Black and white kitchen interior color scheme is an excellent combination of practicality, elegance and freshness. The combination of these two colors in the design of the kitchen gives a stunning effect. Design black and white kitchen suitable for those who love non-trivial solutions and appreciate style.

First you need to decide which color will be more in the kitchen - white or black. And there is no need to be afraid of such an interior in small rooms.

In two-tone interiors, one of the tones should be the dominant. Here you need to rely on your taste and preferences. But do not forget about the features of the room itself. White color, as you know, visually enlarges the space, black, on the contrary, narrows its boundaries.

The predominance of black is suitable for spacious rooms. For the design of a small kitchen, white is better suited as the main one. It should also be chosen in a kitchen with poor lighting.

The choice of wall decoration should also come from which color is chosen as dominant. A combination of polar finishing materials looks stylish and unusual.

The ceiling in a black and white kitchen design should always be white. You can revive it with the help of black elements in the center, making the surface multi-level, but dark areas should be well highlighted.

But there can be many options for designing a kitchen floor. The floor, lined with black and white checkerboard tiles, looks bright and elegant. The simplicity and banality of a monochrome floor finish can be avoided by adding decorative tiles with drawing. The floor made of light wood will add warmth and comfort to the design of the kitchen in black and white.

The working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen is most often designed tiles, mosaic, marble or glass finishes. A winning kitchen design option would be to use an apron that contrasts with the countertop. A panel of plain black tiles will dilute the monotony of snow-white furniture. But marble will bring elegance and solemnity to the black and white design of the kitchen.

It looks original and dynamic in a combination of black and white furniture. There can be several such combinations: white top and black bottom of kitchen cabinets; white kitchen in combination with a black island or vice versa; snow-white furniture and black household appliances.

To avoid facelessness in the design of a black and white kitchen will help. A pair of trio of color spots will dilute the excessive severity and coldness of the atmosphere. Silver and crystal dishes, transparent glass and chrome-plated metal elements will perfectly complement and add chic to the interior.

Black tiles used in the kitchen can serve as the basis for creating a very fashionable and stylish interior. These products give the room impeccable elegance and act as one of the brightest and most expressive accents in it.

Ceramics, which have dark shades, can decorate any surface in the kitchen: walls, backsplash, countertops and floor coverings. In addition, this material has various variations execution. It can be matte, glossy, plain or have any patterns.

Black tiles are great for spacious rooms without depriving them of space and adding depth to them. Wall surfaces or floors lined with dark tiles give the kitchen a refined and aristocratic look, especially if they are combined. with white furniture. Wall black tiles with a glossy finish look incredibly impressive in combination with mirror surfaces and shiny accessories. Given design decision great for rooms that are made in styles such as art deco, modern, hi-tech or minimalism. In the style of classic and baroque, it is recommended to use dark-colored products with a pattern, as they will most organically fit into such an interior.

Particularly luxurious and glamorous on modern kitchens looks flooring of glossy black tiles, which beautifully reflect polished furniture fronts and various chrome elements. Another option is a coating lined with black tiles imitating a variety of textures. To make the room visually appear more spacious, the floor in the kitchen can be laid out with a run-up or herringbone pattern.

This shade can act in the kitchen as a background for any bright interior elements, such as furniture, textiles, carpets or paintings. A fairly common phenomenon is a combination of black tiles with white ceramics. kitchen apron, made in such a color scheme, will look great in rooms made in retro style. The floor in the form of a checkerboard also looks very stylish and impressive in the kitchens, especially if they are decorated in black and white. Also, black is good. combined with a golden hue. This color combination will create an atmosphere of luxury and chic in the room. If you use dark tiles in a room in combination with red furniture, then such a design solution will add more energy and passion to the interior.

An original way to decorate a kitchen is to decorate its walls, floors or work surface black mosaic from ceramics. Such a tile would look appropriate in modern interiors, and in classic rooms, giving them an expensive and sophisticated look.

Thanks to the black tiles in the kitchen, it becomes possible divide the space into two functional areas . Zoning a room into a work area and a place to eat can be done using dark tiles or borders of a similar shade.

Despite the fact that black ceramic products look very stylish and noble, when designing a kitchen with this material, some nuances should be taken into account. Black color is capable of absorbing light, so it is necessary dilute with lighter shades. Designers recommend combining it with beige, white, pale green or light blue interior elements. In addition, it should be borne in mind that all stains and dirt are visible on glossy black tiles, so they require more careful maintenance than similar products in lighter colors.

Kitchen with black tiles video:

In pursuit of trendy interiors often interesting design developments and practical, functional options are left unattended. The reason lies in their extraordinary color solution. Bright, steel, colors natural wood or even a kitchen in white are traditional favorites when choosing a kitchen. But, if it comes to a black and white kitchen, then for most it seems strict, simple or even boring. But each individual color is unique. And together they are able to harmoniously complement each other and add to the surrounding space the weightless purity of white and the pretentious luxury of black.

