, tinting under a mirror, applying images with ceramic paint are just a few of the interesting ideas.

Mosaic on the bathroom floor

In design, the smallest detail plays important role. Mosaic in the bathroom helps to create an original interior. It is made of multi-colored glass, reminiscent of rock crystal, stone, conveying the beauty of natural material. Mosaic flooring options in the bathroom are striking in their variety. Real panels are laid out of it, drawings that pass onto the wall. You can use materials from different type surfaces, create images with photographic accuracy. If you “support” the decoration with borders on the wall, then the room will sparkle with new colors.

Bathroom floor color

When facing the room is made in a single composition. The floor in the bathroom is often made monochromatic, in color it should be combined or contrasted with the walls and ceiling. You can effectively highlight the borders with a different shade, pattern, make a central pattern, apply different variants laying tiles, frame areas in the room (toilet, shower room, washroom). The best floors in the bathroom are created on a marine theme, blue, turquoise, 3D images can be used. The chosen tone is supported in the interior by various details.

Dark bathroom floor

When designing, it is important to combine shades correctly. If the interior is made in light color, then the bottom of the room can be made dark. The black floor in the bathroom looks beautiful when using this color scheme partially on the walls. You can choose a contrasting pattern for decorating patterns, checkerboard masonry. The dark flooring in the bathroom is interesting in blue, brown, green marble colors. The gray floor in the bathroom gives the interior a laconic severity.

It is believed that tiles of the same tone at the bottom of the walls should adjoin the dark coating. This cladding option looks harmonious and is practical. You can find a design in which light walls are decorated only with horizontal stripes in the form of borders to match the color of the floor in the bathroom. Fluffy snow-white rugs look great on dark tiles.

Light bathroom floor

When choosing a tone, the dimensions of the room are taken into account. Light finish visually increases the area of ​​​​the room. It is versatile and goes well with all shades in the design. Against the background of dark colors on the walls, the white floor in the bathroom looks spectacular, refreshing the interior. When choosing a shade for flooring, you can use a blue, green palette, it will bring freshness to the environment, and a creamy palette will make it warmer.

Pastel colors are used to create the main accent in the room. On a light background, a large ornament of a dark color is laid out, it is important to dilute it with small squares, borders, decor from a contrasting material. The main thing is to combine colors with the interior and wall cladding. A particularly light finish is suitable for a small room.

Red bathroom floor

In the room for taking water procedures, not only cold shades may be present. When deciding what color to make the floor in the bathroom, you can choose a bright option. Red color will make the room rich and luxurious. If the room is small, it is better to stay on coral, cherry material. In spacious apartments, scarlet, burgundy, crimson colors will look rich.

The completely red bottom of the room is combined with the light top of the walls and decorative inserts, this interior looks romantic. Combinations of this color scheme with white and black are popular. Red can be used in decoration partly as an accent, lay out some elements, apply floral motifs in decor, geometric ornaments. Such a design will look original and not so saturated.

High-quality floor in the bathroom will ensure safety and comfort when taking water procedures, easy to clean and durable. Properly selected material in terms of design will make the room original and attractive. A beautiful image of the bathroom will help create a cheerful mood in the morning, and in the evening it will help you relax and unwind after a hard day. Stylish flooring plays an important role in creating a practical and fashionable interior.

Bathroom renovation is considered the most responsible and difficult. Here one has to deal with a number of specific tasks, the solution of which requires certain knowledge: the fight against constant humidity without violating technological requirements, communications that must work smoothly and look aesthetically pleasing. To make the floor in the bathroom yourself, you need to consider in detail all the stages of installing the floor so that it is reliable and, first of all, safe.

To make the floor in the bathroom with your own hands, you need to study the devices of the floor. It is approximately the same in all cases, especially when it comes to apartment buildings. Private houses may have their own characteristics: the unusual location of the bathroom, a kind of communication system. In an ordinary apartment, floors differ only in appearance due to a wide range of floor coverings.

