basic plan - a diagram of the site with the designation of existing buildings, plantings and communications;3. general plan- scheme land plot with the drawing of planned buildings, small architectural forms, green spaces, platforms, paths and other things;4. scheme utility networks– diagram of the laying of communications on the territory, places of entry into buildings; 5. scheme of engineering preparation and vertical planning of the territory - initial and final elevation marks at different points of the site, volumes of planned earthworks;6.

The master plan is

According to Town Planning Code RF. is one of the main documents of territorial planning.

The timing of the implementation of the master plan is specified in a special document - the master plan implementation plan. adopted no later than 3 months from the date of approval of the relevant general plan, and, as a rule, are about 20 years.

Any master plan contains an analytical block and a project proposal block.

What does the master plan look like?

Then field work begins, which includes work on the ground. This includes a plan-altitude justification, which represents a network of high-altitude passages based on three main geodetic signs. The coordinates of these signs are received from the customer, from regional architecture departments, or calculated using GPS. After this, a topographic survey is carried out to obtain the necessary heights and coordinates of the necessary objects in the study area.

4. Regional and local urban planning standards contain minimum calculated indicators for ensuring favorable conditions human life (including social and municipal facilities, accessibility of such facilities for the population (including people with disabilities), engineering infrastructure, landscaping).5. The approval of regional standards for urban planning is carried out taking into account the characteristics of settlements and urban districts within the boundaries of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

General plan of the site

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Example of a master plan for a land plot

The layout of the site must be coordinated with local architectural authorities, who in the process of their work are always guided by the master plan of the entire settlement. Any deviations must be agreed with the local administration.

If the site has various uneven surfaces, with slopes in one direction or another, then it is recommended to build the building on a hill.

What is a master plan for a land plot?

The master plan makes it possible to make the property economically attractive for potential investors. The master plan documentation allows you to calculate the project budget in more detail and perform all the necessary calculations, which greatly facilitates decision-making when implementing a future project.

The key to successful work is the implementation of the documentation of the master plan section in accordance with the requirements of documentation system standards (GOST, SNiP, etc.

General plan of the site

Only in this case will it be possible to ensure free passage of fire trucks and rescue operations on the site.

The second purpose of drawing up a master plan for a site is that you will have in your hands a developed project that will allow you to most conveniently locate residential buildings, ancillary buildings, small architectural forms. playgrounds. swimming pools. flower beds and so on.

General plan

residential neighborhoods. residential and multifunctional complexes. Stage P+R - residential, hotel. shopping, administrative complexes, sports facilities, industrial buildings, industrial buildings, production workshops.

You can get detailed information about the cost, timing, procedure for completing documentation, as well as ask all your questions on the topic by contacting our specialists by phone.

Drawing up a boundary plan

Clarification of the actual boundaries of a plot cannot be made without prior agreement with persons who own adjacent plots by right of private property, lifelong inheritance, perpetual use, or on the basis of a lease agreement concluded for a period of more than 5 years with state or municipal authorities.

What is a master plan for a land plot?

760-73-41, 760-75-96, 760-77-67 every Tuesday from 14:00 to 17:00 and Thursday from 10:00 to 13:00 (Kvitki-Osnovyanenko St., 7, room 609).

Citizens are received by department specialists every Tuesday from 14:00 to 17:00 and Thursday from 10:00 to 13:00.

The department operates according to internal labor regulations for employees executive bodies Kharkov City Council, approved by the city mayor 24.

Construction and reconstruction of populated areas (cities, towns, villages) and industrial enterprises are carried out according to planning and development projects. Their goal is to organize the built-up area according to economic, architectural, hygienic and technical requirements. Project - complex technical documents, containing a feasibility study, calculations, drawings, explanatory notes and other materials necessary for the construction or reconstruction of the facility. The project consists of three main parts: economic part; construction part; technological part.

Civil building projects do not have a technological part. The main document of the economic part of the project is the estimate, which serves as the basis for financing construction and monitoring the correct expenditure of funds. The estimate includes the full cost of construction of the structure with all the costs necessary for the preparation and implementation of construction and putting it into operation. IN construction part includes: The master plan is a large-scale topographic plan with a design for the placement of the main elements of structures; project for organizing the construction of a construction site; construction master plan; vertical layout plan; design longitudinal and transverse profiles of routes; the size of individual elements of structures. The technological part (only for industrial buildings) determines the technology and organization of production, the type of equipment intended and used, and the degree of automation. A chief project engineer (PI) is appointed for each facility. Design is carried out in separate stages, which are called construction stages.

