When viewing web pages, browsers (Yandex, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) save a lot of information. For example, browsing history, passwords for social network accounts and Email. But sometimes there is a need to hide traces of your time on the Internet, for example, if you decide to secretly give a gift to a loved one or access your email while visiting. Incognito mode allows you to enable private browsing mode, when entered passwords, as well as addresses of sites and pages that you visited, are not saved.

What is private mode (aka “Incognito” and InPrivate)

This function is available in the most popular browsers, sometimes there are different names for it. In Incognito mode, the browser does not save entered passwords, search queries, and addresses of visited pages. At the same time, changes in settings, downloaded files and added bookmarks are saved.

Remember: private tabs do not make you invisible to sites. If you log in to a social network, your appearance will be noticed. Incognito mode is designed to hide your online history from other users of your computer. By opening a private tab, you instruct the browser not to use old cookies, cache, or local memory.

In incognito, only the browser does not store your Internet activity. Other sources may see what websites you visit, including:

  • your employer (if you use an office computer);
  • internet service provider;
  • directly the websites you visit.

How to enable the mode in different browsers

In order to log in in private mode, you need to know what browser you are using. As a rule, the transition is indicated visually by an icon depicting a mask or glasses. How to open a private tab in Yandex Browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, read on.

Google Chrome

Yandex browser


Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer)

How to quickly open a private window using hotkeys

To quickly launch incognito mode, you can use hotkeys: in Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser, the combination Ctrl + Shift + N is used. In Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge, the combination Ctrl + Shift + P is used.

How to close or disable Incognito mode and exit private browsing

To return to normal browsing and disable the use of private mode, just close the window. After this, the browser will delete all cookies created while working in it. This method to remove Incognito mode is suitable for any browser, including the most popular: Yandex, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome.

Video instructions: how to log into Incognito

To make it easier for you to understand how to open private browsing in any browser, we have selected video instructions that clearly show several ways to switch to private mode.

If you need a computer while visiting, the best way to avoid leaving traces or passwords from your accounts is to browse in private mode, because this feature is implemented in every browser. When you use tabs or windows in private mode, data (such as history, temporary internet files, and cookies) is deleted from your computer as soon as you finish browsing.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. What does the word incognito mean? What it is? Do you know? Most likely you know, but I’ll still explain for the sake of order. This word is derived from the Italian word incognito, which means - not to be recognized (to remain unknown). Synonyms for this word in some way can be the words: anonymously, secretly, under a different name (guise).

For example, famous people can be incognito in public places, using makeup, a pseudonym and other tricks. This mode sometimes turns out to be very convenient for them, because it allows them to exist without attracting attention to themselves.

But incognito mode Not only famous people need it to escape the attention of the crowd. Anonymity also seems very attractive to the most ordinary Internet users, because they do not need to be afraid of the consequences of their actions. When you communicate on forums and even on social networks, you often use not your real name, but instead of a real photo, in order to feel calmer online, without being afraid of expressing your views or thoughts of “getting hit.”

Browser developers, understanding the need of users to hide traces of some of your online activities(previously you had to do this), they added a mode called “Incognito” (that’s what it’s called in the Yandex and Google Chrome browsers). When it is activated, all your traces of visiting certain sites, downloading files, etc. will be automatically deleted from your browser history. Let's see how it all works and what it can be useful for?

What is Incognito mode for and how does it work?

I think that explaining why to you or anyone else Incognito mode may be needed no need. This is especially true when you share a computer with someone else. Of course, you can use different accounts, but few people bother with the hassle of setting them up and constantly logging in/out of the system.

And so, in the “invisible” mode (it is available in almost all modern browsers, but it can be called differently - “incognito” it is called only in Chrome and Yandex browser, and, for example, in Opera it is “private mode”, but not the bottom line) you don’t have to worry, for example, that your “neighbor” on the computer will also have access to it. And it will not be possible to track the history of your wanderings on the Internet through a browser (the cache, cookies, entered passwords, form data, etc. are erased).

