Everyone knows where theater begins. But any renovation, especially if the owners of the house strive to achieve European levels and standards, starts from the ceiling. When all the unpleasant work associated with dust and construction waste is completed, the time comes to directly translate your design delights into reality.

A suspended ceiling can be installed before wallpapering if the walls are already prepared for wallpapering.

With their gaze dreamily directed upward, many choose to install suspended ceilings. These building elements not only look practical and beautiful, but are also a very fashionable trend in interior design.

Advantages of suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are easy to install in any room. Such designs will look great in residential, children's and bathrooms, as well as in offices and public buildings.

If the design provides for the installation of a baguette, then the wallpaper can be glued after installing the stretch ceiling.

After installation, we obtain a perfectly flat surface that easily masks any unevenness and flaws in the old ceiling, without visually reducing the height of the room as a whole.

The material from which the stretch ceiling fabric is made is environmentally friendly, durable, fireproof and waterproof. So you don’t have to worry about the neighbors upstairs causing a flood. No special care is needed. Once installed - live for your pleasure!

The price of the design will please anyone. Stretch ceilings are quite affordable compared to other ceiling systems.

Unlike the labor-intensive process of gluing wallpaper or other finishing to the ceiling, installing a suspended ceiling is simple. It does not require special preparation and does not take much time. After four hours of fruitful work, the process can be considered completely completed. The only condition is the absence of construction debris and dirt, which can damage the integrity of the material.

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We install suspended ceilings

If after installing the ceiling it seems uneven, do not worry - as it cools down it will take its ideal shape.

What are suspended ceilings? This is a profile installed around the perimeter of the ceiling and a polyvinyl chloride fabric that is stretched over it.

If you decide to create a ceiling with your own hands, keep in mind that the profile for stretching ceilings can be aluminum or plastic. It is logical that the aluminum profile is more resistant to various types of deformation, which means it will last longer.

You will need a standard set of tools:

  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • construction hair dryer or heat gun.

You should find the lowest point of the ceiling and retreat 3 cm. This will be the level of your desired ceiling.

The next step is to stretch the fabric onto the profile under high temperature. The most proven, practical and reliable method of stretching the canvas is the harpoon method. In this case, the canvas is attached to the profile with special harpoons. This system is good because it allows, if necessary, to easily dismantle and reinstall the object.

Whether you do the repairs yourself or hire workers, but in any case you will wonder about the sequence: suspended ceiling or wallpaper. First, let's look at how the ceiling is mounted and what consequences may arise. We will also consider the production of materials and what components may be needed for installation.

Stretch ceiling

Before deciding what to start with in the room being renovated: first, a stretch ceiling or wallpaper on the walls, let's figure out what a stretch ceiling is? In simple words, this is the tension of a PVC sheet or fabric material. They are attached to the wall using a metal or plastic profile. The design can be complicated at the customer’s discretion by creating different variations of plasterboard levels. The structure can be attached to the ceiling; this will depend on the type of profile.


Wallpaper is a piece of paper rolled into a roll. The material can be one- or two-layer; vinyl wallpaper, acrylic or non-woven wallpaper are also distinguished. It is no secret that the composition of the material affects the cost of the roll as a whole. If the base of the canvas is paper, then it is coated with glue; if it is non-woven, then the glue is applied to the wall.


Before starting work, you need to remember the following (regardless of the chosen sequence - suspended ceiling or wallpaper first): the first stage of repair should be the preparation of the walls and the room as a whole. Free them from the old coating, be it paint, lime, remove, if any, greasy or dirty stains.

Don’t expect that the ceiling design will cover all the shortcomings and you can leave everything as is. It’s unlikely that anyone will like the fact that the old finish on the stretch fabric crumbles or falls off in pieces. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the walls completely before installing anything.

If there is a need to putty walls or ceilings, you can proceed and then allow time to dry.

While you have not yet decided whether to use a suspended ceiling or wallpaper, first prepare the ceiling surface and do not ignore fungal or mold damage. These places must be cleaned and coated with a special anti-lesion agent. Immediately prepare the electrical wiring and the future location for lamps or chandeliers. All wires should be placed in a cable - channel or corrugated pipe. The base for the flooring - screed or self-leveling floor - also needs to be completed.

or wallpaper? Let's ask a professional first

Let's look at the different opinions. What are the builders' recommendations when answering the question of what to do first: suspended ceiling or wallpaper? You will not hear a definite answer. Because all wishes for the ceiling are taken into account, wall decoration is of great importance. Therefore, it is necessary to plan renovations and carefully consider the design in advance. Of course, it’s easier to stick wallpaper all the way to the ceiling. After all, it is not necessary to join flush, and all the shortcomings will be covered by the design of the tension fabric.

