Under construction low-rise buildings the question often arises as to which is better to prefer: an attic or an attic? If it is necessary to increase the living space of the house, then the advantages of the attic in this case are beyond any doubt. In addition, they look very beautiful, spectacular and stylish. Mansard roof projects, more precisely, their design features are directly related to the geometry of the roof.

Attic project original form

The attic can be designed in a triangular shape or with a broken perimeter line, symmetrical or asymmetrical.

When developing a project, it must be remembered that the above factors have a significant impact on the amount of living space in the future premises.

Various types mansard roofs

Attic projects with an inclined roof plane have so-called "dead zones", that is, small areas premises that are unsuitable for habitation.

To make the room more functional, it is recommended to equip various lockers or utility rooms in such places.

Mansard roof projects must fully comply with all existing rules and building codes, created on the basis of accurate engineering calculations.

One of the most important factors that accompany the design of the attic are the shape and size of the premises, depending on their location relative to the interior design. When creating a project, one should take into account the partial or full glazing of the room.

In addition, it is possible to combine window inserts with roofing elements, thanks to which the building will delight its owners with a special architectural style.

Example of a mansard roof with large windows

The layout of the elements of the attic and enclosing structures is determined using a set architectural form buildings and structures, as well as the wishes of the customer himself. The construction of an attic - a roof with a steep slope needs special attention and an approach to the choice of material with which the roof will be covered, which is necessary for high-quality thermal and waterproofing.

Thermal insulation and insulation of the attic

Typical attic project

Due to this, you can significantly increase the living space of the house, while maintaining the planned building area, increase the comfort and convenience of living, and also significantly reduce the heat loss of the home, if you correctly approach the issues of its design and construction.

Designing houses with an attic has its own specific nuances. It is advisable to keep in mind that in this case, a combined insulated roof will act as a building envelope. Accordingly, all design features and rules are equated to the requirements that are mandatory during the construction of the attic.

An example of an attic interior

Given that the attic floor has a significant impact on the appearance of the building as a whole, work out architectural solutions and determine the most optimal schemes load-bearing structures follows with great care.

In addition, it is necessary to provide reliable thermal protection, tightness, vapor and air permeability. Remember that the main difference between an attic and an attic is the arrangement of additional space suitable for habitation.

Here you can see how you can equip the attic floor and make it another very cozy living floor of your house with an original and beautiful design.

When building a house with an attic, the width of the structure must be made at least 4.8 meters, while the interior space roof structure should have a volume that is enough for the arrangement of residential premises.

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Projects of private houses up to 100 sq. m

An example of a simple attic floor plan

As a rule, the attic is located under a gable roof with a rafter angle of 60 degrees, as well as a sloping roof with two rafter slopes that are different from each other. In the event that the slope at the roof is 45 degrees, then use a simple truss system, as a result of which the ceilings in the attic are oblique.

If the projects of the roof of a house with an attic provide for a slope of 60 degrees, long boards and beams are used for the rafters.

Basic attic sandwich

The arrangement of the attic is cheaper than the construction of a full-fledged second floor due to the almost finished main space. The volume that is formed under the roof is used. In order for the attic to be transformed into an attic, only minor structural changes are needed and, most importantly, insulation.

Attic design scheme

Since the classic walls are mostly replaced by roof slopes, it is the roof that will have to be insulated. The success of the whole work will depend on the materials used and a well-composed sandwich.

The choice of roofing material

Roofing material is the topmost layer of the entire structure. He is responsible not only for the functionality, but also for the aesthetics of the entire building. In houses with an attic, the roof area is much larger than in houses with a full second floor, or a simple attic. You can choose:

  • metal tile;
  • shingles;
  • slate;
  • corrugated board.

This is the layer that will protect the house from rain, wind and snow. First of all, the choice depends on the personal preferences of the owners of the house, as well as material support.

However, you should not save much at this stage. For example, although corrugated board will be more economical, it may turn out to be too noisy during operation and being in the attic will become extremely uncomfortable.

Underlayment film and waterproofing

This is the second layer of the sandwich. It mounts directly below roofing material regardless of how the roof is covered.

Such films solve several problems at once:

  1. They protect the under-roof space from dust and soot coming from outside.
  2. They prevent the penetration of moisture formed as a result of precipitation - snow, rain.
  3. Protect the insulation layer from wetting and destruction.
  4. Prevent premature corrosion roofing due to condensation.
  5. Remove moisture from the heater.

Which material to choose for this layer depends on the type of roof and the type of insulation used.

Attic roof waterproofing scheme

Depending on the purpose, only one film can be used - a building membrane, in some cases it is required to stretch two different canvases at once.

