Polytechnic college No. 39 was created on the basis of the post-ta-nov-le-tion of the government of Moscow dated October 19, 2004 No. 724 -PP “On the participation of executive bodies of the city of Moscow, unions of trade unions and workers-dates in different vi-tii educational institutions at the beginning of the first and middle vocational education, taking into account the need for eco- nomi-ki of the city in the qua-lifi-tsiro-van-nyh working frames "and the order of De-par-ta-men-ta of the formation of the city of Moscow from December 1, 2004 No. 798

In the re-zul-ta-te re-or-ga-niza-tion of the college united three previously existing educational institutions:

- Mos-kovs-cue in litekh-ni-ches-cue college;

- Professional Lyceum 329;

- Professional school No. 199.

The college is the right-of-the-re-em-to-no-one of the rights and obligations of these educational institutions.

Mos-kovs-cue in litho-no-ches-cue college

Until 1917, it was a male commercial school. In 1918, there would be a creation of an industrial-economic-economic school, which in 1921 was pre-formed in 1921 -on to the First industrial-mys-lenno-eco-nom-ches-ki teh-no-kum. In 1928, tech-no-kumu was given the name Po-lithech-no-chess college named after V. I. Le-nin.

Professional lyceum No. 329

Status of Pro-fes-si-onal-no-th lyceum No. 329 assigned on April 17, 1995, SPTU No. 151, which was but in September-September 1970, on the territory of the base enterprise of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise and a device named after N. A. Pi-lyugin "a. In 1992, on the basis of SPTU, an educational complex SPTU No. 151 was created - Tech-ni-kum kos-mi-che-ko-go-borost-ro-eniya, in which teaching-shchi-esya could-whether in-stage-but get not only the initial, but also the environment -nee professional education.

Professional-si-onal school No. 199

Opened in 1983 by the State-committee-tom for professional-si-onal-no-mu education and Mini-nis-ters-your medium ma -shinost-ro-eniya. On the basis of vocational school No. 199 in 1987, the All-Russian exhibition of achievements of professional-si-onal-but-tech-no-ches-to- th education, and in 1990 - All-so-yuz-noe co-broadcasting of the head of the author's educational institutions.

Uch-re-di-lem Po-liteh-no-che-ko-go college No. 39 on behalf of the Government of Moscow-you are-la-et-sya De-par-ta-ment about -ra-zova-tion of the city of Moscow. The main document, reg-la-men-ti-ru-ing the activities of the College, is-la-et-sya educational institution of the middle professio-onal-no-go education "Polytech-ni-ches-ky college No. 39", adopted by the Co- College Veteran January 11, 2005.

Ser-gay Pav-lo-vich Ma-dilov

Director of college

Ser-gay Pav-lo-vich Ma-dilov graduated from the Moscow State University of Sudars-tven for full-time pedagogical ins-ti-tut in 1984, in 2006 became the Candidate of Pe-Dago-Gichess Sciences.

Pedagogical experience - 28 years.

The bi-og-ra-fia of Sergei Pavlovich is closely connected with Pro-fess-si-onal face No. 329:

- from 1980 to 1984 - chairman of the prof.

- from 1984 to 1988 - for-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra for educational work;

- since 1988 - director of the lyceum.

In 2005, the Professional Lyceum No. 329 by merging with the Moscow national school No. 199 was re-or-ga-nizo-van in Po-liteh-ni-ches-ky college No. 39, di-rek-to-rum to-toro-go and was called na-chen S. P. Ma-dilov. This year, he is the head of the college in-no-vatsi-he-no-go type-pa in lithu-tech-no-ches-to-go-profile in nep-re-burst-but -mu pro-fess-si-onal-no-mu about-ra-zova-niyu mo-lode-zhi and under-go-tov-ke qua-lifi-tsiro-van-ny working cadres for Moscow -you. Ser-gay Pav-l-vich op-re-divides the strategy, goals and objectives of creating a unified form-calling-tel-no-th space-trans-tva college, raz-ra-baty-va-et and introduces in-but-vacation-on-nye-form-a-cal-tel-nye tra-ek-to-rii and co-ot-vets -tw-ing forms of work on their implementation, re-sha-et on-scholarly, educational-but-methodical-chess, ad-mi-nist-ra-tiv -nye, fi-nan-co-tasks, plan-niru-et, ko-or-di-niru-et and control-ro-liru-et work of ter-ri-tori-al-nyh structures -round subdivisions of the college. Cad-ro-vaya in a liti-ka ru-kovo-di-la in-rays-la you-high assessment De-par-ta-men-ta education of the city of Moscow .

Ser-gay Pav-lo-vich encourages and stimulates the creative ini-chi-ati-va of so-mines, which is good-gop-ri-yat-but influence -it is on the mo-ral-no-psy-holo-giches-ki-cli-mat of the collective-va. In the educational process, Ser-gey Pavlovich considers the main task of creating a single academic colle- -qi-pah in-di-vidu-al-no-go sub-ho-yes, sa-mo-management, publicity and osch-re-niya youth ini-qi -ativ, that in the first place, it is directed towards the formation of the moral-but-moral qualities of a person, civil position stu-den-tov, resurrection of con-ku-ren-tospo-sob-no-go special-ci-alis-ta. Ser-gay Pavlovich developed and implemented in practice the structural-functional-tional system of college management in-no -vatsi-on-no-go ti-pa.

S. P. Ma-dilov is the initiator of the creation of centers for the development of personality: Center for es-te-tic-co-development, in-en-but-is-to-riches-kih mu-ze-ev named after Hero of Russia Vera Vo- loss and battle glory of the 4th strike of the general howl of the army of the general half of the cow A. I. Yere-men-ko, eco-logs -th-th center of the "Living Earth", Center of co-ro-leader-de-niya of a professional career.

Ser-gay Pav-l-vich raz-vi-va-et new for sys-te-we are pro-fess-si-onal-no-go-formation of the city of direction interactions with so-qi-al-ny-mi part-non-rams, providing effective co-workers-honor with enterprises-for-kaz -chi-kami cad-ditch, universities, or-ga-us of places-no-go sa-mo-management. He is a member of the go-sudars-tween-no-go society-ven-no-go-ko-or-di-nazi-he-no-go council of the South-West -no-go ad-mi-nist-ra-tiv-no-go ok-ru-ha of the city of Moscow-you on the sub-go-tov-ke qua-lifi-tsiro-van-nyh working cad- ditch.

Ser-gay Pav-lo-vich Ma-dilov is the head of the work of professional-si-onal-no-mu-calling of persons with og-ra-nichen-we-mi -possibility of health (re-alization of the target Program of professional education and social adaptation -tions of youth with og-ra-nichen-us-mi-opportunities for the health of the Government of Moscow). On the basis of the college, the city is successfully working, the ex-re-rimental site “Containing a nep-re-burst-but- th pro-fess-si-onal-no-go education in the conditions of-lo-vi-yah in lite-no-ches-to-go-college ”, within the framework of which raz-ra-bota-na and re-ali-zu-yut-sya in-tegri-rovan-nye-pro-cal-tel-programs for nine pro-fess-si-yams and five ti sp-tsi-al-nos-tyam. Ser-gay Pav-lo-vich yav-la-et-sya av-to-rum of five on-uch-no-method-ches-kih-ra-bot.

S.P. Madilov is energy-gi-chen, goal-le-ust-rem-len, ini-chi-ati-ven himself and knows how to support the ini-chi-ati-wu of others. Takes justified risk, quickly makes decisions in complex situations. He knows how to clearly set tasks for the dacha before the collective and carry the standard, but go to their solution. Always leads to the end of the started de-lo. Experience, great professional knowledge, perseverance and us-that-chi-ness - these are the qualities of a leader-child poured him in a short time you-vest-tee college among the best among-di-for-middle-professional-onal-no-go ra-zova-tion not only of Moscow, but also of the country. Ser-gay Pav-l-vich uses full trust of the mines, students and parents.

Ser-gay Pav-lo-vich Madilov - senior teacher of the Russian Federation, an excellent student of pro-professional-onal-but-tech-no- honorary education of the RSFSR, awarded with the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", laureate of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. In 2006, Ser-gei Pavlovich was elected chairman of the Council of directors of educational institutions of the middle -th pro-fess-si-onal-no-go education of the city of Moscow. He is the winner of the competition "Grant of Moscow" in the field of in-no-vacation technologies in the field of education. The name of Sergei Pav-lo-vich Ma-dilo-va for-nese-but in the book De-par-ta-men-ta about the name of the city of Moscow “De-lo life - no - de-lo ches-ti.

Iri-on Vik-to-ditch-on Av-gusti-novichi

For-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra - head of the structural sub-division "Aka-demi-ches-koe"

Iri-on Vik-to-ditch-on Av-gusti-novich you-launch-no-tsa Po-litekh-no-chess-co-college No. 39, started to work in it yet until the completion of the course of training, in 1985. In 1993, she graduated from the Moskovsk-ki-go-sudars-tven-ny open ped-dago-giches-ky ins-ti-tut. Her pedagogical experience is 22 years.

She is a young, pers-pec-tive leader and teacher with great creative potential, chairman of educational-but-methodical-chess which co-missions on special-tsi-al-nos-ti "Ana-liti-ches-kiy control of the quality of chemical compounds" in Ins-ti-tut samples -lem of the development of the middle-professional-onal-no-go education of the Ministries of education and science of Russia Siy-skoy Fe-dera-tsii. For a short period of time, Iri-na Vik-to-ditch-na-su-chalk not only saved a pedagogical team, but also create a team of a single nomysh-lennikov, who, under the power to solve tasks that face college and structural sub-division, are stable and re-zul -ta-tiv-but work in new conditions-lo-vi-yah.

I. V. Av-gusti-novich - developer of sample programs for a higher level of education in the disciplines of cyclical co -missions of the storage system, reviewer of the textbook "Ana-lithi-chess-kaya chi-mia" for students of educational educational institutions no-th pro-fess-si-onal-no-go education. She participated in the development of the standards for the formation of a new generation. Conducts a lot of out-of-class work on eco-logs-chess-to-mu education.

Within the framework of the City of Ex-Perimental Square I.V. . -Russian con-fer-ren-qi-yah on eco-logs-chess-to-mu-ra-calling, takes part in seminars and circles lyh hundred-lah.

Iri-on Vik-to-ditch-on Av-gusti-novich pol-zu-et-sya av-to-rite-tom from colleagues and students. She was awarded the medal “In the memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, on-four-we-mi gram-mota-mi Mini-nis-ters-tva education and science of the Russian Federation and De-par-ta-men-ta about the name of the city of Moscow.

Light-la-na Gav-ri-lov-na Ali-mova

History teacher

Svet-la-na Gav-ri-lov-na Ali-mova in 1955, window-chi-la Moskovsk-kiy city-rods-koy ped-dago-giches-ky ins-ti-tut im. V.P. On-the-ki-on. Her pedagogical experience is more than 50 years.

She went from a teacher of history to a director of secondary school No. 565 in Moscow. Since 1981, he has been teaching history at Litech College No. 39.

Svet-la-na Gav-ri-lov-na is an experienced teacher and an active, creative person. Strictly, but rightly so, she enjoys the respect of colleagues, students, parents.

S. G. Ali-mova is in a post-yang creative way, uses new forms of teaching, striving mit-sya generously from-yes-vat your knowledge of vos-pi-tan-ni-kam and young pe-dago-gams, we-tavnik-who are-la-et-sya on for many years. At her lessons, she opens up the teaching of the moral aspects of life, raises their cultural and spiritual -hov-ny level.

Svet-la-na Gav-ri-lov-na Ali-mova - dip-lo-mant of the review-ra-con-course "Moscow on the way to the cul-tu-re mi-ra", guide -mogo within the framework of me-rop-ri-yatiy Inter-du-people-no-go de-sati-anniversary of the culture-tu-ry of the world and non-violence in in-te-resah de-tey planets (2001-2010) -ve eu-test-ven-nyh on-scholarly dos-ti-zheniya ”, conducted by De-par-ta-men-tom of the name of the city of Moscow, av -tor of a number of methodological articles, participant of the All-Russian-si-th-co-broadcasting of work-bot-nik-kov education in Vo- rone. Svet-la-na Gav-ri-lov-always takes-nima-la an active life position - in particular, she from-bi-ralas de-puta-tom paradise- he-no-go council, became-la ini-chi-ato-rum of the laying of Par-ka Po-pobedy in the area of ​​Cher-ta-new-Central-noe.

Svet-la-na Gav-ri-lov-na Ali-mova - from-personal student of the kind-no-th education, za-lu-wife-teacher of pro-professional-onal- but-tech-no-ches-to-go about-ra-calling of the Russian Federation. Nag-razhde-on the or-de-nome “For the honor-lu-gi before the Father-honour” II degree, medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow” , “Veteran of labor”, letter of De-par-ta-men-ta about the name of the city of Moscow. The name of Svet-la-na Gav-ri-lov-na Ali-mova for-nese-but in the book De-par-ta-men-ta about the name of the city of Moscow-you “De- lo life - de lo ches-ti.

Light-la-na Yury-ev-na And-ri-ano-va

Svet-la-na Yury-ev-na And-ri-ano-va you-launch-no-tsa Po-litekh-no-ches-ko-go college No. 39 1985, na-chav-shay work in it back in 1984. In 1990, she graduated from the Moskovsky-ki-go-sudars-tven-ny for-och-ny ped-dago-giches-ky ins-ti-tut. Her pedagogical experience is 26 years.

S. Yu. She is a good or-ga-bottom-tor and managed to turn a cyclic commission into a single team, having a great creative chesky po-ten-qi-alom.

Svet-la-na Yury-ev-na is an experienced, pers-pec-tive teacher who organizes classes at a high professional professional -nom level, knows how to enthuse the audience, attach students-den-there in-te-res to the taught pre-me-there. She is someone-mu-nick-bel-na, responsive, so-tic, with respect from-no-sit-sya to students-den-tam and colleagues at work , use the auto-rite among them.

