All country cottages are divided into two price groups. Houses up to 500 thousand rubles and luxury buildings costing from half a million rubles. About 70% of all proposed houses belong to the first group. Building such a dacha is much easier than buying a one-room apartment in the city.

What is a house up to 500 thousand rubles?

When planning to buy a cottage for half a million rubles, you need to get rid of all illusions. You need to clearly understand that this is a budget building. It cannot be used throughout the year. But from May to October it will be a wonderful home for all family members.

At the same time, such a building is not a blank or a semi-finished product. It is quite suitable for living without further expenses. Even turnkey finishing will not require excessive financial investments. Such a service will add no more than 25-30% to the total cost, but will save you from a lot of problems.

The layout of such buildings is developed taking into account the small size of the rooms. In terms of internal layout, such buildings do not differ from their more expensive analogues. Living in them is also comfortable.

However, the devil is in the details. Affordable country house designs are created from inexpensive timber (often naturally dried), they do not require insulation materials, and simple finishing materials are used.

You should not think that such a building will be an outright miserable house that you will be ashamed to enter. This is a very good cottage that is easy and inexpensive to maintain throughout the year.

What is included in the price of a budget cottage?

The cottage includes:

  • House kit according to the selected project.
  • Pouring the foundation.
  • Installation of communications inside the house.
  • External and internal finishing.

Frame houses are simple, they are easily and quickly assembled on any type of terrain. If necessary, it is easy to rearrange them or even disassemble them before transporting them to a new location.

Builders involved in the construction of such houses assemble kits without the use of construction equipment. The work takes a matter of days, about a month is spent on finishing work.

Who among us does not dream of our own cozy home? Perhaps only those who already have it. Lately the Internet has been filled with offers for turnkey house construction. The demand and price for such offers are undoubtedly increasing. Most people don't understand what it is.

What does it mean to “build a turnkey house”? What are the benefits of building a turnkey house?

Despite the demand for turnkey home construction, many customers do not fully understand what this means. This means that the customer will be provided with fully finished and comfortable housing. Such a house will fully comply with the customer’s wishes. In this case, the customer will not worry that he did not have time to complete something due to urgent matters, he will simply be provided with the finished work. All that remains for the customer to do is just to celebrate the housewarming. There are definitely many positive aspects in turnkey construction. Firstly, this is a favorable construction price. Secondly, as mentioned earlier, you won’t have to spend morning until evening at the construction site of your house; all you have to do is transport your things to your new home. For a turnkey house, all internal communications are carried out: heating, installation of windows and doors, hot and cold water supply, electricity, sewerage, as well as all finishing work, installation of doors and windows.

The initial stage of turnkey construction.

If you decide to build a turnkey house and find a responsible organization that will do it, then first of all the contractor should offer to develop a working design of the house. It will indicate all stages of building a house, from preparing the territory to finishing the exterior of the house. All stages of such construction must be agreed upon in advance and discussed with the customer. The working design of the house has a very important role. The strength, reliability and comfort of the house depends on the design. A certain period of time is allotted for the creation of a working draft. Before construction begins, the contractor and client must discuss construction costs, work schedules, and payments. In addition to the working design, a more familiar one for us is being created - an architectural one. It is required to obtain a building permit from local authorities. It will also be necessary to create a complete project, which will include the design, structural part and communications layout plan. It doesn’t matter whether you want to build a house according to an individual or a standard project, in any case, you save yourself from further problems. It is important to remember that regardless of the project, construction should be trusted to certified and experienced specialists.

Building materials for turnkey construction of a house.

A special place is occupied by the choice of material for external walls. You can choose either gas or foam concrete, brick or wooden beams. Aerated concrete is a relatively new type of building material for external walls. Its popularity is high because it is light weight, thanks to which you can save on the foundation. Aerated concrete has a high level of strength. An aerated concrete house can last more than 70 years. The construction of aerated concrete walls is advantageously cheaper than, for example, brick ones. Another advantage of aerated concrete is its environmental friendliness. Timber is also a good material. Building a house from a wooden beam will not be difficult. After constructing the box, you need to wait 2 months, since the wood tends to settle. Yellow brick is often used for exterior walls. It has good thermal properties and is fairly light weight. You can also opt for foam blocks. A house made of foam blocks can be erected quickly and easily, even by an inexperienced specialist. Foam blocks are distinguished by their low price, light weight, quick installation, and sound insulation. The disadvantages of foam blocks are their fragility and fragility. With the right approach, the house will come out warm, cozy and comfortable. Insulation of the house is of particular importance. If you decide to clad your house with timber or brick, then thermal insulation must be done without fail. Unlike timber and brick, foam blocks have good heat-saving qualities.

The cost of building a turnkey house.

