Sun eaters - who are they?
It's delicious to eat well... who would refuse this pleasure. Food is necessary for a person to maintain life in the body, for the development of the body. But there are people who have partially or completely abandoned the food we are used to - they feed on the “energy of the Sun”. Who are sun eaters?

Back in 1925, in the article “Autotrophy of Humanity,” the famous scientist Vladimir Vernadsky expressed an interesting idea: “As long as humanity depends on the rest of the flora and fauna for nutrition, it cannot be sufficiently provided for... Actually, it will no longer be a person, but some kind of - another intelligent being..."

Sun eaters are people who are able (according to them) to transform the energy of sunlight (and the Cosmos) into “life force” (“pranic nutrition”).

Nowadays in the press (not only yellow) and on TV you can often find information about crop circles and UFOs, about omnipotent healers and mysterious magicians, about various natural anomalies, etc. and so on. Sun eaters remain in a kind of information “shadow”, but their phenomenon in our time is surprising for 99% of people (for them I will also add that the phenomenon of sun eaters has nothing in common with anorexia).

Eat nothing, or eat almost nothing, drink only water, or not drink at all... It all depends on your readiness. “Readiness” is a very important concept here: sun eaters experience a significant restructuring of the body for the new “energy” nutrition, which is not realistic to achieve in one day or year, even with focused exercise (although this is all individual). For purely “material” people, sun-eaters are people “from another planet” or some Other from the Watch.

Salt eaters (in English the terms “Living on Light”, “Inedia”, “Breatharianism” are used) through self-improvement, long preparation (directed, but often not conscious) managed to reveal the work internal organs to a larger percentage (as they say, they have moved to a new level of “breathing”) when the need for material food disappears.

Let's move on from the abstract to specific people and their Experience.

Sun, air and water...
“Sun, air and water - that’s all my food,” says Nikolai Nikolaevich Dolgoruky (a sun eater from Zaporozhye on Solnechnaya Street; Ukraine). – Since August 25, 2003, I haven’t eaten anything... I look at the sun, from five hours a day. My record is 13 hours... I walk on the ground barefoot, I sleep both in winter and in summer on the street, or in one of the pyramids (the pyramids were built by Nikolai Nikolaevich in the courtyard of his own house, they have, according to him, healing properties and are energetically connected with similar structures in Egypt and on Mars).

At first I drank milk and cocoa, now I only drink “charged” water (almost brought to a boil), and stir a teaspoon of honey in a cup. I drink about ten of these cups a day. That's all! The energy of the Sun and Space, the body’s capabilities for photosynthesis are quite enough for me. I even feel my blood being renewed.

To become a sun eater, books alone are probably not enough?

You need aspiration and connection with God, the Hierarchy of Light ( By higher powers). All my actions are controlled by God. As if through an interface, I receive information about what to do and how to do it. To do this, it is enough to plunge into darkness and silence.

Well, you have the ability...

Everyone has them. Anyone can become a sun eater. I do not have any secrets. I am ready to undergo a medical examination, which will provide an opportunity to study the phenomenon of sun eating. I'm even glad that followers appear. I am ready to share my knowledge: but not with the idle curious, but with those who want to change themselves, “aspiring”...

The most famous sun eater

Perhaps the most famous salt eater in the West today is the Australian writer Jasmuheen, i.e. “scent of Eternity,” former financial consultant Ellen Greve, founder of new religion“Breatharianism” (Breatharianism).

Breatharianism means a balance between the nutritional state that will optimally lead to independence from physical abuse food products(nutrition with divine light, i.e. nutrition as breathing).

Jasmuheen claims that her philosophy is based on the practice of fasting practiced by Tibetan monks, and she herself is a messenger from the “ascended masters”, with whom she communicates through cosmic telepathy. The sun eater developed the famous 21-day “conversion course” - a gradual refusal of food. According to her, “with the help of breathing we free ourselves from the main primal fear that torments us, that if we don’t eat, we will die.”

Sun-eater Jasmuheen claims to have more than 5 thousand supporters around the world (another approximate figure). Her book “Living on Light” says that the teaching of abstaining from food and drink provides an ideal opportunity to get rid of anorexia (a psychopathological syndrome expressed in an obsessive desire to lose weight, which is realized through dieting or complete refusal to eat) and world hunger. The same thing is taught at the Cosmic Internet Academy (CIA) that she created. Jasmukhin has gone without food since 1993.

Zinaida Baranova - sun eater from God

Since March 2000, Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, a famous Russian sun eater from Krasnodar, has completely given up food (and since April, water).

I breathe and receive food through energy centers(chakras), lungs and skin from the atmosphere. – says Zinaida Baranova. - Do not be surprised. Sunlight carries elementary particles. They can resonate with particles of the body's cells and form all the chemical elements necessary for nutrition.

If a person enters a state of such resonance, his energy centers begin to work. His microcosm interacts with the macrocosm. Everyone has this ability. But people are so polluted with food, bad deeds and thoughts that this ability is practically lost.

The transition to living without food was familiar to me, and I easily adapted. But anhydrous existence was difficult: a deep cleansing began in the cells of the body, which was accompanied by vibration throughout the body, weakness, and dry mouth as a result of the release of toxins through the salivary glands. There were also outbreaks on the skin in the form of peeling and “mosquito bites.” This state lasted for about a month and a half. Only complete trust in the Teachers gave me strength and endurance.

Living without drinking became possible as a result of transmutation-transformation of the lungs; they acquired the ability to assimilate moisture from the air.

The results of a medical examination of Zinaida Baranova are interesting: blood pressure is 120 over 80, teeth are in perfect condition, breathing is 2-2.5 times slower than ordinary people, body temperature does not rise to 36 degrees. In addition, an increased silicon content was noted in Zinaida Grigorievna’s body - thirty units instead of the standard two.

