Bronchial asthma is a common and unpleasant disease. It is almost impossible to get rid of it forever. It is possible to achieve long-term remission when symptoms and allergic reactions are stopped or do not occur at all. The use of inhalers for bronchial asthma is a mandatory part of treatment procedures.

Classification of inhalers

  • Nebulizers;
  • Aerosol;
  • Powder;
  • Hormonal.

When choosing a model, it is necessary to take into account the age of the user, his physical abilities and general ease of use.

A type of inhaler equipped with a characteristic chamber, which gives the family of devices its name. Derived from English word, indicating dosing. Suitable for young children and older people who have difficulty controlling their breathing. The design of the chamber allows you not to monitor the mode of inhalation and exhalation.

The effect is ensured by a system of special valves that dose the medicinal substance and prevent uncontrolled administration due to improper handling. The medicine is delivered only through the process of inhalation. The technique not only facilitates therapy for asthma sufferers, but also promotes savings and correct dosage. The disadvantage of the design is the size of the chamber, which removes this type of inhaler from the portable category.

Attention: small children, elderly and people with disabilities a device is selected that does not require special efforts on the part of the patient. Preference is given to nebulizers and spacers.


A type of inhaler that delivers the active agent in the form of small particles. The resulting cloud, thanks to the special droplet sizes, penetrates deeper into the respiratory tract. Modern models There are two main types - compressor and MESH systems.

The former are cheaper and, as a result, are more widely used in families and medical institutions. The mixture is pumped using a built-in compressor that supplies air flow through a mask or mouthpiece. The device makes noticeable noise and is large in size.

The latter, which replaced less advanced ultrasonic inhalers, are more expensive, but superior in the following parameters:

  • Do not make annoying noise;
  • Suitable for almost any solution;
  • Characterized by smaller sizes;
  • Separate active drugs into smaller fractions, increasing the effectiveness of the impact.

In older ultrasound models, not all medicinal serums and mixtures for asthma were allowed to be used. MESH systems do not have this drawback.

They are a canister containing a certain dose of medication in the form of a liquid. The medicinal mixture is contained inside under pressure. The principle of operation resembles the usual home spray, aerosol. When you press the button, a certain amount of product is sprayed. Inhalers of this design belong to the least expensive category.

Please note: the device is in constant use and requires regular replacement.

The disadvantage of the design is that you need to control your breathing and pressing the valve. Patients suffering from poor coordination of movements and insufficiently dexterous fingers may find it difficult to press the button correctly. It is also necessary to synchronize the delivery of the drug flow with the inhalation. Difficulties can arise with young children who do not have good control over their actions.

Ingestion of the spray while exhaling or during a pause in breathing threatens to cause the compound to settle in the throat, on the walls of the larynx. Such an error can cause complications due to improper distribution of the drug intended for the bronchi. If the solution gets into the wrong area, it can cause allergies.


They got their name based on the state of the active substance. Fine powder enters the body through the respiratory tract without the need for control or monitoring of the breathing phases. The operating principle allows us to solve the problem of desynchronization of inhalation and medication intake, which is typical for aerosol inhalers. The device has a small, portable size. The most convenient and easy to use, does not require special skills.

The disadvantage of powder inhalers is the high cost of the product. But the comfort and lack of complications in everyday use compensate for the price. A device is produced that resembles a regular powder compact. Compactness and convenient design are combined with a functional indicator showing powder consumption.

The model range is known by names that include the word “haler”. Translated from English it means breathing. May have other names - multidisc, novolizer. Depends on the company’s patented mechanism for supplying and distributing the medicine.


There is a fear of harmful side effects hormone-based drugs. When treating asthma with an inhaler, most of the risks of this type of medication can be avoided. The technology involves direct entry into the bronchi without penetration into other areas of the body and negative effects on them. Positive effect characteristic not only of hormones, but also of general use inhalations.

Interesting: combination inhalers are called combination inhalers, the medicine in which contains a hormone and a substance that dilates the bronchi. The combination of different parts helps to increase the effectiveness of therapy, reducing negative side effects.

This type of asthma treatment is the most powerful and is used for better results. Fights inflammatory processes in the lungs, reduces frequency and makes it easier to endure periods of exacerbation of the disease. In the field of pulmonology, hormonal inhalers are recognized as the most effective for long-term therapy. Ability to work in small doses without getting into circulatory system allows you to reduce undesirable consequences for the entire human body to a minimum.

Inhalers that relieve acute attacks

In addition to the device for continuous therapy, asthma sufferers have a second inhaler. Based on the nature of the active anti-asthmatic substances, there are three types:

  • Sympathomimetics;
  • M-cholinergic receptor blockers;
  • Methylxanthines.

To prevent the sudden onset of asthma symptoms that threaten suffocation and respiratory arrest, a pocket-sized device is needed. Patients are forced to carry a portable device with them at all times.


