The January holiday period is unique for its huge energy reserves, which can be used to obtain various earthly benefits.

In addition to love rituals, rituals for money for the Old New Year, which can be performed on the night of January 13-14, are incredibly popular.

Raising money at this time can bring you and your family material wealth for the entire coming year.

Be sure to use it to do rituals, perform rituals and read money conspiracies that are effective specifically on the eve of the Old New Year.

Spell on the tablecloth

The simplest plot is read after a festive dinner, the table for which should be covered with a tablecloth.

As soon as the feast is over, the hostess of the house must remove the dishes, and then take the tablecloth with the remaining crumbs and go outside with it to the balcony.

This is where the conspiracy for wealth for the Old New Year is carried out.

The tablecloth needs to be shaken out, saying:

“So many crumbs on the tablecloth, so much wealth and happiness for our home!”

The plot is repeated 3 times.

To attract unexpected money

If you need to improve your financial situation, but have nowhere to get money, go to the church on Old New Year’s Eve (or before the Epiphany holiday) and give alms to at least three beggars.

As you serve, say the following phrase to yourself:

“To whom Christ is not a father, I am not a mother.”

The ritual helps to attract money from the most unexpected sources.

Amulet made of wax and coins

For the Old New Year, you can make a talisman to attract cash flows.

For several days, carry 2 silver coins in your wallet (best of all, 5 rubles each). They should get used to you.

On the evening of January 13, take a green candle, cut a small piece from it, melt it and make a small cake.

While it’s hot, write your name on one side with a needle (you can use the first letter of the name if it’s long), and on the other side – the numerical code of your birth.

To determine this number, add up all the digits of your date of birth.

Example: 08/11/1982 - 1+1+0+8+1+9+8+2=30, 3+0=3.

The resulting number must be applied to the talisman.

After this, press the wax cake on both sides with coins.

Carry the finished amulet with you throughout the next day, and then put it in the place where you keep your money or in your wallet.

Old New Year ritual on paper

To perform a simple ritual, take a blank piece of paper and write on it your desire related to the material sphere.

It is important that your request is clear and short, so be specific about the amount and time frame.

Just don’t ask for millions that will fall on your head tomorrow, everything should be as realistic as possible.

Roll up the piece of paper and place it under the tree overnight, and burn it the next day at lunchtime, scattering the ashes in the wind.

Talisman for profit

At the beginning, read the plot as many times as you like full years now, clasping your little fingers:

“Gold, gold, pour in to me like peas in the bins, like grains of barley in the threshing floor, like rye in the threshing floor. Gold, gold, stick to my hands like flies to honey, butterflies to the light, grass to the sun. Gold, gold, pour into my pockets without counting, without measure, in handfuls and handfuls. Gold, gold, become friends with me, like ice with water, a nightingale with spring, dew with grass. I’m not a huckster, I’m a fine merchant: I sell with honor, I hang with excess, I measure with powder, I cut with extra, I pour with the rest. Be in my barn a treasure and everything will be in order, without ruin, without burning in all the days and years of my burnout.”

After reading the plot, you need to make a talisman.

To do this, take white paper and write in red ink like this:

Letters are aligned by the last “D”: this letter in the first and last lines must be at the same level.

Outline the symbols on paper with a red frame, fold them in four, sew them into red fabric with red threads and carry the talisman with you.

When you need money, take it out and read the above plot over it.

Ritual with ribbons in the wind

1. Take 3 silk ribbons about a meter long, the color depends on what you want to attract into your life. Love - red; health - yellow; money - green; knowledge - blue or purple.

2. Write each wish on the ribbon with black ink or gel pen, legibly, clearly and respectfully.

3. Tie the ribbons to a tree branch or balcony railing so that the wind flutters them, and you can at least sometimes see it. Cast the spell 5 times:

“Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds! And you spread everything around, causing rain and thunder. You can throw lightning, you can cover it with snow. Well, if you get angry, you’ll get all boiled up, you’ll spin around and you’ll pick up from the ground whatever you want to take away, wherever you want, you’ll rearrange it, and whatever you want, you’ll scatter. And no one has power over you, you are not subject to anyone. You are everywhere and everywhere yourself, you decide everything here and there. Wind, wind, be friendly to me! Pick up my words and send them to heaven, spread them throughout the area so that all spirits can hear. From now on, take these three requests of mine and send them where they need to go. So that their angels sing, so that they have time to go everywhere, and quickly fly around the earth. And let them fulfill three wishes at once!”

