Today you can often witness a situation in which there are several people on one computer at once. This is especially common in families where people simply do not want to buy a computer for each family member. The way out of this situation is quite simple - you just need to create several accounts, each of which will have individual settings, and then simply change them, depending on who is working on the PC. To learn how to change user in Windows 10, just read this article to the end.

Creating a new one

First, let's figure out how to add another user to the system (so that there is someone to change him to). To complete this simple task, we follow simple instructions, which are relevant not only for 10, but also for most previous versions of Windows:

  1. Press Win+X and select “Computer Management”;
  2. Go to the “Local Users and Groups” section;
  3. Open the "Users" folder;
  1. Right-click on an empty space in the list and select “New” to add;
  2. Fill in the required fields: “User”, “Password” and “Confirmation”;

  1. Uncheck the "Require password change..." checkbox and click OK.

That's all, a new user has appeared on your system. We figured out how to create it, now it’s time to understand how you can start working with his account...

Switching accounts

The instructions for changing your account have not changed since Windows XP. As in that operating system, in the “ten” you just need to press Win + L to block the current user and get into the account selection window.

However, there is one problem - programs launched on behalf of account the ones you leave are still working. Accordingly, it is better to do the following:

  1. Open the Start menu;
  2. Click your name at the top of the menu;

All running Windows programs will stop working, and you can change the current account to the account that you need at the moment.

Editing an account

So, you know how to create users, how to switch between them, all that remains is to figure out how to edit them. Let's figure out how to change the username:

  1. Follow the first three steps from the instructions for creating accounts;
  2. Double-click the account you want to change;
  3. Correct the fields you want to change;

That's all, next time we will look at other aspects of creating accounts, for example, we will try to add a Microsoft account to log into Windows.

How to change user in Windows 10

Creating and changing accounts is a common practice for most users who use Windows OS on their personal computers. By changing accounts, you can not only save your personal data, which can be of enormous importance for every person, but also share your workspace with other people.

Features related to changing user in Windows 10

  • First of all, accounts are designed to limit the rights of certain users. For example, in an office where several specialized programs are used on a PC, it is necessary to make a restriction so that employees would not be able to change global system parameters.
  • When creating accounts with limited rights that will go to certain people, it is understood that with the help of an administrator “account” you can manage the basic actions of these users, as well as create strict restrictions on actions.
  • A kind of “family mode” allows you to change accounts between family members who use a personal computer within a fairly narrow framework (Internet, programs, movies, music, etc.). Thus, when changing users, a specific family member receives exactly the list of programs and features that he needs.

Signing in and out of user accounts in Windows 10

  • If the user is already logged into an account, to change it, just click on the Start menu icon, and at the top you can find the user’s photo (or a standard picture). When you right-click on the picture, a small menu will appear with the “Exit” option.
  • In the event that one or another account has already been opened on a personal computer, when you right-click on the “accounts” picture, you can see the currently active users. Thus, to switch to another account, you do not need to click on the “Log Out” option.
  • You can also change the user on a personal computer in Windows 10 using the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination, which takes the user to the Task Manager interface. In the list presented, select “Change user”. You can also click the “Exit” option; if you select it, you will no longer be able to return to your current account as quickly as possible.

Simultaneous use of user accounts in Windows 10

  • After we change the user, but do not log out of the previous account, there is an increased load on the PC. It's about extra padding. random access memory, as well as the load on the processor and other hardware. In this case, the PC is used only when it is necessary to constantly switch between “accounts”, saving all the necessary work data (open documents, browser tabs, etc.).
  • If there is an active switching of accounts, but at the same time logging into one or another “account” occurs again, then all data will be reset (as when turning off the computer). Accordingly, all programs will be closed, and unsaved data will be lost.
  • When you turn off your computer, unsaved data on all accounts will be lost.
  • If you use remote access to a personal computer, when changing users, all unsaved data will be irretrievably lost.
  • Based on the administrator account, you can create other users who will have either full or limited rights.

