After the appearance of the series “The Theory of Lies” (“Lie to Me”), where the main character, like a living “lie detector,” identifies the criminal by the slightest changes in facial expressions or body position, many dreamed of learning to recognize people’s emotions at first sight. It's time to start studying!

“The appearance of a person will give you many more clues than you might think, provided, of course, that you pay enough attention,” says French lawyer, author of the book “How to Understand and Counteract Deception and Manipulation Techniques,” John B. Domon.

Discreet observation can be done, for example, as part of a conversation, without arousing suspicion in the interlocutor. The obvious inspection from head to toe feels like veiled contempt. And do not forget that in physical analysis, what is not there is sometimes as important as what you see.

Sources of visual information

Gait and general appearance

"When you are planning to go to a meeting, it is worth following the golden rule: arrive about fifteen minutes before the scheduled time and position yourself in a place where the subject cannot see you. This will allow you to closely observe him without his knowledge. Take a politician, for example Sarkozy. Funny to see the difference in his body language before and during the interview - at first he has a nervous tic, and when the interview begins, Sarkozy tries his best to hide it. Mr. X has the same thing. Looking at the way he walks towards the meeting with you. you will get the same amount of information as during a conversation. It’s just that the two sets of data received will be very different. In the first case, Mr. X behaves almost naturally, and in the second he is trying to impress you.”

“When we study the situation during a demonstration, we know a lot before the actual demonstration begins. This allows us to identify the leaders, photograph them, assess their potential to influence their supporters, the significance of internal problems, if any, defects in their organization "(from a conversation between the author and a former employee of the service general information police).

It seems to me that after you read these statements, nothing more will need to be said. This is how professionals operate, so a good manipulator will begin his analysis even before the object of his interest understands it. He will begin his observation with gait.

Some examples of gait

Free, authoritative gait

This is a person who does not allow his surroundings to distract him from his intended goal, who has made an appointment and decisively goes to it. He has a specific goal: to arrive on time. Hypothesis: this is a person who is able to take responsibility in quite a few matters.

The gait is uniform, but the person constantly turns

This is the walk of people who stare at their shadow, let's "acquit the defendant for lack of evidence." Hypothesis: either he is a slightly absent-minded person, or he has a fairly high libido and is always ready for various love adventures.

A carefree, somewhat slow gait, a person walks with his head down

Hypothesis: the subject is thinking about something of his own, he is excited, passive or feels bad.

Nervous gait, useless movements, the person jumps at the slightest noise

The subject constantly tries to meet the gaze of other people. Hypothesis: This person is stressed or very tense and anxious.

When a person arrives at the meeting place, you need to greet each other. The handshake also provides quite a bit of information.

Making contact, shaking hands

Quite a limp handshake

Hypothesis: a tired, passive person, or if several people came to the meeting and you are the only one who said hello, it means that you are of no interest to the object at this meeting.

A handshake where a person latches on to your hand like an eagle to its prey.

Hypothesis: He decided to break your fingers, a deliberate tactic, a social manifestation of confrontation. Mistrust.

Taking you by one hand, the person places the other hand on your shoulder

Hypothesis: either the object is evaluating you, or there is another manipulator in front of you. In both cases, great pleasure awaits you from communicating with him.

A man takes your hand with both hands

Hypothesis: he intends to ask you for something, to tell you something.

These observations, made at the very beginning of the meeting (and you have used many of the methods presented above to "scan" your interlocutor), will allow you to understand whether the behavior you analyzed without his knowledge corresponds to what he demonstrates to you in further.

If the behavior before and after the meeting is the same, you should check your first observations and can continue the analysis. IN otherwise it becomes clear that this person respects you enough (as an ally or as an adversary) to hide his natural behavior from you.

"In the same way, when you say goodbye, you shouldn't leave immediately, but you should go to your observation post and see how this person will behave after breaking up with you. Has his behavior changed? If so, how does this relate to your conversation? Has the subject returned to his usual behavior? All this is the daily bread of the intelligence officer, mentalist or illusionist - they all collect information without the knowledge of the other person.

If you are accompanied by an object of your interest, the method is the same.

Gait observations

A man walks next to you with his head down

Hypothesis: His behavior shows that he is a weak person or is hiding something.