Say your wishes and wait for them to come true. Make sure that no one accidentally unties the ribbons.

Bean ritual to attract money

Buy beans in advance. You need twelve light ones and one black one.

Before twelve o'clock, take the grains in your hands.

Walk around the house with them and throw them over your shoulder. Don't look where they end up.


“Bean to bean, hit the road. Collect happiness, drive away grief. Bring money into the house, but don’t ask for a loan! Black take away poverty, white bring wealth! Amen!"

The grains should lie in those places where they fell right before Baptism.

Then find them all and bury them in the ground, don’t leave them at home.

But be sure to count it so there are thirteen. Otherwise, you will turn away cash flows.

Ritual to fulfill a wish in the Old New Year

When it's almost midnight, fill your glass.

It is not at all necessary to drink alcohol; you can get by with regular compote or even water.

Blow on the water in the glass (or whatever you have in it) and say your wish out loud or silently.

At 00:00, drink the liquid to the bottom and calmly go to bed, and the Universe will take care of the fulfillment of your desire.

On the night of January 13th to 14th, don’t forget to knock on the threshold with the butt of an ax and say: “Life, health, bread!”

All these three components that you listed will not leave you, at least throughout the whole year, that is, you will be alive, well-fed, and healthy.

Happy Old New Year!!!

January 13 conspiracies
So that you don't get picked on at work
Unfortunately, there are people who absolutely cannot stand up for themselves. All the big shots fall on them, and in the team they sooner or later become scapegoats. Of course, they suffer from the injustice of others, but they cannot do anything about their quiet and flexible character. So, their trouble can be helped. If such a person tries to come to work earlier than others on New Year’s Eve and reads a special spell three times, then the attitude of his colleagues towards him will quickly change for the better. The plot is as follows:
Like the teeth of the dead do not bite,
Tongues don't fight
How do they not rush in anger?
They don’t wave their hands at the living,
They don't knock their feet,
How can they not shout at me?
So that not a single person
Forever and ever:
Neither the senior nor the junior,
Neither the one who believes
Neither the one who sweeps
Neither the one who sits in the chair -
Let him not look strictly at my face,
Doesn't scold me.
That's how I read it, how I said everything,
That's the way it should be
And my conspiracy cannot be broken.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

13th of January
The person who is ill on this day will be ill for a very long time.
Cold spell
Read in the morning, before washing:
Lord, save, Lord, save.
On an oak throne, wearing a golden crown,
Is sitting Mother of God, The Virgin Mary,
nods his head,
Protects me from colds.

An ancient recipe for treating colds
Grate the garlic, mix it with white honey and take a teaspoon every three hours, washed down with hot linden infusion. Already on the second day the patient will get out of bed completely healthy.
How to bring beauty (spell for a girl)
Knowing this conspiracy, you will always seem sweet and attractive to others. This plot should be read on the eve of the old New Year, on the morning of January thirteenth, lying in bed, immediately after you wake up. His words are:
From a soft bed to a clean lake,
With parental blessing,
I will draw some water from the well of heaven.
That vodka is more valuable than gold rings,
Miles of stone chambers, silver cups.
And that water is beautiful.
I will wash my white face in it
And I will seem well done to the young people,
Old old men, old men,
Decrepit old women, young girls,
For elderly widows
More beautiful than the red sun,
Clear month, morning ray.
My beauty would seem
To everyone and everyone at every hour,
Every minute and every day,
It would fall on their hearts and eyes. Amen.

