A vodka compress is a very common home remedy. It helps to dilate blood vessels, which in turn provides a more intense flow of blood to the inflamed areas. A vodka compress helps to dissolve the painful focus, and is also effective in relieving swelling. The use of this type of compress helps to significantly reduce pain.

With various inflammatory processes that occur in the joints;

To relieve the effects of bruises or wounds, but it is necessary to apply only a few days after they are received;

To eliminate the infiltrate that has arisen as a result of receiving a medicinal injection;

During the onset of pain syndromes, both chronic and sudden;

With inflammatory processes of the throat.

Putting a vodka compress is quite simple, but even this seemingly easy matter has its own nuances. To begin with, you will need a small piece of gauze or soft cloth and a piece of polyethylene slightly larger than the gauze, as well as cotton wool and a bandage.

First, gauze urinates with vodka and is applied to the sore spot. From above, it is covered with polyethylene, and then with cotton wool - and everything is bandaged. These procedures are carried out in order to retain the received heat for a longer period of time. If possible, you can also tie a warm scarf over the bandage.

On a sore spot, such a compress should be from six to twelve hours. After removal, a warm, but already dry bandage should be put in its place. It is better to put the compress at night, and after removing it for several hours, it is advisable not to go outside, it is better to stay warm.

A vodka compress on the throat is good for sore throats. When applying such a compress, it is necessary to leave the neck area free, where the thyroid, and apply the entire compress only to its back and side surfaces. After removing the compress, it is not recommended to go outside.

A vodka compress is placed on the ear in the presence of various inflammatory processes in this organ. It is superimposed around the auricle, so it is necessary to make a hole for it in gauze, polyethylene and cotton wool. Such a compress must be placed for a short time, approximately 2-4 hours, it is not recommended at night

Vodka compress helps to effectively deal with such a problem as keratinization of the heels. First, they are steamed in saline solution (a spoonful of salt per liter of water). After that, a vodka compress is made on the heel, which is there all night.

Well, in the treatment of wounds, a vodka compress from nettle tincture helps. It's easy to prepare. To do this, pour nettle leaves into a bottle and fill them with vodka, and then insist for about two weeks. Be sure to keep the bottle in the sun. Apply such a compress as follows: the wound is pre-washed and a compress is applied to it. It should be changed after three hours.

Sometimes, if the vodka compress is applied incorrectly, instead of a warming effect, it can cause the patient to fail to follow the order of applying layers, or polyethylene (oilcloth) has not completely covered the fabric moistened with vodka.

Do not use a vodka compress if there are abscesses and open wounds. It is contraindicated in all oncological diseases, with purulent otitis media, pleurisy and bronchitis. In order to avoid complications, before using this type of compress, it is imperative to consult a specialist. Independent decision-making on the imposition of a vodka compress can cause an exacerbation of the diseases that the patient has.

Didn't you know that vodka is an effective medicine for flu, colds, tonsillitis, otitis media? Only in these cases it should not be taken orally, but used externally, making a vodka compress. Thanks to its warming properties, vodka works real miracles here. For example, there is the following proven method: if you are very cold and feel the first signs of a feverish state, immediately put a vodka compress on your feet, put on warm woolen socks and get into bed - in the morning you will be like a cucumber, and the cold will pass by.

Vodka compresses perfectly relieve pain and swelling. They are often applied to places of bruises, injuries and sprains. Such procedures are indicated for joint inflammation and any pain syndromes associated with the musculoskeletal system. And compresses with vodka "became famous" in cosmetology, as they help to tidy up rough skin in some parts of the body - in particular, on the soles of the feet.

How to make a vodka compress?

In all cases, a compress with vodka performs one main function - it warms one or another part of the body. Alcohol contained in vodka causes vasodilation - due to this, blood circulation increases, and the body turns on its own mechanisms to resist diseases. The main thing is to limit the evaporation of alcohol vapors and minimize heat loss.