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How to change user in Windows 10

During installation of the operating system, the user can by default set the computer name “User” and the same or a different name for the account. However, this does not mean that these names cannot be changed. To do this, you need to perform a number of simple steps.

IMPORTANT! Before editing your account name or PC name, you should back up Windows 10 and create a system restore point. If you have multiple accounts installed on your PC, be prepared for the fact that Windows 10 may not allow you to log into the renamed version of the account and boot the system only under the second account or as a guest. Therefore, all actions should be performed step by step and following stages. Windows 10 is an unfinished OS and after changing the account name, problems may arise with internal search, the functionality of the Start menu and Explorer. You perform all actions at your own risk.

Read also: How to delete or change your avatar in Windows 10?

Changing the computer username in Windows 10

To ensure that there are no two identically named PCs on the local network, each device should be assigned its own name. For this purpose, this function is provided in the system settings. Therefore, if you are interested in how to change the computer name in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  • Click “Start”, “Settings” and select “System”.

  • In the left menu, select “About the system”. In the “Computer name” section, click “Rename...”.

  • Enter a new computer name and reboot the system.

Also, to change the computer name, you can use the following method:

  • Right-click on the “Start” icon and select “System”.

  • A section of the control panel will open, where you need to click on the “Advanced system settings” link in the left menu.

  • To change the computer name, click on the “Change” button in the “Computer name” tab.

  • Enter a new device name and reboot Windows 10.

You can also change the computer name in the Windows 10 operating system using the command line. To do this we do the following:

  • Right-click on the “Start” icon and select “Command Prompt (Admin).” At the command line, enter wmic computersystem where name=”%computername%” call rename name=” new computer name.

Changing the user and administrator account name in Windows 10

To change the user account name in Windows 10, you should do the following:

  • Click “Start”, “Control Panel” and in the “Small Icons” mode select “User Accounts”.

  • Next, select the account whose name you want to change. This could also be an admin entry. On the side, click “Change account name”.
  • A new window will open. Enter a new name and click “Rename”.

You can also change your name as follows.

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “netplwiz”.

  • The account settings window will open. Select the user and click on the “Properties” button.

  • In the “User” field, enter the new account name.

  • Click “Ok” and restart the computer.

How to change the username on Windows 10: simple examples and related questions

Undoubtedly, many users sometimes have to rename user entries, for example, change the username. Examples of such actions will now be shown. True, you immediately need to pay attention to some important factors that may affect the ability to access documents.

Windows Account: What should you do first?

Before changing the name and type of “account” in the tenth Windows versions, you should be aware that such actions, especially if the user is working without administrator rights, can seriously affect access to some system functions or its settings. The fact is that even the documents of a former user may be inaccessible.

Therefore, first you should copy the necessary information from the user folder to another partition, and then create a restore point (just in case). For copying, it is better to select another volume (other than the system disk).

How to change username on Windows 10 in the simplest way?

Let's start changing the "account". First, let's decide what exactly needs to be changed - a Microsoft account or a local username. We proceed from the fact that we still only need to change the name to others.

In order to solve the question of how to change the username on Windows 10, first you need to enter the “Control Panel”. The easiest way to do this is to use the control command entered in the Run menu. The latter is called by the shortcut Win + R.

In the “Control Panel”, select the accounts section and click on the line just below, which prompts you to change the “account” type. Next, go to your local account. A name change line will appear on the left, after clicking on which you can enter a new one. Confirmation of the changes made is made using the rename button.

An equally simple way

So, in the first case, we changed the username. The examples given below are no less effective.

Here we need the “Run” menu, in which we should enter the netplwiz command. After that, in the main window, select the users tab and click on the name of the local user. There is a properties button at the bottom. When you press it, you can get the desired menu for changing the name. In addition, if anyone has already noticed, there is also the possibility of changing the local password. True, this method turns out to be ineffective. The fact is that you can change the password, but you can’t get rid of it. The system will still require it when entering or exiting sleep mode (hibernation), if one is provided.

Changing your account type

The question of how to change the username on Windows 10, it seems, has already been resolved. Now let's look at changing the "account" type.