For example, an anti-condensate film directly under the roof and waterproofing or a membrane above the insulation.

The design of the sandwich will also depend on the choice of roofing films. In most cases, the arrangement of two ventilation gaps is required, but a number of modern membranes - diffusion and superdiffusion allow you to abandon these requirements.

Rafters, lathing, counter lathing

Structural elements of the roof, due to which the roof is held. The amount of material required, the angles of inclination, the allowable pitch and the geometry of the entire structure are calculated individually, starting from the selected type of roof.

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Layout with attic floor - this is a combination of unique consumer properties of residential premises with a relatively low cost of construction. The useful area of ​​the attic floor increases the coefficient of development efficiency.

Attic floor plan and roof shape

Many pay attention to the fact that the attic floor has a non-standard shape, different from typical floors. The thing is that the roof slopes near the load-bearing walls (which they rely on) do not form a sufficient height for life. This space is fenced with partitions, it remains unused. The useful area is fenced with partitions on the sides and ceiling, directed towards them at an angle.

Layout with attic floor - gable roof

As a rule, residents of houses like to use the attic floor, if the slope angle is small, then it is advisable to use the room as a living room. This is true for gable roofs. Their use allows you to create rooms with sufficient height, which will create comfortable conditions for permanent residence.

Layout with an attic floor - a gable roof of a broken shape

If gable roof consists of two slopes with relatively small angles of inclination, then the gable roof of a broken shape represents the upper slopes with a small angle of inclination and the lower slopes with a steeper angle.

Layout with an attic - shed roof

In my opinion, the most unattractive. The shape of the roof is such that it implies a special layout of the house. The fact is that near the wall, near which the greatest height from the floor to the slope, there is no need to arrange a partition - it is needed on opposite side, where the height from the floor to the slope less than 1.5 meters, which is not enough to accommodate furniture and life. Thus, the difference between a shed roof is the possibility of building a partition on only one side. The disadvantage of using a house layout with an attic floor formed by one slope is that it must face north, and this, of course, affects the location of the house.

The layout of the house with an attic floor - photo

Below we will briefly take a look at the popular attic layouts. The first of them also has a garage, which many motorists consider a very important plus.

Nowadays more and more country houses are built according to the drawings, which provide for an attic. In order to competently complete the arrangement of the attic, it is necessary to foresee which rooms will be located in it.

Attic floor design and interior design project

It could be:

  • bedroom;
  • cabinet;
  • miniature hotel;
  • children's room;
  • gym.

For each such room, a specific project is drawn up, which is then embodied in the drawing. Some owners of country houses download such drawings from the Internet absolutely free. Moreover, these materials provide detailed information. Each such room country house must have powerful lighting. To supply fresh air, the project drawings provide for built-in ventilation. For natural light install large windows.

In principle, the area of ​​​​the attic floor can be very different. It all depends on the size of the house. However, one rule remains common: regardless of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe houses, the attic floor should not go beyond the base building.

Detailed scheme of the design of the attic

The layout of the attic floor can be very different. Each such room has its own design and configuration. You can make such a layout for free with the help of special planning programs. They will help you with all your requirements.

Reasons for building an attic

Such popularity attic projects in the construction of country houses due to a number of characteristic reasons.

The layout of the attic allows you to slightly increase the available living space, while seriously saving free space. When an attic floor is indicated on the drawing instead of an attic, this means that heat loss will be seriously reduced in a house made of timber. Typically, heat escapes through the roof, which is 10%. For getting free project attic space in a log house is enough to download from the Internet full set the required drawings.

Subject to the technological process of construction in the house of the attic floor, the cost of repairing the roof is much reduced.

mansard roof

Its layout has some differences. The fact is that mansard roof must withstand pressure from several directions. Humid heated air rises from below, turns into condensate and settles on the inner surface of the roof. Therefore, when an attic floor project is being made, it is necessary to take into account the basic requirements for such structures.

  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • waterproofing.

Since the attic floor has largest area contact with the outside world, he needs a roof that has the highest quality thermal insulation.

Detailed attic insulation scheme

You can read about the types of thermal insulation for free on Internet sites. On the pages of the Web, you can get acquainted with the varieties of heat-insulating material for a house made of timber.

IN last years the owners of private houses are trying to create an attic. Changes are taken into account in project documentation, appropriate adjustments are made to . If the house was bought old, with a regular attic, the new owners are rebuilding it. For such work, it is necessary to create drawings that show the arrangement of the attic.

What should be shown on the drawing

Of course, each alteration of the layout requires accurate reflection in the drawings. If the project has a detailed drawing, reflecting all the nuances, it becomes much easier to estimate the necessary construction costs. In order for the construction of the attic to be done correctly, you must first calculate the design of the rafters. How to make such a calculation, you can see for free in the reference literature presented on the pages of specialized sites.

