In its pure form, many people find it bitter and tasteless. Often the reason for dislike for it lies in the strength of a properly brewed drink. However, not everyone knows that there are more than 1000 options for serving it in the world. But you have probably heard about the most popular of them - cappuccino.

This Italian drink, made with milk and milk foam, has a long history. It appeared in the 16th century in one of the Roman monasteries. The Capuchin monks who lived there were the first to come up with the idea of ​​diluting coffee with milk and thick milk foam. Nowadays cappuccino is served in almost every cafe or restaurant. Its mild taste makes it a favorite drink of young girls and mature coffee connoisseurs. And due to the fact that its strength is low, cappuccino is very much loved by those people for whom the standard version of espresso is strictly prohibited for medical reasons.

Typically, a special coffee machine with a cappuccino whisk is used to prepare this drink. But don’t despair and think that the real version can only be tasted in a cafe. Little kitchen tricks help those who love it to enjoy it at home. Let's talk how to make homemade cappuccino.

First you need to choose a good variety. It is best to use a natural drink made from freshly ground grains, brewed in a Turk. This means that before you make cappuccino at home, you should look at the nearest coffee shop and buy coffee. Those who want to follow a completely authentic cooking recipe will also need an espresso maker - a special version of the Turk, in which the drink is brewed by passing hot water under pressure through a filter. But in general, it is enough to make strong coffee in a Turk.

How to make cappuccino at home with the “correct” foam? Here a lot depends on the tools at hand. The fact is that now we need to froth the milk. We will teach you how to make cappuccino at home in two different ways. For the first one you will need a French press. You also need 150 milliliters of milk, preferably with a high percentage of fat content - the thickness of the foam depends on it. Bring the product to a boil and pour into a French press. But now everything depends on manual dexterity: the more actively we raise and lower the piston, the better the foam on the milk will whip up, and therefore we work tirelessly. When it has whipped up, pour 1/3 of the coffee into a cup or glass, add sugar and stir. After this, you need to carefully pour the milk into the coffee and spread the milk foam on top of the drink using a teaspoon.

The second method demonstrates how to make it using a mixer. For preparation you will also need 100 milliliters of milk and 50 milliliters of high-fat drinking cream. Combine the cream with milk and heat over low heat. When the mixture warms up a little, beat it thoroughly with a mixer. We spread the resulting foam on top of the coffee - and now, our drink is ready.

Now we know how to make cappuccino at home. All that remains is to apply the finishing touches - decorate the cup with our drink. An experienced barista turns decorating cups of this drink into a real art, creating real designs on the surface of the foam. Ground cinnamon, grated chocolate or syrups are usually used for decoration. Gently pour some cinnamon or chocolate into the cup so as not to damage the foam. You can prepare a stencil in advance to try to make not just a fragrant powder on the surface, but a small pattern.

People are divided into two types: tea lovers and avid coffee drinkers. I belong to the second group and cannot imagine my day without a cup of aromatic coffee, or even more than one. I love cappuccino more than other types of coffee. Rich taste, airy milk foam, cinnamon scent - this is just the perfect drink for a wonderful day! I'll tell you how to make cappuccino at home without a coffee machine using my favorite recipe.

Since I don’t have a coffee machine at home, I only had to enjoy cappuccino in a cafe. But that was before I learned about the secrets of making homemade cappuccino. Yes, yes, you can easily prepare a delicious coffee drink with delicate foam yourself! And you don’t need a coffee machine for this...

To prepare it we will need quite a bit of time. In addition, you should have the ingredients for the drink on hand, as well as the necessary equipment - a coffee maker or Turk for brewing coffee, a saucepan for heating milk, a cup or mug for cappuccino, as well as a tool for frothing milk into a fluffy foam. This could be a special milk frother. For the same purposes, you can use more familiar kitchen “helpers” - a blender, mixer or French press.

Cappuccino composition

So, to prepare this wonderful drink at home we will need (for two servings):

  • 2 teaspoons ground coffee
  • 100 ml milk
  • ground cinnamon or cocoa powder for sprinkling.

How to prepare the drink?

1. First, we need to brew fresh coffee. I do this in a coffee maker, but you can just brew the coffee in a mug. In principle, instant coffee is also suitable, it all depends on your taste and capabilities.

