Changing phases of the moon also affects growth cultivated plants, and for their fruiting. This was noticed by man long ago, and today it is successfully used by gardeners to obtain friendly shoots and a good harvest.

Carrots, which occupy not the last place in the plantings of summer residents, are also subject to the influence of the night luminary. A lunar month, lasting 28 days, is exactly four weeks, each of which corresponds to its own phase of the earth's satellite.

When to sow carrots lunar calendar so that the germination rate of the seed is high, and the size is pleasing, even and tasty?

Growing Moon and carrot shoots

When the Moon grows and its crescent becomes wider and brighter, nutrients and moisture from the soil actively rush from the root system to the foliage and tops.

For the benefit of the future carrot harvest in these two weeks there will be:

  • feeding young plants;
  • thinning and picking of seedlings;
  • weeding in the beds.

Often the first week after the new moon is considered a good time for sowing, but this is not true for carrots. Since the summer resident’s goal when growing this crop is the root crop, and not the lush tops, the timing of sowing carrots in open ground better move it.

Is it possible to plant carrots during the full moon in spring?

While the moon remains in all its glory in the sky, root system garden crops is clearly weakened and sensitive to all kinds of interventions. These days you can not only plant carrots, but also thin out densely sprouted shoots. After all, the resulting root damage during a full moon is extremely difficult for plants to tolerate.

Since the aboveground part of plants, including seeds, is saturated with useful substances, this time is ideal for collecting planting material for the next season.

When can you plant carrots on the waning moon?

When the lunar disk begins to wane, the juices, which were moving towards the crown before the full moon, change direction, and nutrients rush to the root system. This means that the time is coming when you can plant carrots, beets, radishes and other similar crops.

Seeds that fall into the soil in the third week of the lunar cycle actively produce roots. And in grown plants with developed foliage, root crops are formed. If the carrot reacts calmly to damage to the above-ground part, then it is better not to carry out any work affecting the roots these days.

But carrots, like other root vegetables, respond well to:

  • and growth stimulants;
  • abundant watering;
  • pest and weed control;
  • adding organic matter;
  • loosening the soil and digging.

This rule applies to spring and, especially, autumn sowing. When planting carrots before winter, the gardener must be sure that friendly shoots will appear in the beds in the spring. While the moon is in its waning phase, the seeds that fall into the soil have all the conditions to take root well.

  • If the seeds are sown dry, it is better not to hesitate and plant them in the soil when the lunar disk has just begun to shrink.
  • If swollen seeds are used for planting, they can be sown in the fourth week of the lunar month, when the aging sickle is already noticeably narrowing.

Root crops harvested during this period are of decent quality and are stored well and for a long time.

New Moon and Lunar Eclipse

Vegetation is slowed down during the new moon, so it will be useful to refuse any work related to transplanting, weeding and planting. The crops will not be able to fully absorb fertilizing if it is done on days close to the new moon. It is much more useful to devote time to weeding.

Determining the timing of sowing carrots in open ground according to the Zodiac

All root vegetables, not excluding carrots, are close to the elements of the Earth, therefore they respond better to care on those days of the month when the moon is in the signs of Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo.

The period of time when it is better to sow carrots before winter, in the middle zone, may better begin in October and end at the end of November. At the same time, the seeds must remain dry, which will delay their germination, but with a long autumn and warm winter, such crops risk dying.

In different regions, carrot planting in the spring according to the lunar calendar takes place in different time, since climatic conditions in the south and north of the country differ significantly. The main thing is that the soil is ready to accept seeds and does not lose melt moisture, and that the waning moon falls on the days of the Earth signs. If such a combination is difficult to achieve, the work is carried out at the end of the Moon from a favorable sign.

Watering and feeding carrots according to the lunar calendar and the Zodiac

The phases of the moon do not have a serious impact on watering plants, but it is possible to make water supply more efficient and economical. To do this, it is better to water carrots on days when the Moon is in the signs of Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer.

Mineral fertilizers for carrots are applied on the waxing moon, and herbal infusions, stimulants and other organic matter are applied on days when the night light is already waning. Moreover, such events will make more sense when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces.