The person walks at the same rhythm as you, looking straight ahead, nothing around him interests him

Hypothesis: the subject is excited, but does not want to show it. Thinks about something of his own or concentrates only on the conversation, perhaps his auditory memory dominates.

A man walks with his hands in his pockets

Hypothesis: Contrary to popular belief, hands stuck in pockets do not indicate a lack of self-confidence, rather the opposite. This person is relaxed and takes the most comfortable position.

A man walks, trying to impose his rhythm on you

Hypothesis: this is a person who is used to dominating, he is only interested in what he can get from you.

Watching the Eyes

Circles under the eyes will immediately tell you that a person did not get enough sleep. Meanwhile, bags under the eyes will tell a lot more. For some people, bruises under the eyes are completely unrelated to insomnia, while bags under the eyes will kill their owner. If they are “heavy” and, in addition, the subject’s face is swollen, not to say bloated, then most likely this indicates the use of one of two substances: alcohol or marijuana.

Alcoholism is confirmed by such recognizable signs as a characteristic complexion and premature aging.

Of course, reddened eyes may simply indicate that the person has recently cried - "it's obvious, Watson."

In any case, the condition of a person’s eyes immediately shows whether he is under stress, and whether he is taking toxic drugs or not.

If a person wears glasses, you should definitely pay attention to them. In the past, many people refused to wear contact lenses because they thought their eyes were too sensitive for it. The same can be said about body hair removal or Botox injections.

Dental monitoring

Due to the high cost of dental services, people with beautiful teeth come from fairly wealthy backgrounds whose representatives can afford it. On the contrary, a person with a pleasant appearance who is missing a tooth and who is forced to smile in order to hide this defect clearly does not have the money to go to the dentist.

Another important indication: which tooth is missing? It all depends on age. Let's take the example of a person in his mid-forties: natural evolution suggests that the back teeth will fall out first because they are more at risk of tooth decay or infection. If the missing or missing tooth is located in the front, you can almost certainly say that it was lost in an accident, fall or argument.

Surprisingly straight teeth indicate that the person has undoubtedly used the services of an orthodontist in the past. This relatively expensive intervention is most often performed in youth and reflects the financial capabilities of his parents. Naturally, black spots on the teeth indicate that your interlocutor is or was a smoker.

Hand Observation

Location wristwatch is very important and can give you some signs that, however, can lead you to the wrong trail, so don’t rush to draw premature conclusions. For example, the classic postulate: a person who wears a watch right hand, - left-handed. But if you encounter an accordion player (rarely, I know), be aware that a watch on his right hand will interfere with his playing. The same is true for some other musical instruments, such as the violin.

Naturally, cleanliness of nails is an important detail that cannot be missed. A person with a manicure has the means to take care of it. Sometimes, though, appearance deceptive. For example, singer Serge Ginsburg dressed rather casually and dirty. But if you look at the pictures where his hands are visible, you will be convinced that he has a manicure. Ginsburg invented the role for himself - this is no secret to anyone, but such small details make it possible to understand to what extent this person differed from how he appeared to the public.

White nails are often a sign of anemia. Yellow nails, especially on the index finger and thumb, indicate that a person smokes a lot. A purple tint to the index finger indicates problems with blood circulation. As well as unusual redness and coldness of the hands. Similar problems often occur in women. Nails dotted with dots may indicate some form of eczema or psoriasis.

Hair observation

Naturally, you can only take a closer look at the hair if it is visible. Fewer and fewer people wear hats these days, so having covered hair can indicate a desire to hide baldness or, of course, this has become relevant in Lately- indicate a woman’s religious beliefs.

Women rarely hide their hair, unless, of course, religion requires it of them. Thus, if a person constantly wears a hat, this is most likely a sign of baldness caused by illness or medications.

You can determine whether a person's hair is colored, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, by comparing the hair color with the color of the eyebrows.

Shoe Watching

Many people who carefully monitor their appearance, paradoxically, neglect shoes. Mainly men. Therefore, if you see a well-dressed man with carefully selected and well-maintained shoes, know that he devotes quite a significant part of his time to creating an impeccable image. Especially if the back of the heels is not worn out. The average man most often forgets about them.

The condition of a woman’s heels will immediately give you valuable information about her financial situation, because heels wear out most quickly when worn; the leather on them deteriorates from any, even the smallest, scratch. It is much more difficult for women to keep their shoes in order and much more expensive.

