Best essays:

Essay on the topic: How I understand courage (250 exercises, 9th grade according to Barkhudarov’s textbook)

Bravery has long been revered as one of the highest virtues of a man - songs and legends were written about brave and courageous warriors, while being considered a coward was considered the worst disgrace and was equated with betrayal. If you are a coward, he will certainly betray you. In the era of knights, courage, along with generosity, served as the main criterion for assessing a man - a coward and a penny-pincher could not be a knight. During bloody wars, the outcome of battles often depended on the bravery and courage of soldiers and officers; it was for the courage shown in battle that orders and awards were received, even posthumously. In ancient times, women, accompanying their husbands and sons to war, said: “Come back to me with a shield or on a shield.” This meant that a warrior must either win or die - no one was waiting for a coward.

Today, fortunately, you don’t have to fight to prove your courage. On the contrary, the ability to settle a dispute without violence is more valued. Modern brave men prove themselves in extreme sports - car and motorcycle racing, mountaineering, skiing and snowboarding, parachute jumping. Such daredevils are admired, respected, and people try to imitate them. Many people believe that true courage lies in not being afraid of death, playing with your life and despising danger. Is this fair?

There is another kind of courage, it is not so noticeable to others, but only a few are capable of demonstrating it. Risking life and health, stand up for stranger, who turned out to be a victim of some scum, if you could calmly pass by - isn’t that bravery? Refusing to carry out a criminal order from your boss, thereby losing your position - isn’t that bravery? Isn't that bravery to take the side of the loser, knowing that he is right? To admit your guilt and be punished when you could have blamed it on someone else - isn’t that bravery? Taking a terminally ill child from a maternity hospital, or even taking it from a shelter - isn't that bravery? And, finally, to have the courage to defend justice when everything is against you, to fight when it is more profitable and convenient to give up - isn’t this courage? And doesn’t such courage require from a person all his moral strength, purity and selflessness, isn’t it worthy of orders and medals, isn’t it worth a song and a legend?

You know, so that the pain goes away,
God will heal with pain for a long time,
So that the soul is not inspired by a dream,
I didn’t try to value earthly things,
So that the soul does not get bogged down in beauty,
Don't get bogged down in earthly pleasures,
Her Father beats her, beats her first-class,
Completely, almost...

I fought and put my enemies to flight. And my muscles are like a rock. You and your disciples are weak and fearful. Not in you courage, not much of it was given to you by God. But it cannot be taught. - Do you shoot from a bow? - asked the dervish. - Yes, ... the second time. “You are a skilled shooter,” said the dervish. - And yet this is not a perfect art, and bravery - Do you shoot from a bow? - asked the dervish. - Yes, ... the second time. “You are a skilled shooter,” said the dervish. - And yet this is not a perfect art, and yours is not perfect

. - Prove it, otherwise you will pay with your life for your words! - the enraged “brave man” roared, grabbing the hilt of his sword. - What...


The bravery of passengers prevented a disaster Abdulmutallab managed to elude counter-terrorism professionals. If the terrorist had succeeded in carrying out his plan, the consequences would have been monstrous. Only the ineptitude of Umar Abdulmutallab combined with courage

passengers and crew prevented a disaster. Since September 11, 2001, the West has lived in fear of repeat terrorist attacks. And on Christmas Day - the date was not chosen by chance - such... What is courage? In my opinion, courage is that positive trait

character, which is present in a brave, decisive person. Such a person always does good deeds. Some people overcome their fears, such as anxiety or doubt, before overcoming any action, such as confessing and repenting to their loved ones when you have done something bad or wrong. The list could go on for a very long time, there are enough of these fears now, but it is courage that allows us to overcome our fears and all these difficulties. In support of my opinion, one can cite very a large number of examples from literature or life experience. But if you remember history, all these heroic deeds that were performed by heroes, princes or the most ordinary people

. For example, the same children of war who stood until the last, helped many adults, some were even scouts.

Thus, I can conclude that courage can be manifested in a variety of situations, be it war or everyday life. The most important thing is that a person does not suppress this trait in himself, acts honestly, admits his mistakes and knows how to take responsibility, because only brave people win battles and rule states in an era of change. But unfortunately, not everyone has this character trait.