To do this, in the same accounts section, you need to select the family and other users line on the left. All registration data will be displayed on the right. We select the local user type, and after entering “Change type”, set the administrator in the appropriate field. This is convenient in the sense that in the future you will be able to install programs, uninstall them, and change system parameters or settings, as they say, for yourself, without having to ask the administrator of the computer terminal for permission (of course, if there is one).

How to get rid of your password?

Now let's see how to remove the password when logging into Windows 10 or get rid of it when exiting hibernation mode. Let's start with the second one.

In this case, you need to use the power settings, which can be accessed either from the same “Control Panel” or by clicking on the battery icon in the system tray (for laptops). Here you simply select the password requirement item and set the desired value.

To remove your login password, you can simply delete your Microsoft account. But you can do it much simpler by using the same netplwiz command, after which, in the users window, the checkbox is removed from the line requiring a password at login. But in the new window you will need to enter the current password, twice (the second time for confirmation). After saving the changes, you will be automatically logged in to the system.


Of course, the answer to the question of how to change the username on Windows 10 is not limited to these methods. Here are the most simple ways. You can, of course, go into the system registry or the Group Policy Editor, but the question is: why is this necessary if there are the most basic solutions. The use of group policy rules is more suitable for system administrators who fine-tune the system and grant users rights to certain actions. Therefore, as is already clear, this issue was not considered. The average user, in general, does not need this. However, if you dig deeper, it is worth noting that starting from the seventh version, a super administrator also appeared in Windows. But you can’t just get rid of it using ordinary means. This will require certain knowledge and skills. But this is, so to speak, another question.

However, some users should take into account that issues related to changing accounts, both local and Microsoft, can have a rather negative impact on the system. There are known cases when, when renaming “accounts,” it happened that the login to the system was blocked. However, no recovery helped - only a complete or so-called clean reinstallation. So you need to be extremely careful with such things if you don’t want the system to snort at one point and then refuse to provide entry altogether.

Manage account rights in Windows 10

When several users work on one device at the same time, sooner or later you will have to face the task of changing account rights, since some users need to be given system administrator rights, and these rights must be taken away from others. Such permissions imply that in the future some user will be able to change the configurations of application and standard programs, run certain utilities with extended rights, or lose these rights.

How to change user rights in Windows 10

Let's look at how you can change user rights using the example of adding administrator privileges (the reverse operation is identical) in Windows 10.

It is worth noting that performing this task requires authorization using an account that has administrator rights. If you do not have access to this type of account or have forgotten its password, then you will not be able to use the methods described below.

Method 1: "Control Panel"

The standard method for changing user privileges is to use the Control Panel. This method is simple and understandable for all users.

Method 2: System Settings

“System Settings” is another convenient and easy way to change user privileges.

Method 3: "Command Line"

The shortest way to gain administrator rights is to use Command Prompt. You just need to enter one single command.

Method 4: Local Security Policy snap-in

Method 5: Local Users and Groups snap-in

This method is only used to disable the administrator account.

Using these methods, you can easily enable or disable an administrator account, and add or remove privileges from a user.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

Creating and changing accounts is a common practice for most users who use Windows OS on their personal computers. By changing accounts, you can not only save your personal data, which can be of enormous importance for every person, but also share your workspace with other people.

Features related to changing user in Windows 10

  • First of all, accounts are designed to limit the rights of certain users. For example, in an office where several specialized programs are used on a PC, it is necessary to make a restriction so that employees would not be able to change global system parameters.
  • When creating accounts with limited rights that will go to certain people, it is understood that with the help of an administrator “account” you can manage the basic actions of these users, as well as create strict restrictions on actions.
  • A kind of “family mode” allows you to change accounts between family members who use a personal computer within a fairly narrow framework (Internet, programs, movies, music, etc.). Thus, when changing users, a specific family member receives exactly the list of programs and features that he needs.

