The key to a good relationship in a couple can only be the time during which Cancer learns to think soberly and rationally, and Gemini develops at least a little compassion and empathy for Cancer’s feelings. Over time, the understanding will come that the partners already know each other thoroughly and have gained some kind of stability in the relationship. “Best friend and best enemy” is a relationship developed through long habit. Naturally, this habit has a much greater chance of appearing in young partners than in mature ones.

In the meantime, Cancers and Geminis are young, most likely they met recently, have not yet gained experience, but have each already managed to draw very good prospects in their brains for something more than just friendship. After all, “Best Friend and Best Enemy” come together often, quickly and quite simply. As a rule, they have intellectual compatibility. In addition to her, usually both have creative talents, even in different areas, but it is all the more interesting to study each other. Then the physical side is added to this. And it’s no longer easy for them to understand whether they have a semblance of a relationship, or a far-reaching friendship. Cancer continues to be passionately and sincerely interested in the unsolved secret of the soul of Gemini, and they will feel in Cancer that person who can be trusted with the most intimate things, which Gemini does not allow everyone.

The emotionality and artistry of Cancer will initially delight Gemini. This is something new for them. Both are characterized by romance and sublimity, but Cancer needs stability, predictability, and material comfort to a greater extent, while Gemini needs a periodic change of environment, new contacts, aspirations, complete absence borders and attacks on one’s inner freedom. In this, their life strategies, as you can see, are very different.

At first they will be absorbed by the diversity of each in love games, but as soon as it passes Honeymoon, friction will begin over the distribution of responsibilities and roles. If Cancer is a man, then it will be quite difficult for the headstrong Gemini to obey, although Cancer will be ready to selflessly give everything for the joyful sparkle in the eyes of his partner. The “Best Friend and Best Enemy” type of relationship dooms the couple to constantly delving into each other’s shortcomings, “neighborly” nagging, envy of the partner’s success, especially from the side of the “best enemy” sign, standing first- for us it’s Gemini. But often people call love a habit of a partner with all its pros and cons. Whether this is true or not remains to be verified by our couple.

The main conflicts in a pair of Cancer and Gemini

Cancer is deeper and more emotional. Geminis simplify feelings but are very good at analyzing them. If Cancer tries to tie active Gemini to himself and the family hearth and at the same time begins to go too far in establishing control, he will lose his partner. Geminis, who are stronger in character, realize that they do not need the leash of such a relationship and will simply leave for someone else. Less strong-willed Gemini will internally resist for some time and at the first opportunity they will turn to someone who beckons them from the outside. It won’t cost them anything to do this - changing a partner for Gemini is not such a tragedy as it is for Cancer, who lets her lover into her very heart.

In intellectual communication, where Gemini will dominate, it is better for them to give Cancer the opportunity to express his authoritative opinion, while trying to accept Cancer without ridicule and criticism on their part. In many ways, this will not be easy, because... The share of emotions in Cancer's narrative is very high for Gemini and sometimes he will simply not be able to filter it. And excessive emotionality drives air signs out of themselves. This is foreign to them.

If the partnership of these signs lies in business sphere, then Cancer will be able to become a wise and fair leader of Gemini. Unfortunately, the hardworking Cancer will never be able to accustom Gemini to responsibility to the extent that he understands it, but through his example he will convey to Gemini many practical things needed to achieve their goals. Time will tell whether this will be appreciated or not. But the practice of relationships between the “best enemy” and the “best friend” shows that the “best enemy”, having received what he needs from his partner, often says goodbye to him, not really appreciating everything that happened between them.

Whether in business or in the family, the stumbling block will be the management of money and resources in general. Cancers are beyond competition here - they are simply super bankers in comparison with air signs. Whereas Geminis do not know how to accumulate, plan, spend, much less invest. All this, multiplied by their self-will, will periodically simply enrage Cancer.

Cancer woman and Gemini man

It is the Cancer woman who is able to open the Gemini man to the world of emotions, deep feelings and sincere romance. Next to such a woman, the Gemini man finds inspiration in completely new things and remains inspired by this inspiration for quite a long time.

Both also have a common changeability of moods. If a Gemini man tends to change masks in different environments, then the Cancer woman’s change of mood will seem unpredictable to the Gemini man. Largely due to the fact that she will depend on the emotional background, which the Gemini man cannot feel as subtly. The Cancer woman can inexplicably become more cheerful, sad, thoughtful or active, depending on the content and tone of the speeches with which the Gemini man surrounds his partner. Gemini, of course, would like to live own life, verbally admiring his Cancer woman, but not really delving into the intricacies of her mental state. However, gradually such superficiality of feelings will disappoint the Cancer woman.

