Arthritis in dogs does not only develop in old age. Young animals, although much less common, still suffer from this disease. Why does joint inflammation occur? How to recognize it in time and how to help your beloved pet recover?

Causes of arthritis in dogs

At the place where the bones “connect” with each other, there is an articular capsule, and the “layer” between them is cartilage. This is a kind of cushion that prevents the articular surfaces of the bones from being abraded during movement, deformed and destroyed. Inside the capsule there is a liquid that allows the joint to perform its function unhindered, without pain. But why can an inflammatory process develop in the joint?

  1. Weakened immunity. Any infection that enters the animal’s body provokes the development of an inflammatory process.
  2. Injuries: dislocations, bruises, sprains and torn ligaments, fractures. A dog can trip or twist a paw while running or jumping (kids, old people and overweight dogs are especially susceptible to such falls).
  3. Rest on a hard and cold floor. If a dog lies on a hard surface for a long time, the joints often swell and harden, and arthritis and arthrosis may develop.
  4. Constant stress.
  5. Poor nutrition. This is not the main reason, but rather a contributing one.

Classification of arthritis

  • Traumatic. This type of joint inflammation occurs due to injury received by the animal (sprain or rupture of ligaments, dislocation, bruise, fracture or other violation of intra-articular cartilage and bone).
  • Genetic. It is registered in those breeds that were bred artificially. Such animals have a tendency to damage cartilage tissue.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis in dogs is most often reported in miniature breeds. A type of autoimmune disease where the pet's immune system tries to destroy its own cartilage and bone cells, destroying them.
  • Metabolic. Inflammation develops due to metabolic disorders. The cartilage tissue is not renewed properly, it becomes thinner. This inflammation is especially often recorded in large breeds with excess body weight (cartilage wears off).
  • Idiopathic.
  • Purulent. Pus accumulates in the joint capsule. Most often, it begins to form there due to a deep penetrating wound (a pyogenic infection, for example, cocci).
  • Drug. It occurs as a reaction to an administered veterinary drug (vaccines, medicines). A kind of allergic reaction to medications.
  • Osteoarthritis. Develops due to dislocation or other joint disease, hip dysplasia. The most common type of inflammatory process of the musculoskeletal system in dogs.

Symptoms of Arthritis in a Dog

What are the symptoms of arthritis in dogs?

  • The most obvious is an increase in volume (but such a sign can only be seen on “visible” joints - on the limbs).
  • Stiffness of the inflamed joint. Due to swelling, motor ability is impaired.
  • Pain. Any movement that involves an inflamed joint causes extreme pain to the animal.
  • The dog rests more and tries to lie on the healthy “side”. However, if the inflammation is bilateral, then the dog tries to take an unnatural position so as not to disturb the sore joints.
  • Reluctance to walk, run, or jump a lot. It is difficult for the dog to go up and down (including stairs, he cannot jump on or go down the sofa).
  • The dog begins to gain weight, despite the fact that his appetite decreases. This is due to the fact that the animal began to walk and move less. The less physical activity, the more weight the pet will gain.

Treatment for a dog with inflamed joints

If you suspect arthritis in dogs and notice the symptoms, treatment should begin as early as possible. However, only a veterinarian should select the method of therapy, based on the results of the examination and establishing the causes of the inflammatory process. Some animals are helped by alternative methods, others only by conservative ones.

  1. If the disease is just beginning, there is no acute pain or serious complications, then with the permission of the veterinarian you can resort to alternative treatment: herbs (for example, nettle, which has a good anti-inflammatory property), non-steroidal drugs (however, you should be extremely careful with them, since they can lead to serious complications), compresses with oil (lavender and juniper in equal proportions with warm water).
  2. The diet is being revised: tomatoes, grains, and potatoes are necessarily excluded. But egg yolks, seeds, ginger, Exotic fruits(but be careful with them so that the animal does not develop an allergy). Remember that there must be a diet so that the animal does not gain excess weight, which will only provoke the destruction of cartilage tissue.
  3. Drug treatment for arthritis in dogs includes the use of veterinary medications that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Chondroprotectors are also good. In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary (most often when the inflammation is of a traumatic nature).
  4. Improve living conditions. The pet's bed should be warm and soft, away from drafts. Cover all slippery surfaces on the floor with carpets and secure them, in general, so that the animal does not slip.
  5. Reduce the time spent on walks and put less stress on your beloved dog. Don't force him to run or jump, just calm movement. But remember that fresh air and sunlight have a beneficial effect on the health of the animal.
  6. Physiotherapy also has an excellent effect on recovery. Massage, phoresis, and swimming perfectly relieve pain and swelling of the joints. But all this should be done only after a face-to-face consultation with a veterinarian. Just remember that with purulent arthritis, heating (even with ointments) and massage, rubbing and other procedures that can lead to the outpouring of pus into the surrounding tissues are prohibited.