Bring beauty (spell for a young man)
The reading conditions are the same as in the plot for the girl. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:
I, servant of God (name),
born of a mother,
Baptized by the Church,
Deprived of beauty,
I call upon the spell for help,
So that everyone praises me
So that everyone loves me.
God bless.
I'll go along the path, along the road,
And there, along the way, along the road,
There is a shop, and in this shop
Merchants sell all sorts of goods:
Calico, calico, silk, velvet.
This is for me, God’s servant (name),
I fell in love, took a closer look, took a closer look.
I closed in a clear month,
My face is a red sun,
Showered with heavenly stars.
And I wish I were so red and beautiful,
Sweet and beloved.
And I wish I was nice
And to the old ladies,
And to the young ladies,
And to old old people,
And to young men,
Well done to both the red girls and the red girls.
And I would take a closer look, fall in love
Every day, every hour,
Every minute, every second.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If memory disappears
For those whose memory has become weak, you need to speak water on January 13 (on the occasion of the old New Year) and drink it in three sips. The plot is like this:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The twelve apostles walked
The holy sheets were carried by:
Simon, Peter, Andrey, Jacob Zavideev,
John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas,
Matthew, Jacob Alfeev, Livius,
Simon Kanatit, Judas Iscariot.
And how the apostles firmly remembered God's words
And they told them to people everywhere and always,
So my memory would be strong
For all days, for all years, for all the best times.

Treatment of unknown illness
More than once I had to see people who were slowly dying from an unknown disease, and they talked about approximately the same ordeals in hospitals and that, despite good tests and full examination, seeing the condition of the patients, the doctors were unable to diagnose them. IN best case scenario In the medical record they wrote “general illness.” From my grandmother I adopted some methods of eliminating unknown illnesses. Here is one such way.
On the 13th of any month, you need to go to an abandoned unmarked grave and there, standing at the grave facing the feet of the deceased (where a monument or cross is placed), you need to clasp the little fingers of both hands and say thirteen times:
An unnamed dead man lies in a coffin.
And let my illness run to his coffin,
He runs without stumbling,
It doesn't come back to me.
He would lie in this place for a century,
He took all my illness upon himself.
My first and second words,
And yours, dead man, has no word.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Tips January 13
You should avoid using the word “thirteen” in conversation.
You should not count small things - it will lead to tears.

Whoever knocks on an apple tree with his fist on New Year's Eve will have a lot of apples. The first apple is given to the eldest in the family, and then he will live another year.

On the eve of the Old New Year, all kinds of fortune telling are performed. Let's give one of them.
Put your left hand into the ash pit and take out a handful of ash. Select nine coals from the ashes and wrap each one in a piece of paper with the inscription:
Wrap a thread around each coal to prevent it from falling out of the wrapper, and place them under your pillow.
When you go to bed, say:
I go to bed on the oak bed,
It’s not ash in my head, but my girlish destiny.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
Amen. Amen.

Take your illness to the crossroads
On the 13th of any month, make as many knots on a new rope as you know you have. As you tie each knot, name out loud one of your sores.
For example: cyst (nodule), shortness of breath (nodule), hemorrhoids (nodule), etc.
When you list all your illnesses, count how many nodules came out. Then, after the crossroads, you will have to light so many candles in the church about your health. When you come to the crossroads, burn the knotted rope there. But the intersection should be one where there is no traffic and people rarely walk. It is better if it is in a dense grove or further away in the forest.
Before you leave the intersection, you need to say:
Little devils, little brothers, quick boys,
Come quickly and take my gift.
You can ride on my bundles,
And for me to remain without my ailments.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Whoever does everything right will soon get rid of his sores.

