Nice apartment with modern ceilings and floors everyone wants, but not everyone can install them for themselves. But this is not a problem, since ASK-Stroy specialists will perform all the work on favorable terms of cooperation for the customer.

Just a few decades ago, the process of decorating a flat ceiling or wall was difficult and took an unreasonably long time. Previously familiar crooked wallpapers and cold floors are rather wildness in the modern world than something acceptable. But, adopting the experience of other countries, it became possible to carry out high-quality repairs that provide decent comfort and coziness.

The main breakthrough was new technologies for processing all elements of the room, namely:
- floor,
- walls,
- ceilings.

True, not all specialists and companies can provide a high level of repair work. In this regard, one of the highest quality companies is ASK-Stroy. Now more about the main innovations that have become available, and which this company is quite capable of providing at a professional level.

Ceiling processing

According to many experts, stretch ceilings have become the main asset modern world. The technology was borrowed from Germany and France. And although earlier it was a luxury that had to be ordered abroad in advance, in our country there are already a sufficient number of manufacturers and installers so that almost everyone can install such ceilings for themselves.

wall decoration

Without a doubt, the most significant innovation in wall decoration was the use of drywall. And although this is a simple material, its significance is simply enormous, in particular, when eliminating defects in Soviet buildings. However, its installation also requires certain skills, and ASK-Stroy has worthy specialists in this as well.

It should be noted non-woven wallpaper, the use of which makes it possible to quickly level the walls. They, of course, will not hide obvious defects, although they are quite enough to cover small flaws. It can be noted a wide variety of these wallpapers, which allow you to make excellent visual effects.

Floor repair

With the floor there were several grandiose innovations at once. Firstly, this is the use of a heating system. What it does - and so it is clear, but it is installed under the parquet or under the self-leveling floor. Secondly, these are self-leveling floors. They are able to self-align over time under the influence of gravity.

Do not discount the invention of a more durable linoleum. And although this material may not seem new to someone, its modern quality will certainly surprise you.

Progress does not stand still. New technologies are being created, new discoveries are being made. New trends are emerging in science and technology. So, in the construction and repair of apartments, buildings and structures, they began to use technologies that improve the strength characteristics of objects, create a unique and spectacular design.

Modern technology of floor repair - self-leveling floors.

The new floor should not only be beautiful, but also perfectly flat and, preferably, warm.
Self-leveling floors are created by pouring a concrete coating with a polymer material. Moreover, the polymer material can have a different composition that improves strength properties, prevents abrasion of the floor surface, increases wear resistance, even there are floors that are chemically resistant to aggressive environments (used mainly in industrial enterprises).

A significant advantage of this technology is the ability to install heating inside the self-leveling floor. Such a floor will bring warmth and create a cozy atmosphere in the house.
When repairing apartments, self-leveling floors are also used, in the surface layer of which a 3d pattern is poured. Creates the effect of a real image. This technology allows you to give a unique design to any apartment or room.

Advanced ceiling repair technology.

Stretch ceilings - this is the covering of the ceiling space with a perfectly stretched material.
Both PVC film and textile polymer can be used as the base material.
This technology has significant advantages over conventional plastering and painting. The ceiling becomes perfectly flat. You can choose different color scheme. The ability to hide all the defects under the ceiling covering. Stretch ceilings are easy to use. It also has a high degree of wear resistance. At the same time, the installation of a stretch ceiling is easy.

Wall decoration. Modern technology.

Repair modern apartments impossible to imagine without drywall. This is an ordinary pressed sheet of gypsum, located between sheets of cardboard. This material is not only able to hide all the flaws and irregularities of the walls. It is with the help of drywall that a unique design of any room is created.

Non-woven wallpaper is not as effective when leveling walls, but is no less in demand during repairs. They look spectacular on the walls, optically eliminating all the imperfections and irregularities of the walls. Variety of wallpaper colors.
Now a combined version of wall repair is often used - non-woven wallpaper is glued to drywall.
One of the latest developments of technologists and designers is the creation of a new material - glass fiber reinforced concrete. This is a composite material. GRC was created on the basis of three elements: high-quality concrete, quartz sand and fiberglass.

The material has increased plasticity, frost resistance, durability, while being very light.
Glass fiber reinforced concrete is mainly used in architecture. Various fragments of decor, facing panels, some prefabricated elements of buildings, street furniture, wall coverings, facing stone are made from it.

Quality repair, a unique interior, low costs - all these are various technologies used in repairs in modern conditions.