2. Let's start preparing milk foam. To do this, heat the milk a little, it should become warm. It is better to take milk with a higher fat content; the foam will be denser and richer. But it also works with low-fat milk.

3. Now the heated milk needs to be well beaten. And this is the most interesting thing. If you don't have a special milk frother for cappuccino, there are at least three ways to do it: using the whisk of a blender, in a mixer bowl, or in a French press.

I tried all three methods and the foam came out great every time. This time I used a blender. If you decide to use a French press, simply pour warm milk into it and quickly lower and raise the press for several minutes. When this becomes difficult, the foam is ready.

4. Under the fluffy foam, there will still be a small amount of milk, which we carefully pour into the prepared coffee and only then, using a spoon, carefully lay out a cap of foam.

5. To complete the preparation of our wonderful cappuccino, decorate it with ground cinnamon or cocoa powder to taste. It turned out no worse than in a real coffee shop!

6. Well, what would a cappuccino be without some delicious chocolate? In my opinion, this is just the perfect combination...

Judging by surveys, cappuccino coffee is often preferred by people who do not particularly like regular espresso. Cappuccino is a mixture of invigorating, bitter coffee with airy milk foam. We owe the appearance of cappuccino to the Italian Capuchin monks. It is thanks to them that everyone today can enjoy this invigorating drink by preparing cappuccino at home.

Making cappuccino

Let's take a closer look at how to make cappuccino. There are two options for creating this drink - with or without a coffee machine. The process itself, in any case, consists of several stages:

Brew espresso coffee

This can be done either in a coffee maker or in a Turk or cezve, the main thing is to choose high-quality coffee. It’s easier with a coffee machine, load the beans and wait for the result.

If you prepare espresso in a Turk, then you need to take ground beans and add water. Place the Turk on medium heat and wait a bit. The main thing is to prevent the contents from boiling, since the resulting drink will be too bitter.

As soon as the foam begins to rise, the Turk needs to be removed from the stove. The foam will settle, then put the coffee on the fire again. Experts recommend doing this procedure at least five, and preferably seven times; the more, the stronger the drink. Now the espresso is ready and you can proceed to the next stage of making cappuccino at home.

Making milk froth

Some coffee makers mix milk with cream, but ideally the foam should be whipped only from milk, and natural milk at that. To do this, you need to take milk with a higher fat content, since it whips into foam more easily. If your coffee machine is equipped with a cappuccino maker, then you're in luck. Pour milk into a container and whisk it using a cappuccino maker.

If it is not available, you can beat the milk with a mixer, whisk, blender, or French press. These methods are more labor-intensive and time-consuming, but they fully replace a cappuccino machine. The milk must first be heated and then whipped using one of the above methods.

The whipping process may seem useless, but you need to be patient and not torment yourself with the question of how to make cappuccino at home. We continue to beat persistently. First, large bubbles begin to appear in the milk. But they are not suitable for us, we continue to beat until a fine, dense foam appears. The milk foam is ready and you can arrange it to meet the espresso.

Combining coffee with foam

For the drink, you need to prepare a porcelain or ceramic cup. Before pouring coffee, the cup must be heated by rinsing it with boiling water. Now pour espresso into it, and use a spoon to add airy milk foam on top. Coffee and foam are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Just don't stir it.

Some coffee makers add not only foam, but also milk to classic coffee. In this case, the cup is filled ⅓ with each ingredient (coffee, milk and foam). First, pour coffee into the cup ⅓ full, and then fill the center with a thin stream of another ⅓ cup with milk. You need to pour it out of the container in which it was whipped, then first the unwhipped milk will carefully pour into the drink, and then a smooth milk-foamy cap will lie on top.

Depending on the pouring technique, you can prepare a white or black cappuccino. The preparation of black cappuccino was described above. The white drink is prepared by first pouring milk and only then coffee into a heated cup. Believe it or not, the taste of white cappuccino is practically no different from black.

Our cappuccino is ready for coffee drinking. Some don’t stop there and manage to apply some kind of design onto the foam.

Cappuccino decoration

In coffee shops, baristas do this, but why are we worse? Baristas usually draw using special stencils using cocoa powder and other spices. This art is even called latte art. The art of drawing on coffee foam is based on only three images: an apple, a heart and a flower (rosetta), while the rest of the drawings are made on the basis of these three. Therefore, in order to beautifully draw cappuccino foam, you just need to learn how to make the basic shapes, and then use your imagination.