Carrots are one of those vegetable crops that are always planted without seedlings, in open or closed ground, if it is meant to be grown in a greenhouse until harvesting. The crop is quite cold-resistant, so it is sown on garden beds one of the first. How not to rush or be late with its landing, but to choose the most suitable ones from a suitable period of time favorable days- the lunar calendar for planting carrots 2018 will tell you. It’s difficult to single out just one correct option how to plant carrots. Because this takes into account the climatic characteristics of the region, soil characteristics of the site and other parameters.

In this article we will look at the rules for planting crops, as well as when to plant carrots in 2018 according to the lunar calendar. A crop such as carrots is sown with seeds directly into open ground or a greenhouse. The seedlings of this plant can withstand slight negative temperatures, which allows sowing in early spring or in the fall, for the winter. Get good harvest this vegetable helps not only proper care(watering, fertilizing, loosening rows), but also favorable days for planting carrots in 2018. It is the phases of the moon and the passage of the earth’s satellite in certain zodiac signs that have a direct impact on crop growth and crop formation. We'll talk about this in more detail in our article.

Dates for spring planting carrots according to the 2018 lunar calendar

The time when you can go out into the garden with carrot seeds comes after the snow has completely melted and the soil has partially dried. Its upper part should already be dry and loose. Since the seeds of this vegetable crop are very small, they are planted in the ground at a shallow depth, so surface heating will be sufficient. It is desirable that during the day the air warms up steadily to +15C, and the soil temperature reaches +7-8C. For middle zone In Russia, these conditions usually develop in April or early May (there are years when you have to wait until mid-May). Regions that are more southern or have a milder climate may begin planting earlier. Varietal varieties also matter. Thus, it is recommended to sow early-ripening varieties in March, mid-ripening varieties - in April, and those intended for winter storage - in early May, completing work by the middle of the month. When to plant carrots in 2018 will be determined not only by the planting calendar, but also by future weather conditions, so its recommendations cover all possible periods from March to mid-May.

Favorable days for planting carrots according to the lunar calendar for 2018

The bed for sowing root crops needs to be prepared in the fall. After harvesting the predecessor, dig up the area using a spade bayonet, simultaneously adding wood ash and complex mineral fertilizers, for example, superphosphate. Just before sowing, the grains are soaked in water for several days, which will stimulate early emergence. The quantity and quality of the harvest will depend on the correct planting date. The favorable period is chosen depending on the climatic conditions of a particular region. When compiling a lunar calendar, astrologers pay attention not only to the phases of the moon, but also to the location of the satellite in a certain (fertile or barren zodiac sign). Let's take a look at best timing carrot planting in 2018 by month

  • March. Gardeners in the southern regions of our country can plant root crops in March. The favorable period is considered to be the 4th, 24th-27th, as well as March 30th and 31st.
  • April. A generally favorable date is the 1st; in addition, carrot seeds can be planted in open ground from April 27 to 28.
  • May. The end of spring is considered the best period for sowing many garden crops. You can sow carrot seeds this month on 19; 20, and also 23-24 numbers.

Favorable days for planting carrots in spring 2018

  • March - 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22
  • April - 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 29
  • May - 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 26, 27, 28, 31
  • June - 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 25

Favorable days for planting carrots in the fall in 2018

  • September - 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29
  • October - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 31
  • November - 1, 2, 3, 4

Lunar calendar for planting carrots in 2018

  1. March - 17, 2, 31;
  2. April - 16, 30;
  3. May - 15, 29;
  4. June - 13, 28.

Useful information on zodiac signs:

  1. When you have the sign of Sagittarius, it is best to water carrots and other root vegetables - the harvest will be high.
  2. Capricorn is a leader in promoting the growth of root crops (especially for storage).

Days under the sign of Capricorn (on the waning Moon):

  1. March - 10, 11, 12
  2. April - 6, 7, 8
  3. May - 4, 5

Garden work:

  1. Cleaning for storage - September 17, 18, 19.
  2. June 1-15 is the right time to thin carrots.
  3. July 20 - August 1 - harvesting of early carrots.

