There are several uniquely compatible couples in the Zodiac circle who, according to astrology, are not traditionally compatible. However, no matter what astrology says, these couples have proven time and time again that their union (or at least a deep connection) can be successful. Aries and Scorpio, Leo and Pisces, Gemini and Virgo are some of the sign combinations that seem to be able to stand the test of time and have a deep connection.

But one of these couples better prepare for some more serious ups and downs if they want to make their relationship official, and that's Aries and Scorpio. Aries is drawn to Scorpio with a passion that both cannot understand, mainly because it lasts a long time and Aries is not used to feeling enthusiastic about a partner for more than a few days at a time.

So what makes Aries stay in a relationship with Scorpio for so long? Is it because of the character of Scorpio, or because Aries cannot understand what is hidden behind this deep, languid look? All this is true, but there is something more. To truly understand attraction, you have to look at a few underlying factors.

Mars and Pluto: Power vs. Strength

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of warrior and physical strength. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of strength and physical impulse. There is enormous power behind both of these planets, but since Mars is open and Pluto is subjugated, the interaction is damn difficult.

Mars goes straight for what he wants. It is self-confident, extroverted and straightforward. Pluto gets what he wants by obtaining information, finding out what the object of his affection wants, and promising him it not directly, but through subtle psychological warfare.

When Aries pursues Scorpio, he doesn't realize that he's playing the same game, but by two completely different rules. Aries will know that Scorpio wants to be with him, but will not be able to understand why it is taking so long. Since Aries loves to dominate their partner, this will drive them crazy because with all their brute force, someone else seems to have even more power.

Planetary connection between Scorpio and Aries

While Scorpio is ruled primarily by Pluto, it also has a secondary ruler and that is the planet Mars (which is also the ruler of Aries). The influence of Mars is still felt when Aries finds himself in bed with Scorpio, and all that restraint that Pluto instilled in them disappears somewhere.

Some Scorpios (with more Pluto influence) are more cautious, turning the connection into a slow and deep interaction where Aries will wonder, “Is he looking at me or through me?” But others (with more Mars influence) are like real wild animals in bed, and you'll feel like you're (100% consensual) in a Nat Geo scene of a Leo attacking his prey.

Boredom is not an option

Because these two zodiac signs are driven by a desire for more (for Scorpio, more depth, and for Aries, more excitement), the couple never falls into the lethargic kind of codependency that looms over other couples. These two can take each other from the heights of passion to the depths of despair with alarming speed; This is, of course, exciting, but is there any depth to it?

Scorpio will most likely be the one who doesn't feel like he's getting everything he needs in this match. This is because Scorpios are water signs, and while they need passion and excitement, they also need to feel like they have their feet on the ground, otherwise they can start to feel lost at sea. They need a partner who understands them on a deeper level, and no matter how hard Aries tries, they simply don't have the patience to do all this spiritual digging.

Although Aries has passion, it may question their ability to simply get through the world's problems. Everyday life. The fire that fuels this relationship is much stronger than it should be, especially at a time when this couple is simply trying to choose a sofa for their living room together.

However, both of these signs are incredibly ambitious, so if they find a way to work together on common projects, they will have a better chance of creating a lasting union.

Compatibility between Scorpio and Aries is not the most favorable. They have different parities in the zodiac table, and the water and fire elements do not combine with each other. Astrologers promise a sad ending to such a romance. Let's consider the features of the relationship between the two signs.

If Scorpio has not previously met people born under the element of Fire, it will be unusual for him to be in a relationship with Aries. It will constantly seem to him that their couple is somehow “wrong”, ridiculous, that they look simply ridiculous in the eyes of society.

In the emotional sphere of relationships, partners do not find mutual understanding. Aries's feelings seethe, boil and burst out. Scorpio is used to keeping his experiences to himself, not demonstrating them either in front of his partner or in public.

These signs are complete opposites. But they do not justify the opinion that opposites attract. On the contrary, conflicts and quarrels constantly arise between them. They endlessly sort things out. Scorpio quickly gets tired of this and decides to break up. Aries suffers and keeps memories of this person in his memory for a long time.

Scorpio, moreover, is a pessimistic nature. He tends to see the bad in everything. This tires the cheerful optimist Aries, who does not understand how one can have such a gloomy view of the world, seeing it only in dark colors.

The recommendations of astrologers are quite clear: never start a relationship if you were born under such incompatible signs. Apart from problems, this union will bring nothing. The chances of building a happy love are practically non-existent.

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Enemy horoscope: find out what to expect from the zodiac signs

The best way to survive when there are enemies around is to not make enemies. But if the enemy, completely by accident (you didn’t mean to at all, you’re a bunny, it just happened that way) appears on the horizon and is slowly approaching, smiling badly, you need to find out who he is according to the horoscope. Just to understand what exactly to expect.


