
Good evening! I have bilateral coxarthrosis of the hip joints. In July 2019, an operation was performed: total endoprosthetics of the right joint; the left hip joint had a borderline condition of grade 2-3. Polysegmental osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine After the operation, the doctor said that for now there is no need for surgery on the second joint. Before the operation, I had group 3 disability. Passed the ITU, the group was removed because 2nd degree is not a disability. Is the decision of the ITU doctors correct?

It is important to know about the course of the disease, the frequency of exacerbations, the severity and limitation of movements in the boy’s joints, whether the boy has been consulted by specialists in advisory regional and regional centers, whether the disease has progressed since the moment when you were already examined for medical examination. In any case, you can insist on an examination. Even if you are denied referral to ITU, you are required to provide a certificate of refusal, with which you can apply to ITU along with medical expert documents (all medical documents available on your disease) yourself, according to the post. dated February 20, 2006 No. 95 “Rules for recognizing a person as disabled.”


The child is 15 years old. I have had pauciarticular juvenile arthritis since the age of 7. In October 2019, a disease was identified: vegetative-vascular distance of the pubertal period, mixed type of autonomic dysfunction, cardiocerebral variant, permanent course. Can these diseases be cured? It is recommended to contact a medical commission. institutions for m/f about referral to ITU. We previously applied and were denied disability. Are they right?

Legal Specialist

According to the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 17, 2015 “On classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination” clause 13.2.4; Pathology of the lower extremities, you must be diagnosed with: restrictions on the movements of the hip joints of a pronounced degree, one-sided, i.e. restriction of movements in a non-prosthetic limb must be defined as severe (subclause of the order) or if the frequency of exacerbations of lumbar osteochondrosis was at least three times during the intercommission year with treatment in a hospital with intractable pain syndrome! It is difficult to say with high certainty whether the specialists of the ITU bureau were mistaken due to the lack of objective data at the time of your examination: what are the limitations of movements in the hip joints, in the lumbar spine, is there any evidence of compression of the roots with motor dysfunction of the lower extremities, is there any strength disorders (paresis, paralysis).


I am 32 years old. Diagnosis: Adhesive disease, abdominal cavity. Invagination of the small intestine into the small intestine 02/13/2018. Enterolysis, resection of a section of the small intestine and side-to-side enteroanastomosis. Apoplexy of the right ovary in 2010. Caesarean section in 2011 and 2013. The invagination of the small intestine with secretory resection of 2006. Enterolis 2007. Minor-shaped tubolo-water adenomas with earosias of the small intestine. Syndroies of the Paiters-Segers (according to the operational material) of the short intestine. Polipectomy in 2017 chronic gastritis. iron deficiency anemia. I have already been on the b/l for the 3rd month. The surgeon sent me to the ITU, where they said that I was not very sick and that disability was not given. Is the decision of the ITU doctors correct? And how to treat Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, I read that it is inherited and I have 2 girls, I’m afraid for their health

Legal Specialist

In this case, disability may not have been established due to the fact that not all rehabilitation measures have yet been used by doctors at the treatment and prevention institution. Also, accordingly, there were no persistent dysfunctions digestive system body, i.e. you were sent to a commission in early dates when establishing a disability group was difficult. There is always the opportunity to appeal the bureau's decision to a higher organization legally (within thirty days from the date of announcement of the decision to the bureau).


Hello! Please tell me whether it is possible to assign a disability group upon discharge from the hospital: Forestier ankylosing hyperstosis, NFP II-III, concomitant polysteoarthrosis, gonarthrosis RG II, CHRONIC synovitis, NFP II. CoxARTHROSIS RG II. NFS II flatfoot III Atrosis of the shoulder joints RG II NFS II. SUBACROMINAL impingement syndrome on 2 sides, NFS-II, hypertension stage 2, degree 3, risk 3 CHNO, DE stage 2. complex genesis with vestibulopathy, cephalgia, partial external hydrocephalus. MRI spondylosis at the C4-C7 level, posterior median disc herniation C4-C5 up to 2.5 mm, posterior circular protrusions of discs C5-C6, posterior diffuse protrusions of intervertebral discs L1-2 up to 2.5, L2-3-3.7 mm, L3-4 to 3.5. L4-S1 up to 4 mm. I was in bed in July 2017, and now I have had pain-relieving injections. superficial gastritis, signs of duodeno-gastric reflux. Do you need recent images and an MRI for referral?

