The early history of Karachays and Balkars is surrounded by legends, being part of various associations, unions, clans and tribes, as well as the movement of various ethnic groups in the Caucasus, played a major role in the formation of the Kabardino-Balkarian national cuisine.
The inhabitants of Kabardino-Balkaria, as well as other Caucasian peoples, are distinguished by hospitality and cordial hospitality. In the house of every highlander you will be fed and warmed. In turn, to refuse treats was considered the height of indecency, even if a person is full. Among Kabardians, it is not customary to talk about the feeling of hunger and be selective about food. In the family of Kabardians there is no specific meal time. Food was always prepared with a margin, in case of unexpected guests.
Historically, the daily diet of most peasants was monotonous. What can not be said about holidays and solemn occasions such as weddings, the birth of a child, his first step, which were distinguished by large feasts with a variety of foods and drinks. WITH early age Kabardins and Balkars taught their children how to cook. Girls were taught the names of all national dishes, how they are prepared, and the order in which they are served on the table. A girl was judged not only by her appearance, her upbringing, but also by her ability to do needlework and cook delicious food.
Since ancient times, the main occupation of the highlanders-Kabardians and Balkars was agriculture and cattle breeding, which was reflected in the peculiarities of national dishes. The main place was occupied by meat dishes from lamb, beef, poultry. Flour, dairy, cereal, sweet dishes are no less popular. Vegetables are used relatively rarely, mainly potatoes, beans, onions, garlic. Dishes are prepared with a large number of different spices and seasonings. The most popular among the highlanders is gedgin (thyme), as well as red and black pepper.
The range of first courses is small - shurpa, lyape, gogushlyaps, concentrated broths.
A characteristic feature of the Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine is the absence of side dishes. They are replaced by pasta - thick millet porridge, and hominy. In part, they also replaced bread.
Meat dishes are varied and excellent in their taste, they occupied a leading place in both everyday and festive menus.
From salads, both on weekdays and holidays, they serve a salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes with onions and garlic, radish salad and boiled eggs seasoned with sour cream. Of the cold appetizers, beef tongue, liver are in demand, cooked by boiling with the addition of whey, garlic, herbs and seasonings, and infused for several days.

A distinctive feature of Kabardian cuisine is the many recipes for making homemade sausage, the name of which in the local language sounds like sokhta.
Kabardian pastries are distinguished by various options for making bread and flat cakes. Of the flour products, it is necessary to note the Balkarian khychins (flat cakes with cheese, potatoes, meat), Kabardian lakums (dumplings), tkhuryzh (brushwood).
Traditional sweets are baklava, marshmallow and halva. Kabardian halva is made from melted butter and wheat flour. In no other cuisine of the world, with the exception of the Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine, can you find such an interesting national dessert as zhamuko. Grated cheese or cottage cheese is added to the heated sour cream, the resulting mass is boiled, after which semolina is poured. Tasty and Balkarian boza.
For more than a hundred years, the highlanders have been preparing such a dessert as zakeris - these are dough flagella fried in oil and sprinkled with honey and melted sugar. Incredible, melt-in-your-mouth dessert! Usually it is washed down with hot unsweetened tea.
Tea is an irreplaceable drink! In honor and ayran.
It's amazing how the Kabardians managed to preserve their culture, identity, historical traditions, culinary features and their language over the centuries of living next to many Caucasian peoples!

The North Caucasus is a multinational region. Small nationalities, however, without fail have their own dialects, national costumes, songs, rituals and, of course, culinary dishes. So, the Ossetians have all kinds of pies, the Chechens have meat with dumplings - zhizhig-galnash, in Dagestan they eat khinkal, the Lezgins amazingly get tskan from cabbage, and the calling card of Kabardians is hedlibzhe.

You can continue indefinitely, because the region is home to about a hundred different ethnic groups. Of course, a long joint stay in the mountains left its mark, even mixed marriages appeared, which means that traditions were united in one family different peoples. Yet the basic national "principles" are carefully guarded and passed on to the youth. As well as recipes for "crown" dishes, one of which you will learn how to cook today.

The main component of this dish is chicken. By the way, a very popular product among this people, which is grown in every yard. Affordable and dietary meat, if cooked correctly, is also surprisingly tender and tasty. Just for this you have to try.