Modern technologies make it much easier to carry out high-quality repairs - as early as 10-15 years ago, traditional methods of leveling walls, finishing ceilings, and installing high-quality floors were widely used in individual construction. Today's developments in the repair and construction industry, using the revolutionary patents of the chemical industry, make it possible to achieve high-quality results where high-quality finishing was impossible in principle, or possible with great labor and high cost.

Indeed, it is worth remembering at least what kind of ceilings were in each Soviet apartment, how much effort was required to somehow align the joints between the floor slabs. In some cases, this was successful, in others, the repairmen created some appearance of a flat surface, using a huge amount of mortar to "round" and "straighten" various protrusions, cracks in concrete and pieces of protruding reinforcement.

The situation in the thirties of the last century was even worse, then all wooden elements were used inside the ceilings of buildings, but over time the wood was only replaced with low-quality reinforcement, and general level and work culture remained unchanged.

The phrase that “it is almost impossible to find a flat ceiling or wall in Soviet apartments” very clearly describes the level of the problem that Western builders-renovators faced.

The first "" are associated with the work of Finnish and Turkish builders, who, for the first time in Russia, began to use standardized door blocks, plastic and wooden Euro-windows, door trim and laminate flooring. Common Western technologies began to be perceived as a miracle, and ordinary high-quality repairs received the prefix "euro", which still causes bewilderment among Western builders - they are completely incomprehensible what kind of "European repair" they are talking about, if surfaces are finished this way almost all over the world.

Ceiling technologies

The proposal to tighten the ceiling with a thin film of vinyl looks like a fairly obvious engineering solution. However, here technologies come to the fore - if the enterprise does not own the method of producing the necessary material, chemists cannot give a polymer with the appropriate properties, and finishers cannot develop installation technology - there is not even a talk about any quality of repair. The first stretch ceilings came to Russia from France and Germany. The novelty was considered expensive exotic - the first years, projects were carried out abroad, a ready-made ceiling was delivered to Russia, which was mounted by local craftsmen.

Stretch ceiling - a new repair technology

Over time, local specialists have professionally mastered all the tricks of installation technology, and polymer manufacturers have purchased all required licenses for independent production of a stretch ceiling. Many repairs were carried out, statistics on the behavior of Russian ceilings were obtained, and now we can draw some conclusions. All Russian stretch ceilings conditionally belong to the economy segment. They are inexpensive, they provide good quality coatings, they are very durable, but, of course, they cannot compete with European-made products. The secret is very simple - enterprises either acquire outdated technology for the production of vinyl sheets, or try to “repeat a simple recipe” for Western polymers on their own, without having a scientific school of sufficient level and money to buy patents and special additives.

Russian ceilings can be an excellent solution where exceptional quality and luxury brilliance is not required. Western premium manufacturers are responsible for the glamor and luxury segment. They have the right price, the right look and the right life.

The use of modern materials for wall decoration

When the first drywall appeared, it became a real revelation. It must be admitted that there are no intellectual breakthroughs here either - a sheet of gypsum is held by two thin cardboard sheets and allows you to level the surfaces of huge walls in an unusually short time. Drywall - in fact, is dry plaster. What prevented the release of this material during the Soviet era? Complete absence technologies. Understand the importance of chemical technology in production building materials can be done using the following fact. Despite the apparent simplicity of the product, all drywall produced in Russia is a licensed production.

That is, Russian chemists and technologists have not been able to independently select the composition of the gypsum mixture and master the production technology without the use of expensive patents. This statement can be interpolated to almost any finishing material - from water-dispersion paint and putties to the creation of three-dimensional textured paints and plasters. For example, a special plaster, pieces of which are soaked in water and then applied to the wall with a spatula, has been used in Italy and other European countries for decades, but only recently appeared on the walls of Russian apartments.

The largest technological breakthrough in the field was non-woven wallpaper. Non-woven fabric was constantly used by Western finishers to quickly level walls. At first it was colorless rolls, then someone came up with the logical idea to put a pattern on non-woven fabric - thus, the most popular non-woven wallpaper turned out. Where are they applied? Where there is a wall of poor quality, and you do not have the time or desire to make it perfectly even. Of course, they do not solve the problem in a global sense, since drywall or plastering on exposed beacons solves it, but the optical effect of alignment is certainly present.