They act on special bronchial receptors, stimulating them and expanding the lumens. Also called “adrenergic agonists”. Unlike adrenaline, which acts on receptors directly, they work indirectly. They affect smooth muscles, relieving spasms and relaxing the muscles of the bronchi, increasing patency. They have a brief effect on inflammatory cells, suppressing secretion.

M-cholinergic receptor blockers

Works on a biochemical level. Localized effect on cells. Obliged by the name to reduce the effects of acetylcholine. They reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, leading to their relaxation. Reduce the secretion of endocrine bronchial glands.


Like the two previous varieties, it quickly relieves the threatening symptoms of an asthmatic attack. Stops the combination of proteins that promote contraction. Forcing the muscles that are tense in the bronchi and obstructing the normal breathing process to relax.

It is important to understand: products based on these substances are suitable for stopping an attack, but do not have a long-term effect on the inflamed area. For long-term therapy, other drugs are used.

Contraindications for the procedure

Contraindications may relate to certain drugs and the method of their delivery to the affected area of ​​the body.

It is necessary to stop the procedures and adjust the course of therapy if the following problems are present:

  • Individual intolerance to certain substances that make up medicine;
  • Bleeding in the lungs, presence of blood in saliva, spitting, coughing;
  • Increased body temperature to 38 degrees or higher;
  • Presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • High-risk hypertension;
  • Recovery after a heart attack, stroke;
  • Pneumothorax, emphysema;
  • Blood clotting disorders.

If any complications occur, it is necessary to pause the therapy process and consult your doctor.

Rules for choosing an inhaler

The correct course of treatment, medications used, and their dosages are prescribed only by a doctor or an observing specialist. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-diagnosis or self-medication. After prescribing therapeutic procedures, the patient is left with the choice of inhaler model within the prescribed medications.

When considering options, you should proceed from the ratio of cost and convenience of the product. Take into account individual characteristics - age, attentiveness, ability to operate the mechanism without effort. Inhalers with a built-in timer that automatically control the duration of the procedure can facilitate the process. For young children, there are inhalers that look like toys to make treatment procedures more comfortable.

Features of using a pocket inhaler

Before starting use, you must read the included operating instructions. Consult with the pharmacist who sold the product on how to use the inhaler for asthma. Scroll general rules is:

  • Always have the device with you so that an attack does not occur unexpectedly;
  • If present, remove any remaining food, crumbs, rinse your mouth;
  • Hold it in your hands, trying not to drop it;
  • If the drug or design requires it, carry out preparatory actions - removing the lid, shaking;
  • Insert the mouthpiece into the mouth, while inhaling, press the medicine injection button with your thumb;
  • If possible, hold your breath for a few seconds;
  • If necessary, repeat the procedure after a couple of minutes;
  • At the end of the manipulations, close the lid and return the inhaler to its place.

Keep the device close to you, in a quickly accessible place.

Advice: You should practice strictly following the procedures in advance.

Controlling an attack without an inhaler

If a situation arises where an inhaler for asthma attacks is not available, you need to know what to do. Act clearly and remain calm. Try not to worry. Take a comfortable position - sit down, lie on your stomach, relax. Remove objects that are restricting the breathing process. If you know a possible object that provokes an allergy, move away from it or remove the source itself. Provide the asthmatic with access to fresh air, open the windows indoors, and do not crowd around outside, entrusting help to a specialist or a small number of people. Call for help immediately and consult a doctor.


Asthma is practically incurable, but it does not have to become a death sentence, preventing a normal, fulfilling life. Modern techniques and medications make it possible to stop threatening attacks and alleviate symptoms. When choosing an inhaler, individual characteristics and contraindications are taken into account. You should choose one that is convenient for everyday use. You also need to take into account the cost of periodically replacing the device itself and its components, if necessary. It is recommended to consult with your doctor, who has comprehensive information about the patient’s characteristics and will help you choose the best option.

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Drugs for bronchial asthma are the main method of relieving the symptoms of the disease in adults and children, allowing to maximize the time of remission. Without their use, the disease will progress and worsen.

Today, to relieve attacks, all kinds of medications for bronchial asthma have been developed, but only a doctor can prescribe them. Since it is important to understand all groups and understand which drugs for treatment will be best choice for a specific patient. Let's look at the main groups of drugs and their features.

Basic approaches to asthma treatment

There are several principles that guide the treatment of asthma:

  1. timely prevention of disease;
  2. taking symptomatic medications to quickly eliminate the manifestations of the disease;
  3. drugs for bronchial asthma to normalize breathing;
  4. means for emergency relief of an asthmatic attack;
  5. choosing drugs that, with minimal use, give a stable effect and have virtually no side effects.