Many people are primarily interested in the cost of construction. During turnkey construction, the costs of the project, contractor services and the cost of materials are summed up. The price may vary depending on many factors. An individual project costs about more than a standard one. If your construction budget is small, then it is better to stick to a standard project. The quality of such a house will not be worse than one that was built according to an individual project. Also, the price will depend on the location of the building, the geological structure, as well as the presence of a basement and the external and internal decoration of the house.

Build a house for 500,000 rubles: myth or reality?

Everyone who has lived in a rented apartment certainly wants to have their own apartment or house, since not everyone is able to live in someone else’s house and wait for such a frequent guest as the owner. We have already found out that it is better to build a house turnkey in order to save your time and money, but is it possible to do this for 500,000 rubles? The Internet was all over the blog of a young family who wrote about building a house for 500,000 rubles. There were a lot of commentators. The majority assured that this was impossible, and if it was possible, the house would be damp. Commentators also assured that such a building would be favored by insects and that mold would certainly appear in it. It turned out that it is possible to build a house for 500,000 rubles. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly. To build a house for half a million rubles, you need to have a small plot of land, about 6 acres, and an experienced contractor.

When choosing a contractor, you need to refer to the following criteria:
1. Does the contractor have experience and work with turnkey orders;
2. Does it have special equipment;
3. Does the contractor provide guarantees;
4. Order completion time.

Basic expenses for building a house.

When building a house, there are major and minor expenses. The main expenses include the purchase of a plot of land if you do not have one, connection to communications, payment for the work of a contractor, interior and exterior decoration.

The costs of building a house are divided approximately like this:
box at home - 40%,
water supply - 7%,
finishing work-38%
and heating - 9%.

Turnkey house - buy or build?

Having decided to build a turnkey house, you will receive a fully finished and comfortable home that will meet your requirements. What is better, to get a turnkey house already ready, in which only minor work remains to be done, or to build it? Let's look at the positive and negative sides of each moment. Any construction begins with the purchase of land. The positive side of building a house yourself is choosing the land yourself. By choosing a plot of land according to your taste, you provide yourself with a good location for your future home. Another positive quality is to develop a project yourself, but this type of work requires quite a lot of time, and without special skills it will be difficult to do this. Be prepared that developing a project and purchasing building materials will require a lot of effort and effort. To build a turnkey house, you will need to find a contractor. During construction, you risk running into unscrupulous builders. One of the main advantages can be considered the ability to do some work yourself. This way you will save your budget. Having decided to build a turnkey house, you have the opportunity to pay money to the contractor in stages. Also, the house, which is built turnkey, fully meets the customer’s requirements. Such a house will not require repairs in the near future. The ability to independently select building materials can be considered a rather positive aspect.

Buying a turnkey house.

When buying a turnkey house, you eliminate all the difficulties with its construction, but it is not easy to find a house that will meet your needs. By buying a house, you save yourself from paperwork and this is definitely a plus. When purchasing such a house, you cannot know what materials were used in construction. You can purchase a house with low-quality materials. You can move into a house that is purchased turnkey right away and do not have to wait for the renovation to be completed. When buying a turnkey house, you pay more. If, when building a turnkey project, you know in advance the comfort of the location and the character of the future neighbors, then when buying a turnkey project, the chances of getting unpleasant neighbors and an unfavorable location are higher. By comparing all the positive and negative aspects of the purchase and turnkey construction, we can draw conclusions. Obviously, building a house is much better.

If you have not come to a clear decision to build or buy, then the following recommendations are for you:
1. Before buying a house, think about why it is for sale. It may have minor flaws. It's better to ask the owner about this.
2.After and before purchasing a plot of land, study the soil and check the level of groundwater flow.
3. When choosing building materials for building a house, pay attention to wooden beams. Lining with this material will help keep you warm in winter and cool in summer.
4. When choosing building materials and tools, pay attention to domestically produced goods. Their price is 20-25% lower than imported ones, and the quality is almost the same.


Turnkey house construction is a new phenomenon, but already quite in demand and paid for. If you do not have sufficient knowledge of construction, but want to keep the process of building a house under your careful control, then this construction option will be optimal for you. Often, organizations that carry out this kind of work have good discounts from suppliers of building materials or in construction stores, so such construction may turn out to be more profitable than building it yourself. Is it possible to build a turnkey house for 500,000 rubles? It is possible to build a house for 500,000 rubles, but only in case of austerity. Such a house will turn out to be modest, but in the future you will be able to improve it if you wish, without any problems. Is it better to buy or build a turnkey house? Even after receiving complete information, making a choice is not easy. A turnkey house has a design, layout, cladding and other components as desired by the customer. When choosing a ready-made turnkey house, the positive quality is the speed of completion. One way or another, you can choose the option that will be more optimal for you.