Preventing arthritis in dogs

  • Monitor your pet's weight. if it exceeds the recommended standards, then your pet is in danger. And the point is not only the high risk of developing arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also the fact that metabolic disorders (metabolism) may develop. For example, obese dogs often develop pancreatitis, diabetes, digestive problems and others.
  • Be careful with loads. If they are too intense then musculoskeletal system works hard. But you shouldn’t completely deprive your dog of jogging, either. otherwise the muscles will weaken, the muscle corset will be worse supported, and weight will be gained very quickly.
  • Monitor the animal's diet. No prohibited foods, less carbohydrates (again, so that you don’t gain weight quickly). Products that help cartilage tissue remain elastic are also good.
  • Make sure that floors are not slippery (use carpets). And the pet’s bedding should be soft, warm and comfortable. The animal must lie completely on it, no parts of the body should protrude beyond its limits or rub against the hard floor.
  • Animals over 6 years old should be shown to a veterinarian at least once every six months.

Arthritis is as common in dogs as it is in people. The disease affects the joints, causing their destruction and severe pain. There are several types of arthritis, each of which is determined by the causes of the lesion and the characteristics of the course of the disorder in the future. Arthritis cannot be completely cured, but it is possible to control the destruction of joints and prolong the quality of life of your pet.

Arthritis in dogs: treatment methods

Arthritis is a severe chronic joint disease that manifests itself as acute inflammation. The joint tissue becomes swollen, turns red, and serious pain is noted in the area of ​​damage. When palpating the diseased area, fever is noted.

Once the destruction process occurs, it is completely impossible to stop it; it is only possible to stabilize the condition of the individual, eliminate unpleasant symptoms and restore natural mobility to the sore paw. Possible complications of the disease include paralysis, amputation and death of the animal due to intoxication.

Video - How to detect arthritis in dogs?

Attention! Most susceptible to arthritis large dogs due to high body weight, which entails increased stress on the joints. Elderly animals are also at risk.

Causes of Arthritis in Dogs

The main provoking factors include the following:

  • age of the pet: the older the dog, the higher the chance of getting sick due to decreased elasticity of cartilage tissue;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of activity of the pet;
  • increased body weight and obesity, which constantly causes extra stress on all organs and tissues;
  • injuries and mechanical damage;
  • congenital and acquired pathologies of bone and joint tissue;
  • infectious lesions and autoimmune reactions.

Attention! If you have slippery floors in your home, your pet's chance of developing arthritis increases severalfold due to repeated injuries and poor contact with the surface.

Classification of the disease

Experts identify several forms of arthritis in dogs, each of which has its own characteristics of occurrence.

  • traumatic. It starts after injuries in the joint area. The disease can be caused by sprains, impacts, fractures and other mechanical impacts on the joint. They negatively affect not only the integrity of joint tissues, but also disrupt their metabolism. The joint can no longer receive sufficient nutrition, and the process of degeneration begins;
  • functional. Excessive stress on the cartilage often leads to injury. Because of this, all metabolic processes in the tissues are disrupted, and the joint begins to collapse. Since the tissues are no longer able to cope with the resulting pressure, the cartilage becomes thinner, the bones begin to actively rub against each other, and a pronounced inflammatory process is formed. It is also formed under the influence of hemochromatosis, when the body accumulates a large number of iron in animal tissues and organs. Rickets, which forms at a young age, can trigger the disorder. It leads to excessive softness of bone and cartilage due to insufficient exchange of calcium and phosphorus;
  • dystrophic (metabolic). A violation is provoked due to the appearance of problems in metabolic processes in the body. If there are problems in the synthesis of pyrophosphate, which is the basis of cartilage, a large number of calcium crystals are formed. These fractions are actively deposited inside the joint cavity in the synovial fluid and on its surface. The result is serious inflammation;

Attention! If arthritis in a dog is associated with problems in metabolic processes, this problem must first be eliminated. In this case, joint destruction is a consequence, and not the main cause of the pet’s poor condition.

  • purulent or infectious. It occurs under the influence of bacteria that have penetrated into the joint cavity from other areas of inflammation. Most often, these pathogens include staphylococci and streptococci. Bacteria can also enter the tissue through penetrating wounds and damage to the periarticular area. The danger of this type of disease lies in the appearance of fistulas at a late stage of development;

Attention! Suppurative arthritis is very dangerous possible consequences for an animal. They include possible amputation of a limb or the inability to save a pet due to blood poisoning. Treatment of this type of disorder is carried out only by an experienced veterinarian, after which the individual requires a long recovery course.

  • congenital tendency to arthritis . Occurs due to the presence of congenital disorders in joint and bone tissue. Often this type of disorder develops from dysplasia in the hip joints. With this disorder, ultrasound shows severe depletion of cartilage in the area of ​​the femoral head and acetabulum. Because of this, strong friction occurs, triggering the inflammatory process. A congenital tendency to arthritis is also associated with insufficient calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, because of which even minimal load on the organ leads to its pathology;
  • rheumatoid or autoimmune. Its formation is similar to infectious. Bacteria also penetrate into the joint, but when trying to eliminate them, the body also begins to attack healthy cells. As a result, the degenerative process triggers irreversible processes not only in cartilage, but also in bone.

Attention! Mixed types of arthritis can occur in dogs. Usually the second form of the disease occurs under the influence of the second. Thus, injury can be combined with the penetration of bacteria into the joint. These types of pathologies are the most complex and require longer and more competent treatment.