S. Yu. missions according to the courses of the quality of the ven-no-go and the number of ven-no-go analyses. Widely uses computer programs in teaching. Great methodical work, which is conducted by Svet-la-na Yury-ev-na, pos-la-et to provide maintenance training in special-tsi-al-nos-ti "Eco-logic-chess control-role of the quality of chemical compounds".

Svet-la-na Yury-ev-na And-ri-ano-va nag-razhde-on the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", diploma De-par-ta-men -that about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow. In 2008, she received the "Grant of Moscow" in the field of education.

Na-deh-da Wa-sil-ev-na Ba-ran-ko-wa

For-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra for educational work

Teacher of special disciplines

Na-dezh-yes Va-sil-ev-na Ba-ran-ko-va windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-ki ins-ti-tut thin chi-miches-koy tech-no-logy name M.V. Lo-mono-owl in 1970. Since 1975, Na-dezh-da Va-sil-ev-na has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39. During this time, she has been recommended- to-shaft yourself with a s-own org-ha-bottom-tor and a competent specialist. N.V. -tsiro-van-no-go pe-dago-giches-ko-ko-lekti-va, so-so-but-go you-to-full-accept tasks of the method-todi-ches-ko-go-ne - the study of the educational process, the development of co-der-zha-niya about-ra-calling in co-ot-vets-tvii with the state-sudars-twen-ny-mi about-ra-calling-tel-ny-mi standards-mi-basic and higher-level of training.

In our current time, she is the leader of the development of the program of the final state-state-tven-noy at-testation in special-qi-al-nos-tyam college. Na-dezh-da Va-sil-ev-na - the author of three exemplary programs in the disciplines of special-tsi-al-nos-ti “Pro-from-vods-two from- de-liy and pok-ry-ty from polymer-nyh ma-teri-als ”, post-yan-ny participant of city-rods on-uch-but-practical-ti-ches-ki con-fe-ren-tsy, se-min-ditch, prak-ti-kumov. As part of the experience, she conducts classes for listeners of the fa-cul-te-ta higher qualifications at Moscow-kovs-ko- or-di-nation-on-nom center-re of in-form-ci-on-technologies on the topic “Or-ga-niza-tion of work for-replacement-tel-di- rivers-to-ra for educational work.

N. V. Ba-ran-ko-va pol-zu-et-sya to-believe, authoritatively and respect-em from the pedago-giches-ko-go-lecture -va, stu-den-tov, so-mines and parents.

Na-dezh-yes Va-sil-ev-na Ba-ran-ko-va has an even title “Zas-lu-wife-teacher of the Russian Federation- tion. Nag-razhde-on the sign “From-the-person-of-the-kind-of-the-th education”, medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, after- mi gra-mota-mi Mini-nis-ters-tva of the formation of the Russian Federation, De-par-ta-men-ta of the formation of the city Moscow.

Alev-ti-on Fe-dorov-on Ba-rono-va

Math teacher

Alev-ti-na Fe-dorov-na-Ba-rono-va windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-kiy regional pedagogical ins-ti-tut named after N. K. Krups -koy on special-tsi-al-nos-ti "Teacher of mathematics" in 1975.

In 1974, Alev-ti-na Fe-dorov-na was accepted as a secretary in the In-dust-ri-al-ny teh-ni-kum (in 1976 du it was merged with Mos-kovs-kim in litekh-no-kum named after V. I. Le-nin). After the end of the end of the ins-ti-tuta, the ra-bota-la teacher-wat-lem-ma-theme-tiki in the daytime and in the evening from de laziness, and so -same on the under-go-to-tel-kur-sah. A. F. Ba-rono-va is a pro-fessional of his de-la, knows how to take responsibility for himself: she led the de- laziness of the instrumentation (control-role-but-of-measuring devices), was the pre-se-date-lem of the subject committee of mathematicians. For many years, Alev-ti-na Fe-dorov-na was a class leader in groups of various specialties. She gives a lot of time and energy to public work - in our current time, she is behind the se-date-la prof-ko-ma college.

Alev-ti-na Fe-dorov-na-Ba-rono-va nag-razhde-on the medal "In pa-myat 850-anniversary of Moscow-you", gram-mota-mi De-par-ta-men -that about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow.

Light-la-on Vla-dimi-ditch-on Be-lyats-kaya

Svet-la-na Vla-dimi-rov-na Be-lyats-kaya window-chi-la Stav-ro-pol-sky go-sudars-tven-ny pe-dago-giches-kiy ins-ti-tut on spe -tsi-al-nos-ti "Teacher of the Russian language and literature." Her pedagogical experience is 21 years. Work-la in the educational institutions of Stav-ro-field, and from 2004 to 2008 was a teacher-teacher, head-of-de-lazy- I eat Moscow-kovs-ko-go tech-no-ches-ko-go-college. In 2007, Svet-la-na Vla-dimi-ditch-on the last pro-fess-si-onal-nu-re-repod-go-tov-ku at the Moscow State Academy of the State -tween-no-go and mu-nitsi-pal-no-go administration of the RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation according to the program "State-tven-noe and mu-nitsi-pal-noe unitary enterprise -levelling. Since 2008, S. V. Be-lyats-kaya has been a teacher of the Russian language and literature at Polytechnic College No. 39.

During the work of Svet-la-na Vla-dimi-ditch-on pro-reveal yourself as a talented teacher, beautifully ruling over me-tom. She knows how to arouse the interest of the students in the Russian language and literature, actively applies no-ra-disci- on-th forms of organization of occupations: reg-la-men-ti-rovan-naya discussion, “live newspaper”, lessons of wisdom, for- och-ny ex-kurs-si. All these methods allow you to make the learning process in-te-res-nym and non-formal.

S. V. Be-lyats-kaya - participant of the city-rods-ko-th competition, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Father of honor -noy howl-no.

Svet-la-na Vla-dimi-ditch-on Be-lyats-kaya was awarded with the badge “Honourable worker of the middle professional onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation.

Ga-lina Ivanov-na By-kova

Chairman of the cycle-lo-howl co-mission "Commerce and management"

Galina Iva-nov-na By-kova window-chi-la Mos-kovs-kiy ins-ti-here on the genus-no-th economy named after G. V. Ple-khanov in 1973.

From 1988 to 1995, she taught lite-kono-miya at vocational school No. 90; Since 1995, she has been a teacher of eco-nomic disciplines at Polytechnic College No. 39. Her teaching experience is 22 -Yes.

Galina Ivanov-na ini-chi-ativ-na, prince-chi-pi-al-na, us-toy-chi-va in reaching the delivered before the battle for-dachas, dob-ro-wish-tel-on. Pos-it-yan-but combines the work of a teacher-pod-vat-la with a class leader. Pol-zu-et-sya respect among students and colleagues. Yav-la-et-sya a member of the state-sudars-tven-noy at-test-qi-on-noy commission on special-qi-al-nos-ti “Commerce”, head-lav -la-la co-miss-syu commerce and me-nej-men-ta. She is the author of methodological works on the discipline “Management and marketing”, methodological recommendations to you -half-not-nyu prak-ti-ches-kih-ra-bot and scenarios of de-loving games. G. I. By-kova - member of the jury of the competitions "Ne-delya mar-ke-ting-ga", "Olim-pi-hell by mar-ke-ting-gu", raz-ra-bot- chik educational plans for special-tsi-al-nos-ti "Commerce".

For professional-si-she-ism in work and dos-ti-zheniya in educational-but-educational-process-se Galina Ivanov-na By-kova Nag- razhde-on the badge "From-person of pro-fess-si-onal-but-tech-no-ches-to-go education of the Russian Federation" , gram-mota-mi De-par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow.


Sec-re-tar at the reception of the commission

Barely-on-Bo-risov-on-Va-sil-eva - you-launch-ne-tsa Mos-kovs-to-go-sudars-tween-no-go bib-li-father-no-go ins-ti- mulberries. Since 1977, she has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39. In our time, she is the secretary of the reception committee these, and before that, for 26 years, he worked as a head of the leading library. Her pedagogical experience is 30 years.

For more than ten years, E. B. Vasil-eva was the leader of the theater group “Sounding Book”, where performances were staged on class-si-ches-kim pro-from-ve-deni-yam (A. S. Push-kin, A. N. Ost-rovsky, A. P. Che-khov, B. Show) and sov- re-men-ing bright musical productions. She is the author of methodological developments and scripts for the directors of the hu-dozhest-ven-ny collectives, the la-ureate of competitions " Art-Pro-fi" and "Art-Pro-fi-Nas-tavnik".

Barely on Borisov-on Vasil-eva was awarded on the me-dal-mi “In pa-meat of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, “Veteran of Labor”, badge the sign of "Even work-bot-nick at the beginning of the pro-fess-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation" .

Iri-na Kons-tan-ti-nov-na Wa-sil-ko-wa

Teacher of special disciplines

Iri-na Kons-tan-ti-nov-na Va-sil-ko-va windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-kie-sudars-tven-ny is-to-rico-ar-khivny ins-ti-tut . Since 1983, he has been a teacher of special disciplines and a master of pro-of-vods-tween-no-go teaching sys-the-we-profess-si- onal-no-go about-ra-zova-niya. He has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39 since August 2007.

During the work of I.K. tween-no-go learning, excellently in command of the pre-method. She knows how to call students in-te-res to the chosen profession. Shi-roko uses such forms of training as a de-loving game, ex-course, bi-nar-ny lessons. At a high level, he does not conduct educational work.

Iri-na Kons-tan-ti-nov-na Va-sil-ko-va nag-razhde-on the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, sign “Excellent student about -fes-si-onal-but-tech-no-chess-to-go-ra-call-tion of the Russian Federation ”, diploma of the Directorate of Personnel of the Gensh-ta-ba“ For under-go- tov-ku ma-shinis-current for the management of the Mini-nis-ters-tva of defense. The head of the Up-ra-you of the Go-lovins-ko-go district of the SAO Moscow-you declared gratitude to her for the high performance in teaching and resurrection - supply of young specialists for industrial sectors of the city of Moscow.

Barely on Borisov-on Ver-ni-mountain

Teacher of history and society

Barely-on Borisov-on Ver-ni-gora windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-kiy ob-last pedagogical ins-ti-tut named after N. K. Krups-koy . Her pedagogical experience is 31 years. She began her labor activity in 1972 as a senior pioneer of secondary school No. 1156 in Moscow. He taught history at Moscow schools, was at the teaching staff of the museum-pa-nora-we “Bo-rodins-kaya bit- wa." Since 1997, he has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39.

E. B. Ver-ni-mountain is an initiating, creative, authoritative teacher. Pol-zu-et-sya ab-so-lute support-coy of the pe-dago-giches-to-college of the college and parents. Her ha-rak-te-rizu-et us-that-chi-voe desire to create conditions for the development of a literate, healthy, social al-but active, creative personality. Students with great respect from-but-sat-sya to your beloved ped-dago-gu.

Barely on Borisov-on Ver-ni-mountain-nag-razde-on the medal "In pa-meat of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", diploma-mi Mini-nis-ters-tva ob- ra-zova-niya and science of the Russian Federation, De-par-ta-men-ta ob-ra-zova-niya of the city of Moscow-you, RK prof-so-yuz of ra-bot-nik-kov on-rod -no-th-about-ra-calling and science. Her name is for-nese-but on the Dos-ku for the couple of the museum-pa-nora-we “Bo-Rodins-Kaya Battle”.

Gen-na-diy Bo-riso-vich Galakhov

Teacher of physical culture

Gen-na-diy Bo-riso-vich Galakhov graduated from the Smo-lens-go-sudar-tven institute of physical culture in 1980. After serving in the ranks of the Soviet Army, he worked as a school teacher of physical culture, achieved high professional si-onal-nyh results. So, secondary school No. 63 in Ryazan, where he taught since 1983, took 1st place in physics education -nyu and in-venta-ryu at the review-re-con-course of VDNKh. From 1988 to 2007, he was the head of the school's method of unification. Since 2009, he has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39 as a teacher of physical culture. His experience of pedagogical work is 28 years.

During the work, Gen-na-diy Boriso-vich showed himself to be a literate, attentive and experienced teacher. He pos-it-yan-but raises his professional-si-onal-level, for-mi-ru-et at tutors -te-res to take-up the physical cul-tu-swarm and dispute. G. B. Galakhov developed his creative program on physical culture.

In 2010, Gen-na-diy Bo-riso-vich graduated from the Mos-kovs-ki ins-ti-here of open-ry-togo training. He pays great attention to methodological work in college, took an active part in organizing and conducting student spar-ta-ki-ady.

Gen-na-diy Boriso-vich Galakhov has the title of "Honourary worker of the general education of the Russian Federation -tion” and “Veteran of Labor”.

Ga-lina Ivanov-na-Gri-shina

Head master

Master of pro-from-vods-tween-no-go training of installers of ra-di-o-electron-noy app-para-ratu-ry and devices

Galina Ivan-nov-na Gri-shina window-chi-la Mos-kovs-ki ra-di-op-ri-boros-ro-tel-ny tech-no-kum in 1968. Since 1974, he has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39. College. Her pedagogical experience is 32 years. During this time, Galina Ivanov-on-to-go-tovi-la for the enterprises of Moscow, you have hundreds of young specialists in mon-ta-zhu ra- di-o-electron-noy app-para-ratu-ry and devices.

Galina Ivanov-na is a talented teacher. She has great experience in teaching, methodological and educational work, she is trying to instill teaching -sya love for the chosen specialty, striving to expand your professional horizon. G.I. venience gives a good example of growing youth. She is from-vets-twen-na, prin-qi-pi-al-na, good-ro-desired-tel-na, pol-zu-et-sya za-lu-wife-respect and av -then-rite-tom among teachers and students.

For a long-year-old fruitful pedagogical work, Galina Ivanov-na Gri-shina was awarded the medal “In memory of 850-le -tia of Moscow", "Veteran of Labour", badge "Honourary worker of the general education of Russia -skoy Fe-dera-tsii ", not-once-but-awarded gram-mota-mi De-par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow and count -ledge.

