The anti-cold and expectorant properties of ginger have been known since ancient times. Its use is effective during exacerbation colds. To enhance the effect of the root, experts recommend combining it with milk. Ginger and milk form a harmonious tandem, which is a safe and effective medicine.

Beneficial properties of ginger with milk

Ginger quickly and effectively helps relieve inflammation. Milk has a rich composition. In total it is natural remedy will help you cope with cold symptoms faster and enhance the expectorant effect for severe coughs. Tea with milk and ginger has the following properties:

  • increases immunity;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • softens the respiratory tract;
  • saturates the body with microelements and vitamins;
  • actively removes phlegm;
  • fights viruses.

If there is no fever and the disease is not in an active stage, it is better to take this drink after a shower or hot bath. This healing drink will help you warm up if you are very cold on the way home or get caught in the rain. To prevent the flu, you can drink a cup of tea after communicating with a sick person.

If you have increased excitability of the nervous system, you should not drink the drink at night, as you may end up with insomnia. But in morning hours Milk with ginger will not cause discomfort, will charge you with vigor, and clarify your thoughts.

How to prepare a healing drink

There are several ways to prepare a ginger drink that will be useful for colds.

Ginger tea with ginger in Tibetan style

Water - 500 ml

Milk - 500 ml

Black tea - 1 teaspoon

Green tea - 1 teaspoon

You may be interested in: Properties of ginger tea, tips for use

Carnation, nutmeg, cardamom - 0.5 teaspoons each

Ground ginger - 1 teaspoon

You need to pour water into the pan, let it boil, add green tea and all the spices. After a minute, add black tea and milk. After a couple of minutes, remove from heat. Ten minutes is enough for the drink to brew. After filtering, it must be poured into a ceramic container. You need to drink tea on an empty stomach. Eating is possible only after a few hours. The tea should not be sweetened.

Drinking tea will help prevent colds. It tastes spicy and hot.

Classic ginger milk tea

Classic tea is prepared on the basis of black tea. Fresh ginger root is used.

Water - 1 glass

Milk - 1 glass

Sugar - 2 teaspoons

Fresh ginger - 1 teaspoon

A glass of water is brought to a boil, a pinch of fresh ginger is poured into it, black tea is added after a couple of minutes. Then a glass of milk is poured in, a spoonful of sugar is poured in and immediately removed from the heat. The resulting drink is designed for two servings. It will help relieve cough, improve general state with the flu. Tea is good with dried fruits or other sweets.

Ginger tea with turmeric and milk

Ginger root - 3 cm

Turmeric - 1 teaspoon

Milk - 2 glasses

Honey to taste

Milk is poured into a saucepan, turmeric is poured into the milk, and it is brought to a boil. After removing from heat, add grated ginger. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. After the drink is filtered, honey is added to it.

Turmeric is a natural antibiotic, and ginger root is a powerful antioxidant. Honey, when combined with milk, increases the body's resistance to disease. This drink improves metabolism, improves immunity, and calms the nervous system. Preparing tea takes about 15 minutes, and the effect of the drink lasts all day, because the body is charged with energy. Tea helps with wet cough.

Milk drink with honey and ginger

Ginger root - 0.5 teaspoon powder

Milk - 200 ml

Honey - 1 teaspoon

Bring the milk to a boil, carefully add the ginger and boil for two minutes. Remove from heat, let cool to 50°C. After this add honey. The drink should be drunk in small sips. After drinking tea, you need to wrap yourself up well and sweat thoroughly. After 2 days of drinking the drink, not a trace remains of the cold.

Ginger with milk for weight loss

Milk - 2 liters

Ginger root - 5 cm

Sugar - 30 g

Green tea - 2 teaspoons

Lemon - 1 small size

Milk should be taken with a lower percentage of fat content, the ginger must be fresh, cut into thin slices. Green tea must first be soaked in warm water. Let the milk boil, add ginger, then add green tea.

After ten minutes of boiling over low heat, sugar is added to the drink and lemon juice. Remove the mixture from the heat, cool to room temperature, then return to the heat and bring to a boil. Do this three or four times and leave for three hours. You need to drink the drink 2-3 cups per day. Course - 2 weeks.

This use will allow you to forget about those extra pounds very soon.