Symptoms of the disease and its early manifestations

The first sign of the development of arthritis is considered to be a decrease in the pet's activity compared to its past behavior. The following symptoms gradually appear:

  • the dog cannot walk long distances, prefers to sleep or just lie down;
  • when walking, the individual protects the sore paw, trying not to step on it;
  • if several joints are affected, it is difficult for the dog to get up, his gait is heavy, extremely careful and slow;
  • if you accidentally touch a sore spot, an individual may show aggression or irritability;
  • the animal's gait is clumsy, the patient tries not to bend his paws, lameness appears with its typical manifestations;
  • when trying to run, it is not possible to develop high speed or even perform such movements;
  • often the animal completely loses its appetite;
  • due to lack of sufficient physical activity, the dog begins to gain weight, which only worsens the pet’s condition;
  • discomfort intensifies during weather changes, symptoms are especially pronounced before rain and with sudden drops and rises in atmospheric pressure.

Video - Typical lameness in a dog

Attention! If symptoms of arthritis appear, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. Only a specialist can diagnose a pet’s condition in order to rule out any other pathologies similar to the disorder.

Diagnosis of arthritis in dogs

Making a diagnosis is always a complex undertaking, requiring several examinations and laboratory tests.

Table 1. Diagnostic procedures to confirm arthritis in dogs

  • collecting complaints and assessing the mobility of the diseased limb;
  • palpation of the sore spot to assess the size of the joint,
    its swelling, temperature;
  • assessment of muscle tone and tendon condition
  • main diagnostic method;
  • a photograph is taken of all joints of the limb, including the conditionally healthy one;
  • evaluates the presence of free substances inside the joint, deformations of the joint tissue, changes in tissue size and thickness
CT scan
  • usually prescribed in the presence of other pathologies of bone tissue and cartilage;
  • must be carried out in the presence of hip dysplasia in order to prescribe the correct treatment
Laboratory research
  • carried out if there is a suspicion of bacterial damage to the joint;
  • Synovial fluid from the joint is taken for analysis
Histology and cytology
  • carried out in exceptional cases when there is a suspicion of the presence of neoplastic cells;
  • such cells mean the growth of atypical formations, including cancerous ones, instead of healthy ones

Features of treatment of the disease with drugs

Treatment of dogs different breeds, in essence, is no different. But giant or large individuals may need to adjust the dosage of medications upward in order to achieve the effect required for therapy. For treatment, several groups of medications are used that can have a complex effect and put the animal into remission.

"Stop Arthritis"

A special version of the drug is produced for dogs. “Stop Arthritis” has a complex effect, belonging to the class of chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory medications. Under the influence of the active substance, the integrity of the cartilage is restored, the shock absorption of the sore spot is improved, and metabolic processes are stimulated. At the same time, mobility improves, swelling and pain go away.

Available as a suspension, you can give it with food or drop it into your mouth twice a day. The duration of the course of treatment is according to indications. Typically therapy lasts up to three months. If during the first month there are noticeable improvements, the doctor can transfer the individual to half the dose of the active component.

"Stop Arthritis" for the treatment of arthritis in dogs

Table 2. Dosages of “Stop Arthritis” for dogs

Attention! “Stop Arthritis” can be used as a prophylaxis and to prevent joint problems after surgery. In the first case, the medication is used for one month in spring and autumn. After surgery, treatment takes up to 2 months. Doses are determined by the veterinarian.


A new generation chondroprotector created for the treatment of arthritis in dogs and cats. Promotes restoration of joint and bone tissue, normalizes metabolism in cells. Saturates cells with minerals, protecting the sick animal from further deterioration of the condition. Taken in tablet form.

"Artroglycan" is taken in tablet form

The minimum course of therapy is one month; in complicated cases, taking Artroglycan can be increased to six months. It is better to carry out therapy in courses. The dose is selected taking into account the dog's weight. One tablet is taken for every 10 kg of weight. If an individual weighs more than 40 kg, 4 tablets should be given once, regardless of the pet’s condition. Take "Artroglycan" in the morning and evening.


Despite the fact that the drug was created for the treatment of horses, it is actively used in the complex treatment of arthritis in dogs. The gel has a warming effect, eliminating pain and improving mobility of the sore spot. Well tolerated due to its natural composition. Among the components are plant esters, phenoxyethanol and glycerin. This complex of substances guarantees additional antibacterial and soothing effects. Rub with gentle massage movements into the sore spot 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course is according to indications. Treatment usually takes 30 days.

Gel "Horsepower"


An anesthetic to suppress acute pain and reduce inflammation. It is a strong drug and is prescribed only in the absence of kidney problems. Cannot be used by pregnant or lactating individuals. Tablets are taken daily at 10 mg for a maximum of four days; for small breeds the dose can be reduced to 5 mg. At acute pain"Ketofen" is prescribed by injection, in which case the dose is 2 mg/kg. Injections can be given for up to three days, also once a day. After relieving acute pain with injections, it is better to switch the animal to tablets.


The drug is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It is prescribed in the form of tablets and injections, preferably treatment with the solid form of Rimadyl. The solution is used only to relieve severe conditions, after which the dog is transferred to tablets. The recommended dose of Rimadyl is 2-4 mg of the active ingredient per kilogram of weight in the morning and evening. If long-term use of the drug is required for more than seven days, after a week the dose is halved. Injections can only be given once a day. The dose is 1 ml of solution per 12.5 kg. The solution is administered intravenously; intramuscular administration is strictly prohibited.