Li-diya Yakov-levna Zay-tse-va

Specialist of the museum named after Hero of Russia Ve-ra Vo-loshina

Li-diya Yakov-levna Zai-tse-va windows-chi-la in 1958. For many years, Li-diya Yakov-levna worked-la let-chi-com-ins-truk-to-rum in various cities of our country and abroad.

In 1964-1970, L. Ya. si-theta named after N. Og-reva in Sa-rans-ke, at the historical faculty-te-te. After receiving a dip-lo-ma in 1970-1978, she was deputy. di-rek-to-ra for educational work, teacher of history and society in the New-born-kovs-koy medium school-le Odin-tsov-ko-go district of Moscow-kovs-koy region. In 1978-1979, Lidia Yakovlevna was a teacher at an elementary school at the embassy of the USSR in Tanzaniya, then she taught art -riyu and society in the middle school. From 1984 to the present time, she is a teacher of history, ge-og-ra-fii, basic law, specialist of the Po museum -liteh-no-che-ko-go-college No. 39.

L. Ya. Zay-tse-va is an initiating, creative, authoritative teacher and educator. Her ha-rak-te-rizu-et us-that-chi-voe aspiration-le-tion to create in a collective-ve conditions for the development of a healthy, co-ci- al-but active personality. Li-diya Yakov-levna enjoys the support and respect of the pe-dago-giches-ko-lecti-va. She is the or-ga-niza-tor and the leader of the en-no-pat-ri-oti-ches-ko-go museum named after Hero of Russia Ve-ra Vo-losha -Noah. Together with students, Li-diya Yakov-levna participates in the campaigns of the Battal-on named after Hero of Russia Vera Vo-loshina and Hero of the So-vets-ko-go Soyuz Yuri Dvu-vein-no-go, as well as in city competitions of creative work on military-en-no-pat -ri-oti-ches-koy te-machi-ke. For example, in the contest “Pain of the war, frozen in the heart”, she and her re-pi-tan-ni-ki for-in-eva-whether the 2nd month, in the competition "Women's faces of the air war" - 1st place, in the competition "Is-to-riy half-ka Nor-mandia-Ne-man" - 3- e place, in the competition “Moscow is not defeated. To the 60th anniversary of the battle for Moscow "- 1st place in the South-Western Administrative District. Lydia Yakov-Levna is doing a lot of work with the veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

L. Ya. Zay-tsev has a gold medal for the world record (the MIG-21 altitude record is a static one). She also posted a world record for the speed of the MIG-21 on the castle-well-that 1000-ki-lomet-ro-ro-mour-ru-te. Has Lydia Yakov-Levna and in-ins-some rank - senior lei-te-nant. Her sports achievements are marked with an even sign of the DO-SA-AF of the USSR and the titles of ma-te-ra spor-ta on aircraft-no-mu dispute-that and mas-te-ra dispute-that of the USSR between-du-people-no-th-class.

The labor activity of Li-diya Yakov-levna Zai-tse-howl from the label of the medal “Ve-teran of labor”, “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow you”, “60 years of Victory in the Great Father-honest-ven-noy war of 1941-1945”, “80 years of OSO-AVIAKHIM-DO-SA-AF-ROS-TO” and pa- mint medal of the Union of Women of Russia for contribution to the development of the women's movement of the Sod-ru-gesture of Independent States (CIS). She is naked-nag-on the gram-mota-mi of the Russian-si-ko-go Ko-mite-ta ve-tera-nov of the war, De-par-ta-men-ta education of the go- kind of Moscow and the Union of Women of Russia for a great contribution to the development of flying specialties, as well as a diploma for participating tie in is-that-rico-hu-dozhest-ven-nom high-ta-voch-nom project “Moscow brings together con-ti-nen-you. Ret-respect-ty-va you-yes-yes-s-sya-relays of the XX century.

People-mi-la Alek-sand-dov-na Ka-zako-wa

French and non-Mech language teacher

People-mi-la Alek-sand-rov-na Ka-zako-va windows-chi-la with from-li-chi-em fa-cul-tet ro-mano-german-mans languages ​​Mos-kovs -ko-go-o-last-no-go pe-dago-giches-ko-go ins-ti-tuta named after N. K. Krups-koy in 1978. Since 1981, he has been working as a teacher of French and non-German languages ​​at Polytechnic College No. 39 - on all his courses and fa-cul-te-tah. This is a responsible and kindly conscientious teacher, an era-diro-van-ny and charming person. At the lessons of L. A. Ka-zakov-howl nep-ri-needed creative at-mosphere, serious work on translating and gram-ma -tiches-kim-for-tribute-em-combines with the elements-men-ta-mi of the game, jest, hu-dozhest-ven-ny che-ni-e.

People-mi-la Alek-sand-ditch-on the post-yan-but for-nima-et-sya sa-mo-ob-ra-call-no-em, leads a big method chess, social-ven-but-pe-dago-giches-kuyu activity.

Students L.A. rods-kih olym-pi-hell in foreign languages ​​​​in the Educational-but-methodical-chess center of the kind of Moscow, where they not-once-but took prize-winning places.

She pays a lot of attention to out-of-class work, attending te-at-ry and exhibitions with students.

People-mi-la Alek-sand-rov-na Ka-zako-va nag-razhde-on the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", diploma and bla-godars- tven-nym letter De-par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow.

An-na Nikola-ev-na Kip-ri-na

Teacher of the Russian language and literary tours

An-na Nik-kola-ev-na Kip-ri-na window-chi-la Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky in 1972. He has been working in the system of education since 1970, and in Polytechnic College No. 39 since 1980.

A. N. Kip-ri-noy with the existence of labor-dolence, high eru-disposition, unusual-but-ven-noe feeling of responsibility and good conscience -nos-ty, pro-fess-si-she-lism.

During the time she worked at the college, she got ready and spent a lot of literary tour evenings, literary tour guests and ex-cours-this in pa-myat-nym places.

An-na Nikola-ev-na took-nima-la participation in the work of the city-rods-to-go method-ka-bine-ta, was a member of the jury con -course "Teacher of the year". For many years, she led a lov-la-la cyclical co-mission of literature and the Russian language, was part of the methodology someone's association of the college. She wrote methodical developments on those we: “Working with a book”, “Developing creative abilities of teaching -shchih-sya ”,“ Getting ready to compose ”, raz-ra-bot-ki of open-ry-ty lessons on the work of A. S. Push-ki-na and poets of the 2nd half of the 19th century, as well as programs in the Russian language and cultural re-chi.

Over the course of many years, An-na Nikola-ev-na was a class leader and conducted a large in-di-vidu-al- new work with students-den-ta-mi. She benefits from the lu-wife-authority and respect, as well as the love of colleagues and students for good-ro- desirability, ability to help everyone.

An-on Nikola-ev-on Kip-ri-nag-razhde-on the medal "In the pa-meat of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", the badge "On-even worker-nickname of the middle-professional-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation, gram-mota-mi Mininis-ters -your education of the Russian Federation and De-par-ta-men-ta of the formation of the city of Moscow, diplomat Mos- kovs-ko-go-committe-ta about-ra-calling. The name of A. N. Kip-ri-noy for-nese-but in the book De-par-ta-men-ta about the name of the city of Moscow “De-lo life-no - de -lo Ches-ti.

Galina Lvov-na Ko-zyre-va

Head of the leading from-de-laziness-em of chi-miches-kih tech-no-logy and oh-ra-na of the ok-ru-zha-ing environment

Galina L-vov-na Ko-zyre-va in 1984 with a “red” diploma of windows-chi-la from de-leniance “Ana-liti-ches-kaya chi-mia » Mos-kovs-ko-go in litekh-ni-kuma named after V. I. Le-nin, having received the qualification “Technician”. From 1984 to 1989, G. L. Ko-zyre-va studied at the Moscow State University for full-time pedagogical qi-al-nos-ti "Khi-miya". At the end of the university, she would have had the qualification “Teacher of Chemistry”.

Ga-lina L-vov-na began her labor activity in 1983 in the Moscow -honest-ve la-boran-ta and continued to work in this must-nos until 1987. From 1987 to 1993, G. L. Ko-zyre-va worked as a teacher of special chemical disciplines and all these years para-ral -lel-but conducted a class-noe guide in one of the groups from the de-leniation "Ana-liti-ches-kaya chi-mia". From September 1993 to the present time, Galina Lvov-on-works in the must-nos-ti-leading from-de-laziness-eat chi- miches-kih tech-no-logies and oh-ra-na ok-ru-zha-ing environment.

During the time of work, Galina Lvov-na showed herself as an experienced and knowledgeable leader. Perfectly owns owl-re-men-ny-mi methods of analysis and management of the educational process. Participation in the shaft in the development of the bot and is co-author of the computer program "Con-tingent", which is successfully applied I have been in the education of the call-tel-noy de-yatel-nos-tee of the college since 1995.

Ga-lina L-vov-pays a lot of attention to prob-le-moms to improve the quality of educational and educational work in the count -ledge. Applies an in-di-view-al-ny approach to every student-den-tu, especially to those who have difficulty in training. A lot of effort and time is spent on the process of adapting the learners.

On the off-de-lenie G.L. There is a strict accounting of us-pe-va-emos-ti (monthly, se-places-ro-ty), as well as daily accounting for sesha-emos-ti. Particular attention is given to you-la-et-sya for reasons of not-us-pe-va-emos-ty and the question-ro-of-your-self-increasing motivation to learning. Students from de-leniation take an active part in events held both in the college and in Moscow, not rarely for-in-eva-vaya prize-winning places.

More than 75% of graduations from de-leniation became students-den-ta-mi of various educational institutions of higher education -fes-si-onal-no-go about-ra-calling. Pain-shins-two of those who post-to-drank on the evening and very-but-for-full forms of training, combine training with work according to the received special-tsi-al-nos-ti. The quality of the sub-go-tov-ki-special-alis-tov confirms-ver-wait-is-from-your-name and b-godars-twen-ny-mi letters-ma-mi predp- ri-yaty and or-ga-niza-tsy.

Galina Lvov-na Ko-zyre-va awarded with a medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow."

Iri-na Nikola-ev-na Kons-tan-ti-nova

Instructor ge-og-ra-fii

Iri-na Nikola-ev-na Kons-tan-ti-nova windows-chi-la ge-og-ra-fiches-ky fa-cul-tet Mos-kovs-ko-go-sudars-twen-no th pe-dago-giches-ko-go ins-ti-here named after V. I. Le-nin in 1979. Her total pedagogical experience is 30 years.

Since 1983, he has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39: first he taught geo-og-ra-fii, then in those for 19 years - the head of commerce and management from de laziness. For many years, she was a classy leader. With many you-launch-no-kami Iri-na Nikola-ev-na and keep a close connection this year.

I.N. skillful leader-de-let. Pol-zu-et-sya za-lu-wife respect and aut-rite-that among teachers and students. In our current time, Iri-na Nikola-ev-na teaches geo-og-ra-fia in the cycle-lo-howl co-mission “Oh-ra-on-ok- ru-zha-ing environment and rational use of natural resources.

Over the course of many years, Iri-na Nikola-ev-na with his students-den-ta-mi not-once-but-participation-in-the-shaft in urban olim -pi-adah by geo-og-ra-fii, taking prize-winning places. In 2009, the co-man-da college, under-trained by Iri-noy Nikola-ev-noy, became the winner of the international olym-pi-ada in geo-og-ra-fii (“DO-OG - international olym-pi-ada in geo-og-ra-fii”), having won a diploma of the II degree.

For many years of and fruitful work, Iri-na Nikola-ev-na Kons-tan-ti-nova was awarded with the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow you", badge "Even work-bot-nick of the middle professio-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation", diploma- mi.

Igor Vya-ches-la-vovich Ko-rota-ev

Za-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra by NGO

Igor Vyaches-la-vovich Ko-rota-ev graduated from the Moscow Regional State Institute of Science and Technology in 1982 go-du. From 1982 to 1983 - service in the Armed Forces of the USSR. Igor Vya-ches-la-vovich has been working at the college since 1983, since 1991 - for-place-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra in educational-no-re-pi -tatel-noy work, and since 2005 - for-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra, head of the structural subdivision of the "Introduction-dens- something."

A young, pers-pective leader, a creative and educated person, who owns new education -mi tech-no-logs, directed-by-us-to-perfection-of-learning-but-education-of-the-n-th-process, I.V. Ko-rota-ev su-mel soh-ra-thread in-zhe-ner-but-pe-dago-giches-ky team of sub-separation and or-ga-lower-vat its stable work. In this collective-ve practi-ti-ches-ki from-suts-tvu-there are the heaps of personnel, creating b-gop-ri-yat-nye conditions and creativity chesky at-mosfer-ra, which spo-sobs-tvu-yut in-above and develop pe-dago-giches-ko-go masters-tva. Teach-whether and ma-te-ra pro-from-vods-tween-no-th learning take an active part in the contests "Teacher of the year" and "Mos-kovs-kie mas-te-ra". The main task of the pe-dago-giches-co-collective of sub-divisions is the training and formation of not just a future special alice-ta, but also spirit-hov-but once-of-that citizen-da-nina.

Under the leadership of Igo-rya Vya-ches-la-vovi-cha Ko-rota-eva, in the sub-division, we create excellent conditions for in-te-res-but th and po-lez-no-go to-suga, creative de-yatel-nos-ti. The museum of the Hero of Russia Vera V-ra Vo-loshina is working, competitions are held for the pat-ri-oti-ches-koy song, walks by month there the military glory of the Great Father-honest-ven-noy war, meeting with the veterans. Students actively attend training and sports halls. Igor Vya-ches-la-vovich is a master of disputes in ak-ro-baty-chess-gym-nasti-ke and considers it the most important task for a dacha with a general nie young people to regular sports activities. Yav-la-yut-xia-tra-dici-on-us-mi such forms of mass-co-howl work as co-roar-no-vania, reviews, vik-to-rina and olim-pi-ads - they develop activity and ini-chi-ati-wu, unite the team.