They also gave me an electrocardiogram,” recalls Zinaida Baranova. “The doctor studied the results for a long time, scratched the back of his head with his hand in puzzlement, and in response to my question: “Well, doctor?”, he just threw up his hands: “You will live a very long time - that’s the only thing I can say.” Another time, an ultrasound examination was performed. The doctors said: “You have residual signs of hepatitis and pancreatitis.” But I never had either one or the other. We tried to diagnose using the Foll method. So the operator’s eyes went wide: the device showed that I was healthier than 18-year-old girls.

Interview with Z.G. Baranova - “The Woman Who Doesn’t Eat.”

Sun eaters and the future of humanity
The idea of ​​“no eating, no drinking” will only gain momentum in the future. And the point here is not even a matter of giving up the “habitual daily bread” - it is rather a consequence. The result is the evolution of the human physical body: a restructuring of the work of internal organs (they also say “vibrational level of existence”), a change in body temperature (decrease) ... and, as a consequence, the natural disclosure of hidden human abilities (healing, levitation, telepathy ...) and extension of life life.

Sun eaters have already proven that it is possible to start the process of “immaterial nutrition” (“pranic nutrition”) – they have added another big plus to the list of human capabilities.

I repeat once again, there must be readiness for everything. Faith alone is not enough. “Not eating is life-threatening!!!” There are cases when ordinary people, having listened to enough lectures by the experienced salt-eater Jasmukhin, refused to eat and died of hunger and exhaustion.

… What's next?
Sun-eaters show by their example the vector of forward movement for all humanity. The transition to “immaterial” food is only the beginning, and then new horizons will open up for a person... then a person may finally be able to achieve immortality...

They say that there are now more than 30 thousand such people on Earth. Sun eaters, people who go without food or even water for years and still feel great. In appearance, these are absolutely normal people who do not have a single hint of dystrophy, but the centuries-old experience of mankind shows that it is impossible to live without food...? The suspicion involuntarily arises: “Are they deceiving us?”

Another name for sun eaters is autotrophs. These people are like plants. Literally speaking, autotrophs are organisms that synthesize organic matter from inorganic compounds, using the energy of the Sun. True, people, unlike plants, do not contain chlorophyll in their bodies, which would process sunlight into organic matter. The question arises, what do they all live on?

Back in 1925, the famous scientist Vladimir Vernadsky put forward the idea: “As long as humanity depends on the plant and animal world for nutrition, it cannot be sufficiently provided for... Actually, it will no longer be a person, but some other intelligent being.”

Sun eaters are people who have learned to transform the energy of sunlight into “life force” (“practical nutrition”)

Experts who studied sun eaters came to the conclusion that this is a special type of transmutation. As a result, people acquired the ability to assimilate moisture from the air and energy from space. All the esoteric teachings of the world speak about the existence of cosmic energy prana, or qi (which permeates the universe). So, only those people whose brains are tuned to certain vibrations can feed on prana. When studying the brain of sun eaters, it turned out that it works differently in them than in ordinary people. The state of the soul and body changes due to the fact that they pick up everything at lower vibrations, and they also notice an increase in the pineal gland.

According to sun eaters, all people feed on secondary solar energy, which water, vegetables and fruits have already consumed before them. Such examples are common throughout the world. German psychic Teresa Neumann claimed that she lived for 36 years without food. Hundreds of pilgrims flocked to her hometown every year to look at the unique woman. She was always in people's attention.

Another living legend is Australian Dzhanmukhin. She has not taken any food for almost 20 years, but at the same time she is raising children and doing science. During her life she has already written 18 books.

... Nowadays there are a lot of people who want to switch to a “new” way of life, but this idea cannot be taken literally: just stop eating... Not eating is life-threatening!!! There must be readiness and consistency for everything. The sun eaters show us by their example the vector of forward movement for all humanity. The transition to "intangible" food is just the beginning.

For four years now, Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, a pensioner from Krasnodar, has been eating and drinking absolutely nothing, not even water.
According to our experts, Baranova and her fellow “sun eaters” can be considered the forerunners of a new biological species.

Representatives of the next race usually appear in the midst of the existing one. Among us there are already a certain number of individuals with the makings of people of the sixth race. From them one can judge in which direction human evolution is moving. In the evolutionary sequence “Lemurian - Atlantean - homo sapiens,” the Lemurian, according to esoteric sources (the Book of Dzian, from which “The Secret Doctrine of E. Blavatsky” was written), was 7 meters tall, the Atlantean was 4 meters tall, the average representative of the fifth race is less than two meters tall . Therefore, if the trend of decreasing height continues, a person of the sixth race will not be taller than a meter?
According to our experts, it is unlikely that a person will ever turn into a tiny insect with a giant head, which is what some futurologists promise him. This is prevented by the nature of homo sapiens. For metaphysics it is not a secret: man is a projection of the cosmic pentagram. Its evolution is not connected with the usual passage of time, it is determined by the wave of life in space, which not only propagates itself, but also protects itself and, apparently, carries within itself an evolutionary beginning.
A person does not turn into an insect, he becomes like... a plant. In the sense that it begins to directly absorb light energy - just like a plant, which in the process of photosynthesis converts sunlight into green mass and fruits, builds its body from the energy of the world space and replenishes its supply of strength. There are already thousands and thousands of “sun eaters” - perhaps the forerunners of a new biological species. According to some reports, there are already as many as 8 thousand of them. And they already held their congress in London in 1999. They are already writing books called Pranic Nutrition.
Did any of the clairvoyant prophets or futurologists dare to suggest that the sixth race might turn out to be a race of “sun-eaters”? No, clairvoyants and futurologists have not thought of this. “Sun-eating” was predicted by Russian scientists.

Sergei Podolinsky did this back in 1880. Moreover, as if in between times. Podolinsky drew attention to the fact that labor is the only type of work that does not waste energy, but, on the contrary, concentrates it.

All types mechanical work obey the laws of thermodynamics. All working machines deteriorate and, since they themselves cannot replace worn-out parts and components, they break down. Speaking in the language of thermodynamics, the fraction of free energy spent on useful work, while greatly decreasing. Humanity, taken as a whole, is constantly increasing the share of free energy used for useful activities. It brings order to all natural processes, which before human intervention were a chaotic waste of energy. In order to become a thermodynamically perfect machine, that is, not to waste energy in the process of work, but to collect it, humanity must abandon the use of solar energy stored by plants and directly connect to the sun.