Only a doctor can determine a multi-drug regimen. Complex therapy involves the use of drugs from different groups, so it is important that the selection of specific drugs for bronchial asthma is carried out by a specialist, because many groups are often incompatible with each other.

There are 4 stages of bronchial asthma, each of which has its own approaches to treatment. The following classification is accepted:

  • Stage I is the mildest stage of the disease, which does not even require long-term treatment. The patient uses only short-term medications (for example, an aerosol or spray for bronchial asthma) to relieve rare attacks.
  • Stage II - basic therapy involves the use of hormonal inhalation agents. If they are contraindicated or ineffective, theophyllines and cromones are prescribed.
  • Stage III - it is characterized by the use of combinations of bronchodilators and hormonal agents.
  • Stage IV is the most severe stage of bronchial asthma. With it, you need to take not only inhaled forms of hormones and bronchodilators, but also tableted hormonal drugs.

Basic therapy

Basic drugs mean those anti-asthmatic drugs that the patient needs to take every day for a long time. They not only stop possible attacks, but also alleviate the overall picture of the disease and suppress the development of asthma.

Basic medications relieve inflammation in the bronchi, fight swelling, and reduce allergic symptoms. This group of drugs includes glucocorticoids, antihistamines, antileukotriene drugs, bronchodilators, cromones.

Let's take a closer look at these anti-asthma drugs.

Hormonal agents

Basic hormonal drugs include the following:

  • Klenil;
  • Sintaris;
  • Symbicort;
  • Flixotide;
  • Budenofalk;
  • Salmecort;
  • Seretide;
  • Symbicort Turbuhaler;
  • Aldecin et al.

Non-hormonal agents

The lion's share of basic drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma are non-hormonal drugs, such as:

  • Ventolin;
  • Salbutamol;
  • Foradil;
  • Montelast;
  • Single.


These drugs are made on the basis of cromonic acid. A wide range of drugs includes the following medications:

  • Cromohexal;
  • Ketotifen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Sodium cromoglycate;
  • Undercut;
  • Cromolyn;
  • Intal;
  • Tailed.

Cromonic acid and its analogues block the inflammatory process, which helps stop the development of asthma. The drugs inhibit the formation of pro-inflammatory mast cells and normalize the size of the bronchi.

It should be remembered that cromones are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age and are not used for emergency treatment of asthma, as their effect manifests itself over time. During an attack of bronchial asthma, other means are used - an aerosol with hormonal substances, antihistamines.

Antileukotriene drugs

These drugs fight inflammation and relieve bronchospasm. Group representatives:

  • Zafirlukast;
  • Montelukast;
  • Formoterol;
  • Salmeterol.

Any drug in this group is used as an addition to the main therapy. Medicines can also be used for children.

Systemic glucocorticosteroids

This is the most severe group of drugs that are prescribed in especially severe cases when basic therapy does not help. The principle of operation of glucocorticoids is to block inflammatory processes in the bronchi and prevent the development of an attack.

Hormones have the best healing effect. But, despite the good results after taking them, the drugs have many side effects. Therefore, it is more effective to take them only as a last resort, when other pills no longer work.

Hormones can be used as inhaled and systemic agents. Systemic drugs include Prednisolone and Dexamethasone tablets.

Glucocorticosteroids are contraindicated for long-term use in children, as they can cause steroid-induced diabetes, cataracts, hypertension, stomach ulcers and other pathologies.

Beta-2 adrenergic agonists

These drugs are used to relieve asthma attacks, as well as in basic treatment. The group list is as follows:

  • Salamol Eco Easy Breathing;
  • Berotek N;
  • Relvar Ellipta;
  • Foradil Combi;
  • Forathyl;
  • Dopamine;
  • Fenoterol.

They cause dilation of the bronchi, which relieves an asthma attack. They are part of multiple complex therapy options.

Inhalation agents

Inhalation is one of the best approaches for treating asthma. Medicines through a can or inhaler quickly enter directly into the respiratory system. Thus, with the help of inhalers, an asthma attack is stopped. But basic treatment is also possible in this way. The following drugs are used:

  • Alvesco;
  • Salamol;
  • Atrovent;
  • Flixotide;
  • Becotide;
  • Alvesco;
  • Flixotide et al.

Inhalations are used to treat children with asthma, whose age may be less than 3 years. This remedy for the treatment of asthma is considered the safest. Patients are advised to always carry an asthma inhaler or an appropriate aerosol with them to stop a possible attack. In addition, inhalations are used for bronchitis and throat diseases, so it is recommended for a child to have them - this is the best preventative way to prevent many diseases.

Evaluation of treatment effectiveness

You should not expect a complete cure for asthma from basic therapy. She has other tasks:

  1. an attempt to avoid increased frequency of attacks;
  2. reducing the need for ultra-short drugs;
  3. improved breathing.