Igor Vyaches-la-vovich Ko-rota-ev was awarded the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", the sign "Excellent professional professional -technical education of the RSFSR, even a diploma of the Government of Moscow, thanks to the college.

Alev-ti-na Yury-ev-na Ku-zina

History teacher

For-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra for re-educational work

Alev-ti-na Yury-ev-na Ku-zina window-chi-la V. I. Le-nin. Pedagogical experience in the system of education of Moscow - 39 years. Work as a teacher of history and society in vocational school No. 172, then taught history and society in SPTU No. 50.

Since 1989, Alev-ti-na Yury-ev-na has been a teacher of history at vocational school No. 51, and since 1990 - for-me-ti-tel di-rek-to -ra for re-educational work.

During the time of work in the educational institution of A. Yu. mi-ru-kovo-di-lyami, post-yan-but introducing new methods and technologies of teaching and educating, methods of or-ga- niza-tion out-of-school activity-nos-ti and work with parents.

Alev-ti-na Yury-ev-at the post-yan-but works on higher efficiency and quality of training -no-go pro-cess-sa, its de-mok-ra-tiza-qi-ey. So, in the structural sub-division of the college, the development of the bot-na and the func-qi-they-ru-et sys-te-ma de-yatel-nos-ty of the student self-management. The basis of the educational work consists of numerous college traditions.

In the structural sub-division, there are sports sections, the In-forma-tik circle, the theater of the song “Mla-da”, the pat-ri circle -oti-che-ko-go-re-nurturing, two military-but-is-to-riches-mu-zey: museum named after the Hero of Russia Vera Vo-losha -noy and museum of the bo-evo-go-th way of the 4th strike of the army. College students take an active part in city, district events. Ru-kovo-dite-whether te-at-ra song "Mla-da" every year, but participate in the city competition "Art-Pro-fi-For-room" , not-once-but were awarded with diplomas of la ureates, diplomas of I, II, III degrees.

College students take part in hikes in the so-ta-ve of the inter-people-no-go hike to the places of military glory in Be -lorus-this, along the route Na-ro-Fo-minsk - Ru-za, to Uk-ra-inu.

Alev-ti-na Yury-ev-na Ku-zina was awarded with a medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, badges “Excellent prof- te-hob-ra-zova-niya "and" Even-th work-bot-nick at the beginning of the pro-fess-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation, gram-mota-mi and dip-lo-mami De-par-ta-men-ta about the name of the city of Moscow.

Love-bov Nikola-ev-on Le-bede-va

Head of the bib-li-ote-koy

Lu-bov Ni-kola-ev-on Le-bede-va in 1977, window-chi-la Moskovsky bib-li-edema-ny tech-no-kum in special-qi-al-nose -ti "Bib-li-father-noe de-lo" and in the same year began to work as a bible-li-ot-carem in Polytechnic College No. 39 ( then it was the Po-litekh-no-kum named after V. I. Le-nin), where he works and this year

L. N. Le-bede-va went from the bib-li-ote-kar to the head of the bib-li-ote-koy. For 33 years of work at the college for-reco-men-before-the shaft, I have been a hard-working, kind-ro-conscientious, responsible-tven-ny, fulfilling a tel-ny and kind-ro-desirable person, for which it is good-to-do-it-is with-lu-wife-respect among collegues and students -tov. She draws up photo-rates for various memory-yes-there, holds meetings with pi-sate-lis, li-tera-tour-but-is-to-riches vik-to-rins and other measures.

One of the traditional forms of work of the bib-li-ote-ki became chi-tatel-sky conferences - for example, this year sos -then there was a reader-conference “Spiritual is-tho-ki of Po-pobedy”, dedicated to the Day of Po-pobedy. Love Nikola-ev-to actively participate in the preparation and conduct of the literary-tour-no-go evening “You, how first love, the heart will not forget Russia ”- about the life and work of A. S. Pushkin-on.

L. N. Le-bede-va not only saves the best cultural-tour-but-educational traditions, but also actively uses -et sov-re-men-nye methods of work, makes an important contribution to the perfection of the activities of the collegiate college.

Love-bov Nikola-ev-on Le-bede-va nag-razhde-on the medal "In pa-myat 850th anniversary of Moscow", diploma-mi De-par-ta-men -that about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow.

Marina Gri-gor-ev-na Lyap-ko-va

Pedagogue psychologist

Marina Gri-gor-ev-on Lyap-ko-va in 1977, window-chi-la Moskovsk-kii ins-ti-tut oil-te-chemi-ches-coy and gas pro- mouse-lennos-ty named after I. M. Gub-ki-on. In 1999, she graduated from-chi-la Mos-kovs-kiy ins-ti-here for higher qualifications of work-bot-nik-kov education in special-ci- al-nos-ti “Practical-ti-ches-kyi psychologist” with the assignment of qualifications.

From 1976 to 1994, Marina Grigory-ev-na worked at the All-Russian Research Institute of Drilling Technology. Since 1994, he went to work in the system of education, in the secondary educational school No. 626 named after N I. Sats. In the must-nose-ti pe-dago-ga-psi-holo-ha has been working since 1997.

Since 2004, she has been a college educator-psychologist.

During the time of work in the professional-onal education M. G. Lyap-ko-va pro-reveal yourself gram-mot-nym, qua-lifi -tsiro-van-nym special-ci-alis-tom. It successfully combines methods and means of learning with collectives and in-di-vidu-al-ny-mi forms of work, many his attention is paid to students who have problems of personal-nost-no-go and so-qi-al-no-go ha-rak-te-ra. Knows how to call students in-te-res to psi-holology, ori-en-ti-rova-on to address those problems-le-moms that important for under-growths due to their age-specific features.

Marina Gri-gor-ev-na Lyap-ko-va was awarded with the badge “Honorary worker of the general education of Ros -siy-skoy Fe-dera-tion ”, letter of De-par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow.

People-mi-la Nikola-ev-na Na-mest-ni-kova

Social teacher

People-mi-la Nik-kola-ev-na Na-mest-ni-kova window-chi-la fi-lolo-giches-ky fa-cul-tet Le-ning-rad-go-sudars-twen -no-go university in 1977.

From 1977 to 1993, he worked as a teacher of a foreign-ran-no-th language, as well as in leadership positions in Tol schools -yat-ti and Ul-yanovsk-ka. For 13 years, from 1993 to 2005, Lud-mi-la Nikola-ev-na work-bota-la di-rek-to-rum of secondary school No. 81 Ul-yanovsk-ka , the only one in the field of under-growth of the second- and third-level schools. In 1995, this school, one of the first in the district and the region, began to work on the problem of my in-formatization of the management de- yatel-nos-ti. In 2000, she was included in the regional program on art and ex-re-trimental work on the topic “Create-yes- nie school-no-go me-di-acent-ra in sos-ta-ve district-on-noy telecom-mu-nika-tsi-on-noy me-di-ate-ki "and had a hundred -tus of the region-last-no-go ex-re-rimen-tal-no-go about-ra-call-tel-no-go educational institution. Auto-mati-zero-van-naya system of school management, created on the basis of this educational institution, after-leds- yours is our prak-ti-ches-some application in the schools of the district. For great work on the pat-ri-oti-ches-ko-mu education of students in 2001, school No. 81 Ul-yanovsk-ka pri-vo-eno name Hero of the So-vets-to-go Union of General D. M. Kar-by-shev.

Since April 2008, L.N. -no-ches-com college No. 39.

Prior-ori-tet-ny-mi-direction-ni-yami of her de-yatel-nose-ti yav-la-yut-sya:

- so-ci-al-no-pe-dago-giches-some sop-ro-leader-de-niye adapt-ta-tion first-course-no-kov to college education;

- so-tsi-al-no-pe-dago-giches-some sop-ro-leader-de-niye teaching "groups of rice";

- so-tsi-al-no-pravovoe ori-en-ti-rova-nie de-tei-si-roth, children left without the care of their parents.

For zas-lu-gi in the field of education People-mi-la Nikola-ev-na Na-mest-ni-kova was awarded with the badge “In- an even worker of the general education of the Russian Federation, ”as well as a diploma of the Main Directorate of the formation of Ul-yanovsk-ka and De-par-ta-men-ta of the formation of the city of Moscow.

Ol-ga Kons-tan-ti-nov-na Pa-homo-va

Teacher of special chemical disciplines

Chairman of the cycle-lo-howl of the co-mission "Oh-ra-on the ok-ru-zha-ing environment"

Ol-ga Kons-tan-ti-nov-na Pa-homo-va - you-launch-no-tsa Po-liteh-no-ches-to-college No. 39 of 1975. She began her labor bi-og-ra-fiyu with a senior la-boran-tom of the ins-ti-tuta of general and not-or-ga-niches-coy chem-mia. From 1975 to 1978 - os-divine secretary of the committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Moscow-kovs-ko-go-no-kuma named after V. I. Le-nin. Since 1978, Olga Kons-tan-ti-nov-na has been working at the college as a teacher of ana-liti-ches-koy chemistry. In 1980, windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-ki-go-sudars-tven-ny for-och-ny ped-dago-giches-ky ins-ti-tut.

Pedagogical experience - 32 years.

O. K. Pa-homo-va - co-author of the raz-ra-bot-ki of the Go-sudars-tween-no-go-pro-call-tel-no-go standard for special al-nos-ti “Oh-ra-on the environment and rational use of natural resources”, av- a tor of working programs for analytical chemistry for the same specialty, prak-ti-kuma for preparing a solution, introduction to specialty. She is the author of the electron-no-go textbook on analytical chemistry, the author of the Te-ore- tiches-kie os-but-you ana-liti-ches-koy chem-mii "and" Qualitative-ven-ny analysis.

In his work with students O. K. Pa-homo-va actively uses different forms and methods of or- ga-niza-tion of the educational process: lectures, seminars, classes, computer re-sur-sy. She is from-vets-twen-na, prin-qi-pi-al-na, good-ro-desired-tel-na, pol-zu-et-sya za-lu-wife-respect and av -then-rite-tom among teachers and students. Pro-reveal yourself as a skilled manager-dealer, who knows not only the problems of the collective, but also the ways of their solution. Ol-ga Kons-tan-ti-nov-on willingly transfers her experience and knowledge to young teachers.

For a long-year-old, fruitful work on under-go-to-ke and educate you-sokok-wa-lifi-tsiro-van-nyh special-ci-alis- comrade Ol-ga Kons-tan-ti-nov-na Pa-homo-va nag-razhde-on the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, on-four-we-mi-gra- mota-mi Mini-nis-ters-tva hi-miches-coy pro-mice-lennos-ti, Mini-nis-ters-tva about-ra-calling and science of the Russian Federation, De-par-ta-men -that education of the city of Moscow and college.

People-mi-la Iva-nov-na Pe-gushi-na

Teacher of history and community

People-mi-la Ivan-nov-na Pe-gushi-na window-chi-la 1968 Pedagogical experience - 44 years. From 1963 to 1965, he worked as a senior pi-oneer-vo-zhataya in the secondary school No. 147 in Moscow, from 1965 to 1975 - the head of the lyari-she and teacher of social disciplines at vocational school No. 5.

Since 1983, Lyud-mi-la Ivanov-na-na-bota has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39 as a teacher. She is an initiating, creative worker, an authoritative teacher and educator. L.I. creative personality. Together with the veterans of the Great Father-honest-ven-noy war People-mi-la Ivanov-nov-on the basis of the museum of the 4th strike army. She does a lot of vo-en-no-pat-ri-oti-che-work: meeting with ve-tera-us, help ve-tera-us at home, by -moves around the places of the battles of the division of the 4th shock army.

L. I. Pe-gushi-on a joint place with the teacher of the Russian language and literature E. V. Ka-lin-ki-noy created -la is-to-rico-li-tera-tour circle "Li-ki is-to-rii". For six years of his work, there were six more performances.

People-mi-la Ivan-nov-na Pe-gushi-na yav-la-et-sya community ex-per-vol for at-testing and li-tsen-zi-roving ra-bot-nik-kov of general-about-ra-cal-of-educational institutions, takes an active part in the work of the re-gi-onal-noy public organization of in-va-lids “Center for Family and Youth “Co-action””. Participates in the project “We remember the war” for de-tey-in-va-lids. She uses the auto-rite among colleagues, students and parents.

People-mi-la Ivanov-na Pe-gushi-nag-razhde-na me-dal-mi “Veteran of labor”, “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, gra -mota-mi De-par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow and the municipality-pal-no-go ok-ru-ga "Kot-lovka". The name of L.I. -lo Ches-ti.

Na-dezh-da Pet-rovna Per-mi-nova

History teacher

Chairman of the cycle-lo-howl co-mission of is-to-rii and so-qi-al-no-eco-nomie-chess disciplines

Na-dezh-yes Pet-rovna Per-mi-nova windows-chi-la is-to-riches-ky fa-cul-tet Mos-kovs-ko-go-sudars-tween-no-go uni-ver- si-theta named after M. V. Lo-mono-owl in 1979. In the same year, she began to teach tech-no-kum of Soviet trade in Moscow-kovs-com, and since 1989 - yes, in Moscow-kovs-com in litekh -no-ches-com-college. Since 1991, Petrovna has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39 Na-dezh-yes. In such a way, all her pedagogical activity (31 years old) is connected with a hundred-personal professional education - don't eat.

Pedagogical principles of N. P. Per-mi-new:

- in the lesson there should be as little as possible a teacher and as much as possible - a student;

- to create such conditions so that the student wants to learn, because “knowledge is that which is one person rises above another”, “a person should not litter his life with things, so that there is an elk in it a place for the soul”;

- to form the value orientations of the personality: “patriotism is nothing more than the desire to work for the benefit of one’s country -we, do good as much as possible and as best as possible ”;

- in history there should not be white spots, because they turn into spots on co-weight;

- pos-nay not-studied;

- if a student does not learn, learn, to create, then in life he will only give a boost.