If the Gemini man is interested in maintaining this relationship, in which he is provided with a reliable rear and where everything is in order with everyday life, something he could never organize for himself, then he needs to allow his Cancer wife to have that power and control over him which she requires. In fact, this is not so much: easy signs of attention, reminders of yourself over the phone, the opportunity to show simple feminine care for your partner when she wants it.

The woman, in turn, is advised not to once again try to find evidence of cheating on her Gemini partner, because they will certainly be found, and her sensitive heart will be wounded. You better believe that in 99% of cases this is nothing more than friendly or momentary flirting, thanks to which Gemini men are used to keeping themselves in shape. And if there is really something serious there, then the Cancer woman, alas, will not be able to change the situation.

Cancer man and Gemini woman

It will be quite difficult for a Cancer man to find happiness with a Gemini woman. He, a romantic and a dreamer, will be hurt by emotional coldness on the part of his partner. She will be irritated by infantilism and the lack of a rigid core in him. The manifestations of these things are especially dangerous when the Cancer man is in a depressed mood and the incorrect witty phrase of the Gemini girl will touch him where it hurts most. If the Gemini woman does not behave like an inquisitive talk show host who wants to show off her wit, crush her opponent with her intellect and take the soul out of him, but patiently and gently asks her man about the reasons for his mood, then the situation will be saved.

Although it is difficult to imagine such behavior on the part of the Gemini woman towards the Cancer man: after all, the “best enemy” feels a lot of envy towards the “best friend” and is always happy to prick him or laugh at him when he stumbles.

The most harmonious area of ​​the relationship between a Cancer man and a Gemini woman will be the physical side. Cancer will be especially attached to her, just as he is attached to all things that give him emotions. But the emotional decline of the Cancer man will be even stronger when, getting out of bed, his girlfriend again becomes cold and, forgetting about Cancer and cozy home, will break out “for an hour” to walk with his friends, without calling the yearning Cancer even once during the whole evening.

They are so different, like two realities existing in parallel. It seems that nothing can break this imaginary stone wall that lies between them. Although, if you make an effort and dismantle this barrier stone by stone, it will eventually collapse. And then the Gemini woman and the Cancer man will be able to find mutual understanding and eternal harmony.

What is she like, a Gemini woman?

She is open to the world and new acquaintances. Smart and charming, flirtatious and knowing her worth - this is how the Gemini woman appears to society. The Cancer man, like representatives of other zodiac signs, easily loses his head from the charms of this seductress. She “takes” with her thirst for knowledge and versatility of character, which makes her person unpredictable and amazingly interesting. And men really like this. It is not boring in the company of a young lady, as she can pick up a conversation on any topic. And she’s never at a loss for words: she’s always telling something, and this chatter is never intrusive.

Despite many positive traits, the woman loves and values ​​her freedom very much. This is a bit off-putting for Cancer, who is fixated on family and home comfort. He also does not understand the duality of the nature of Gemini, who never knows what they really want. Even in love. A woman born under this constellation can hardly be called passionate, but she is endowed with impeccable acting talent, so it is not difficult for her to play along and become a dream for almost any man.

Characteristics of a man

First of all, Gemini suits Cancers intellectually. Both are drawn to everything new. These are educated individuals who read a lot of books, newspapers, and magazines. They can discuss for hours last news, historical facts or cultural events. In all other respects, these are two opposite worlds that have no common ground: she always strives to communicate, the girl is open to people, loves to attend various events. He is a silent homebody, often withdrawn into his own inner world, a prisoner of his own emotions and experiences.

Such a man is a true romantic. He imagines himself as a knight on a white horse, ready to perform feats for the sake of his lady love. Geminis like this because they are overly impressionable and dreamy. The young lady, being flighty and fickle, notices that her partner is very serious: he strives to get married quickly, have a bunch of children, and build his own house. In his career, Cancer is successful and insightful, he is patient and can show understanding in relation to any situation. He can be wayward, self-confident and withdrawn, and this repels Gemini.