"Rimadyl" liver flavored tablets

"Stride Plus"

Also applies to chondroprotectors. The medication shows an anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of chondroitin and hyaluronic acid. At the same time, the mobility of the joint tissue improves, pain is eliminated, swelling and inflammation go away. “Stride Plus” is produced in the form of a syrup for oral use, additionally enriched with vitamins.

The dose depends on the pet's weight. Animals up to 5 kg take 2 ml, from 5 to 15 - 4 ml. Over 15 kg, the dosage is 8 ml of the active substance. If the dog is a large breed and weighs over 30 kg, it is recommended to increase the dose to 12-15 ml of syrup. "Stride Plus" is also used for the preventive treatment of arthritis, in which case the dose is halved. The medication is taken once a day with or without food. Duration of treatment – ​​according to indications, but not less than three weeks.

"Stride Plus" for dogs


Hormonal drug for the treatment of the inflammatory process. Used exclusively under the supervision of a veterinarian, doses are always selected individually. The drug can be administered using droppers and injections. Prednisolone relieves pain and inflammation well, but it can negatively affect the functioning of other body systems and reduce the pet’s immunity. The hormone should be discontinued gradually to avoid withdrawal syndrome. If this is not done, all the symptoms of arthritis return and become more severe. Hydrocortisone and Dexamethasone are used according to the same principle.

"Prednisolone" in ampoules


Dispensed in the form of oral drops or injection solution. The specific form of the medication is determined by the veterinarian. In addition to eliminating the symptoms of arthritis, the drug also relieves weakness in the paws of older individuals. When administered by injection, "Chondartron" is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly in the morning and evening. The dose of the active substance is 0.1 ml/kg. The duration of the course is 14 days. For preventive purposes, oral drops are used. They are used at the rate of 0.3 ml/10 kg daily. The duration of prophylaxis is 10-14 days.


Medications to treat arthritis in large breeds

Large dogs need to adjust the dosage of medications upward in order to achieve the effect required for therapy


It is used only for the treatment of arthritis in large breeds of dogs weighing more than 30 kg. To prepare the solution, you need to take water for injection at the following rate: 1 ampoule of Chondrolon per 1 ml of solvent. The dose of the active substance is 100 mg. The drug is administered intramuscularly every other day, the recommended course of treatment is 25 injections. As a result, the medication returns lost mobility to the joint, normalizes metabolic processes, and has a good effect on the condition of bone tissue. Severe symptoms of inflammation go away after just a few injections.

"Chondrolone" must be diluted


Drug for intramuscular administration. Provokes restoration processes in joints, relieves inflammation and pain. Only three injections of the active substance are given to a sick individual per week at equal intervals.

The dosage of Rumalon depends on the weight and condition of the dog. Taking these indicators into account, the doctor prescribes from 0.3 to 1 ml of solution. The drug sometimes provokes acute allergic reactions. Taking this into account, it is recommended to pre-administer a small amount of Rumalon and monitor possible side effects. If the dose of the drug is exceeded, the animal will experience more severe pain in the joints, severe dizziness and problems with orientation.

"Chondroitin Complex"

The drug is dispensed in the form of capsules for internal use. The main effect of the drug is associated with the launch of collagen production and restoration of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Used in complex treatment. Additionally enhances the analgesic effect in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs. The recommended dose is 1 capsule of the drug in the morning and evening for 1-2 months.

"Chondroitin Complex" shows good results in the restoration of affected joints

Other Treatments for Arthritis in Dogs

In addition to drug treatment, other treatment methods may be used. Their appointment is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian, who assesses the risks and severity of the individual’s condition.

  • replacing a dog's joint with an artificial one. A fairly expensive operation that allows you to replace a worn-out joint with a metal one. The operation is carried out only in the clinic, most often on large breeds of dogs, for which even prevention and full drug treatment may turn out to be completely ineffective;
  • amputation of the diseased limb. A rare operation that is performed only after complete destruction of the sore spot and in the presence of constant pain. Also, a limb must be amputated when the infection spreads rapidly, which can be fatal due to blood poisoning;

  • swimming and massage. Necessary for increasing the tone of muscles and tendons. At the same time, they relieve tension from diseased cartilage, stimulate metabolic processes, eliminate swelling and pain. It is better to carry out massage in courses of 10 procedures every 3-6 months, taking into account the pet’s condition. The animal can swim constantly. For small breeds, the space of a regular bathroom is sufficient;
  • acupuncture. The point of treatment is to install special needles on physiological points on the body responsible for restoration and pain relief processes. For treatment, 5-15 sessions are carried out, taking into account health and tolerance of the procedure. Can only be used in combination and under the supervision of a competent doctor;
  • homeopuncture. A fairly new procedure, which consists of introducing homeopathic medicines selected for a specific individual directly into the site of inflammation. It has not yet proven effectiveness and, if administered incorrectly into a joint, can provoke serious consequences in the form of more severe inflammation and even paralysis of the animal in this place.

Attention! Among the dog breeds most susceptible to arthritis are Labradors, Retrievers, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Rottweilers. They are at risk due to their susceptibility to hip dislocation.

Traditional methods of treating arthritis in dogs

Alternative treatments should only be used with your doctor's permission. Many herbs and home remedies are completely incompatible with traditional medicines.