N. P. Per-mi-nova - laureate of the competition "Teacher of the Year - 2004". For the years of pe-dago-giches-coy activity-nose-ty, she has not-once-but participated-in-the-shaft in city competitions, having prepared for participation there are more than 200 students in them, many of whom took prize-winning places. So, student Aleksey Parshin in 2005 took 1st place in the city competition “Thank you for life”. Her students take prize-winning places in the city competitions “To the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk”. “Chronicle of the Great Father-honest-ven-noy war”, “Battle for the Dnieper”, “I remember! IM proud of!".

For more than ten years, creative cooperation with the museum of the history of the city of Moscow has been going on, during which student -you college participate in events held by the mu-zem, and take prize-winning places (in the city vic -to-rine “Moscow-va with the eyes of hu-dozh-ni-kov”, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of A. M. Vas-netsov, in competitions "Youth of Moscow - you - to the museum of the hundred-face", "Moscow from century to century" and "Petersburg motives of Moscow" - diploma I degree).

On the account of college students, in particular, and such us-pe-hi:

- 2009 - I place in the city of the Internet-olym-pi-hell, dedicated to the Great Father-honest-ven-noy war;

- 2009 - III place in the All-Russian is-to-rico-ge-og-ra-fiches-coy olym-pi-ad “Hot spots of the planet”;

- 2010 - 1st place in the city competition "A. P. Che-khov in Moscow" in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of A.P. Chekhov.

As a pedagogue-no-vator, N.P. Per-mi-nova participated in the international forums “Philoso-fiya - de-tyam”, “The Way of Moscow you in the 21st century”, “Family: its strength, purpose and purpose”. About the experience of teaching Na-dezh-dy Pet-rovna, they told on the TV-leka-nale "Stolitsa", in the "Teacher's newspaper", in ha -zete “For Ka-luzhs-koy zas-ta-voi”.

Na-dezh-yes Pet-rovna Per-mi-nova nag-razhde-on the medal "In pa-myat 850th anniversary of Moscow", diploma De-par-ta-men-ta ob- the rise of the city of Moscow. She was awarded the title of "Honourary worker-nickname of the education of the city of Moscow."

Light-la-na Pav-lovna Pe-chen-ki-na

Master of pro-from-wods-tween-no-go training

Svet-la-na Pav-lovna Pe-chen-ki-na window-chi-la International Academy of Entrepreneurship, having received specialty "Ba-kalavr me-nej-men-ta" in 1997. Since 1984, Svet-la-na Pavlovna has been working at the college. Pedagogical experience - 26 years.

During the time of work, she for-reko-men-do-was herself a gram-mot-ny special-ci-alis-tom, professional-si-she-crowbar mon-ta-zha ra-di -electronic devices and devices, you-sokok-va-lifi-tsiro-van-nym pedagogue. More-shins-two of her launches have an elevated professional professional rank and work successfully at industrial enterprises ri-yatiyah of Moscow.

S. P. Pe-chen-ki-na - author of the working program for the profession “Installer of a ra-di-o-electron-noy app-para-ratu-ry and hogs ”, where intensive methods of developing knowledge, skills, skills, development of vari-ativ tests are laid comrade on the topics “Re-zis-to-ry” and “Con-densa-tori”, head of the “School of the young ma-te-ra”. This year, she transfers her great experience and knowledge to young ma-te-rams. Among collegues and students, Svet-la-na Pav-lovna benefits from the lu-wife-authority and respect.

For many years of fruitful work, Svet-la-na Pav-lovna Pe-chen-ki-on the award of the award-on the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", badge “Even-work-bot-nick at the beginning of the professio-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation -tions ”, letter of De-par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow.

Na-waist mi-hi-lov-na Pla-kati-na

Chemistry teacher

Na-waist Mi-hi-lov-na Pla-kati-na window-chi-la chi-miches-ky fa-cul-tet Mos-kovs-ko-go region-no-go pe-dago-giches- someone ins-ti-tuta named after N.K. Krups-koy in the specialty “teacher of chemistry”. Works at the college as a teacher of physical and colloquial chemistry and head of the laboratory.

In her work with students Na-talia Mi-hi-lov-na uses-pol-zu-et she develops methods and programs, training posters for hens-sam physical and coll-lo-id-noy chemistry, control-role-no-ek-for-mena-qi-on-practice-ti-ches- some benefits and questions, takes part in the re-censing of educational benefits, in particular, educational no physical and count-lo-id-no chemistry. In 2005, Na-talia Mi-hi-lov-on the last hundred-fat-ku in the Russian-si-khi-miko-tech-no-log-com-uni-ver-si-aunt named after -no D. I. Men-de-le-eva at the department of coll-lo-id-noy chemistry. Over the course of many years in groups of ana-liti-chess-ko-go control-ro-la would be a classy manager - accept her as a kind, attentive and understanding person, putting all her strength into her favorite work and soul-shu.

Na-waist Mi-hi-lov-na Pla-kati-nag-razhde-on me-dalyu "In pa-myat 850-anniversary of Moscow-you", gram-mota-mi De-par-ta-men -that about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Rudnev

Teacher of in-form-tics and in-form-ci-on-technologies

Dmitry Ana-tol-evich Rud-nev in 1978 graduated from the ma-thematic faculty of the Mos-kovs-ko-go pe-dago-giches-ko-go ins-ti -tuta named after V.I.

Pedagogical experience - over 30 years, of which 25 years - in the system of professional education of Moscow.

After graduating from ins-ti-tuta, he worked as a school teacher of mathematics, as a teacher. In 1985, Dmitry Anatolyevich was hired as a teacher of mathematics at the Moscow Mechanical Engineering godfather (hereinafter - College of auto-matization and radio-electronics No. 27), in which he worked for 21 years, until 2006 Yes. It was in this college that Dmitry Anatolyevich began to master computer technologies, or-ga-nizo-val computer class, became the weight of the lessons of in-form-tics, in-form-ci-on-technologies and calculus-li-tel-noy tech-no-ki, voz-la-vil ra-bot cycle-lo-howl of the subject commission “You-number-li-tel-naya tech-no-ka and in-form-ci-on-tech-no-logy”.

Since 2006, D. A. Rudnev has been a lecturer in informatics at Polytechnic College No. 39. -tel-nuyu and re-educational work. Dmitry Ana -tol-evich continues to work as a teacher of in-form-tiki and in-form-ci-on-technologies.

Dmitry Anatolyevich, being a young pedagogue, more than once was trained at courses for higher qualifications. In the future, he himself taught many times at such courses on various problems of in-form-ci-on-technologies. Raz-ra-baty-shaft working programs, methodological re-commendations for conducting la-bora-tor-no-practical-ti-ches-kih-ra -bot, practical-tic and distance-on-no-go training on pre-me-there com-missions. In co-authorship with other college teachers, D. A. Rud-nev took part in the creation of a manual for post-tu-pa -those in the educational department. With college education, he won prizes in city competitions in in-form-ci-on-tech-no-log-holes, led the pain -shui public work

Since 2004, Dmitry Anatolyevich has been working as an independent ex-per-city service roving and attesting educational institutions, pedagogical personnel and workers of education De -par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow. Took part in the Moscow competition "Teacher of the Year".

Dmitry Ana-tol-evi-chu Rud-ne-vu was awarded the title of “Veteran of Labor” and “Even-worker of the middle pro- fes-si-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, a diploma of De-par-ta-men-ta about the name of the city of Moscow.

Li-diya Vik-to-ditch-on Svech-ni-kova

Chemistry teacher

Li-diya Vik-to-ditch-na Svech-ni-kova window-chi-la Do-nets-go-sudars-tven-ny university-ver-si-tet in 1972. In the college of Ly-dia Vik-to-ditch-at-works since 1973. She is a pedagogue-no-vator, she seeks and applies new methods of teaching pre-meth, new forms of or-ga-niza-tion as auditory-tor-noy, and outside-audi-tor-noy sa-mos-that-yatel-noy work of students. L. V. Svech-ni-kova widely uses computer programs in the educational process. She is the author of developing games, competitions in chemistry, an excellent methodist, author of programs on all subjects taught in cyclic-lo-howl co-miss-these general chi-mi: not-or-ga-niches-koy chi-mi, or-ga-niches-koy chi-mi, bi-oh-mi-mi, tech-no -ke la-bora-tor-nyh ra-bot, not-or-ga-niches-to-mu sin-te-zu, or-ga-niches-to-mu sin-te-zu

Big creative in-ten-ci-al, pe-dago-giches-kaya competence, readiness to help in word and deed - quality , which are brightly ha-rak-te-rizu-yut this-th experience-no-go, pre-dan-no-go of their profession pe-dago-ha. Among her co-workers and students, she enjoys authority and respect.

Li-diya Vik-to-ditch-on Svech-ni-kova was awarded with the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, the sign of “Evening work -nickname of the middle pro-fess-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation, diploma De-par-ta-men-ta about -ra-zova-tion of the city of Moscow. Name L.V. -lo Ches-ti.

Ve-ra Va-sil-ev-na Ser-dyu-kova

Teacher of eco-nomi-chess disciplines

Ve-ra Va-sil-ev-na Ser-du-kova windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-ki tech-no-log-ches-ky ins-ti-tut on sp-tsi-al-nos-ti " In-same-ner-tech-no-log, tech-no-logy of sewing from-de-ly.

For 15 years, Vera Va-sil-ev-na has been working in the system of medium-professional-onal-no-go education , has a great experience in pedagogical work and deep knowledge of the disciplines taught to us. She is in complete control of the power of the method of teaching, uses in her work various forms and methods of op -ga-niza-tion and conducting classes, providing a high level of knowledge of pre-me-ta among students, which is confirmed by -et-sya ho-roshi-mi re-zul-ta-tami for-shields of chickens-so-vyh ra-bot.

The teacher widely uses lek-tsi-on-no-se-minars form of training, combo-bi-niro-van-nye lessons with the use of zo-vani-em pain-sho-th number of once-yes-exact-no-go ma-teri-ala: schemes, tables, card-to-check. At the lesson, using the example of concrete enterprises, there are problematic si-tu-ations. For a more effective use of students-den-ta-mi knowledge of economic disciplines, we Ve-ra Va-sil-ev-na is -uses methods of active learning - such as business games, analysis of conc-ret-ny si-tu-ations, program-rummy-rovan- noe training, solution of si-tu-ation tasks.

At work, Ve-ra Vasil-ev-na-knows students with new eco-nomi-chess-ki-mi in-applications, skillfully osu-s-s- influences interp-red-met connections. V. V. Ser-dyu-kova teaches students to think logically. She knows how to create a de-loving, good-ro-desirable obs-ta-nov-ku in the lesson. With the aim of raising in-tellek-tu-al-no-go, cultural-tour-no-go and morals-twen-no-go development of students-den-tov, it is conducted by it big out-of-class work: vik-to-rins, cross-word competitions, competition-course-high-rate chicken-co-vy work, eco-nomi-chess olym-pi-ads.

Ve-ra Vasil-ev-na Ser-dyu-kova is doing a lot of methodical work. Together with other teachers of eco-nomic disciplines, she developed working programs in disciplines for us special al-nos-tei “Commerce” and “Management”, educational complex in the discipline “Management of personnel ”, “Methodical instructions for self-study of the issues of eco-nom-ki, norm-mirova-tion and or-ga -niza-tion of labor in the industry and tasks for solving problems, "Methodical development-ra-bot-ka out-of-class-no-go measures "Eco-nom-che-kaya week"", "Si-tu-ation prak-ti-kum: methods of making managerial decisions" .

For Vera Va-sil-ev-na, such traits are characteristic of you as hard work, high eru-disposition, responsibility. She is the prince-chi-pi-al-na, the demand-bova-tel-na to se-be and stu-den-there, pol-zu-et-sya zas-lu-wife-ny au-th-rite-that among colleagues-lay down and educators.

Ve-ra Va-sil-ev-na Ser-dyu-kova nag-razhde-on-even-we-mi gram-mota-mi Mini-nis-ters-tva education of the Russian Federation.

Tat-yana Ana-tol-ev-na Strel-ni-kova

For-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra for educational work of the JV "Aka-demi-ches-koe"

Tat-yana Ana-tol-ev-na Strel-ni-kova windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-ki or-de-na Le-nin and or-de-na Oktyabr-skoy re-volu-tion ener -ge-tiches-cue ins-ti-here in 1985. Specialty - "Electric-ro-energy-ge-tika", qualification - "Engineer-ner-teacher".

T. A. Strel-ni-kova works in the system of professional education for 24 years. From 1985 to 1998, he worked in various positions at vocational school No. 57 - teacher, head of the leading educational part, methodologist, mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra in general-ob-ra-cal-tel-disciplines-us.

Since 1998, T. A. Strel-ni-kova has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39 as a teacher of physics, electro-ro-tech - no-ki, since 2005, Tat-yana Ana-tol-ev-na - for-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra for educational work. In 2000-2004 Tat-yana Ana-tol-ev-na Strel-ni-kova was the chairman of the cycle-lo-howl co-mission of this physics.


- MIPK REA named after V.N. Plekhanov (“In-form-ci-on-technologies in professional education”, 2005 year);

- Research-le-dov-tel-sky center of the PK PS MGI-SiS ("Research-le-dov-tel-work, methodology, theory, practice-ti-ka or-ga- lowering and conducting, 2007);

- NI-IR-PO De-par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow (“Labor market-yes, so-qi-al-noe partner-ners-tvo and their role in co-ro-leader-de-nii of professional careers of students, students, college launches, 2008 );

- one hundred in France to study the experience of foreign partners in the preparation of qua-lifi-tsiro-van-ny working personnel within the framework of the target city program for the development of initial and secondary education.

For many years of fruitful work in the system of professional education Tatyana Ana-tol-ev-na Strel -ni-kov awarded with the medal “In the memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, a diploma of De-par-ta-men-ta of the formation of the city of Mosk -you, has the title of "Veteran of Labor".