Legal Specialist

Quantitative assessment of the severity of persistent disturbances in the static-dynamic function of the human body caused by dorsopathies is based on several parameters. These include the severity and duration of the pain syndrome, the presence of restrictions on the mobility of the spine and the degree of dysfunction of the lungs and upper extremities caused by this pathology. The impossibility of surgical intervention on the spine for any reason, the negative dynamics of spinal dysfunction (progressive deformities and curvatures of the spine), and the frequency of exacerbations of pain syndrome are also taken into account. Unfortunately, you did not detail the expert medical data, and therefore it is difficult to assess the correctness of the decisions of the specialists of the ITU bureau.


Hello, I was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, subacute course, activity 2 with damage to the skin (butterfly on the face, rash on the body), skin appendages (diffuse alopecia), joints (polyarthralgia, fn 2), with immunological activity (anti-DNA- 28.8, ana-positive). Defiguration of joints due to the flow of practical phenomena in the hands and knee joints. Moderate epiphyseal osteoporosis, osteoporosis of the wrist bones in combination with the initial manifestations of deforming arthrosis in the distal interphalangeal joints. deforming arthrosis of the knee joints (1st stage) are determined. Please tell me if this diagnosis is a disability!? At their hospital they say it’s too early to observe. Thank you very much in advance.

Legal Specialist

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated December 17, 2015 No. 1024, clause 5.5 and note to clause 5.5, the quantitative assessment of the degree of persistent dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue of the human body caused by inflammatory arthropathy is based primarily on the severity of clinical and functional manifestations. That is, clinical dysfunction of the joints, the X-ray stage of changes in the joints, clinical and laboratory indicators of the activity of the inflammatory process, the nature of the course, the frequency of exacerbations and severity of the disease, dysfunction of the systems internal organs. According to clause; clause; clause, a slight degree of dysfunction of organs and systems (10-30%) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus is determined by a slight impairment of the functions of organs and body systems caused by a disease with process activity of stage 1 against the background of adequate therapy. Impaired renal function, locomotor system, central nervous system, cardiovascular system and other body systems involved in the process are minimal or absent. At the same time, patients can take care of themselves, move independently and work in non-contraindicated working conditions. The medical commission can give recommendations on rational employment. There are no grounds for establishing a disability group.


Hello! In August 2016, I underwent surgery to remove my right breast. The diagnosis of cancer T4N1M0, III A st was confirmed, she underwent 3 chemotherapy sessions before surgery, 12 sessions of radiation therapy, 7 courses of chemotherapy after surgery. Now on the disability group (second). In December 2017, the group was renewed, but they made it clear that this was the last time. The patient was allowed to remain in remission for 5 years after the operation. I’m taking hormonal medication (anastrozole), and I’m not feeling very well. Constant pain in the hip and ankle joints. I had to quit my job because I was in constant pain. What to do if the disability group is removed during the next examination?

Legal Specialist

According to the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation “On Classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by state federal institutions of medical and social examination” dated December 17, 2015. No. 1024n clause, “during the first 5 years after removal at higher stages” is the basis for establishing disability group 2. This is true if the so-called formula of your disease has not changed - T4N1M0 3st.