These days everything more women wear low-heeled shoes to relieve pressure on their feet, but the fashion is high heel returns quickly, so do not deprive yourself of material for analysis.

To be continued...

The new material, made of porous concrete, has proven itself from the best side. Houses built from foam blocks are warm and durable. In summer they are cool, and in winter owners save up to 30% on heating costs due to the fact that foam concrete retains heat well. A few tips when purchasing foam concrete blocks...

In terms of environmental friendliness, foam blocks are on par with wood, but at the same time they are fire-safe and durable. Compared to brick, walls made from this material are laid out much faster, and it is also lightweight and easy to process. And this is not all the advantages that foam blocks have. You can think about sound insulation, frost resistance, convenience during delivery, etc.

Foam concrete has long been recognized as an excellent building material abroad, especially in the cold countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. One can only wonder why these porous “bricks” are still not leaders in sales volumes. The reason is very easy to explain. The listed advantages are inherent only in high-quality foam blocks, during the manufacture of which the requirements of the technological process were not violated. Otherwise, these blocks will be worse, not better, than traditional bricks.


When buying materials for construction, no one wants the laid wall to become covered with cracks after two or three weeks. How to determine the quality of foam blocks visually, having only a tape measure at hand? To do this, you need to feel the surface of the product being offered. It must be smooth and even. The length, width and height measured for several blocks must not differ from each other (the permissible deviation is ± 2 mm). In this case, the masonry will be carried out as expected, using construction glue. And the wall itself will turn out warm, without “cold bridges”.

If the surface of the foam block is pressed with your finger, this does not mean that it is bad, but such material is not suitable for laying load-bearing walls. You need to look for one with a higher density (900 - 1200 kg/m3). The presence of traces of machine oil on the edges of the porous “brick” indicates that the manufacturer skimped on special lubricant for the molds. The plaster will not stick to a wall made of such blocks; you will have to first nail down a chain-link mesh. And finally, a pack of foam blocks must be packed in film during final drying in order to ensure the hydration process and normal strength gain. Otherwise, the blocks will become covered with cracks and lose strength.

1. Make sure the blocks are the same size
To do this, place several blocks on one flat surface (table, board, etc.) close to each other, first on one edge and then on the other. Good blocks are adjacent to each other with their entire surface without gaps, and the top surface should be completely flat without steps. If there are steps, then you can roughly understand what the minimum thickness of the masonry joint will be. This is the size of the step multiplied by 2, plus 3mm for glue and 5mm for mortar. That is, if the sizes of the blocks differ by 2 mm, then the thickness of the seam is: 2*2+3=7mm for glue and 2*2+5=9mm for mortar. It turns out that the excess consumption of glue will be 2.3 times. And the solution - almost 2 times. And further. If the house is faced with brick, you will have to make thicker seams in the brick cladding, which will not only increase the cost of construction, but also spoil the appearance of the house.

2. Blocks should not be brittle
If small piece block you can rub between your fingers, this indicates that the manufacturer saved on cement, or poured a lot of water using imperfect production technology. Minimum block strength for low-rise construction should be 15kg/cm2.

The presence of cracks in the blocks indicates an incorrect drying mode and the presence of internal stresses, which during operation can lead to destruction of the block. Be sure to ask how many blocks on average reach the consumer intact - if you get a vague answer - look for another manufacturer.

Look at the chip of the block. Notice the structure at the top and bottom of one block. The structure should be the same. If there are differences, then you have a “sandwich” with a strong, but cold bottom and a warm, but not strong top. The structure should represent evenly distributed bubbles of equal size and as small as possible; the size of the bubbles should not exceed one millimeter, and preferably their maximum size should be less than 1 mm. The shape of the bubbles should be spherical. If they have an oval shape - please note - this greatly affects the strength of the blocks.

3. There should be no grease marks on the walls of the blocks.
The walls of the blocks should not differ in color from their core. The presence of these signs indicates that all sorts of “rubbish” are used for lubrication. Later you will find out that this so-called lubricant does not adhere to the plaster, so you will also have to spend money on a plaster mesh and additional work.

4. Pay attention to the packaging
A manufacturer that respects its work and you will not skimp on placing the blocks on pallets and packing them in film. The film has another advantage - the blocks do not dry out so quickly, and since cement reacts with water for a long time, a block that remains wet for a long time during storage increases its strength due to deeper hydration of the cement. A quickly dried block is likely to crack.