Capricorns, as a rule, are quite stingy with emotions, especially with such strong emotions as hatred. Therefore, if you managed to bring Capricorn to Fahrenheit 451, congratulations, you are a very talented person. This is where the good news ends. Capricorns usually stand on their feet so confidently that it is only possible to drop them on their shoulder blades through massive orbital bombardments. Respectively, The best way struggle - hide in a bunker and pray that Capricorn gets busy with his quarterly reports and forgets about your existence.


Aquarius is a very unpleasant enemy. Because he usually has: a) Internet; b) a pumped-up sense of humor. A week or two - and you are already deleting all accounts on social networks, since this is the only alternative to hanging. Well, or hang yourself. Another thing is that Aquarians usually don’t care about those around them; they are too fixated on their talents, family and health. So just don’t touch Aquarius - he certainly won’t start on his own. He won't even notice you.


Oh, Pisces. Well, having a Pisces around you and not becoming its enemy requires a lot of effort. Pisces can be offended by completely unpredictable things and immediately begin to take cruel revenge. Since the words “fantasy” and “Pisces” are practically synonymous, revenge is expected to be terrible, sudden and elegant. In the art of persuasion, Pisces also has no equal, so literally an hour after the start of the vendetta, every single one of your acquaintances will be sure that you are a radish, do not wash your hands before eating, and killed Kennedy.


Aries will not carefully weave intrigues and voluptuously imagine in the pillow at night how he runs over you with an asphalt roller. Aries will simply run you over with an asphalt roller. The good news is that Aries are difficult to truly piss off. The bad news is that Aries doesn't know how to stop. He will only be satisfied with your death. This is in best case scenario, because ideally Aries needs your shameful and very slow death.


Taurus people love to deal with their enemies. Any inexperienced matador will be raised to the horns without even having time to squeak. But after this, Taurus will not go to the well-deserved side. Taurus will very scrupulously look for like-minded people of the deceased (or even just sympathizers) and methodically raise them to the horns. One by one. One by one. But after this you can shake the guts off the horns - and onto the side. But first, eat.


One of the most unpleasant enemies. Firstly, he knows a lot, and secondly, he does not hesitate to use it. So all your mistakes will immediately become known to the general public. As wide as possible. In extreme cases, Gemini will lie - they know how to lie no worse than Pisces. So the reputation will have to be washed for a long time. One joy is that their mood often changes, and if in the morning Gemini is ready to destroy your family to the seventh generation, by the evening he can already drink vodka with you, amusingly telling how he was going to slip you strychnine in the morning. And - yes - rest assured: he really intended to.


It is almost impossible to make an enemy out of Cancer. Cancers have only two states: either he loves you, or he doesn’t notice you. An offended Cancer simply erases you from life forever, and this is not a declaration (“oh, I don’t care about you forever”), but a harsh reality. No, in theory, if you try hard, Cancer will be able to burn down your house, but you have to try very hard somehow. Usually Cancers even disdain to burn the houses of their enemies.


This is completely improvident! We should have chosen someone else. The lion will not rest until he grinds you into dust and ashes. He will do it slowly, methodically and with the traditional lion's pathos. At first, he will simply play, lightly grazing you with his claws - to show the stunned public how insignificant you are. And then they will stop giving you visas, they will cut you off at turns and detain you until clarification. It would seem that there simply cannot be a connection! But behind every failure in life, you will, not without reason, hear a satisfied, rolling roar.


An angry Virgo will not make false accusations against you, like Gemini or Pisces. She will not hit you on the head with a locomotive pipe in front of witnesses, like Aries or Taurus. She will weave a web, in the best traditions of Japanese horror films, which will certainly lead you to a hospital bed. After this, Virgo will come into your room with two white chrysanthemums, turn off the IV tap, kiss you on the forehead, leave the flowers on the nightstand and go home. Wash.


Libra is an easy opponent, because Libra is such a Shakespearean character: “It’s a shame that the word “honor” has been forgotten” and other highly spiritual hardcore. Therefore, you can’t expect a stab in the back from Libra. If we’re going to shoot according to the rules, with seconds and, preferably, until first blood is drawn, why do we need this funeral, it’s too expensive. Accordingly, any vile trick and the Libra enemy is defeated. Problems begin when it turns out that Libra is loved by too many people. And among these many there are both Leos and Pisces, and they all want to immediately take revenge for their flower.


This is a champion in rancor and a leader in the power of poison. In short, you're screwed. Scorpio will not rush to the embrasure or pursue the goal of destroying you as quickly as possible. Oh no. Scorpio will sit under a stone, wait patiently and deliver targeted and most painful blows. By no means lethal. The enemy must not die. The enemy must suffer. Forever.