However, when installing the profile for the canvas, dust will fall off. It is attached to the walls using a screwdriver and dowels at a short distance from each other. Therefore, freshly hung wallpaper can be ruined in this way.

Ceiling installation

After the walls are prepared, that is, they are leveled and a primer is applied, you can begin installing the profile to which the ceiling will be attached. Specialists can complete this task in a couple of hours. Then the next stage of installation begins, which consists of the following sequence:

At the end of the work, the surface is allowed to cool - about 3 hours. Ventilation of the room is allowed. Lastly, install the so-called decorative plug between the material and the walls. It will close the gap that has formed. Now the question is not relevant: suspended ceiling or wallpaper, first it would be logical to glue the wallpaper, and then finish it with a strip at the junction.

Types of installation

There is also a harpoon method - this is when a profile is already attached to the canvas; the manufacturer needs accurate data in order to complete the design as accurately as possible. Once the ceiling has been manufactured, the size cannot be modified or adjusted.

With a harpoonless version, you can adjust the size and simply cut off the excess part, but this must be done with extreme caution so as not to damage the blade with the blade. This installation method is easier to handle even for a beginner.

If you plan to cover the walls with plasterboard, then first install a mortgage in order to strengthen the profile.

If the ceiling is small, then use a ceiling profile to stabilize the structure; otherwise, it will not work.

Let's consider a standard version of the ceiling without frills; in this case, the entire canvas is stretched and attached to the profile. Then, if you first install the ceiling, and then start gluing the wallpaper, you can stain the canvas with glue, since the wallpaper needs to be pulled up as tightly and high as possible. This means that it is better to start working from the walls, and then move to the top, that is, first the wallpaper, then the suspended ceiling.

Multi-tiered ceiling

And if the ceiling is unusual, for example, in several tiers, or you want an intricate one, then what should you glue first: wallpaper or suspended ceiling? In this option, the ceiling must be puttied, which can damage the walls covered with wallpaper. The conclusion suggests itself: you need to start the repair from the ceiling, and then move on to the walls; the canvas itself can be stretched at the very end of the repair.

Wallpaper after the ceiling

There is no need to be afraid of the heat gun working; nothing will happen to the wallpaper.

Do they glue wallpaper first or make a suspended ceiling? If the ceilings are already stretched, but you want to update the walls and re-glue the wallpaper, then you need to do this very carefully. Wipe the glue off the ceiling immediately before it dries. If, nevertheless, the top is not glued accurately, then it will be possible to cover it with a cornice, although this is not the most successful option, it is better not to use it, but it is worth taking note if you are doing the repairs yourself. Polyurethane foam may be best suited, and they are much easier to install. This method will also be very useful if the ceiling is already installed and you need to remove old wallpaper.

Professionals say: start from the ceiling, and explain this with the following reasons:

  • After installing the ceiling structure, the walls may crack from the weight, and if the finishing is already completed, all the work will go down the drain.
  • As already mentioned, after drilling holes in the wall, a sufficient amount of dust is formed, what can we say about brick walls? It will undoubtedly ruin the look of the wallpaper.
  • When installing a canvas or profile, it is very difficult not to touch the walls. Traces of hands or additional equipment that are difficult to remove can seriously damage the finish of the walls around the entire perimeter.
  • It is possible that the high temperature from the heat gun may affect the wallpaper. Not to mention the glue used for finishing. Therefore, you need to give the walls a week to dry. This way you won’t have to worry about them bubbling or the wallpaper starting to peel off.

As you can see, the answer to the question of what to glue first, wallpaper or suspended ceiling, depends entirely on what design solution will be implemented in your room. Builders still recommend starting from the ceiling. But in any case, you can make the repair neatly by taking into account the advice of specialists.

The question of where to carry out repair work first - on the walls or ceiling - has been asked since the advent of tension films.

You don’t want to dust off the fresh gloss that reflects the entire room. It’s also a pity for expensive wallpaper if it suddenly gets damaged while working with the stretch fabric. To understand this issue, we will try to follow the process of repairing ceilings and walls step by step.