First impression

Compatibility of signs (Cancer and Gemini) is often based on it. The first impression is an important indicator for both, which affects their future relationships, actions, thoughts and desires. In this duet, it is the young lady who sets the tone: the possibility of continuing the acquaintance depends on her behavior. If she is too energetic and confident, Cancer will be disappointed. He will understand that not all princesses need care, some of them are quite independent. Accustomed to the fact that courtship, care and romance are his main “trump cards,” he will feel unnecessary and will dramatically disappear into the crowd.

But we know that Geminis are characterized by duality of nature, so they can show themselves defenseless and easily wounded. But this guy will like it. He will happily take this airy dreamer under his own responsibility and try to make her life carefree and comfortable. According to the horoscope, a Cancer man and a Gemini woman can build a strong relationship. But for this she needs to give up her enchantment, and he needs to learn to open up and compromise.


In most cases, a Gemini woman and a Cancer man do not find harmonious mutual understanding. Often they scatter in different directions. But if, despite everything, these two remain together, their relationship will become even more dramatic and mysterious. They look like two sleepwalkers wandering in the dark labyrinths of their little world. Cancer is often offended, but quickly moves away, disarmed by her serenity and cheerful laughter. He sincerely hopes that she has taken a corner of his heart. When the young lady shows that she completely belongs to him, he is ready for any feat, experiencing a surge of strength and loving inspiration.

According to the horoscope, the Cancer man and Gemini woman should build relationships on common interests and goals. Then the union will be indestructible and eternal. At the same time, the girl takes on a communicative function: she does things that require communication with the outside world. He directs energy to arranging the “internal” walls. If responsibilities are distributed correctly, they can form a family in which harmony and love will reign. Geminis are capable of giving up many things, but not friends. Therefore, Cancers need to understand this and not limit their loved one’s communication, otherwise she will become irritable and sad.

Sexual compatibility

There is one point of contact that Gemini and Cancer often use to improve relationships. Their compatibility in love, physical and carnal, is almost perfect, therefore intimate relationships can smooth out all the roughness of the union. Cancer often remains in an inner shell, its mood is unstable, and its perception is emotional. But cheerful Gemini can work a miracle in the bedroom, bringing a man out of a state of melancholy and depression. The young lady plays the role of a passionate partner, she is mysterious and flirtatious. The guy strives to reveal the girl, to cause a storm of emotions - he often succeeds. Or she does everything to make him believe it.

Cancer is distinguished by sensuality, he is very gentle and affectionate. Gemini, in turn, brings diversity and a certain zest to intimacy, while the man easily goes for experiments and is not afraid of sudden crazy ideas of his half. Such a gentleman is very receptive, tactful and deep. This can't help but melt the heart of even the coldest woman. These two will never be bored in bed, since they easily understand each other on a physical level and do not shy away from their own intimate desires.

Possible conflicts

Gemini girl, Cancer guy - two separate worlds. They have different tastes and needs, ideas about life and dreams. If you do not find a balance between all the differences, the collapse of the relationship is inevitable. Therefore, they need to fundamentally look for similarities: if you try very hard, they can be fully discovered. And then there is a chance to build a strong and friendly family.

A woman should also remember that her husband often lives in a fantasy world, he is vulnerable and dreamy. Therefore, sometimes all the troubles can fall on her fragile shoulders. This does not scare the young lady: this is a long-awaited chance to show her independence and activity. It would seem that the problem is solved. But it was not there. When a husband emerges from a state of depression and discovers that difficulties have been overcome through the efforts of his significant other, he hates himself. After all, in his mind, he is obliged to take care of the girl, and not she of him. By scrolling through these thoughts in his head, he can take out his anger on his partner, scream and make trouble, which forces her to leave home and seek the company of other people. Relationships are at the limit and can collapse at any moment due to the dissimilarity of characters and temperaments.

What you both need to know

Her partner has a changeable mood - and the Gemini woman must remember this: the Cancer man can have fun with her, then suddenly plunge into his own thoughts, trying on the role of a passive observer. The girl should forgive him for this, not pay attention to the sudden change and act as if nothing had happened. Yes, it will take a lot of patience to adapt to such dramatic changes, but it will be worth it. The husband will appreciate her insight and understanding and will try to be more active, talkative and, most importantly, stable.

At the same time, Cancers should know that their significant other loves to spend money frivolously, visit expensive restaurants and shine in society. A man needs to come to terms with this and give the young lady some freedom. Let her buy herself a new dress and go to the concert - she will get real pleasure, she will be cheerful and cheerful. If her partner is not ready to keep her company, then let her do her favorite things alone or with friends. Instead of getting angry and grumbling with her, Cancer should organize a romantic dinner at home during his wife’s absence and, over a glass of wine, listen carefully to an entertaining story about all her adventures and impressions.