If the damage was caused on the devil's birthday
By folk beliefs, on the thirteenth of January, on the eve of the old New Year, the devil-instigator was born, or, as the masters also call him, the devil-robber. Therefore, it is believed that people born on the night from the thirteenth to the fourteenth of January are always smart, cunning, resourceful and sin a lot. However, despite their cunning, they do not get along well with people and are rarely happy in marriages. Therefore, in the old days, village healers immediately charmed a child born on the devil’s birthday so that unclean spirits would not subjugate the person in the future.
It must also be said that from time immemorial on this day evil people always spoiled the families of their enemies, after which the relatives stopped getting along with each other, and the husband and wife began to live worse than a cat and a dog.
So, on the same day they can be reprimanded. To do this, you need, without haggling, without even asking the price in advance, to buy a skein of black wool yarn. (I usually buy this yarn from women who knit socks to sell, however, I think you can find it in the store - they just don’t sell anything now.) Under no circumstances tell the seller why you are buying wool. If they ask you, then come up with something: say, for example, that you will knit socks. Rewind this ball backwards three times and tie it into a new black scarf. Take this bundle outside after sunset and bury it in the snow under an aspen tree. Then, without leaving your seat, read the following plot:
The devil is a thief,
Your wool is not enough for you,
Take some of my wool.
Take my ball to your hell,
Tie yourself a new belt.
Damn, accept my gift,
And in return give us back peace,
So that from now on we won't fight,
They didn't grab each other's hair,
We didn’t sit with our backs to each other,
We didn’t eat at different tables,
We didn’t quarrel and didn’t sleep apart,
Every dispute was resolved peacefully.
And to the one who caused us quarrel,
Who the hell forced you to do this?
Salt in his eyes, sand in his mouth,
And around your neck is your belt.
Your feet will trip over your feet,
The language in speeches will turn up.
And be strong, all your words,
And become, all my affairs, sculpting.
For now, for centuries, for all bright times.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Farewell to the Old New Year is a time not only for fun, but also for attracting prosperity. Proven rituals will help you get rid of poverty and attract good luck.

Miracles happen on the Old New Year, because this holiday is no less important than the New Year. On the night of January 13-14, you can easily attract the necessary benefits into life if you know how to do it. Experts on the site recommend getting acquainted with proven rituals that will help you attract financial flows and good luck into your life.

Ritual to get rid of poverty

At midnight, a handful of coins are poured from hand to hand, saying:

“I say goodbye to the old year, I leave poverty in it, I attract prosperity into life. As midnight passes, so will money luck will enter the house."

The coins are laid out in secluded corners, and one of them is hidden in a wallet and not spent throughout the year, so that finances do not slip through your fingers.

Rite of bad luck

You can cope with failures and become more successful if you perform the ceremony on the night of January 13-14. To do this, they write in advance everything they want to get rid of, and also make a list of failures that they don’t want to repeat in the new year. At midnight, a piece of paper is set on fire, the ashes are scattered in the wind with the words:

“The old year is passing, it takes away the troubles, and clears the path to success for me.”

Ritual to attract money in the Old New Year

Financial well-being is an important component of life, and in order not to need a new year, it is worth performing a ritual on the Old New Year. To do this, in the morning you need to count the money in your wallet, take a coin and a bill, put them on the windowsill and leave them until midnight. At 12 o'clock at night they whisper over them:

“The coins are clear, the bills are crisp, they won’t pass me by. I’m getting rid of poverty, I’m attracting finances into my life, I don’t know bad luck anymore.”

The coin is placed next to front door under the rug so that financial flows do not pass by, and the banknote is spent on good deeds, so that good things always come back.

Farewell to the old year is important: at this time you can finally leave grievances, doubts and disappointments in the past and start life with a clean slate. For the Old New Year, be sure to make a cherished wish. On this day, the Universe is open and capable of fulfilling the most secret dreams, if they do not contain self-interest or evil intentions. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.01.2020 06:40

During the celebration of the Old New Year, everyone can tell their fortunes and find out what awaits them in...

Starting from January 1, there comes a period when people set bold goals for themselves and make...

The New Year and Christmas holidays have died down, and everyday work has begun. However, this is not a reason to be upset, because the old New Year is coming, which means that you can have a great time enjoying the company of your family and friends, delicious dishes, and, of course, fortune telling, which takes place on the night of January 13-14.

In ancient times, the old New Year was more honored than the current January Day holiday, because by that time fasting had already ended, and people could set a delicious table with an abundance of all kinds of dishes and have a fun time. They also firmly believed in omens, highlighting a number of special beliefs that were valid exclusively on the Bountiful Evening. And it all began with the women sweeping the hut and decorating the stove, painting it with folk motifs in order to appease Malanka (Orthodox Christians celebrate the feast of Melania the Roman on the 13th).

Young housewives who dreamed of their first child tried to serve food on the table wearing their husband’s hat, considering this a sure way to hasten conception.