Green tea for weight loss

Since ancient times, this unique product has served not only as a drink and healing potion, but is also an excellent means for losing weight. Drinking green tea is beneficial both for health and for maintaining an ideal slim body.

The benefits and harms of green tea

The ancient drink contains a set of alkaloids, macro- and microelements, hundreds of other chemical components and organic compounds. The caffeine contained in tea gives the body vigor, increases efficiency, and improves mental activity.

However, this alkaloid can cause harm to the cardiovascular and nervous systems, therefore excessive consumption is not recommended. Another medicinal element in the drink is tannin.

It promotes normal digestion, strengthens blood vessels, and kills harmful microbes.


One of important elements, found in green tea and helping with weight loss, are polyphenols. Microelements affect the body's heat exchange, increasing it. According to scientific research, drinking 5-6 cups of hot drink a day increases the amount of fat burned by 40%. The beneficial catechins contained in tea also help you lose weight. Thanks to them, the body's metabolism improves, and the weight is normalized.

What are the benefits of green tea?

The effects that green tea has are very beneficial. You should know that the Chinese hot drink is a diuretic. The composition removes excess fluid from the body. This property of the drink can be enhanced by adding skim milk to it. Another important benefit of green tea is its ability to suppress hunger by lowering blood sugar levels. By drinking the drink twenty minutes before meals, you can feel full earlier, thereby reducing the number of calories you ingest.


Like any product, green tea for weight loss has its own restrictions on use:

  1. Doctors do not recommend drinking this drink for people suffering from kidney and stomach diseases. Do not drink it when increased thyroid gland and pregnant women with toxicosis.
  2. Green tea should not be consumed if high blood pressure and those with high fever, arrhythmia, and sore joints.
  3. Drink on an empty stomach hot drink for weight loss can disrupt digestion, and in some cases cause gastritis or ulcers.

Green tea recipes for weight loss

There are many special recipes that will help you prepare Chinese tea for weight loss correctly. The extra pounds will not go away on their own, so in combination with the drink it is advisable to use various diets and physical exercise. Among the popular recipes for weight loss that are easy to prepare at home are:

  • ginger drink;
  • cinnamon;
  • lactic;
  • citric;
  • Jasmine tea;
  • properly brewed oolong.

How to brew green tea correctly

Green tea is an aid to weight loss, but it is very effective if brewed according to all the rules. You can use a variety of products as additives: ginger, lemon, cinnamon, milk and even garlic. Important points for proper brewing:

  1. Do not pour boiling water over the leaves; use the temperature indicated on the package (80 to 94 degrees).
  2. Infuse the drink for no more than five minutes to prevent it from losing beneficial properties.
  3. Cook using the correct proportions (100 ml liquid per 1 tsp dried leaves).

Ginger tea

Green tea with ginger and lemon, which helps you lose weight, is prepared as follows:

  1. Peel the ginger root with a knife. Thinly slice the product.
  2. Place the wedges in a pan of cold water.
  3. Bring the container to a boil.
  4. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. Pour the finished drink into cups. Add lemon.
  6. Consume in small sips to avoid burns to the mouth and internal organs.


This drink is very good for weight loss. Prepare milk tea according to the following recipe:

  1. Pour one liter of milk (preferably low-fat) into a saucepan. Bring to a boil.
  2. Cool slightly after boiling.
  3. Add a few tablespoons of green tea to the drink you are preparing.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid and let the tea steep for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Add one spoon of honey to taste.
  6. Milkweed is ready to drink.


This variety of ancient drink has a characteristic milky and caramel taste. To prepare oolong you need to prepare: clean water, Chinese green tea, mint, lemon, sugar (to taste). Recipe:

  1. Prepare a teapot for brewing, add a couple of spoons of oolong to it.
  2. Pour boiling water over the first brew and drain immediately (to clean the leaves from dust).
  3. Refill the kettle hot water and leave for 4-5 minutes.
  4. Add lemon or mint to taste.
  5. Drink in small sips, periodically adding boiling water to the kettle.
  6. You can do 4-5 repeated brews.