The sauce is the component on which the taste characteristics of Kabardian hedlibzhe depend. To get the perfect option, cook:

  • 2 heads of onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 ml of good cream;
  • 0.5 cups of broth;
  • 1 tbsp paprika;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cream can be replaced with sour cream, broth plain water, A cornmeal- wheat. And this will also be a gedlibzhe recipe, but not quite in Kabardian.

As for meat, you can take thighs, and a drumstick, and a whole carcass, which will have to be divided into portions before cooking.

Each housewife has her own nuances of the process of turning chicken into an ideal dish. But there are 2 main methods: in the first case, the sauce is not prepared separately, and vice versa in the second. Let's consider both options.

How to cook gedlibje

Cut and washed pieces of chicken meat are dipped in a hot pan with vegetable oil and fried on all sides for 7 minutes. The semi-finished product is salted and peppered beforehand. Next, the container is closed with a lid, the fire is set to a minimum, and the meat is stewed in own juice about 25 minutes.

At this time, you can have time to peel and cut the onion into half rings and garlic into large cloves. In general, the Kabardian dish hedlibzhe is prepared quickly and does not require any special manipulations. The main thing in the recipe is to keep the proportions and not to break the time interval.

After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to remove the lid from the pan and let all the moisture evaporate - only chicken and fat remain in the container. Now add the cooked onions and garlic, fry for another 5 minutes. Add paprika and spices - this is already the taste of the hostess. After that, put the cream, pour everything with warm broth, add flour in a thin stream, mix everything.

When the chicken is stewed in the sauce for 10 minutes, you yourself will feel that the dish is already asking for the table, and the stomach produces juice with such force that it is no longer possible to wait. However, there is no need either - the dish is ready!

One more Kabardian geedlibzhe

The components included in this recipe are exactly the same. The only difference is in the process itself - you will prepare the sauce separately.

So, in one pan we put the washed, dried, greased with salt and pepper pieces of chicken meat, and we need the other for the sauce. While the chicken is simmering, fry the onion rings. Then we add finely chopped garlic there, put cream, paprika, broth, add flour, take out our most “delicious meat spices” from the cherished jars and simmer all this over low heat for 7-10 minutes. When ready, check the "state" of the bow. Some housewives crush it and turn it into gruel, then the sauce is completely homogeneous.

When the meat is almost ready, add our sauce to the container and leave to simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Bon appetit to you and your household.

How to serve the dish

Here is such an easy recipe. Now you know how to cook gedlibzhe, but that's not all. It is much more difficult for a novice hostess, and even if she got into the house of her husband from “another people”, to properly serve food. There are also 2 options here.

  1. If you are going to dine in a close family circle, then they put the hedlibzhe on the dining table right in the pan. Perhaps this is not very aesthetically pleasing, but thereby the hostess demonstrates that for her all family members are equally loved, and they, including children, have the opportunity to eat exactly the piece of meat they like.
  2. When there are many guests in the house, the chicken pieces are immediately laid out on plates, poured with plenty of sauce and brought to the table.

Keep in mind that this dish is eaten with your hands, and slices of bread are dipped in the sauce. No forks and knives - that's fine.

About the nuances

And in conclusion, a few words about tastes and preferences. Housewives of various nationalities note an amazing pattern: in the same family, children raised by the same parents, permanently living together, from childhood have different favorite and least favorite dishes.

Some are happy to gobble up any salads, others sit over a plate and carefully “sort” onion rings in the soup, and still others will not touch the dish at all if they put ordinary dill there. But after all, all the children are loved by the mother, and therefore she tries to please everyone. That is why it “modernizes”, conjures over a classic dish, often violating proportions. What would you do for your beloved child?

Yes, some housewives

  1. Generally do not put garlic in the dish.
  2. Others make the sauce thicker and richer, sparing no fat sour cream for this.
  3. Still others, as already mentioned, carefully grind the onion so that it becomes “invisible”.

What else is good about this meat? It is necessary to exclude roasting from the cooking process, remove hot seasonings, and the dish will become completely dietary. Can you imagine how relevant this is in a family where there is a child with a sick stomach? He can't eat anything fried, pickled or fatty, and then my mother figured out how to cook gedlibzhe so that all family members could feast on it. So try it yourself, and teach your loved ones and friends what you can eat:

  • at the festive table;
  • in a narrow family circle;
  • people who are on a diet.

Delicious, appetizing, fragrant, tender, garnished with chopped cilantro or sprigs of fresh parsley, this dish has long ceased to be exclusively Kabardian. It is cooked in Russian restaurants and far beyond the continent. And all because tasty food knows no borders, no nationalities. This is us about hedlibzhe.