The floor in the bathroom consists of a large number of layers:

  1. concrete slab;
  2. Waterproofing layer (roll);
  3. Cement screed, the thickness of which is about 50 mm;
  4. Waterproofing (painting);
  5. Screed that levels the floor. Fit ;
  6. Flooring. It can be anything, in addition to tiles, linoleum, laminate, wood and self-leveling floor are also chosen.

For greater comfort, a heating system is mounted in the floor. The role of warm floors is felt in the bathroom. They turn into an indispensable source of heat, especially if cold material, such as tiles, is chosen as the flooring. The "warm floor" system is installed at the time of alignment. Therefore, before screeding and flooring, a decision is made about which one will be used.

Heating with underfloor heating will be very useful if the bathroom is lined with ceramic tiles

There are certain requirements for the quality of the floor in the bathroom, which should not be neglected:

  • Environmental friendliness. Safety for human and animal health;
  • Walking safety. Bathroom floors are usually very slippery;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Strength and durability;
  • Ease of care;
  • . It protects not only from excess moisture, but also from noise and heat loss.

Fulfilling these requirements is not difficult, and two rules help to achieve these goals: a suitable floor covering that will correspond to the characteristics of the room and the desires of the owner of the house, and the correct installation of the floor.

Installing the floor in the bathroom requires certain knowledge, the accuracy of each step and patience, as repairing the floor can take a long time. The materials must be properly selected and after each stage of laying they need to dry well. The result should be a durable and reliable floor that will last for many years.

Finishing preparation

To install the floor with your own hands, it will take a lot of time, especially if this happens for the first time and there is no skill. You have to be very careful and never rush.

The technology of stage-by-stage installation of the floor in the bathroom distinguishes several stages.

Preparatory work

They can be different, depending on the state in which the floor in the bathroom is located. If there is a desire to do everything with your own hands, you must first remove the old flooring and carry it out.

If there was a tile in the bathroom, then you can remove it with a perforator. First, the tile is split, and then it is collected and taken out of the room. It is almost impossible to break the tile and not break the screed. In any case, scratches, cavities and cracks will remain. It is for this reason that the screed will also have to be removed. With a new fill, high-quality waterproofing can be carried out.

If linoleum was used as a finishing material, then it must be carefully detached with a knife and torn off the floor. You can roll it up to make it easier to take it out of the room.

When removing a wooden floor covering, it is necessary to file some boards, and then dismantle those that remain.

The concrete base must be level and free of defects.

You can entrust the removal of the old floor to specialists. In this case, preparatory work is reduced to a minimum. The concrete floor in the bathroom should be well vacuumed, remove debris and dust, and then close all the cracks with tile adhesive so that they do not become larger over the years. Slots can be both in old houses and in new buildings. Only after the glue has completely dried can you proceed to waterproofing.

Floor waterproofing

To enhance the adhesion of the floor and waterproofing materials, it is necessary to use a primer mixture. Waterproofing can be:

  1. roll;
  2. coating;
  3. built-up;
  4. painting.

The choice of one or another waterproofing depends on the stage at which the installation of the floor is, but the most reliable for the bathroom is built-up. It is used for processing floor slabs. The overlap on the walls should be 25 cm or more. On top of this waterproofing, a concrete floor is poured, on which it is also possible to lay welded waterproofing or other material.

Roll waterproofing is best used in those places where there will be a bath or shower.

The fastest and easiest waterproofing is painting. The solution is applied with a roller or brush, retreating from the wall about 10 cm. But this method is the most short-lived. Such waterproofing will last no more than five years.

The best option for waterproofing the floor in the bathroom is coating. It is prepared as follows: the dry mixture is poured into water in a ratio of 1: 1 and mixed well until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Next, the mixture is applied to the floor surface with a roller, brush or spatula. The joints of the wall and floor are glued with waterproofing tape. If a flood occurs, the structure will contain the water. Coating waterproofing is applied in two layers. The first layer should dry for at least five hours. The next stage is started only after complete drying, that is, after a day or more.