Process Features

Whatever work has to be done first, each will be to the detriment of the other. When installing a baguette under a stretch fabric, holes are drilled in the wall, which produces a lot of dust, and fresh wallpaper can be damaged. In addition, the installation of the canvas itself involves high temperatures. Nobody knows whether the wallpaper will like it.

There is a way out. Carefully prepare the walls for pasting and invite specialists to install the baguette (do the most dusty work), then paste the wallpaper and again invite workers to install the ceiling. The method is good, but there is one problem - the craftsmen will not agree to such a lengthy method of work.

To understand the features of the process, and at least get closer to figuring out what to do first, you need to try to figure out what a suspended ceiling and wallpaper are.

The canvas itself is a fabric base or a PVC product, which can be matte or glossy. Installed on a specially prepared metal or plastic frame.

If the ceiling was planned to be multi-level, all work with plasterboard should have been carried out in advance. First, the old finish is removed, the ceiling is cleaned well, otherwise in the future finishing debris will fall onto the tension fabric. Then it’s time to treat fungal stains (if any). Before installing the ceiling, all electrical work must be completed.

Wallpaper is a roll of various types: paper, non-woven, vinyl. Many people had to glue them. To begin with, the walls are leveled, and a layer of glue is applied to the dried surface (if the wallpaper is paper, the glue is also applied to the canvas). Then the coatings are placed on the base, glued well, and air bubbles and excess glue are squeezed out with a roller.

There is nothing complicated about this, but there are two types of developments: either the wallpaper is pasted in front of the ceiling installation and pressed down with a baguette (in this case they look neat), or after that the top of the canvases will have to be carefully trimmed, trying not to damage the ceiling structure.

What is the sequence?

Let's try to understand what is better: to stretch the suspended ceiling before or after wallpapering. To do this, consider both options.

First the wallpaper, then the ceiling

If you decide to act in this way, it is worth considering the need for a break of 4-5 days between pasting the walls and installing the ceiling. The wallpaper must dry well before the heat gun works..

Some experts believe that you should first work with the walls and align them perfectly, otherwise the ceiling panel may be skewed.

The main danger of pre-gluing is contamination of the walls when working with a hammer drill.

If traces of brick remain on the wallpaper, it will be quite difficult to remove them.

A rotary hammer equipped with a vacuum cleaner would help solve this problem to some extent. Gluing the canvases before installing the ceiling frame will result in them getting under the baguette. It will press down the top edge of the canvases, which will make it difficult to dismantle the wallpaper during the next repair.. The positive thing is that the top contour of the wall is perfect.

You can opt for liquid coatings. They are beautiful and modern, but the risk of staining the finished ceiling when working with a spatula increases.

If you have to glue wallpaper for painting, the risk of staining the ceiling becomes even greater. On the other hand, high temperatures during installation can affect the quality of the paint at the base of the ceiling. The same problem can happen with liquid wallpaper.

First the ceiling, then the wallpaper

If the wallpaper is light and delicate, it can be irreparably damaged during the installation of a stretch ceiling, so it is better to paste it over at the last stage of repair. In addition, a lack of professionalism among those working with the ceiling can lead to mechanical damage to the wallpaper.

Pasting the walls, You should work carefully with the top edge of the sheets so as not to disturb the ceiling plugs. Everything will work out if you show diligence, but during the next repair the wallpaper can be easily dismantled.

Both options have their pros and cons, but responsibility for the choice always lies with the owner.

Important nuances

The issue of order has not yet been clarified. What to do first, install suspended ceilings or work on the walls? Wallpapering, as well as installing a ceiling, have their own nuances. When working with walls, there is a chance of damaging or staining the stretch fabric, but it is virtually eternal, while wallpaper can be re-pasted every year.

When a profile is placed under a suspended ceiling, there is a possibility of contamination of the wallpaper, and there is also a fear that it will not withstand high temperatures. In this case you can abandon the PVC surface in favor of fabric, which is mounted using a cold method.

And one more nuance - the profile for a woven ceiling requires shallower drilling, which means there will be less dust. However, well-dried wallpaper can easily withstand temperatures of 60-70 degrees.

The PVC film needs to be heated to soften it. The prepared canvas is immediately tucked under the profile using special tools. The gap between the material and the wall is masked with plugs. They are the first to suffer from poor quality wallpaper work.

