For some people, one-room apartments are a springboard to further prosperity, while for others they remain the only home for the rest of their lives. Therefore, this segment of the housing market is in sufficient demand.

They are buying one-room apartments for adult children, for elderly parents, and young families are also buying such housing. They receive one-room apartments and those on a waiting list from municipal queues.

In addition, there are also plenty of offers for sale on the secondary housing market one-room apartments. This is due to the fact that their owners improve their living conditions by buying more spacious housing.

Factors influencing the cost of repairs

Accordingly, that financial issue— how much it costs to finish a one-room apartment in a new building and in the secondary sector is of great concern to potential buyers. Let's look at the features of renovating one-room apartments.

The first thing you need to understand is that the average cost of repairing one square meter in a one-room apartment will be higher than similar repairs in an apartment with two or three rooms. This happens because the density of utilities per square meter is greater here.

The most expensive materials and work are the lining of the kitchen and bathroom, and in a one-room apartment they occupy almost half of the entire area.

The average price of finishing an apartment depends on many factors:

  1. whether redevelopment will be carried out;
  2. will a design project be ordered;
  3. what type of building this apartment is located in;
  4. has a rough screed been made, what is the level difference in the apartment;
  5. walls have been built or are just planned;
  6. do the windows need to be replaced?
  7. whether the electrical wiring in the apartment has been completed or the cable has just been installed, whether it is necessary to add power lines and points or whether it is necessary to wire everything completely;
  8. whether plumbing has been installed, whether water and sewer pipes have been installed;
  9. what materials will be used for rough and finishing, what plumbing fixtures, electrical installations and special technical devices will be used.

It is difficult to answer the question of how much it costs to finish a one-room apartment on average. It is necessary to calculate an estimate in which you try to include all expected costs.

The main principle is zoning

Create a fashionable and cozy interior The principle of competent zoning of space will help. In fact, by removing unnecessary walls, we get a more spacious common space in which we place certain accents.

The area of ​​the room is divided into a private part and a common area. With this division, everyone will be comfortable. Zoning must be emphasized with different colors and finishing materials. For greater privacy, sliding partitions can be provided.

Furniture in each zone should be grouped in blocks. It will determine the purpose of zonal spaces. It is very important to maintain balance and harmony and not clutter the space with unnecessary interior items.

Any renovation starts with a blank sheet of paper. Draw your future home to scale, mark exactly where all communications are located. Write down the wishes of your household in the column.

Carefully consider examples of finishing a one-room apartment in renovation magazines and presented on the Internet. Pick up some housing ideas there.

Think about what work you can do yourself, and what work should be entrusted to specialists. In any case, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the instructions on the safety of work in construction.

To break or not to break

This question is difficult to answer. First of all, specialists should answer it. We can definitely say that main walls should not be broken. But it is also necessary to obtain permission to demolish partitions.

Nowadays, many one-room apartments in new buildings are rented as studio apartments, when partitions are provided only for the bathroom. This is an ideal option for settling young people. But older people are more accustomed to the standard division of an apartment into separate rooms.

Combining a toilet and a bathroom causes a lot of controversy. Modern tendencies mods recommend merging, but for many people this solution does not seem very convenient. The problem arises of one family member taking a bath at the same time and the others being unable to use the necessary amenities at this time.

If a person lives alone, then this problem will not arise. In any case, this issue must be resolved after careful consideration.

Wiring first

This question is very serious. And it should be approached with all responsibility.

The first step is to understand where the following will be located:

  1. sockets, groups of sockets;
  2. switches;
  3. sconces, lamps.

Advice. In a one-room apartment, zoning with light is very important. Don't forget to provide separate lamps, lighting and sconces for different areas.

  1. in the groove and pipes in the walls;
  2. in pipes in a screed;
  3. in cable ducts;
  4. in baseboards;
  5. combined.

Advice. It is very important to provide a sufficient number of sockets in kitchen space, where a large number of electrical household appliances are concentrated today. Each of them should have its own socket; it is advisable to provide a switch on groups of sockets.

Wet processes

Wet finishing processes are those works in which various construction liquid mixtures and solutions are used:

  1. laying partitions on mortar;
  2. floor screed;
  3. plastering walls;
  4. installation of tiles with glue;
  5. wall putty;
  6. decorative plaster walls.

The peculiarities of finishing work in a one-room apartment are that it is impossible to allocate a free room in which to store Decoration Materials, purchased in advance.