In 1925, the same idea was expressed by Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky in the article “Autotrophy of Humanity,” published in a reputable French magazine. What will happen to humanity as it develops the entire surface shell of the planet? – the scientist asks. In the end, by cultivating all possible biocenoses, it must master the direct synthesis of food from mineral sources. As long as a person depends on the rest of the plant and animal world for nutrition, he cannot be sufficiently provided for. Having approached the limit of its grasp of nature with thought, humanity must move to a different method of nutrition - autotrophic. By synthesizing food directly from solar energy, man will push the history of the Earth to an unprecedented geological revolution, to a new geological era in the history of the planet. Actually, it will no longer be a person, but some other intelligent being.
The question “Am I human?” has been troubling Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova since she refused any physical food in March 2000, and from water in April 2000. There is no clear answer to this yet. While Baranova is meticulously collecting information about herself. Refusal of food, according to her, was almost painless, but the body took revenge for the deprivation of water with 40 days of weakness. True, after a little over a month the cells calmed down and began to live in harmony with the consciousness, which feels quite comfortable without food and drink.
Baranova did not expect to become a “sun eater”. A process engineer, a chemistry teacher at the Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute, she retired as a disabled person tortured by doctors, poisoned by drugs, and resolutely took up self-rescue. Settled in country house in the foothills of the Caucasus, adhered to a principled, strict, sometimes cruel vegetarianism, ate greens and vegetables from her garden beds, cleaned herself “according to Malakhov”, “according to Semenova”, doused herself with ice water “according to Porfiry Ivanov”. The path to health turned out to be difficult, only an ascetic could overcome it, and in Baranova he woke up. The ascetic Zinaida began to receive advice “from above” - from a “guardian angel” or “guide”. She followed the recommendations strictly, with absolute faith. Her “personal mentor” turned out to be a proponent of systemic healing, which included physical and spiritual healing, which are useless separately. Under his leadership, the ascetic had to overcome her sense of self-importance, learn to feel like a small cell of a Big Organism - planetary, cosmic, for 9 whole months to expel bad thoughts, which, the “guide” taught, according to the laws of similarity and affinity, attract similar things - “blackness” from surrounding space.
Slowly and methodically, Baranova was led to “sun-eating.”

A voice from above said, “Try not to eat!” only after she:
found inner silence, calmness, balance, learned to meekly enjoy life;
acquired that degree of detachment when a person is sincerely, without pretentiousness, confident that everything is God’s will;
acquired positive thinking when the world, life, people are accepted as they are;
I felt grateful for everything, because there is always a reason to be grateful, since things could always be worse;
gathered together the pieces of her soul, scattered by life, otherwise, she gained spiritual integrity.

It took Zinaida Grigorievna 7 years to do all this, as well as energy cleansing associated with spiritual cleansing, balancing the energy centers of the body - chakras, finding her own rhythm (it turned out to be a waltz rhythm, counting by three) and much more.

As the experience of Indian “sun-eaters” has proven, the need for food completely disappears in 9 months (in our latitudes, even in the south of the country, this will most likely take longer). Indians have recorded a discovery unusual opportunities– the ability to visualize images and states, the ability to see an aura in color. Scientists who have studied Indian “sun-eaters” do not rule out that in the process of adaptation to famine it may become more active. frontal lobe brain, which is apparently responsible for parapsychological activity, and a “sixth sense” is developed - the ability to self-regulate.

However, these abilities are unusual for the fifth race, and perhaps natural for the sixth. Perhaps the new biological species will differ from the current one primarily not in growth, but in the type of energy supply. Probably, a person of the sixth race will switch to feeding on the radiant energy of the Sun or the cosmic energy of life - prana. Maybe not entirely, maybe he will consume some minimum of food and drink, which provides the cells with material for building the body. In this case, there is no need for intermediate energy storage devices: primary - plants and secondary - animals that feed on plants. Now we live mainly from these two energy sources. Our biological species is characterized by metabolism with the absorption of what is necessary for the body and the elimination of waste that it does not need. By the way, the situation with metabolism in “sun eaters” seems to be normal: the cells of their bodies absorb oxygen, remove lactic acid and other waste products, excretory systems and the organs are doing their direct job and are not going to die off. Everything is fine with the excretion process in the “sun-eaters”. But the processes of absorption and assimilation are a mystery.
There is evidence of the existence of particularly advanced Indian “sun eaters” who have not eaten for 20 years or more. They most likely will not agree to become the object of research. They simply do not see anything in their lifestyle that deserves everyone’s attention - after all, the practices of “sun-eating” have been known for a very long time and practitioners are simply following the path of ancient wisdom. Therefore, scientists had to limit themselves to working with neophytes. Their study turned out to be not very informative. So, did you manage to figure out how “sun-eaters” get energy? Through the eyes - in the process of purposeful, according to a special technique, contemplation of the sun? Or does the recharge occur through the body’s aura? Does skin participate in photon absorption? May be, acupuncture points and the energy meridians (channels) of the body are receiving antennas that capture light quanta? Maybe, walking on the ground barefoot (and, as you know, all the organs and parts of the body are projected onto the foot), a person absorbs the radiant energy accumulated there?..
Zinaida Baranova, unlike the Indians, was not tested in laboratories ( Russian science didn’t show the slightest interest in the phenomenon), so she has to look for clues herself. It seems to Baranova that she is now something intermediate between a person of a certain species and... who? This is unknown. There are hints that the body is undergoing a process of “restructuring”, in other words, degeneration, modification of musculoskeletal tissue; it is replaced by denser etheric tissue, and all physical body is gradually replaced by a densified ethereal one. Since the process of “restructuring” is far from over, it is necessary construction material for body. Where does it come from? From the air, where there are atoms of all elements of the periodic table. The “sun-eater” begins to “peck at the atom” like a chicken that pecks at the grain. It also absorbs water from the air - the degenerating lungs take on the additional function of supplying the blood with moisture.
Or maybe, Zinaida Baranova suggests, there is another process taking place - the process of alchemical synthesis of water in the cells of the body. Perhaps what is happening in the body of the “sun eater” is nothing more than an alchemical transmutation. After all, such transmutation is photosynthesis. The plant is an alchemical reactor. Or an alchemical transformer. Directly assimilating photons, it builds a light, energy body... which in some incomprehensible way becomes dense, physical - leaves, flowers, fruits. From the point of view of alchemy, this means that the information code is transformed. So a person who feeds on the energy of the sun becomes such a reactor, transformer, converter - information code converter.
The birth of a new race is not just a biological or biosocial, but also an alchemical process. Otherwise, the transformation of a seven-meter Lemurian into a four-meter Atlantean, and that into our contemporary, would have been impossible. It began not with a decrease in growth, but with a restructuring of the information code and subsequent changes in the energy supply mechanism. The same thing is happening now. The future is already sending tentacles into the heart of the present.