Basic drugs must be used throughout life and their dose must be periodically adjusted. In this case, all adjustments are made by the doctor. He evaluates how much the attacks have decreased, how often the patient has to use short-acting medications, how severe the side effects are, etc.

Drugs that relieve asthma attacks

Even when taking basic medications, an attack of suffocation may sometimes begin. It needs to be treated with drugs from the groups listed below.


Short-acting sympathomimetics include the following:

  • Salbutamol;
  • Isoprenaline;
  • Orciprenaline;
  • Pirbuterol, etc.

The action of the drugs is to immediately dilate the bronchi. You should always have the medicine with you and take it to provide first aid at the onset of an attack.

M-cholinergic receptor blockers

Most often used:

  • Becarbon;
  • Ipratropium;
  • Bellasthesin;
  • Atrovent et al.


Bronchial asthma most often has symptoms similar to an immediate allergic reaction, so it is recommended to take Desoratadine, Levocetirizine, Fexofenadine and other antihistamines in parallel.

Bronchial asthma is considered an incurable pathology. This means that an asthmatic will have to take medications for life, otherwise the respiratory function will be severely depressed, and suffocation will lead to death. It is necessary to constantly see a doctor and not miss medical examinations - then the picture of the disease will improve.

  1. Always carry a supply of medications with you in case of an attack.
  2. Replenish your homemade asthma medications in a timely manner, as they may not be available at the pharmacy at the right time.
  3. Know your treatment regimen, what medications you are taking, and do not miss appointment times. The more accurately you follow the regimen developed by your doctor, the fewer asthma attacks you will have.
  4. Check the names of the medications you are planning to take, as well as their dosage.
  5. Follow the principles of drug storage.
  6. If you are planning to change your treatment regimen, your doctor should know about it. The same applies to the use of various folk techniques and procedures.
  7. Tell your doctor if you are taking other medications. They may affect the effectiveness of asthma medications when taken together.
  8. Remember that all medications have side effects. If present, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Remember that preventive measures and basic therapy play a much more important role important role than means for relieving an attack of bronchial asthma. Therefore, follow all the doctor’s recommendations and this will help you get a long-term remission.

Inhalers used for asthma help control the course of the disease, protecting the patient from. With their help, the drug is delivered directly to the target organ.

The role of inhalers

After numerous studies, doctors came to the conclusion that most patients make mistakes during inhalations. Therefore, the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment decreases. To solve the problem, scientists invented inhalers. They are designed to activate the patient's breaths.

The inhaler is presented in the form of a special device with which it inhales remedy into the respiratory system for the purpose of carrying out or therapeutic action in bronchial asthma.

The operating principle of such devices is as follows:

  • ensuring the accumulation of small particles that enter the patient’s respiratory system;
  • transmission of vibrations to the cap using a conductor (gel or moisture entering during use);
  • under the influence of vibrations, particles of the medicinal solution are pushed out.

Inhalers – medical and prophylactic devices, allowing you to inhale air with different healing components. Using the device, a preliminary transformation of the prepared drug solution is carried out in a cluster of small particles.

Device classification

Based on the purpose of therapy, devices are classified into the following types:

  1. Steam– work on the basis of evaporation of a solution with medicine.
  2. Ultrasonic– crush the drug into aerosols, which is effective in the treatment of asthma.
  3. Compressor– used for any medications.
  4. Innovative devices– allow you to use a wide range of tools.

The following devices are used for inhalation:

  • powder;
  • spacers;
  • liquid;
  • nebulizers.

Powder inhalers

The first group includes devices that ensure the introduction of the required dosage of dry powder into the body. The advantages of such inhalers include efficiency. But their cost is very high.

Powder inhalers review:

  • single dose DPI– the capsule with the powder is located inside the device. After opening the capsule, the powder is inhaled. The used capsule is discarded and a new capsule is inserted into the device for later use. Albuterol is inhaled using a single-dose device;
  • multi-dose DPI– ensures dosed delivery of powder, which is previously located in a special tank. The device delivers free drug particles and drugs containing lactose as an excipient.

Aerosol inhalers

Spacers are metal or plastic chambers that are attached to the inhaler. They perform the functions of the valve: delivering the drug to the lungs during inhalation. If the patient exhales air, the valve closes.

Spacers simplify the inhalation process, the penetration of medications deep into the lungs is ensured. The disadvantage of such inhalers is their large dimensions.

Spacers overview:

  • Optichamber Diamond– an inhaler equipped with an inhalation valve that prevents the loss of the drug during exhalation. The spacer has an audible signal to monitor optimal speed inhalation of the drug. In the place where the valve is installed, the inhaler can be easily disassembled. This is convenient for cleaning the device. The kit includes a small mask for children from the first years of life to one and a half years;
  • Diamond with valve chamber– due to the convenient design of the device, it is easier to carry out therapy for children. The medicine used is good.