Structural changes in the bathroom

When installing the floor with your own hands, you can radically change the bathroom for greater comfort: install underfloor heating, move plumbing to another location, or equip a water drain. Underfloor heating can be either electric or water. Despite the fact that the room is quite humid and there is constant contact with water, it is absolutely safe and easy to install. it is more difficult to install, but it is more economical, since the source of heat is hot water that flows through pipes.

To equip, the floor must be made with a slight slope. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the neck of the drain is always above the screed. It is important to remember that it is better to make the floor in the bathroom lower than the common floor in the entire apartment in order to avoid complete flooding, or to set a high threshold at the entrance to the bathroom.

Floor screed

A perfectly flat surface will allow you to perform high-quality laying of the coating, which will give the floor a good degree of wear resistance. Cement-sand screed is used most often, especially if the floor has significant defects.

The fill level is necessarily marked on the walls, beacons are installed, to the upper edge of which the solution is poured. The mixture must be evenly distributed, stretched over the entire surface. If a warm floor is meant, the screed is carried out in two stages: screed - underfloor heating system - screed. Layers should dry well. You can turn on the warm floor only a week after pouring the screed.

Floor covering

There is a wide choice of floor coverings. And gained great popularity. It is very important that when pouring such a floor, the temperature is from + 15 ° C to + 25 ° C, and the humidity is within 80%. Pouring occurs in strips from the opposite angle relative to the inlet, and then the mixture is rolled with a spiked roller to remove air. It will be possible to walk on the floor in 6-12 hours, and the final drying will occur only after three days.

What coverage to choose?

To choose the right flooring, you need to take into account the budget, features of the room and personal preferences.

Gradually becomes very popular due to a number of advantages. It is eco-friendly, hypoallergenic, does not rot, does not absorb water, and does not contribute to the reproduction of the fungus. In addition, it is very pleasant to the touch and slightly springy when walking. The cork floor is completely non-slip, which is very important for the elderly.

The self-leveling floor is not so easy to install, but it has good waterproofing properties, in addition, it looks very nice, you can choose any pattern you like. Perfect for underfloor heating. The downside is that the prepared mixture is toxic and flammable.

It remains the most common type of flooring, despite its fragility and complexity of installation. Tiles create aesthetics and a certain traditionality.

The wooden floor in the bathroom has become a rarity these days, since not all types of wood can withstand high humidity. Larch with additional waterproofing is usually used. This floor is warm, has a pleasant texture and is good for health.

As a floor covering, you can use linoleum, which retains moisture well, is easy to clean, but it is quickly wiped off and loses its attractiveness. It is best used as a temporary cover.

When laying floors with your own hands, it is important to remember that you can choose absolutely any coating, but the materials must be of high quality, the screed must be even, and installation must be done according to all the rules at each stage. Then the floor in the bathroom will be beautiful, safe and will last for many years. And good waterproofing will save you from unnecessary troubles.

Dear reader, leave your opinion about the article in the comments, share your experience and secrets of repairing and finishing the floor in the bathroom.

Every day, a huge number of materials appear on the construction products market, with the help of which you can choose floor coverings for the bathroom for every taste and financial opportunity. With all the variety of textures, colors and shapes, it is very difficult for an inexperienced person to understand. And you can often hear: " How to lay". Therefore, it is worth saying a few words about each finishing material and its properties.

The most famous and chosen types of flooring for the bathroom are porcelain stoneware and tiles. They have many advantages over other materials, namely:

Ceramic tiles and their properties

To date, porcelain stoneware is the most common finishing material for the bathroom, due to the following properties:

  • Strength. Porcelain tiles are very resistant to impacts and other mechanical influences. This coating is not afraid of either a washing machine or a heavy cast-iron bath;
  • Invoice and drawings. Porcelain tile flooring in a modern bathroom is produced in a huge variety of colors and textures. There are special collections with patterns and images made for both walls and floors to create a complete look;
  • Moisture resistance. According to its properties, porcelain stoneware perfectly protects against the penetration of moisture under the surface of the coating, which creates a moisture-resistant bathroom floor for many years;
  • Durability and care. The service life of the coating is tens of years and with all this does not require careful maintenance;
  • Safety. Since the bathroom is a place with an increased risk of electric shock, injury and bruising (due to slippery floors), safety in it plays an important role. And the porcelain stoneware coating meets the requirements, because even a smooth sanded surface is completely non-slip when wet.