Warm compress

For 200 ml of warm water, take two drops of lavender and juniper oils. After stirring the solution well, soak the fabric in it and apply it to the sore spot. To have a stronger noticeable effect, you need to apply a heating pad to the affected joint. The session lasts 10-30 minutes. It is recommended to use the compress daily for 10-20 days.

Nettle and chamomile decoction

Packaged natural medicines – chamomile and nettle

This combination has a rapid anti-inflammatory, calming and analgesic effect. It is strictly prohibited to use it if the pet has been prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment involves preparing a decoction of equal parts of crushed and dried chamomile and nettle. For 250 ml take a tablespoon of already prepared vegetable mixture. It is boiled over low heat for 1-2 minutes, cooled and given 10-50 ml to the dog 2-3 times a day. The less the dog weighs, the less broth should be given.

Garlic compress and drops

The dog may react poorly to such treatment due to the repulsive smell and taste. When using a compress, it is recommended to squeeze the juice from a medium head of garlic onto cheesecloth and place the pulp on top. The bandage is fixed on the sore joint; the dog’s skin is first lubricated with a rich cream to avoid burns. The compress has a warming and analgesic effect. Keep the bandage on for 20-40 minutes.

Oral treatment is only possible for dogs weighing more than 30 kg. When using drops, squeeze out 10 ml of garlic juice per 200 ml of milk. The resulting solution is poured into the pet 2 times a day for a week. Compresses can be applied daily for two to three weeks. The oral form of treatment is not recommended for use in individuals suffering from ulcerative-erosive processes, especially in the acute stage. Ingestion may also cause diarrhea.

Attention! Instead of untested and sometimes dangerous for dogs traditional methods, the best option is the selection of a balanced diet. The diet should include foods containing calcium, vitamin C, fish fat, add a small amount of turmeric and crushed cartilage to food. A more precise diet is selected individually for each animal, taking into account the presence of other diseases.

Video - Inflammatory joint diseases

A dog with arthritis needs special care and care. To normalize her condition, you should adhere to a number of mandatory recommendations.

  1. Give up long walks, replacing them with more frequent but shorter ones.
  2. Keep the animal warm at all times.
  3. The sleeping area should be thick enough; the individual should not be left on thin bedding. In this regard, children's mattresses are especially good for large dog breeds.
  4. All smooth surfaces on which the pet walks should be covered with carpets or replaced with a rougher one.
  5. It is impossible for a sick pet to climb steps and stairs, this will lead to an aggravation and worsening of its condition. You should use the elevator or carry the patient in your arms.
  6. If possible, provide your dog with regular swimming sessions; simply keeping him in the water can help relieve pain.
  7. Massage the sore limb, this will relieve tension and swelling.

Attention! During the cold season, it is necessary to put warm clothes on the animal and make sure that it does not become hypothermic. Cold worsens arthritis pain and accelerates joint destruction.

Prevention of arthritis in animals

Preventive measures to prevent the disease are simple and can reduce the likelihood of the disease occurring several times.

  1. Take your dog on regular, but not strenuous, walks.
  2. Provide your pet with a separate, sufficiently soft and warm place to sleep.
  3. Be sure to follow a diet that is rational for your specific breed with the required amount of soft and dry food containing minerals and vitamins.
  4. If there is a hereditary or strong predisposition to arthritis, you can feed food with admixtures of chondroprotectors.
  5. Swimming and special massage are beneficial for the dog.
  6. Treat all infections in a timely manner and avoid deficiencies of beneficial minerals.
  7. If there are others chronic diseases bones or joints, promptly eliminate the exacerbation and periodically visit a specialist’s office to monitor the individual’s condition.

Walking - preventing arthritis in dogs

Attention! When prescribing food with chondroprotectors and vitamins to an individual, you should first consult with a veterinarian. He will select the optimal supplements for a specific age and breed, as well as their doses.

Arthritis is a severe lesion associated with destruction and inflammation of the joint tissue. The disease especially often affects large breeds of dogs, which constantly show increased stress on their paws due to their heavy weight. Often the disease develops due to injury and infection. But regardless of what causes the disease, it requires mandatory treatment under the supervision of a veterinarian with a long course of medication. In the future, the individual will need to undergo preventive treatment 1-2 times a year to prevent complications of the condition.

Arthritis is inflammatory disease joints, which is characterized by pain, hyperemia, swelling, dysfunction and increased temperature at the site of the lesion.

The disease develops when the cartilage tissue, which serves as a lubricant that prevents bones from touching, wears away. After the cartilage wears off, the joint capsule thickens, resulting in loss of elasticity.

Pets susceptible to arthritis include:

  • Large breeds, due to the large pressure of the mass on the ligaments, tendons and articular surfaces.
  • Dogs over 4 years old. With age, degenerative changes in the joints begin.
  • Pedigree dogs, due to inbreeding.
  • Dogs with a genetic predisposition (Samoyeds, Chow Chows, Dalmatians).
  • Dogs with joint injuries or infectious diseases.

Types of arthritis:

  1. Traumatic. Occurs after fractures, sprains, bruises, dislocations.
  2. Functional. occurs due to irrational loads.
  3. Genetic. Occurs due to congenital mutations in cartilage tissue.
  4. Dystrophic. Occurs as a result of metabolic disorders (impaired formation of pyrophosphate, calcium, phosphorus, hemochromatosis).
  5. Purulent. Occurs due to infection of the joint by bacterial flora.