Sun eating

Kiev newspaper “Life as it is” No. 237 dated December 3, 2005, a 48-year-old resident of Zaporozhye refused food and for two years now has been eating only the light of the sun with his eyes - the MOST delicious sun is at dawn, says Nikolai Dolgoruky, who lives in a pyramid on Solnechnaya street in Zaporozhye. It’s been two years since he gave up food that is familiar to humans, but he doesn’t miss a wonderful breakfast of sunlight and the energy of space. He says that this “dish” invigorates you even more than your once-favorite coffee: you want to fly, sing and laugh. And most importantly - no feeling of hunger! Lunch and dinner for the 48-year-old Cossack is also not rich in “earthly” calories. The main dish of Dolgoruky's diet is cosmic energy, which he washes down green tea, milk, boiling water with honey or spices for fish soup. According to the sun eater, the process of absorbing energy from environment occurs continuously, regardless of the presence of a luminary in the sky. Fasting Fourteen years ago, being at the age of Christ, Nikolai decided to change his life: he began to fast, took up spiritual practices and the construction of pyramids on his personal plot. One of these objects still serves as the sun-eater’s bedroom, and the ground in the yard serves as a carpet on which he walks barefoot both in winter and summer. Nikolai is convinced that the Universe is infinitely generous, and the surrounding space, like a self-assembled tablecloth, can provide everything a living organism needs. The main thing is to tune in and, like an antenna, to catch the life-giving energy of the Cosmos. Experiment On the morning of August 25, 2003, Dolgoruky began an experiment to study the capabilities of his body. He went out into the courtyard and addressed his authorities with an order that hardly pleased them. - I said loudly three times in a voice that did not tolerate objections: “We are switching to spatial energy and liquid nutrition!” - says Nikolai. - The organs hear everything perfectly, because the brain is God for them. They heard the order, felt that they were not getting their usual food, and began to gradually change. However, the body turned out to be not so accommodating: for the first two weeks, Nikolai dreamed of “horrors” - as if he was eating delicious buns.

The sun-eater woke up in a cold sweat with the thought: “Have I really lost my mind?” Later the feeling of hunger disappeared. Along with it came indifference to food and a feeling of complete peace of mind. In almost a thousand days of the solar diet, Nikolai lost only 7 kilograms. Together with overweight The heart and stomach pain that previously haunted me went away. At 48 years old, he feels like he is 30. However, everyone who knows Nikolai says that he has become younger in appearance as well. Dolgoruky claims that the results of the experiment exceeded his wildest expectations. He believes he is closer to unlocking the secret to longevity. “A huge amount of energy is released, which the body previously spent on digesting food,” the experimenter believes. “Now my organs have calmed down and are expending minimal energy to maintain my vital functions,” says Nikolai, sipping his tenth cup of tea of ​​the day. Family Wife Lyuba and daughter Mashenka do not stop their dad from experimenting. True, at first they were seriously worried about his health. Later they realized that the father of the family was not going to die of hunger, but on the contrary, he was full of strength. “Agree, not every man who is under fifty dollars will be able to do thirty push-ups on one arm, lift weights and do all the hard work around the house,” says Lyuba. Record The personal record of the Zaporozhye sun-eater is 13 hours of continuous looking at the Sun, thanks to which this summer the blue-eyed blond had an enviable bronze tan. However, Nikolai asks “beginners” not to consume the luminary in large portions.

He says that you can damage the retina of the eye. The researcher himself began solar meditation with a few seconds. Scientists Recently, Nikolai had some guests - Japanese scientists researching the capabilities of the human body. For several days they continuously filmed Dolgoruky’s lifestyle on a video camera. Then they conducted a full medical examination of Nikolai in an independent medical center. The Japanese were satisfied with the test results: the patient was practically healthy. Apart from the scar in the stomach area, which arose as a result of the reduction of this organ, doctors did not find any other abnormalities. Doctors Doctors of the Zaporozhye regional center of alternative medicine are reserved about the experiment of the Zaporozhye sun eater. But several specialists from this medical institution agreed to comment on the results of the “miracle diet from Dolgoruky”: a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist, a psychiatrist, a neuropsychiatrist, a therapist and a physiotherapist. The verdict of the council is optimistic: on such a diet, the patient can live happily ever after. And the Sun, along with spatial energy, most likely has nothing to do with it. Doctors believe that the vital activity of the Zaporizhian sun-eater is supported by drinks, which he drinks several liters a day. According to them, milk, tea, and honey drinks contain all the substances necessary for the body: calcium, proteins, carbohydrates, microelements. Thanks to a waste-free diet and healthy image life, the body was completely cleansed and healthier. According to doctors, self-hypnosis and willpower also became an important factor.