If you had to celebrate large family, then the father hid from the children at the table with pies served, and the mother asked them to find dad. It was believed that if they did not see him behind the mountain of pies, then the year would be very prosperous, and the house would become a full cup.

In addition, it was customary to knit sheaves from the summer harvest, setting them on fire in the street after a hearty evening meal. The sheaf burned down, and with it the troubles, as well as all the bad energy in the house - this is what people thought in the old days. The table, or more precisely, the dishes served with it, was also of great importance. So, on Generous Evening, they always ate jellied meat made from a domestic rooster or rabbit, so that the owner of the house could adopt their courage, lightness and speed.

Housewives made dumplings with different fillings, promising those who tried minced meat - prosperity, mushroom - harmony in the family, cabbage - profit, and curd-dill - good health and longevity. In addition, there had to be pork on the table, since these animals were patronized by Basil the Great (the saint's feast day fell on January 14).

Many signs were associated with kutia, for example, if it turned out to be rosy and crumbly, then prosperity awaited the owners of the house. At the same time, porridge falling out of a pot or a crack in the dishes symbolized future troubles and misfortunes, while pale, meager kutya predicted poverty and protracted illnesses.

Signs for prosperity and good luck in financial matters

It was also of great importance who entered the house first in the New Year, and if it turned out to be a male representative, then this was considered a good omen, foreshadowing prosperity. Scattered grain after sowing was under no circumstances swept up, saving it until the next holiday, since it was associated with prosperity. As for him future fate, then the owners mixed wheat with the new harvest, sowing the resulting mixture with their relatives and friends.

Signs regarding personal and family life

Lonely girls, dreaming of marriage, baked buns, and, going out into the yard after the feast, laid out the bread on the benches. It was believed that the housewife whose baked goods were the first to be eaten by hungry dogs would be the first to get married. Burnt food in the oven or in a frying pan promised the young woman a brunette groom. In addition, unmarried people never sat on the corner of the table, so as not to remain lonely in the new year.

In addition, both married and unmarried girls tried to give their loved ones a red ribbon that evening or exchange dishes with him. It was also customary to place a bowl of milk on the table, since it was believed that if it did not turn sour overnight, one would be able to find one’s love in the near future. A cut finger on this night was also considered a good omen, symbolizing great mutual love.

Signs about health

The first thing the sowers did when crossing the threshold of someone else’s house was to wish the owners good health, receiving the same wishes in return. If someone in the house was very ill, then their things were burned before dawn, since it was believed that in this case the illness would also burn away. In addition, people tried to get rid of everything old and broken, purchasing everything new instead of this rubbish.

A large shawl covering the braid promised young women the preservation of beauty. Nuts and poppy seeds were always added to kutya, promising the hosts and their guests a strong body and strong spirit. Frozen water with numerous bubbles in a spoon left outside foreshadowed excellent health, and cracks - illnesses and related adversities.

When to guess and how to prepare for the ceremony

Contrary to popular belief, fortune telling during the Old New Year holidays does not have much to do with magic, but is mainly harmless entertaining rituals. The ceremony itself is carried out completely alone or in a small company in silence, after the festive feast is over. All items necessary for the ritual must be new and prepared in advance. Among other things, small children and pets should not be present in the premises.

Fortune telling methods

There are a lot of fortune telling methods, so it’s worth citing the most popular of them:

  1. To find out the name of your betrothed, you should write 12 options on pieces of paper and place them under your pillow. After waking up in the morning, you should pull out one of them.
  2. Instead of notes, you can put a comb and, falling asleep, say: “My betrothed mummer, come, comb my braid.” It is believed that the person who appears to a girl in a dream will be her fiancé.
  3. Particularly daring people place mirrors and two lit candles opposite each other, resulting in the formation of a visual corridor. Peering at him, the betrothed is again called upon. When it appears, you need to quickly cover the mirrors with a cloth.
  4. When making plans for a quick wedding, young girls throw boots over the fence - whoever picks it up will be the betrothed.
  5. You can also tell fortunes about the future using melted wax, which is poured into cold water. You can see your destiny in bizarre outlines.
  6. You can also cast a spell using three threads - black, red and white, promising troubles, happiness in your personal life and illness, respectively. Closing your eyes, you need to choose one of the threads lying under the pillow.