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All texts on the site are protected by law - On Copyright dated 07/09/1993 N 5351-1.

Concrete products:

Vladimir (Mytishchi)
I ordered blocks from this company this year. Out of 900 pieces, only 8 were broken. There is a small error in “geometry”, but not critical. Thanks a lot.

Maria (Moscow)
Everything is fine!

Valentin (Krasnozavodsk)
I haven’t bought foam blocks yet, but I’m already pleased with the call, what a pleasant attitude of the manager towards the client!

Vitaly (Novosibirsk)
I bought foam blocks from you, they were really good, although several of them had broken edges. Thanks anyway!

Vasily (Kostanay)
I purchased foam blocks through you. You can say for the first time and I was pleasantly surprised how quickly and in what excellent form they arrived to me. Thank you!

Helpful information:

Why do our blocks make a house warmer?
The thermal conductivity of walls made of foam concrete blocks is influenced by the following factors: density of foam concrete (kg/m3), structure of foam concrete (size and number of air bubbles in the foam concrete mass), thickness and quality of masonry joints. In general, we can say that the thermal conductivity of a material directly depends on its density; the lower the density, the less heat the material transfers.

Why is it cheaper to build with our blocks?
Price square meter The walls of a house are made up of: the cost of the blocks, the cost of masonry mortar, the cost of plaster and putty. Experience shows that when buying cheaper blocks, people face such a problem as a large number of blocks that fell apart during delivery on the way to the construction site.

Comparison of various technologies for producing foam concrete.
There are several technologies for producing foam concrete. By and large, they can be divided into two groups.

How to determine the quality of a block by external signs?
The new material, made of porous concrete, has proven itself from the best side. Houses built from foam blocks are warm and durable. In summer they are cool, and in winter owners save up to 30% on heating costs due to the fact that foam concrete retains heat well. A few tips when purchasing foam concrete blocks...

The relationship between foam block production technology and ecology.
We are interesting creatures - PEOPLE. We try not to eat low-quality food, do not buy rotten, falling apart cars, and are interested in the environmental conditions in the area of ​​the acquired plot of land on which we are going to build a house.

Going out onto a frozen body of water is always accompanied by the risk of falling through the ice. Therefore, when moving along a lake or river in winter, it is necessary to observe safety measures, be vigilant and careful.

For ice to support a person, its thickness must be at least 10-15 centimeters. Ice is considered safe when it is 25 centimeters thick.

First of all, any person making even a short trek across a frozen body of water must have a stick with him. Never test the density of the ice by kicking it with your foot. Tap the ice with a stick: if a puddle of water forms under it, it means the ice is not strong enough. If moisture appears, immediately leave the place where you are standing, sliding without lifting your feet from the surface.

There are several external signs by which you can determine the strength of ice. Clean and transparent ice, having a bluish or greenish tint, is formed in frosty, windless and rainless weather. This ice crunches under your feet. Even in thin areas, it does not break right away, but as if warns of danger with radial cracks diverging underfoot.

Ice with shades grey, matte white or yellow almost twice as weak as transparent. Such ice forms during frosty weather with snowfalls and is frozen snowflakes. It is especially insidious because it collapses without a warning crack.

Absolutely fragile spongy ice, which is snow frozen during a blizzard. Areas of such ice must definitely be avoided.

The thickness of the ice, even on the same body of water, is not the same everywhere. Thin ice is found near the coast, in the area of ​​rapids and rifts, at the confluence of rivers, on bends and bends, near frozen objects, trees and reeds, in the area of ​​underground springs, in places where warm waters and sewage drain into reservoirs. The danger comes from ice holes, ice holes, holes, and cracks that are covered with a thin layer of ice. Try to avoid such places as far as possible to avoid trouble.

Ice under snow and snowdrifts is unreliable. Snow covering the ice acts like a blanket. Therefore, the ice under it grows much more slowly.

Basic rules for safe behavior on ice:

Children should not be allowed on the ice without adult supervision;

You cannot go out on the ice in the dark or in poor visibility;

It is safest to stick to the beaten paths or follow an already laid ski track;

Once on thin, crackling ice, you should carefully turn back and, with sliding steps, return along the traversed path to the shore;

When crossing a pond in a group, it is necessary to maintain a distance from each other (5-6 m).