How does Incognito mode work? Quite simple. You open a new window of your browser (Chrome or Yandex) in this mode (it can be easily distinguished from the usual one by the icon of a man in sunglasses that appears - in Chrome on the left, and in the Yandex browser on the right of the tab bar).

At the same time, other windows of the same browser can remain working as usual. All pages that you open in an anonymous window will not be recorded in your browsing history, and after closing these windows track the sites you visited, and those files that were downloaded will not be possible. And you don’t need to clean anything special - just close the private window and that’s it. Lepota!

Attention! A browser running in an Incognito session will indeed leave no traces of your “surfing,” but this does not mean that it will not be possible to identify you if desired. It's just protection from your boss or relatives, but not from any kind of “authorities” and hackers. The fact is that data about your visits remains on the sites you visited (in the logs), as well as with the Internet provider through which you access the Internet. Keep this in mind, just in case.

How to enable Incognito mode in Yandex Browser and Chrome

Again quite simple. Let me make a reservation right away that private mode is provided not only in computer versions of browsers, but also in their mobile incarnations. So, if you want to activate “invisibility” on a computer or laptop, then:

If you have, then you can also enable Incognito mode there if you wish. On Android or iOS, to do this, you will need to click on the “Menu” button (with three dots in the case of Android and three stripes in the case of iOS) and select the already traditional menu item “New incognito tab”.

The mobile version of the Yandex browser does not yet provide a private mode. Alas and ah.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Incognito mode in Yandex Browser is a useful feature that allows you to visit any page without saving traces of this activity on your computer. It is most often used on devices that other users have access to. This setting allows you to maintain privacy, and if enabled on public PCs, the privacy of the person opening the sites. Displaying pages without saving them in history is also available through the mobile version of the application - on iPhone smartphones and Android devices.

Enabling incognito mode in Yandex Browser

There are three ways to go private in this program. The first of them is to enable the “Incognito Mode” item in the main menu. The menu itself opens by clicking the icon with three horizontal lines, which can be found to the left of the “Collapse” button in the header. This will not close the current application window. You will be able to view pages in a regular window, and open only the necessary resources in a private window.

The second way is to enable this feature by pressing a key combination. For Windows and Linux computers, the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+N, and for Apple devices, Command+Shift+N is used. The third method allows you to go to a private tab through the context menu of any hyperlink. If the resource you are viewing has a link to a site that you want to go to without saving it in the log, right-click it and select “Open link in Incognito mode.” This way you can go to the page while maintaining privacy.

Important tip!

When using regular and hidden tabs at the same time, it is important not to confuse which window the history is not saved in. You can identify private browsing by the icon on the top line. It shows tinted glasses.

How to disable private browsing To switch to the standard display of sites through the Yandex browser, just close the private window. However, the standard display page can be left open if you intend to continue using the program. Temporary cookies created during private browsing will be deleted immediately upon closure. Therefore, there will be no traces of your Internet activity left on your computer, unless you added addresses to your favorites or downloaded files to.

HDD Note!

Pressing the same combination of keys on the keyboard again will not close the private window. Instead, a new tab will appear with the same functionality.

Incognito in Yandex mobile browser

  • To switch to confidential viewing of sites through the application on Android or iPhone, click the button with three dots. The mobile Yandex Browser menu will appear. In it, select “New Incognito Tab”. If this button is not displayed on your Android smartphone, press the menu touch key on the device itself. On iPhone, the required section is present by default. It should be remembered that after activating a special order of operation of the application, some of its capabilities become unavailable, for example:
  • Incognito mode in Yandex Browser disables synchronization of tabs with PCs and other devices.
  • The widget feed disappears.
  • Built-in network acceleration (Turbo function) also does not work.

A warning will appear on the iPhone or Android screen to enable the feature. The background color of the application will change to dark gray. After this, you can go to any site, and it will not be saved in the visit log. As in the desktop version of the browser from Yandex, cookies will be recorded only within the current session, and will be deleted when it is closed.

To cancel confidential display, you need to go to the same menu through which you turned it on. Next, select “Close Incognito Tabs.” You can also enable the section with open Internet resources (navigation), and there you can manually close all pages opened after enabling the function on iPhone or Android.