The influence of lunar phases on carrot planting in 2018

The basis for drawing up a calendar is the movement of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac and the change in its phases. Moreover, any factor can be a priority in different cases depending on a number of reasons. It is known that the movement of vital juices in plants is directly related to the lunar phases. The waxing Moon makes them move upward, and the waning Moon, on the contrary, downwards, into the roots. Accordingly, different recommendations are given for planting and caring for plants that produce root crops and those that are used for decorative purposes or produce above-ground fruits. Everything that, like carrots, belongs to the “roots” is more favorable to plant on the waning Moon. At the same time, the roots of plants planted closer to the Full Moon go deeper, including root vegetables (radish, daikon, carrots, etc.). And being planted closer to the New Moon, they grow strong, plump, but shorter. On the New Moon itself and on the day when the disk is fully illuminated, it is not recommended to work on the ground. The beginning of the cycle, when the earth’s satellite is not visible at all, is considered especially fruitless and negative for any undertaking.

Care after planting Morva according to the lunar calendar in 2018

In the first two weeks after planting, the crops are provided with the necessary amount of moisture. In the future, the carrots will need to be watered with water infused in the sun from a watering can at intervals of 1-2 times a week. Moistening the soil is best done in the evening, which will prevent burns on the leaves. Loosening of row spacing is carried out the next day after watering. The purpose of this procedure is to remove weeds and aerate the soil. Loose soil facilitates the penetration of oxygen and moisture to the root system of crops. Thinning of crops is considered one of the most important operations for caring for plantings. Such operations are carried out up to 3 times per season, except in cases of sowing carrots on a tape or maintaining the required distances when sowing seeds. Crops are fed every two weeks with complex mineral fertilizers high in potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. The best effect in crop development can be achieved by alternating chemicals with organic fertilizers. As an example, a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10 with water.

Carrots are one of those vegetable crops that are always planted without seedlings, in open or closed ground, if it is meant to be grown in a greenhouse until harvesting. The crop is quite cold-resistant, so it is one of the first to be sown in garden beds. How not to rush or be late with planting it, but to choose the most favorable days from a suitable period of time - the lunar calendar for planting carrots 2018 will tell you.

First of all, you should decide on the season. A fairly common mistake is to sow carrot beds before winter without understanding the intricacies. For this option, only certain winter-hardy and zoned varieties are suitable (Moscow Winter is an example). When using seeds of ordinary non-frost-resistant varieties, you will have to wait until spring.

Spring planting dates

The time when you can go out into the garden with carrot seeds comes after the snow has completely melted and the soil has partially dried. Its upper part should already be dry and loose. Since the seeds of this vegetable crop are very small, they are planted in the ground at a shallow depth, so surface heating will be sufficient.

It is desirable that during the day the air warms up steadily to +15C, and the soil temperature reaches +7-8C. For central Russia, these conditions usually develop in April or early May (there are years when you have to wait until mid-May). Regions that are more southern or have a milder climate may begin planting earlier. Varietal varieties also matter. Thus, it is recommended to sow early-ripening varieties in March, mid-ripening varieties - in April, and those intended for winter storage - in early May, completing work by the middle of the month.

When to plant carrots in 2018 will be determined not only by the planting calendar, but also by future weather conditions, so its recommendations cover all possible periods from March to mid-May.

By folk signs, the time for sowing carrots comes after aspens and violets bloom.

The influence of lunar phases on planting vegetables

The basis for drawing up a calendar is the movement of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac and the change in its phases. Moreover, any factor can be a priority in different cases depending on a number of reasons.

It is known that the movement of vital juices in plants is directly related to the lunar phases . The waxing Moon makes them move upward, and the waning Moon, on the contrary, downwards, into the roots. Accordingly, different recommendations are given for planting and caring for plants that produce root crops and those that are used for decorative purposes or produce above-ground fruits.

Everything that, like carrots, belongs to the “roots” is more favorable to plant on the waning Moon. At the same time, the roots of plants planted closer to the Full Moon go deeper, including root vegetables (radish, daikon, carrots, etc.). And being planted closer to the New Moon, they grow strong, plump, but shorter. On the New Moon itself and on the day when the disk is fully illuminated, it is not recommended to work on the ground. The beginning of the cycle, when the earth’s satellite is not visible at all, is considered especially fruitless and negative for any undertaking.