Signs and symptoms

  • Decreased physical activity. The dog refuses to play, refuses to go for walks, appears weak, sleeps a lot.
  • Excess weight. Appears due to decreased activity.
  • Gait disturbance. The dog tries not to step on the arthritic paw.
  • Pain. You may notice how the dog frowns and whines when moving. It is difficult for the pet to change body position; it walks without bending its paws.
  • Clumsiness.
  • Apathy. The dog becomes indifferent to things that previously gave pleasure. If there is severe pain, it may not meet its owners after separation.
  • Reacts to changes in weather, especially atmospheric pressure. With pressure changes, the pain intensifies.
  • When you feel the sore paw, pain and crunching in the joint appear. The dog will either withdraw his paw or whine.


Arthritis does not develop overnight, but gradually. There is an increasing thinning of the interarticular cartilage due to the above reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to identify early symptoms of the disease and contact a veterinarian to develop adequate treatment.

Let's consider treatment methods:


Treatment should begin with proper diet. Exclude grain products, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants. Many feed manufacturers use potatoes in their production. Be careful when choosing food for a sick dog.

There are foods that can help with arthritis. These include: cartilage, ginger, mango, papaya, alfalfa, celery. Anti-inflammatory supplements are also added to the diet: salmon oil, sodium and calcium ascorbate, bromelain, S-adenosylmethionine.

To reduce pressure on the joints, you need to monitor your pet's weight. Mainly use protein food. Carbohydrates should be kept to a minimum.

Physical exercise

Proper physical activity, such as light walking and swimming, will help maintain elasticity and flexibility in the joints. Developed muscles will stabilize the joints. It is important here not to overdo it with loads. It's better to do less, but more often! The pain may ease massage. It is necessary to carefully rub the sore joints in a circular motion.

Drug treatment

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(rimadyl, metacam, diphenhydramine, analgin, aspirin). The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is responsible for the production of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, leukotrienes).
  • Tramadol. Has an analgesic effect.
  • Chondroprotectors(Khionat, Mukartrin, Adequan, Rumalon). Chondroitin, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid are used to build interarticular cartilage.
  • Antidepressants(Amitriptyline, Prozac)
  • Neurontin. When chronic pain occurs.


Indications for surgery are:

  1. Fracture and necrosis of the femoral head.
  2. Pathological dislocation.
  3. Dysplasia.


To prevent exacerbations and relapses, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for pet. Do not allow the dog to become hypothermic. The dog should sleep on a warm blanket, preferably heated. Mats with foam filling that conforms to the shape of the body work well.

Don't forget about light physical activity. Be sure to take your pet swimming. Puppies suffering from arthritis can take a bath. Also do a light massage.

The following are inflammations of articular joints:

  • Congenital.
  • Purulent.
  • Rheumatoid.
  • Dystrophic.
  • Traumatic.


Develops in breeds bred using directed selection methods. A by-product of artificial selection is the appearance large number individuals with genes for the destruction of cartilage texture. The joint endings are formed incorrectly. The most common pathologies are dysplasia (underdevelopment):

  • Hip joint.
  • Elbow joint.
  • The patella joint, accompanied by its dislocation.
  • Shoulder joint.


Microorganisms penetrate into the joint chamber. They multiply and attract killer leukocytes. Dead immune and bacterial cells form purulent masses. The risk of a septic process increases.

Characteristic features:

  • Depressed state.
  • Lameness.
  • General and local hyperthermia.
  • The joint is swollen and extremely painful.
  • The punctate contains purulent or hemorrhagic contents.


An autoimmune condition in which white blood cells perceive the dog's connective tissue cells as pathogens and destroy them. The cartilage degrades, and the surfaces of the bones begin to touch. Movement becomes extremely painful. The joints of the tarsus or wrists swell, hypertrophy, and stop bending. The disease is common mainly among dwarf dogs aged 1–8 years.

Characteristic signs of rheumatoid arthritis are:

  • Feeling of discomfort.
  • Anorexia.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Lymphadenitis.
  • Lameness.


Metabolic perversions lead to thinning of the cartilaginous texture. Observed mainly in large puppies that quickly gain weight. Chondrotic tissue cannot withstand gravity, deforms and degrades. If a puppy slips on laminate or linoleum, osteoarthritis occurs.


It is the result of a blow or sprain of a ligament or muscle. Microdamages after jumping on slippery floors cause inflammation. A cavity is formed, filled with blood or exudate. Such a lesion is temporary and is called functional.

If the injury results in an open wound, surgical debridement is required. It is important to prevent purulent inflammation. In most situations, the defect is closed with sutures.

Risk factors

Inflammation of interosseous adhesion occurs for the following reasons:

  • Rapid growth accompanied by weight gain.
  • Obesity.
  • Cardiac pathologies.


The following symptoms indicate the development of inflammation of the bone joint:

  • Hypertrophy of the clutch and its pain.
  • Lameness.
  • Violation of flexion functions.
  • Inability to jump.
  • The dog gets up with difficulty.
  • Local hyperthermia.
  • Difficulty getting up and down.
  • Reaction to rainy weather, accompanied by whining.