Of course, there are much more fortune telling, their use is determined by what kind of information a person wants to receive. However, today the Old New Year is primarily a family feast and exchange of gifts; few people observe the old traditions in their original sense.

On the night of January 13-14, it’s time to perform rituals for the Old New Year. According to a long tradition, this time is used to attract good luck into one’s life. family happiness and improve health.

During the Old New Year, many rituals and ceremonies are held; the universe is open and supportive at this time

This time period falls during the Christmas season. For a long time these days, young girls gathered to tell fortunes for their betrothed. Married women carried out their magical rituals, which helped to attract family happiness, prosperity, health and financial stability.

New Year's Eve on January 13th is a special time. Celebrating this New Year has become one of the family traditions of many people. Millions of people celebrate this “unofficial” holiday, which falls on January 14 according to the Julian calendar. The point is not only that this is another reason to organize a family celebration with a magnificent feast.

This magical night is literally filled with mysticism and mysteries. Everyone hopes that today their wish will certainly come true. And this happens very often. The main thing is to believe in your luck and carry out rituals responsibly.

Since ancient times, during Christmastide, young girls gathered to tell fortunes for their betrothed.

According to the old calendar, New Year's Eve is a great time to cast spells to attract good luck, love and wealth. Almost all of them go back to the distant past. However, over the past decades, many modern rituals have developed. Whatever rituals are used, the main thing is that the words of the conspiracies come from the heart. And then the higher good forces will hear you and come to your aid.

Improving the quality of life using the magic of a magical night - advice from a practicing magician

On January 13, people solemnly celebrate the Old New Year. This holiday has been present in our lives for almost a hundred years. This tradition developed after the Gregorian calendar began to be used.

This day was considered special among the Slavs before the chronology was changed. January 13 coincided with the Malanka holiday, and the 14th was the day when the celebrations were dedicated to St. Basil.

During these days of national celebrations, magical rites were also performed. Only a few of them have reached us. Traditionally, all types of fortune telling remain the most popular on the eve of the Old New Year.

These days, the universe is not only open to human thoughts, but is even ready to listen to them. Don't miss the chance to change your life for the better!

We use products from the holiday table

After the ceremonial feast, perform a ritual to attract wealth and happiness

Sometimes rituals and conspiracies are very unusual. When the guests have already left after the festive feast, do not rush to fold the festive tablecloth. First, remove the dishes, then carefully roll up the tablecloth. You need to shake her off the balcony or out of the window and read the magic text׃

“How many crumbs are on the tablecloth, so much happiness and wealth in my home.”

The bones should also not be thrown away. At dawn they are taken outside and buried under a young and spreading tree, which is located next to the dwelling. Then they say ׃

“As this tree grows stronger and stronger, so should I bring good things into the house! The tree can live and live, but I can meet love and happiness!”

Do not be afraid that you will be noticed and interfere with the magical ritual. During these hours, the streets are usually empty, and it is quite difficult to meet a random passerby.

Call of love

Rituals carried out on the Old New Year will help correct problems with personal life if a person is tired of spending his days alone. A girl who seeks to find her betrothed must perform the following ritual. Need to bake a large number of pancakes To make the dish more refined, you can fill them with pre-cooked minced meat, mushrooms, eggs with onions, etc.

When pouring the dough into the frying pan, you need to say ׃

“Damn, pancake, find your mouth, pancakes are baking, suitors are swarming, look at me, don’t take your eyes off. I will, I’m beautiful and everyone likes me.”

The plot is read on the first and last pancake. After this, you need to put on a beautiful dress and set the festive table.

There should be many guests in the house this evening. It is very important that all the pancakes are eaten. You can’t cheat and put only a few pancakes on the table. It’s better to use your imagination and make several pieces with different fillings.

How to get a guy's attention

If a girl likes a guy, but he doesn’t notice her, the following ritual should be performed. On the night of January 13-14, wear any new clothes. It is important that she is not sporty and businesslike, but as romantic and feminine as possible. Dissolve long hair. If your hair is short, do a fashionable styling.