Metered liquid devices are responsible for releasing a certain volume of aerosol into the body. The advantages of the devices include:

  • easy to use;
  • reliable design;
  • reasonable price.

But with the help of the inhalers under consideration, the aerosol enters the lungs if there is synchrony between the release of the medication and inhalation. If the patient is a child, education is provided before use. The aerosol is heavier than the powder, so it settles in the mouth and is swallowed.

Overview of liquid devices:

  • Salbutamol– due to stimulation of B2 receptors of blood vessels, the muscles of the bronchi relax, which has a positive effect on the condition of an asthmatic. The effect of the drug is observed 4-5 minutes after using the inhaler. Its maximum concentration occurs at 30 minutes of therapy. The drug is excreted by the kidneys.
  • Fenoterol– has a selective effect on b2 receptors of the bronchi. Taking it increases the performance of the cilia of the epithelium of the bronchoalveolar tree. The medicine begins to act 6 minutes after application, and its maximum concentration is observed after 80 minutes.

Nebulizers are stationary inhalers designed for inhalation at home or in a hospital. With their help, the drug is sprayed into the smallest fractions, due to which the maximum effect of treatment is achieved.

A separate group includes portable nebulizers that operate on batteries. Due to their high price, they are rarely used.

Nebulizer review:

  • UN-233 AND– a lightweight, compact, portable device that runs on batteries. Aerosol particle size - 5 microns;
  • OMRON Micro AIR U22– a portable device designed to clean and disinfect the bronchi. The size of aerosol particles is 4.9 microns.

List of inhaler names

Inhalers for the treatment of bronchial asthma are prescribed taking into account the composition of the aerosol. The most effective treatment devices include:

  • glucocorticosteroids– protect against narrowing, affecting only the bronchial tree. This does not affect other organs and systems of the body;
  • adrenomimetics– affect only. Such drugs are classified as bronchodilators. With their help, signs of suffocation are instantly eliminated;
  • m-anticholinergics– eliminate bronchospasm.

Hormone inhalers

A separate group includes hormonal inhalers. They are designed to relieve an attack using broad-spectrum glucocorticosteroids. Under the influence of adrenaline, inhalers quickly eliminate inflammation in the body, removing swelling from the mucous membranes.

Steroid inhalations are carried out after therapy with oral medications. Hormonal agents act on the respiratory system without penetrating into the bloodstream. During use, the metabolic process is maintained. Effective hormonal inhalers include:

  • Flixotide– is carried out by systemic absorption through the respiratory system. At first this process proceeds quickly, then it takes a long time. The remaining dosage of the medicine in the mouth can be swallowed. Used for exacerbation of asthma.
  • Beklomet– included in bronchial asthma. Inflammation decreases as the level of chemotaxis decreases. After using Beclomet, the number of active beta-adrenergic receptors increases and the frequency of use of bronchodilators decreases.

Names of inhalers to relieve an asthma attack

The following devices are most often used for asthma:

  1. Symbicort.
  2. Salbutamol.
  3. Budesonide.

Symbicort is a dry powder inhaler that is used to relieve an asthma attack. Its advantages include:

  • presence of Braille code on the dispenser;
  • presence of dosage indicator;
  • device rotation;
  • Can be used by children over 6 years old.

Symbicort Turbuhaler– a combination drug used for maintenance therapy for asthma. The device is not used for the initial treatment of asthma, during episodic and persistent course of the disease.

The Salbutamol inhaler promotes the dilation of the bronchi, selectively influences b2-adrenergic receptors of the bronchial muscles. Against the background of this effect, bronchospasm is relieved. Other advantages of the device include the provision of a rapid bronchodilator effect, which lasts for 6 hours.

With the help of Salbutamol you can prevent bronchospasm during various diseases lungs, including asthma. For this the inhaler is used before possible contact with the allergen either before physical activity in order to prevent an attack. The disadvantages of Salbutamol include a high likelihood of developing severe hypokalemia, collapse, tremor, and convulsions.

The Budesonide inhaler is used topically, providing antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. With its help, the process of release of arachidic acid is slowed down, under the influence of which the synthesis of metabolic products is inhibited.

With the help of Budesonide, the accumulation of neutrophils is prevented, inflammatory exudation is reduced, and the severity of granulation is reduced. Other advantages of the device include:

  • an increase in the number of “active” beta-adrenergic receptors;
  • restoration of the patient's response to bronchodilators;
  • reducing the frequency of attacks and swelling of the bronchial mucosa;
  • providing a fungicidal effect.