Galina Germanovna

Hello! My son was born in 1995, after an injury in kindergarten At the age of five, a tumor formed in the conus of the spinal cord, in the thoracic region. The diagnosis was made in Yekaterinburg, after a month and a half of examinations in Noyabrsk, when the motor functions of the lower extremities and pelvic organs were already clearly expressed. Two operations and radiation therapy were performed in Yekaterinburg, but the tumor continued to grow. In 2003, the tumor was removed, but the consequences were pronounced. Severe spasticity of the lower extremities, impaired sensitivity, function of the pelvic organs. In 2006, an operation was performed, rhizotomy of the nerve endings of the spinal cord, since with severe spasticity, disorders began, contractures of the joints in lower limbs and in the right hip joint, subluxation. In 2011, in Tyumen, after another examination, on the recommendation of neurosurgeons, transpedicular fixation with a length of Th 11-TH-12, L1-L3 was performed. After this there were several more operations. Now there is no sensitivity in the right leg, from hip to knee, when moving right leg drags, does not bend at the knees, mixed sensitivity in the feet, equinovalgus deformation of the feet. Tethered spinal cord syndrome. Spinal arachnoiditis. Lumbosacral hyperlordosis. Walks short distances and requires support when going up and down stairs. Back mobility only cervical spine. Chronic pyelonephritis, urinary and stool retention. Chronic back pain, very sensitive to weather changes. When examining the knee and hip joints, the images revealed grade 2 osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and small osteosclerotic lesions in the femoral head and tibia on the right. In 2016, at the Noyabrsk clinic, a blockade of the right knee joint. There was terrible pain, I couldn’t even lean on my leg. At the next examination at MSEC, minor violations were recognized and assigned to the third group. But when Nikita got a job as a bookbinder for two hours, the commission exhausted him and me, since I was forced to accompany him. Explain to me where and how I can protest the disability group. A year and a half has passed since its assignment. Sincerely, Galina Germanovna.


Before you start writing to Elena Malysheva in the “Live” program, correctly formulate the question you want to ask. If you don’t feel the desire to receive a template reply with the words that doctors do not have enough data for medical recommendations in your case, try to first collect them, grouping them into a concise one. Avoid enclosing entire “volumes” of medical records, hospital extracts, and lists of how the doctors at your local clinic treated you. Believe me, no one will read all this, much less analyze the information, delving into its essence. Therefore, find for yourself the main thing that can shed light on your illness, in particular - the history of its appearance, early symptoms.

If you want to ask the host of a popular program about anything related to general recommendations for a healthy lifestyle (reduce cellulite, eat right, force yourself to exercise), it’s better to spend a couple of hours on Malysheva’s website. With a high degree of probability, you will find answers to these questions, and to many others directly related to the topic. The same can be advised to those who are concerned about baldness (options include excess hair growth, brittle nails and other external manifestations of the internal state). Indeed, a lot has already been said about them. Despite the fact that these problems resonate most vividly with thousands of television viewers, it is unlikely that the doctor will focus on them again.

It’s another matter when your illness does not belong to the so-called. “cosmetic”, in other words, behind your clinical symptoms there is a serious threat to health or even life. For example, definitely write to Elena Malysheva if you have questions related to severe changes in the functioning of internal organs, the musculoskeletal system, or the psyche. It often happens that if some behavioral reactions of our loved ones are violated, we are in no hurry to consult a doctor at our place of residence. The reasons are banal and understandable: partly - we know well that our relatives will not support us and will ignore a visit to a psychiatrist; partly - we are afraid of the “stigma” that can be put on them. In this case, instead of looking for advice on unknown fly-by-night sites, it is better to write a letter to Malysheva.

Another topic with which you can safely address her is decompensation chronic diseases. It is possible that you follow the therapy recommended by doctors, but after some time the body gets used to it and stops responding adequately. You go to the doctor, and he just shrugs, explaining that “we are doing everything we can.” In this case, additional consultation with a well-known and respected doctor, especially the host of a health program, will be very helpful.

Write to Elena Malysheva if you notice the occurrence of any syndromes that are obvious complications of a sluggish chronic illness. For example, you have diabetes. You take care of yourself: lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise as much as you can, significantly reduce simple carbohydrates - in short, do your best to keep your sugar levels within normal limits. But at some point you suddenly begin to feel dry mucous membranes, rapid fatigue of the eyes, twitching and, as it were, pulsation in one of them. Perhaps these are the first signs of retinopathy, one of the complications of diabetes. Having composed a competent letter, it is quite appropriate to contact Malysheva with it for advice.

