If you want fresh herbs, vegetables and even exotic fruits on your table all year round, then you can’t do without. Nowadays, there are many technologies that allow you to create an optimal temperature regime in a room in order to achieve a generous harvest in winter.

The leaders in this industry are infrared heaters for greenhouses. In this article we will look at what this type of heaters is, how to choose them correctly and how to use such devices.

About the infrared heater and its advantages

The IR heater is an excellent imitation of the sun. The principle of its operation allows you to create rays that are similar in nature to natural light. Such rays are absorbed by surfaces and objects, which subsequently release them into the air.

The same thermal effect is inherent in sunlight.

In addition, an infrared heater for a greenhouse has a number of advantages, including:

  1. Possibility of optimal heat distribution.
  2. High level of practicality.
  3. High efficiency.
  4. Complete absence of drafts.

It is necessary to dwell on each of these advantages in more detail:

  • If you have ever used convective systems, then you probably know that heated air tends upward, while cold air tends to accumulate at the bottom. Therefore, they will be ineffective since the vegetation is located below.

In the case of infrared equipment, uneven temperature distribution is eliminated, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the level of heat loss, while providing the plants with the necessary level of heating.

  • The above-mentioned problem of drafts is solved as follows: the device is located in an area with reduced thermal insulation (for example, near a window), and compensates for heat loss by its operation, without provoking the movement of air flows.
  • Infrared heating of greenhouses is a very practical option, since it can be used to zoning an area, setting a certain temperature regime for each zone. This also allows us to talk about the efficiency of the device, since when using it, electricity is not consumed throughout the entire space.

If such devices are installed and used correctly, energy savings of up to 40% can be achieved.

Results of using IR heaters

  1. If you believe the experience of experienced summer residents, then heating a greenhouse with an infrared heater affects improved germination, which reaches an average of 30-40%.
  2. The device does not dry out the microclimate.
  3. Does not create noise and does not emit unpleasant odors.
  4. An infrared heater in a greenhouse allows you to warm the soil up to 5-7 cm. This allows you to stimulate the root system of plants, creating favorable conditions for their growth. No other device can boast of this effect.
  5. Heating greenhouses with infrared heaters allows you to heat the soil to the optimal temperature - 28 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the thermometer mark is kept at 21 degrees.

Selecting infrared equipment

In order to provide plants with the best greenhouse conditions, you need to know the subtleties of choosing IR heaters. Modern equipment comes in two types, divided into light and long-wave devices.

Let's look at each type in more detail:

  1. Lighting devices are heaters with surface heating up to 600 degrees. They are recommended for very large rooms.
  2. Long-wavelength ones do not heat up to such high temperatures, which allows them to be used in small rooms, for example, in a greenhouse on a summer cottage.

Advice! If you cannot provide power to the greenhouse, it’s not a problem, because there are models of IR heaters that run on liquid fuel and gas.

Thus, the optimal choice for a small greenhouse would be a long-wave unit.

We organize proper heating

Since infrared lamps for heating greenhouses are quite mobile and easy to install and connect, it is quite easy to install them yourself. However, this process has its own nuances that need to be heeded.

There are instructions for each type of device:

  1. The first way to organize proper heating with IR emitters concerns devices with a power of 500 watts.

  • Such units are usually installed in places where low temperatures are typical (near windows or near walls).
  • The minimum distance between the device and the plant should be at least a meter.
  • Heaters with ceiling mounting are especially convenient. In this case, they are hung over the table on which the seedlings are located.

Advice! The optimal height at which the device should be located relative to the table should be determined individually. The device is set at a certain distance and does not move until the plants begin to grow. When they start to rise, the device will need to be hung higher.

  • One device is usually installed for every one and a half to three meters of territory. Typically, the distance between heaters depends on the height at which they are suspended and the size of the heated room. The higher the heater is hung, the larger the area it can heat.

Advice! If possible, the equipment should be hung at its maximum height. In this case, you will need to install fewer devices.

However, also keep in mind that the higher the heater hangs, the less heat the plant gets, so here you should first take into account the level of comfort for the seedlings.