In addition to the above advantages of covering with porcelain tiles, there are a couple of negative qualities:

  • Price. The cost of coating is very high, but the durability of the material covers this minus;
  • "Cold cover". According to tactile sensations, the porcelain stoneware coating is cool, which is very unpleasant. In order for the floor in the bathroom to be warm, along with porcelain stoneware finishes, heating is often used - a system of "warm floors".

Ceramic tile or porcelain tile?

Ceramic tile as a material for the floor in the bathroom is one of the most common types of interior decoration, it is used to veneer walls, ceilings and floors. The tile has similar properties with porcelain stoneware, but has several differences:

  • Coating strength with ceramic tiles an order of magnitude smaller and the use of a heavy bath or other appliances requires caution, because otherwise the coating will not withstand, and the tile will become unusable;
  • The tile is tactilely much more pleasant;
  • Ceramic tiles have several varieties in terms of their moisture resistance;
  • The anti-slip of ceramic floor tiles must be excellent, so only the embossed look of the tile is suitable for the bathroom floor.

Just like porcelain stoneware, tile is an expensive finishing material, but durable and unpretentious to care for.

Other finishing materials

In addition to the materials provided above, there are other bathroom floor options that have their own characteristics and are becoming more popular every day. These options will completely remove the question “How to cover the floor in the bathroom?”, Because the choice of materials is huge.


There is an opinion that the floor covering in the bathroom will not work out of the carpet. But the main property of any floor (and not only) coating in the bathroom is thermal insulation, water-repellent and antibacterial properties. If desired, you can choose a carpet that meets these requirements.


Laminate manufacturers are constantly improving their products, and a huge amount of laminate flooring in the bathroom with excellent moisture resistant qualities has appeared on the market.

Please note: If the choice falls on this type of finishing material, you need to remember that the floor should be wetted as little as possible and the seams and edges should be sealed with high quality. These actions will prevent moisture from getting under the coating, which, in turn, will increase the life of the laminate.

Linoleum and vinyl

Flooring in the bathroom with linoleum or vinyl tiles is becoming increasingly popular, because this material is relatively inexpensive and waterproof, and a huge range of colors and different textures will help you easily choose the material for any interior. In case of damage to the coating, it is easy to replace it with a new one or remove a part, especially for vinyl boards.

self-leveling floor

Having appeared recently on the market, it is becoming a favorite among professional builders. And no wonder, because with its help you can create a perfectly flat and transparent surface. Any decorative material can be laid under the fill lining, whether it be pebbles, shells, photo wallpapers and even 3D images.

Note: While grout is one of the best flooring for a bathroom, its cost is high. And besides this, pouring requires a perfectly flat substrate, that is, a screed.

Wooden floor

Wooden flooring in the bathroom is very beautiful and environmentally friendly, because wood is a natural material. Such a coating is very expensive and its processing with laying requires a high level of skill. So, before laying the floor in the bathroom, the building material must be properly processed, all joints must be adjusted, and then only proceed with the installation, followed by treatment with water-repellent agents.

You should know: The high cost of wood flooring is explained by the fact that only valuable tree species are suitable for the bathroom, which should repel moisture and last a long time.


  • To choose how to finish the floor in the bathroom, you need to understand what floor finishing materials exist, how durable they are, choose a design and, most importantly, determine the repair budget.
  • Budget options for finishing the floor in the bathroom can be done with the help of fast-fitting and simple (not requiring a lot of preparatory work) materials to process. These include linoleum, carpet and vinyl.
  • Average cost bathroom flooring can be obtained using laminate and tile. This finishing option is the “golden mean”, because the quality and durability are at their best and the cost is relatively low.
  • An expensive coating in a bathroom in need of repair is obtained due to the high cost of finishing materials, their installation and professional skills for installation. The most expensive will be the flooring for the bathroom, made from wood, and then the self-leveling floor and porcelain stoneware.