Cooking tricks

To make your cappuccino perfect, it is important to follow a few tricks:

  • For foam, we take only natural milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%, cream should be 30% fat.
  • Sugar. Some people recommend putting it in the coffee before pouring in the milk and foam, some recommend whisking it with milk, and some recommend sprinkling it on top of the foam. It's up to you, but ideally the foam is sprinkled with sugar.
  • Important point. Both the milk with foam and the coffee itself must be hot at the time of connection, as is the cup into which they are poured.
  • If you intend to make a cappuccino with rum, cognac or liqueur, then they need to be added before adding the foam, but nut or chocolate chips or cinnamon should be sprinkled only on the foam.

Cappuccino with cinnamon


  • 150 ml water
  • 2 tsp. ground coffee
  • 200 ml milk
  • Sugar and ground cinnamon to taste


  1. We prepare a coffee drink from water and ground coffee in a familiar and accessible way.
  2. Heat the milk to about 70°C, then use a French press or mixer to whip it into a thick foam.
  3. Pour the brewed coffee into the prepared cup and place a cap of milk foam on top of it.
  4. Sprinkle the foam with sugar and ground cinnamon.

Cappuccino with cinnamon is ready!

Cappuccino with chocolate

How to make cappuccino with chocolate.

We take:

  • 120 ml water.
  • 2 tsp. ground coffee.
  • 200 g cream.
  • Per tsp. sugar and chocolate chips.

Cooking process

  1. First, we brew traditional coffee by placing coffee and water in a cezve. Having almost brought the contents to a boil several times, remove the cezve from the stove.
  2. Heat the cream for about a minute, and then beat with a whisk or mixer until thick foam.
  3. Pour coffee into a warm cup and spread creamy foam over the top.
  4. Gently sprinkle the foam with sugar and chocolate chips.

Cappuccino with chocolate is ready!

Vanilla cappuccino


  • 2 tsp. ground coffee
  • 1 yolk
  • 2 tsp. powdered sugar
  • Vanilla on the tip of a knife
  • 2 tbsp. l. cream


  1. We brew coffee in a coffee maker or Turk, in the usual way.
  2. Beat the yolk with powdered sugar, while adding cream and vanilla.
  3. Fill the heated cup halfway with brewed coffee, and put milk-vanilla foam on top.

Vanilla cappuccino is ready!

Don't be afraid to experiment. You can add many ingredients to coffee, such as syrup, rum, cognac or liqueur. There are no less options for topping. Milk foam can be sprinkled with nut or chocolate chips, cinnamon, powdered sugar, and confectionery decorations. Let your imagination run free, experiment and enjoy your favorite invigorating drink, giving it different flavors.

Cappuccino - a world-famous drink consisting of coffee and frothed milk, was invented in Italy. Its name translated from Italian means "hood". It is said to be named after the Capuchin monks, who wear light brown robes with hoods and white trim.

According to the legend cappuccino was invented by these monks. They really loved coffee with milk and noticed that if you froth the milk, you get a beautiful airy foam, and drinking coffee with it is very pleasant. And then, in the 17th century, Capuchin monk Marco D'Aviano discovered a method for producing milk foam using steam.
But there is no evidence that this was exactly the case in any documentary source.

There is another cute one the legend of cappuccino which I really like...
It says that cappuccino was invented... goats! Yes, yes, the most ordinary goats!
It has long been known that it was these animals that introduced coffee to people, since they loved to eat its leaves, twigs and fruits, and their owners noticed that after such a “lunch” the goats were always “in high spirits.”
In the evening they had to be milked, and if the goats ate coffee all day, then it is quite appropriate to assume that after that they were milked not with milk, but CAPPUCCINO!

A close relative of cappuccino - latte macchiato, differs from it in the ratio of coffee and milk in the drink and the method of preparation.

Italians usually drink cappuccino in the morning. for breakfast with a bun or cornetto(a cornetto is the same croissant in the Italian style). And they do it right: this drink is not only very tasty, but also nutritious and charges you with energy and good mood for the whole day!

Of course, not everyone at home has a special device, the so-called “coffee machine,” for making Italian coffee and frothing milk...
But cappuccino can be prepared without this machine,
you just need to know a few secrets...