  1. We use devices with lower power (250 watts).

In this case, to ensure the desired effect, you will have to use more devices.

  • Heaters are installed no more. Less than one and a half meters apart.
  • Speaking about the height of the device above the plant, it must also be determined experimentally. To do this, install the heaters in any position until you notice the growth of the seedlings. Then they need to be raised in proportion to the growth of the plants.
  • The main advantages of such devices are their compactness and low weight. Therefore, they can be hung simply on a wire without fixing them in any way.
  • For small heaters, there is a simple tip that allows you to achieve maximum heating efficiency. To do this, it is necessary to arrange the devices in a checkerboard pattern, which will minimize the number of “dead zones”.

But, if you need to zone the heat, then the heaters should be placed directly above certain plants.

We consider the disadvantages of IR heaters

  1. The main disadvantage of such devices is their high price. However, it is fully justified by the efficiency of the equipment.
  2. Many users complain that such devices become unusable too quickly. In order not to be disappointed in the purchased equipment in the future, it is necessary to approach the selection procedure with all seriousness.

What to look for when choosing a heater

In order to buy a high-quality heating system, you should listen to several tips:

  1. If you come across products on the market that have the logo of a well-known brand, but at the same time have a lower cost, this should alert you. Most likely, you are faced with a cheap fake that will not last you long and will leave you with a negative attitude towards all similar systems.
  2. The device must be sold in packaging. There should be no dents or damage on it.
  3. If possible, check the equipment directly with the seller. The heater should not make any cracking sounds during operation.
  4. After purchase, request a warranty card bearing the company's seal.


IR heaters are a guarantee of success in greenhouse cultivation of various crops. Correct installation and use of such devices will give amazing results ().

The video in this article will help you learn more additional information on the topic.

Today, many Russians who have household plots or summer cottages are thinking about building greenhouses. This solution allows you to diversify your diet - it’s nice to see fresh vegetables and herbs on your table throughout the year, and also significantly support the family budget in our difficult times.

So, let’s assume that your greenhouse is already ready: the foundation has been built, the frame has been erected, there is glazing (cellular polycarbonate or film), the soil has been filled, the beds have been created. The issues of watering and heating are well thought out. It would seem that everything has been taken into account. However, this is not quite true. Have you thought about lighting? And is it necessary? After all, during the day there is enough natural light, but at night the plants need to rest. Why do plants need additional lighting and what it should be like, what lamps exist for heating a greenhouse today, we will try to tell you in this article.

For normal development and intensive growth, plants require a large amount of energy. They get it from light rays: this is the sun in nature, and during greenhouse cultivation - special lamps.

What kind of light should be in a greenhouse?

Undoubtedly, solar lighting is most beneficial for agricultural crops, so it is necessary to use it as much as possible. However, the duration (autumn, winter and spring) does not allow crops to be grown fully - after all, plants need solar energy for at least ten to twelve hours a day. In any season (except summer) you will need to use lamps to illuminate your greenhouses.

To create comfortable conditions for crop growth, simple rules should be followed.

  1. Artificial lighting in a greenhouse (as well as any other lighting) should not completely replace sunlight. It should only serve to extend daylight hours. Therefore, the greenhouse lamp must be mounted in such a way that it does not restrict the penetration of sunlight.
  2. In a greenhouse, lighting can be intense for up to 16 hours a day (this depends on the crop being grown).
  3. Plants should not be illuminated throughout the day: instead of growing crops, you will get the opposite result - weakening and depletion of sprouts.
  4. Plants require rest and darkness for 6 hours a day.

What kind of light do plants need?

All crops can be divided according to the principle of photoperiodicity. This means that each crop requires a specific length of daylight to produce fruit. According to this principle, plants can be divided into:

  • short-day crops - they require less than twelve hours (of light) per day;
  • long day - plants require more than twelve hours of light.

Generally, crops grown for their flowers and fruits require more light than those grown for their leaves and stems. This must be taken into account when deciding which greenhouse lamp you need. Today, the retail chain offers a huge selection of lighting fixtures for greenhouses. They differ in energy saving, spectrum of emitted light, cost and some other parameters.