A very popular spice that is often added to hot drinks is cinnamon. Classic recipe preparing the drink is simple:

  1. Boil the water. Let it cool slightly (to about 80 degrees).
  2. Brew tea for 4-5 minutes, after pouring out the first tea leaves.
  3. Grind a cinnamon pod and add one pinch to the drink you are preparing.
  4. Let it sit for a few minutes.
  5. Use carefully to avoid burning yourself.

With lemon

The classic ingredient added to the ancient drink is lemon. This fruit has an extremely positive effect on human health. Special recipe does not exist for cooking. Simply brew tea leaves and add a slice of lemon to it.

It is not advisable to consume sugar. If you don’t like an unsweetened hot drink at all, then you can use honey, which is no less healthy than citrus. The main thing is to remember that the last ingredient is not added to very hot tea.

When too high temperature tea, all the beneficial qualities of honey will disappear.

How much green tea can you drink per day?

Research shows that the healthy amount of green tea is three to ten cups per day. The range is wide, so you don’t have to worry about the negative consequences of drinking Chinese hot drink. However, those who suffer from high blood pressure or who are concerned about their kidney health should first consult with their doctor about possible restrictions.

Ginger milk began to be used quite recently and for many the drink still remains unknown. Of course, it is impossible to buy such a food product in a store, but you can easily prepare it at home.

You should not prepare ginger milk in advance, as the drink may spoil.

Beneficial features

The benefits of ginger milk lie in its chemical composition. For example, the drink supports bone strength and muscle tissue. When consumed, you can get rid of muscle pain, for example, after a workout. At regular use Ginger milk helps the body tolerate physical fatigue much more easily. The drink has also been proven to be effective against cramps, for example, during menstruation in women. Milk also helps fight seasickness.

It is impossible not to mention the beneficial properties of ginger milk in the fight against colds. When drinking the drink, the immune system is strengthened, and the body tolerates periods of active spread of viruses and infections much more easily.

It also helps to cope with wet cough. In addition, ginger milk stimulates blood circulation. The drink has a positive effect on work. If you drink a glass of ginger milk before a hearty lunch or feast, you will not feel a feeling of heaviness, and the food will be absorbed quickly.

The hot spice, when combined with milk, has a beneficial effect on the skin. This drink maintains her healthy appearance and also acts as a rejuvenating and refreshing agent.

Use in cooking

Ginger milk is a tasty and original drink, but it can also be used in cooking to prepare various dishes. For example, you can make many desserts based on it, for example, it could be ice cream or original cream. In general, ginger milk can replace regular milk in many recipes, which will allow you to achieve a new original taste in familiar dishes.

How to make ginger milk?

There are several ways to prepare ginger milk. For example, the root is ground on a fine grater and then squeezed through cheesecloth. You can extract ginger juice using a juicer.

You can change the proportions of milk and ginger juice depending on your preferences.

Harm of ginger milk and contraindications

Ginger milk can be harmful to people who have an individual intolerance to the product, and therefore, if they have an allergy, such healthy drink It is still contraindicated for use. This drink should be drunk with caution during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, for example, with ulcers, as well as inflammation.

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  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for runny nose
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Ginger is a medicinal plant that is added to many medications to fight various diseases. Ginger root helps to quickly recover from colds. Teas, tinctures are prepared from it, or the product is consumed in crushed form. This plant is much more effective at destroying bacteria and fighting the symptoms of a cold when combined with milk. This drink is rich in various beneficial properties. Ginger with milk for cough is an effective remedy that will eliminate this unpleasant symptom in a short time.

Ginger includes anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, thanks to which you can recover from respiratory ailments. This plant copes well with inflammation and stimulates blood circulation. It is indicated for:

  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • colds.
  • viral or bacterial infections.

Ginger root is used to strengthen the immune system. Milk treats a sore throat, relieves pain, and coats the mucous membrane. A mixture of these products will give noticeable results from the first days of use. Milk with ginger for cough is an easy-to-prepare remedy that does not require much expense or time. The root of the plant contains many essential oils that eliminate inflammatory processes in respiratory organs and provoke the release of mucus. Ginger with milk effectively eliminates wet cough. They can lower the temperature, relieve dry cough symptoms and headaches. If you suffer from a wet cough, you should add a little cinnamon or cloves to your drink. These components will make the milk-ginger potion taste sweet. The product can be drunk before bed, it ensures normal sleep and promotes rapid recovery. Ginger can be used to prepare teas with various additives.