Modern wallpaper has a wide variety of textures and can give an interesting visual effect that is unattainable in classic paper wallpaper. Such wallpapers can be repeatedly painted; fiberglass, natural cellulose and non-woven linings are used as the basis of the rolls.

The evolution of floor finishing materials

The entire floor in our apartments was only of two types - either a wooden floor along the logs, or a cheap one pasted on poor concrete. Parquet was rare and extremely expensive. Modern technology has provided a host of first-class finishes - from high-end commercial polymer coatings to self-leveling floors with the ability to install heating elements. In general, any finish coating such as rolled materials is only a natural result of the development of chemical technology. Previously, there was poor quality linoleum, which quickly faded and abraded, now it is high quality linoleum and exceptionally wear resistant. The essence of the coverage has not changed.

Self-leveling self-leveling floors have become a fundamentally new approach in the field of repair and construction. Using the effect of gravity to align the compositions - the solution is more than obvious. The problem, as you know, is technology. There is a desire to make a self-leveling floor, but there is no opportunity and knowledge - as a result, we have a logical result. The best self-leveling floors are European-made compounds, Russian mixtures say "self-leveling floor", but this bold statement has nothing to do with reality.

Self-leveling floor - advanced repair technologies

In other words - if you are a great specialist in working with a wide spatula, you can safely save a couple of hundred rubles on a bag of Russian-made dry mix. However, we do not guarantee the result.

Conclusions. Modern finishing technologies such as stretch ceiling, non-woven wallpaper, self-leveling floor, various coatings made of laminate and commercial linoleum are much more preferable solutions if you are not chasing cheapness, but want to solve the repair issue and not return to it for many years. Such materials save time, which you can successfully use for your favorite activities. The result of such technologies is always first-class repairs. There are no exceptions.

Sooner or later such actual question, as apartment renovation, rises in front of every person. Until recently, apartment renovations were carried out mainly on their own and, of course, not in the best way. Carrying out apartment renovations, people often did not even imagine where to start, and did not know what result they want to see in the end.

Today, the situation has changed dramatically. Thanks to the intensive development of building technologies, the emergence of an affordable range of building materials, specialized companies began to carry out apartment renovations.

Construction company "SU 188" for many apartments. We successfully adopt the experience of European specialists, we use only quality materials and the latest technology. By renovating apartments on a turnkey basis, we create real works of art, exclusive interiors that are ideal for housing.

We are proud of our work and we give a long-term guarantee for the repair of apartments. Do you need repairs one-room apartment or a two-room apartment, or maybe a multi-level apartment? For experienced professionals of the SU 188 company, the repair of apartments of any layout is not the slightest difficulty. Apartment renovation team of specialists construction company"SU 188" performs smoothly and efficiently. After us there is no dirt, dust and construction waste.

Before we carry out apartment renovation, we carefully communicate with the customer, listen to all his wishes and draw up an estimate for apartment renovation. The estimate is made even in the case when minor cosmetic repairs of apartments are required. It is a guarantee of integrity and a responsible approach on our part.

Depending on the ideas of the client, on the condition of the premises, cosmetic or major repairs of apartments may be necessary. The simplest and most affordable is the refurbishment of apartments. It allows you to put your home in order and give it a new look or refresh the old one. At a cost, cosmetic repairs of apartments are cheaper than other types of repairs. Carried out by professionals, redecoration of apartments provides an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the house. Modern redecoration of apartments allows you to use a variety of finishes, create original combinations. When planning a redecoration of apartments, SU 188 employees will select the best option for you. If you are in doubt about what kind of apartment renovation you need - cosmetic or major apartment renovation, our specialist will come to you, who will objectively evaluate the object and make an estimate. Redecoration of apartments includes puttying, painting walls and ceilings, wallpapering, laying floor covering, door replacement. When ordering a redecoration of apartments, they often choose an additional replacement of electrical outlets and plumbing.

Larger scale is the overhaul of apartments. This is a radical way to change the appearance of the apartment. By ordering an overhaul of apartments, you will actually get a new room. Overhaul apartments is a change in layout, replacement of communications, the implementation of the most modern finishes. Requires a major overhaul of apartments using only first-class materials. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the necessary results and perform high-quality apartment renovation. Overhaul of apartments involves the dismantling of premises, alignment of ceilings, walls, floors, painting and puttying of walls and ceilings, installation of windows and doors, electrical installation of the premises.