Updated: 2017-11-17

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essay-reasoning on the topic “how do I understand courage?” please help me, I have always been bad with essays. and got the best answer

Answer from Thfghhgfh[guru]

Answer from [newbie]
Bravery is one of the most important character traits of a person. A brave person has the courage to face circumstances head on, make a firm decision and go to the end in his endeavors.
Confidence in one’s own right gives courage to this person and drives away fear. But to become a brave person, you need to have great willpower, patience, and some perseverance.
Bravery comes in different forms. Sometimes courage borders on recklessness, and then incredible, unpredictable “feats” are accomplished. But sometimes a brave heart is found in a timid, shy, inconspicuous person, and then the strength of spirit triumphs.
People who find themselves in emergency situations have extraordinary courage. These are warriors, firefighters, rescuers, and doctors. They do not give up in difficult times, but fight for the lives and salvation of people. But just as brave is an ordinary passerby who was not afraid to take a small kitten from a tree.
Every person is brave in their own way.
Add something else from yourself in some sentences, and so you have the basis)

Answer from Alina_Sh.[newbie]
Marcus Cicero, discussing courage, argued that courage is what you do despite fear. Let's try to prove this statement.
Bravery is a personality trait that consists of the ability to overcome one’s fear of danger. But don't confuse courage with complete absence fear is already recklessness.
People who find themselves in emergency situations have extraordinary courage. These include wars, firefighters, rescuers, pilots, and doctors. They do not give up in difficult times, but fight for people’s lives, overcoming their own fears.
Thus, courage means: going into the unknown despite all fears. Marcus Cicero convinces us of this, with whose opinion it is difficult to disagree. :))

Answer from Max Valeev[newbie]

Answer from Grizzly[newbie]

Answer from Atom800[active]

Answer from Ilya Vorobyov[newbie]

Answer from Elena Mikheeva[newbie]

Answer from Sasa gygy[newbie]

Answer from Dmitry Dmitriev[newbie]
courage is a piece of shit, you have to have cunning!!!

Answer from Nadezhda Kislitsina[active]
Bravery is one of the most important character traits of a person. A brave person has the courage to face circumstances head on, make a firm decision and go to the end in his endeavors.
Confidence in one’s own right gives courage to this person and drives away fear. But to become a brave person, you need to have great willpower, patience, and some perseverance.
Bravery comes in different forms. Sometimes courage borders on recklessness, and then incredible, unpredictable “feats” are accomplished. But sometimes a brave heart is found in a timid, shy, inconspicuous person, and then the strength of spirit triumphs.
People who find themselves in emergency situations have extraordinary courage. These are warriors, firefighters, rescuers, and doctors. They do not give up in difficult times, but fight for the lives and salvation of people. But just as brave is an ordinary passerby who was not afraid to take a small kitten from a tree.
Every person is brave in their own way.

Municipal budget educational institution

average comprehensive school № 10

named after Hero Soviet Union D.E. Kudinova

Vyazma, Smolensk region

Russian language lesson in 9th grade

Preparing for an essay.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Kosolapenkova L.K.



One word lesson

How do I understand the word “courage”.

Preparing for an essay.

Lesson objectives:

    Teach attentive attitude to the word, cultivate a love for the word, promote a sense of courage and responsibility, promote the development of thinking and attention;

2. improve the ability to analyze text such as speech reasoning, skills in working with different dictionaries and additional literature;

    to form the speech and creative abilities of students;

    systematize students’ knowledge in individual sections of the Russian language in connection with preparation for the State Examination.

During the classes.

    Checking homework (exercise 249)

1) Read and indicate what type of speech the text belongs to. (Reasoning)

2) What is the main idea proven in the text? (Everyone can become brave. You just need to systematically educate yourself and firmly carry out the decisions that you set out to implement).

3) How does M. Gromov build his evidence? (The author proves that the concept of courage is very complex; it is associated with overcoming one’s own fear, indecision and is inherent not only in exceptional individuals, but also in the most ordinary person.)

Teacher's word

You guys have to write an essay-argument on the topic “How I understand courage” and give examples of the manifestation of this quality from works of literature and life. To prepare for writing an essay, we will conduct practical work using Russian language dictionaries. We will work in groups, each group receives its own task.

    Work in groups using dictionaries.

Group 1 assignment: Explain the meaning of the words “brave” and “courage” and check them with a dictionary.

Student answers:

1. What does the word “brave” mean?

    This is the kind of person who is distinguished by courage and courage.