Sagittarians are terribly principled, which means they are very easy to offend. Accordingly, they will either take revenge on principle, or they will not take revenge on principle. In the second case, we relax and drink tea. In the first case, we start to get nervous. Because revenge, as a matter of principle, must be, at a minimum, public. And, at the very least, memorable. Otherwise, revenge will fundamentally be of no use. In general, most likely, your head will simply be chopped off in the central square of the city.

Text: Alexandra Smilyanskaya

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Aries are generally romantic, courageous and courageous guys. Their principle is defense; they will go on the attack only after they are hit. They are the symbolic Baby of the Zodiac, and children cry in several cases: when they are offended or neglected. In the event of a serious threat, their guardian Mars rushes to the rescue. Scorpios are recognized masters of attack. This is a cold-blooded sign, carefully developing a strategy, possessing amazing patience and instinct, which helps them to guess the weaknesses of others. You will not be able to meet a fussing or relaxed Scorpio, striking in an unknown direction. They thrust their stings straight into the target with amazing accuracy. For this reason, it rarely occurs to anyone to joke with the power of Pluto - it is enough to go through such a lesson once, there is no need to repeat it.

It’s somehow unusual, but for some reason Aries does not use his “cut-through” tactics towards Scorpio, which he uses for other Solar signs. Surely Pluto endowed the eyes of his ward with the power of hypnosis. The calm gaze with the hidden strength of Scorpio conceals a warning to Aries: “Be careful paper lamb, the water is only seemingly calm. This is a huge ocean that can easily swallow you up, but what should you do among the many sharks, strange night creatures, algae, reefs and secrets? Scorpios “come” from the sea or desert, the quicksand of which Aries also does not understand. His instinct warns him of danger. Danger! Only she can force Aries to act and the initial caution is replaced by an attack under the auspices of Mars. In most cases this is an error. Aries is ahead of Scorpio in firmness, persistence and loudness. But at the moment when it is necessary to show the cards, Aries remains perplexed about the winner, since the typical Scorpio either simply disappears or remains aloofly silent. It turns out that Aries seems to have won, but he does not feel confident in victory, and is lost in painful guesses. The average Aries will quickly understand the best strategic model for communicating with Scorpios - cooperation at a safe distance. Things are different with close relationships. The model of 6-8 Solar signs sets the tone for family, business or friendly relationships.

Here clear example: Aries mother noticed that her 10-year-old Scorpio son is growing in breadth every day and is becoming more and more friendly with laziness. It turned out that all his pocket money was spent on sweets, soda, chips and other pleasures for the stomach. Mom, guided by the firmness of Mars, decisively told her son that he should immediately stop eating crap, stop making food stashes and secretly empty shelves of confectionery products in stores.

The answer was silence and a few more kilos gained over the next two weeks. To which my mother stopped issuing pocket money and began to wait for events to unfold. We didn't have to wait long. The school called with complaints about the terrible behavior of their son, who also refuses to do his homework. Then my mother, being, by the way, an astrologer, took a different path - she lifted the ban on sweets and returned her pocket money, and in a larger amount. And she added with tenderness that he knows better what to do, because he is ruled by Pluto, the wisest planet solar system. She apologized for the previous conversation in a raised voice and simply explained that she was offended to hear her son’s nickname - Behemoth, when he is actually Eagle. This time the answer was a barely noticeable mysterious smile and an attentive look. And then miracles began, all thanks to the recognition of inviolability and inner strength Scorpio. After school, my son began preparing vegetable salads for himself without prompting or hints, gave up all types of desserts, and went on a strict diet. His steely will was even frightening. He supplemented the new menu with karate classes, where the trainers were delighted with his scorpion grip and good health. He didn't strive to become a black belt, he trained for the goal of becoming the strongest in school. Karate is generally a very good activity for young Scorpios, with it they learn to defend themselves and not attack.

Two months have passed. Everyone has forgotten the nickname Behemoth. He himself came up with a new nickname for himself, MV (Master of Eternity) and was not called anything else. Then, on the initiative of his son, a group of like-minded people was created, the purpose of which was to protect the elderly and small children from street hooligans. This is the story that emerged as a result of communication between an impulsive Aries and a Scorpio of any age, when Aries shows due respect.

Aries is impressed that the reliable Scorpio does not have the habit of compromising, because he himself is honest and true to his ideals. Both never give up or accept defeat. Only sissies can give up, which cannot be said about this couple of Sun signs. But Scorpio has another irresistible and elusive quality that Aries does not understand. Willpower. Just will. The calmest, outwardly harmless Scorpio has an emotionally strong charged aura, which, however, does not mean that all Scorpios are inclined to attack like Dracula. There are many nice people among them - interesting, polite and smart. But Aries should not be misled by their soft voice, lack of pronounced aggression and unobtrusive behavior, since these guys are not unreliable, timid and defenseless.