And only proud Kabardians always emphasize that the birthplace of this dish is their small, but so beloved and dear Kabardino-Balkaria. They hospitably treat everyone who wants to taste the national food. And when traveling outside the borders of their country, on occasion, they are sure to cook gedlibzhe, since it has long been the hallmark of this original people from the North Caucasus.

Kabardian cuisine has much in common with the cuisines of other peoples of the North Caucasus. Meanwhile, in her piggy bank there are many that you can try only here. In our article you can learn better what Kabardian cuisine is. Recipes with photos will give a visual representation of the dishes and help you quickly master the cooking technique. For convenience, all dishes are divided into categories: starters, first, second, desserts.

Features of Kabardian cuisine

The main dish of Kabardian cuisine, like several hundred years ago, was and remains meat with sauce. In the 19th century, the highlanders stopped eating pork, so today only lamb, beef, as well as chicken and turkey are on the Kabardian table. The sauce is prepared either sour cream, or traditional garlic brine, or onion. Ayran or broth diluted with garlic is always served with boiled or fried lamb. Instead of bread, they use cool wheat porridge called "paste". A lot of fresh herbs are served with the dishes.

From vegetables, Kabardians use potatoes, beans and peas all year round, as well as cabbage, tomatoes and eggplant. Highlanders eat only homemade cheese. The most popular dishes of Kabardian cuisine and recipes for their preparation will be considered below. All of them, as well as other dishes of the North Caucasus, can be seen on the festive table of the Kabardians.

Kabardian snacks

Kabardians in the process of cooking pay more attention to the first and to a lesser extent appetizers and salads. Vegetables are most often served sliced ​​with plenty of fresh herbs. Offal and homemade sausage called "sokhta" are prepared from meat snacks.

For the preparation of offal, beef tongue or liver is used. First, it is boiled in in large numbers salted water, then cooled and poured with whey. After that, garlic, dry spices and herbs are added to the dishes with offal and sent to the refrigerator for 10 days. After the time has elapsed, the offal is taken out and served to the table in sliced ​​form.

For homemade sausage, lamb liver (110 g) and lamb fat (70 g) must be chopped into small pieces, then add onion (1 pc.) And corn flour (20 g). In the process of kneading the minced meat, gradually add salt, pepper and water. Stuff the lamb intestines with the resulting mass, tie them up and boil the sausage in salted water until tender. Sokhta is served with traditional Kabardian brine sauce.

First meal

There are many recipes in Kabardian cuisine. various soups and broths. The most famous among them is shurpa. In the process of preparing this soup, a rich broth is first boiled from a large piece of lamb. Then a whole onion and coarsely chopped potatoes are added to it. When serving, the meat is torn with hands, since it is not customary for Kabardians to use a knife while eating.

Another traditional Kabardian soup is called ashryk. This corn soup, for the preparation of which corn and beans are used (in a glass). They are boiled in separate pans, and then transferred to one dish and poured with milk (2 l). When serving a dish, first put cheese on a plate, then dried meat, and only then pour the soup. A spoonful of fried onion, paprika and red hot pepper is added on top.

Kabardian cuisine is represented by a wide variety of bean dishes. One of them is bean soup, the recipe of which is presented below.

Bean Soup: Homemade Recipe

At the very beginning of the preparation of bean soup, it is necessary to soak the beans (white or red to choose from). To do this, you need to sort it out and fill it with cold water for 7 hours. To soak the beans, it is recommended to put them in the refrigerator so that they do not ferment. After the specified time, it must be washed and put on the stove to cook over low heat until tender.

When the beans are ready, add potatoes to the soup, then chopped carrots. When the vegetables are cooked, you must also add the roasted onion and sweet paprika. Serve the soup with finely chopped herbs.

Second courses of Kabardian cuisine: recipes with photos

Highlanders' main dishes also have their own characteristic cooking features. First of all, Kabardian cuisine is distinguished by an abundance of meat dishes. In every family, the festive table is served: lyagur - potatoes with dried meat, gedlibzhe - chicken pieces stewed in sour cream, or mutton with carrots.

Kabardian barbecue deserves special attention. It is prepared from lamb fat and liver. Jal-baur (the so-called shish kebab) is a small piece of bacon and liver, wrapped in a film of internal fat. From above they are sprinkled with brine, strung on a skewer and roasted on coals. By the way, brine is served with almost every first or second course. And it is prepared by mixing ingredients such as ayran (80 ml), broth (70 ml), garlic (2 cloves), salt and pepper.