To meet her betrothed, a girl must bake a lot of pancakes and serve them to guests

The ceremony is carried out completely alone. Candles of red, white and gold (or yellow) colors are chosen for the ritual. You need to light these candles after tying them together with red woolen thread. One end is left free to wrap around the left wrist three times.

Lighted candles are placed in a crystal dish or vase filled with water. This vase is placed on a round mirror. Looking at the flickering fire of candles, they pronounce the following spell׃

“Power of fire, turn your betrothed’s love towards me. Let his love be hot like a flame, clear like water and deep like a mirror. When the flame reaches the water, my labors will be crowned with success. My word is strong."

You need to leave the entire magical structure so that the candles burn out and go out when they touch the water.

Attracting financial success

Some rituals will help improve your financial situation. To ensure prosperity in the house, water procedures are used. On the evening of January 13, a fragrant bath is prepared by adding ׃

  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • scented bath foam;
  • a few drops of essential oils.

Flavorings you should use are bergamot, rosemary and orange. While taking a bath you need to say the following magic words׃

“Just as sweet water flows and washes me, so money flows and sticks to me. Just as the Jordan River flows and there is enough water for everyone, so a lot of good things come to me. The water should flow, I should take care of the good.”

When preparing your bath, light some yellow and green candles. They will not only create the necessary atmosphere, but also add magical ritual your energy.

For good luck to come

Rituals and conspiracies that are carried out on one of the most magical days of winter have great magical potential. To attract good luck, on the evening of January 13, a yellow, green and white candle is lit, then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced.

“The old year is passing, and the problems are gone. The New Year is coming, bringing good luck!”

However, before you begin this conspiracy, you need to make preparations during the day - clean your home. In the morning, light a candle purchased in church and slowly walk around your home. You need to move clockwise. During the ritual, say the following words׃

“Fire of the Lord, help! Burn out all quarrels and scandals, leave no trace of any evil.”

The cleansing ritual helps to get rid of the negative energy accumulated in the house and evil entities that could settle in it.

At night say the following words׃

“As the morning lightning comes, so will luck come to me, the dawn will bring it to my house and leave it there for a whole year. Trouble will never come to my house, I will live, I will work, I will pray to the Lord God. Let it be so".

While reading magic words, turn your gaze to the direction where the Sun rises.

Effective rituals that our grandmothers used on the night of January 13

Ancient rituals have existed for almost a hundred years. In some families, magical spells are passed down from generation to generation. Customs and traditions are still observed today.

A magical ritual that helps your cherished desire come true

Turn your words to the Lord and ask him for your family and yourself for good health and happiness on the evening of January 13th. When the clock hands converge to 12, light 7 candles brought from the church. Read the Lord's Prayer once for each candle. It should sound 7 times. After this, say the following prayer׃

“Lord, Jesus Christ the Son of God. For You have spoken with Your most pure lips: Amen, I say to you, the land of every thing that you ask, you will have from My Father. Like in heaven: where two or three are gathered in My name, there are seven. In the midst of them, Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to Thee; Grant to us, Your servants (list names), who agreed to ask You (to briefly state the request), the fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. May Your will be done forever and ever. Amen".

Leave the candles burning until the morning.

Create a magical talisman

This ritual is performed on the evening of January 13th. You need to melt some wax. Use enough to make a flat cake about the size of a dime. On one side they write their name on the wax. On the other hand, there is a special code number.

To find it out, you need to add up the numbers that make up your date of birth. For example, you were born on June 3, 1981. You need to add the numbers this way׃

  • 3 + 6 (birth month) = 9;
  • 9 + 1= 10;
  • 10 + 9 = 19;
  • 19 + 8 = 27;
  • 27 + 1 = 28;
  • 2+8 = 10;
  • 1+0 = 1.

Thus, for this date of birth the code number is 1.

After this, you need to take a wax cake and cover it on both sides with coins. Carry this talisman with you throughout the day so that it is saturated with your energy. Then put it in a secluded place.