Important! Of course, Fire and Water, as elements, are combined, but they are more fully capable of destroying each other. Another clear example: one Scorpio man secretly courted a Scorpio woman for a long time, the matter ended in a wedding, and the family was soon replenished with a child born in April. It seems terrible - little Aries is at the mercy of two Scorpios. After all, this threatens the complete destruction of his Mars “ego.” However, the intuitive wisdom and calm discipline of Scorpio parents benefited the child. In their person he acquired a magnificent example of personal integrity and moral courage. The explosive Aries received excellent lessons in stability and willpower, which are so necessary for him, because his outbreak of enthusiasm passes faster than the sparks can go out. There is a possibility that Pluto's force on Mars may be excessive. The caution of the Scorpio Water element can extinguish an Aries of any age category, making him an unnatural introvert who prefers to stay in the shadows, and this clearly goes against the innate right of Mars. In more successful unions of these signs, Aries will well accept the strength of the Eagle (neighbor, colleague, friend, husband or lover), and will also try to accept the endurance of Pluto (the benefit is incredible for him). And the second half of this tandem - Scorpio - will benefit from the union; he can learn a lot by seeing the more open nature of Aries, his friendly and free approach to life. It is quite possible that the warm heart of Aries can be cooled by the emotional coldness of Scorpio, which will shake Aries’s self-confidence.

There may be moments when Aries, having met the penetrating gaze of Scorpio, filled with evil disapproval, associates it with the gaze of a ghost, which, despite the patronage of Mars, will cause an internal trembling in him. Again from life: so, one Scorpio father, driven to the extreme by his 3 sons (one is Aries), fell silent for a few seconds, and then his ominous voice was heard: “I will remember this.” They do not forget the bad, but the Eagles also always remember kindness and love.

There are Scorpios who follow their desires. Even if they see that the path to their goal leads to self-destruction, they will continue to go. And Aries knows this well. Aries is positive sign Fire is a Mars-ruled carefree crusader, overcome with emotion from the realization that the mission is fraught with danger. Scorpio, on the other hand, is a negative sign of Water - this seasoned veteran has a deep sense of strength and reality that helps to endure hardships and he has no illusions about parades, orders for bravery and the shine of epaulets. As you can see, their strategies differ. Aries' place in battle is in the forefront. And Scorpio prefers an unexpected, sudden attack from the rearguard. Sometimes during wars, this couple remembers that nature made them enemies. But the world is a better place, and the first step towards it is love.

Aries man – Scorpio woman

An Aries man planning to marry a Scorpio woman will find it helpful to carefully study Ibsen's play Hedda Gabler. Hedda is a typical Scorpio and her sometimes inexplicable behavior is well described in the play, which will clearly help prepare Aries for any surprises (it doesn’t matter if his chosen one is not quite a typical Scorpio). It is always more rational to be prepared for the worst, even if there is a glimmer of hope for the best. With Scorpio, it's better to be forewarned and forearmed.

Scorpios act, “forgetting” to warn about their intentions.

A ban on driving his car - by her grace there will be no air left in the tires. He called another girl - she would accidentally cut the telephone wire. Aries understands Scorpio's desire for a secret rebellion, strengthened by sudden retribution, and therefore their life together will not seem completely nightmarish to him.

Thanks to her these qualities, love relationships can become tense. Aries can forgive many terrible actions, but not those that were carefully thought out in advance.

Unpleasant surprises are not on the list of Aries' favorite things. If they discover intrigues, they immediately lose their temper. He could still cope with standard outbursts of irritation, but secrets... And then there’s her talent for turning away with Olympian calm before he tries to defend himself. Now it is clear why, over time, he develops aggression, turning him into a mad shadow fighter, striking blindly, without receiving satisfaction. You cannot use the tactic of striking on the sly with Aries, then retreating and completely ignoring his angry cries.

In fact, Aries, who gives her the right to win or allows her to believe in it, in this way protects his “ego” from meaningless conflicts with such a partner. This is the only sure way to establish a relationship with a Scorpio woman - to give her the opportunity to repay, which is immediately forgotten. And then Aries can count on a reward - she will respect him.

He knows that she is faithful to the man she loves to the same extent that she strives to protect her scorpion tail from someone else’s encroachment. If a woman has the Moon, Sun or Ascendant in Scorpio, then, having fallen in love, she can sacrifice her career, friends, reputation and family. She will not hesitate to openly despise anyone who tries to cross the path of their shared happiness, casting a shadow on their feelings or somehow harming her man. All or nothing - this is the kind of love Aries needs. This is just how Scorpios love it.