Ask a question to a competent doctor even if your problem is so delicate that your innate sense of shyness will not allow you to go to the doctor at your clinic with it. The case may concern intestinal or genitourinary diseases. Sometimes people with high suspiciousness “attribute” the most terrible illnesses to themselves. In particular, there was a case when I lived for several months, convinced of rectal cancer. According to him, he could not even imagine that hemorrhoids, which are certainly unpleasant, but by no means fatal, could cause such severe bleeding. If he had written a letter to the program “Live Healthy” in time, Elena Malysheva, having listened to the description of the clinical picture, would almost certainly have saved him from weeks spent on the edge nervous breakdown.

Contact her for this reason. In most regions of our country, it has become possible to receive a referral to a specialist only from local doctors. And they, in turn, give out very, very metered amounts; they have quotas. It turns out that Malysheva was almost the only one left who could tell me what tests to take for the initial self-diagnosis of problematic conditions. Having studied the symptoms, the TV presenter will determine in which area the failure most likely occurred. Accordingly, a plan of examination will be drawn up, which can be completed at any paid clinic where there is a laboratory. Skeptics will ask why you can’t ask the same question to the attending physician at that medical institution, and why you should definitely ask for advice on television. Everything is trivial: because Malysheva is in no way interested in forcing you to order the most expensive services. Which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the doctors of most paid clinics.

Question answer.

The Living Healthy program often recommends getting an MRI if your back hurts. But the examination is very expensive for me. Is it possible to take an x-ray? Will everything be visible on it?

An MRI examination can be done within the framework of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Program (compulsory health insurance), for this you need to take a referral from your attending physician at the clinic. Of course, you can take an x-ray, but it is not so informative for back pain, since x-rays do not show disc herniations, nerve roots, or other soft tissue pathologies. Currently, the “gold standard” for determining the causes of spinal pain is MRI.

What is the difference between CT and MRI? And which of these examinations can I do in your clinic? I want to look at my spine because I’m in pain.

MRI is a study that is based on the impact of a magnetic field on a person, CT is based on X-ray radiation. This is about the difference between MRI and CT in very in brief. In our Medical Center you can undergo an MRI examination of the entire spine. It will show the presence or absence of changes in its structure, and you will understand the cause of the pain.

I am 45 years old. Please tell me what kind of breast examination should be done at my age?

Of course, it is better to carry out all studies systematically and as prescribed by a doctor. Our Medical Center employs several gynecologists. These are doctors of the highest level who will prescribe the research that is necessary in your case, based on the clinical picture. In our Medical Center you can do an ultrasound of the mammary glands or an MRI examination using a contrast agent.

I have been suffering from headaches for many years and have never found a good treatment. A friend said that we need to do an MRI of the head. Does your clinic carry out such examinations? Isn't this harmful?

Let's answer the last question first. No, an MRI examination is absolutely harmless, since it is based on the effect of a magnetic field on a person, and not x-ray radiation. We perform MRI of the brain (head). Also at our Medical Center there is an experienced neurologist who will help you choose the right treatment.

Is it possible to do MRI on children? And if possible, how can you make sure that the child does not move in the device for 40 minutes?

MRI can be done for children. For very young children, for whom it is difficult to explain that they need to lie still, MRI is performed under anesthesia in specialized institutions, but in this case, the benefit of diagnosis should exceed the potential risk of using anesthesia. The average duration of an examination in our device is 15 minutes; the child can be accompanied by a loved one during the examination.

The doctor sends me for an ultrasound about varicose veins. I have only small capillaries on the surface of my legs; the rest of the veins do not bother me. Do I need to undergo examination, or is this unnecessary?

It is inappropriate to discuss treatment and diagnostic tactics proposed by the attending physician. Since the attending physician sees the clinical picture in full, it is necessary to follow his recommendations. If you would like a second opinion, please contact our Medical Center: we employ high-level specialists, incl. We have a specialist phlebologist.