Milk drink with honey and ginger

Arona root with milk has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. To get rid of cough, you should drink warm milk with dried root ginger

How to prepare a healing drink for cough symptoms using ginger root and milk?

  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Add a teaspoon of dried ginger to it.
  3. Let the drug brew.
  4. You can add a pinch of cardamom, cinnamon, or a spoonful of honey to the mixture.

To enhance the effect of the drink, you should take it after a bath. The recipe for milk with ginger for cough is easy to prepare and has a spicy and creamy taste. The remedy helps against colds in the initial stages of its development. If the disease is already tormenting you, you should combine this home recipe along with pharmaceutical medications.

Ginger tea with turmeric and milk

A mixture of spices, ginger and milk is often used in the treatment of colds. You can consume these products separately, but their combination provides double benefit to a “cold” body. Ginger tea with turmeric, milk, and cinnamon has not only an exquisite taste, but also an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. If you are sick with the flu, Bengal mixture will help you.

Recipe for cough medicine made from milk, turmeric, red pepper, ginger.

  1. You should take all the above spices and add 2 grams of them to boiled milk.
  2. Allow the drink to cool to room temperature.

You should drink the product 3 times a day, you can also add honey to it. Do not add ginger or its juice to boiling milk, as they may cook. You can drink ginger tea for prevention purposes during outbreaks of infections.

Ginger with lemon and honey for dry cough

You need to prepare ginger cough remedy in the correct proportions, strictly following the recipe. You can use drinks made from horned root provided that you do not have a fever.

  • To strengthen healing properties root, you can add mint, black or green tea to the ginger drink.
  • Ginger tea should be drunk in small sips before meals, about three times a day.
  • Do not boil the drink; the ginger root may cook and lose all its beneficial properties.

It is best to drink ginger tea after taking a hot bath. Do not combine the drug with other drinks; wait about half an hour. If you have a cold on your feet, you can brew ginger tea in a thermos and take it with you to work or school.

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Colds are indispensable companions of the autumn season. winter period. But they also do not ignore other seasons of the year. Spring colds - the last greeting from the passing winter - bring with them colds and acute respiratory infections. In this regard, I would like to recall such an old folk recipe for coughs, like ginger with milk. What kind of remedy is this and how is it useful?

Ginger with milk can come to your aid during the “cold” season or in general, when you are bothered by a cough. Just remember that self-medication may not always be useful - you should first consult a specialist.

Prepare ginger with milk as follows: bring 1/5 cup of milk to a boil, then add 2 teaspoons of tea (infusion) and one crushed circle of ginger root to the boiling milk. You can add a little sugar to the product if you wish. The resulting product is again brought to a boil over low heat, then removed from the heat. After 5 minutes, the mixture is put back on the fire - this procedure is repeated 2-3 times, the broth is allowed to brew, then strained.

Ginger with milk is taken several times a day. Ginger tea is considered the most effective means for colds and coughs, due to its ability to relieve inflammation and help fight pathogens. After you have drunk ginger with milk, you should wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sweat well. This drink has a warming effect, which makes the cold go away.

Here is another recipe for such a remedy as ginger with milk. This is a tea that has a diuretic effect and helps cleanse the body of toxic substances. On the day you drink this tea, it would be advisable to go hungry or fast.

So, you will need:

  • - fresh ginger root about 3-4 cm in size;
  • — milk – 1.5 liters;
  • – green tea – 1.5 tablespoons

Ginger is grated and poured with milk along with the tea leaves. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Then infuse under the lid for 20-25 minutes. The drink is consumed throughout the day - drunk in small sips.

Tibetan tea for colds:

This tea has long been known in China and northern India. In cold weather, local residents drink it instead of breakfast, using fresh high-fat milk or even cream when preparing it. We excluded cream from the recipe for reasons that many people care about their figure and therefore limit their consumption of animal fats. If you think that you can afford to eat cream, go ahead! This will have a good effect on the taste and will give you strength until lunch.

Tea helps very well with any ARVI, hypothermia, sore throat.