To an Aries man, who recently connected his life with a Scorpio woman, reading these lines, it may seem that the above does not apply to his beloved. Because he imagined a picture in the style of Black Widow tactics - a retaliatory attack and an instant retreat. Is it possible to compare a feminine and soft woman with a voice that gurgles like a brook with the Black Widow? Naturally not. Here's the thing. Her tactics to get revenge on Pluto are not the plot of a vampire movie. And she is not the Bride of Frankenstein. After all, she is calm, sensitive and quite timid. Insight will come after the wedding. He is provided with an object lesson in astrology when he says, “I would like you to make an appointment with a hairdresser and change your style. Tomorrow my business partner and his wife will come to dinner with us, and your hairstyle on your head is as old-fashioned as your grandmother’s chest of drawers.” (Aries is always important to own appearance and the sight of his loved ones). In response, no furious scream from the Scorpio woman, only a smile with the words: “Of course, dear.” When his precious partner appears with his no less precious wife, she will appear as a perfect angel of femininity. And in a velvety warm whisper she will manage to convey to her husband’s ears, without going out to the guests: “Darling, you will, of course, apologize, right? I have a terrible headache and I won’t be able to meet anyone.”

And now, please, scream your heart out about the career she ruined, rage until you’re blue in the face. She is already lying on the bed with her eyes closed and a bag of ice on her head, never ceasing to smile brightly, leaving him alone with the hungry guests.

Are you sure? That there is no resemblance to a vampire movie. A dear lady, overcome by a headache and regrets about what happened.

If the situation is clear to an Aries man, then he is brave, but thinking that is inaccessible to him prevents him from successfully confronting. But over time, he will gain emotional maturity. It's not easy to love a Scorpio. But having matured emotionally, Aries will see his selfishness, overly impulsive speech and haste. If his feelings for her are really strong, then they both can learn a lot.

If we talk about their sexual attraction, then it is instant and magnetic, capable of constantly satisfying them. Their physical connection cannot be called superficial or indifferent. Scorpio needs a 2 in 1 combination - sex and love. This is also required by Aries, who must win - she will allow him to do this, without being passive. A simultaneous thirst for physical satisfaction, a desire to give of oneself with a strong emotional response - this is what this man seeks; he needs a real woman - not a doll, but not a leader either. He is Adam - pure, innocent, but courageous. She is Eve - mysterious and seductive. In bed, you can clearly see who is a man and who is a woman - unless one of them falls under the special influence of Mars or Venus (in this case, sadistic and masochistic tendencies may creep into their relationship). If Aries inflicted a thoughtless insult on a Scorpio woman, then she may refuse him intimacy and in vain - since there is a high chance of getting a selfish, unfaithful lover. To find out a secret (which can then be kept), Scorpio carefully plunges into the unknown. Aries, without thinking, rushes into the pool to discover the truth and search for happiness, with whom he will then share openly and generously. Such a significant difference can be overcome only by learning to forgive and trust. With his carefree release of his emotions, he can easily hurt her. She does not easily forget the pain, which may not be visible from the outside. But still - the best option, if Aries is himself, because she wants him to remain true to himself, which she is unlikely to admit.

Aries woman – Scorpio man

The Scorpio man is characterized by a superhuman ability to face any facts; he comprehends life by seeing its essence. This can be scary. He allows you to lift the curtain and look under his mask of unshakable self-confidence. What can a woman do when a secret like this is revealed to her? If she was born Aries, she will fall in love with the owner of the mask with unimaginable force.

Perhaps he will reveal something that he has never revealed to anyone before. The reason for his decision is the absence of female cunning, which he admires. He is touched by her fresh innocence, loyalty, and also faith in him. His intuition tells him that the Aries woman (which cannot be said about representatives of other Solar signs) does not use revenge as a weapon. But Scorpio often uses retribution and at the same time appreciates the lack of this quality in Aries. Deep love can await them, as both strive to drink the cup of love to the last drop of pleasure, and they also make a harmonious couple emotionally. But cardinal differences are observed in their intellectual development.

His distinctive features character – caution, suspicion, criticality and skepticism. Hers is impulsiveness, simplicity, directness, carelessness. Such a difference suggests two ways of developing a relationship - opposites can attract, adding shine to their relationship and introducing intrigue, or the distance between them will increase to the point of an abyss and they will understand that their communication will be impossible even at the level where they have common points of contact. This will “solve” the Solar-Lunar aspect in their horoscopes.

At the first stage, this man will test his chosen one, asking questions with the care that only Scorpios are capable of, even if the questions are asked only with their eyes. Will she be able to accept the cold hard truth that often awaits her with him, because he treats her with respect? (by the way, the truth is presented to them softly, in his opinion, which may seem like a mockery). Would a slight scorpion bite scare her? This lady is not afraid of anything. How will she behave if he talks about ancient witch rituals and astral bodies one-on-one with a pretty girl? No jealousy or irritation on her part. She has her own business to deal with. Despite the answers he received, he does not lose faith that he is able to teach his companion to be calm. He is pleased with her bright independence and persistent spirit of life.