The Mystery of the Third Eye and Sun Eating

“According to doctors, no matter how much a person eats in a day, the body absorbs only about 1.5% of the food consumed. The rest is excreted from the body or represents waste that settles in the body. It is these foreign substances that the body tries to remove when eating through lungs (when we go out to breathe fresh air). And we do not get enough air only because the inhaled oxygen enters the blood and burns unnecessary substances."

“Ideally, if the body were absolutely clean, the energy of the air (through the lungs) or the sun (through the skin) would be spent not on cleaning the body, but on maintaining the vitality of the human body.”

There are now more than 30 thousand people in the world under surveillance who live and thrive without eating any food.

“With the help of a scan, they discovered an enlargement of the pineal gland (epiphysis), the so-called third eye, and its glow, 20 times brighter than in normal people. The fact is that as a result of meditation, vegetarianism or various shocks, their brain began to work at lower vibrations (0.5-3 vibrations per second), due to which the state of their body, soul and body capabilities changes. It turns out that a person is able to transform and receive energy in a different way, at the atomic level."

Like, for example, 65-year-old Kolkata resident Ratan Maneg. He suppresses the feeling of hunger by absorbing solar energy with his eyes.

Maneg states that he has not consumed solid food for ten years. The former mechanical engineer is convinced that people are able to change the needs of their body very in a simple way- you need to look at the sun at the first part of dawn or at sunset, standing on the ground with bare feet.

After a few days of training, Maneg says, you will feel the energy of the sun's rays entering the body through the eyes. The brain begins to use its unused resources, nourishing the body.

Solar energy, according to Manega, relieves a person not only from physical, but also from various mental ailments.

As Maneg explains, people live mainly on secondary solar energy, which was consumed by plants, vegetables, and fruits before them.
Sun-eaters or the sixth race of people - mp3.

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  • Important Topics

    Sun eaters - who are sun eaters?

    It's delicious to eat well... who would refuse this pleasure. Food is necessary for a person to maintain life in the body, for the development of the body. But there are people who have partially or completely abandoned the food we are used to - they feed on the “energy of the Sun”. Who are sun eaters?

    Back in 1925, in the article “Autotrophy of Humanity,” the famous scientist Vladimir Vernadsky expressed an interesting idea: “As long as humanity depends on the rest of the flora and fauna for nutrition, it cannot be sufficiently provided for... Actually, it will no longer be a person, but some kind of - another intelligent being..."

    Sun eater from Solnechnaya Street, illustration

    Sun eaters are people who are able (according to them) to transform the energy of sunlight (and the Cosmos) into “life force” (“pranic nutrition”).

    Sun eaters - “Others” of our time

    Nowadays in the press (not only yellow) and on TV you can often find information about crop circles and UFOs, about omnipotent healers and mysterious magicians, about various natural anomalies, etc. and so on. Sun eaters remain in a kind of information “shadow”, but their phenomenon in our time is surprising for 99% of people (for them I will also add that the phenomenon of sun eaters has nothing in common with anorexia).

    Eat nothing, or eat almost nothing, drink only water, or not drink at all... It all depends on your readiness. “Readiness” is a very important concept here: sun eaters experience a significant restructuring of the body for the new “energy” nutrition, which is not realistic to achieve in one day or year, even with focused exercise (although this is all individual). For purely “material” people, sun-eaters are people “from another planet” or some Other from the Watch.

    Salt eaters (in English the terms “Living on Light”, “Inedia”, “Breatharianism” are used) through self-improvement and long preparation (directed, but often unconscious) managed to reveal the work of internal organs to a greater percentage (as they say, they moved to a new level “ breathing”), when the need for material food disappears.

    Let's move on from the abstract to specific people and their Experience.
    Sun, air and water...

    Sun, air and water - that’s all my food, says Nikolai Nikolaevich Dolgoruky (a sun eater from Zaporozhye on Solnechnaya Street; Ukraine). - Since August 25, 2003, I haven’t eaten anything... I look at the sun, from five hours a day. My record is 13 hours... I walk on the earth barefoot, I sleep both in winter and in summer on the street, or in one of the pyramids (the pyramids were built by Nikolai Nikolaevich in the courtyard of his own house, according to him, they have healing properties and are energetically connected with similar buildings in Egypt and Mars).

    Sun eater N.N. Dolgoruky, photo

    At first I drank milk and cocoa, now I only drink “charged” water (almost brought to a boil), and stir a teaspoon of honey in a cup. I drink about ten of these cups a day. That's all! The energy of the Sun and Space, the body’s capabilities for photosynthesis are quite enough for me. I even feel my blood being renewed.

    — To become a sun eater, books alone are probably not enough?

    — You need aspiration and connection with God, the Hierarchy of Light (Higher Powers). All my actions are controlled by God. As if through an interface, I receive information about what to do and how to do it. To do this, it is enough to plunge into darkness and silence.

    - Well, you have abilities...

    - Everyone has them. Anyone can become a sun eater. I do not have any secrets. I am ready to undergo a medical examination, which will provide an opportunity to study the phenomenon of sun eating. I'm even glad that followers appear. I am ready to share my knowledge: but not with the idle curious, but with those who want to change themselves, “aspiring”...

    “I look at the sun, from five hours a day” - sun eater Nikolai Dolgoruky. Photo - website of the sun-eater - healer N.H. Dolgoruky from Zaporozhye (Ukraine).

    Read also: Follower N.N. Dolgoruky Tatyana Zhadan about working on herself...

    Today, according to various estimates, from several hundred to 8-10 thousand sun eaters live on Earth. According to other sources, there are about 20 thousand salt eaters in the world, and these are only those who do not hide their lifestyle from others. The dynamics of growth in the number of “people of the sun” and their students can be traced.
    The most famous sun eater

    Perhaps the most famous salt-eater in the West today is the Australian writer Jasmuheen, i.e. “flavor of Eternity,” former financial consultant Ellen Greve, founder of the new religion “Breatharianism.”

    Jasmuheen, Jasmuheen

    Breatharianism means a balance between the state of nutrition that will optimally lead to independence from physical gross foods (nourishment of divine light, i.e. nutrition as breathing).