Alexander Bo-riso-vich Te-rekhov

Master of pro-from-wods-tween-no-go training

Alexander Boriso-vich Te-rekhov graduated in 1973 from vocational school No. 40 of the city of Moscow in the specialty “Slacker-ins-tru-men-tal -schik of the 3rd time-row-yes. In 1977, Moscow-kovs-ky in-dust-ri-al-no-pe-dago-giches-ky tech-no-kum prof-te-hob-ra-calling in special-ci-al -nose-ti "Fix-sar-re-mont-nick of the 4th time-series-yes, master of pro-from-vods-tween-no-go training."

From 1977 to 1981, A. B. Te-rekhov was a master of pro-from-water-twen-no-go training at SGPTU No. 148. Since 1981, he worked at the KGB-FAP-SI following -sarem-re-mont-ni-kom, and since 1998 - mas-te-rum of pro-from-vods-tween-no-go training in the Pro-fessional-onal lyceum No. 329, which later influenced the Polytechnic College No. 39.

A. B. Te-rekhov is a multiple prize-winner of competitions of professional masters.

Alexander Bo-riso-vich continues to train the young generation of Moscow workers. He was awarded the qualification "Lock-sar-re-monter-nick of the 6th time-series-yes."

Alexander Bo-riso-vich Te-rekhov was awarded with the honorary badges of the "Even-work-bot-nick at the beginning of the pro-professional-onal-no- of the first education of the Russian Federation ”and“ Even-numbered work-nickname of the education of the city of Moscow.

Na-waist Iva-nov-na Tri-fono-va

Teacher of special disciplines

Chairman of the cycle-lo-howl co-mission "Tech-no-logy of re-rera-bot-ki of polymer materials"

Na-waist Iva-nov-na Tri-fono-va windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-ki ins-ti-tut chi-miches-ko-go ma-shinost-ro-eniya in 1975. Work-bota-la in-same-nerom-cons-truk-to-rum, and since 1983, a college teacher.

Pedagogical experience - 27 years.

Na-waist Ivan-nov-na provides-pe-chiva-et under-go-tov-ku stu-den-tov both in the basic and in the higher level of training cheniya. Ru-kovo-dit of various types of practical-ti-ches-coy under-go-to-ki students-den-tov, chicken-so-vym and diploma pro-ek-ti-rov- don't eat. Constantly-yan-but maintains a connection with the leading enterprises from the industry and universities.

Learning goals Na-talia Ivanov-forever-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes with educators, using the most different forms and methods of teaching and educating and educating the process. She is a post-yan-ny or-ga-niza-tor te-mati-ches-kih high-ta-wok, KVN, evenings, non-del sp-tsi-al-nos-ti. Na-waist Iva-nov-na - raz-ra-bot-chik Go-sudars-twen-no-go about-ra-call-tel-no-go standard according to special-tsi-al-nos-ti " Pro-from-vods-tvo from de-liy and pok-ry-ty from polymer-nyh ma-teri-als ”, author of the program for five types of practical-tic.

In the 2006/2007 academic year, Na-talia Ivanov-na successfully took part in the competition "Teacher of the Year", where pro-demons-tri-dova -la your high professional professional qualities.

Na-waist Ivan-nov-na-shchi-tel-na, active, ini-qi-ativ-na, prin-qi-pi-al-na. Pol-zu-et-sya aut-rite and respect among colleagues and students.

For a high professional level, creative attitude to de-lu “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, badge of the formation of the Russian Federation, ”gram of De-par-ta-men-ta of the formation of the city of Moscow. In 2006, Na-talia Ivanov-na became the la ureate of the Moscow Grant competition in the field of science and technology in the field of education -tion.

Galina Alek-sand-ditch-on Ul-yano-va

Za-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra fi-nan-so-vo-eco-nomi-ches-koy de-yatel-nos-ti

Galina Alek-sand-dov-na Ul-yano-va windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-ki fi-nan-so-vy ins-ti-tut in 1990.

At the college of Galina, Aleksand-rov-on has been working for more than 15 years, during which-for-reko-men-to-the-shaft he is a competent spe -ci-alis-tom, pro-fess-si-she-scrap both in the field of fi-nan-so-howl de-yatel-nos-ty, and in the questions-ro-sah or-ga-bottom- tion de-yatel-nose-tee of the collective-va.

G.A. -ty, applies to the educational organization of the fi-nan-co-in-house-business activity-nos-ty of the education but the th educational department. It is after-yang-but so-perfects-two-et forms and methods of work on introducing new-wei- of our technologies, including computer ones. For a comparatively-no-tel-but not-big-sho-ri-od, which passed from the beginning of the re-or-ga-niza-tion of the sys-te-we are professional-si-onal- new education in Moscow, Galina Alek-sand-dov-on the creation-yes-la in the newly-formed college of computer-rizi-rovan- a new system of accounting, using an electronic system of do-kumen-to-turnover both inside the college and in ra -bote with external-ni-or-ga-bottom-qi-yami.

As a result of the introduction of this system, we, to a large extent, have received our development of ma-teri-al-no-tech-ni -che-kai ba-for college. Reasonable, rational use of fi-nan-co-s means, pos-la-et, it is purposeful, but to solve problems according to -per-chance-tvo-vaniya educational-but-pro-from-vods-tween-no-go and vos-tatetel-no-go pro-processes, which leads to higher-ka -honest-va under-go-tov-ki sp-tsi-alis-tov. Due to the effective investment of budget allocations and extra-budgetary funds, including social chiva-et-sya modernization of educational masters, la-bora-thories, acting and sports halls.

Galina Alek-sand-rov-on Ul-yano-va awarded with the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, with the badge “For-even-ra -bot-nick of the middle pro-fess-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation, gram-mota-mi Mini-nis-ters- your education of the Russian Federation and De-par-ta-men-ta of the education of the city of Moscow, diploma and thanksgiving of the college.

Ol-ha Alek-se-ev-na Urya-dova

Physics teacher

Ol-ga Alek-se-ev-na Urya-dova windows-chi-la go.

Pedagogical experience - 45 years. He has been working at the college since 1985 as a lecturer in physics.

During the time of work in the professional-si-onal-name of the Ol-ga Alek-se-ev-to pro-reveal-la yourself talant-li-vym -dago-gom, beautifully ruling the pre-me-tom. She knows how to evoke students' in-te-res to physics, uv-le-katel-but shows the practical connection of physics with life and the chosen professional profession, beauty, logicality and harmony of this science. She developed a profiled program in physics, in which, along with a professional orientation, created sis-te-ma in terms of the level of no-go-in-the-enforcement of ma-teri-ala.

An experienced teacher, she turns education into a school of creative thinking, inventor-re-tatel-nose, original-nose-ti , carry-standard-nose-tee. Shi-roko uses such forms of training as conference, business game, KVN, olym-pi-ad, ex-curse.

O. A. Urya-dova - participant and dip-lo-mant of the city of rods-to-th competition of the pedagogical-go-giches-to-go-masters-tva "Se-my class-ny" and one-but-name-of-the-th district-th competition of the pe-dago-giches-ko-go masters-tva.

Ol-ga Alek-se-ev-na Urya-dova was honored with the honorary title of “Zas-lu-wife-teacher of the Russian Federation” , awarded on the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, “Veteran of labor”, sign “Excellent professional professional but-tech-no-ches-to-go education of the RSFSR.

Pa-vel Vik-to-rovich Sha-ga-ev

Pa-vel Vik-to-rovich Sha-ga-ev graduated from Po-litekh-ni-kum named after V.I. kovs-ki hi-miko-tech-no-log-ches-ki ins-ti-tut named after D. I. Men-de-le-ev in 1986.

Vikto-rovich has been working at Pa-Vel College since 1980. He is a teacher with a high creative and professional level of preparation, author of the program on the spectrum of ana -lisa, development of over 30 technical tasks of de-mons-tra-ci-on-nyh and educational programs, re-price-zent for a working program on spectral analysis, compiled by teachers from Vol-gograds-to-go chi-miko-tech-no-log-ches- someone tech-no-kuma. Pa-vel Vik-to-rovich is good-de-et ma-teri-alom, re-pi-tyva-et with students-den-tov in-te-res to sp-tsi-al-nos-ti , skill-lo or-ga-bottom-of the educational process, in-viva-et teaching the skills of self-a-m-o-yatel-noy work.

P. V. Sha-ga-ev widely uses wi-de-ok-lass, all classes in spectral analysis go with the use of no-no- I eat computer. Di-nami-ka educational activity-nos-ti of his students confirms the high level of education and the stability of knowledge. The pe-dagog gives a lot of strength to work with weak-bos-ly-shashi-mi students-den-ta-mi. He is the leader of the chicken-so-vym and diploma pro-ek-ti-rova-ni-em. Course and diploma work of students you are half-not-us at a high level and have practical significance. Pav-lu Vik-to-rovi-chu has such traits as labor-love-bee, kindness-conscience, responsiveness and kindness-desirability . He enjoys respect and authority among colleagues and students.

Pa-vel Vik-to-rovich Sha-ga-ev was awarded with the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, the badge “Honourable work-bot- nickname of the middle professio-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation ”, diploma of the Mini-nis-ters-tva education of the RF and par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow.

Wa-len-ti-na Il-inich-na Sha-rapo-wa

Technician with a pe-dago-giches-coy load-load in the cyclo-lo-howl commission TPPM

Va-len-ti-na Il-inich-na Sha-rapo-va in 1982 without from-ry-va from the production of windows-chi-la Mos-kovs-ki in-dust- ri-al-ny tech-no-kum on special-tsi-al-nos-ti "Tech-nik-me-khanik". Since 1956, technical people have been working at the college with pe-dago-giches-ki-mi watches.

About-la-daya you-so-juicy pro-fess-si-onal-noy under-go-to-koy, V.I. yam ka-bine-you and la-bora-torii according to various objects, in a good working state so-to-yanii contains equipment, tech-no-ches -kie teaching aids, models, posters, re-ak-ti-you, draws up teaching aids.

She is the bess-men-ny secretary of the Go-sudars-tven-noy qua-lifi-katsi-on-noy commission on the reception of diplomats and the surrender of the go-sudars- tven-nyh ek-za-menov.

To the handy-no-mu de-lu of Wa-len-ti-na Il-inich-forever-yes-ho-dit from-vets-tween-but and good-ro-conscience-but. Conducts a large public work. For many years, V.I. She is discipline-niro-van-na, you-der-zhanna, good-ro-desired-tel-na, responsive. These qualities make it useful for her to be an authority among students and colleagues.

Va-len-ti-na Il-inich-na Sha-rapo-va nag-razhde-na me-dal-mi “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, “Veteran of labor” , gram-mota-mi De-par-ta-men-ta about-ra-calling of the city of Moscow-you and up-ra-you of the district "Aka-demi-ches-ky" (for us- foot work in the selected camp-pa-nii of the President of Russia). The name of V.I. -lo Ches-ti.

Barely-na Dmit-ri-ev-na Ko-pei-ki-na

Chemistry teacher

The pre-se-giver of the cycle-lo-howl of the co-mission of general chemistry

Barely-on Dmit-ri-ev-on Ko-pei-ki-on windows-chi-la Po-litekh-ni-kum them. V.I. here is the name of D. I. Men-de-le-eva. Since 1982, she has been working at Polytechnic College No. 39. Her teaching experience is 28 years.

The constant need for professional-si-onal-nom sa-moso-ver-chance-tvo-vania - not-wean-le-may ha-rak-te-rice-ti -ka teacher-give-a-to-whom of the highest level, like E. D. Ko-pei-ki-na. She owns sov-re-men-ny-mi-methods-of-training, ra-tsi-onal-but uses-uses training time, de-mons-tra -ci-on-noe equipment and vi-de-axis-te-we are in the process of studying and fixing the ma-teri-ala, which pos-vo-la-et attach stu-den-there in-te-res to chi-mia. Barely, Dmitri-ri-ev-can-manage the audit-tori-it, good contact-ru-et with students-den-ta-mi, creating desirable, calm and business-like obs-ta-nov-ku and achieving the set goals.

E. D. Ko-pei-ki-na - collaborator of teaching and controlling computer programs that are used by sya all teach-whether college. Methodological developments are related to the issues of eco-log-ization and computerization of training in or-ga-niches-coy chi- missions, conducting practical-ti-ches-kih classes in or-ga-niches-coy chemistry. Barely-na Dmit-ri-ev-na is also a tutor, she is a pos-it-yan-but is-la-is-a class leader in a group of chi- miches-ko-go from de-leniya.

In addition to that, Yele-na Dmit-ri-ev-na is a good leader and ad-mi-nist-ra-tor. Since 2000, she has been the pre-se-date-lem of the cyclic co-mission, where she was able to create a team of single-minded Lenniki, about -fes-si-on-lov - creatively gifted, having a great po-ten-tsi-al.

Barely Dmit-ri-ev-na has a high auto-priority among students and colleagues, actively participates in the community college life.

Barely-on Dmit-ri-ev-on Ko-pei-ki-on nag-razhde-on the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, the badge “On-thurs -ny worker-nickname of the name of the city of Moscow, gram-mota-mi De-par-ta-men-ta of the name of the city of Moscow-you.

Barely-on Gri-gor-ev-on Ore-shen-ko-va

Instructor of Spectrum-Ral-no-Go Analysis

Barely-on Gri-gor-ev-on Ore-shen-ko-va windows-chi-la in 1958 Mos-kovs-ki in litekh-ni-kum named after V. I. Le-nin, and in 1965 - the Moscow State-Cy-Sudars-tven-ny Pe-Dago-Giches-Cy Ins-ti-here named after V. I. Le-nin.

Since 1957, Yele-na Gri-gor-ev-na has been working at the college. She is an excellent educator, freely in possession of ma-teri-alom, able to carry it to students. Raz-vi-va-et they have the activity of posture, the ability to analyze, evaluate methodological and educational materials, choose methods of conducting ex-perimen-comrade.