Here's how to make a vodka compress:

  • take a gauze napkin or a piece of bandage, fold it 3-4 times, moisten with vodka, wring out the excess, apply to the problem area;
  • top with a piece of parchment paper or cling film. It should be larger than the gauze so that it does not peek out from under its edges;
  • cover the compress with a layer of cotton - it plays the role of a heater;
  • fix with a bandage;
  • pick up something from warm clothes (woolen socks, if the compress is on the legs; a scarf, if it is placed on the throat, etc.).

Indications and contraindications for the use of vodka compress

You can and should make compresses with vodka in the following cases:

  • hypothermia;
  • angina;
  • otitis (inflammation of the ear, except for the purulent form);
  • inflammatory processes in the larynx;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • stretching of muscles and ligaments;
  • inflammation and pain in the joints;
  • corns on the feet.

Since vodka is alcohol with a high degree, pregnant women should refrain from such compresses. Also, do not do them to children under the age of 3 years. Part of the alcohol is absorbed into the body through the coda and can harm an unstable nervous system child.

Of the other contraindications relevant:

  • bronchitis;
  • purulent otitis;
  • wounds, scratches, allergic and dermatological skin lesions.

Vodka compress on the feet from corns. It is not so difficult to make the feet of your feet delightful and seductive, tender and soft, like a baby's. You just have to allocate some time for the procedure and endure the possible inconvenience associated with it.

Cleanly washed feet are first steamed in a salt or soapy bath. Salt solution is prepared at the rate of 0.5 cups of table salt per half a bucket of hot water, soapy - 1-2 caps of bath foam (or 1-2 tablespoons) for the same amount of water.

Steamed feet are wiped dry with a towel and immediately applied to them with napkins soaked in vodka. They pull plastic bags over their feet, and then 2 pairs of socks - cotton and warm woolen. In the morning, the separated areas of keratinized skin are removed with a piece of pumice stone, the feet are rinsed with water and then lubricated with a nourishing cream. If necessary, you can carry out this procedure several times.

Vodka compress on the ear. It is done according to the classical method described above. It is very important that at this time the patient does not have a temperature. A piece of gauze or cloth will be required small - you just need it to fit the size of the ear and completely cover it. Be sure to squeeze out excess vodka from gauze - they can flow into the ear canal. You can “bandage” the compress to the head with a warm scarf. You should not go to bed with him until the morning - you can remove the bandage after 4 hours. After the procedure, the patient must spend at least 12 hours in a warm room. You can't go outside.

Vodka compress on the throat. A vodka compress will not save you from a prolonged cough. You need to put it not when you are already coughing loudly, but at the moment when you are just starting to feel that a suspicious “lump” has appeared in your throat. The sooner the warming home “therapy” is carried out, the shorter the path to the “final recovery” point will be.

A vodka compress is placed on the throat for 8-10 hours. You can go straight to bed with him if it's convenient for you. After removing the compress, you need to keep your throat wrapped in a warm scarf for another 3-4 hours.

Vodka compress on the chest. The warming effect of a vodka compress allows you to solve the problem of lactostasis - blockage of the ducts of the mammary gland during breastfeeding. Some doctors confidently recommend that their patients do a vodka compress on the chest in such situations. Others prefer to refrain from such conservative methods, believing that alcohol will not lead to good. In any case, alcohol-containing products, including vodka, can cause burns on the delicate skin of the chest. Therefore, when placing compresses with vodka on the chest, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. And be sure to consult about the appropriateness of this procedure with a doctor.

Vodka compress from lice and nits (for pediculosis). Pharmaceutical preparations for head lice help to remove lice and nits in a matter of minutes, but at the same time they often cause irreparable damage to the hair, which begins to fall out badly, split at the ends, etc. Vodka does not have any negative impact on the condition of the hair, and lice and nits die from alcohol vapors.

The treatment algorithm here is simple: from 50 to 100 g of vodka is applied to the hair (depending on the length and volume of the hair), distributed evenly over the entire head, wrap the head with polyethylene and a warm scarf, wait 30-40 minutes, then rinse the hair with warm water and comb out dead "living creatures" from the hair with a comb. A week later, everyone repeats, and to consolidate the result, they make a vodka compress on the head for the third time - again with an interval of a week.