It is necessary to carry out as much as possible all processes that are associated with high humidity, and only after that import the following finishing materials that are afraid of moisture:

  1. laminate;
  2. parquet board;
  3. parquet;
  4. door frames with canvases;
  5. wallpaper;
  6. wooden plinths and platbands.

Advice. If you want to minimize the wet process when finishing a one-room apartment and reduce the time required for repairs, then you can use the technology for constructing partitions, leveling floors, walls and ceilings using plasterboard sheets.

Ideas for privacy

In a one-room apartment it is difficult to be alone, to be alone with your thoughts, to read a book in a quiet corner or to relax during the day. But it’s difficult if you don’t take care of it in advance.

There are several ideas for creating the right atmosphere:

  1. sliding partitions, they can be with niches and with bookshelves, often used to separate a working area or a sleeping area;
  2. screens and curtains that can be easily modified to suit specific needs.

Options for finishing a one-room apartment using sliding partitions made of various types materials are given ample opportunities decorating and dividing space.

Materials that can be used:

  1. ordinary glass, stained glass, mirror glass, with a printed pattern;
  2. bamboo;
  3. metal;
  4. tree;
  5. leather.


A one-room apartment can turn into a very cozy nest. You just need to try. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

One-room apartments are wildly popular today. The fact is that it is much easier to purchase a small apartment due to its relatively low cost. Of course, many people dream, if not of a luxurious mansion or penthouse, then at least of their own corner, which can be decorated based on their taste and design abilities. “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky” - this is the opinion of many people who purchase one-room apartments. But with a strong desire, even from it you can make a real “candy” that will appeal not only to you, but also to your family members and guests.

The most important feature of such an apartment is functionality. Often its space is a living room, a bedroom, and a dining room at the same time. Here they can do completely different things: read, watch TV, work, relax and sleep. Many factors should be taken into account to ensure that the apartment is as comfortable, cozy and stylish as possible.

Of course, the main task is to visually expand the space, since even the largest area of ​​one room is significantly inferior to, for example, a three-room apartment. If there is more than one person living in the house and there are children among them, then the task becomes much more complicated. After all, it is necessary to properly organize the space so that all family members can live fully here. If you understand that you cannot cope on your own, then seek help and advice from a designer. It is a professional in his field who will cope with the task, mainly due to the fact that he will carry out a thoughtful layout. Experienced designers have their own “little suitcase”, which contains practical ideas, the implementation of which will help make a one-room apartment as comfortable as possible. Let's look at some of them. So, very often a “dead” space forms near the front door, which can and even should be used. It is most rational to place a wardrobe or storage room there. This way you will save significant space in your living space, from which you can remove, for example, a closet and some bedside tables with things. It is advisable to give preference to options for cabinets with mirrors. The fact is that the area of ​​the premises can be expanded with the help of mirrors, visually, of course. The next step to optimizing space is the most radical method, which involves demolishing the wall separating the room and the kitchen. In its place, you can install a dining table, and you can choose an option that is quite immodest in size.

The process of decorating your interior should begin with a “hanger”, namely, with the right choice color range. In fact, color plays no less a role than furniture and accessories. Colors not only have their own characteristics in terms of psychological influence, but can also be extremely functional. In order to visually expand the interior, it is necessary to use light, soft and unobtrusive colors. Of course, it all depends on your taste, but the best colors to choose are green, cream and sand. Curtains should be matched exactly to the walls.

The issue of furniture arrangement in the apartment deserves special attention. Too bulky massive furniture can occupy the entire space and create inconvenience for the owners. While a castle with a “throne” and a huge four-poster bed are only in your dreams, you can limit yourself to built-in or easily transformable furniture. It will save space and your room will not look crowded and cluttered. Here are some examples: You can store bedding inside the sofa. A good option- This is a bed built into a closet.

The apartment should contain furniture that you really need. You shouldn't drag everything into the house that doesn't fit well. A rocking chair or floor lamp will fit quite well, say, into country house interior. If you work a lot, rarely eat at home and prefer to visit people rather than invite someone to your dinner party, then you can buy a small, even very modest in size, table that will take up very little space. By the way, it can be foldable. If you are accustomed to the fact that you can work with a computer exclusively on your favorite sofa, then it is not at all necessary to purchase a computer desk for yourself, and papers, by the way, can be stored in shelves and whatnots.