E. G. Ore-shen-ko-va - author of the textbook "Spectral analysis", which is in-bullet-ren among students and teachers vate-lei of middle and higher educational institutions, participant of the development of the State-sudars-twen-no-go education -dart of open source software on special-ci-al-nos-ti "Ana-lithi-ches-kiy control of the quality of chemical compounds", author of the courses "Sov- re-men-ing methods of analysis”, “Methods of lo-cal-no-go and not-raz-ru-sha-ing-th analysis”, “Methods of structural analysis".

For labor, love, heartfelt respect for people Yele-na Gri-gor-ev-on lowered respect and love collegues for work and work -den-tov. She willingly provides help to young teachers, transfers to them the accumulated knowledge and experience.

Many years of good-ro-conscientious work in the system of pro-fob-ra-calling of Elena Gri-gor-ev-na Ore-shen-ko-howl from-me-chen me-dal-mi “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, “Veteran of Labour”, “50 years of Victory in the Great Father-honest-ven-noy war 1941 -1945", "For virtuous work in the Great Father-honest-ven-noy war of 1941-1945", "60 years of Victory in the Great Father-honest-ven -noy war of 1994-1945", badges "For excellent us-pe-khi in the middle special-ci-al-nom education", “Excellent student of the chemical industry of the USSR”, diploma of the Mini-nis-ters-tva of the education of the Russian Federation and De-par-ta-men-ta about -ra-zova-tion of the city of Moscow. E. G. Ore-shen-ko-va is the laureate of the competition "Grant of Moscow" in the field of science and technology in the field of education.

The State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Polytechnic College No. 39" was created as a result of the reorganization of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the City of Moscow Polytechnic College No. 39 by joining the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow with a special (correctional) secondary school Type VIII No. 1111 on the basis of the order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated July 3, 2014 No. 494 “On the reorganization of state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow”.

The State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Polytechnic College No. 39 was established in 2005 as a result of the merger of three previously existing educational organizations: the State Educational Institution of the Moscow Polytechnic College, the State Educational Institution of the Vocational Lyceum (Engineering and Radio Engineering) No. 329 and the State Educational Institution of the Vocational School No. 199.

The basis for such an association was the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated October 19, 2004 No. 724-PP “On the participation of executive power of the city of Moscow, associations of trade unions and employers in the development of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, taking into account the needs of the city's economy in qualified workers "and the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated 01.12.2004 No. 798" On the reorganization of the State educational institution of the Moscow Polytechnic College, the State educational institution Vocational Lyceum (engineering and radio engineering profile) No. 329 and the State Educational Institution Vocational School No. 199.

By order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated October 31, 2011 No. 825 “On the renaming of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education”, the State educational institution of secondary vocational education Polytechnic College No. 39 was renamed the State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Polytechnic College No. 39.

In 2012, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the City of Moscow, Polytechnic College No. 39, was merged with the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the City of Moscow, College of Small Business No. 40. reorganization of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the City of Moscow Polytechnic College No. 39 in the form of joining the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the City of Moscow College of Small Business No. 40”.

The founder of the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Polytechnic College No. 39" on behalf of the Government of Moscow is the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

The main document regulating the activities of the college is the Charter of the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Polytechnic College No. 39" (edition No. 4), approved by the order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated September 14, 2014 No. 232r.

From the history of the united institutions

Moscow Polytechnic College.

The Moscow Polytechnic College, in the building of which the territorial structural division "Academic" is now located, was one of the oldest educational institutions of vocational education in the city of Moscow . The history of its origin dates back to 1885, when on October 6, the Alexander Men's Commercial School was opened in Moscow, where children of merchants, industrialists and trade employees of Christian denominations were admitted. In 1904, a men's trading school was opened at the school. It is from there that the path along which the college goes begins. Before the October Revolution of 1917, the Alexander Commercial School carried out 27 graduations with an average of 50 people. Already in 1918, on the basis of the school, the Moscow Industrial and Economic School was established, which in 1921 was transformed into the First Industrial and Economic College. In 1928, the technical school was given the name of the Polytechnic. IN AND. Lenin. In 1970, the Polytechnic. IN AND. Lenin was merged with the All-Union Correspondence Chemical College and in 1975 was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Moscow City Executive Committee, and in May 1976, by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Council, the Polytechnic named after. Lenin was merged with the Industrial College and moved from the building at 15/17 Bolshaya Spasskaya Street to the building of the Industrial College at 26 Dmitry Ulyanov Street. IN AND. Lenin was transformed into the Moscow Polytechnic College.

Professional Lyceum No. 329.

Professional lyceum No. 329 received its status (lyceum) on April 17, 1995 after the transformation of SPTU 151, which in turn was founded in September 1970 on the territory of the base enterprise of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research and Production Center for Automation and Instrumentation named after. ON THE. Pilyugin. In 1992, on the basis of SPTU, an educational complex SPTU 151 was created - Technical school space instrumentation, in which students could gradually receive not only primary, but also secondary vocational education.

Vocational School No. 199.

Vocational School No. 199 was opened in 1983 by the State Committee for Vocational Education and the Ministry of Medium Machine Building. On the basis of Vocational School No. 199, the All-Russian Exhibition of Achievements in Vocational Education was held in 1987, and in 1990, the All-Union Conference of Heads of Author's Educational Institutions.

The vocational school in a short period of time was able to achieve high rates in educational activities. This is the merit, first of all, of the engineering and teaching staff, which is at the origins of its creation. Today, in the building of the former Vocational School No. 199 on Sevastopolsky Prospekt, the territorial structural subdivision "Sevastopol" is located. The subdivision provides high-quality professional training in a large list of areas, and issues of spiritual and physical education of trainees are successfully resolved. All conditions have been created for this: a sports hall, a strength training hall, a gym. The division has an excellent library with a reading room and a literary drawing room. The museum of military glory of the 4th Shock Army and the only museum in Moscow named after the Hero of Russia Vera Voloshina successfully operate here.

College of Small Business #40.

The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education College of Small Business No. 40 was formed on the basis of Order No. 799 of December 1, 2004 of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow in December 2004 by merging three of the oldest educational institutions of vocational education: Moscow Commercial College, Vocational School No. 2 and Vocational school number 113.

After the unification, the team of teachers, masters of industrial training and college students became the successor of the traditions of the united educational organizations. Traditional were such events as: a solemn line dedicated to the beginning school year; "Initiation into students" for newly accepted students; competition "Hello! We are looking for talents”; concerts dedicated to holidays (Teacher's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 and others); International student day; Lessons in Courage; participation in meetings of the city Euroclub; Day of the elderly; Week of Chairs; April Fool's Day - "Humorina"; New Year's kaleidoscope; seeing off winter "Maslenitsa", Health Days; shows of new clothing collections by the Sudarushka Fashion Theater; theater weeks; holidays of the first product “My first product is my first step into the profession”; events dedicated to the City Day; holiday in honor of Victory Day; Holiday of the last call: "Good luck"; Evening meeting of graduates; Open Children's Day and much, much more.

Moscow Commercial College.

The Moscow Commercial College (today the territorial structural subdivision "Ulyanovskoye") traces its history back to 1959, when the Decree of the Council of Ministers No. College of Soviet Trade of the Moscow City Executive Committee with an annual enrollment of 500 students, including 300 full-time students ... Additional costs associated with an increase in the plan for admission to secondary specialized educational institutions of the Moscow City Executive Committee in 1959 should be made within its estimate for training personnel. (Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR D. Polyansky) and decisions of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Council No. 43/2 of August 7, 1959. In 1959, the technical school had two departments: full-time and part-time. The college trained specialists in the following areas:

Refrigeration mechanic;

vending machine mechanic;

Grocery manager for food products;

Commodity manager for industrial goods;

Since 1960, the technical school began training in the specialty Accountant in trade. These specialties were so in demand and prestigious that the competition for merchandisers of industrial goods was 20 people per place, and for accounting - 15 people per place. In 1962, the technical school was renamed into Trade and Economic College(TET) of the Moscow City Executive Committee. In the same year, a new 5-storey building with a sports hall and well-equipped classrooms and laboratories was built for the technical school. Graduates of the technical school successfully worked at trade enterprises of the city of Moscow. Among them were many awarded orders and medals of the USSR, badges "Excellent worker of Soviet trade", leaders of socialist competition, shock workers of communist labor. Except educational process educational work has always been well organized in the technical school. Various clubs "Search", "KID" (international friendship club), "Young atheist", "Moskvichka" and others were organized in the Trade and Economic College. The technical school had primary organizations of the societies "Knowledge", "Red Cross", DOSAAF, NTO (scientific and technical society), etc. Through the NTO, the technical school established a connection with trade technical schools in other cities - Riga, Kharkov, etc. In 1991, the Trade and Economic College received the status of a college and was renamed into Moscow Commercial College on the basis of the order of the Moscow City Committee for Public Education dated November 1, 1991 No. 16. The Moscow Commercial College (MCC) continued the traditions formed in the College of Soviet Trade and the Trade and Economic College in all areas of activity. In 1972, the Museum of Military Glory of the 60th rifle division. The museum regularly holds lessons of courage, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, defenders of Moscow, veterans of the home front. Veterans often tell the children about military difficulties at the round table in the museum, thank the children for their noble work. History teachers while studying the topic “Great Patriotic War» visit a museum with students and use museum materials for the lesson. The museum has a large amount of material related to the awarding, in particular, it has copies of award lists and award cards. More than ten stands illustrate information about the awards of the USSR, the organization of the search for awards, materials about the 60th Infantry Division, photographs of teachers and college staff - participants in the war.

Vocational School No. 2.

Vocational school No. 2 (now the territorial structural subdivision "Kotlovka") was formed in 1989 on the basis of the sewing associations "Moscow" and "Cheryomushki" in the building of the former Industrial Pedagogical College, built in 1957. For 13 years, the educational institution trained tailors and seamstresses. More than 2,000 young skilled workers were trained for enterprises. Despite its young age, the school took an active part in competitions for the best in the profession, sports and other sports events held in the city of Moscow.

Average vocational school No. 113.

The history of the Secondary Vocational School No. 113 (now the territorial structural subdivision "Lomonosovskoye") began in 1965 with the fact that Semyon Borisovich Schneider, the chief engineer of the garment factory No. 24, was upset by the quality of sewing. The factory carried out the plan, the seamstresses scribbled quickly, but the hereditary tailor Schneider wanted them to sew. He understood that a class master needed to be specially trained. And the active Semyon Borisovich set off - in the literal sense of the word. In big thick glasses, with the same shabby briefcase, he walked around the schools in his area. I got acquainted with all the teachers of labor. He will come to the lesson and tell the children about a wonderful profession. And then: “Children, who wants to go to school?” And in response, laughter and exclamations: "Tailor!". At all times, there was a special attitude to the vocational school: it was believed that they were for those who had nothing to do in universities. But patience and perseverance Semyon Borisovich was not to take. He persuaded eleven guys, a little later there were seventy of them. I carefully selected teachers, looked for masters in the technical school of light industry, in good ateliers. And how much he went through the authorities, but he achieved his goal. First, a department was opened at the textile school, and five years later, an independent vocational school. The date of birth of the vocational school is considered to be 1970.

By the eighties, the contingent of students reached 900 people. The competition was at least 3 people per place. We taught tailors for individual tailoring of women's outerwear, men's clothing, women's light dresses, children's clothing, headdress milliners. They formed groups consisting of only young men. Industrial training took place at the enterprises of the city. There were no workshops: all study rooms given for theoretical training; but this was not enough - they studied in two shifts. By the end of the 1980s, the situation began to change. Ateliers and factories began to close, and there was an urgent need to equip their own workshops, which was done. But this led to a sharp reduction in training space and a reduction in enrollment. It became possible to train no more than 450 people a year. More than 4.5 thousand tailors of individual tailoring have prepared the school. By the end of the 1990s, the demand for tailors dropped sharply. The market began to overstock with imported consumer goods. The remaining ateliers of individual tailoring could not withstand the competition and closed. But at the same time, the demand for specialists has increased. Catering. Fulfilling the order of the city, the school began to prepare for the training of cooks. They equipped and equipped a laboratory for the professions "Cook, confectioner", purchased literature, invited specialists - teachers and masters of industrial training. And in 1999, they conducted the first recruitment for training in the profession of "Cook". Since 1994, the school began to accept tailor and hearing impaired people for training. This tradition continues to this day.

On October 15, 1980, the Museum of Military Glory of the 46th Army was formed on the territory of the Secondary Vocational School No. 113.

Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator

Full-time, Part-time, Part-time

Form of study:

State Diploma of Secondary Education vocational education

Completion document:

Series 77, No. 005208, Registration No. 032121, dated July 10, 2012, indefinitely


Series 770P, No. 001358, Registration No. 011636, from 03/19/2012 to 03/19/2018


College Characteristics

general information

The State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Polytechnic College No. 39 was established in 2005 as a result of the merger of three previously existing educational institutions: the Moscow Polytechnic College, Vocational Lyceum No. 329 for mechanical engineering and radio engineering, and Vocational School No. 199.

The basis for such a merger was the Decree of the Government of Moscow of October 19, 2004 No. 724-PP "On the participation of executive authorities of the city of Moscow, trade unions and employers in the development of primary and secondary vocational education institutions, taking into account the needs of the city's economy in qualified workers" and the order Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated December 1, 2004 No. 798 “On the reorganization of the State Educational Institution of the Moscow Polytechnic College, the State Educational Institution of the Vocational Lyceum (Machine-Building and Radio Engineering) No. 329 and the State Educational Institution of the Vocational School No. 199”.

By order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated October 31, 2011 No. 825 “On the renaming of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education”, the State educational institution of secondary vocational education Polytechnic College No. 39 was renamed the State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Polytechnic College No. 39.