Those who want to try cooking more main courses should look at the recipes for Kabardian cuisine from Sana (Sana07), presented on one of the Russian forums. They are very popular with users. Here you can learn how to cook leg of lamb stuffed with beans, boiled turkey with sauces, chicken in dough, etc.

Kabardian cuisine: photo and recipe for chicken gedlibzhe

This recipe is often called the hallmark of Kabardino-Balkaria. Kabardian and hedlibzhe are like one whole, which is why they cook this dish very often, and not just for the holidays.

For a gedlibzhe, the chicken must first be cut into pieces. After that, it is laid out in a pan, fried under a lid in its own juice, and then in the resulting fat. Next, the chicken should be salted, pepper, add onion, garlic and paprika. Continue frying until golden brown, and at the end of cooking add a spoonful of flour and sour cream (0.5-1 l). If the sour cream does not completely cover the chicken pieces, then you need to add water. Simmer the meat for a few more minutes, and then remove the meat from the heat. Serve with traditional millet pasta.

Kabardian Libzhe Recipe

This dish, according to the cooking technology, is a bit like goulash, but still has some characteristic features. In libzhe, lamb (rarely beef) is first boiled and then stewed with vegetables until the resulting gravy resembles a sauce in consistency. Thanks to carrots, the gravy is dark, but if desired, finely chopped tomato can also be added to the dish.

Libzhe (Kabardian cuisine) is made from lamb, which is cut into equal pieces and then boiled directly in a frying pan under a lid in a glass of water. When the liquid evaporates, vegetable oil, onions (the same volume as lamb), and then carrots are added to the meat. Fry vegetables with meat for several minutes, then add a spoonful of flour, the same amount of sour cream and half a glass of water. Keep the dish on the stove for a few more minutes until the sauce thickens. Serve with traditional pasta.

Traditional side dish: millet milk porridge koizhapkha

In addition to the traditional in Kabardian cuisine, they are widely used sour cream sauces. The cooking option for one of them, with cheese and millet, is offered below.

The name of the sauce widely used in Kabardian cuisine is koizhapkha. At the very beginning of its preparation, two eggs are beaten in a saucepan, then 1 liter of sour cream is added here. Far away, you need to put the saucepan on the fire and wait until the sour cream boils (it rises like milk). After that, add millet washed in hot water (2 tablespoons). Cook until the cereal is ready (about 20 minutes). Now add diced Adyghe cheese(100 g), wait until it melts, and you can remove the sauce from the heat.

If the koijapha turned out to be not thick enough, then before adding the cheese, it is necessary to pour 2 tbsp. spoons of corn (wheat) flour. The same technique is used in the preparation of any other sauce.

Unsweetened pastries

In every cuisine of the peoples of the North Caucasus, various pies are widespread, outwardly resembling thin cakes. Kabardian cuisine also offers to cook them. Pie recipes are based on the use of kefir yeast dough. But the filling can be completely different. For example, Kabardians love tops most of all, as well as with pumpkin, which are called keb-dalyan.

First, according to your favorite recipe, which is sure to be in the “piggy bank” of every housewife, we prepare yeast dough on kefir. While the dough is resting, let's make the filling. To do this, the pumpkin, previously boiled or baked in the oven, must be brought to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Then add the browned onion, squeezed garlic, salt and pepper to the filling. Mix everything well, and you can begin to form cakes.

The ball of dough must be flattened by hand, so that a cake is obtained. In the center of the cake, put the same size as the dough, a ball of filling. Pinch the edges up, and then once again make a cake with your hand. Now you need to turn it over with the seam down and roll it out with a rolling pin, being careful not to tear the dough. Fry pies in a hot dry frying pan for a minute on each side. Brush with butter before serving.

Sweet puff bread

Kabardians instead traditional bread from wheat flour, they prefer to serve pasta to the table - a thick porridge made from millet. And if bread is prepared, it is most often sweet, made from puff pastry.

First you need to knead the dough from eggs (3 pcs.), Milk (1 tbsp.), Sugar (1 teaspoon), salt, soda (¼ teaspoon each) and flour. Let it rest for 15 minutes and then cut it into 4 pieces and form into balls. After a few minutes, roll each part thinly, literally up to 1 mm, and grease with butter. Then sprinkle each layer of dough with sugar, fold on top of each other and roll into a roll. Place the roll rolled in a spiral in a pan, let stand for 5 minutes, and then fry over low heat for 7 minutes on each side.