Budesonide is well tolerated by patients during long-term therapy. He has no ISS activity. But It will take a week to produce a therapeutic effect. The Budesonite inhaler prevents an asthma attack without reducing acute bronchospasm. During treatment, the patient may complain of dryness in the oral cavity And . Nausea and migraines are rare.

How to use the inhaler?

There are certain rules for using an inhaler:

  • mouth rinse;
  • opening the can using your index finger. Wherein thumb placed under the bottom of the device;
  • removing the cover;
  • shaking the can;
  • exhalation;
  • the mouthpiece is wrapped around the lips;
  • entrance with simultaneous pressing of the spray can up;
  • removing the apparatus from the mouth.

After manipulation You can’t breathe for 5-10 seconds. The patient then exhales and the canister is closed. Effects of inhalers used to relieve an asthma attack:

  • anti-inflammatory - devices with such an effect eliminate the cause of the disease;
  • bronchodilator - devices relieve acute suffocation.

If allergies are accompanied by suffocation, several types of bronchodilators are used to alleviate the patient’s condition:

  • sympathomimetics (Levalbuterol)– act as a stimulating function;
  • MX blockers (Atrovent)– relax the bronchi;
  • Methylxanthines (Aminophylline)– block specific enzymes, relaxing the muscles of the bronchi.

Since it is impossible to replace the medicine in the inhaler, the device must be purchased after consultation with a doctor. Bronchial asthma is a serious disease that can be triggered by various allergens and stress.

Modern medicine has come a long way in the treatment of asthma. Medical supplies provide positive effect, allowing you to control the attack and the disease itself. The effect of such drugs begins the moment they enter the respiratory tract, that is, immediately after using the inhaler.

With bronchial asthma, it is necessary to clean the lungs, and inhalers, especially ultrasonic devices, have proven themselves better than other means. They quickly clean the bronchial tree.

Using a nebulizer for bronchial asthma has the following advantages:

  • It helps to quickly eliminate the onset of an attack, as it delivers the drug directly to the bronchi.
  • Regular use allows you to completely get rid of dangerous symptoms.
  • The device is easy to use for both adults and children.
  • A nebulizer, unlike an inhaler, can be used even to treat infants.
  • There is no need to regulate your breathing - you can simply inhale and exhale as if you were just breathing air.
  • The use of a nebulizer does not affect any organs other than the bronchi.
  • Various combinations can be used medicines.
  • An asthma nebulizer allows you to adjust the dosage.
  • Can be used in conjunction with a ventilator.
  • The inhaler can be used both at home and always carried with you. For this, many manufacturers, for example, the Italian Med2000 or the British company B.Well, produce portable nebulizers that can be carried in a bag.

What types of nebulizers are there?

Inhalers can be divided into two types: compressor and ultrasonic.

Compressor units can spray any medicine. A special compressor forms an aerosol cloud, thanks to which the medicine easily penetrates into all parts of the bronchi and lungs and settles on the mucous membrane. The main disadvantage of such models is their rather loud operation. This may frighten the child when inhaling or prevent inhalation at night. However, many manufacturers of compressor nebulizers produce special children's models. For example, the Italian company Flaem Nuova produces nebulizers in the shape of ladybugs, which “buzz” cheerfully and do not frighten children.

An ultrasonic nebulizer is much quieter. In addition, its lighter weight makes it more comfortable to use. It creates an aerosol cloud using ultrasound, but can only affect oil solutions.

If you want to combine the use of all types of drugs, you can purchase a mesh nebulizer Little Doctor or Omron U22, which combine both compressor and ultrasonic operating principles.

How to choose a nebulizer for asthmatics?

Buying a nebulizer is not the most simple task. It is important to take into account all the features of each model and choose the most suitable one for the medications and the disease for which it will be used.

A nebulizer for bronchial asthma should be selected according to the following criteria:

The main thing to consider is particle size that a nebulizer can create. It is best if it is in the range of 2–2.5 microns, but not more than 5. Particles that are too large will not be able to enter the bronchi, but will settle in the nasopharynx and trachea. Small ones, on the contrary, will enter the bronchi, but will not settle, but will fly back out when breathing.
The percentage of drug loss during exhalation is no less important. Since a nebulizer for asthmatics can work with very expensive medications, the percentage of loss should be as small as possible. Prices for nebulizers with different loss rates may vary, but by spending more on a good machine, you can save a lot of money on medications. A cheap direct-flow nebulizer can lose up to 65% of the drug, which is extremely wasteful. Nebulizers equipped with special valves, such as Microlife, lose only 25–30% of the drug, while those equipped with interrupt buttons and economizers can only lose 10%.
The lifespan of the sprayer is also important. Simple models provide only a few months of operation. The price for them is usually lower, but you will have to buy a sprayer more often. More expensive, but high-quality devices can last up to 3 years.