PROHIBITED: going out on the ice while intoxicated, jumping and running on the ice, gathering a large number of people at one point.

If you fall through the ice, remain calm and cool. Even a poor swimmer can stay on the surface for some time due to the air cushion formed under the clothes. And only as the clothes get wet, a person loses additional buoyancy. This time is usually enough to get out of the hole. It should be remembered that the first minutes of being in cold water are the most productive, before your clothes get wet, your hands are not frozen, and the weakness and indifference characteristic of hypothermia have not developed.

Try to breathe slowly and deeply. Spread your arms wide to the sides and try to cling to the edge of the ice so as not to plunge headlong. Turn back in the direction you came from. The ice was quite strong in this direction before the emergency section. This means that it should withstand you on the way back. You don't have time to check other routes. Try to carefully, without breaking off the edge, without sudden movements, crawling with your chest, lie on the edge of the ice, throw one and then the other leg onto it. If the ice holds, slowly roll away from the edge and crawl (or roll) towards the shore.

Press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Mari El.

The physiology of women is individual, so for some, size is still important; for some, the most sensitive area is located deep in the vagina, so only the owner of a penis that is not the smallest can fully please them.

But how can a woman know how suitable a given man is for her sexually? The best way, of course, is to try it “in action,” but women have their own signs that allow external signs find out the size manhood. Some people take all this as a joke, but there are also those who take these signs very seriously.

Some facts about size

For most men, the length of the penis reaches between 12 and 18 cm during erection. In an unexcited, flaccid state, the size of the male penis also varies, but the size in a calm state cannot be used to judge what size it can reach when excited. If we look at the results of research, it turns out that in most cases, the larger the penis in a flaccid state, the more smaller quantity times it will increase while being excited. From the above, one conclusion can be drawn: not all that glitters is gold.

It is reliably known that external factors significantly influence the size of manhood. So, for example, the male penis decreases in size and fits closer to the body under the influence of cold air, ice water and strong excitement, thus the male body exhibits a protective reaction, and this applies not only to the penis, but also to the scrotum. But under the influence of favorable external conditions, such as warm water and a general relaxed state of the body, the size of manhood increases.

So how can you find out the size of a man's penis based on his external data?

Each man's penis parameters are as individual as his face. Whatever nature has given them, that’s what they exist with. If, after all, size is not the least important for a woman, she should pay attention to some details.

For starters, growth. As the famous saying goes, “go to the root,” or, more simply, it is believed that the shorter a man’s height, the longer his penis. It turns out that the taller a man is, the shorter his weapon? Frankly speaking, this is a controversial statement, but there are those who continue to convince the public that it is right. Based on the same saying, we can conclude that thin men have thicker and longer penises than large and pumped men.

Scientists came to the aid of women interested in this issue, who managed to prove that sexual activity can be determined by measuring the ratio of the length of the thigh to the length of the leg. In other words, the greater the length of the thigh, the higher the person’s sexual activity.

It is also believed that the fuller a man's lips, the greater his dignity. Among other signs, it is often cited that the thickness and length of the penis can be recognized by the length and width of the male foot, as well as by the shape thumb hands, you can find out the shape of the penis. And it is also believed that in men with a long nose, the length of the penis also does not disappoint.

Not long ago, Korean scientists managed to find a way to find out the size of a man's penis. For most people in general and men in particular, the ring finger is longer than the index finger, so the greater the difference between the thumb and index finger of a man, the longer his penis. Scientists claim that this method is the most reliable, because... it was derived from research. It was previously proven that the size of a person’s fingers is formed at the embryonic stage, the length of the ring finger, as well as the size of the male penis, are formed at the same stage under the influence of hormones, or more precisely, testosterone. Those. the greater the amount of this hormone, the longer the ring finger, and, accordingly, the penis.

Some women are interested in whether it is really possible to judge the size of a man’s “economy” just by looking at the face, arms or legs young man. Is this realistic and how to determine the size of the penis by external signs?

Some women claim that the size of the penis can be determined by the degree of hairiness of a man's body.

It is quite common to believe that the size of a man’s penis can be determined by certain external data. To date, this information has been confirmed only by Korean scientists.