I have a complex fracture of my arm, there is a plate. What examination is best to do to see what condition the bone is in now?

An MRI examination will be ineffective in your case, since it is impossible to assess the condition of the bone with the presence of a fixing metal structure. It is advisable to check with your doctor what is best for you: a CT or X-ray examination to assess the consolidation (healing) of the bone and surrounding tissues.

Famous TV presenter and doctor Elena Malysheva has been giving advice on a healthy lifestyle live since 1997. During this time, the television show “Live Healthy” repeatedly changed its format, turning into a talk show, a television magazine, and, finally, into a real television clinic. People are eager to get advice from Malysheva, but how to contact her?

Projects of Elena Malysheva

Today, Elena Malysheva’s teleclinic is a family program from which viewers gain knowledge about the structure of the human body and basic hygiene skills. The information presented in the “Health” program is presented in the most accessible and interesting playful form, making it easily understood by both adults and children.

On the air of the television program, outstanding Russian medical professionals give their consultations, which makes it even more valuable and useful.

Currently on Russian television has started new project Malysheva - the program “Live Healthy”, which is devoted to a wide range of issues related to healthy image life. This program consists of four blocks - “home”, “food”, “medicine” and “life”. During the program, viewers present in the studio have the opportunity to undergo a free examination using modern highly professional equipment and consult with leading specialists in a particular field of medicine.

How to write a letter to Elena Malysheva

Since the TV program “Live Healthy” deals with certain topics each time, people cannot always get complete information related specifically to their diagnosis. And, since all materials on Elena Malysheva’s website are provided for informational purposes, the best way out would be a letter to the TV presenter herself, who will be able to answer in detail the topics that interest you on the Internet.

The best way to ask a question is to e-mail- this way anonymity is maintained and it is easier for a person to voice some purely intimate problems with your health.

To ask “sister of mercy” Malysheva a specific question, you can fill out a form on the official website of her TV show by writing the text of the message in the field provided for this. To get comprehensive advice about your disease, you can send a letter with a question that concerns you to the following address: Your message will certainly reach the TV presenter, and she will be able to help you with your problem. There is also a possibility that Elena Malysheva will redirect you to a professional doctor who specializes in your disease and will give you truly helpful advice, and will also suggest the further course of action on how to treat the disease.

Today, Elena Malysheva’s program with the self-explanatory title “Live Healthy” is extremely popular. Russians will learn from it about the characteristics of the human body, proper care behind yourself and many other important facts about your body. The program provides the most accessible and adequate information, which, thanks to the playful form of presentation, is easily perceived not only by adults, but also by children.

For consultation, Malysheva invites outstanding professionals to her programs, which makes “Live Healthy” a real clinic.

Today on Russian television Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy” is one of the most popular television programs that considers wide range questions on health, hygiene and prevention various diseases. During four blocks of the program, talking about home, food, and..., studio viewers get an exclusive opportunity to be examined for free in reality modern equipment and get useful advice from qualified Russian specialists.

How to contact Elena Malysheva

Since the program “Live Healthy” examines specific issues in each episode, many viewers cannot get necessary information for one diagnosis or another. Elena Malysheva also has an official website, however, all materials posted on it are, rather, for informational purposes only, so ideal solution is a personal letter from the TV presenter herself.

For many people, communication by email is more comfortable - after all, anonymity allows you to voice your problems without hiding intimate details.

In order to ask Elena Malysheva a question about health, you need to fill out a special form on the website of the Live Healthy program, where you are asked to describe your problem in the form text message. For getting professional consultation personally from Malysheva, the letter should be sent to [email protected]. After receiving the letter, Elena Malysheva will either personally examine the problem or refer the patient to an experienced doctor who specializes in the question asked. If the answer does not come instantly, do not be upset - thousands of people write to Elena Malysheva, she is physically unable to answer all the questions quickly.

It is also possible to send a letter to the address: 127427, Russia, Moscow, Akademika Koroleva St., 12, indicating “Elena Malysheva” or “For the program “Live Healthy”.