For inflammation of bone joints, care is more important than drug treatment. A cozy rookery is provided for a sick pet. These are mattresses that can take on the contours of the body, electrically heated blankets, and heating pads. Cover all sliding surfaces (laminate, linoleum, ceramic tile) carpeting. If there are steps along the route, they will be equipped with ramps. Reduce the duration of walks or limit active movements. It is useful for a sick dog to sit in the sun, because it is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin, which is responsible for the exchange of calcium in bone tissue.

If a training dog gets sick, you should stop training in the group and minimize the number of commands. Training should not be abandoned altogether: the dog must be gently taught to obey its owner. It is necessary to switch to ready-made food for animals suffering from arthritis or, in consultation with a veterinarian, choose a medicinal feed additive.

An important place in the treatment strategy is given to physiotherapy. A gentle way to strengthen the muscles surrounding the bone joints is swimming and massage. Before using warming gels, consultation with a professional is required: for purulent arthritis, this procedure is contraindicated.

Dogs suffering from chronic inflammation of the joints are required to undergo veterinary examinations regularly, 2 or more times a year. Failure to comply with the above requirements negates drug treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment

Based on the medical history and examination, a preliminary diagnosis is made, which is clarified by ordering additional studies. Standard urine and blood tests make it possible to assess the severity of the inflammation process and its nature.

Radiography establishes the localization of arthritis, reveals the presence of fluid in the articulation chamber, bone deformation, cartilage degradation and other characteristic pathological changes.

Arthritis occurs mainly in a permanent form, so the treatment concept gives a large role to the dog breeder. The owner will have to learn how to give injections and acquire the skills of giving pills. There are conservative and surgical methods of treatment.

Not surgery is to eliminate pain that prevents the pet from leading a full life. They use anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antimicrobial agents, and diet therapy. The following medications are in demand:

  • Rimadyl.
  • Metacam.
  • Diphenhydramine.
  • Stop arthritis.
  • Analgin.
  • Indomethacin.
  • Voltaren.
  • Brufen.
  • Hydrocortisone.
  • Kenalog.
  • Traumeel.
  • Chondroprotector.
  • Chionat.

Surgical methods involve surgery. Uncontrolled use medical supplies can cause harm, since the physiology of humans and dogs is not the same. Depending on the cause of arthritis, treatment regimens are developed.

Treatment of congenital arthritis

Most often, a veterinary surgeon has to deal with hip or elbow dysplasia.

If a puppy has been diagnosed with underdevelopment of the coxal joints, conservative treatment is recommended until 30 weeks of age. Surgical methods are resorted to earlier if a joint dislocation accompanied by lameness is diagnosed.

Hip dysplasia is corrected using resection arthroplasty. The operation allows you to restore the supporting function of the paw within one and a half months. Full restoration of the exterior, corresponding to exhibition conditions, occurs after six months. In case of bilateral damage to the joints, operations are performed on both, or first on one, then on the other limb.

Underdevelopment of the elbow joint occurs when the ulna and radius bones develop disproportionately. Unincremented fragments are deleted. The bones are fastened with knitting needles and fixed. The use of conservative methods is fraught with the development of deforming arthritis. Surgical correction of congenital patellar dislocation is possible early age- 1…2 months.

Suppurative arthritis

If purulent inflammation is not treated, irreversible changes occur in the joint, and if the process spreads to surrounding tissues, a life-threatening disease occurs.

Therapy consists of antiseptic treatment of the defect; if the wound is punctured, the articular chamber is washed antimicrobial agents. Conducting a bacteriological study of punctate and titrating antibiotics makes treatment more effective. If the course of inflammation is unfavorable, arthrotomy with drainage of the joint capsule is indicated.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Accurate diagnosis is difficult. Antiphlogistic corticosteroid drugs and immunosuppressants are used. The disease is incurable. That is why they are fighting against its exacerbations.

Dystrophic arthritis

As with rheumatoid inflammation, anti-inflammatory steroids, analgesics, and chondroprotectors are used. The drug Stop Arthritis is in demand. If conservative therapy is ineffective, or the limbs are deformed by the disease, surgical intervention is used.

When a puppy develops a dystrophic type of inflammation of the joints, nutritional correction is required. It is necessary to limit body weight gain and switch to ready-made food for puppies suffering from arthritis.

Traumatic arthritis

Treatment boils down to treating wounds, correcting the defect by suturing and preventing purulent arthritis. They use painkillers, anti-inflammatory and wound healing medications. If a hematoma occurs, the joint is punctured and washed.


It is necessary to organize a balanced diet, ensure that the dog does not have excess weight. Physical activity should be increased gradually to prevent the occurrence of traumatic arthritis. Smooth floor surfaces are covered with carpets.

When your dog becomes less active, he lies down more and loses the desire to play. When you see that it has become difficult for your pet to overcome obstacles and he refuses long walks. All these symptoms are harbingers of joint diseases. Later, the dog's owner may notice more severe symptoms such as lameness, pain when standing up, and stiffness of movement. In some cases (infectious arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), the temperature may rise. The dog owner may notice a decrease or lack of appetite.

Arthritis (Arthritis; from the Greek arthron - joint), a group of joint diseases of inflammatory (infectious), rheumatoid and mixed nature.

Osteoarthritis- a disease of the joints in which pathological process Hyaline cartilage and subchondral bone are involved. Some doctors also call osteoarthritis osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is a disease that primarily affects articular cartilage and also causes changes in the synovium and subchondral bone. In veterinary practice, we often encounter osteoarthritis rather than arthritis.