In their experiment, they compared the size of the penis with the size of the hands and found that if the ring finger is longer than the index finger, then the length of the penis will be impressive. In addition, there are several more guesses about the relationship between the dimensions of manhood and some external signs. Thus, it is believed that:

  • the size of the penis can be compared with the size of the leg;
  • if a man has a thin and long nose, then his penis will be like that, and if his nose is like a potato, then his penis will be thick but short;
  • some women believe that they can rely on the degree of hairiness of the male body;
  • the lips can serve as a guide: if they are thin, then the penis is the same, and if they are full and plump, then the size of the penis is impressive;
  • there is a theory that if the length of the thigh is greater than the length from the knee to the foot, then the man has impressive dignity.

So, how to determine the size of the penis by external signs? We need to look at this issue in more detail.

Is it possible to find out your penis size by looking at your legs?

Some representatives of the fair sex are interested in how to determine the size of their boyfriend's penis by assessing the size of their legs. But the fact that as a result of such a comparison, reliable information is obtained is explained by the correspondence of the data to the average size indicators for men. If a representative of the stronger sex has non-standard sizes, then determining them by the length and width of the foot comes to a dead end.

Tokyo scientists propose a calculation formula, which, in addition to the leg parameters, includes several more points. It looks like this:

R = 35 * (S + 3 * N) / M,

  • S is the shoe size a man wears;
  • N is the length of his nose;
  • M – body mass.

According to scientists from Tokyo, the body mass index in this formula is necessary because with an increase in the amount subcutaneous fat penis size decreases.

It is important to know that this formula is very conditional. First of all, the factor of race should be taken into account. According to average statistics, the penises of Asians, as well as their height, are smaller than those of the Caucasians. How to find out what size a man's penis is? First of all, you should focus on race.

In addition, a significant error arises if you determine the size of the penis of an obese guy with an average height and an athletic man with a height of more than 1.9 m. And all because their shoe size and weight may be in the same range. Therefore, this formula does not work for residents of the CIS.

Is it possible to tell the size of a man's penis by his hands and fingers?

Numerous materials on the Internet tell girls how to determine the size of a guy’s penis by a guy’s hand already on the first date. According to some sources, you need to pay attention to the thumbs; it is by their size and shape that you can determine the dimensions of your face. To get an approximate figure, the length of the thumb should be multiplied by three.

Another common method is to measure the distance between the tips of the thumb and index finger, if they are placed at right angles. According to the theory, this figure will be equal to the length of the penis.

Experienced women recommend paying attention to a man’s palms and wrists in general. According to their observations, if the palms are small and the fingers are short, then the dignity simply cannot be impressive. Most likely, such a man has a medium or small penis.

How to find out penis size by nose?

Ladies always pay attention to a man's facial features. And some researchers argue that this behavioral feature will determine the size of a young man’s dignity. An approximate classification of sizes has been developed, taking into account the length and shape of the nose and fingers.

It should be borne in mind that full-scale studies on this topic have not been carried out, therefore all of these methods are very relative and cannot be any guarantee that a visual assessment of a man can give a more or less accurate idea of ​​the size of his penis. When thinking about how to determine penis size based on the nose, it is important to take other features into account.

Many women mistakenly believe that the calm state of the penis can determine what size it will reach when excited.

There are several less popular options for determining penis size:

  1. In length, from the tip of the middle finger to the wrist. How to find out the size of the penis by hand, measuring the length from the middle finger to the beginning of the wrist? This is impossible. This method is incorrect, since on average this distance is about 27 cm. If this were true, then the average penis size would be different.
  2. By voice. Some believe that the lower a man's voice, the greater his dignity will be. This theory is supported by an argument about the amount of testosterone in a man’s body. But this is just a fiction. It is impossible to determine that the man sitting opposite has a long penis just by listening to his deep baritone voice.
  3. The length of the penis in a calm state. Many ladies mistakenly believe that if the penis in a calm state is quite long, then when excited it will correspond to the original idea. But this is absolutely not true. There are also opposite cases when a small penis in its usual form can pleasantly surprise a girl in a state of erection.

It is also widely believed that a man’s height and the size of his penis are interrelated concepts. This is actually true. If a man is short or of average height, then it is very likely that his dignity will correspond. In extremely rare cases, the opposite happens. This can be seen in the example of race. Thus, African Americans are not just tall men, but also have large penises on average. But the same cannot be said about Asians.