Bottom line

A Cancer man and a Gemini woman can be happy in love. The main factor that holds their relationship together is physical intimacy. Never losing its novelty, always bright and passionate sex brings them together and inspires them. But as soon as the spouses leave the bedroom, they discover all the dissimilarity of their characters. Their pace of life is really different: ideal intimate life does not save from misunderstanding and conflicts. Therefore, such couples often become lovers rather than spouses. Gemini and Cancer, whose love compatibility is far from perfect, can start a relationship. At the same time, they should prepare for the fact that they will need to “work” on them for the rest of their lives, often betraying their desires and principles.

By the way, the business union of these two is sometimes very successful. Especially if Cancer is the boss. He is able to create ideal conditions work for his subordinate, without limiting his ideas and innovation. Friendship between Gemini and Cancer is also usually a given. That's exactly it perfect combination where one speaks and the other listens. Companions, even if they are of the opposite sex, can complement each other. If at the same time they learn to compromise, they can become inseparable, supporting each other for the rest of their lives.

Compatibility Cancer man - Gemini woman - an extraordinary, bright and, as a rule, happy union. Very often, the relationship in such a couple ends in marriage, and in the event of a breakdown in the love affair, these signs remain on friendly or at least friendly terms.

Positive aspects of the union

Gemini and Cancer are influenced by different planets. The former are influenced by Mercury, which means that Gemini men have a fairly even and to some extent indifferent attitude towards passionate romances, while women have duality of character. A Gemini girl can feel a surge of tenderness for some time, a desire to love, to be weak and cared for by her man, and after a few weeks she can turn into an energetic and rather powerful and enterprising person. Cancers, especially men, are stable and relatively calm in their character, despite the stormy water element that prevails in them: they are ruled by the Moon, the planet that is responsible for prudence and the ability to have a philosophical attitude towards troubles, failures and simply various ups and downs.

In many ways, the nature of the relationship between a Gemini woman and a Cancer man depends on the former. From the very beginning of dating, the leitmotif of the atmosphere in the couple will be set by the mood that will prevail in Gemini at that moment. By nature, a Cancer man will prefer a fragile princess, whom he can protect and protect, but if Gemini immediately proves herself to be a lady fatale, he will be wary, but will be able to accept her.

The variability of the Gemini woman’s nature will be balanced by a sober outlook on the life of the Cancer man; the lunar beginning will help him understand and sometimes even reason with his partner. However, Cancer will most likely prefer not to make comments - it is in his nature to leave everything as it is, if this does not cause serious harm to the relationship.

Negative aspects of the union

The changeable nature of a girl born under the sign of Gemini can still sometimes irritate her partner Cancer. If any of her actions or another change of role seems too extravagant to a Cancer man, he may not only be seriously indignant, but also break off the relationship. This is where Gemini’s Mercury comes to the rescue: this essentially asexual planet is responsible for reason and forethought, neutralizing the very nature of the sign of Gemini.

Cancer, in a relationship with a Gemini girl, should learn to sense the change in her moods or even direct her indomitable energy in the right direction. The better Cancer learns to predict the actions and emotions of his Gemini, the easier it will be to avoid conflicts or disappointments. Being flexible person At its core, a Cancer man will still prefer stability to endless surprises, and that is why he will be calmer if he predicts constant changes a little in advance. Under the influence of the Moon, he will be quite able to maintain equanimity and calm, remaining in harmony with both himself and his partner.

Of course, with all the initial data, work on oneself will be necessary in any case: none of the stars in natal chart will not come to the rescue on its own.

Astrologers, as a rule, calculate a more than eighty percent probability of a successful outcome when Cancer men try to get closer to Gemini women and vice versa. These signs cannot be called similar, but it is for them that the concept of bringing two opposites together and balancing each other is true. The main thing for these opposites is to find that same balance, and there is a high chance that they will succeed.

It is difficult to find people who are so similar to each other, yet have completely incompatible characters, like these two throughout the entire life together capable of pestering each other with various nonsense, balancing on the brink of mutual adoration and complete collapse. have very changeable characters, if the first one’s mood changes in accordance with it, then it is very difficult to tune in to the wave of the second one, because changes occur more than once a day.