Regardless of whether you order the renovation of a one-room apartment or multi-apartment apartments, do not hesitate - we will repair any type of apartment in accordance with all requirements, norms and standards. High-quality turnkey apartment renovation will provide an excellent appearance to the residential premises on long years. The construction company "SU 188" has all the necessary materials and tools at its disposal to carry out turnkey apartment renovations for projects of any complexity. When renovating apartments, our specialists strictly follow the established construction schedule.

High-quality apartment renovation is unthinkable without a professional design project. Our turnkey apartment renovation is carried out according to the design of experienced specialists - designers of the highest class. They understand not only interior design, but also technological issues of repair work. Therefore, a turnkey apartment renovation will provide you with a room that is fully habitable, comfortable, practical and incredibly beautiful.

When renovating apartments, the employees of our company will certainly coordinate all actions with the client. Listening to every request, we make every effort to ensure that the customer is completely satisfied with the results of our work. Renovation of a one-room apartment, two- or three-room apartment is not just a job for us, but the creation of a bright, individual home that will convey the character of its owner, emphasize impeccable taste and style.

How much does a modern apartment renovation cost?

There are a lot of questions that people have to face in the production of repair and finishing work. And not every team is able to answer everything. Often finishers perform some separately taken types of finishing work. So, for example, you can meet carpenters who are engaged in drywall, laying laminate, skirting, installing doors. Often there are painters-plasterers involved in plastering, puttying, painting, and wallpapering. As a rule, electricians and plumbers are engaged exclusively in their own types of work. However, there are also teams consisting of 2-4 people who perform complex finishing of premises and apartments.

Of course, when you start repairs in an apartment, you want all the work from beginning to end to be carried out by one team or one company, so that during the repair process there are no situations when the finishers blame each other for poor-quality repairs, citing someone else's miscalculations, but not their own. In this situation, it becomes very important to have a person who would be responsible for the whole range of finishing works and for the quality of work of each of the finishers.
As for us, we have such a person who is responsible for everything at the facility, and he personally manages all the facilities that we undertake.

The conclusion of the contract for the repair of the apartment.

After you are convinced that our quality suits you, we meet again at your apartment, conclude a contract, to which the above preliminary estimate is attached, and draw up a list of non-individual materials needed for repairs (plasters, putties, primers, glue, drywall etc.) After that, you will receive a list of these materials in electronic form to your e-mail box with prices already set, delivery costs and rise to the floor.

Electrical installation and plumbing work - the initial stage of turnkey apartment renovation

In order for an electrician to start his work, you need to decide on the design of the kitchen. This is very important, since the sockets for the hob and the oven, under the hood, must be located in a precisely defined place, which has an error of +/- 5 cm. But deciding on a kitchen design does not mean ordering a kitchen. The term of its production is about a month, despite the fact that the repair period in two-three-room apartments is from 2 to 3 months. And since we have never met furniture makers who willingly agreed to keep your kitchen in their warehouse for an extra month or two, be sure that it will appear in your apartment at the most inopportune moment. Decide in advance on the alarm system (conclude an agreement with the "Protection", etc.). Think over the divorce of TV and telephone cables, check with the developer how the connection to the Internet and television will be carried out (in different new buildings there are different approaches to this issue.

For plumbers, the parameters (exact dimensions) of sanitary ware, which will be subsequently installed in the apartment, are important. The heated towel rail (coil or ladder) must be available before the start of the rough wiring: just knowing the center distance is not enough.

Alignment of walls in apartments

In conclusion of the main article, I would like to dwell separately on alignment. The fact is that leveling the walls according to the level is a rather expensive thing. It is provided exclusively with plaster on the lighthouses (and not putty, as some people think). In the estimates we calculate, you (with rare exceptions) will not see anywhere the cost of leveling all the walls in the apartment according to the lighthouses, since this procedure(especially if you take into account the cost of the plaster necessary for this) will lead to an increase in the cost of all repairs in the apartment by one and a half to two times, which, in our opinion, is more than a waste of money, because the visual effect of such an alignment (according to beacons) is practically absent and often can only be determined by the instrument.

As you can see, we carry out all the finishing work that is necessary for a comprehensive apartment renovation. The finishers involved in the repair process have passed a rigorous selection, repeated checks at various sites, have sufficient work experience, and appropriate qualifications. And most importantly, each of them is simply a pleasure to deal with. All this will allow you to make turnkey repairs in your apartment or office with a minimum of costs and a smile on your face. In addition, you can simply call us and we will give you free consultation on any of the issues related to the complex repair of the apartment.