What to look for when choosing lamps?

First of all, you should inquire about the manufacturer of the lamp. Well-known brands guarantee quality and service (which is sometimes not cheap). Chinese lamps are attractive mainly for their low price, but, unfortunately, you will not receive any guarantees or service.

Lamp power (W)

This indicator indicates how much energy a greenhouse lamp consumes per hour of operation.

Emitted Energy

Light spectrum

It should be recognized that to date, a lamp for a greenhouse has not yet been created that is capable of 100% transmitting the spectrum of the sun's rays. Therefore, experienced owners often combine lamps to achieve better results. Biological scientists have been able to establish that different light spectrums have different effects on cultivated crops.

For example, violet and blue rays accelerate photosynthesis - the plant becomes stronger and grows faster. Yellow and green rays slightly inhibit photosynthesis. In this case, the plant stems become taller and thinner. Orange and red rays are the best energy for fruiting and flowering of plants, but you need to know that if there is an excess of them, the plant may even die. Ultraviolet rays increase resistance to cold; they also form vitamins in the fruits and leaves of plants.

Types of lamps for greenhouses

And now we will introduce you to and you will determine which lamp for the greenhouse you need. We hope that the information received will help you make the right choice.

Fluorescent lamps

This type of lamps is most often used in small greenhouses or greenhouses. They are universal both in cost and in application - they can suit many. Ideal light quality can be achieved by combining warm white light with cool white light.

This greenhouse lamp can operate for about 2000 hours. Often, for a complex effect on plants, it is additionally installed that prevents the development of harmful bacteria on plant leaves and in the soil. But it should be recognized that for large greenhouses it is better to choose a different type of lighting, since too much fluorescent lighting will be required.


  1. First of all, the efficiency of the device. Emit almost full spectrum light. Therefore, they can be used at every stage of crop development - from growing seedlings to full ripening of the crop.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. High brightness.
  4. Such lamps do not heat up and therefore do not disturb the microclimate of the greenhouse.
  5. Do not require special technical skills for installation.


  1. A fluorescent lamp for a greenhouse is too large and may block access to natural sunlight during the daytime.
  2. Has low light output.
  3. Reacts to changes in external temperature - for its normal operation a temperature of +25 degrees is required. When it is lowered, the lamp may simply go out.
  4. Does not withstand high humidity (no more than 70%).

The lamps are mounted above the plants in a horizontal position, fixed in a rectangular metal frame. They are placed at a height of up to fifty centimeters for light-loving plants, and at a height of fifty centimeters and above for plants that prefer not too bright lighting.

Mercury vapor lamps

To grow plants in greenhouses and greenhouses, mercury lamps are produced - DRLF, which promote active photosynthesis of plants. Their emission spectrum is close to red, so it is better to use them during fruit ripening.

However, you should know that such devices have more disadvantages than advantages. These include:

  • Dangerous operation. If you break such a lamp, you will not be able to collect mercury balls. In this case, it is necessary to change the soil and destroy all plants.
  • Such a lamp cannot be thrown away after its service life has expired. There is a special disposal method for this.
  • Differs in too intense ultraviolet radiation.

High pressure sodium lamps for greenhouses

They are classified as emitting red and orange parts of the spectrum. Experts suggest that crops will receive the blue part of the spectrum from natural daylight.


  • The main argument in favor of such lamps can be considered their efficiency. Such devices consume a small amount of electricity and at the same time are cheaper than analogues in terms of efficiency, for example, LED lamps. This is very important if you need to illuminate a large greenhouse.
  • In addition, sodium lamps for greenhouses last up to twenty thousand hours.
  • The light output significantly exceeds that of fluorescent lamps.


  • Sodium lamps for greenhouses produce a lot of heat. This can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage of the device. On the one hand, such lamps are quite effective for greenhouses in winter. They can become an additional source of heating. But in spring, autumn, and, of course, in summer, such heating can harm the plants, and the owner will have to constantly monitor the temperature in the greenhouse.
  • Such lamps have an adverse effect on the development of young plants - the red part of their spectrum causes the seedlings to stretch out and the stems to become thin.
  • Sodium lamps can attract harmful insects.
  • These lights contain a mixture of mercury and sodium inside. Therefore (like mercury lamps) they are not safe to use.
  • Sodium lamps cannot be connected if the voltage fluctuations are more than 5%.