Recently, private houses, mainly made of timber, have become very popular. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, experts note the environmental friendliness of such objects. Secondly, the material helps maintain a constant temperature in the house. For example, in winter it is very warm, and in the warm season, on the contrary, it is cool.

Build a house for 500,000 rubles

Separately, it should be noted the relatively low cost of such houses, compared to objects made from other materials. We offer you timber houses up to 500 thousand rubles. This price category is considered quite adequate. The houses have an attic, veranda or terrace. Everything is your choice, as is the layout. You can decide for yourself what the layout will be and where the bathroom and kitchen areas will be located. In addition, you decide whether the house will be one-story or two-story. Each option has some advantages.

Each project of a house made of timber up to 500 thousand rubles is supplemented with one or another architectural design:

  • Bay window - made on two or one floor, rectangular or round in shape. It does a good job of increasing the interior space. In addition, it is possible to install an interfloor staircase, which significantly occupies the living space.
  • The balcony, designed on the upper level, serves as an excellent relaxation spot where you can relax, watching nature or simply sunbathing.
  • Terrace – can accommodate a dining table, where you will have meals in the fresh air.
  • A garage attached to the building will protect your car from adverse weather or the scorching rays of the sun.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose you are going to purchase such a house - for permanent residence with your family or you want to turn your house into a summer house, opt for timber. Timber is a very high quality material, and it is also characterized by durability. Trust the professionals and you will definitely be satisfied.

Is it possible to build yourself a good, comfortable house for 500 thousand rubles? My regular readers know very well what is possible.

Three years ago a young scientist aldabulsk built himself a small (105 square meters) house not far from Rostov-on-Don. He built the house himself, in the evenings and on weekends; construction took three months and cost about half a million rubles:

After the publication of the construction report, expert bloggers issued a lot of expert predictions: that the house would certainly rot and fall apart, that fungus would grow in the walls, that the sewer system would be clogged with sewage, and that the first snow would collapse the roof...

Fortunately, wintering showed that the house stands unshakably, and mushrooms, mice and insects categorically do not want to settle within its walls:

Today I can fulfill your request. Anatoly sent me a detailed photo report on the current state of the “house for 500 thousand”, which I am publishing in its entirety. Looking ahead, I note that skeptics will be hurt: their hopes were not justified. Everything is fine with the house and its residents.

Start of report ---

We welcome everyone who is interested in the fate of our house for any reason. Yes, yes, we are alive and well, we have even increased by one person over the past time - we have a son. Now he is a little over two years old, and he is a serious man, no bullshit. In the present, the wife of the guy who built the house is writing to you. He and I didn’t even divorce or kill each other.

So, we have lived in this house for three winters already. We are not buried under the ruins of our home, and we do not have bearded lichen and moss, although, having removed cat hair, I am not so sure of this. Our foundation didn’t even swell or crack, as people were worried about in the comments. In the spring, while continuing the renovation, we lifted the linoleum and were completely convinced of this. Our house is not damp, not cold, there are no drafts, however, in the summer heat it warmed up quite strongly, so we purchased an air conditioner almost immediately.

We also recognize that the majority of the audience is right about the, to put it mildly, unsightly appearance of the house. And although we have gotten used to it over the past three years - you get used to everything, it was decided this year to cover the house with bricks in order to improve the appearance. Therefore, with a heavy heart, having sacrificed the completion of the interior decoration, we threw all our energy into the exterior. Because it’s long overdue to finish the boxes, well, those things along the edge of the roof, you understand, right?

Anticipating numerous comments on this action, we can assure everyone that this was not done for the purpose of insulation, strengthening, or God knows what else, with only one purpose - to bring the house into human form, but it’s nice to look at. This masonry itself is attached to that most beautiful green metal profile, which we did not remove, because there is no point, and there is a lot of hassle. No brick carries any load; it doesn’t save you from dampness and cold, if anything.

The first thing they gladly removed was the terrible concrete ribbon around the house, which they themselves had created in a state of insanity. An additional foundation for brickwork, resting on the same controversial slab that supports the entire house, and for this site, five cubic meters of concrete and 32 thousand rubles were spent along with payment for the work.

Then they hired workers who built the wall. They did it for a long time, with numerous smoke breaks and holidays, but in the end they did it. The brick itself cost us 54 thousand, our hard workers only asked for 10 rubles. for laying one piece - a total of 45 thousand for the whole job. It's quite cheap.

Then we had to re-make the slopes on the windows; they also hired boys here. The window sills - or whatever they are called - were installed by my husband himself, in order to save money. I didn’t even argue, because he can’t be stopped if he decides something, as you already understand. It turned out to be quite simple. Especially from the outside looking in.