Where to buy a nebulizer for asthmatics

Unfortunately, the sale of nebulizers is not yet as widespread as we would like. Undoubtedly, you can buy a nebulizer at a pharmacy, but not every store may have them in stock, and many will not have them in stock at all. It is much easier to buy a nebulizer through an online store.

Asthma is a serious bronchial disease that threatens the patient’s life. It is known that an attack can happen at any time, even the most inopportune moment.

An asthma inhaler is a modern remedy that allows you to quickly stop the negative manifestations of the disease and alleviate the patient’s condition.

This therapy has found wide application in the treatment of patients of any age. Exists wide range medicines intended for inhalation use.

One of the main dangers of an asthma attack is the development of a state of suffocation of varying severity.

The main symptoms of an incipient attack include:

  1. Cough, mainly in the morning or at night.
  2. Discharge of clear sputum.
  3. Inhalation is short and difficult.
  4. Exhalation is longer than inhalation.
  5. Change in breathing rhythm.
  6. Wheezing can be heard in both lungs.

If the patient is not given timely assistance, symptoms may worsen. Respiratory failure and shortness of breath develop.

The asthma inhaler is the fastest and most effective way prevention and treatment. With its help, the medicine enters directly into the bronchi, which provides maximum speed actions.

Several types of devices for inhalation administration of drugs have been developed.

There are stationary and portable devices.

For the treatment of bronchial asthma at home, inhalation through a nebulizer is recommended. This is a stationary device that provides the most effective delivery of medication to the most distant parts of the bronchial tree.

It is used both to relieve attacks and for basic treatment of the disease. The nebulizer is widely used for preventive purposes.

Pocket inhalers are well suited for self-help with bronchial asthma on the go. They are easy to carry and use in case of urgent need due to their light weight and compactness.

Types of inhalers according to the method of drug delivery

There are many types of inhalers used for bronchial asthma. Most often they are divided according to the method of administering the medicine.

The following types of devices are distinguished:


These inhalers consist of a valve system made of plastic or metal. They are attached to the medicine inhaler itself. The principle of operation is based on the supply of the active substance only when inhaled.

In this case, when the patient exhales, the valve closes and the supply of medication stops.

This device allows you to save on asthma spray and strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Spacers are good for children who are unable to control their breathing cycle.

The main disadvantages of this device include its rather large size, which does not allow the inhaler to be used as a portable one. Most often it is used at home.


The most effective inhalation type device. It ensures uniform spraying of the medicine onto the surface of the bronchi. Fine particles penetrate even the most remote areas respiratory system, ensuring deep distribution of the active substance.

Due to its large size, a nebulizer for asthma is used only at home. That is why this device has not found application in the relief of acute attacks. However, it is effectively used for subsequent treatment, as well as prevention of exacerbations of the disease.

Based on their operating principle, nebulizers are divided into compressor and ultrasonic.

Compressor devices are the most popular. With the help of compressed air supplied to a special nozzle, the liquid is converted into an aerosol.

Fine dispersion is achieved by passing through a deflector. The advantage is the ability to use a wide range of medications.

In ultrasonic nebulizers, an aerosol mixture is created using high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations. Such devices operate very quietly, which makes them indispensable in pediatric therapy.

Currently, work is underway to reduce the size and weight of nebulizers.

Metered inhalers

A common portable inhaler is the aerosol-type nebulizer. These are balloon devices, inside of which there is a medicine pumped under pressure. When pressed, the substance is sprayed. The drug is given in a strict, constantly identical dosage. In addition, these inhalers have enough low price, which makes them accessible to any segment of the population.

The disadvantages include the fact that special training is required for use. breathing technique. In aerosol inhalers, the medicine enters the body along with air when inhaled. In addition, some of the drug substance settles in the oral cavity. Then it is swallowed along with saliva and enters the digestive system. When choosing a dose, it is important to take this nuance into account.

Separate mention should be made of metered-dose inhalers. With their help, not an aerosol, but a dry powder mixture enters the human body. Easier use (compared to aerosol-type inhalers) is an undeniable advantage. It should also be noted that it is highly effective due to the fact that the medicine enters the bronchi and does not settle in the oral cavity and pharynx. The disadvantages include a higher price.

Preparations for inhalation use

Each type of inhaler uses its own groups of medications. Some have anti-inflammatory effects. Others contribute quick withdrawal a suffocating attack due to the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi. There are also medications that relieve allergic reactions.

For inhalation, the most popular are Salbutamol and Symbicort. They quickly and effectively relieve asthma symptoms in both adults and children.

In some cases, asthma is inhaled using a nebulizer with ordinary mineral water or saline solution.

Most often, drug-free nebulizer liquid is used for individuals with individual drug intolerance.

Types of inhalers by purpose

For . This means that the doctor prescribes treatment with the lowest possible doses of the drug. Gradually, the concentration of the active substance increases until all symptoms of the disease are completely relieved.