You should also not buy super bulky pieces of furniture, like a closet, which, although it will fit a good half of your things, will also take up half of your modest space.

Pay attention not only to the color of the walls, but also to the furniture. However, the wish remains the same: light colors are ideal for a “one-room apartment”. It is advisable to combine White color with some other soft color, like blue or beige. Then a depressing hospital atmosphere will not reign in your apartment.

Bright or dark colors enter through accents. But under no circumstances make them the background, because then your room will become completely tiny. If a dark background is a fix idea for you, then you can, of course, put it into practice. True, you will definitely need to purchase white pieces of furniture. This combination is not just a classic, but also a good move to expand the space.

Don’t forget about lighting, which should be not just a lot, but a lot. After all, even despite its modest size, your apartment should look warm and cozy. It is advisable not to limit yourself to one lamp, but to purchase several lamps that will need to be placed in different functional areas, into which a one-room apartment is divided.

Of course, you can easily compensate for the lack of certain furniture with an abundance of accessories. However, in this matter you also need to know when to stop and use them with taste. IN otherwise they will make the interior a little careless and cluttered. Limit yourself to a beautiful landscape or still life on the wall and a couple of green plants in stylish pots that never hurt. If you have large windowsills, then place the plants there. If not, then you can place them on any free surface in the room.

When working on the interior of a one-room apartment, you should strive to ensure that it is not only functional, but also stylish, cozy and beautiful.

Now one-room apartments are in great demand. They prefer to buy a small-sized living space because of its low price. Ideas in 30 sq. m will help make it as cozy and comfortable as possible. The main thing is to follow all existing rules and understand certain nuances. It is impossible to make a penthouse out of a small one-room apartment, but it is possible to turn it into a wonderful place for solitude with your thoughts. All worthwhile options will appeal not only to relatives and friends, but also to ordinary guests.

Main tasks

What you need to pay attention to is functionality. The fact is that in a one-room apartment the main room is a dining room, a living room, and a bedroom. You can read books, eat, watch TV, sleep, work, and relax in it. There are hundreds of interesting tips that will make your room cozy, attractive and comfortable.

The main task of decorating a room is to expand the space, because even the largest room will be inferior in size and functionality to larger apartments. If children live in the room with adults, then making the room convenient and comfortable will become a rather difficult process. It is necessary to sketch out a rough plan, correctly distributing where whose place is. If it becomes clear that it is difficult to do this yourself, then you can turn to professionals for help. The designer will easily select the desired layout and tell you how to make what you want into reality. Each specialist has a special “suitcase”. It is there that he can find the right material and option that will make the room comfortable and “light.” Quite often the space behind the front door is not used in any way. Although in that place you can place a wardrobe or storage room. This will make it easy to save space. The area of ​​the apartment can be visually increased with the help of mirrors.

A fairly popular option is to demolish the wall, which is located between the room and the kitchen. In its place, as a rule, a dining table is installed. It can be chosen to be quite large in this case.

Design design

Where should you start designing a one-room apartment? Of course, the first thing you need to decide on is the color scheme. She plays one of important roles like accessories and furniture. Thanks to the right shades, you can improve your state of mind. Moreover, many ideas for dividing a one-room apartment are based specifically on color zoning. If you need to visually expand the room, then you should use light colors, for example green, beige, yellow. Curtains or curtains should be selected according to the color scheme.

Furniture arrangement

Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of furniture. It should be small in size so as not to occupy the entire space and not “weight” it. It is better to give preference to built-in and transformable furniture. An excellent example is a sofa model in which you can store laundry. A good solution is to use it in a closet.

It is worth noting that only those models that will definitely be used should be installed in the room. Ideas come down to only one thing: the correct selection of interior items. The floor lamp and armchair will fit perfectly into the design. If the owner prefers to eat in a cafe or at a party, then he can purchase a small folding table. And if a person likes to work on a computer or laptop on a bed or sofa, then he needs to give up a special table.

You should not use a closet that will fit all your existing things if it takes up half the room. It is better to prefer less capacious, but also not so large models.

Color spectrum

You should pay attention to the color of the walls and furniture. They should be as compatible as possible. In principle, all the advice of designers comes down to only one thing: you should prefer white tones. They can be combined with beige, blue, soft yellow. Bright or dark colors are best left for accents. They should not be made dominant. This will not only depress the condition of the residents, but will also visually reduce the room to a tiny size. This solution should only be used if the apartment owner is obsessed with such designs. Then you need to pay attention to the colors. This combination will not only expand the room, but will also attract the attention of guests. This decision is classic.