To prepare 1 liter of drink (for the whole family) you will need:

0.5 liters of milk 3.2% fat;

0.5 liters of water;

10–11 pcs. carnations;

9–11 pcs. cardamom (crush the grains), grind together with cloves;

0.5 tsp dry ginger or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh ginger (I recommend fresh ginger, it’s better to crush it);

0.5 tsp ground nutmeg;

2 teaspoons of green tea;

1 teaspoon of any black tea.

Pour water into an enamel pan and put on fire. Immediately add sequentially: cloves, cardamom, ginger (dry) and green tea. Boil for 1 minute. Add milk. After this, add black tea and add fresh, finely chopped ginger, if you did not add dry ginger before. During the boiling phase, add nutmeg. Let it simmer a little. Switch off. Leave for 5 minutes. Strain into a ceramic container (jug or teapot). Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, without sugar. After this, do not have breakfast.

Sometimes you can find another version of this recipe. It has a slightly different composition, sequence of ingredients and cooking time. We believe that both have the right to exist, since the resulting drinks will differ in taste. Try which one you like best.

Bring 1.5 liters of water to a boil, add fresh finely chopped ginger root (30–50 g), boil for 10 minutes, then add 6–7 pieces. cloves and leave on the fire for another 5 minutes. At the end, add cream (200 ml) 15% fat (it is better not to use milk), bring to a boil, add sugar to taste. Important point– you should add sugar while preparing tea, and not when it is ready, as this will make the tea less tasty. Finally, add small-leaf dry tea (3 teaspoons), remove from heat and let steep for 2-3 minutes (the main thing is that the tea has the color of coffee with milk). Strain through a sieve into a jug or kettle and serve.

This tea can be used to prevent or relieve sore throat. The therapeutic effect occurs due to the essential oils of ginger and cloves, which soothe a sore throat. After a few sips of tea, you feel your throat “warm up”.

03.09.2016 4792

During the autumn-spring period, nature is especially beautiful. At this time, you want to walk, breathe fresh air and admire the beauty of this time. However, in spring and autumn we are more vulnerable than ever to colds. Symptoms of influenza and ARVI not only interfere with our plans, but in some cases lead to serious complications. Therefore, you need to fight a cold in a timely manner, when the first signs of the disease appear. From the article you will learn how to improve your condition, strengthen your immune system and quickly return to your normal rhythm of life without wasting your capital on expensive medications.

Ginger root has a large number of beneficial properties that help it actively fight colds. Moreover, this remedy is suitable for both adults and children.

Treatment of colds with ginger

Ginger root is valuable because it not only treats influenza and ARVI, but also has a preventive effect on the human body, increasing its resistance to viruses and infections.

This spice contains a unique set of elements that is characteristic only of this plant. And the concentration of some substances, for example, sodium and magnesium, is several times higher than the content of these microelements in citrus fruits. Due to this, tea with ginger for colds is a more effective medicine than tea with lemon or orange.

When buying ginger, give preference to fresh root, because it contains much more valuable substances, and it has a better taste.

If the patient feels exhausted or is depressed, then ginger tea for colds will help to get him out of this state by adding other pleasant ingredients: honey, citrus juice, loose leaf tea. Treatment with ginger can be even more effective if you supplement it with red pepper on the tip of a knife. But first, make sure that the patient does not suffer from a dry cough.

Dry coughs can also be treated with this spice, but only in a different way. Ginger root is used for brewing tea and for compresses.

  1. Grind the root with a grater and heat slightly over the fire
  2. Transfer the mixture to a cloth compress.
  3. Wrap it around the patient's throat.

In addition, make ginger tea against colds and give it to the sick person to drink. This drink will strengthen a weakened body and have a mild sedative effect.

If you have a cough with phlegm, then add a little aromatic cinnamon or cloves to ginger tea for colds. These ingredients will improve the taste of the hot drink and enhance its healing effect.

Fresh root is kept in the refrigerator for a week. If you want to preserve it for as long as possible, then place the ginger in film and put it in the freezer. If necessary, cut off the required piece and put it back in the freezer.

The use of ginger for medicinal purposes requires careful use and has a number of contraindications. Doctors do not recommend this if you have a medical condition. gastrointestinal tract, people suffering from hypotension or hypertension, as well as against the background of exacerbated diseases.