Difficulties will arise at the moment of his realization that she will never learn to fully control her emotions, and also will not achieve his cold balance. And then, as it seemed to him, her virtues: independence and love of life may lose their attractiveness in his eyes. This is a hindrance for them. It is possible that he will put up with her aggressiveness, because he loves strong women. But when she tries to use this property of hers against his nature, he, like a real scorpion whose tail has been stepped on, will turn and strike. Scorpios are vengeful, even if the offense was inflicted on them by accident. Although, who would think of stepping on Scorpio’s tail? Only Aries.

If Scorpio has a difficult situation, he is not like Taurus, who tries to push aside an obstacle, or Libra, who invents plans to get around the situation, or Pisces, who perceives it as fatal. He simply destroys the obstacle. If the obstacle is understood as the religious dogma with which he is overcome, then he will not launch an attack on the churchmen - his Plutonic upbringing will not allow this. He will begin to destroy the roots and branches of religion, becoming a militant atheist. If a criminal breaks into his house, then the solution is too lenient - to assist the representatives of the law in arresting the bandit. After all, the crime was directed against him, and therefore the culprit must be destroyed. If he has suffered a love injury, then simply breaking off the relationship is not enough. This will be a curse on the very institution of marriage and on all intimate relationships. Half measures are not for Scorpio, which is why they are interesting.

The concept of “interesting” may not be entirely correct, but a woman ruled by Mars will understand this expression. You can see maturity, masculinity and strength here. It doesn’t stop an Aries girl, who is eyeing Scorpio, from thinking about his Plutonic nature, and then deciding whether to expose her bright flame to his roaring stream of water.

Usually, Scorpio is helped in any matter by his magnetism. But in order to face Scorpio's romantic attack dispassionately, objectivity is required, and most Aries lack it. This pair is a 6-8 combination of Sun signs (Aries is the 6th astrological house of service to Scorpio, and it is the 8th house of sex for Aries). Amazing intelligence accompanies her service to him different ways, and he provides her with sexual satisfaction. However, in practice it is not always so simple and clear. Usually she experiences a curious urge to submit to him, and Scorpio at this time satisfies her very deep desire for eternal (quite earthly) love, which she needs. Sexual attraction accompanies this union until old age, and the initial passion does not lose its brightness.

Surely they are unlikely to watch a hardcore porn film. Scorpio does not like such a public demonstration of intimate relationships, since nature has given him respect for this mystery of existence, and its nature has endowed him with idealism.

Their sexual relationship can be overshadowed by the following: her tendency to exaggerate his passion for women (even accusations of infidelity are possible), and his suspicion, which sees a sophisticated flirtation in the free relationship of the Aries woman with other men. It doesn’t hurt him to understand that her honesty and idealism will not allow her to change her love so easily. And it will be useful for her to understand that although he is passionately involved in sex, his love is based on honesty and purity. If he satisfies his (very significant) sexual needs at home, then he will ignore any tricks of other ladies, if the latter even undertake open seduction on the street (and this can happen in relation to Scorpios). Therefore, his loyalty is only in her hands.

An Aries woman can find happiness, and a long-lasting one, with a Scorpio man if she comes to terms with the following aspects: his secrecy, annoying silence, thrifty (to a greater extent than hers) attitude towards money, reinforced concrete idea of ​​what is right and what is wrong, will be calmly treated to his awareness of his own superiority. This requires a lot of patience, which is not typical for Aries. Maybe it will help her that he inherited these strong beliefs from Libra. Therefore, this is his spiritual growth, which is part of the karmic process, and he cannot do otherwise.

On his part, it is required to: ignore her attacks of jealousy, not pay attention to her financial intemperance, accept her frequent demands for attention and maybe a slightly immature approach to problems. But Scorpios cannot look past their fingers. However, their relationship can be successful if her Ascendant or Moon is in a Watery/Earth sign (Taurus excluded), and his Ascendant or Moon is in a Fire/Air sign (Libra excluded).

Although, for this couple to build a harmonious relationship, they won’t even need planetary help. If a conjunction of Mars and Pluto occurs, then everything is possible, including happiness. If these partners, seeing their stars, make a wish, then the firmament trembles from the roar of rushing comets and trillions of twinkling stars answer them in unison: “Yes.”

Liana Raimanova

Aries is protected by the element Fire and the planet Mars, while Scorpio is protected by Water and Pluto, respectively. The compatibility of the signs is far from ideal, since both planetary and zodiac influences do not favor this union.

The relationship between Aries and Scorpio is a series of bitter battles that are emotionally draining for both partners. Any little thing can be a reason for a quarrel, but the real reason is struggle for leadership. Both signs are very stubborn and do not want to share the palm even with their loved one.

Despite numerous signs of incompatibility, representatives of the Fire and Water elements are quite capable of existing under one roof for decades. It also happens that the feelings between lovers are so deep that they are ready to make almost any sacrifice in order to preserve the relationship. In this case, both partners resign themselves to the idea that the family altar will become a battlefield for them.