Engineering and geodetic design is included in the complex of works on the development of master plans for settlements, construction projects and consists of drawing up a topographical basis in the form of plans and profiles on the required scale; development of master plans; designing the boundaries of real estate objects, geodetic preparation of the project for carrying it out into reality, solving problems of horizontal and vertical planning, calculating areas, volumes of earthworks.

During industrial and civil construction and reconstruction of settlements, the planning and design of their territory is carried out. For this purpose, master development plans are drawn up settlement.

When planning settlements, the planning structure of the territory is distinguished. The planning structure of the territory of a settlement is formed from functional zones. At the same time, the following functional zones are allocated for the city:

Residential location residential areas, administrative, educational, scientific, sports, medical, shopping (complexes) centers, public green spaces (park);

Industrial for the placement of power plants, plants, factories, other industries and related facilities;

Communal warehouse - for the placement of public utility enterprises, warehouses, bases, garages, tram and trolleybus depots, motor transport enterprises, etc.;

External transport - for the placement of passenger and freight railway stations, ports, marinas, railways and highways, pipeline transport and its infrastructure, etc. A feature of the zoning of rural settlements is that only residential and industrial zones are distinguished.

The planning structure consists of planning elements delimited by red lines. So for a residential zone, the main planning element is the microdistrict. The microdistrict is part of a residential development, limited by the red lines of main and residential streets.

Red lines are the boundaries between all types of streets, as well as between the main city-forming elements, such as residential development zones and industrial, green, technical zones and water basins. Parallel to the red line there are building lines, which recede from it deep into the territory of the microdistrict by six meters on main streets and three meters in residential areas. Buildings are located along the building line.

> Structure of the master plan of a settlement

The planning and development of settlements is carried out on the basis of a master plan. The master plan is the main urban planning document; it is drawn up for the development of a settlement over two to three decades. The master plan of the city reflects a comprehensive solution of all its functional elements, the development of residential and industrial buildings, networks Catering, medical care, improvement and urban transport.

Structurally, the master plan contains the following graphic and text documents:

Master plan drawing;

Base plan existing city(reflecting the situation for the year the master plan was issued);

Priority construction placement project;

Architectural materials - sketches characterizing the idea of ​​architectural and spatial composition;

Schemes for the development of internal and external transport;

Diagrams showing engineering equipment and engineering

preparation of the territory;

Schemes for the location of the social sphere - enterprises and institutions of medical and cultural services;

Explanatory note.

The scale of topographic plans used to create a master plan depends on the size of the locality. For example, for a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people - 1:10000, for other settlements - on a scale of 1:5000-1:2000.

The city master plan is the basis for the integrated development of the settlement. Projects are being developed on its basis:

Layouts of residential and industrial zones;

Detailed planning and development sketches;

Engineering equipment of the territory;

Urban transport;

Improvement, landscaping and other events.

1. Development and construction of territories of settlements is carried out on the basis of master plans approved in the prescribed manner.

2. General plans of settlements are the main urban planning document that defines the comprehensive planning of the development of a city, town, aul (village) or other settlement and is developed in accordance with the approved general scheme for the organization of the territory and a comprehensive scheme for urban planning of regions.

Settlements with a population of over five thousand people must be provided with valid master plans approved in the prescribed manner.

Settlements with a population of up to five thousand people may have a duly approved scheme for the development and construction of a given settlement (a simplified version of the master plan) as the main urban planning document. The composition, content, procedure for the development and approval of schemes for the development and construction of small settlements are determined by the authorized government agency for architecture, urban planning and construction.

3. The master plan determines:

1) the main directions of development of the territory of a settlement, including social, recreational, industrial, transport and engineering infrastructure, taking into account natural and climatic, existing and predicted demographic and socio-economic conditions;

2) functional zoning and restrictions on the use of the territories of these zones;

3) the ratio of built-up and undeveloped areas of the settlement;

4) zones of preferential alienation and acquisition of land, reserve territories;

5) measures to protect the territory from dangerous (harmful) impacts of natural and man-made phenomena and processes, improve the environmental situation;

6) other measures to ensure sustainable development of the settlement.

4. The master plan for the development of a settlement that has historical urban planning value must be developed taking into account the historical and architectural reference plan and be accompanied by projects for the zone of historical development and protection of monuments.

5. The master plan of a settlement is valid until the approval of a new master plan or approval of changes to the current master plan to the extent that does not contradict the legislation and development rules.

Footnote. Article 47 was amended by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 11, 2006 No. 204 (shall be enforced from the date of its official publication).