Сappuccino - Secrets of making cappuccino

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Classic Italian cappuccino served in a white ceramic cup. Select a cup that will hold 3 coffee cups of liquid.
A cappuccino will consist of 1 cup of strong coffee and 2 cups of milk. If you don’t have a coffee cup, then simply measure how much liquid goes into your tea cup and divide it into 3 parts. For example, if a cup contains 150 ml, then for a cappuccino we will take 50 ml of coffee and 50 + 50 = 100 ml of milk

A must for cappuccino need good milk- fresh, whole, low-fat and, preferably, with a short shelf life. This type of milk will froth better.
(skim milk can also be whipped, but there will be less foam and it is unstable, i.e. it settles faster)
Measure 2 parts of milk and pour them into the saucepan.

Now you need make coffee.
As you know, coffee that needs to be boiled is much tastier than instant coffee, but if you don’t have time, you can use instant coffee. Prepare it the way you like, but the coffee must be strong enough, because... we will dilute it with milk. For 1 serving of cappuccino - 1 coffee cup. Pour it into a hot cup, immediately add sugar, stir and leave. I usually cover it with something to keep it warm.

Now about the most important thing - about the technique of frothing milk.

For whipping you need a regular immersion blender and a tall container or glass.
First the milk needs to be heated, but under no circumstances not to a boil. Milk foam begins to whip from +35 to +60 degrees, if the milk is overheated, the milk proteins are destroyed and it will not whip!

You can check the heating temperature with your fingertip; if you feel that the milk is getting hot and you can no longer put your finger in it, you need to remove it from the heat.
Pour the heated milk into a tall container or whisking glass and beat with a blender, using up and down movements, being careful not to let the milk swirl too much into the funnel or form too large bubbles.
How long does it take to beat it?
Yes, how much patience do you have? But not for too long, otherwise the milk and coffee will get cold. 2 minutes will be enough.

This is how the foam turned out. In the photo, I frothed milk for 2 servings of cappuccino, I got 1/3 of the foam. If you only froth one cup's worth of milk, you might end up with 1/2 of it. From this we conclude: it is better not to prepare several cups of cappuccino simultaneously.

Let the finished foam stand for a minute.
Pour coffee into a cup and then milk with foam.

To check if your cappuccino is successful, try sprinkling a little cinnamon or cocoa powder on the foam. If it stays on the surface and doesn't sink, you've got some pretty good foam!

Test two: sprinkle a little sugar on the foam (brown sugar in the photo), if it doesn’t drown - bravo! Your cappuccino is close to the original!

Well, if you put a piece of sugar on the foam and it doesn’t sink either...
...Perhaps you have already “whipped the meringue”?

The cappuccino is ready. You can sprinkle cocoa or cinnamon on top (not for testing, but for taste) and...enjoy a delicate creamy drink...

Let's talk a little about "Latte Art" or the art of decorating cappuccino, which also first appeared in Italy, and has now gained great popularity throughout the world.
With the help of delicate milk foam, you can create various designs and inscriptions on your cappuccino and thus serve it beautifully and elegantly!

Search online for videos for "latte art" and you will see that professional bartenders create real miracles with cappuccino!

I always wanted to repeat something similar at home,
Let's learn how to decorate cappuccino together!
It should be noted that the foam obtained using a blender at home is much more airy and loose than that obtained in a coffee machine. Therefore, unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely repeat all the tricks of Italian bartenders.
Now I'll reveal it a few secrets of "latte art"...

First secret is how you pour milk foam into a cup. It is best to whisk and then pour the milk using a tall container or jug ​​or milk jug (I use a tall measuring cup) with a spout.

First, holding this container in your hand, lightly mix the foam with the milk in a circular motion.
If you pour the foam quickly and keep the container close to the cup, all the foam will appear on top with a white head.

If you hold the container high above the cup and pour carefully, you get a light brown surface.

If you start pouring high and at the very end bring the container closer to the cup, you get a white spot of foam on the coffee background.

Knowing this, we pour it the way we need it and decorate it!

1. Decorate with cocoa or cinnamon.
This is the easiest way. Pour the foam into a cup, cut out a hole of any shape in a sheet of thick paper (for me it’s a heart), hold the paper close above the cup, and sprinkle with cocoa or cinnamon. The result is a drawing...