    Jasmuheen claims that her philosophy is based on the practice of fasting practiced by Tibetan monks, and she herself is a messenger from the “ascended masters”, with whom she communicates through cosmic telepathy. The sun eater developed the famous 21-day “conversion course” - a gradual refusal of food. According to her, “with the help of breathing we are freed from the main primal fear that torments us, that if we don’t eat, we will die.”

    Sun-eater Jasmuheen claims to have more than 5 thousand supporters around the world (another approximate figure). Her book “Living on Light” says that the teaching of abstaining from food and drink provides an ideal opportunity to get rid of anorexia (a psychopathological syndrome expressed in an obsessive desire to lose weight, which is realized through dieting or complete refusal to eat) and world hunger. The same thing is taught at the Cosmic Internet Academy (CIA) that she created. Jasmukhin has gone without food since 1993.
    Zinaida Baranova - sun eater from God

    Since March 2000, Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, a famous Russian sun eater from Krasnodar, has completely given up food (and since April, water).

    I breathe and receive food through the energy centers (chakras), lungs and skin from the atmosphere. - says Zinaida Baranova. - Do not be surprised. Sunlight carries elementary particles. They can resonate with particles of the body's cells and form all the chemical elements necessary for nutrition.

    Sun eater Zinaida Baranova

    If a person enters a state of such resonance, his energy centers begin to work. His microcosm interacts with the macrocosm. Everyone has this ability. But people are so polluted with food, bad deeds and thoughts that this ability is practically lost.

    The transition to living without food was familiar to me, and I easily adapted. But anhydrous existence was difficult: a deep cleansing began in the cells of the body, which was accompanied by vibration throughout the body, weakness, and dry mouth as a result of the release of toxins through the salivary glands. There were also outbreaks on the skin in the form of peeling and “mosquito bites.” This state lasted for about a month and a half. Only complete trust in the Teachers gave me strength and endurance.

    Living without drinking became possible as a result of transmutation-transformation of the lungs; they acquired the ability to assimilate moisture from the air.

    The results of a medical examination of Zinaida Baranova are interesting: blood pressure is 120 over 80, teeth are in perfect condition, breathing is 2-2.5 times slower than that of ordinary people, body temperature does not rise to 36 degrees. In addition, an increased silicon content was noted in Zinaida Grigorievna’s body - thirty units instead of the standard two.

    They also gave me an electrocardiogram,” recalls Zinaida Baranova. “The doctor studied the results for a long time, scratched the back of his head with his hand in puzzlement, and in response to my question: “Well, doctor?”, he just threw up his hands: “You will live a very long time - that’s the only thing I can say.” Another time, an ultrasound examination was performed. The doctors said: “You have residual signs of hepatitis and pancreatitis.” But I never had either one or the other. We tried to diagnose using the Foll method. So the operator’s eyes went wide: the device showed that I was healthier than 18-year-old girls.

    Interview with Z.G. Baranova - “The Woman Who Doesn’t Eat.”
    Sun eaters and the future of humanity

    The idea of ​​“no eating, no drinking” will only gain momentum in the future. And the point here is not even a matter of giving up the “habitual daily bread” - it is rather a consequence. The result is the evolution of the human physical body: a restructuring of the work of internal organs (they also say “vibrational level of existence”), a change in body temperature (decrease) ... and, as a consequence, the natural disclosure of hidden human abilities (healing, levitation, telepathy ...) and extension of life life.

    Sun eaters have already proven that it is possible to start the process of “immaterial nutrition” (“pranic nutrition”) - they have added another big plus to the list of human capabilities.

    I repeat once again, there must be readiness for everything. Faith alone is not enough. “Not eating is life-threatening!!!” There are cases when ordinary people, having listened to enough lectures by the experienced salt-eater Jasmukhin, refused to eat and died of hunger and exhaustion.

    … What's next?
    Sun-eaters show by their example the vector of forward movement for all humanity. The transition to “immaterial” food is only the beginning, and then new horizons will open up for a person... then a person may finally be able to achieve immortality...

    But this is a topic for another conversation...
    About sun eaters on the Internet

    For further information on this topic, I propose material about sun eaters and more.

    * Sun eaters - photographs of famous sun eaters: Jasmukhin, Z.G. Baranova, Pralad Jani.
    * Shri Hira Ratan Manek is a sun eater from India.
    * Who is Jasmuheen? - website of the sun-eater Jasmuheen, founder of the new religion “Breatharianism”.

    Back at the beginning of the 20th century. The scientific community developed postulates about the importance of the autotrophic type of nutrition and the possibility of the emergence of a new civilization.

    People who feed on the energy of the sun are called pranoeaters, breatharians and representatives of the sixth race of humanity, who are nourished by an altered respiratory system. Orientation to light streams cleanses the biofield, strengthens the aura and immunity, but only when a person knows how to transform energy into vitality.

    Features of the approach

    Many prana-eaters tend to consider three types of nutrient intake: through the digestive system, through respiratory system and through the skin. Absorption of food through the stomach is the most common, but it is believed that since ancient times people have absorbed energy only through the skin. This allowed them not only to improve the condition of all organs, but also to save time and effort, without depriving themselves of important components of vitality, for example. water.

    Nutrition through the lungs can be used as an additional scheme to obtain the necessary substances from the air. In any case, the human task is to return to the body the genetic memories laid down by healthy ancestors many years ago.

    Why do many people all over the planet prefer to be saturated with the energy of the sun, rather than the moon or earth? The fact is that the light we are used to contains not just a huge amount of useful substances, but systems of paired elementary particles. Entering the individual’s body, they are able to resonate with the cellular level of the body and lead to the creation of the most useful chemical elements.

    Thus, a person uses his skin cells to form the components he needs, and solar energy acts as a catalyst.

    This type of nutrition is based on the natural process of energy redistribution for the Universe.

    That is, an organism with a high level of energy absorbs a system with a low level and, at its expense, increases its vitality and its mass.