The roof was lengthened, and the gaps between the rafters were filled with defective bricks.
The long-awaited moment came - boxes were made from dark brown laminated waterproof plywood. The surface of the plywood is almost mirror-like, so it is hardly noticeable.

On the side of the gables, the brick is covered with ebbs.

This is the only attractive thing in our fence so far - my husband spent two evenings doing it.

The internal situation has actually changed little, since living with two people on two salaries and three people with one, as they say, are two big differences. Our turn for kindergarten is only next year, so it’s been a long time since my so-called vacation is completely free.

The bathroom, also known as the toilet, was not photographed, nothing has changed, but mold has not appeared, see for yourself. Ordinary drywall can withstand our son’s wild delights during bathing. They just put linoleum and rugs on the floor, so it’s not too cold to walk barefoot. The hanging design - the Ikea dryer under the ceiling, in my opinion, is an excellent invention that saves space. In general, we have IKEA throughout our house, you’ll see later. Yes, yes, we are poor people, but this is understandable.

And comrades, let’s make it clear once and for all - we have a toilet, hot water from an 80-liter water heater and a sewer system that carries it all outside the house, to a hole in the yard. Azovvodokanal supplies our dachas with cold water. By the way, the water quality has been absolutely disgusting lately.

Everything is the same in the bedroom.

A hallway appeared with a closet, a hanger and a chest to sit on and comfortably put on the child’s shoes.

It was decided to turn the so-called office into a nursery in the future. For now, this is a place to store all sorts of nonsense. The door was removed when the son seriously pinched his fingers for the second time. For some reason, it was towards this joint that he was inflamed with especially tender feelings.

An extractor hood appeared in the kitchen. The little black one in the corner on the right is an electric mini-oven, which is enough for us. The hob is powered by the same gas cylinder. There is a juicer sticking out on the cabinet - the most useless unit, as it turned out. By the way, this year we harvested an absolutely record harvest of everything. We still eat pears and apples from our own garden.

The table was moved to the other side, making it convenient to stare out the window.

The entrance to the hallway was decorated with an arch.

A staircase appeared to the attic floor. We haven’t decided yet how beautifully to decorate the entrance. There will most likely be no residential premises there. But there is so much space to store terribly necessary things! We never understood where they were located below.

Behind the large window-door, sooner or later there will be an open veranda, on which we, most likely already gray-haired by that time, will begin to drink tea with jam.

The size of our cat excludes the possibility of purchasing a standard scratching post, so we built it ourselves, from scrap materials (a broken stool and a block).

Usurper cat. The son simply sleeps, does not see the disgrace that is happening.

A terrible monster, like a stove, purchased when we moved in, was given to my brother in the garage. I personally like the fireplace much better. It heats no worse, the house warms up very quickly when necessary. Now it’s still relatively warm here, so we hardly use it. Two electric convectors maintain 22°C in the house. For anyone interested, in winter, when it’s cold, we pay an average of 5 thousand for electricity.

This is our second floor, and our various junk. The ceiling height will be 2.5 meters. We haven’t figured out what will happen here yet.

This year, finally, at the cost of incredible efforts, made mainly to persuade neighbors to take part in what was happening, we completed the road to our house (if anyone remembers how it was here in 2010). While my husband was the chairman of this madhouse, we managed to make one and a half kilometers of main roads passable at any time of the year. On this, public funds were given a long life. Now everyone, including us, finishes the rest with their own money.

The technology is simple: a front loader is used to level broken bricks at the rate of one KamAZ per 50 meters. Next, large crushed stone is scattered in the same proportion. Somewhere it turned out better, somewhere worse, but now you can drive everywhere. Our street is cheap, so we saved as much as we could on the road, even laying some of the bricks by hand.

Only those who have walked a lot in rubber boots off-road can understand our happiness. Back in the spring, we often had to extract poor fellows in various cars from this mess with our Niva.

Also, my neighbors and I had to replace the old wires with new SIPs at our own expense, now we have no problems with voltage. In general, our main problem is not roads, but fools, and it is not clear how to deal with this. The board of directors in our partnership changes almost every week, you won’t believe how much intrigue there is! I want the forester to come and kick everyone to hell out of the forest, both white and red. My husband has already left the post of chairman for a year and a half, amen. Everything that is happening does not have the best effect on the general condition of the economy.

Probably more important. The house is fully decorated as a living space through the BTI and regional architecture, all three of us are registered in it. He has his flaws, he's not the most beautiful, again, but he's our own. Those who have lived in rented housing for many years know what we are talking about.

Every year more and more young families with children move to our holiday village. We are planning with our neighbors to build a children’s playground and a football field together. We have enough land here. That is how we live.

End of report ---