Setting priorities

Black or white?

In order to independently think over and implement a harmonious interior of a black and white kitchen, you need to find a balance, a visual dominant, which is often White color. Black priority is also possible, but in this case it is better to use the services of a professional designer. Otherwise, it is likely that instead of your favorite cuisine, you will get an eternal irritant that can bring you to a depressive state.

Third useful

A black and white kitchen design is easy to interpret and change thanks to the introduction of a third color. Most current colors:

  1. Red.
  2. Orange.
  3. Light green.

Single occurrences of colored pieces of furniture or an abundance of various decorative elements will also dilute and refresh the black and white interior. It can be even rows of colored wine glasses, plates, candles, carelessly thrown pillows, or even a book accidentally forgotten on the table. They are able to become that bright spot that will give a new sound to the kitchen in black and white style.

Main stream

The only thing that in this case is not limited in choice is the style variety of cuisines. Options range from time-tested traditional, classic interiors to ultra-modern and experimental ones. But still recognized leaders are:

  • Classicism.
  • Modern style.

Furniture in a classic design in a black and white kitchen looks unusually elegant and inspired. The light ornateness of its forms is complemented by carved facades and glass inserts. Virgin white, slightly shaded with black trim or noble black spiced with the freshness of white, it does not tolerate fuss and disposes to a comfortable stay and pleasant pastime.

But more often, black and white kitchen modules are characterized by straight lines, strictly defined shapes, the absence of unnecessary details, which distinguishes the modern trend in interior design. Such furniture is simple, convenient and functional in use. The combination of black and white further enhance the minimalism and conciseness of the kitchen.

Compatibility and practicality

The most practical options for combining black and white flowers in the kitchen:

  • The kitchen is white with black countertops.
  • Black bottom and white top.
  • Completely black kitchen with white trim.

Black will successfully hide and disguise the possible costs of using the kitchen, and white will further enhance this effect, diverting attention from work surfaces to snow-white facades, finishes and suspended structures.

Wall decoration

When black and white furniture is selected for the kitchen, the walls in the interior begin to play an important role. Coloring is used for perfectly even walls, decorative plaster to give texture, ceramic tile and wallpaper. In a corresponding way, you can design a working wall opposite to it, reserved for the dining area or even all the walls in the kitchen. it The best way place color accents and zone the space.

The basic principle of decorating walls in a black and white kitchen is a complete contrast or unity of color, textures and patterns, moreover, made in the same color scheme as the kitchen. Flowers, in a sweeping pattern or plain overflow applied to the wallpaper, are a frequent occurrence here. In addition to the undisputed floral favorite, designers advise choosing wallpaper for a black and white kitchen:

  1. With ornaments.
  2. With stripes.
  3. With mosaic.
  4. With outlines of plant and animal themes.

Over time, with use, or simply at will, the color and texture of the accent wall can be easily changed. In this case, it is more convenient to cover the working area with transparent tempered glass. But more often, traditional tiles laid out in a checkerboard pattern are used as an apron for a black and white kitchen. Merging with general design, it makes the interior even more spectacular, brings a touch of surrealism and a slight feeling of unreality of the surrounding space.

Materials and invoices

The peculiarity of black and white kitchens is their uniformity, so the abundance of external chic, brilliance and gloss is a prerequisite. The play of light and shadow, the opposition of glossy and matte textures are also inevitable in such an interior. To achieve these effects, choose a kitchen from the following materials:

  • Laminated chipboard.
  • Painted MDF.
  • Natural tree.

But there are also black and white kitchens in colors, patterns and plain prints. Application method - UV printing, resistant to abrasive substances, mechanical damage and bright sunlight. Surprisingly, even a simple floral ornament on the facade can change the perception of a black and white kitchen. She suddenly comes to life, becomes romantic and mysterious.


Summing up, the obvious advantages of a black and white kitchen include:

  1. External attractiveness, expressiveness and eccentricity.
  2. The ability to make changes, placing new color accents, through minor manipulations - changing the apron, color and texture of the main wall or introducing new decor elements.
  3. A competent combination of black and white colors will hide the flaws and emphasize the advantages of the kitchen.
  4. This is a convenient way to zone space with a free layout of the apartment.

On a note

Try to avoid typical mistakes when planning the interior of a black and white kitchen so that it becomes an inexhaustible source of your good mood:

  1. Push off real sizes rooms: white color in the interior visually enlarges the space, black, on the contrary, conceals.
  2. Take care of sufficient lighting in a black and white kitchen, an abundance of lighting and additional lighting fixtures will make it more comfortable, warm and cozy.
  3. Be careful with black! Enter it into the interior dosed.
  4. Do not be afraid to experiment, this is the only way to get a truly exclusive cuisine.