An important nuance: any suspended ceiling can be installed in the presence of wallpaper, even in a room furnished with furniture. Sliding wardrobes and curtains are also not a hindrance to this process. You'll just have to use a vacuum cleaner afterwards. But, if the renovation has just begun, you need to ask yourself many times what to do first.

But what if the renovation was done a long time ago and you need to re-stick the wallpaper without damaging the ceiling? Dismantling should be carried out very carefully, especially if the wallpaper was pasted at the initial stage and fell under the ceiling profile. They will have to be released without damaging the canvas.

To complete the work you will need a spatula and a construction knife. Carefully insert the spatula between the ceiling and the knife. Moving them along the walls, slowly cut off the old wallpaper. In this way, you can protect the material from being cut, even if the knife comes off.

It is much easier to remove the finish if you wet the walls with water and wait a while.

After studying the workflow, we expected to immediately get an answer to our dilemma. There is no answer, you will have to turn to specialists.

Experts' opinion

The renovation is coming to an end and it is hoped that experts will shed light on the sequence of construction work.

Craftsmen believe that it is better to cover the walls and then install the ceiling. The arguments are the same: there is a risk of damaging or staining the walls; in addition, high temperatures are unfavorable for fresh wallpaper. Perhaps these craftsmen are afraid of responsibility for dusty walls.

Other experts, on the contrary, advise installing the ceiling after gluing, fearing for the canvas, which can be damaged with a construction knife when cutting wallpaper. And glue and paint getting on the canvas will ruin it forever.

There is no clear opinion even among professionals, because the material for work, the premises, various nuances - everything can be extraordinary, requiring an individual approach.

Successful examples and options

In conclusion, I would like to dwell on the aesthetic component of the work done. If you see how beautiful the ceilings and wallpaper have become, the answer to the question of what to do sooner may emerge by itself. Or it may not work out.

Stretch ceilings have always been an interior decoration. It can be amazing and mysterious, like a country through the looking glass. With it, the room is filled with colors, it seems larger and brighter. Ceilings come in different types and have their own design and style.


Absolutely flat surface without a hint of reflection. The texture resembles a classically painted canvas. Used for large rooms.

The matte finish is so neutral that it suits any style. Soffits will be good equipment for the ceiling, or other sources of bright light, because the matte canvas does not reflect light.


A good option for small rooms. They get the opportunity to visually double in size. Moreover, the dark gray fabric has a stronger reflectivity.

Spotlights (even with a weak glow) on such a ceiling look like stars. By building multi-level compositions using plasterboard and placing a canvas in them, they achieve the effect of an almost natural image of water or sky.


Despite its textile origin, the fabric is still processed with polymers and acquires special strength.


The texture is reminiscent of satin (the surface is slightly shiny), and if equipped with the appropriate pattern, it will be difficult to distinguish it from fabric.

Stretch ceilings are increasingly gaining a place in our apartments and for good reason. Made from non-toxic substances, they serve us long and faithfully without replacement for more than five years. And the installation procedure is quick and hassle-free. In addition, they can be wiped clean from dust.

Stretch ceilings are a thin film of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or fabric that is stretched over a certain frame under the ceiling. Subsequently it looks like a perfectly original surface. The colors of the canvas can be any - it all depends on your design idea and the combination of the color of the ceiling and wallpaper. Films can be plain colored with patterns, ceiling lights, but it is also possible to imitate marble or any other material.

A little about the methods of installing suspended ceilings

If an entire room is being renovated, the question often arises, what comes first: wallpaper or suspended ceiling? Opinions differ on this matter. Therefore, let's first look at the structure and. There are two of them:

  • Harpoon method. The room is measured in advance for the production of a certain size of canvas, then the installers of the company you choose install a frame (in other words, a baguette), mounted on special nails driven into the walls. This design will “steal” no more than 4 centimeters of wall height. Then the special fabric is heated with a heat gun, stretched over the entire area of ​​the ceiling and snapped into place. Although, if you wish, you can make a suspended ceiling with a recess for curtains or even stretch it over only part of the room. As it dries, it becomes harder, but remains perfectly smooth.
  • Harpoonless method - the canvas is clamped like fabric in a hoop. This method is considered simpler (in terms of price and quality) since it does not require preliminary measurement and fabrication. However, sagging is also possible.

Stretch ceilings are also made from fabric. In the case of the fabric version, the risk of sagging is reduced, because the fabric is thicker. Installation of such a product is carried out without heating it. The material is suitable for artistic painting and even DIY painting.