In any case, waterproof material for the bathroom will be expensive, and the end result depends more on the area being repaired, because small room can be repaired with expensive materials at a reasonable price. And this coating will last for decades, paying for itself with interest.

The options above modern finishes the floor in the bathroom can be viewed in the photo, and then make the final choice of coverage.

The flooring in the bathroom must comply with many rules, among which the important ones are to be non-slip, have a pleasant appearance and be combined with the rest of the elements in the room. But the most important requirement is resistance to large temperature extremes and high humidity.

What are the options?

The construction market offers a wide range of floor coverings. They differ in price, installation method and quality. The most optimal of them are:

  • ceramic tile
  • laminate (moisture resistant)
  • natural or artificial stone floor
  • vinyl floor
  • self-leveling floor
  • cork flooring

More details about each option

Ceramic tile resistant to mechanical damage, as well as to high humidity. These two advantages make it the most common type of flooring in the bathroom today.

Also, a wide range of products "plays" in its favor - different sizes, shapes, patterns, matte or glossy surface. The tile does not deform and is resistant to chemicals.

However, it slips, which is dangerous to health. To correct this shortcoming, experts recommend buying ceramic tiles with a rough or embossed surface for the bathroom. This type of coating will provide stability, even if moisture has accumulated on the floor.

natural or artificial stone rarely used in the bathroom. It is often chosen to create a special kind of room when they want to emphasize its expensive design and unusual solutions during repair.

Such material is difficult to mount, and its cost is high. It's easy to slip on wet rocks. The indisputable advantage of this flooring option is a very long service life.

Moisture resistant laminate much easier to tolerate frequent accumulation of water on the surface, but this does not mean that he is not afraid of liquid. In order for such a floor to serve for many years, it will have to be carefully looked after, that is, often wipe the water or the resulting condensate.

This material is pleasant to the touch and, which is the hardest thing to achieve in the bathroom, it always stays warm (room temperature). Having made the floor in the bathroom out of it, you will be able to create interesting view premises. A variety of coating options will allow you to choose a product with the desired pattern and texture.

Sheet vinyl has all the characteristics that should be inherent in the flooring in the bathroom. It is presented on the market in a variety of colors and many textures. During its installation, the formation of joints is practically excluded (unless the room has a large area).

This is a durable material that does not give in to deformation. Vinyl does not absorb water, and it also has anti-slip properties.

self-leveling floor is a mixture based on a polymer mass, which is poured onto a certain area and it quickly hardens. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain an absolutely transparent surface, which makes it possible to create an interesting decor. Often, wallpaper is spread under such a mixture or coins are laid out, it is also possible to create any other composition. When using this material, you can achieve a 3D effect.

This coating is non-slip and easy to care for. The floor can last several decades and still not change its appearance. It is resistant to mechanical damage.

Cork flooring has many advantages. Despite the fact that it is made of wood, the coating does not absorb moisture. It is also pleasant to walk on such a floor. Cork is an environmentally friendly floor covering.

Another plus of cork is that it is easy to care for. It is almost impossible to slip on a cork floor. In addition, such a solution will favorably emphasize the design of the room.

Based on the above information, you can choose a bathroom cover that suits you in terms of cost and quality. Happy repair!

The floor in the bathroom must be approached very responsibly, as it will be affected by high humidity, since there are a large number of pipes in this room that need to be hidden.

It would be useful to install a system of underfloor heating for additional heating of the room. In this article, we will consider how to cover the floor in the bathroom, materials and their characteristics, how to install the screed, underfloor heating and finishing flooring.

Decoration Materials for the bathroom must be moisture resistant

A room with high humidity and a threat of possible leakage requires a foundation using moisture-resistant materials and laying a hydro- and vapor barrier layer.