Kabardian cuisine offers two options for preparing this bread: sweet and salty. In the first case, add more sugar between layers, in the second - sprinkle with salt.


As desserts, Kabardians most often serve baklava, marshmallow or halva, made from melted butter and wheat flour. Meanwhile, Kabardian cuisine is famous for another interesting delicacy called zykarys. To cook it, you need to make flagella from a steep dough. Then they are cut into small pieces, fried in vegetable oil, folded into a mold and poured with honey. Frozen zykarys cut into diamonds like baklava.

Kabardian cuisine, the recipes with photos of which are presented above, are simple and very satisfying. They can easily be classified as tasty and healthy food.

For 17-18 pcs. Khichin for a frying pan with a diameter of 18-20 cm.
For test:
600 ml 1% kefir (for preparing 300...

KHYCHYNY (Kabardino-Balkarian cakes)

Put "I LIKE AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!", and the recipe will be saved on your page!

250 ml ayran (kefir, curdled milk)
250 ml hot water (but so that the kefir does not curdle)
600 g flour (approx.)
0.5 tsp salt
1/4 tsp soda
flour for dusting
butter for greasing the cakes

FILLING: there are several options, it is important that the filling for the dough is in a ratio of almost 1: 1, the filling is slightly less.
Option 1 (tastiest):
cheese (preferably cheese), mashed potatoes, onion

Option 2:
mashed potatoes, onion

3 option:
cheese, onion.

Mix all ingredients for the dough. The dough should turn out to be liquidy, but at the same time it could be rolled out with a rolling pin. Flour dusting surfaces and rolling pins...

Khychin with meat

"Et khychyn" - national Balkar cuisine

Ingredients for Khychin with meat:
Wheat flour - 220 g
Ayran- 145
Salt - 2
Beef (or lamb) - 360 g
Onion - 50 g
Soda - 1 g
Black pepper - 1 g
Animal fat - 12 g
Sour cream - 40 g

Beef or lamb, together with onions, is passed through a meat grinder with a large grate, water, salt, pepper are added, and mixed well.

Unleavened dough is kneaded from wheat flour, ayran, salt, soda, rolled into cakes, put in the middle of each chopped meat, give the hychin a rounded flattened shape, leaving a hole in the middle in each, bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 210-230 C.

Khychin smeared with sour cream, kept for 5-8 minutes, served.
© poco-a-poco

Khychiny with cheese and beet tops

Khychiny is one of the most common dishes in the North Caucasus. Traditionally they are stuffed with cheese and potatoes, but there are many other options! I want to offer one of them, namely with cheese, beet tops and greens. This is delicious!

Flour - 3 stack.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1/2 tsp.
Water (Warm) - 1 stack.
Hard cheese (Such as "Adyghe". I have homemade Balkar cheese.) - 400 g
Beet leaf (Approximately 200g.) - 1 bunch.
Greens (Onion, parsley, dill 1/2 bunch each)
Cottage cheese (Best not very wet) - 150 g
Butter (For greasing finished khychins)

First, let's prepare the dough. Sift flour, add salt, 1/2 cup warm water. Mix and...

Balkar khychyns

Simple dough: flour, salt, water and at the end of kneading a little vegetable oil. For the filling, you can take meat, cheese, potatoes, greens, cabbage, whatever. I have boiled potatoes and cheese rolled through a meat grinder. Someone likes more cheese, someone less, according to your taste. From the filling, form balls of 150 grams each. Divide the dough by the resulting number of fillings. Mash into a circle in the center, put the filling and, as if enveloping it, pinch the dough, cut off the excess. Then take the resulting ball, let it stand a little. Khychin needs to be thinly rolled out and fried in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Lubricate the finished khychin with butter.
©Muslima Abdullaeva

Khychin Balkar

This is the national dish of the Balkars, which is very popular in the North Caucasus. If you find yourself in national park Elbrus region, you will certainly be treated to luxurious ayran khychins, with homemade cheese and butter. Well, we (residents of big cities) have to look for alternative products in order to achieve a similar result.

kefir 300 milliliters
flour 3 grams
potatoes 5 pieces
brynza cheese 200 grams
sea ​​salt
soda 1 on the tip of a knife
sugar 1 gram

Slowly knead the kefir into flour, salt, sugar and soda until the dough stops sticking to the walls. Knead, beat, leave for 30 minutes

Grate boiled potatoes and cheese on...