Causes of arthritis in dogs

The causes of osteoarthritis (osteoarthrosis) in dogs are quite varied.

1. Idiopathic (primary) osteoarthritis. This form of osteoarthritis is rare in dogs. The factors causing primary osteoarthritis are poorly understood.

2. Secondary osteoarthritis (degenerative). It is the most common form of osteoarthritis (Fig. 2 and 4). Appears after damage to ligaments, joint dislocation, intra-articular fractures. Separately, we can distinguish Legg-Perthes disease, a disease in which aseptic necrosis of the femoral head develops. (Fig. 5).

In addition, this also includes the so-called evolutionary osteoarthritis(disturbances in the formation of cartilage and subchondral bone as a result of disturbances in evolutionary development). Such pathologies include dysplasia, osteochondritis dissecans (Fig. 6), and congenital dislocations of joints. Immune-mediated polyarthritis. This is a systemic inflammatory disease of the joints. A feature of these arthritis is the inability to identify microbial etiology on a conventional culture of synovial fluid. In addition, when prescribing immunosuppressive therapy, we observe a clinically positive response. The causes of this group of diseases are poorly understood. These arthritis include:

a) erosive type:

  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • greyhound polyarthritis,
  • Felty's syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis with splenomegaly and leukopenia).

b) non-erosive type:

  • idiopathic
  • systemic lupus erythematosus
  • vaccine-associated
  • caused by drugs (trimethoprine, the use of sulfur-containing drugs, cephalosporins, macrolites and penicillins).
  • polyarthritis/polymyositis (spaniels)
  • polyarthritis/polymyositis (boxers, Bernese Mountain Dog, Pointer)
  • Sjögren's syndrome (arthritis, keratoconjunctivitis, xerostomia)
  • arthritis in Akita Inu puppies
  • Shar Pei fever syndrome (amyloidosis often affects the hocks)
  • lymphocytic-plasmacytic inflammation of the knee joints

3. Erosive (atrophic) osteoarthritis. This osteoarthritis is characterized by local erosive formations. The cause of this form of osteoarthritis is not known.

4. Infectious arthritis. It is a purulent-inflammatory disease of the joints of bacterial etiology. An example of such arthritis is diseases of the joints due to brucellosis, when the joint capsule is injured (bites, punctures, cuts).

The etiology of infectious arthritis is more often associated with representatives of a nonspecific, less often with a specific infection. The most common causative agents of nonspecific infectious arthritis are Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter, Salmonella spp., Candida albicans. B-haemolytic streptococci, Staphylococci, haemolytic E. coli, Erysipelothrix, Corynebacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease). Leishmeniasis A specific infectious arthritis caused by Brucella canis.

5. Neoplastic arthritis (osteoarthrosis). Primary neoplastic arthritis almost never occurs. Most joint neoplasias are malignant. These include synovial sarcomas, fibrosarcomas, and osteogenic sarcomas. Most often they develop from extra-articular tissues. These types of tumors must be differentiated from benign ones.

Diagnosis of arthritis in dogs

Diagnosis is complex and often requires special research methods. Such a diagnosis is only possible in a veterinary clinic.

The first thing the animal owner should do is contact a veterinarian. The veterinarian will take a medical history. Conduct a clinical examination. During the examination, the veterinarian evaluates the dog’s movement and activity. Draws attention to the presence or absence of lameness. Next, the doctor performs palpation, assessing the condition of the joint (size, symmetry, shape, local temperature, crepitus). Assess the condition of muscles and tendons (tone, symmetry, soreness).

The next stage of diagnosis will be radiography. It is necessary to obtain overview x-rays of all joints that are pathologically expressed as a result of the examination. As well as other joints on the affected limb and joints on the opposite limb (conditionally healthy).

Based on the x-ray, the following is assessed:

  • presence of joint effusion
  • presence of loose bodies inside the joint
  • bone sclerosis, the presence of sequestra, exostoses
  • evaluate the anatomy of articular structures (intra-articular fractures, damage to the subchondral bone, deformation and destruction of joint elements)

In most cases, this is enough to make a diagnosis. If the doctor suspects the presence of infectious arthritis, it is necessary to examine the synovial fluid and conduct laboratory blood tests.

In cases where we are dealing with dysplasia, arthroscopy and computed tomography are often necessary to plan treatment measures.

In cases where doctors at our clinic suspect a neoplastic process, we conduct a cytological or histological analysis of the pathological tissue.

Treatment of arthritis in dogs

To our great regret, at the moment osteoarthritis cannot be completely eliminated. In our veterinary clinic, we have achieved good results in improving the quality of life of patients by prescribing symptomatic treatment.

Depending on the type of osteoarthritis, in our practice we use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Previcox, Rimadyl, Loxicom, etc.), steroid drugs (Kenalog, Dexafort.), and antibacterial agents. The prescription of antibacterial drugs is carried out on the basis of culture of synovial fluid and titration to antibiotics. In some cases of osteoarthritis, in addition to therapeutic treatment, surgical intervention is necessary. In our opinion, surgical treatment is necessary for Legg-Perthes disease, dissecting osteoarthritis, purulent osteoarthritis, deforming osteoarthritis, and secondary post-traumatic osteoarthritis, joint dysplasia.