Bathroom flooring must meet the requirements of:

  • should be warm, as we become barefoot on the floor;
  • safety of movement, wet coating should not slip;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • long service life.

All these parameters are easy to achieve if you choose the right materials for flooring and adhere to the installation technology.

Floor device

Warm electric floors - a good choice For bathroom

The base in all houses has approximately the same structure, differing only in the presence of a layer of heat-saving material and a waterproofing layer.

The floor consists of the following elements:

  • concrete slab;
  • waterproofing layer (not always);
  • heat and vapor barrier;
  • bulk self-leveling coating of cement or polymer mortar;
  • finish flooring.

For a local space heating device, at the stage of installing the screed, we lay a cable or infrared film warm floor.

Choosing a finish

The most suitable bathroom flooring is:

  • ceramic floor tiles;
  • self-leveling floor, it can be arranged with a 3D effect;
  • moisture resistant laminate;
  • linoleum.

We choose the material depending on whether the underfloor heating will be installed, as well as the budget for repairs. The selected coating should harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.

Self-leveling floors

Polyurethane is optimal for the bathroom

Depending on the material used, there are several types of self-leveling floors:

  • cement-acrylic;
  • epoxy;
  • methyl methacrylate;
  • polyurethane.

Optimal for the bathroom is a polyurethane floor, it is environmentally friendly, durable and has a smooth, shiny top layer. The latest novelty is a self-leveling floor with a 3D effect.


  • beautiful appearance, especially near the floor with a 3D effect;
  • high strength and resistance to moisture, when performing the installation technology, the floor will not lose its properties for 10-20 years;
  • easy care, the coating has no seams and pores where moisture can accumulate;
  • does not lose its qualities when exposed to abrasive substances.

When choosing a three-dimensional floor, it is possible to create a unique inimitable coating with any pattern. Before applying the composition, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface.

The base must be free of cracks, even and clean.

Ceramic tile

Most often, ceramic tiles are used as flooring, but since they are cold in structure, it is recommended to lay a warm floor under them.

Due to the fact that water splashes often fall on the floor, in order not to slip, it is better to choose a material with a matte finish (glossy tiles are slippery).

A wide range of material is produced with different structures and shades, which are easy to choose for the interior of the room, even for the most demanding owner.

Tiles create a special style in the room and have many advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and temperature changes
  • easy care, resistant to aggressive substances;
  • can easily support the weight of the bathroom, washing machine and furniture.

The disadvantage is that the seams between the tiles become clogged with dust and dirt.

Ceramic floor tiles do not have to be the same color as the walls. The main thing in this matter is to focus on the complex combination of color shades of each element.


For wet areas, choose a waterproof laminate

For the installation of the floor in the bathroom, only moisture-resistant and waterproof laminate is suitable, which differ from each other in the features of the materials used in their structure.

Moisture-resistant laminated board consists of high-strength HDF board (from 900 kg per cubic meter). Protects such material not only from dampness, but also from mold and accumulation of bacteria. In stores, it is most often found with greenish surface shades. In some models, a rubber strip is installed along the longitudinal side, which protects the board from moisture.

Waterproof laminate is based on a plastic board that is treated with a hot wax that prevents moisture from entering.

The surface of the board is additionally covered with a polymer layer, which also protects the material from moisture and mechanical damage.

Whatever type of laminate is used, after taking a shower, the floor surface must be thoroughly wiped so that water does not stand on it, and the room itself must be ventilated.


A properly sealed coating will last a very long time.

This material, when properly laid and sealed from moisture, will last from 10 to 20 years. The material must be of high quality (commercial or semi-commercial grade).

Under the legs of the bathroom and furniture, be sure to install linings that will protect the coating from the formation of serious dents and ruptures.


  • low cost;
  • seamless one-piece coating;
  • the coating is warmer to the touch than the tile;
  • beautiful appearance.

Properly selected and laid using linoleum technology, you can get an inexpensive beautiful floor covering. It is laid on a completely dried screed and substrate.