LED lamps for greenhouses

More often they are called LED lamps. Despite the fact that they are quite expensive, this type of lighting is becoming increasingly popular. By making a combination of such lamps, you can achieve light with the desired spectral composition - use individual lighting for any variety of plants. Lighting the greenhouse with LED lamps allows you to adjust the light intensity depending on the height of the devices and their number. For example, during the period of plant growth, you can give them more light with a blue spectrum, while fruits are ripening - with red and orange.


  1. Economical energy consumption.
  2. Operation at very low voltage.
  3. Long service life (up to 100 thousand hours).
  4. They do not heat up - the microclimate of the greenhouse is not disturbed.
  5. The possibility of plants getting burned is eliminated, even if the distance to them is as close as possible.
  6. LEDs are resistant to moisture, temperature changes and mechanical damage.


  1. There is only one drawback to such lamps - high cost.

Infrared lamps

This lamp is ideal for winter. It must be said that today more and more greenhouse owners prefer new infrared systems. These systems are effective and economical and are capable of creating conditions in the greenhouse that are as close to natural as possible.


  • for a greenhouse, the plants themselves and the soil are well heated.
  • The air temperature rises from the energy given off by the greenhouse walls and soil. This is the main difference between IR systems and electrical and convective methods, in which air (heated) is forced upward while plants and soil remain cool.
  • Such heaters, if desired, can be equipped with thermostats that at a certain point stop the heat supply and resume heating when the temperature drops.
  • Warms up the air quickly. IR radiation does not pose a danger to humans or plants.
  • They don't dry out the air.
  • The system is almost silent.

As you can see, there are many greenhouse lights available today. Having become familiar with their disadvantages and advantages, each owner will be able to choose a suitable lighting source for his greenhouse.

For year-round cultivation of light-loving vegetables in a greenhouse, additional lighting must be organized.

Types of lamps

  • Lamps are least suitable for this purpose. incandescent. The light that these devices emit is mainly in the red-yellow spectrum, which prevents the formation of the process of photosynthesis. For additional illumination, fluorescent, mercury, sodium, and LED devices of sufficient power are used so that the plants do not lack light.
  • Luminescent– this type of lamps for lighting in protected ground conditions is characterized by high efficiency. Such lamps have a light output of about 80 Lm/V, emit a light spectrum close to natural, and do not disturb the microclimate of the greenhouse. In addition to their positive qualities, such lighting devices are limited in their use in greenhouses for growing moisture-loving crops. The maximum air humidity at which fluorescent lamps can be used is 70%.

    Luminescent Incandescent Mercury

  • Mercury– these lamps emit a spectrum of light that is used by plants during the period of fruit formation.

    It is prohibited to illuminate seedlings with these devices due to excessive stretching of the plants.

    Mercury lamps are unsafe for human health. When using such devices, it is necessary to monitor the integrity of the glass flask containing mercury vapor. It is not recommended for a person to stay near such a lighting device for a long time due to the high degree of ultraviolet radiation.

  • Sodium

    Sodium have high durability. Even in conditions unfavorable for electrical devices, these luminaires can last at least 12,000 hours. Sodium lamps emit a red spectrum of light, which is especially useful for plants during fruit formation and flowering. Sodium devices are economical, the light output of these devices is several times higher than that of incandescent lamps. The disadvantages of these lighting devices include their limited red-orange spectrum, which in the early periods of plant development leads to excessive elongation. Sodium devices unsafe. If a lamp is broken, the air will be contaminated with vapors of toxic metals. Another disadvantage of such lighting is high heating of the operating device, but if the lamps are located high above the plants, and additional lighting is carried out in winter, then this disadvantage turns into an advantage, additionally heating the air of the greenhouse.
  • Metal halide– these lighting devices are the opposite of sodium lamps in the emitted spectrum. Metal halide fixtures emit light in the blue spectrum, which is especially useful for plants at an early stage of development. These lighting devices are quite expensive and cannot be used throughout the entire growing season of vegetable development. When using metal halide lamps, it is prohibited to use watering technologies that may cause water to enter operating lighting fixtures.