How to attract money into your life

You need to prepare two envelopes with large bills enclosed in them. Some envelopes are sent to the church address in the form of a donation. You need to find out the address in advance. Another envelope is sent to your address. When they sign the envelopes, they say something about each of them׃

“To whom the church is not a mother, God is not a father.”

This ritual can be performed both on January 1 and 14. If everything is done correctly and from the heart, money will constantly flow into the house.

So that officials do not find fault

Sometimes you have to endlessly wander through authorities, applying for a pension, inheritance, or running your own business. To ensure that everything goes without a hitch, the following conspiracy is read above the folder with documents.

“Just as the teeth of the dead do not bite, and the tongues do not curse,

How they don’t rush in anger, don’t wave their hands at the living,

They don't knock their feet, they don't shout at me,

So that not one person forever and ever -

Neither the senior in rank, nor the junior, nor the one who believes

Neither the one who sweeps, nor the one who sits in a chair,

Let him not look strictly at my face, let him not scold me.

That's how I read it, how I said everything,

This is how it should be and my curse cannot be reversed.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

This ritual can also be used if your boss constantly finds fault with you, shouts and threatens to fire you. In this case, you need to bring home some small object from your work and read the magical text over it. Don't forget to return your talisman to your place of duty. The ceremony is carried out on the afternoon of January 14th.

An ancient ritual for a home broom

We are accustomed to treating a household broom as a tool intended for cleaning. However, among the ancient Slavs it served as a talisman and symbolized family well-being and happiness, good luck and a quiet life. According to some beliefs, a brownie often sat under a broom and watched his wards from behind it.

In order not to use a charmed broom for cleaning, they made a special decorative amulet, which was beautifully decorated, and then they read prayers and spells on it.

For the ritual of wish fulfillment you will need seven church candles

Before the onset of the Old New Year, you need to buy a new broom at the market without haggling. You should choose the one with more grains, then it will really bring wealth to the house.

Clean the apartment. Throw away stale and unnecessary items. Make room for luck and success to take over. Money is reluctant to go into a house that is cluttered with old things and is rarely cleaned. They love order.

You need to pick up a new broom and symbolically sweep your home clockwise. Don't miss a single corner!“Sweep away” the cobwebs, drive out evil spirits from all dark nooks and crannies. Say the following words׃

“As dust sticks to a broom, so money sticks to the house of God’s servant (name), may the heavenly forces be with me.”

Then walk along the same “route” again. Only this time, use holy water for cleansing. Sprinkle it on walls, furniture, window and door openings, and household utensils.

Modern rituals

Modern conspiracies and rituals also have great magical power if they are carried out taking into account the customs and traditions of our ancestors. A prerequisite is to sincerely believe that your plans will come true.

Talisman for good luck made from pine needles

Rituals for the Old New Year can be used to create talismans to attract success and good luck. For this ritual you need to prepare several fir branches. All the needles on them are cut off from below, and the upper part is left lush. The needles are brewed with boiling water and kept for an hour. Half of the infusion is used for washing during water procedures. The other part is added to water to wash the floors in the house. At midnight, the branches bare at the bottom are tightly tied with a red satin ribbon. You need to put the resulting “bouquet” in a deep vase. Place a lit green candle nearby and say ׃

“Saint Basil in heaven, God’s servant (name) here on earth, asks for protection from your mercy. How many needles are on the branches, so much happiness would You give me, just as the aroma develops from good branches, so wealth would develop in my house. May there be peace and strength in my words.”

After this, the spruce “ikebana” is removed to a place where it will not disturb anyone. On January 31, all the needles are completely torn off and hidden in a small bag made of green material, sewn in advance. Place the talisman in a secluded place. The ritual can be repeated after a year.

Improve your health with magic

The magic that literally permeates the night from January 13 to 14 will help improve your well-being, as well as increase physical abilities body. Practicing magicians know well that old clothes absorb the bad energy of their owner.

To attract wealth, they use a ritual with water procedures and read a special plot

To get rid of constant illness, make a fire at night and burn any old clothes. This must be done without regret. It is better to choose the thing that you felt bad in during your illness.

While the fire is burning, ask it in your own words for cleansing of the body and good health. As the fire begins to burn down, remember to thank it for its magical warmth and energy.