It leads to vasodilation, which provides blood flow to the affected area. Compresses of this action - warming - occupy one of the first places among the universal means of combating a variety of ailments. They alleviate the condition in case of injuries, reducing the feeling of pain, relieve inflammation and eliminate swelling.

The healing properties of a vodka compress

Main healing property vodka compress - warming. A timely compress on the feet with hypothermia can prevent an impending cold.

"By improving blood circulation, the vodka compress serves as a kind of impetus to activate the body's own mechanisms to resist fever. "

Compresses of such a warming effect, like vodka, have excellent analgesic properties. Due to its ability to increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, vodka compress helps to improve the condition of rough skin areas.

Indications for the use of vodka compress

1. In case of injuries - dislocations, bruises, sprains of muscles and ligaments - the compress relieves pain and swelling. Superimposed on the second day that has passed since the injury, replacing cold lotions.

2. Inflammation of the ear (otitis media), except for its purulent form.

3. Angina and inflammatory processes occurring in the larynx.

4. Articular inflammation and any pain that accompanies problems with the musculoskeletal system.

5. General hypothermia of the body.

6. Thrombophlebitis of the extremities.

7. Appearance of infiltrate during intramuscular injection.


Since this compress contains an alcohol component, it is not recommended for children under three years of age and pregnant women to avoid the possible negative effects of alcohol penetrating the skin. There are other contraindications for a vodka compress, for example:

1) bronchitis;

2) purulent form of otitis media;

3) damaged skin at the site of the intended compress - scratches, open wounds, dermatological lesions.

Description of the procedure with vodka compress

Required condition - layering of the compress from vodka:

1. Vodka, as an integral component of a warming bandage, which is impregnated with a dense piece of fabric, can be replaced with alcohol diluted 3 to 1 (three parts of water plus one of alcohol) or alcoholic tinctures of herbs. This is the first layer of the compress.

2. The next layer is compress paper, the role of which can be played by ordinary cling film. It should exceed the size of the fabric soaked in vodka - 2 cm more around the perimeter.

3. The final layer is insulation. In this capacity, cotton wool or woolen fabric can act.

The compress is fixed on the sore spot with a bandage or scarf.

Vodka compress on the ear

Superimposed when otitis media. Since it is not the ear itself that is heated, but the area around it, a hole is cut out of the fabric corresponding to the shape of the ear.

Keep the compress for no more than four hours, while the patient's temperature should be normal.

Vodka compress on legs

Indications - the elimination of corns and cornification on the heels. Do at night.

Action algorithm:

1) make a hot salt (1:10) foot bath;

2) wrap steamed legs with gauze soaked in vodka;

3) wrap with cling film;

4) put on warm socks.

Vodka compress for throat

For the onset of a quick effect of recovery from angina (sometimes only two days are enough), it is necessary to apply a vodka compress at the very first manifestations of the disease. Useful advice in this case: it is better to apply a compress at night (the compress should last at least eight hours), and after you have removed the warming bandage, wrap your neck with a scarf.

Using vodka compresses, as folk remedy against diseases of the throat or ear, it would be wiser notify the attending physician. Home remedies must be combined with the medical treatment prescribed by the doctor.

At all times, traditional medicine recipes have been very popular among the population of the globe. Of course, if there is a chance to get rid of the disease or to prevent its occurrence with the help of natural herbs and infusions, few people will agree to take medications, which are based on substances with difficult-to-pronounce names. However, what our ancestors used to treat even the simplest colds may not always suit us. For example, a vodka compress. A lot is known about him and everyone. But this does not make this tool a panacea in the fight against ailments. When can this method be used? In what cases is a dressing with a warming fluid contraindicated? Let's figure it out.

General information about a well-known tool

A vodka compress is one of the methods of dealing with colds, as well as with injuries, bruises, dislocations. The alcohol-containing liquid included in its composition has an effect that increases body temperature, therefore this bandage is classified as warming. Instead of vodka, you can use ethyl alcohol diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1:3.