    Metal halide LED Infrared

  • LED are the most economical lamps for lighting vegetables. The service life of such devices is up to 50,000 hours. The advantage of such devices is the ability to operate from a low-voltage power supply, which in conditions of high humidity in a greenhouse is the safest lighting option. A significant disadvantage of LED lamps is their high cost, but given the very long service life of such devices, the financial investment pays off very quickly.
  • Infrared– such devices emit thermal energy, therefore they are used in a greenhouse to create a favorable microclimate for growing plants. Infrared lamps heat, first of all, the soil and greenhouse material, which then releases heat to the air. Heating of plants also occurs directly from infrared devices.

    A significant disadvantage of such devices is the high cost and spectrum of radiation that can be used only for heating, infrared devices are not used to illuminate the greenhouse.

What should the lighting be like in a greenhouse?

To ensure that plants grown in protected soil do not lack lighting, the greenhouse must be equipped with lighting fixtures that meet the following requirements:

  1. Supplemental lighting in the greenhouse should be carried out with the fullest spectrum of sunlight. If this is not possible, then during the period of growth of the vegetative mass, lamps with blue light should be used, and during the period of flowering and fruiting of the plant, additional illumination is carried out with lamps emitting red light.
  2. Lighting should be high intensity. At a lighting intensity of 2,000-3,000 lux, the development of the vegetative mass completely stops. To carry out full additional illumination, the illumination level must be in the range of 10,000-12,000 lux.
  3. The number of hours required for additional lighting varies when growing different plants.. For cucumbers, the length of daylight should be at least 15 hours, at least 12; When growing greens, artificial lighting is provided for 10 hours a day.

The time of artificial lighting also depends on the growth period of the plant. To prevent the seedlings from stretching out too much, in the first days the plant is illuminated for 22-24 hours, then the number of “light” hours per day is gradually reduced.

How to choose lamps?

Before purchasing lamps for additional illumination of plants, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of lamps.

On average, 1 fluorescent lamp with a power of 100 W is used to illuminate 1 square. m of greenhouse, but this figure may differ significantly and depends on what plants will be grown in the greenhouse.

As everyone knows, a polycarbonate greenhouse can withstand enormous temperature changes. And unlike its glass or polyethylene “relatives”, it retains heat well, thereby protecting plants and greenery from hypothermia. But a caring summer resident, determined for a rich harvest, simply needs to organize infrared heating of a polycarbonate greenhouse .

Why IR heating? It’s very simple - it has a lot of advantages over other heating methods.

Basic Concepts

Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation, practically invisible to the human eye, focused on the thermal spectrum, i.e., such radiation is perceived by people and other living organisms as heat, which is converted from IR energy to thermal energy.

From the above it follows that infrared lamps are nothing more than a kind of thermal elements that heat objects by acting on a liquid medium - water. That is, using such lamps in a greenhouse, only plants and other objects containing liquid (a canister of water, etc.) will be heated, while polymer walls, garden tools, and other things will remain cold. So the summer resident will not have to overpay for heating his polymer greenhouse, because energy consumption will be reduced solely for warming the plants.

Advantages of heating a polycarbonate greenhouse with IR lamps

For a summer cottage where there is a constant supply of electricity, equipping a greenhouse with infrared lamps is a fairly good heating option, because it has many positive aspects.

  1. Economical.

With fairly low energy costs (45–60% less than with conventional heating), infrared lamps can heat large areas of beds in a greenhouse with heat losses of only 7–10%.

  1. Productivity.

Summer residents, farmers and specialists note that using such heating in a polymer building increases the yield of vegetable crops by 30–40%, because plants and soil receive almost all the heat “sent” by IR lamps without loss.

  1. Zoning.

If the consumer has a desire to grow in his building various varieties and varieties of plants that “love” completely different living conditions, then this will be quite simple to implement. Thanks to the ability to adjust the lamps and organize different temperature zones in the room, the summer resident will be able to simultaneously grow different types of crops.