Adyghe garlic salt

Adyghe garlic salt (bzhynyfshchygyu) occupies a special place in the Adyghe national cuisine. It is difficult to overestimate its importance, since this unusual healthy salt is used in the preparation of many dishes, giving them a magical aroma and excellent taste.

She prepares very simply.

Product consumption
Garlic - 1000 g
Salt - 2000

Adyghe garlic salt recipe
Peeled garlic is placed in a mortar, salt is added and crushed until a homogeneous mass is formed.
The resulting garlic mass is transferred to a dry glass or enamel bowl, covered with a lid, and placed in a cool place. Garlic salt is added to soups, sauces, boiled and fried meat, boiled and...

Guubat - puff pastry with cheese

Milk 1 glass
Sour cream 2 cups
Ghee 200 g
Vegetable oil 25 g
Sugar 2 tbsp. spoons,
for sweet 300 g
Eggs 5 pcs.
Yeast 25 g
Salt to taste

Wipe fresh Adyghe cheese, add 2-3 yolks, salt to taste, 100 g. butter if the cheese is low fat.
The filling for sweet guubat can be made from nuts. To do this, crush the nuts with sugar. Recipe Dilute the yeast with milk or water.
Put eggs, sour cream, vegetable oil, mix everything, pour into flour, salt, knead the dough well and let it come up.
Divide the finished dough into 7-9 pieces, roll them out thinly, grease each layer with melted butter and fold ...


300 g gutted chicken, salt, red pepper, vinegar (3%), garlic
For shhuushchips sauce: tomato paste, water, red pepper, salt, cilantro
The prepared chicken carcass is washed, cut, beaten, rubbed with salt and garlic, red pepper, vinegar, cilantro, put in a deep bowl and marinated for 7-8 hours. Then prepare the sauce of tomato paste, water, salt and red pepper. Before frying, the bird carcass is dipped in this sauce and grilled. Served with shkhyuushchips spicy sauce and vegetables.



Chicken (800 g.)
Onion (3 pcs.)
Garlic (2 pcs.)
Sour cream (200 ml)
Sunflower oil (30 ml)
Table salt (2 teaspoons)
Curry (1 teaspoon)
Ground red pepper (3 g.)
Parsley (20 g.)



Gedlibzhe is a dish of Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine. Very simple, hearty and tasty thanks in large part to the amazing sauce of fried onions and sour cream. Gedlibzhe is prepared in different ways: someone puts more sour cream, someone less. Its composition remains unchanged - chicken, sour cream and onions. In most recipes, onions are simply sautéed. But I have a slightly different option, which I like the most. Try this very simple, but at the same time tasty and spicy dish.


Chicken (800 g.)
Onion (3 pcs.)
Garlic (2 pcs.)
Sour cream (200 ml)
Sunflower oil (30 ml)
Table salt (2 teaspoons)
Curry (1 teaspoon)
Ground red pepper (3 g.)
Parsley (20 g.)



Gedlibzhe is a dish of Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine. Very simple, hearty and tasty thanks in large part to the amazing sauce of fried onions and sour cream. Gedlibzhe is prepared in different ways: someone puts more sour cream, someone less. Its composition remains unchanged - chicken, sour cream and onions. In most recipes, onions are simply sautéed. But I have a slightly different option, which I like the most. Try this very simple, but at the same time tasty and spicy dish.


Chicken (800 g.)
Onion (3 pcs.)
Garlic (2 pcs.)
Sour cream (200 ml)
Sunflower oil (30 ml)
Table salt (2 teaspoons)
Curry (1 teaspoon)
Ground red pepper (3 g.)
Parsley (20 g.)



Gedlibzhe is a dish of Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine. Chicken in an amazing onion and sour cream sauce. The dish is very simple, but unusually tasty and satisfying.

Chicken thigh 300 g
Chicken drumstick 300 g
Sunflower oil 60 ml
Salt to taste
Onion 3 pcs.
Wheat flour 1 tsp
Ground turmeric 0.5 tsp
Sour cream 15% 4 tbsp. l.
Ground black pepper to taste
Water 200 ml
Mushrooms 150 g
Parsley 10 g

My chicken legs and thighs. Pour into the pan sunflower oil and put in the chicken. We salt it.
Fry the drumsticks until almost done and golden brown. This will take 30 minutes.
Peel the onion, wash and cut. It’s not worth cutting especially finely - we’ll still have it ...