Carrot planting calendar for March 2018

As can be seen from the calendar, the change of lunar phases, the most favorable for planting carrots will be the first half of the month. From the 3rd to the 16th, the lunar disk in the night sky will grow and reach full illumination on March 17th. Only residents of the southern regions, where spring usually comes into its own on schedule, will be able to take advantage of this favorable period for sowing root crops. The second half of the month should be especially taken into account by the passage of the earth’s satellite through the zodiac circle, since the growing month will increasingly draw juices, and therefore all nutrients, from the ground upward, to the stems and leaves, which is undesirable for starting to grow vegetables growing in ground.

1 VirgoThe day is unfavorable for soaking seeds and working with them, especially for crops growing in the ground.
2 Full moonIt’s better not to do anything in the garden except for housekeeping and putting things in order.
3-5; 5-7 Libra, Scorpio beginning of 3rd quarterAn excellent time to plant carrots, if not for weather conditions that are unlikely to allow this to be done in mid-latitudes. But, if it is possible to make a temporary greenhouse, then these are ideal days for sowing.
8-10 SagittariusYou can plant the “roots” for food for quick consumption, including early carrots. But there is a high probability that it will go green and produce weak fruits.
11-12 CapricornIt’s good to plant anything that needs to be stored for a long time.
13-15 AquariusA sign of infertility. It's better to do nothing.
16 FishThe vital forces are concentrated as much as possible in the roots, but the Earth is already silent, processes are frozen - one of the most difficult days of the cycle. The seeds will last a long time.
17 Pisces, New MoonA day of complete rest from all earthworks.
18-19 AriesInfertile sign. Crops will not tolerate a lack of moisture well.
20-21 TaurusDespite the growing month, Taurus promises a good harvest.
22-23 TwinsIt's better to skip these days.
24-26 CancerThe energy will be unstable, phases are changing, the Moon continues to grow. Planting root crops is not recommended.
27-28; 29-30 Leo and VirgoTime for the Earth to rest. The lion burns the crops. It is bad for Virgo to soak seeds, and the waxing Moon also does not contribute to the yield of root vegetables.
31 Full moonIt is better to stop work in the garden.

If on the dates chosen for planting carrots the ground is not warm enough, it can be pre-watered and covered with film. After sowing the seeds, the film can be returned to its place for the first time if there is a need to speed up germination. But as soon as they appear, it must be removed to avoid overheating.

You should not plant carrots before the conditions are comfortable for this. The seeds will simply lie in the ground for a long time, losing strength and germination.

Planting carrots in April 2018

Throughout the first half of April, the Moon will be waning, which means that it is at this time that the best days come for sowing carrot beds. Let's look at this month in detail.

1 ScalesA good day for planting, full of energy.
2-3 ScorpionAlso a favorable time. Everything sown will yield a bountiful harvest and will be resistant to disease. April 3 is one of better days for sowing carrots!
4-6 SagittariusInfertile sign. Anything that begins to grow at this time will stretch upward and produce a weak harvest.
7-8 Capricorn, transition to the 4th quarterNeutral period. The fruits will be of medium size, but will be stored for a long time and are well stored. Change of quarters, turning point.
9-11 AquariusBarren time. Fruits can degenerate, become clumsy, and produce mutants. But for those who want to experiment in terms of selection - this is it!
12-13 FishA very productive period. If weather conditions permit, start sowing carrots now!
14-15 AriesWorking with seeds is unproductive at all stages (including planting with an eye to obtaining future seeds). Anything that has a growing season of more than a month is not planted.
16 New moonA day of infertility and complete rest from gardening and other work.
17-18 TaurusThe most productive days of the month!
19-20 TwinsThe circulation of vital juices changes direction, but it is better to wait a couple more days. Gemini does not contribute to productivity.
21-22 CancerThe harvest will be good, the fruits will be tasty, but they may not withstand long-term storage. However, if the weather is favorable, you can go out into the garden beds.
23-24 Leo, change of quartersThe vital forces of the earth are in balance, but everything planted under the influence of Leo can die from drought.
25-26 VirgoAdversely.
27-28 ScalesFertile Libra against the backdrop of the growing Moon is a neutral time for carrot plantings. The harvest will be strong, but the root crops may lack juiciness.
29-30 Scorpio, Full MoonIt is better to refrain from sowing all vegetables that bear fruit in the ground.