2. To make inscriptions and patterns on foam, you can use leftover coffee, which remain in the cup (especially if you made instant coffee). Use a stick to write or draw whatever you want on top.

These drawings are also made using the same technique.

For the same purpose you can prepare chocolate sauce and use it for decoration in the same way. To do this, grate some chocolate into a cup, place the cup in hot water to dissolve the chocolate, and dilute it with water. The sauce should be liquid. You need to use it for decoration while it is still warm.

Let's continue talking about latte art...

3. Heart pattern
Pour in the milk foam slowly, keeping the container away from the cup so that the surface of the cappuccino remains brown.
Use the remaining foam in the container to apply a few spots on the surface using a spoon.
Use a stick to draw a circle through all the white spots.

The original Italian drink has spread all over the world and is firmly rooted in many countries. Cappuccino is loved for its layered structure - strict espresso combined with delicate milk foam will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated connoisseur of an invigorating drink. However, preparing it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Depending on taste preferences, cappuccino may include cinnamon, vanilla or chocolate. Let's look at the basic and most delicious recipes for a drink based on ground and instant coffee.

Cappuccino making technology

The method includes several stages, which make sense to analyze step by step. You can prepare cappuccino either using a Turk or using a full-fledged coffee machine.

Step #1. Brewing espresso
As mentioned earlier, cappuccino is a mixture of soft milk foam and a base of pure black coffee, or espresso.

You can carry out the procedure in a Turk, a coffee maker or a cezve, it all depends on what you have at hand. The difficulty may lie in the selection of grains; you need a composition marked “100% Arabica”.

In the case of a coffee machine, there should not be any special difficulties: pour ground coffee into the compartment, pour in water, and wait for the result.

If you decide to brew espresso in a Turk, prepare ground coffee of medium roast (3-4 degrees), pour in a little water. Place on low heat, simmer for 3 minutes, then turn the burner to medium power.

Do not allow the coffee to boil, otherwise the drink will begin to taste bitter. Observe the contents; when foam appears, remove the Turk from the stove.

Wait for the foam to subside, then put the device back on the fire. Repeat simple manipulations 4-7 times. The more procedures you perform, the stronger the espresso will be.

Step #2. Making foam
The best option for making foam is whipping natural whole milk. However, many baristas do not adhere to this technology when mixing a dairy product with heavy cream. You can do the same.

To avoid difficulties whipping milk into a dense, thick foam, choose a product with a high degree of fat content. If your coffee machine is equipped with a milk frother, use it.

For those who are not so lucky, you can beat the milk with a whisk, mixer, French press, blender, preheating it. You may have to put in some effort, but it will be worth it. The output should be thick foam without large bubbles.

If after whipping the foam begins to fall off, it means that you have not completed the procedure completely. Repeat the steps 2-3 more times until the product reaches the desired thickness. When this happens, tap the bottom of the container on a flat surface so that large bubbles rise up and burst.

Step #3. The process of combining espresso with foam
Prepare a ceramic or porcelain bowl in advance to hold your drink. Rinse the container with boiling water based on filtered water; the mug should be hot.

Pour espresso into it until the container is 2/3 full, wait 1 minute. Take a bowl of foam, scoop out the whipped mixture with a spoon and carefully place it on top of the black coffee. If you wish, you can keep the proportions 1:1, but this is not for everybody. After adding foam, do not stir the contents under any circumstances.

Approximately 40% of coffee makers prefer to add milk along with foam to their drink. In this situation, the cup is filled with each component in equal quantities. For example, initially 50 ml is infused. espresso, followed by 50 ml. hot milk, after which the top (1/3 cup) is filled with foam to the brim.

There is another method of mixing the composition with milk. Initially, thick foam with milk is poured into the bowl so that the container is 2/3 full. Next, 1/3 of the espresso is poured into the middle in a thin stream.

Professional baristas have empirically discovered certain tricks for making cappuccino at home. They will help you get the perfect drink in taste and structure.