Design ideas for a one-room apartment of 40 square meters. m often touch on the subtleties of lighting. It is necessary to provide a huge number of lamps and fixtures. Even if the room is small, it should be as comfortable as possible and give warmth. It is best to place several lamps in each zone. This will create separation and create the effect of a wider space.


If there is little furniture in the room and a person does not need more of it, then you need to pay attention to accessories. However, they also need to be used in moderation and with taste. Otherwise, the interior will look terrible. You can choose plants in special pots, small paintings that will decorate the wall. If the window sills are wide, then you need to place flowers on them, otherwise put them on a cabinet or any other free surface.

You need to remember: the interior of a one-room apartment should be stylish, multifunctional and cozy.

Multifunctional furniture

When considering ideas for a one-room apartment (photos of options are presented in the article), do not forget about multifunctional items. For such a space, furniture that can solve several problems at once is ideal. Most simple example can be called a wardrobe. It will also fit into small spaces with ease.

Dream behind the curtain

You can easily separate a sleeping area from another using standard curtains. This solution will save the maximum amount of space.

Cozy kitchen

Studying interesting ideas for a one-room apartment, the photos of which are striking in beauty, do not forget about the main place in the room.

A kitchen, even one that is not very large, can be an excellent place for entertaining guests. It can also be called a mini-living room. A fake fireplace will improve the surrounding atmosphere.

Second tier

The ceiling and walls, as a rule, are practically not involved when creating an interior. You can use thin beams, which can easily make the design beautiful and unique. Highly hung shelves will look good.

Maximum air

Ideas for a small one-room apartment (photo below) demonstrate the maximum rational use space. When there is practically no space in the room, you need to learn how to store your things economically and compactly. More than less furniture available, the better it will be. Thanks to this solution, you can make the room bright and interesting.

More glass

The rest area can be separated from the work area using glass partitions. This solution will allow you to visually enlarge the room by 100% and make it more comfortable.

Wardrobe instead of a wall

Another one good idea for a one-room apartment - use a closet to divide the space into two parts. This option was often found in times Soviet Union. At the moment, this solution is quite popular and no less convenient. In order to achieve stylish and interesting looking, you should give preference to light-colored furniture. Mirror inserts won't hurt either.

Spacious partitions

Ideas for partitions in a one-room apartment will allow you to rationally use all available space. How? Partitions can be used as They can easily perform any work function, the main thing is to determine it in advance.

Feature in lighting

If you use several lamps that can create a multi-level type of lighting, you can make your room more cozy and comfortable. The devices must be interesting shape, then the overall interior will become as unique as possible.

Window to the kitchen

If the wall between the room and the kitchen is not load-bearing, then you can convert it into a large bar counter or a place for eating. All you have to do is cut a hole. This element is quite unusual; it can make the interior unique.

Color spots

Idea for a one-room apartment related to color design, will help make the room much nicer and more interesting. By the way, often in such small spaces many people prefer to use only light shades, without using others at all. Most professionals advise adding bright accents that will look great against the basic background. This combination will become harmonious and beautiful.

The luxury of complex textures

You should avoid finishing with materials that have a complex texture. If you want to use brick or some other option, then you shouldn’t deny yourself, but you don’t need to get carried away either. The main thing is to remember that this type of decoration only narrows the room.

Arches instead of doors

This is an idea for a one-room apartment that will save space in the room. The door leaf does not make it possible to use the maximum square meters at the entrance. That is why a rectangular arch should be used instead. Moreover, this solution looks interesting and modern.

Drops of luxury

Don't add a lot of luxury items to rooms that don't have enough square meters. Unfortunately, old paintings and other exclusive interior items in large quantities will look ugly. No more than 2-3 different options will fit into the interior.

Trying to fill a small apartment with luxury items to make it seem more prestigious is a bad idea. An abundance of antique or exclusive items in a limited space looks ridiculous. But a few luxurious things in a neutral interior will look harmonious.

Creation of a studio

Another good idea for a one-room apartment is to combine the room with the kitchen. When choosing this option, you need to understand that you will have to take care of having an excellent hood. It will help get rid of unpleasant odors that are inevitable when cooking.