Signing in and out of user accounts in Windows 10

  • If the user is already logged into an account, to change it, just click on the Start menu icon, and at the top you can find the user’s photo (or a standard picture). When you right-click on the picture, a small menu will appear with the “Exit” option.
  • In the event that one or another account has already been opened on a personal computer, when you right-click on the “accounts” picture, you can see the currently active users. Thus, to switch to another account, you do not need to click on the “Log Out” option.
  • You can also change the user on a personal computer in Windows 10 using the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination, which takes the user to the Task Manager interface. In the list presented, select “Change user”. You can also click the “Exit” option; if you select it, you will no longer be able to return to your current account as quickly as possible.

Simultaneous use of user accounts in Windows 10

  • After we change the user, but do not log out of the previous account, there is an increased load on the PC. We are talking about additional filling of RAM, as well as load on the processor and other hardware. In this case, the PC is used only when it is necessary to constantly switch between “accounts”, saving all the necessary work data (open documents, browser tabs, etc.).
  • If there is an active switching of accounts, but at the same time logging into one or another “account” occurs again, then all data will be reset (as when turning off the computer). Accordingly, all programs will be closed, and unsaved data will be lost.
  • When you turn off your computer, unsaved data on all accounts will be lost.
  • If you use remote access to a personal computer, when changing users, all unsaved data will be irretrievably lost.
  • Based on the administrator account, you can create other users who will have either full or limited rights.

If several people use the same computer or laptop, then you should think about creating different user accounts. This will allow you to differentiate workspaces, since all users will have different settings, file locations, etc. In the future, it will be enough to switch from one account to another. We will tell you exactly how to do this in the Windows 10 operating system in this article.

The described goal can be achieved in several ways. different ways. They are all simple, and the end result will be the same in any case. Therefore, you can choose the most convenient one for yourself and use it in the future. Let us immediately note that these methods can be applied to both local accounts and Microsoft profiles.

Method 1: Using the Start Menu

Let's start with perhaps the most popular method. To use it you will need to follow these steps:

If for some reason it does not suit you, then you can read more simple methods switch profiles.

Method 2: Key combination “Alt+F4”

This method is simpler than the previous one. But due to the fact that about different key combinations operating systems Not everyone knows Windows; it is less common among users. Here's what it looks like in practice:

After a few seconds, the desktop will appear and you can start using your computer or laptop.

Method 3: Key combination “Windows + L”

When the system loads the selected profile, the desktop appears. This means you can start using the device.

Please note the following fact: if you log out as a user whose account does not require a password, then the next time you turn on the PC or reboot, the system will start automatically under that profile. But if you have set a password, you will see a login window in which you will need to enter it. If necessary, you can immediately change the account itself.

Many users cannot get used to the updated Windows interfaces. In version 10, some of the changes were rolled back to elements of Windows 7, but the system itself is not entirely similar to its predecessor. The answer details how to change the Windows 10 interface and make it look like Windows 7.

How to change the interface in Windows 10?

After installing Windows 10, there is nothing on the desktop except the Recycle Bin. Version 7 had significantly more useful shortcuts. To add them, right-click on the desktop and go to the “Personalization” section.

Select “Themes => “Desktop Icon Options”. In the window that opens, check all the icons that you may need and click OK. In the same window, you can go to the “Background” tab, where you can easily customize your desktop background.

Standard Start Menu

There is no full-fledged function that changes the Start menu to the same as it was in Windows 7. You can simplify your Start menu by undocking windows that are bothering you and changing appearance Start, but it will not give significant results.

To return the standard Start menu, like in Windows 7, use the Classic Shell program. Download and install it by following the instructions that appear on the screen. After installation, open and select any of the proposed options, after clicking OK, your menu will change.

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  • Task bar

    IN new version A search bar has been added, which takes up significant space. You can remove it by right-clicking on it and selecting “Hide”. Now it will take up minimal space, but if necessary, you can easily open it.

    Pinned icons were also present in Windows 7, but not everyone could get used to them. To remove them, right-click on them and select “Remove from taskbar”.

    If you wish, you can remove the task view button. Right-click on the taskbar and uncheck the “Show task view button” option.