Due to the smallness of the seeds, carrot crops require thinning, which significantly weakens their strength. An excellent way is to dilute the seed material in sand or in a flour paste, which is poured into a bottle and distributed evenly into the prepared grooves.

Favorable days of May 2018

Most often, by this time the carrot beds are already sown. However, it is best to start sowing late varieties of “red vitamin” right now - in early May, especially since in 2018 this will be favored by the waning lunar disk in the night sky. But it is advisable to complete sowing carrots before May 14, under the New Moon.

1 ScorpionThe Moon is beginning to wan, the earth is weakened, it is better to refrain from active gardening related to root crops.
2-3 SagittariusActivity is allowed, but not recommended.
4-6 CapricornNeutral period of time, it is better to wait 3-4 days. Lost time will be returned with a higher harvest.
7-8 Aquarius, 2nd quarterAn infertile sign plus a transitional phase - now it is better to start working with weeds.
9-11 FishExcellent time, all natural factors are optimal. Don't miss these days; the 9th will be especially harmonious and promising.
12-13 AriesGermination may be quick, but the harvest will be weak.
14-15 TaurusWhoever has not yet put the “girl in prison” has the last favorable chance to do so. Plant late varieties. They will have excellent keeping quality!

The proposed recommendations should not become a panacea for a gardener, even if he is just beginning to learn the basics of farming. Weather conditions and everyday affairs dictate their conditions, and we are forced to obey them. Nevertheless, it is worth considering these recommendations and, if possible, adhering to them. The earth and everything growing on it is a single living and sensitive organism, and the more balance there is in it, the greater the return will be.

Secrets of growing carrots: video

Carrots are one of those vegetable crops that are always planted without seedlings, in open or closed ground, if it is meant to be grown in a greenhouse until harvesting. The crop is quite cold-resistant, so it is one of the first to be sown in garden beds. How not to rush or be late with planting it, but to choose the most favorable days from a suitable period of time - the lunar calendar for planting carrots 2018 will tell you.

Favorable days for planting carrots according to the lunar calendar for 2018

The bed for sowing root crops needs to be prepared in the fall. After harvesting the predecessor, dig up the area using a shovel, while adding wood ash and complex mineral fertilizers, such as superphosphate. Just before sowing, the grains are soaked in water for several days, which will stimulate the early emergence of seedlings. The quantity and quality of the harvest will depend on the correct planting date.

The favorable period is chosen depending on the climatic conditions of a particular region. When compiling a lunar calendar, astrologers pay attention not only to the phases of the moon, but also to the location of the satellite in a certain (fertile or barren zodiac sign). Let's take a look at the best dates for planting carrots in 2018 by month:

  • March - 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22;
  • April - 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 29;
  • May - 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 26, 27, 28, 31;
  • June - 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 25.

When to plant carrots in 2018 before winter - favorable days

  • September - 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29;
  • October - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 31;
  • November - 1, 2, 3, 4.

The influence of lunar phases on planting vegetables

The basis for drawing up a calendar is the movement of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac and the change in its phases. Moreover, any factor can be a priority in different cases depending on a number of reasons.

It is known that the movement of vital juices in plants is directly related to the lunar phases. The waxing Moon makes them move upward, and the waning Moon, on the contrary, downwards, into the roots. Accordingly, different recommendations are given for planting and caring for plants that produce root crops and those that are used for decorative purposes or produce above-ground fruits.