    When an individual switches to consuming solar energy, he gradually notices changes in himself. The senses become heightened, the activity of the higher chakras moves to a new level, so you can even notice the growth of supernatural abilities. For example, a person hears thoughts, fulfills all his desires, sees hidden secrets in pictures.

    The scientific community is developing a hypothesis that human adaptation to the sun leads to the functioning of the frontal lobes in the head. At the same time, the remaining parts - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, medulla oblongata - do not change in function. Due to the correct distribution of energy through the skin, the entire body functions smoothly, without feeling any imbalance in the systems.

    Eating sunshine is a wonderful way to cleanse the body and make it healthy.

    Pranoedia is very different from regular fasting. Proponents of this diet are not fixated on weight loss; it is important for them to reduce their physical body while maintaining the required amount of energy. A sharp loss of mass is not an advantage for breatharians, since such changes significantly worsen the biofield, causing a strong outflow of energy.

    Pranoeaters strive not for a loose aura, but for a dense and symmetrical etheric body. It is also worth noting the special attitude of prana-eaters to the ideal meal and proper cooking, which they perceive as tools for equalizing energy. In the modern world, according to representatives of the sixth race, a person absorbs uncontrollably a large number of substances, reducing your energy level and bringing death closer.

    Breatharians do not feel hungry, they do not lose weight to the point of anorexia, and they do not experience weakness. They maintain a clear head and a feeling of lightness in their body. If such people suddenly want to have lunch with someone for company, there will be no consequences, their stomach will not hurt. Of course, the nerve centers of these individuals easily perceive any energy from the environment, but they can also obtain nutrients from food at will without becoming dependent on food.

    How to become a breatharian

    There is a widespread belief that all sun eaters completely refuse food familiar to society. In fact, the variety of their diet is always individual, depending on willpower and desire. The body must be adjusted to absorb energy slowly, so the transition to this method of nutrition takes several years. During leisurely training, prana-eaters change the way their internal organs work; they take the physiological system to a new level.

    At the moment it is difficult to say with certainty how many breatharians there are modern society. The count starts with a few hundred, and some proponents of this practice claim that there are from 8 to 20 thousand such people on the planet.

    To switch to this nutritional system, you can resort to universal meditative techniques, but some prana-eaters are sure that each person has his own path to transition to this lifestyle. To begin with, it is enough to lighten your daily menu and think about your spiritual development. Leading a favorable existence on the planet means developing all your bodily shells, turning to a higher principle and establishing constant communication with it. Maintaining the appropriate state is achieved through constant prayer, competent physical activity, conscious mental programming, selfless service to society, solitude in nature and some forms of creative expression, such as singing.

    Most people who crave the energy of the sun do not need to limit themselves to a specific approach that facilitates their perception of prana. Mantras are suitable for some, aerobics for others.

    First people give up meat, then fish and milk, then flour. Next comes the removal of vegetables, then fruits, leaving only liquid. It is also important to pay attention to the volume of food, moving from three meals a day to a single meal. Some sun eaters advise not to eat food only in the first half of the day in the first week of a new lifestyle, then to give up food for a day, and after two weeks - for a day and a half.

    The transition to autotrophic nutrition is carried out largely due to one’s own way of thinking, mental energy.

    It is necessary to set a certain program in the body, develop potential, and use internal resources. All this first requires the ability to control emotions. Future prana-eaters must free themselves from the limitations of consciousness and promptly identify the presence and influence of stereotypes in their lives. This is necessary to remove sedentary lifestyle existence, transition to the active level.

    After such energetic cleansing, Yin and Yang in the body should be brought into a harmonious state. In fact, in this way a person establishes contact with the Higher Self and allows him to master a different program for providing useful substances. It is important to note that the transition to solar energy consumption is carried out not on the basis of simple emotions and whims, but when the body is fully prepared.

    No less significant is what purpose lies behind such a lifestyle change. Pranoedia is always a means, not an independent achievement. As a rule, breatharians seek to transform their body in order to simultaneously move to a new spiritual level. But the desire for fresh sensations or the desire for superiority is never the goal for sun eaters. IN otherwise such a selfish individual can only get a health disorder.

    In addition to the above, potential supporters of prana-eaters are required to abandon the creation of a cult of food and the constant experience of problems associated with ordinary food. Of course, habitual consumption of nutrients helps reduce stress and compensate for the loss of strength, but this does not last long. You need to give up eating as a habit, and to do this you need to save mental energy, switch your consciousness, for example, to muscle activities or play forms of activity.

    Keeping your mind and body busy in life is a way of the most correct energy exchange, generating the necessary flows and vortexes in an ideal volume. People who feed on solar energy work with their desire to eat through persuasion. They tune in to small amounts of food, imitate the chewing process and drink a lot of water before eating. It is advisable to forget about your stomach and its importance in the digestion process, focusing at first only on the taste sensations in your mouth.

    We can advise future prana-eaters only one thing: do not focus on your problems related to eating or losing weight, but switch to solving the situation. If, after refusing to eat, pain occurs in the digestive tract, it means that the consciousness is still tuned to food, and the transition should be made more imperceptible. You can partly deceive the body, for example, with the help breathing techniques, stomach massage.

    The path of breatharianism requires a strong will.

    Once you have made a choice in favor of this type of saturation, you can no longer turn back, because for the body it will become severe stress another change in the program, a rollback of the new principles of life to the old nutritional scheme. Don’t confuse your body, don’t deprive yourself of guidelines, know how to go to the end. It is necessary to devote equal time to your body, spirit, consciousness and soul. There is no need to be afraid that the body’s capabilities will begin to decrease due to the transition to solar energy.

    In fact, a competent approach allows you to completely preserve the functionality of even the digestive system; the need for its operation simply disappears. From a physiological standpoint, they can become a sun eater different people. It's enough to just have it strong desire and a powerful impulse to action.

    But as practice shows, living off prana is a choice for everyone, but not everyone. Sometimes it is enough for a person to read about this type of nutrition and restoration of the biofield in order to make a decision to change his fate. If you don’t have a strong desire to try sun-eating, you can simply try a couple of practices that further saturate the aura and are not harmful to your health.