Gedlibzhe is a dish of Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine. Very simple, hearty and tasty thanks in large part to the amazing sauce of fried onions and sour cream. Gedlibzhe is prepared in different ways: someone puts more sour cream, someone less. Its composition remains unchanged - chicken, sour cream and onions. In most recipes, onions are simply sautéed. But I have a slightly different option, which I like the most. Try this very simple, but at the same time tasty and spicy dish.


Chicken (800 g.)
Onion (3 pcs.)
Garlic (2 pcs.)
Sour cream (200 ml)
Sunflower oil (30 ml)
Table salt (2 teaspoons)
Curry (1 teaspoon)
Ground red pepper (3 g.)
Parsley (20 g.)


Khychiny with cheese

Khychin - a pie with potato and cheese or meat stuffing with herbs, a national dish of Karachays and Balkars. In the past, the highest hospitality of the hostess of the house was considered to be an invitation “to khychins”. This is one of the most honorable dishes in the list of flour dishes of the Karachay-Balkarian cuisine. Any feast was simply unthinkable without hychin. A meal without khychin is considered poor, especially without meat khychin.


Kefir - 250 ml
Wheat flour - 650 g
Baking soda - 5 g
Salt - 1 tsp
Cheese - 250 g
Parsley - 30 g
Olive oil - 100 ml


1. Knead flour with kefir.
2. Knead the dough, cover it with a towel and leave for a while.
3. Next, three cheese, which we will ...


Gedlibzhe is a dish of Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine. Very simple, hearty and tasty thanks in large part to the amazing sauce of fried onions and sour cream. Gedlibzhe is prepared in different ways: someone puts more sour cream, someone less. Its composition remains unchanged - chicken, sour cream and onions. In most recipes, onions are simply sautéed. But I have a slightly different option, which I like the most. Try this very simple, but at the same time tasty and spicy dish.


Chicken (800 g.)
Onion (3 pcs.)
Garlic (2 pcs.)
Sour cream (200 ml)
Sunflower oil (30 ml)
Table salt (2 teaspoons)
Curry (1 teaspoon)
Ground red pepper (3 g.)
Parsley (20 g.)



Gedlibzhe is a dish of Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine. Very simple, hearty and tasty thanks in large part to the amazing sauce of fried onions and sour cream. Gedlibzhe is prepared in different ways: someone puts more sour cream, someone less. Its composition remains unchanged - chicken, sour cream and onions. In most recipes, onions are simply sautéed. But I have a slightly different option, which I like the most. Try this very simple, but at the same time tasty and spicy dish.


Chicken (800 g.)
Onion (3 pcs.)
Garlic (2 pcs.)
Sour cream (200 ml)
Sunflower oil (30 ml)
Table salt (2 teaspoons)
Curry (1 teaspoon)
Ground red pepper (3 g.)
Parsley (20 g.)



Gedlibzhe is a dish of Kabardino-Balkarian cuisine. Very simple, hearty and tasty thanks in large part to the amazing sauce of fried onions and sour cream. Gedlibzhe is prepared in different ways: someone puts more sour cream, someone less. Its composition remains unchanged - chicken, sour cream and onions. In most recipes, onions are simply sautéed. But we have a slightly different option, which we like the most. Try this very simple, but at the same time tasty and spicy dish.


Chicken - 800 gr
Onion - 3 pcs
Garlic - 2 pcs
Sour cream - 200 ml
Sunflower oil - 30 ml
Table salt - 2 tsp
Curry - 1 tsp
Ground red pepper - 3 gr
Parsley - 20 gr

How to cook

1. Salt the chicken pieces and ...


A festive table decoration, popular both in Karachay and Balkarian cuisine. Lush, patterned golden-colored spiral roses are different sizes up to huge.
You can cook brushwood (chykyrt) from the leftover dough after manti or dumplings. Or cook the dough specially by adding a little fat or oil to it. In this case, the urama will be more tender and fragile. Begin?

Sift into a cup:
▪2 cups of flour.
▪ Melt 2 tablespoons of ghee in the microwave for half a minute until semi-liquid.
▪ In a 250 ml glass, pour a quarter of ice water, add to it
▪ half a teaspoon of salt and sugar.
▪In the same glass, beat one egg and...