And yet: what comes first?

Now that you know everything or almost everything about suspended ceilings, it’s time to approach our main question. What comes first: stretch the ceiling or glue wallpaper?

First of all, the answer lies in the frequency of your wallpapering. If the previous wallpaper has not been changed for ten years, then before attaching the PVC baguette, you can safely glue the wallpaper, over which the canvas will subsequently be stretched. You should not worry about their damage during the installation of the ceiling - real professionals will do everything as neatly and cleanly as possible - when stretching, no dirt or construction debris remains in the room.

If you are a fan of frequent renovations and like to refresh the room with new wallpaper, it would make sense to glue the wallpaper from the bottom of the plastic edge along the edge of the stretch ceiling - this way, when gluing new wallpaper, you can easily remove the old ones as you did with a regular ceiling, without touching the tension structures.

If you decide to install a stretch ceiling, you should also not forget about the preliminary leveling of the walls. This should be done strictly before stretching the fabric. Otherwise, the ceiling will stretch unevenly and the appearance of uneven walls will spoil the impression of the interior renovation.

Video: preparing the room for installation

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    It’s not entirely clear how to level the walls without removing the wallpaper? This goes to this:

    If you decide to install a stretch ceiling, you should also not forget about the preliminary leveling of the walls. This should be done strictly before stretching the fabric.

    We first made suspended ceilings, and the price is much better. And then they glued on the ceiling plinths, which they also painted so that they didn’t look like foam plastic. There were gaps between the baseboards and the walls, which were sealed with white putty, and only after that the wallpaper was hung up. The wallpaper fit perfectly, and when we do the next renovation, we’ll just tear off the wallpaper and glue new ones, and leave the ceiling skirting boards, they are beautiful and matte, everything looks great.

    Hello , eshyo mesyas oni porabotali,no rezultate net.Predlagayut pozvat drugix malyarov,ctob viravnivali potolk,no ya ustala,ne xocu snova grazi,pili.Oboyi menyala dvajdi I za pili.Xocu sdelat natejnoy potolok.Posovetuyte pojaluysta mojno ispravit situasiyu I na skolko potolok sn izitsya, za ranee thankdaryu.

    It’s okay if the mounting strip lies on top of the wallpaper and then you need to remove it. To do this, they can be cut with a stationery knife. Of course, if these works are done at the same time, then by gluing the wallpaper in front of the ceiling, you don’t have to draw an ideal line.

    Our house also has suspended ceilings. Of course, it is best to first stretch the ceiling and then glue the wallpaper. The ceiling will hang for a long time, and you will change the wallpaper from time to time.

    When installing a stretch ceiling, wallpaper is first glued, and then the room is covered and the canvas is stretched accordingly. The wallpaper does not suffer in any way when installing the ceiling. If done by a professional, there will be no problems at all. You can re-paste the wallpaper later if you feel like it.
    In general, the surveyor comes first, then the installers. And so you need to actively ask them how best to follow in your particular case...

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One of the age-old debates among builders and finishers is on the topic: “What comes first, wallpaper is glued or a suspended ceiling is made?” is somewhat similar to the rhetorical question “What comes first, the chicken or the egg?” This question has been discussed since the appearance of suspended ceilings on the construction market, and both methods have plenty of supporters. Therefore, the situation requires an unbiased investigation.

The essence of the dispute is that there is a real possibility of damaging the coating that was installed earlier, and therefore each side is trying to prove that their technology will reduce such damage. Offered two ways to solve the problem:

  1. Installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out after completion of all finishing work in the room, including after wallpapering.
  2. The finishing of the walls with wallpaper is carried out after installing the stretch ceiling.

Both of these methods can be considered correct from a technological point of view, it all depends on the specific repair conditions. It is worth saying that professional installation, with proper preparation of the performers, will be performed at a high level in both cases. But, unfortunately, real finishing work can still present unexpected difficulties.

There is another method that installers are reluctant to use because it requires the work to be carried out in several stages, and customers do not want to use it due to the need to incur additional costs. Using this technology, a stretch ceiling molding is mounted on the walls prepared for gluing. After this, the wallpaper is glued, and only the final stage will be the installation of the ceiling panel itself.

Stretch ceiling after wallpaper

This method is recommended due to the fact that when performing finishing work, the mounted stretch ceiling may be subject to contamination with various compounds (glue, paint, all kinds of solvents). However, some of them can lead to the formation of indelible stains and damage to the texture of the fabric. Therefore, if the interior involves wallpaper with subsequent painting, then the suspended ceiling should be installed last.