Scorpio is much more calculating, he is distinguished by a cold mind and insight

In this difficult union, Aries has a more difficult time. He is quick-tempered, emotional, impatient. Representatives of the Fire element are unable to keep their plans secret for long, so their attacks are often impulsive and poorly thought out.

Scorpio is much more calculating, he is distinguished cool mind and insight. People of this sign have well-developed intuition, which allows them to calculate the actions of others in advance. Thanks to these qualities, Scorpio gains some superiority over Aries and willingly uses it at every opportunity.

Compatibility Chart for Aries and Scorpio

Compatibility of an Aries man and a Scorpio woman: the pros and cons of relationships

Aries is a bright and charming man who enjoys success with the opposite sex. This assertive and purposeful person, inclined to achieve what he wants by any means necessary. He begins to have affairs at a very young age, but usually they do not last long.

A Fire sign man is looking for the ideal woman. As soon as he is convinced that the next partner does not meet his requirements, he immediately leaves her. Aries have a domineering character and strive to completely subjugate their beloved. But if they meet a woman who is a little stronger or equal in character, then they may well begin a long affair with her.

The prospect of constant competition does not frighten the warlike wards of Mars, but, on the contrary, attracts

The Scorpio woman is charming, has a unique charisma and a special sophisticated charm. She is attractive in the eyes of men, but does not pay much attention to it. Suitors are also in no hurry to actively pursue their beloved, because deep down they are afraid of her. No matter how gentle and charming a representative of a Water sign may seem, those around her still feel incredibly a strong character.

The Scorpio lady can be overly jealous, but does not like it when this feeling is shown towards her. She's not ready to start either serious relationship with just anyone, although she doesn’t need numerous novels to find an ideal. Pluto’s ward completely trusts her intuition and does the right thing - at the right moment, her sixth sense always gives a hint.

The union between Aries and Sagittarius is unreliable and full of contradictions. But this is a very bright combination that can cause a storm of emotions in the souls of both partners.

Are they compatible in love?

Aries and Scorpio are in no danger of getting bored in each other's company; together they will not have a moment of peace.

For this couple, permanent passion is the only possible norm.

Both partners will torment themselves and their significant other with jealousy. Both will be fixated on each other. Both will find joy in this strange love union, full of aggression and mutual reproaches. Over time, one of two things will happen: either the partners will get tired of the rivalry and they will separate, or they will get used to this state of affairs and begin to feel happy in each other's company.

Aries guy and Scorpio girl in sex

The partners have approximately the same passion and temperament, but the couple “he is Aries, she is Scorpio” is quite likely to have problems in intimate life. A man looks at sex as a simple physical process that brings pleasure. A woman takes this issue much more seriously, considering lovemaking to be a special type of sensual pleasure. On this basis, disharmony often arises; partners do not stop arguing even in bed. But if they will discuss openly your claims and wishes, then an idyll will come in this area.

The partners have approximately the same passion and temperament

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Aries and Scorpio should be prepared for the fact that after marriage, life together will become even more difficult. Domestic problems will be added to poor character compatibility, and then a real test of strength will begin for the couple. Jealousy and the habit of regularly sorting things out in a raised voice will not go away.

But there are also positive aspects to marriage. The Scorpio wife will pretend that she recognized her wife as the head of the family. The Aries husband will believe this and will be fabulously happy. In fact, the representative of the water element almost completely controls the state of affairs, keeping her husband in the dark with the help of the notorious feminine cunning. As a result, both are happy, and there are much fewer conflicts in the family.

The birth of children will further strengthen the union between Aries and Scorpios

In the process of education, representatives of these signs will begin to understand each other better and will become less obsessed with their relationships.

Is there friendship if he is Aries and she is Scorpio?

Opposite sexes Aries and Scorpios usually begin to be friends from an early age. The likelihood that a friendship between these signs will begin in adulthood is extremely low. But the old connection, strengthened since school, will probably last for decades.

An Aries man and a Scorpio woman do not always understand each other well, but they are ready to do a lot for the sake of their comrade. Mutual support and mutual respect- this is the basis of the friendly relations of our heroes.

How to win an Aries man?

Aries is a powerful and strong man with the character of a leader. He is unlikely to like a girl who will try to take a dominant position. Therefore, winning this guy’s heart is much easier with affection and care. Like any man, he likes to hear praise addressed to him. But it must be deserved - Aries cannot stand flattery and other manifestations of insincerity. For the same reason, it is better not to try to make him jealous. Instead of starting to pay more attention to the girl he loves, he will consider her an insidious traitor and wave his hand goodbye.

Aries do not like powerful women, but with all their hearts they gravitate towards active ones.

A modest gray mouse has almost no chance of attracting the attention of a fiery guy; he only looks at spectacular and energetic ladies

Aries is looking for a partner who can maintain the same dynamic pace of life as his.