  1. Life time.

Such heaters have a fairly long service life - about 10 years, and there is also a warranty period that lasts from a year to 5 years - if you wish, you can “buy” from the seller additional warranty years for the purchased product.

Advice: if the consumer purchases an additional couple of years of warranty, then he must carefully read the terms of repair and replacement of the product - in order to avoid troubles, and also scan or photocopy the purchase coupon - it is often required in tandem with the warranty.

  1. Directed action.

Many consumers have noted that when using IR lamps, the crop ripens much earlier than when using traditional heat sources. In fact, this is due to the directed effect of infrared radiation directly on the plants - they heat up, while the air remains cool and comfortable for the growth of garden crops.

  1. Easy to install and adjust.

When organizing such a heating system, the owner will spend a fairly small amount of time, plus he will have the opportunity to either automate the heating or carry it out remotely - if he takes the switch-controller into the living room.

  1. Practicality.

The most important advantage of such lamps is that they simultaneously illuminate and heat the greenhouse space, so there is no need to separately conduct light into the building.

You need to know: when growing sun-loving cultivated plants that need the maximum amount of light, you will still have to additionally illuminate them through the use of special lamps.

Note: when equipping a greenhouse with infrared lamps, you can simultaneously organize heating of the house with these lamps - this will save a lot of money.

Types of IR heating

At first glance, it may seem that there is only one way to heat a polycarbonate greenhouse - just hang the lamps above the rows - and you're done, but for some summer residents this is not enough, because situations vary.

  1. Top heating.

This is the standard, most common method of heating; in this case, you just need to hang infrared lamps directly above the rows with “living creatures”. Moreover, it is worth placing these elements directly in the middle of the rows to minimize heat loss.

  1. Bottom heating.

There are situations when it is important for the owner to warm not the plant itself, but rather the soil in which it grows, for example, when it is necessary to heat special crops that “live” on the shelves. In this case, you can use IR lamps fixed from below - under shelves or racks. To do this, it is important for the owner to install the heating elements not on the floor, but on special metal or other elevated surfaces. After all, do not forget about your own safety and remember that all electrical appliances need to be insulated from moisture.

Advice: there are special IR soil heaters - strip and film models that are perfect for these purposes.

Important installation points

When manufacturing such a heating system, it is not necessary to hire workers, but you need to remember some important points and rules in order to minimize further breakdowns during operation, as well as extend the life of the devices.

  1. First you need to run the cables and connect them to a power source. At the same time, the thickness of the cables should not be small, and the protective insulating layer should not be dense and reliable, because they will have to experience constant heavy loads and also be located in a humid, aggressive environment.
  2. Counting the number of heating elements is also very important - for a standard polymer greenhouse it is enough to purchase 4 or 5 lamps. In this case, both ceiling and ground elements can be used for simultaneous heating from above and below.
  3. Pendant lamps should be secured with 2-3 clamps, and to ensure safe operation, the lamp itself should be covered with a protective mesh (if it was not originally provided).
  4. When using bottom heating, it is important to remember that infrared energy “works on water” - it warms only liquid media, so the soil must be constantly moist.
  5. To make soil heating more effective, the lamps must be placed on a “cushion”. That is, remove a 40-centimeter layer of earth, cover it with sand, cover it with polyethylene, or better yet, foamed polystyrene, then again a sand layer, on which the IR heaters are laid. For additional protection from mechanical damage, a protective mesh should be placed on the lamps. Everything is covered with the previously removed soil - it’s ready.

Among other things, the quality of the IR lamps themselves plays a very important role - they should not be cheap, because a humid microclimate can quickly corrode low-grade material and force the summer resident to buy new lamps.

If you want to build a reliable shelter for your vehicle, then you need to know how to build , everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Not every owner wants to have a large greenhouse for growing crops, in this article you can learn about the benefits of mini greenhouses made of polycarbonate.

Lighting for greenhouses is especially important in spring and autumn, when daylight hours are noticeably reduced. In addition, light for greenhouses is necessary in winter for the proper development and full growth of plants. The duration of the light period should not be less than 12 hours, preferably 16, the required period of time for rest is 6 hours.