The disadvantages (which can easily be eliminated with the right approach to the matter) of this method include the following factors:

  • When installing a baguette, holes are drilled in the wall for fasteners, and their number is quite large. This leads to increased dust formation and contamination of the wallpaper.

You can minimize the damage by using a hammer drill with a vacuum cleaner, although the effectiveness of this method is not great, but at least it eliminates some of the dust. It is best to pre-coat the wallpaper with a special protective film.

  • When installing PVC sheets, the room must be heated to 60 degrees, in some cases this can lead to the wallpaper peeling off. This situation most often arises due to the rush in which repairs are done. Installation of the ceiling using a heat gun should be carried out only after the wall coverings have completely dried. Typically, wallpaper becomes immune to such treatment no earlier than 4-6 days after pasting (this is at normal room temperature).

Usually the following scheme for ordering suspended ceilings is practiced, when a measurer comes to take dimensions from a ready-made room (the walls are aligned), this allows you to cut out the most accurate canvas. It takes on average at least a week to produce the ceiling material, so the pasted wallpaper has time to dry and become resistant to temperature. That is, we can say that the occurrence of such problems in almost all cases is associated with a violation of the technology of wall covering, or with the use of low-quality materials.

  • Installing the canvas may damage the wallpaper. As already mentioned, in this case everything depends on the professionalism of the performers; in order to ensure protection, the walls are also covered with film.
  • Another disadvantage is the difficulty that arises when it is necessary to re-glue the wallpaper in the future, since it is pressed against the installed baguette. Most likely, these difficulties are far-fetched; cutting wallpaper is quite simple. In addition, no one is stopping you from marking the installation level of the baguette around the perimeter of the room, and gluing the wallpaper starting from there; even in the case of small differences, they will be easily hidden by a decorating tape or insert.

Stretch ceiling to wallpaper

If you choose this installation method, you should take into account that the walls must be prepared for wallpapering in any case. Installing a molding on an uneven wall will not be any different in beauty, and no amount of decor will help hide the defects. The wall must be leveled and puttied.

It is also worth considering that while the walls can be protected from damage, it is unlikely that the ceiling will be covered, so the likelihood of it getting dirty and damaged is very high.

The advantages of this installation method most often include:

  1. Preservation of wall coverings, implementation of thermal effects until finishing is completed.
  2. Possibility of replacing wallpaper in the future.

But Don't forget about the negative points:

  1. Stretch ceiling material is no less susceptible to damage and contamination. Considering the significant cost of this material and the fact that in some cases it will not be possible to clean the surface, as well as bring it back to normal, it is worth thinking about the feasibility of using this technology.
  2. After installing the technological decorative tape, trimming the wallpaper without the proper skills is quite difficult. There is a possibility of damage to the tape (at best) or the web (at worst).

Which of these two methods to choose is up to the customer to decide, based on the conditions and stage of renovation in the apartment. But it is worth saying that installing a stretch ceiling on already finished walls is more traditional.

Step-by-step installation of suspended ceilings

Now let's talk about what it gives step-by-step installation diagram in the following sequence:

  • Preparing the walls
  • Installation of baguette
  • Wallpapering
  • Installation of a stretch ceiling

In this case, a number of disadvantages that are inherent in the traditional technologies described above are eliminated, namely:

  • The baguette lays flat on the prepared wall without forming gaps or cracks.
  • The dust generated when attaching the baguette does not harm the finish of the walls. After installation it is simply removed.
  • The wallpaper is glued and painted without creating a threat of contamination or damage to the ceiling material. In addition, the wallpaper strips are much easier to adjust to the baguette; small gaps will be covered by the decor.
  • After the wall surface has dried (at least 4-6 days), it is covered with a protective film, which will prevent damage and reduce the effects of temperature. Therefore, the installation of the ceiling sheet can be carried out, with a professional approach, of course, without much fear.

If we take into account that when installing fabric ceilings there is no need to heat the room, then this method can be considered the most optimal option, allowing you to preserve the surface of both the walls and the ceiling. Therefore, it is worth going for a slight increase in the budget, but achieving maximum quality by reducing various risks.

If you decide to install a suspended ceiling, then first of all choose not the installation sequence, but a professional contractor who will be able to choose the most optimal option based on the existing conditions.