All connections to the baseboard must be sealed to prevent moisture ingress.

Non-porous material will be easier to wash

Due to moisture resistance, strength and durability, a natural stone suitable for floors in rooms with high humidity.

The stone must be chosen non-porous so that it is easier to wash.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the properties of the material, the action of which should be aimed at preventing the absorption of moisture and fumes.

The best types of natural stone for bathroom floors are granite and slate.

Decorative carpet made of crushed stone

For coating use a fine fraction of 3 - 5 mm

It is a mixture of mineral particles of semi-precious stones, pebbles, marble and quartz sand with a fraction of 3-5 mm.


  • service life of more than 30 years, increased wear resistance;
  • resistance to moisture and aggressive substances;
  • seamlessness;
  • beautiful appearance;

Cleaning will include removing dust with a vacuum cleaner, wiping with a damp cloth and rubbing with polish.

The disadvantages are high cost, fragility and susceptibility to mechanical damage.

The smoother the surface of the stone, the less it is prone to contamination in places of patterns and texture edges.

Do-it-yourself bathroom floor installation

Having skills construction works and a minimum of tools, it is easy to do the floor in the bathroom with your own hands. The first step is to prepare and repair the surface of the plate. Preparatory work for all types of floors is the same. How to make a self-leveling floor in the bathroom with your own hands, see this video:

Preparing the plate surface

The plate must be cleaned of debris

The quality of the floor and the durability of the floor covering depends on the correct preparation of the slab for installation.

  1. Remove all loose parts from the plate building materials, remove the dust. If an empty sound is heard when tapping the floor, then the old screed has peeled off, in which case it must be removed.
  2. If damage is found, they must be repaired with cement mortar, cracks more than 1 mm wide must first be expanded with a grinder, clean the edges and moisten abundantly. cement mortar adheres better to wet surfaces.
  3. After the base has completely dried, remove the dust, as it reduces the quality of adhesion of materials.
  4. We prime the base in two layers; We apply the second layer 4 hours after applying the first and wait for it to dry completely.

A damper tape must be glued along the perimeter of the bathroom walls, which will serve as an expansion joint in case of temperature changes and protect neighbors from below from water leaks.


When making the floor in the bathroom with your own hands, you need to take care of its waterproofing, which will protect against the penetration of moisture into the pores of the ceiling and the destruction of the base.

Choosing a waterproofing material:

  • coating insulation is applied with a roller or brush in three layers, which makes the base waterproof;
  • bitumen emulsion has a service life of 5 years;
  • gluing insulation in the form of rolled-on materials on a polyester or fiberglass base is laid with a 150-200 mm overhang on the walls. The surface under the material must be pre-levelled.

Liquid waterproofing is most convenient for home use

We fill the intersections of the ceiling with pipes with liquid waterproofing material.

Walls to a height of 150-200 mm and the floor area adjacent to them are treated with bitumen-based mastic.

Then we apply a layer on the entire surface of the floor, after 6 hours we apply another layer over the entire area. After it is completely dry, proceed to the next step.

To mark the level of the floor, we place guides parallel to the wall, depending on the length of the rule with which we will distribute the solution.

To fix the beacons to the desired height, we use pieces of moisture-resistant materials. We check the correctness of the markup with a laser or bubble level.

We prepare a cement-sand mortar for screed in a ratio of 1: 3. To make it of high quality, you need to pre-dry the components carefully among themselves and only then add water to them.

We start the installation of the screed from the far corner of the bathroom, we perform the work in one go without interruption. To protect against cracking and increase strength, we add plasticizers to the solution and reinforce the structure with a reinforced mesh. The thickness of the screed should be between 2 and 7 cm, depending on the materials used. For information on how to properly make a screed on beacons, see this video:

Work sequence:

  1. Pour the concrete solution between the beacons and distribute it with the rule so that it condenses and the formed air bubbles come out.
  2. When the solution has set well, but has not yet dried, we take out the guides, fill the voids with concrete and level the resulting mass.