    Famous sun eaters

    1. Prahlad Jani is one of the most popular prana-eaters and hermit saints in India, who is now 87 years old. He refused food and drinks from the age of 11, and spends his life in a cave, where he receives pilgrims. Doctors from the local Institute of Physiology examined Jani several times, establishing that his health was simply excellent.
    2. Jasmukhin or Ellen Greve is an Australian sun eater who has become a true Western guru among breatharian practitioners. This woman publishes many books and holds open lectures on the possibilities of prana nutrition.
      It is believed that Jasmuheen has been drinking only water since 1993, but some evidence points to fraud on the part of the woman. One way or another, Ellen Greve has long and very actively advocated for the so-called vital breath, which was originally characteristic of followers of Hinduism. Jasmuheen used to be a financial consultant, but now many call her the founder of a real religion, i.e. Breatharianism or Breatharianism. The consumption of sunlight, from her point of view, should be equated to breathing, and by refusing regular food, one should gradually get rid of the fear of death as a result of hunger.
      Jasmuheen says that her practice is taken from the Tibetan fasts of monks, and she herself is able to communicate with the cosmos through telepathy. Gradually giving up food based on this woman's advice takes 21 days and allows you to not lose weight too dramatically. Today there are about 5-10 thousand Ellen followers.
    3. Zinaida Baranova- the oldest supporter of prana-eating in Russia. A woman lives in Krasnodar region, has many followers and regularly undergoes medical examinations. Zinaida Grigorievna has refused food and water since 2000. She claims that she receives nutrients through breathing through the skin and lungs, and some of the energy comes to her directly through the chakras.
      The woman was able to expand her abilities with the help of heavenly forces and nature spirits, which, according to her, turned off her taste buds. Until now, Zinaida Baranova does not have any chronic diseases, and many psychophysiologists say that she has moved to the vibrational level of life. The woman herself says that she knows how to absorb moisture from the air due to deep cleansing of the entire body.
    4. Hira Ratan Manek- Indian mechanical engineer who joined the camp of the sun-eaters at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. In his sixth decade, this man refused to eat, leaving only boiled water in his diet. Manek is a proponent of the initial absorption of energy, i.e. not from secondary sources, which are plants and fruits. This person's ideal health status has been confirmed by the Institute of Multipurpose Therapeutics and the Jain Medical Association.
    5. Mikhail Werner is a German chemist and sun-eater who, since 2001, has allowed himself only coffee, juice and a little wine. Light nutrition through the skin does not worsen this Brunswick resident's condition. The restructuring of Mikhail's body took 3 weeks, but his conviction overcame all obstacles. He does not refuse examinations by doctors, his health does not fail.

    Also on the list of famous pranoeaters is the Ukrainian Nikolai Dolgoruky, who is filled with energy by observing the sun for 5 hours a day. He walks barefoot to use the forces of the earth as well, and also uses the power of energy pyramids.

    Russian researcher Alexander Komarov also refused food. And the psychic from Connersreuth, Teresa Neumann, spent 36 years without food and at the same time never refused people to study her own phenomenon and observe her lifestyle. Thus, it becomes clear that there are more and more sun-eaters every day, and among them there are many educated, intelligent people, as well as adherents of esotericism or parapsychology.

    Scientists' position

    Professionals in the field of synthetic biology have repeatedly wondered about the relationship between humans and plants, in particular, the human capabilities of photosynthesis. Many of the scientists worked on creating a plant-animal hybrid, as a result of which it was possible to discover the biological mechanism of energy consumption.

    Experiments by the American scientific community in the laboratory have led to a detailed analysis of Elysia Chlorotica, a sea slug with photosynthetic skills that not only has the typical green coloration of plants, but also resembles a leaf in appearance. At the same time, this animal feeds on the sun, using the photosynthetic genes of the algae that it eats. Chloroplasts that penetrate the slug with food become an additional layer on the walls of the digestive tract.

    The creature feeds on the sun for several months. This is possible due to the theft of algae genes that form enzymes for the restoration of chloroplasts. From this discovery it follows that a person is also able to open the system of his cells so that it uses other DNA to saturate it with energy.

    The abilities of plants are determined by their improvement in the process of evolution. The leaves become thinner and more transparent, they are fixed at one point, which means they constantly receive a portion of sunlight. At the same time, a person moves, does not allow light to pass through him, and therefore needs other sources of energy. However, the situation can be changed by accelerated evolution, the creation of photosynthetic areas of skin on the individual’s body.

    Such ideas still seem like science fiction, but they are already floating around in the scientific community. In addition, it is worth considering that in addition to brilliant green slugs, corals store photosynthetic materials in their cells, and spotted salamanders even supply embryos with energy from algae. In addition, the transplantation of genes from one organism to another has long been mastered by biology.

    The only problem with solar energy, according to scientists, is the size of the absorbing surface. Leaves absorb enormous amounts of energy in proportion to their size. This means that most people don't have the bandwidth they need. In any case, it is always useful to dilute the diet with energy obtained in another way.

    Some living organisms accumulate the powers of the sun. to realize them later when there is a shortage of normal food.

    A long-term study of representatives of prana-eating shows that the organisms of such individuals have mutated. These individuals absorb moisture from the surrounding air, and absorb energy from the cosmos itself, calling it prana according to esoteric practice.

    Each sun-eater has his own secrets and tricks, a different worldview and philosophy, but all these people who feed on the energy of the sun are tuned to certain low vibrations.

    Scientists believe that it is this feature of the brain that allows you to change the state of the body and soul. In addition, these individuals have an enlarged pineal gland, and as is known, it is the pineal gland that is responsible for paranormal abilities and the functioning of the third eye. Therefore, with a certain degree of confidence, we can call these individuals the sixth race, the future parents of a new biological species.

    The main thing is to always remember that the transition to feeding with such energy must be carried out gradually and carefully, without succumbing to feelings of fear or social pressure.