How to get the attention of a Scorpio woman?

The Scorpio woman is wise, insightful and calculating. She is unlikely to appreciate romantic madness on the part of her boyfriend. But you won’t be able to win her heart without any signs of attention, they just have to be respectable. The Scorpio girl will be glad to be invited to a restaurant or to a social party. She is looking for a responsible and fully formed partner who does not need to be adjusted to suit herself during life together.

The Scorpio girl will be glad to be invited to a restaurant or to a social party

To attract the attention of a woman of this sign, you need to use simple and honest ways. The Scorpio girl cannot tolerate deceit and easily recognizes insincerity in the behavior of others thanks to her well-developed intuition.

Compatibility horoscope for Aries woman and Scorpio man

The Aries woman is an emotional, impatient and extremely active person. She almost always achieves her goals, because she tends to show persistence and inexhaustible fortitude. She is not averse to sometimes giving orders in relationships, but prefers strong men. It is advisable for the fiery lady’s chosen one not to skimp on gifts and compliments and to pay a lot of attention to his beloved. In this case, she will be satisfied with the relationship, even if the role of leader in it goes to the man.

In relationships, he tends to show signs of being possessive and jealous. Even slight flirting on the part of the chosen one can become a reason for a big scandal. Scorpio will not tolerate betrayal from his beloved girl, but he himself is ready to guarantee one hundred percent fidelity.

Love relationship

It won’t be difficult for an Aries girl to attract the attention of the Scorpio she likes. A man of this sign will be so fascinated by the fiery lady that he will make every possible effort to win her sympathy. Relationships between representatives of the fire and water elements always full of passion, which at first fogs the eyes of lovers. They then notice each other's flaws. From this moment on, raised tones begin to predominate in their communication.

The relationship between representatives of the fire and water elements is always full of passion

An Aries woman and a Scorpio man are one of the most fickle combinations. They can gently hold hands and whisper words of love, but within a few minutes their loud swearing will shake the surroundings. The truce usually comes as quickly as the conflict itself. Such frequent mood swings among partners frighten and surprise those around them. No one believes in a successful union between Aries and Scorpio except themselves. Lovers are often right, since they both like life in the style of Italian passions.

Sexual attraction of a couple

The wards of Mars and Pluto have excellent sexual compatibility; they complement each other perfectly. The bed often becomes a place of reconciliation for this couple. Partners are so eager to rush into the arms of their loved one that they are ready to make almost any concessions.

To cause a little discord in practically perfect compatibility these people may be jealous

Aries and Scorpio tend to show excessive suspicion towards each other, although neither of them even thinks about cheating.


The relationship of an Aries-Scorpio couple rarely reaches the registry office. But if it comes to marriage, then we can confidently predict a long life together. It is unlikely that representatives of two stubborn signs will recognize their marriage as unsuccessful and give up trying to save it.

Most likely, the partners will take a long time to reach mutual understanding and after a few years of living together they will still find it. Having children will speed up this process. The Scorpio husband is a good family man who will devote a lot of attention and mental strength to raising his offspring. The Aries wife is a born teacher; her children will certainly achieve success in life.

How are an Aries girl and a Scorpio guy friends?

Friendship between an Aries woman and a Scorpio man can only begin if they have common hobbies and interests. Representatives of these signs cannot always find mutual language, both are too keen on fighting for leadership positions. If in love relationships This feature is a disadvantage, but in friendly games it should clearly be considered an advantage.

A spirit of competition hovers over the friendship between Aries and Scorpio, which effectively motivates both to new achievements

How to win a Scorpio man and build a relationship with him?

Scorpios are lovers of everything secret and unknown. They like mysterious girls who need to be conquered. But guys of this sign do not like pretense and lies, so you should not try to pretend to be another person when communicating with them. You shouldn’t behave too openly either - Scorpio is not interested in direct seduction tactics. To win the heart of this man, you need to be able to balance on a fine line between pretense and creating an aura of mystery around your image. The chosen one of Scorpio must be an intellectually developed person; the guy of this sign is absolutely indifferent to stupid simpletons.

Guys of this sign do not like pretense and lies.

Is it possible to make an Aries woman fall in love with you?

There is every chance to win the heart of an Aries girl in strong, proactive and original men. It is these guys who attract the attention of representatives of the fire element. To win the sympathy of one of them, you need to take active action as soon as possible - invite the lady of your heart to the movies and restaurants, give her flowers.

A good way to get closer to an Aries girl is to play on her passion for competition. You need to captivate her with some kind of game: cards, chess, ping-pong or another similar competition for two. In this case, it is advisable for the chosen one to choose a variety in which he is stronger. If an Aries woman is constantly half a step away from victory, this will greatly provoke her. All the attention of the ward of Mars will be directed to the enemy, and then the emergence of sympathy is not far off.

27 November 2017, 16:29