Upon completion of all work, we cover the screed with polyethylene. Every day during the ripening period, slightly moisten its surface with water. The total drying time of the base is about 30 days.

Ceramic tiles are best laid on a wet screed, the rest of the floor coverings are mounted after the subfloor has completely dried.

Warm floor

Warm floors are divided into electric and water: electric heating cables and a water floor require the installation of a screed. Heating mats can be laid on an existing base and already covered with a 2-3 cm screed from above. See the details of the process in this video:

Installation of an electric underfloor heating includes laying heating cables and connecting a temperature sensor that maintains the desired temperature in the bathroom.

Choose best option underfloor heating for the bathroom:

Heating systemAdvantagesFlaws
cable systemRadiates heat only from heating elements, economical power consumption, service life of 15-20 years; low cost, the cable is protected from mechanical damage, as it is inside the screed, heating temperature control using a sensor.Needs screed arrangement, emits electromagnetic radiation, labor-intensive installation process
Heating matsEasy installation, virtually no noiseFragility, energy consumption is greater than when using a water floor
water systemeconomicalLabor-intensive installation, difficult to adjust the temperature

Electric cables and heating mats can be installed under ceramic tiles. The film infrared floor cannot be installed in rooms with high humidity.

Consider how to make a bathroom floor with a 3d effect. A polymer self-leveling floor is applied to the finished screed in 3 layers:

  • Finishing transparent layer with 3D effect.

We apply the base coat on a perfectly even base with a residual moisture content of no more than 4%. For better adhesion to the base layer, we prime the concrete screed and wet it with water.

Surface preparation of the slab is carried out as for a conventional floor.

base layer

After sticking the damper tape and installing the guide beacons, we proceed to apply the first layer.

Installation of the first layer starts from the base angle

Application sequence:

  1. Pour 5-6 liters of water into a capacious container, gradually pour a bag of dry mixture, mix with a construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle until a homogeneous solution is obtained in consistency like sour cream. The mixture must be used quickly as it hardens within 10 minutes.
  2. We start installation from the far corner, moving towards the door. Pour out the solution and distribute it over the surface using the rule, remove air bubbles with a spiked roller.

We fill the base coat in one step. Areas in contact with each other should be filled with an interval of less than 10 minutes.

Drawing an image

The image can be ordered at the printing house on banner fabric

For the bathroom, an image of a marine theme is suitable. You can lay the floor with shells and small pebbles as a decor.

First, we select an image, order a printing company to print it on a banner fabric, which should be the size of a bathroom floor.

Here it is necessary to take into account the places for the bath, washing machine and furniture so that they do not hide the pattern. The image must be placed so that it fits in an open area.

The image is glued from the middle

Stages of laying the picture:

  1. We cover the base coat with a primer, it is possible to mix the polymer with an organic solvent for the primer.
  2. After it dries, we lay out the drawing on the floor, if the image is applied on a self-adhesive base, we start gluing from the middle, smooth it well so that all the air comes out. We cut off the part of the material that is wrapped on the walls.

When using a composition of shells, it is faster to lay them close to each other in a chaotic sequence. If you decide to create a pattern of volumetric particles, keep in mind that this is a very complex and time-consuming process. For information on how to make such a coating in the bathroom, see this video:

We fill the gaps between the decorative elements with polymer clay, after which we leave the resulting surface to dry completely.

Finishing layer

The final transparent coating creates the effect of a three-dimensional image. It is applied to a clean surface a day after drawing.

Walking on the finish layer during the execution of work is possible only in shoes with high spikes (paint-shoes).

Application sequence:

  1. We mix the components until a mass of a homogeneous consistency is obtained. From the far corner we pour the composition, evenly distribute it over the entire floor area. To obtain a volume three d effect, the layer thickness must be at least 3 mm.
  2. The coating hardens within half an hour, at which time we manage to work out the surface with a spiked roller to remove air bubbles.

To increase the life of the finish layer, you can open it with varnish. Until completely dry, the coating must be protected from mechanical damage.