At the same time, the duration of use of the dressing plays a huge role in the fight against ailments. So, a vodka compress on the throat, face, chest should not be applied for more than twenty minutes. The skin of these areas is highly sensitive, so excessive temperature exposure to them can cause burns. Vodka compress on the leg, back can be applied for 30-40 minutes. But not more.

We apply correctly

As a rule, any compress is a bandage consisting of several layers. A bandage or cotton wool is used as the very first inner web. It is this material that is in direct contact with the surface of the skin, so it must be hypoallergenic and hygienically clean. This layer is impregnated with vodka and applied to the body area. Polyethylene is placed on top so that it completely covers the first layer. Otherwise, the vodka will evaporate and the medical effect will decrease. The third layer as a heater is cotton wool. Then the bandage. The last two layers will allow you to keep the elevated temperature under the compress for a long time and prolong the healing process.

Action on the affected area

What kind of therapeutic effect does a vodka compress have? After the bandage is established, increased humidity forms under it, and the temperature rises. In connection with these processes, the speed of metabolic operations occurring in the tissues of the body increases. The circulation improves. Useful substances with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and disinfectant properties penetrate the skin area and come to the fight against the disease. After the end of the procedure, the place where the vodka compress was applied is wiped with a soft towel and insulated again, but only with the help of dense natural fabrics. For greater effect, it is recommended to beware of going out into the open air. Therefore, if possible, the compress should be done at night. But in no case should the bandage remain until the morning.


As a rule, such dressings can only be used by adults. Children, and especially infants, the use of this method of treatment is strictly contraindicated. The result of neglect can be alcohol poisoning and burns. In addition, vodka compress can not be used for symptoms such as:

  • Heat.
  • Pustular eruptions and ulcers.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Violation of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Wounds and injuries of the skin.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Tendency to bleed.
  • Tuberculosis.

Alcohol compresses have been very popular for treatment since ancient times. various diseases which have both external and internal manifestations. They are mainly used as a warming agent. This method is used for physical injuries, inflammation of the joints and muscles. It is also used to treat tonsillitis, otitis media, sciatica, various ailments of the larynx and other problems.

How to make an alcohol compress on the ear?

Similar methods are used for various diseases of the hearing organs. Most often, a compress is applied during the active phasewhen water has been in the ear for a long time or simply with pains of varying intensity.


  • gauze bandage - 1 pc.;
  • a piece of polyethylene;
  • alcohol 96% or vodka - 20 ml;
  • water.

Preparation and application

To create a compress, moisten gauze folded several times with a solution of alcohol and water (1: 1) or vodka. Then place it behind your ear. A small part of gauze is placed on top of the hearing organ itself, and then polyethylene. In both layers, you must first make small holes for air circulation. After that, the affected area is wrapped with a cloth - best of all, a woolen scarf. You can keep such bandages for no more than four hours.

Alcohol compress on the throat


  • gauze bandage;
  • waterproof paper;
  • alcohol 40%;
  • woolen fabric.

Preparation and application

The bandage is folded several times and wetted with alcohol. Then it is applied directly to the throat. In this case, the fabric should only be damp - it should not drain from it. On top of the bandage is a film or waterproof paper. From above it is all closed with a scarf.

Such a compress can be done several times a day. There must be a break of at least two hours between procedures. It is important to monitor the reaction of the skin - if it clearly reacts badly to the procedures - such treatment should be stopped.

Alcohol compress on the leg or arm

Often, people who are actively involved in sports get injuries to their legs and arms, which are accompanied by hemorrhages and.


  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • bandage;
  • cotton wool;
  • film.

Preparation and application

A bandage folded in several layers is urinated with vodka and applied to the affected area. On top is polyethylene. After that, a dense layer of cotton wool is applied, which will ensure the preservation of heat. Then the whole structure is closed with a bandage. Each layer should be one or two centimeters wider than the previous one. In this case, the bandage will perform its functions.

Such therapy is not carried out immediately after the injury, but only the next day. At the very beginning, it is still recommended to use ice. In addition, if the problem area is in the fold, the bandage can quickly move or fall off. In this case, it is recommended to use more rubbing. Before use, it is advisable to visit a specialist.