When using ginger for colds, you need to be careful women in position and for parents treating young children. Before self-medicating, consult your doctor.

The spicy root really helps with colds and viral infections; ginger is especially effective for the runny nose if taken at the first symptom. You can even protect yourself from diseases if you drink ginger drink against colds as a preventive measure.

Effect of ginger on the body

Ginger root has the appearance of a rhizome with a rough beige surface, reminiscent of potato tubers. The inside of the ginger is yellow and when cut it emits a pleasant aroma. The usefulness of the product is due to its rich composition, which includes the most important amino acids for the human body, vitamins, essential oil, minerals, organic acids, etc. Ginger has the following effects on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • tonic;
  • expectorant;
  • warming;
  • pain reliever;
  • immunomodulatory, etc.

Treatment of colds with ginger is also effective because the substances contained in the plant dilate blood vessels, which ensures good blood flow to the infected areas of the respiratory system, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms are quickly eliminated from the body. In addition to this, the root of the plant helps improve well-being and lift your mood.

There are many recipes with ginger. Moreover, they all have a beneficial effect and are practically devoid of side effects. In winter, ginger is used for colds and how medicine, and as a means of prevention to strengthen the immune system.

Regularly and you will no longer worry about the question of how to cure influenza and ARVI.

Methods of preparing medicine

Use this recipe for colds with ginger when the first signs of ARVI occur.

  • Pour 500 ml of water into a container and add about 30 grams to it. finely ground ginger root.
  • Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil and leave for 5-7 minutes.
  • Turn off the stove, throw in a couple of mint leaves and lemon juice.
  • Cool the broth, add a couple of tablespoons of honey.
  • Take internally in small sips.

Ginger against colds is also useful in tandem with green tea. Steam a glass of tea, then add spices to it. You can use fresh root cut into pieces or dry powder (¼ tsp). Finally, add a pinch to the drink. hot pepper and half a tsp. honey This drink is equally good for both flu and colds. It gives vigor and increases the body's defenses. Please note that this drink is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

You can also use ginger for colds as a tincture. It will activate the immune system and give you energy, so we do not recommend taking this medicine at night, so as not to disturb your sleep.

  • Grate 400 gr. fresh ginger on a grater and transfer the mass to a glass container.
  • Pour and close the pan.
  • Keep the container in a warm place for 30 days, remembering to shake the contents twice a week.
  • After a month, strain the medicine.
  • Take the prepared product in the morning and afternoon, a small spoon after meals.

Ginger milkshake is also effective in treating colds:

  • take 200 ml of milk and add 2 grams to it. dry ginger, hot pepper and turmeric;
  • put the mixture on low heat and cook for 1-2 minutes;
  • Use ready-made jelly with mint or honey;

For a wet cough:

  • boil 200 ml of milk and add tsp to it. ginger powder, then reduce heat;
  • after two minutes, remove the ginger and milk from the stove;
  • when the milk has cooled, add honey to it;
  • To enhance the healing effect, add a pinch of turmeric.

Tea with ginger and lemon for colds is a powerful weapon against influenza and ARVI. In addition, it is quite simple to prepare:

  • fill the pan with water and place it on the stove;
  • grate the spicy root and add it to boiling water;
  • cook the mixture for 20 minutes without covering the container with a lid;
  • add lemon juice;
  • strain the finished drink and pour it into a mug;
  • when the broth has cooled, dissolve a spoonful of honey in it, so the drink will become even healthier and more enjoyable.

There are no mandatory proportions here. You can cook based on your own taste preferences. But if you are getting acquainted with the healthy spice for the first time, then start with a small concentration of it, since ginger has a pungent taste and a characteristic smell.

Drink this drink throughout the winter period. Regular consumption of milk drink improves immunity. Take milk with ginger for cough at night, and for prevention purposes - at any time of the day.

A ginger bath will help relieve symptoms of colds:

  • take a small amount of water and dilute three tablespoons of ginger powder in it;
  • put the mixture on the stove and boil it;
  • then add the hot solution to the bath;
  • Duration of the procedure is approximately 20 minutes;
  • then dress warmly, wrap yourself in a blanket and drink hot tea.

Ginger for colds is contraindicated in children under two years of age in any form. Before use, be sure to consult your pediatrician.