In 2012, the College of Small Business No. 40 was attached to the Polytechnic College No. 39. The basis for the merger was the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated February 28, 2012 No. 84 “On the reorganization of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the City of Moscow Polytechnic College No. 39 in the form of joining the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the City of Moscow College of Small Business No. 40".

Polytechnic College No. 39 is the assignee of all obligations of the College of Small Business No. 40 in respect of all of its creditors and debtors, including obligations disputed by the parties, in accordance with the deed of transfer.

The founder of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Polytechnic College No. 39 (hereinafter referred to as the College) on behalf of the Government of Moscow is the Department of Education of the City of Moscow. The higher governing body is the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

See all photos

About hairdressers-stylists PC №39


1 of

The college accepts applicants for the following specialties and professions:


Training period:

Based on class 9 - 2 years 5 months

Based on class 11 - 10 months

  • Cook, confectioner
  • Auto Mechanic
  • Master in digital information processing (computer operator)
  • Secretary
  • Machine operator (metalworking; operator of machine tools with program control)
  • Mechanical assembly fitter
  • Installer of radio electronic equipment and devices
  • Performer of art and design works


The term of study for the basic level:
Based on class 9 - 3 years 10 months
Based on class 11 - 2 years 10 months

Term of study for advanced level:

Based on class 9 - 4 years 10 months
Based on class 11 - 3 years 10 months
On the basis of NGOs - on a reduced program

  • Computer systems and complexes
  • Analytical quality control of chemical compounds
  • Technology for the production and processing of plastics and elastomers
  • Rational use of environmental complexes
  • Maintenance and repair of radio electronic equipment (by industry)
  • Engineering technology
  • Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
  • Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods
  • Commerce (by industry)
  • Economics and accounting (by industry)
  • Technology of catering products
  • hairdressing art
  • Hotel service
  • Organization of catering services
  • Design (by industry)
  • Operational activities in logistics
  • Banking
  • Tourism
  • Radio engineering
  • Information Systems


Duration of study in all areas: 2 years

  • Mechanical assembly fitter
  • Cook
  • Confectioner
  • stacker-packer

Contacts of the admission committee

Admission conditions

DDocuments required for college admission:

  1. Certificate (original)
  2. Copy of medical insurance policy
  3. Copy of passport (page with photo and residence permit)
  4. Photos size 3x4 (black/white - 6 pcs.)

Persons with handicapped When submitting an application, submit, at their discretion, the original or a copy of one of the following documents:

The conclusion of the psycho-medical-pedagogical commission;

Certificate of disability, issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad:

Original or a photocopy of the identity document of the applicant, or an identity document foreign citizen in the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”;

Original document of state standard on education (or its

duly certified copy) or an original document of a foreign state on the level of education and (or) qualifications recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of a state standard document on education (or a duly certified copy), as well as in the case provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation , a copy of the certificate of recognition of this document;

A duly certified translation into Russian of a document of a foreign state on the level of education and (or) qualifications and annexes to it (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document on education was issued);

Copies of documents or other evidence confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for by Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ “On the State Policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad”;

6 photographs 3x4 cm in size;

All translations into Russian must be made in the name and surname indicated in the identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation.

  • Sport
  • The medicine
  • Creation
  • Extra

sports and health

Sport sections
  • mini football
  • athletic gymnastics
  • volleyball
  • karate
  • Kickboxing
  • Basketball
  • Body-building

The medicine

Medical support for students in the College is carried out by full-time and assigned medical personnel, who, along with the administration of the Institution, is responsible for carrying out medical and preventive measures, observing the sanitary and hygienic standards of pupils.


The College has a Club of Cheerful and Resourceful (the best team of KVN SPO South-West Administrative District-2012, the champion of the city in 2013), a hairdressing theater "Barber", a military-historical reconstruction club is in the process of registration. The volunteer movement is actively developing: the program “Life is given for good deeds” has been operating for 4 years (off-site haircuts and cleaning of veterans’ apartments), 2 years - the program “Days of the service industry” (free haircuts for veterans, pensioners, members large families in college workshops. Students participate in competitions of a professional and creative orientation (review competition "Best Group of the Year", competitions of professional skills, student conferences, competition "College Talents" - competition of readers, song competition, poster competition, etc., Miss and Mister College competition )

Purpose of the Preparatory Courses- to give the future student fundamental training in competitive subjects: mathematics and the Russian language (for those who wish - in physics and chemistry). Classes in the courses will help to systematize the knowledge gained at school and raise the level of preparation of the applicant. The solid knowledge that you will receive from us will serve as a good basis for a meaningful choice of your future life path.

Classes in the preparatory courses contribute to the most effective assimilation of the school curriculum, the successful passing of entrance exams and the adaptation of the applicant to the specifics of college education.

Terms of study: The training program on the courses is designed for various periods of study - 8 months, 5 months, 2 months, 2 weeks.

From October to May, course participants study in the evening, in June - in the daytime.

Teaching disciplines:

  • Russian language (including preparation for the Unified State Examination and GIA)
  • mathematics (including preparation for the USE and GIA)
  • chemistry
  • physics

The courses are taught by experienced teachers.

Graduates preparatory courses pass the college entrance exams in the first stream.


Automotive school PK 39 is a structural subdivision State budgetary educational institution Polytechnic College No. 39 is located in the college building at the address: Moscow, st. Dmitry Ulyanov, 26 in close proximity from the metro station "Akademicheskaya" (300 meters, 3-5 minutes on foot).

The driving school carries out its activities in accordance with Charter college, Licensed for the right to carry out educational activities under professional training programs for drivers of vehicles, Regulation"On the provision of paid educational services of additional professional education", Internal regulations college.

The college provides the Automotive School with the appropriate material and technical base, equipment and qualified teaching staff.

Classes are held in three classrooms in the morning and evening hours, both on weekdays and on weekends (weekend group). Equipment computer class allows you to conduct classes in theoretical disciplines using computer training programs and maximize adapt candidates for drivers to the conditions of exams in the traffic police.

Training in practical driving is carried out on modern training vehicles in the amount of 50 hours, on training grounds located within the territory of college at: st. Dmitry Ulyanov, 26 - category "B"; st. Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya, 17 A - category "A" in the amount of 17 hours. An individual driving schedule is developed for each student.

Duration of training is 2 months, according to the results: - candidates for drivers receive Certificate on the passage of training in the training programs for drivers of vehicles, and as part of the training groups of the Automotive School PC 39 submitting for an exam in the traffic police.

The course includes:

  • theoretical course (lectures on the basics of legislation in the field of traffic, traffic rules, the device of the vehicle, the psychophysiological foundations of the profession of a driver, first aid for victims of an accident);
  • practical driving course in the amount of 50 hours;
  • submission of a training car for an exam in the traffic police;
  • insurance for the period of study.

License No. 030654 dated 03/06/2012.
Certificate of accreditation series 77OP No. 001190 dated January 20, 2012, registration No. 011468.
Year of creation - 1921.
Admission on the basis of 7, 8, 9, 11 classes.
Education free.
Social benefits: postponementfromservicesinsunRF, freefood, scholarship, preferentialtravel.
NGO - full-time, budgetary;
SPO (basic and advanced levels) - full-time, part-time, part-time with the use of distance technologies, external studies; budget and contracts.
highly qualified teachers and masters of industrial training.
Own training and production base.
Programs of additional professional education.
Integratedprograms NPO-SPO - the opportunity, after studying at an NGO, to receive a specialty of SPO under an abbreviated program.
Possibility of obtaining secondprofessions during the period of study in the main profession (specialty).
Practiceandassistanceemployment to the leading enterprises of the city of Moscow.
Opportunity to continue education inuniversities reduced programs.
Vocational education and social adaptation youthWithproblemshearing.
Implementation of special educational needsdisabled people.
Structuralsubdivision« ACADEMIC»
st. Dm. Ulyanova, 26, (499) 124-88-02
Computer systems and complexes.
Analytical quality control of chemical compounds.
Technology of production and processing of plastics and elastomers.
Rational use of environmental complexes.
Maintenance and repair of radio-electronic equipment (by industry).
Installer of radio-electronic equipment and devices.
Master in digital information processing (computer operator).
Structuralsubdivision« SEVASTOPOL»
Sevastopolsky prospect, 11a, (499) 129-20-55
Engineering technology.
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.
Auto Mechanic.
Machine operator (metalworking; operator of machine tools with program control).
Maingeneraleducation(on the basis of 8 cells) - 9th grade with pre-profile training.
Structuralsubdivision« ULYANOVSK»
st. Dm. Ulyanova, 35, building 2, (499) 125-83-65
Commerce (by industry).
Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods.
Maingeneraleducation(on the basis of 7, 8 cells) - 8, 9th grade with pre-profile training.
Structuralsubdivision« KOTLOVKA»
st. Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya, 17A, (499) 127-69-95
Economics and accounting (by industry).
Hairdressing art.
Hotel service.
The hairdresser.
Savings bank controller.
The hairdresser.
Structuralsubdivision« LOMONOSOV»
29A, Vernadsky Avenue, (499) 138-21-71
Technology of catering products.
Cook, confectioner.
Confectioner (OOSH KRO).
Knitter of knitwear, linen (OOSH KRO).
All professions and specialties are integrated - NGO graduates can continue their education in the specialties of secondary vocational education.
- on thebase7 , 8 , 9 classes to the programs of the main general education and NGOs - without exams, based on the application of the applicant;
- on thebase9 classes- for the budgetary full-time department of secondary vocational education - according to the results of the GIA or entrance examinations: Russian language (dictation), mathematics (oral);
- on thebase11 classes- according to the results of the exam;
- on thecontractfull-time, full-time- correspondencedepartmentandexternal student- Based on the results of the interview.
At the NGO on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 5 months, on the basis of 11 classes - 1 year.
On SPO on the basis of 9 classes. – 3 years 10 months on the basis of 11 classes - 1 year 10 months.
Russian University of Cooperation,
Academy of Labor and Social Relations,
Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering,
Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MGRI),
Moscow State University of Engineering Ecology,
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography,
Moscow State Open University,
Moscow State Technological University,
Moscow State University of Communications,
Moscow City Pedagogical University,
Russian State Technological University K.E. Tsiolkovsky,
State Trade and Economic University,
Moscow Finance and Law Academy.
Foradultpopulation(499 ) 129 - 23 - 97 , 127 - 69 - 95
Vocational training, advanced training and professional retraining laid-off workers.
Leading professional education workers at risk of layoffs or part-time workers.
Advanced training and retraining in professions and specialties of the college.
Computer courses.
Knitter knitwear.
Seller of food and non-food products.
Store cashier.
Regulator of radio-electronic equipment and devices.
Operator of machine tools with program control.
Assay laboratory assistant.
Laboratory assistant for gas and dust analysis.
Turner secretary, etc.
The college has:
preparatorycourses different duration (from October to May) - tel. (499) 124-88-02, 125-83-65
Centerescortsprofessionalcareer: professional orientation, social and labor adaptation and employment of students and college graduates, increasing their competitiveness in the labor market, promoting a successful professional career; systems approach to solve the problem of accessibility educational space and formation of readiness for effective behavior in the labor market of persons with disabilities.
Psychological service.
driving school(preparationdriverstransportfundscategories« BUT», « AT») – tel.: (499 ) 129 - 25 - 70
interestingstudentlife: theater studio, military-patriotic association, sports sections, modern dance studio, fashion theater, courses foreign languages, an arts and crafts club, tours, hikes and more.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 08:00 to 20:00


general information

State budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow "Educational complex "South-West"


No. 3618 is valid Indefinitely from 05/13/2015


No. 4796 is valid from 05/15/2018 to 05/15/2024

About the college

Polytechnic College No. 39 was founded in 2005 as a result of the merger of three educational institutions: Professional Lyceum No. 329, Moscow Polytechnic College and Vocational School No. 199. In 2012, another educational institution joined the college - College of Small Business No. 40. Today the Polytechnic College is a multidisciplinary educational institution secondary vocational education, which operates in accordance with modern federal educational standards. The training of qualified specialists in the college is carried out on the basis of a state license for the right to carry out educational activities, which was issued to the educational institution indefinitely by the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

The key to obtaining a quality professional education is the material and technical equipment of the Polytechnic College No. 39. In accordance with state educational standards, the college has at its disposal spacious study rooms, training workshops and laboratories for conducting classes in special disciplines, production workshops, a training ground, a sports complex with gyms, canteen.

The college trains qualified personnel under the programs of NGO and SPO. The main areas of training for NGOs are: a cook, a confectioner, a secretary, an auto mechanic, a digital information processing master, a mechanical assembly worker, a machine operator, an assembler of electronic equipment and devices. Training in the professions of primary vocational education is carried out on the basis of the ninth grade and lasts 2 years and 5 months. Graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades of institutions of general secondary education, as well as students who already have a diploma in NGO are invited to receive education under the SVE program. Secondary vocational education can be obtained in the following areas: Information Technology”, “Quality control of chemical compounds”, “Engineering technology”, “Technology for the production and processing of plastics and elastomers”, “Commerce”, “Economics”, “Banking”, “Tourism”, “Logistics”, “Radio apparatus engineering”. FROM complete list specialties can be found on the website educational institution. Admission to the college is open to the public and does not require additional entrance examinations. In the event that there are not enough places allocated for education on a budgetary basis, a certificate competition is held, the results of which determine students who will be enrolled on the budget. If a student fails to pass the competition budget, he is given the opportunity to study on a commercial basis.

The teaching staff of the college is represented by highly qualified specialists. Teachers with the highest qualification category, candidates of sciences, honorary workers of secondary vocational and non-governmental organizations take part in the training of specialists. Many teachers are authors training courses. In the process of learning, students learn not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills related to their future professional activities. Students spend a lot of time in educational laboratories, workshops, undergo educational and industrial practice at specialized institutions in Moscow.

Graduates of Polytechnic College No. 39 at the end of their studies receive a state diploma of secondary vocational education, on the basis of which they can carry out professional activity by specialty. College graduates also have the right to enter a university on preferential terms and continue their professional development.

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