Specially designed building codes prescribe specific dimensions of the beam, depending on two parameters:

  • step;
  • length.

Most suitable for a sloping roof with two slopes. For it, the required number of rafters is made from a bar, which are installed inside, relying on the load-bearing internal walls of the house. IN otherwise the roof may not be very reliable.

Drawing of a gable attic

For the attic, especially when the house is very old, the construction of a Mauerlat is required. It is made at the base of the roof, passing the entire perimeter of the house. Such a closed design will reduce the pressure on the walls. This is of great importance if hanging rafters are used. In this case, the rafters should form a kind of triangle, leaning at one end into the transverse beam, and at the other into the Mauerlat.

All changes in the project must be reflected in the drawing. The new rafter system should be clearly shown, the section of the rafter beam should be indicated.

A separate drawing shows the device of the ventilation system. An ordinary attic with insulation has ventilation that is not suitable for an attic floor. Attic ventilation should provide air circulation in such a way that the room is never stuffy, so that it is not blown by strong winds.

What should an attic layout look like?

The design of the roof dictates the future layout of the room.

Layout of a two-level attic

The usable floor area depends on the shape of the roof. For example, the side bevel of the roof will need to be separated by a partition. It is very difficult to move freely in such a space. Therefore, it has a slight advantage. Such an attic has only one sidewall, which will make it possible to increase the size of the usable area.

However, the height of the ceiling will limit the freedom of movement, you will need to bend down all the time. The slope facing north is considered ideal. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work out. An excellent option is considered a gable roof, which has a broken shape. It is distinguished by a lower, very steep slope. In such an attic, the area increases, its layout becomes much simpler.

On the attic floor, you can optionally equip a living room. Attics with a slight roof slope look much more comfortable. They are best suited for bedroom arrangement. On such an area you can arrange an office.

Interior and design of an attic office

The highest point of the attic ceiling must necessarily exceed 220 cm. This will allow anyone to move around in the room without tilting their heads. When arranging a bedroom, it is better to place a bed in the attic next to the slope. In this place, the height of the room should exceed 180 cm. With a sharp rise from the bed at such a height, hitting the head against the ceiling is excluded.

When planning the attic interior, it is necessary to take into account several important nuances in the project:

  • Heating;
  • Lighting;
  • Compact furniture.
  • Roof insulation

    Since the external environment constantly affects the roof, it requires a more careful approach.

    To prevent the ingress of warm air from the room directly into the insulation, a vapor barrier is required.

    Detailed scheme of roof insulation

    It is laid so as to obtain a continuous surface, without gaps. All joints are closed with adhesive tape.

    The best insulation for the attic are:

    • Mineral wool;
    • Extruded foam.

    The material is laid in layers, the joints are filled with mounting foam. Sometimes combined insulation is done. To do this, combine thermal insulation with vapor barrier. A waterproofing membrane is applied to the beam, which does not allow condensate to fall on the insulation. A small ventilation gap is left between the waterproofing and the roof.

    Subject to the technological requirements for insulation described above, the roof of the attic floor will be the most reliable. A small mistake can create an emergency.

    When choosing a roofing material, you need to adhere to only one principle: the roof should be light, but very durable.

    The nuances of the project of two-story houses with an attic

    The drawings indicate in detail the plan of the second floor, which indicates the size and. It must be very massive, since the presence of several floors will cause the staircase to be constantly used. To do this, it must have a large width and be gentle, and this requires additional space.

    Some features remain very important when planning attic space. Every project two-story house, which has an attic, requires an accurately performed calculation of the roof slopes. This will depend on the following indicators:

    • Room height;
    • Living space;
    • The location of the stairs;
    • Illumination.

    Project one-storey cottage with attic

    Most often, various things are stored in low places, small lockers are installed, pantries are arranged. Such niches interfere with the normal entrance to the stairs. In this regard, such a node is mounted near the ridge.


    It is very important that there is enough natural light in the attic. When does it take place shed roof, this question is solved quite simply. Large windows are mounted directly on the gables. If the roof has a broken look, there are several approaches:

    • Window systems are installed by direct cutting into the roof;
    • Pitched structures are made, where windows are fixed directly on the pediment.

    The negative side of this design can be called a complex truss system, since windows require the use of additional parts to increase the rigidity of the structure.

    An example of natural lighting in the attic

    On each drawing of a two-story house where an attic is operated, it is necessary to show the most important communications:

    • Water pipes;
    • Sewerage;
    • ventilation;
    • Electrical wiring.