In the article we will tell you in detail what kind of lighting there should be, which lamps are best to choose. Let us dwell in detail on the question of how to calculate lighting in a greenhouse. Let's reveal the secrets of how to properly organize light in winter.

What kind of lighting should be in the greenhouse?

Plants perceive light differently than the human eye, they need the red segment of the spectrum for flowering, fruit development, roots, wavelengths from 600 to 700 nanometers. The blue region, with wavelengths in the range of 400-500 nm, promotes vegetative growth. Plants need sunlight to develop and mature, therefore, just such a spectrum should be created in the greenhouse.

Beneficial spectrum that promotes abundant harvests

Monochrome artificial lighting in greenhouses creates stressful conditions for growing greenhouse crops: vegetables and fruits change their taste, lose many beneficial properties, and sometimes may be unsuitable for food. Flowers grow faster; monochrome promotes brighter, more saturated colors. One of the important conditions for a good harvest is to ensure full sunlight in the greenhouse:

  • Violet and blue rays have a beneficial effect on photosynthesis, plants become stronger and grow quickly.
  • Yellow, green segment - photosynthesis is inhibited, plants stretch unnaturally and get sick.
  • Orange-red - provides favorable conditions for flowering and fruit development, but excess rays lead to the death of the crop.
  • Ultraviolet creates conditions conducive to the accumulation of vitamins and increases resistance to cold.
Helpful advice: If the greenhouse is attached to a building and is blank on one side, then it is recommended to cover the surface with reflective film to create the most comfortable conditions for the plants.

We offer a video that explains in detail how color affects the growth and development of plants.

Lamp selection

In the cold season, the duration of daylight hours is insufficient for the full development of plants, so additional lighting in the greenhouse is necessary in winter. Today the market is not able to offer a universal solution. To create comfortable conditions in the greenhouse, you should select several types of lamps. A balanced system will allow you to grow a bountiful harvest all year round.

Specialized stores offer a wide variety of lamps for greenhouses; how can you choose the right one and not get lost in this variety if marketers praise the products in every possible way? To do this, you should study the main characteristics of the lamps.

How to make lighting in a greenhouse, diagram for Dnat lamps

Incandescent lamp

Incandescent lamps provide excellent illumination of the greenhouse and serve as a slight heating for the air. But they are not economically profitable: too much energy consumption. The spectrum of incandescent lamps is 600 nm, which is not at all conducive to the normal development of plants. If such lighting is abused, plants get burned, as an excess of orange, infrared, and red rays are formed. The stems stretch unnaturally, and the leaves become deformed.

Fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps have a favorable spectrum for growing plants. They are durable, relatively inexpensive, and the heat output of such lamps is very low. The principle of operation is identical to light-saving ones, but the latter are capable of illuminating only a small area.

Fluorescent lamps are installed in special metal boxes, less often vertically in plastic lighting fixtures.

Ultraviolet lamps for greenhouses

Modern ultraviolet lamps operate on the principle of fluorescent lamps: UV radiation is generated in the bulb due to the interaction of an electromagnetic discharge and mercury. A gas discharge tube is made from uviol or quartz glass, which has the properties of transmitting UV rays. Uviols are safer because they reduce the level of ozone formation. By adding different components during glass production, manufacturers create lamps that operate in a strictly specified range, so that a favorable lighting spectrum can be selected.

Lighting in a polycarbonate greenhouse with ultraviolet lamps

Mercury vapor lamps

DRL high pressure mercury lamps. They heat up quickly and emit rays from the near ultraviolet spectrum. Such lighting is useful for improving photosynthesis in very small quantities, combined with sunlight. Recommended for use during fruit ripening. Not safe, operation is possible at a stable voltage, differences cannot be more than 5%.

Using mercury lamps in a greenhouse

Sodium lamps

High pressure sodium lamps (denas, dnas, dnat). Very economical, with high heat output, it is effective to use lamps with a power of more than 400 W for greenhouse lighting. Sodium lamps for greenhouses create orange-red monochrome lighting similar to that of the sun. The downside of the lamps is that there are few blue rays. Manufacturers have improved the product; now you can buy an improved version of lamps for greenhouses with more intense rays of the blue spectrum. Experts have noticed the ability of sodium lamps to attract insect pests, which is a significant obstacle to their use in a greenhouse.