This dose is individual for each patient and depends on the severity of the disease.

Most drugs are delivered directly to the site of pathology through inhalation.

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, two main approaches are used:

  • basic therapy;
  • symptomatic (to relieve an attack).

Basic therapy is aimed at relieving inflammation and preventing exacerbations of the disease. Properly prescribed medications reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks. If, however, an attack of suffocation does occur, then aerosols prescribed for asthma to relieve symptoms come to the rescue. They do not affect the cause of the disease, but significantly improve the patient’s condition.

For basic therapy

The main goal of basic therapy is continuous control over the course of the disease. Aerosols prescribed for bronchial asthma in this case have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Inhaled drugs are used daily, which reduces the frequency and intensity of attacks.

For effective treatment, the doctor prescribes one or more basic remedies from the following list:

  1. Inhaled glucocorticoids. This is the basis of basic therapy. They are the most effective drugs aimed at treating asthma. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use them in combination with non-hormonal drugs. Depending on the form of the active substance, it is possible to administer the medicine by inhalation using a nebulizer, as well as a powder dispenser.
  2. Cromons. These drugs are recommended for the treatment of children, since their use is accompanied by a minimum number of side effects. The main action of these drugs is aimed at suppressing allergic reaction body. The anti-inflammatory effect is weakly expressed.

3. Combined products. As the name implies, such inhalation preparations include several active ingredients.

To relieve an asthma attack

An asthma attack is accompanied by severe suffocation and can threaten the patient's life. That is why the patient must always have with him an inhaler that can stop the manifestations of an exacerbation of the disease.

The following groups of medications are used to relieve symptoms during an asthma attack:

  1. Sympathomimetics. They directly affect the bronchi, providing a dilating and stimulating effect. The most popular include: Levalbuterol, Salbutamol, Terbutaline.
  2. M-cholinergic receptor blockers. They give a bronchodilator effect. These include Ipratropium bromide and Atrovent.
  3. Methylxanthines. The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on blocking enzymes that cause bronchospasm.

An asthma attack does not always begin while the patient is at home. Therefore, nebulizers, despite their high efficiency, cannot be classified as first aid devices. Most likely, in this situation, you will have to use a pocket-sized powder or aerosol device.

Hormonal inhalers have shown good results. They contain drugs based on glucocorticoids and significantly reduce swelling of the bronchial tissue, improving the patient's condition. This therapy is gentle, since the active substance is practically not absorbed into the blood.

Technique for using a pocket device for inhalation

Before using a pocket device, it is important to carefully read the rules of use. It is also important to know all possible contraindications and understand the risk of complications and side effects.

The rules for using the inhaler are extremely simple:

  1. The protective cap should be removed from the can.
  2. Shake the inhaler well before use.
  3. After exhaling deeply, you need to tightly clasp the mouthpiece with your lips.
  4. It is very important to simultaneously press the medicine delivery button and inhale the incoming air containing microparticles of the medicine.
  5. After inhaling, remove the mouthpiece from your mouth and hold your breath for at least 10 seconds.
  6. After this, you can breathe as usual.
  7. Before storing the cylinder, you must wipe the mouthpiece and close the protective cap tightly.

You should only use an inhaler if it effectively relieves the symptoms of an asthma attack. If this does not happen, you should immediately contact your doctor to adjust the prescription.

The use of ineffective medicine can not only worsen the patient's condition, but also cause a number of complications.

Contraindications for the procedure

In treatment, inhalers also give good results. But there are a number of contraindications for their use. The main one is intolerance to the active substance of the inhalation drug. In addition, each medicine has its own limitations for use. They are listed in the instructions supplied with the inhaler.

Inhalations using a nebulizer, like any medical procedure, especially those involving the use of medications, have a number of contraindications.

Inhalations are prohibited in the following cases:

  • for some diseases of the respiratory system;
  • in people with pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • for hematopoietic disorders;
  • for hypertension;
  • during the rehabilitation period after a stroke or heart attack;
  • during pregnancy, the inhalation procedure itself is not prohibited, but there are restrictions on the use of certain medications;
  • when treating children under 2 years of age.
  1. After eating you need to wait 2 hours.
  2. After physical exercise at least 2 hours must also pass.
  3. It is not recommended to smoke after inhalation. Passive smoking is also prohibited.

To avoid possible complications It is advisable to remain under medical supervision for at least 30 minutes after the procedure.


Bronchial asthma is a disease that requires constant maintenance treatment. Exists a large number of types of therapy. Inhalers in this case are the most effective and fastest way to improve the patient's condition.

Inhalations are used for maintenance treatment, as well as to relieve attacks.

It is important to remember that the treatment regimen must be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-administration of medications, their replacement, and dosage adjustments are unacceptable.