Everything that, like carrots, belongs to the “roots” is more favorable to plant on the waning Moon. At the same time, the roots of plants planted closer to the Full Moon go deeper, including root vegetables (radish, daikon, carrots, etc.). And being planted closer to the New Moon, they grow strong, plump, but shorter. On the New Moon itself and on the day when the disk is fully illuminated, it is not recommended to work on the ground. The beginning of the cycle, when the earth’s satellite is not visible at all, is considered especially fruitless and negative for any undertaking.

Choosing a place to plant carrots

To begin with, it is worth considering that carrots will not tolerate the proximity of parsley, parsnips, dill and celery. The place for sowing carrots in the spring must be chosen on the basis that it should be illuminated by the sun throughout the daylight hours, and this is very important! It will work out very well if last year cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes grew in the same place.

The time when you need to plant carrots in the spring is the second important factor on which the quantity and quality of the harvest will depend. During the day it should already be warmer than +12 degrees, and at night no colder than +5-7 degrees. Only in this case, the flower arrows will not actively develop, but instead the carrot root itself will begin to grow.

Methods and schemes for planting carrots

For planting carrots there are several interesting ways. Before you begin planting work, you need to familiarize yourself with all the methods and choose the best option for yourself. There are the following methods for planting carrots in open ground in spring:

  • Planting dry seeds - seedlings are sown in random order. The disadvantage of this method is the uneven distribution of plantings.
  • Wet seeds - seeds soaked in water or soil are combined with fine river sand and scattered evenly over the prepared area.
  • Using tape or toilet paper - to plant carrots on a tape in open ground, you need to moisten the tape with starch-based glue. Planting material is carefully laid out on paper. After this, the tape is placed in the ground and covered with soil. The advantage of this method is the uniform distribution of seedlings.

Caring for carrots after planting

In the first two weeks after planting, the crops are provided with the necessary amount of moisture. In the future, the carrots will need to be watered with water infused in the sun from a watering can at intervals of 1-2 times a week. Moistening the soil is best done in the evening, which will prevent burns on the leaves.

Loosening of row spacing is carried out the next day after watering. The purpose of this procedure is to remove weeds and aerate the soil. Loose soil facilitates the penetration of oxygen and moisture to the root system of crops. Thinning of crops is considered one of the most important operations for caring for plantings. Such operations are carried out up to 3 times per season, except in cases of sowing carrots on a tape or maintaining the required distances when sowing seeds.

Potassium is necessary for carrots at all stages of growth; its deficiency manifests itself in yellowing of the lower leaves and slower growth. The fruits of such carrots are bitter, because with potassium deficiency, the accumulation of sugars stops. Ash can be a natural source of potassium.

Magnesium is involved in many metabolic processes of the plant. With a lack of magnesium, the immune system of carrots suffers. Fruits may be affected various types rot, bacterial diseases. Carrots get magnesium from humus and other organic substances. Many regions are poor in magnesium, and even a large number of humus is unable to compensate for the deficiency; it is better to apply this element to the beds with carrots in the form of chelated fertilizers.

Iron, iodine, boron, phosphorus and other trace elements are also very important for photosynthesis processes during carrot growth. It is advisable to introduce substances that contain these elements every year. A natural source of these elements for feeding carrots can be an infusion of weeds.

Harvesting carrots

To decide whether it’s time to dig up the root crops or wait a couple more weeks, you need to take 1-2 carrots out of the ground and inspect them. If you see the appearance of thin roots, then it’s time to harvest the crop before rodents get to it. Early ripening varieties can be pulled out of the ground as needed. But some people harvest the entire crop of early carrots at once in order to sow the area with a new crop.

How to deal with pests?

Carrots produce the largest increase in fruit weight at the end of August and September, when, due to a decrease in temperature, the above-ground part distills all the beneficial substances into the root crops. Therefore, the most suitable time for harvesting in mid-latitudes is considered to be the end of September. It is not advisable to keep root crops in the ground for longer. Harvest carrots on a warm sunny day by lightly prying from below with a fork or shovel, and then pulling out the bush with your hands.

To ensure that carrots are stored well later, try to avoid mechanical damage during harvesting. The tops must be immediately carefully cut with a knife, capturing the top of the root crop by 1-2mm - this will prevent the carrots from sprouting during storage. Before being placed in the basement, the harvest is laid out under a canopy for ventilation and only then put into boxes and put away.