Such a couple can quarrel every day, swear over trifles, and then swear their love until the grave. This may never end, but if both try hard and put all their emotions into the quarrel, then this will no longer save the marriage. have completely different ideas about life, they do not agree on the arrangement of the family nest, leisure time, communication with family and friends. These people have completely different approaches to earning and investing money, so spending common funds by one of the partners can lead to a huge scandal.

Despite all this, the Cancer man and Gemini woman love to dream, to go away at least for a while into an imaginary world, where everything is good and calm. Air dreams of the future, this element is pragmatic, so its representative does not forget to worry about material wealth and solve everyday problems. Water prefers to go into the past, to think about how it could be, so the representative of the element often confuses the fictional with the real, has his head in the clouds and wants to get away from everyday worries.

They suffer from inconstancy and lack of confidence in their abilities. The air is always full of ideas, and although the goals seem fantastic, he goes towards them at full speed, but only until new desires appear. Therefore, Geminis very often give up everything halfway, they need a chosen one who would support in time, give advice, become a reliable support and support, but Cancer cannot be like that. The union will not be uninteresting and monotonous, but excessive impulsiveness, activity of a woman and passivity of a man can destroy a marriage.

They can become a great couple if they reconsider their values ​​and attitude towards their other half. Air too often arranges verbal battles, loves to joke, but sarcasticly, sometimes makes a lot of satirical remarks, but the impressionable Water only needs a careless grin to tear the soul apart with doubts and suffering. Therefore, a woman should try to hurt a man as little as possible with caustic phrases, especially if he is irritated and angry.

Cancer man, Gemini woman should encourage and help each other. If one is sad, then the other should try to cheer up, and not continue to nag, driving him into even greater depression. A couple needs to learn to get rid of their own ambitions and overcome grievances in order to understand the feelings of their other half. The union will be ideal if each of this couple learns to put the needs and desires of their partner to the forefront. It’s hard to tune in to one wavelength, but it’s possible. Feeling the warmth, care and support of each other, these two will form a very harmonious tandem.

A Gemini woman and a Cancer man are a difficult union. Representatives of these zodiac signs have different characters and goals in life. The lady is an open and sociable person. She loves to learn new things. Her partner is a reserved and homely person. He has a hard time with the inconstancy of his second half. The relationships of such people border on love and hate. Mutual concessions will help partners be happy together.

Compatibility in love and marriage

At the beginning of their acquaintance, the Gemini woman attracts the Cancer man with her originality and flexibility of mind. She easily wins his heart. But over time he realizes his mistake. He needs a sensitive, delicate and caring partner, with a pronounced maternal instinct. The flighty Gemini woman is not capable of creating a good family nest for such a gentleman.

The fairer sex is more emotional than her partner. She doesn't like his excessive restraint and isolation. A lady’s tenderness can make a Cancer man softer and more trusting. If he sees the sincerity of her intentions, he will open up to his other half. The trouble is that a fickle young lady can abruptly end a relationship.

The main problem of such a union is sudden mood swings in both partners. For this reason, they often quarrel. Mutual patience and forbearance will help the couple avoid constant conflicts. Zealous showdowns rarely lead to positive result. It is better for everyone to think alone about the cause of the quarrel.

Such a union becomes happy and harmonious as a result of the partners’ long-term work on themselves. The Gemini woman is able to pull the Cancer man out of his “shell.” With it he becomes more active and flexible.

Sexual compatibility

Gemini woman and Cancer man are highly compatible in sex. They are not bored in bed with each other. Their intimate life is intense and varied, especially at the beginning of the relationship. Each partner loves to experiment. The stronger sex is delicate, sensitive and emotional in sex. He easily adapts to a fickle partner. These people satisfy each other in bed.

Business compatibility (in work and business)

The result of joint activities of representatives of such zodiac signs is rarely successful. These people work at different paces. The Gemini woman easily switches to new activities. The Cancer man, on the contrary, is used to doing a certain job. Sharing responsibilities will help such a couple work productively. A minimum of intersection points is a guarantee of high-quality results. It is better to give the role of leader in such a union to a practical representative of the stronger sex.

Compatibility in friendship

A Gemini woman and a Cancer man rarely become good friends. Their characters and temperaments are different. The lady is emotional and energetic. She strives for constant communication. The representative of the stronger sex is a reserved person. He values ​​spiritual comfort. They have a desire to re-educate each other. If they do this actively, then friendships quickly end.