When using the Internet, we leave a huge number of traces not only on the network, but also on the computer itself. After all, all data about visited resources can be found in the log, cache, cookies, and download history. Perhaps, at least once, users have had the desire to work online without leaving any data in the browser or system about the time spent. This is precisely why incognito mode was created in the Yandex browser. Its main purpose is to hide traces of being on various resources in front of other computer users.

What is incognito mode

What opportunities does the stealth mode provide in the Yandex browser?

  • Your searches will not be saved.
  • Information about the pages visited will not be available to other computer users.
  • All entered passwords, logins, etc. will also not remain in the browser.

As you can see, the hidden mode in the Yandex browser can become very useful function, especially for those who like to sit on social networks at work or browse other sites that are not recommended by their bosses. Thus, no one will be able to catch you doing such an activity. You simply close the tab in the Internet browser, and no traces are left on the computer and you will not need to close the browser every time. In this case, the files downloaded to the computer will be saved in the location that you specify.

In addition, bookmarks and changes in general settings are saved in this mode. Despite the fact that the data does not remain in Yandex.Browser, your visit will be marked on the site where you visited. In addition, you should remember that information about the resources you visit can be obtained by the network administrator if he wants it.

How to start incognito mode

In order to launch anonymous mode in the Yandex browser, you will need to do a few simple steps. First, open an Internet browser. Next, go to Settings and follow the Advanced link. Here we select the option “Open a window in incognito mode.” After this, a new tab will appear in front of you, marked with an image of a man in glasses.

You can also launch invisible mode in the Yandex browser using hotkeys. To do this, press the Ctrl, Shift and N buttons simultaneously if you are working in operating system Windows. For those who have a Mac OS device, instead of Ctrl, you need to press ?. And if, in addition to Yandex Browser, you also use Google Chrome, then you should know that it can also launch.

Working in incognito mode

How does private mode work in the Yandex browser? Firstly, the sites you open will not be tracked in the log. Secondly, you will not see downloaded files in the download list. Although they will be saved on the computer. In addition, cookies will be deleted immediately after you close the window.

It should be noted that when you switch to incognito mode, everything will be automatically disabled. This is due to the fact that the Internet browser cannot control how they process personal data. If you need any extension to work, you can launch it manually. By the way, it’s very convenient, in addition to the invisible mode, to open and classic window Yandex.Browser. In this case, you can easily switch between them.

In order to exit this mode, you just need to close the last tab. If necessary, you can use the simultaneous pressing of the Alt and F4 buttons. In some cases, incognito mode will become an indispensable lifesaver, especially if you are going to work on someone else's computer. As you have seen, activating it is very simple, and it will save time that you would spend on cleaning your browsing history, downloads, etc.

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Users who know a little about modern technologies, strive to maintain the confidentiality of their data. This allows you to avoid hacking social network accounts, intrusive advertising, tracking your current location, etc. The anonymity mode present in most browsers helps to partially cope with the task. In this article we will figure out how to enable incognito mode in the Yandex browser on your phone. It will also discuss its use and the degree of security when activating the function.

What is “incognito” in Yandex on the phone

The anonymous mode of the browser operation involves disabling the options for saving the history of visited pages, passwords, and cookies. Also, search engines are sent a request not to track the user’s location and not to remember the search phrases entered.

List of differences between the incognito mode tab and the regular one:

Enable anonymous mode on your smartphone

To enable incognito mode in the Yandex browser on Android, you will need to follow a few simple steps:

Incognito mode in the Yandex browser on Android is convenient to use if, for example, you need to log in social network under another account, but at the same time I don’t want to enter data when logging into the main profile again. It will be enough to launch the social network in an “incognito” window - it will identify the user as a guest, after which you will need to enter personal data. This way, the data from the second login will not be saved, and you will not have to log out of the current session.

Security level of incognito mode

When using this option, it is important to understand that it does not guarantee complete anonymity on the Internet. Most sites will be able to determine the current IP address, DNS server and other data that can indicate location. You can check the degree of confidentiality using the service