    This is a person distinguished by courage, that is, a fearless person.

    This is a person distinguished by courage, bravery, and responsiveness.

    This is a brave person who is not afraid of obstacles.

    This is a man of courage.

    This is a personality quality that allows you to act decisively without showing fear.

What does the word "courage" mean?

    This is the absence of fear of danger, courage and determination in actions.

    This is a personality trait that allows you to overcome fear of some kind of danger.

    This is courage, decisiveness in actions, lack of fear, courage.

    This is the absence of fear of danger.

    This is courage, determination, lack of fear.

Group 2 task: choose words with the same root for the word “brave” and determine their part of speech.

    Cognate nouns: courage, brave man

    Cognate verbs: brave (colloquial), brave (colloquial), take courage (colloquial).

    Cognate participles: braver, braver.

    Similar adverbs: braver, braver (comparative degree)

Group 3 assignment: choose synonyms and antonyms for the word “brave”, determine their stylistic coloring. If you have any difficulty, consult a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.


    Bold, courageous, fearless, courageous, valiant (high), undaunted (bookish), fearless (high), daring, heroic, decisive, fearless (bookish), dashing (colloquial), daring (colloquial).


    Unbrave, timid, cowardly, timid, cowardly, fearful, indecisive, fearful

Group 4 assignment: make up phrases with the words “brave”, “bravery” and determine the type of connection.

    Agreement: brave man, selfless courage, brave heart, brave fellow, reckless courage, etc.

    Management: distinguished by courage, gain courage, lack of courage, braver than the brave, etc.

    Connection: fight bravely, become braver

Task of the 5th group: find and write down phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, idioms with the word "brave". For help, turn to phraseological dictionaries.

    Phraseological units: a brave hare, a brave heart, a brave fellow, not one of the brave ten, to die the death of the brave.


From the above proverbs, mark the one that you guys liked the most or the meaning of which you do not seem to fully understand.

Russian proverbs

    The brave man is not the one who does not know fear, but the one who recognizes it and goes to meet it.

    A coward is dead in life, but a brave and dead man is alive.

    Knowing a lot, saying little is the rule of the brave.

    The brave coward is behind the stove.

    Courage is the sister of victory.

    A people without brave men is an orphan.

    Skill and courage bring joy.

    Bravery stands, but cowardice flees.

    Brave after the battle, as he climbed onto the floor.

    Don’t be brave on the stove, and don’t be cowardly in the field.

Proverbs of other peoples

    Be brave and you will be strong (Arabic proverb)

    A true brave man is one who knows how to return what he has taken (Azerbaijani proverb)

    There is no brave man without wounds (Kyrgyz proverb)

    He who is brave is only brightened by any trial (Azerbaijani proverb)

    To beat a dead tiger is to pass off cowardice as courage (Chinese proverb)

III. Teamwork.

    Comment on the phrases: ostentatious courage, true courage.

Showing bravery -

    courage in words, not in deeds;

    deliberate display of one's strength;

    the courage that a person shows to everyone, but in fact he may not be brave at all;

    this is when a person commits bold actions not in the name of people, but for show;

    courage, which costs nothing, but only serves to attract the attention of others;

    it is the courage you show just to show off and stand out.

True courage -

    courage that comes from the heart;

    courage for the sake of the Motherland, for the sake of others, but not for oneself;

    this is when a person commits courageous actions not for himself and not for show, but for the benefit of others;

    this is when a person is not afraid of anything, goes only forward and does not think about fear;

    courage, manifested in overcoming oneself.

Give examples of manifestations of ostentatious and true courage from works of literature and life.

(Taras Bulba and his sons, heroes of the Young Guard, for example Sergei Tyulenin, heroes of the Great Patriotic War, for example, Alexander Matrosov, Major S. Solnechnikov, who covered a grenade with his chest and saved soldiers during an exercise, etc.).

IV.Creative work. Write a mini-essay (discussion) on the topic “How I understand courage.”


How I understand courage.

Bravery, it seems to me, is an essential quality. worthy person. It is easier for a brave person to endure difficulties, because he boldly looks them in the eye, it is easier for him to accept the right decision. A brave person is always confident in himself, and this is also a very important quality. The concept of a brave person is ambiguous. On the one hand, we all know that, for example, firefighters always bravely come to the aid of people, saving dozens and even hundreds of lives. On the other hand, a person who has overcome his fear or dependence on someone or something can be called brave. Even Small child stopped being afraid of the dark, he had already become unusually brave in the eyes of his family.