The photo shows a sodium lamp

LED bulbs

LED lamps for greenhouses (LED) individually create monochrome lighting, but a huge range of products allows you to choose a combination of LEDs and create a favorable spectrum individually for each type of plant. LEDs for greenhouses are economical, durable, and work properly at low voltage. The light intensity can be adjusted by the number of lamps and by placing the lamps at different heights. When seedlings grow, it is better to illuminate the greenhouse with blue-spectrum LED lamps; for fruit ripening, orange and red segments of rays should be used.

Professional LED lamps for greenhouses – illumination in several spectra

Infrared lamps for greenhouses

Infrared lamps and heaters are used to heat greenhouses. These are energy-saving systems that create favorable conditions for plant growth, similar to natural ones. For more efficient use, the devices are equipped with regulators, manual or automatic, so that the microclimate can be completely controlled. If convective heating first warms the air, then infrared heating acts on plants and soil, and then they release heat into the air.

Calculation of the amount of lighting for greenhouses

If you plan to organize artificial lighting of the greenhouse yourself, you will need to take into account the following parameters:

  • The height of the light sources above the first sheet.
  • Type of lamps, their power.
  • Which crop should be illuminated, plants of different types require different intensities of rays.
  • Total lighting area.
  • In what season is additional illumination planned?

The location of lighting fixtures depends on the type and power of the lamps, as well as on the type of crop

Good to know: To save energy and increase light fluxes in the greenhouse, it is recommended to use reflectors: aluminum, foil, mirror.

The level of lighting required for high-quality growing of plants is regulated by agronomic standards, the minimum acceptable is 6 - 7 kLk (kilolux). Based on the standard indicator, the intensity and duration of additional lighting of the greenhouse is calculated. In autumn, spring less, in winter, respectively, a longer period is required.

To achieve a minimum of illumination, lamps for greenhouses are suitable, the specific power of which is 50-100 W/m2. The number of lamps is determined when designing a lighting system based on calculations for an individual project. You can perform the calculations yourself using an online calculator. A good harvest is guaranteed at an average illumination level of 10-12 kLx, up to 20 kilolux.

Example of calculation of greenhouse lighting

For an approximate calculation, we use the formula:

F=E x S: Ki, where

F – required luminous flux;

S – area;

Ki is a coefficient that determines the use of the flow. For lamps with an external reflector - 0.4, built-in - 0.8.

Let's say you need to illuminate a greenhouse with an area of ​​18 m2, the illumination level is 10,000 lux.

F = 10,000 x 12: 0.4 = 300,000 lumpen.

Let's look at the types of lamps, for example, let's take a 250 W Dnat (27,000 lumpen), such a flux can provide: 3,000,000: 27,000 = approximately 11-12 lamps.

Next, you should select the height at which the lamps will be located, taking into account here: the brightness level is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. To accurately calculate the height of the suspension, you should conduct an experiment and measure the intensity with a lux meter. Experience suggests:

  • To illuminate one plant, you can use a 20-30 W lamp, at a height of 50-300 mm.
  • For a group, 50W lamps are better suited, the distance to the top sheet is 400-600 mm, as well as lamps up to 100 W, if a large illumination area is required.
  • Lamps of 250 W or more are placed at a height of 1000-2000 mm, suitable for large winter greenhouses.

Features of winter greenhouse lighting

Plants stop growing if they have less than 10 hours of light. Lighting for winter greenhouses requires a duration of 12 to 16 hours, depending on the crop. For a full harvest in winter, plants should be illuminated in 2 ways:

  • Lighting devices are used during the daytime for additional illumination.
  • Photoperiodic light - lighting at night.

Infrared systems are relevant for heating in winter greenhouses.

Watch a video with detailed explanations of how to choose lamps and organize greenhouse lighting in winter - standard video advice from professionals.

The second part goes into detail about the role of light intensity.