Sow carrots on time, and then you will get a wonderful harvest that you will use all winter.

The lunar calendar for carrots will help you choose favorable days for planting. It can be used as a reference point by gardeners who pay attention to the phases of the moon, which affect the Earth’s magnetic field.

Carrots should be planted in open ground after the snow has completely melted and the soil has dried. Main condition - warm weather. The outside temperature should exceed +15 °C, and the soil should warm up to at least +7 °C. Such weather conditions occur in mid-spring. In the southern regions of Russia, planting can begin at the end of March. It is worth noting that each variety requires special time for planting. Seeds that can be stored until winter should be planted no earlier than May.

As for sowing in a greenhouse, the planting time will depend on its characteristics. If the greenhouse is heated, you can start planting at the end of winter. In a greenhouse without heating, but with thermal insulation, sowing begins in March. If there is no heating and the greenhouse is located on the ground, sowing should not be done before May.

In order to dig up juicy beets or carrots, pay attention to favorable days for planting:

  • March: 3, 10, 21, 27, 29;
  • April: 1, 3, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22;
  • May: 9, 11, 13, 14, 17.

Video “The correct way to plant carrots”

In this video you will learn a clever way to plant carrots in the spring.

Cultivation care

It is best to care for root vegetables on days when the moon is under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio or Capricorn. These days you can dig up weeds or thin out the ground. Fertilizer must be applied on the days of Pisces, Capricorn or Scorpio. As for watering, it must be done every day, regardless of the position of the moon, so as not to harm the seeds. Particular attention should be paid to carrots in the days of Aquarius, since there is a high probability of drought.

It is better not to carry out any activities in the garden when the moon is under the sign of Aries. Twins - great days for weeding. It is strictly forbidden to replant and plant seeds when the Leo phase begins. You can protect crops from pests in 2020 during Virgo days. To obtain seed stock from root crops, choose Scorpio or Libra days. Harvesting should only be done on a waxing moon, preferably when it is in Aries or Virgo.


Harvest time depends not only on the lunar calendar. Early varieties are always harvested in early spring. The collection of varieties intended for storage in autumn is carried out towards the end of spring. Astrologers say that it is not recommended to carry out any work during the full moon or new moon. Carrots removed from the soil lose nutrients. If harvesting occurs during a new or full moon, the roots are affected by magnetic fields, which cause the carrots to wither and age faster.

The readiness of the fruit for harvesting is determined by the lower leaves on the tops. If they turn yellow, the carrots are ripe. Vegetables that will be eaten in winter are harvested no earlier than September. Late-ripening varieties should also not be harvested early. They need to be kept in the ground longer, even in unfavorable weather. Don't forget that carrots are resistant to cold, so they will ripen even at low temperatures. If you want to store carrots for a long time, do not collect them in the heat.

Planting before winter

Root crops are planted before winter to reap an early harvest. This procedure is carried out in autumn or spring. This method can only be practiced in moderate winter conditions. Seeds planted in autumn are hardened at low temperatures, so they become more resistant to frost. They are saturated with moisture, so you can expect a good harvest.

In order to reap a good harvest, it is necessary to plant carrots before winter after the first frost. Typically, such conditions occur at the end of October. If planting is done earlier, the seeds will freeze.

For sowing, it is better to choose the days of the waning moon. You should refrain from gardening on the days of the full moon and new moon. Favorable signs are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn. If you plant closer to the full moon, the vegetables will quickly grow, and by the new moon the root crops will spread out wide.

If you follow the lunar calendar, you can reap a rich harvest of tasty and juicy carrots. Please note the dates that are absolutely not suitable for carrying out any work in the garden next year.

In March, you should not work on the ground on the 1st, 3rd, 14th, 17th, 19th, 22nd, 25th and 31st. In April, unfavorable days include 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 28, 29, 30. In May, it is better not to work in the garden 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 9th, 12th, 13th and 16th. In particularly cold regions, you should focus not only on the lunar calendar, but also on the readiness of the soil, as well as temperature conditions.