There are times in my life when I experience a feeling of fear, but I try to fight it. I study in music school, and I quite often have to perform works on stage in front of an audience. I can hardly force myself to go out to the audience. I immediately want to leave the hall, but I pull myself together and boldly begin to play the flute. Gradually my fear goes away, and I “laugh” at myself and am proud: how brave!

So how do I understand courage? Bravery is a person’s manifestation of courage and perseverance in situations that he has to overcome on his life’s path.

Meleshko A.

How I understand courage.

In my understanding, courage is the ability and desire to overcome your fear in the name of something meaningful to yourself. Bravery helps develop self-confidence and improve self-esteem. It helps you move forward and surpass yourself in the implementation of certain plans. A brave person develops by overcoming life's difficulties.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 there were a lot of brave people who were not afraid of enemy bullets and died for their Motherland. Alexander Matrosov rushed towards the machine-gun fire and covered the firing pillbox with his body so that the rest of the soldiers could rush into the attack. The hero died the death of the brave on the battlefield.

Nikolai Sirotinin alone bombed an entire column of Germans with an artillery gun. He destroyed eleven tanks, seven armored vehicles, fifty-seven soldiers and officers.

These young guys were not afraid to give their lives for the good of their Motherland and people. They had the same courage that many people lack now.

Ryskin I.

How I understand courage.

Brave people are people who show courage and selflessness. They, not afraid of difficulties and dangers, go at their own risk to save people in trouble.

They rush into a burning house, knowing that there are children there who cannot save themselves; they carry them out of the fire, not thinking that at any moment the roof might collapse and bury them. These are shining examples of true heroism and courage. At the moment of an earthquake, when the house where his family lived collapses before a person’s eyes, the person throws himself under the ruins, hoping to save the living. He does not think about the fact that he himself might die. I consider such people to be real brave men.

“Brave people are not born, they are made.”

Mateenkov I.

How I understand courage.

Bravery is a very complex concept. In my understanding, this is the absence of fear of danger, courage and determination in actions. I can call a person brave who has exceptional courage.

Even if you are scared, you need to take a step towards the goal, and it will probably be achieved. It is not without reason that they say that brave is not the one who does not know fear, but the one who recognizes it and goes to meet it.

But still, people show courage in different ways. One person takes a risky act in order to overcome his fear and thereby prove to himself that he is a person with developed willpower, and the other - to put himself on display, to boast of false courage.

I believe that a striking example confirming the ambiguity of human courage is N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. Ostap and Andriy are daring Cossacks, brave warriors, but Ostap bravely fought for his native land and did not betray his father, brother, compatriots, and Andriy went over to the side of the enemy and also fought bravely, but against his own people. Here it is, courage: for Ostap it is true, but for Andriy it is false, ostentatious.

In life, similar situations also happen, and it is important that, no matter what, a person maintains his sincerity and determination, developing courage for himself, and not for the praise of others.

Mikhailova A.

V. Discussion of essays and lesson

Did you like your classmates' essays?

What did you take away from the examples of courage and heroism given?

Can you call the people living next to you, your classmates, brave people?

Did you like the lesson? What new things have you learned?

Fragments of discussion.

I liked the lesson, it was interesting to work in groups, look in dictionaries for explanations and examples of the use of the words “brave” and “courage” in speech. (Filippova K.)

I think that the concept of “bravery” is easier to explain by its synonyms: “courage”, “determination”, “courage”. In my opinion, only a person who truly loves his Motherland, his people, and loved ones can be considered brave. Courage is a person's ability to overcome their fear in the name of something meaningful.

(Yusupov K.).


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        Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language/under the general editorship of Professor L.I. Skvortsova.-M.: Peace and Education, 2005 - 1198 p.

        Ozhegov, S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / edited by Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Shvedova.-M.: Russian language, 1987 - 796 p.

        Zhukov, V.P. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language: a manual for students. - M.: Education, 1980 - 426 p.

        Klyueva, V.N. Brief dictionary synonyms of the Russian language. - M.: State educational and pedagogical publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1965 - 279 p.

        Encyclopedia for children. T. 10. Linguistics. Russian.- M.: Avanta, 2004.-704p.