  1. Give preference only to natural milk. If possible, use domestic cow's milk or store-bought milk with a fat content of 3.2%. If you add cream to cappuccino, buy a product with a fat content of 27-30%.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the content of granulated sugar in coffee. Using true Italian technology, sand is sprinkled onto the cap (foam), but if you wish, you can mix it with espresso before adding the milk component.
  3. It is important to always remember that the temperature of the ingredients being combined must be relatively equal. As a result, it is necessary to warm up the espresso, milk and cup one at a time before combining.
  4. It is allowed to mix cappuccino with alcoholic drinks such as rum, liqueur, cognac or whiskey. These ingredients are mixed until the foam combines with the espresso, that is, they are poured into the black coffee.
  5. Sweet lovers are advised to sprinkle the frothy top of their cappuccino with cinnamon, chocolate chips or vanilla. It wouldn’t hurt to add marshmallows, which just melt in your mouth.

There are many variations of the invigorating drink. One of the most delicious is cappuccino based on chocolate chips.

  • ground black coffee - 35-40 gr. (about 2 tsp)
  • cream (fat content 26-32%, not lower) - 215 ml.
  • chocolate chips - 25 gr.
  • granulated sugar (preferably cane) - 20 gr.
  1. Brew espresso as usual using a coffee pot or automatic coffee machine.
  2. Pour the cream into a glass container and heat it in the microwave until bubbles form (boil). It is necessary to bring the dairy product to the same temperature as espresso.
  3. After heating, whip the cream into a thick foam in a convenient way (whisk, blender, mixer, etc.). Pour the composition into the espresso cup, moving along the edge of the container.
  4. Sprinkle sugar (you can use vanilla) and chocolate chips on top.

How to make cappuccino with cinnamon

The main feature of preparing a drink of this kind is considered to be the optimal ratio of ground cinnamon to the main components. It is important to strictly follow the instructions and not exceed the proportions, otherwise the cappuccino will turn out cloying.

  • ground coffee - 35 gr.
  • whole fat milk - 210 ml.
  • granulated sugar - optional, to taste
  • ground cinnamon - 2 pinches
  1. First you need to prepare espresso. Place ground coffee in a Turk, fill it with water and place on medium heat. Do not bring to a boil; when the first bubbles appear, immediately remove from the burner. Repeat the steps 4 times, no more.
  2. Pour milk into a bowl, beat with a mixer. If you don't have a mixer, prepare a thick foam in a blender. It is important that it does not fall off, otherwise the cappuccino will not be as tasty. After whipping, heat the milk to a temperature of 75-80 degrees.
  3. Pour the espresso into the pre-prepared bowl and top with a spoon. Sprinkle two pinches of cinnamon on top and add granulated sugar if necessary.

Not everyone owns a professional or amateur coffee machine, Turkish coffee machine or cezve. For such people, experienced housewives, through trial and error, have developed a simple technology for making cappuccino at home.

  • instant coffee - 45 gr.
  • milk - 150-170 ml.
  • liquid cream - 35 ml.
  • cinnamon, cocoa powder, vanillin, or grated chocolate
  • granulated sugar - to taste
  1. Take a ceramic or porcelain mug, pour in milk so that it is three-quarters full.
  2. Next, prepare an enamel pan, pour the milk into it, heat it in a water bath, stirring constantly. Do not allow the mixture to boil; when the first bubbles appear, immediately turn off the stove.
  3. Pour instant coffee into a separate mug for one standard serving, then add the same amount to get a full-fledged espresso.
  4. Add granulated sugar (preferably cane sugar) based on your taste. Now add 10-15 ml. boiling water to better dissolve the granules, stir. If the granules do not dissolve well, dilute them with more water.
  5. Pour hot, not boiled milk into the mug, do not exceed the amount so as not to suppress the taste of the coffee. The stronger the invigorating drink, the more milk you will need, and vice versa. If you prefer iced coffee, you do not need to heat the milk.
  6. Pour in a small amount of cream while stirring the product. You will see the foam begin to rise, after this point stir the coffee in the mug with two teaspoons.
  7. Sprinkle the foam with vanilla sugar, grated chocolate or cocoa, and chopped nuts (almonds, nutmeg, etc.). Enjoy an economical and incredibly tasty cappuccino.

It is not difficult to prepare cappuccino at home if you have practical knowledge of the basic technology. Use the basic recipe and make an invigorating drink with the addition of grated chocolate or cinnamon (can be replaced with vanilla sugar). Consider the method of making cappuccino based on instant coffee; it does not present any particular difficulties. Add components at your discretion, experiment.

Video: how to make a drawing on coffee